Brown roof. Facade and roof colors: rules and secrets of harmonious combination

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Any house / building, like a person, must be beautiful - both externally and internally. Since the successful selection of the color scheme of the roof and facade of the building determines its entire appearance, this issue must be given due attention.

Previously, most often the cladding of the house was yellow or brown, that is, neutral shades, but today this is no longer relevant, unless they are used competently and using modern technologies.

How to choose the color of the walls of the house, what must be taken into account for this, which one is best suited for decorating the roof?

Combination of different colors

The combination of the color of the roof and the facade must be harmonious if the owner of the house wants to get a really beautiful building as a result. As practice shows, most often the color of the facade of the house depends on its roof.

To date, the roofing materials market is presented in a narrow color palette, which cannot be said about facing materials for the front of the house. Therefore, in search of an answer to the question of which color should be chosen, it is necessary to keep in mind a specific product, namely the type of roofing:

  • choice of shade of shingles;
  • selection of the color of the metal tile;
  • color of cement tiles;
  • shades metal sheets for roofing;
  • choice of seam roof color.

Thus, in order to choose a color, it is necessary to determine the type of coating available or what kind of roof it is supposed to be, which requires studying the roofing materials provided by the manufacturers.

It should also be remembered that the roof in the sun may look different than indoors. Choosing the color of the facade of the house, you need to consider not only the roof, but also appearance windows and doors.

Columns and openings white tone will emphasize the selected colors of the facade of the house, while they should not be separated from the whole composition of the walls and the roof shading them.

The best solution today, which is gaining more and more supporters, is the choice of a green roof and yellow walls. Such a combination of natural shades will not stand out brightly against the background of the general landscape, while it will be in harmony with each other.

Determining Factors for Decision

The selection of colors for the main elements of the building is not simple task as it might seem at first glance.

If the owner wishes long years admire truly beautiful house, which blends well with the surrounding landscape, should be done in advance correct solution regarding which color is best for a particular part of the building.

Consider the main factors to consider when choosing the color of the roof and facade.

External factors

An important role is played by the location of the house and its environment. In the northern regions, more suitable dark colors roofs as they heat up faster.

An abundant vegetative landscape will well emphasize brown and green shades, and if there is a reservoir nearby and sand beach, then it is recommended to choose a combination of shades of beige, coral or blue.

General style

The architectural style is also important, and whether the owner wants his house to stand out or remain invisible in the environment. The classic style involves the use of soft tones for the facade of the house, which will smoothly transition to a darker roof.

Popular alpine style implies natural shades of dark wood for roofing in combination with white or beige walls, while the facade can be decorated with a variety of decorative wooden elements.

If the building, at the request of the owner or the advice of a specialist, should merge with the environment, then the roof and color of the facade of the house are chosen in accordance with the surrounding background, and for highlighting, on the contrary, acting on the principle of contrast.

An important factor influencing the decision is the need to hide the existing architectural flaws of the house or the preference to highlight its individual sections.

If the forms of the building, including the curves of the roof, are rather complex, it is recommended to use calmer shades against which windows and doors can be distinguished. Otherwise, all the curves of the roof and walls will be clearly emphasized. In the presence of a massive chimney, it is better to choose the same shade for it as the entire roof will be.

The basic rules that will not allow you to make a mistake will help you choose the tone for the main elements of the building:

  1. Shades derived from the main color will always look harmonious with each other.
  2. It is better to choose the color of the facade of the house and the roof from natural shades, because, when combined, they create a classic composition.
  3. Less risk is associated with milder and pastel colors rather than bright and intense, and saturated shades get bored faster.
  4. If in doubt what color better fit for the facade of a building from approximate shades, it is recommended to give preference to less flashy ones.
  5. Saturated and dark tones can be used on smaller planes or combined with lighter shades.
  6. How to choose a color for the walls and roof if you want to use different colors for both elements? It is necessary to correctly select a combination of opposites, which will give the house individuality and diversify it. However, the selection of a shade should not exceed more than 3 different tones, otherwise the impression of variegation is created.

By determining which color of the facade will accurately combine with the shade of the roof, you will be able to embody harmony, which gives a wonderful visual effect.

We have been looking at the color of the facade and roof of the house for many years, so they need to be selected carefully. The play of color can be used not only in the interior. Appropriate color combination of individual elements of the building with outside makes it possible to hide the flaws of the facade, emphasize the advantages. Properly selected colors will give the building expressiveness, character, and vice versa, if the combination is unsuccessful, it will make the building invisible, drowning in the surrounding landscape.

Depending on the effect to be achieved, a combination of colors of the roof and facade of the house should be selected. Performing the design of the facade, you should not rely only on aesthetics. Practicality and common sense are also important. The house becomes part of the landscape and must fit into environment. Before choosing the color scheme of the building, it is worth determining which colors of houses dominate in the area. Almost always a win-win option will be neutral tones. Let's start with choosing the color of the roof.

Roof color selection

Before deciding on the final color of the facade, you need to choose the design of the blood.

Interesting fact! California physicists came to the conclusion that in large metropolitan areas the roofs of buildings should be decorated in light colors. Bright hues reflect sunlight, dark - absorb. Light roofs reduce air conditioning costs in summer, reduce Greenhouse effect in the atmosphere. More light roofs will significantly reduce carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere.

This is a scientific view of reality. In practice, light roofs can only be seen in winter, when they are covered with snow, they are not popular.

With the choice of roof you need to start choosing exterior finish. This principle dictates a narrow range of shades in which you can choose roofing materials. This does not mean that ddoms are doomed to monotony. Manufacturers of roofing materials are constantly expanding their offer with new color solutions.

The color of the roof and walls of the house should be well combined, for example:

Houses with a black roof, photo

Which facade color to choose - light or dark?

Facade paints determine the appearance and character of the building. Unlimited shades of plaster and facade paint, available for sale, will help to realize the most complex projects. In contrast to the limited color design of the roof, facade materials are presented in full colors. They can be divided into two groups:

  1. light - create the impression of an optical increase in the surface;
  2. dark - optically reduce the object, make the contours clearer.

Light facades will make the building visually appear larger. Houses decorated in light colors look cheerful, joyful, very noticeable against the background of the landscape.

When choosing, remember that facade repairs are usually carried out very rarely. It is necessary to assess whether households are ready to look at the chosen shade for 10-15 years. To achieve a positive result, it is important to take into account the style and character of the building. Some proven principles should be applied:

  1. strict tones fit the classic house;
  2. for a modern building there is more freedom of choice;
  3. if the architecture of the house is rich in details (bay windows, columns, attic), you need to choose a calm, pastel paint for the facade;
  4. in a house with simple smooth walls, devoid of details, you can play with color design.

Consider the popular design options for facades in more detail.


Always fashionable, often used color is white. White walls are common on old buildings and modern ones. White is universal, does not cause difficulties in combination with other colors. A building will receive a modern, innovative design if:

  • combine white walls with a dark roof and other finishing elements;
  • white walls near a house with a red or orange roof look modern.

The light facade will perfectly emphasize other materials:

  • natural stone plinth,
  • wood carpentry,
  • clinker brick,
  • brown tiles.

Attention! White walls have a serious drawback - they quickly get dirty, often need to be updated.

White colors of house facades, photo


Yellow walls are more practical, get dirty more slowly, make the building warm, cozy. Yellow for painting the facade is used for small buildings, it helps them seem more spacious, wider.


Pastel shades of green blend harmoniously with wildlife. Juicy green should not be used on all walls, but to highlight individual zones with it. Houses with a green roof in combination with walls look beautiful:

Shades of blue

Blue should be used with more care. Blue, blue walls look harmoniously on modern buildings, combined with:

  • white,
  • grey.

White-blue horizontal stripes can visually reduce the building in height, make it optically wider. Such decoration will present the building more modern.

Houses with a blue roof, photo

Gray facades

Gray walls are less common. Although in modern architecture fashionable gray surfaces fit in harmoniously. Dark gray plaster even near the building with sloping roof looks modern. Modern style accentuate the gray metal roof.

The harsh gray interior will be made more comfortable by wooden elements:

  • window frames,
  • doors,
  • decorative panels.

A bolder solution is a combination of gray with shades of red applied to certain parts of the house, for example, on the corner, balcony. Red adds dynamism, modernity, and emphasizes style to the harsh gray facade.

How to choose the color of the facade to the roof?

When choosing plaster or paint for walls, remember about the chosen shade of the roof. When roof slopes are sloped, their large surface area has a significant impact on the appearance of the building.

You need to match the shade of the walls to the color of the roof, and not vice versa! The color palette of roofing materials is much smaller than the range of facade paints.

What color to paint the facade? The walls should be in harmony with the design of the rest of the building elements:

  • window, door frames;
  • pipes, drains;
  • plinth,
  • garage door,
  • columns,
  • stairs.

Among the roofing materials, shades of red brick and gray predominate. Most often, various types of tiles and roofing sheets are used. It happens that a certain shade is available only in certain materials.

The specific shade is also affected by:

  • falling light,
  • material type,
  • form,
  • texture,
  • texture.

For example:

  • red ceramic tile looks completely different than red shingles;
  • metal tiles sparkling in the sun seem brighter than matte ceramic tiles of a similar tone.

This should be taken into account if you plan to choose bright shade facade material. Mixing two intense colors looks too intrusive, causing an undesirable variegated effect that is tiring for the eyes.

Attention! The shade of the material changes over time. It happens with a lot roofing especially in humid climates. The surfaces are covered with a greenish coating, creating the effect of aging of the roof. Such a roof looks bad in combination with a bright expressive wall. It is desirable to initially plan pastel walls for it.

You should also consider the size and relative proportions of the planes of the walls and roof:

  • a large dark roof will overload the exterior, visually make the building lower;
  • if the walls create small area, they need to be clarified, visually increasing.

A dark facade looks spectacular when combined with a dark roof, but this option needs to be carefully considered. The dark building looks somewhat extravagant, not everyone will like it.

In most cases, private houses upset with their monotony, as the flight of architectural thought ends with a plain house. In general, the buildings have a similar appearance, and their color is about the same. However, what will happen if we move away from banality and create a private house with original exterior design, color design of the roof and facade, what will attract, and not vice versa? This is what we will talk about, because we need to consider not only possible options color combinations, but also their relevance.

Sun resistance

By experimenting with the color of the facade, you can transform the house, make it more interesting and attractive in appearance. Using different colors you can increase the aesthetic value of the house, bring your ideas and ideas to life, or give the house a semantic significance and load. The right choice of color can completely change the perception of the building, visually increase or decrease the house. Combining the color palette, you can make the house deeper, looking up, or vice versa, the main thing is to feel the measure.

The brighter the color, the shorter its service life, as it is more susceptible to sun rays on him. Black color is the worst option, as it attracts the most ultra-violet rays, which means that the period of its operation is minimal. The best option there will be the use of pastel and light colors that can serve for many years. Purely White color looks elegant, but also will not be able to look beautiful for a long time, it will quickly begin to fade and turn yellow.

It is best to use gray and its shades - this color does not fade, it does not turn yellow, and dust on such a facade will not be noticeable. Even if the shade changes slightly over time, it will not be a problem.

External perception and form

Using light shades, you can make the house visually larger, so the use of white when decorating the facade of a private house is classic version. Beige, cream, milky shades look boring and faded, they need to be combined correctly. It is best to use dark accents that will set off light colors.

In some countries, houses are painted in bright colors - red, orange, blue and others. Having considered the design of the house, it can be noted that they have elementary forms, small details in the design are completely absent. In the territory Russian Federation few people will like such frank experiments, so it is better to abandon them so that the house does not look ridiculous in the end.

If the house has a complex architectural design, then the use of bright colors will be inappropriate. A building with many details will look better in bright colors. If bright colors find a place here, then only pointwise, acting as accents emphasizing individual elements Houses.

Using a light color palette, you can visually enlarge the house, dark tones, on the contrary, will make it more modest. Applying warm colors can visually bring the house closer, and move away with cold colors. In the first case, red is used; among the retreating options, pure Blue colour. The blue color can be very interesting option, because at correct use With artificial light, a house can change its appearance and become green. In general, it should be noted that the more the characteristics of colors differ, the more difficult it is to combine them in the exterior of the house.

Color combination

You need to be aware that not all colors can be combined. For example, a green house with a red roof will look very ridiculous. Color compatibility is determined using various methods, in particular the Luscher method, which developed a special table of color combinations.

According to his technique, white color can be combined with absolutely anything. You will have to tinker with pink, salad and blue, as they do not harmonize with anything.

Most people in the construction and design of a private house use a natural color palette: brown, green, beige and yellow colors. Often they complement each other very well, harmoniously combine and create an attractive exterior. For example, a beige house with brown windows will look very cozy and pleasant, as natural colors and shades unite the house with the surrounding landscape, creating a single picture.

The classic combination

In general, the most profitable and the right option is a combination of dark and light tones. In the classic version, dark shades are used in the roof, and the facade receives a light finish. This option is the most popular and for good reason, because it creates the right contrast, a play of colors that creates a presentable appearance for a private house. If the basement or windows of the house receive bright accents, then the house will become completely unique, and its color performance will attract the attention of passers-by and neighbors.

Another classic option would be a house whose facade and roof are almost identical in color, which can only differ by one or two tones. Thus, the roof and facade create a single picture, the house has a monolithic look, but not everyone will like this option, as it may seem boring.

Light top, dark bottom. With this design, the walls will be dominant, and the roof will seem to dissolve. For proper external perception, windows and doors must match the color of the roof.

Material Compatibility

The way the house will be perceived depends on the materials that will be used in the decoration of the facade and roofing. For example, wooden house best combined with reeds or tiles. It's worth noting that all shingles, except for metal ones, can work, because they will look out of place, and many architects will be furious with such a combination.

If the house is brick, then for the roof it is better to use natural tiles brown or grey. Copper and bituminous roofing is also suitable, and if the walls have a dark finish, then you can use seam roofing. If plaster was used when finishing the facade of the house, then there are no special requirements for the roof. In this case, the main thing is that the colors of the roof and facade are harmoniously combined.

The modern facade paint market is quite wide and diverse. Here you can choose how classic colors and trendy as well. The choice of facade paint largely depends on what material the building being painted is made of.

This paint should be High Quality and have a long service life. Facade paint has a high resistance to external factors. Such as weather, sunshine and precipitation. The harmoniously matched facade paint makes the building attractive.

Types of paint for the facade

Structure and classification of facade paint:

  • Acrylic paint is created on the basis of resin, providing its strength and elasticity.
  • Mixed paints are created from several components. Such paints are nano-technological.
  • Silicate paint material created on the basis of liquid glass.
  • Lime and cement are the base for mineral materials.
  • Flexible silicone compounds with excellent vapor permeability.

Facade paints are also distinguished by binder components:

  • If the binding components are formed by stirring in water, then they are water-soluble.
  • And if the components are formed in alcohol, etc., then these are paints based on organic components.

Choose a color

The picturesque design of the house directly depends on what color the house is painted. How to choose the color of the facade, this question is asked by all the happy owners of their home. When choosing a color, do not forget about the general style of the site and personal color preferences.

The color of the facade paint should be pleasing to your eyes. A house that is painted in a color that is not pleasant for you will cause discomfort.

The house is a zone of maximum comfort for a person. A house painted in natural shades will look beautiful and harmonious. But if you give preference to bright colors, then such a house will be perceived rather as not real.

Facades of bright colors are suitable for sensitive and original people. Such bright house will look great against the background of neighboring houses and lush greenery.

One of important points when choosing the color of the facade is a combination with the color of the roof. The facade with a roof can be of the same color, but in different shades, or be in contrast. Traditionally, the facade is made light, and the doors and other protruding parts are a few shades darker.

A beautiful color for the facade should be in harmony and with interior decoration Houses. Such a house will cause a storm of emotions.

Fashion shades

The most fashionable, today, are dark natural colors. Brown, black and matte black colors, despite their gloominess, can make any home elegant.

Black color is great for painting a wooden building with huge bright windows. If you don't like black, then brown will do just fine.

Do not blindly chase fashion and choose only popular colors. The lady's fashion is changeable, and the facade is painted for more than one year. So when choosing which facade to make, it is better to listen to your inner feelings.

Principles for choosing the color of the facade

When choosing a color, do not forget about architectural features building. With the help of color, you can emphasize the features of the structure, or smooth out imperfections.

Choose correct color for the home you can, if you remember:

  • Use different saturation shades of the same color.
  • The use of natural colors is always preferable.
  • Designers recommend using several shades. More dark color focus on the protruding parts.
  • If you want to visually enlarge the building, then choose light shades. For big house dark colors are perfect.

We paint a wooden house

Since wooden houses are very close to nature, natural colors are suitable for them. If you paint a wooden house green, brick or brown, then it will look very impressive. A house covered with transparent enamel will also look good.

Paint for wooden house also a protector from the external environment. We give preference to natural, breathable paints.

Brick house

A brick house is always strength and durability. The facade of such a house does not always need to be painted. But if you really want this, you can choose any colors, guided by your preferences. Light colors are suitable for large and modern homes.

The choice of color is also influenced by the style of the building. Houses built in the Baroque style can be painted brown, but for Gothic buildings, gray will be appropriate.

For a concrete house

Concrete houses, as a rule, do not have a refined style and are simply made. For such houses, it is best to choose a monochromatic design. calm color. Bright colors here will not be appropriate at all, especially if the building is small.

For building not small size you can choose brighter and deeper tones, taking into account the location of the sun. When painting in gray, feel free to make a contrast with the roof and foundation.

The color of the facade is selected not only in accordance with the architectural style of the building and the material from which it is made, but also with your taste preferences. The color of the facade should be pleasing to the eye.

Photo of a colored facade

During the construction of a house, many people think, as a rule, only about the technical side of the issue and suitable materials, while the right color scheme is also an important component. The selection of the color of the house should be carried out taking into account the facade of the building.

First of all, you need to decide what you expect from your home in general. Depending on the functional and aesthetic requirements, you can start choosing an indicative color scheme. If you want housing not to stand out against the general background and make up a single composition with the landscape, take a closer look at the roofs of green or brown shades. If, on the contrary, you want the house to contrast with its surroundings, roofs in rich purples, yellows or reds are ideal.

The roof of the house, well combined with the surrounding nature

When choosing a roof, you should pay attention to how it will be combined with the color of the facade. If warm shades prevail in the design of the building structure, then the roof should be designed in warm colors. In turn, if the facade of the house is decorated in cold shades, a “warm” roof will be extremely inappropriate. The optimal colors for the facade are white, gray and black, which are in perfect harmony with all shades.

white facade at home it goes well with any color of the roof

The best color combinations for home decor

It must be remembered that the ability to choose one or another color may be somewhat limited due to certain properties of each roofing material. For example, you will not be able to find natural tiles in rich purple hues or roll material silver color. Therefore, you will have to build on one thing: the color of the roof or the material from which it is made.

Material Compatibility

When choosing suitable color combinations, it is worth remembering about correct selection building materials. Ideally, you should give preference to those resources that prevail in your area. Thanks to this, you can save on shipping and, in addition, you can be sure of the durability and strength of the material used (since it has already passed all climatic tests). Combination not recommended wooden walls with metal tiles.

Brickwork, in turn, goes well with the most various types roofs. Tiles of green, dark brown, burgundy or gray colors look perfect with terracotta. In addition, in this case, it becomes possible to use metal tiles, as well as copper and bituminous roofing. Gray or beige roofing materials are perfect for walls made of dark brick.

Roof color properties

Choosing suitable color roofs, attention should be paid to which visual effect he renders. Some colors can visually increase or decrease the shape of the house, others can change it, others can hide or make various flaws more visible, and the fourth can reduce or increase the level of lighting in living rooms.

It is known that dark roofs heat up well, as they attract the sun's rays. Therefore, they are best suited for a house located in a northern region with a cold climate. For housing that is being built in a warm area, on the contrary, it is recommended to equip the roof light shade. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that under the influence of sunlight, bright and saturated shades quickly become faded, which is another argument in favor of a light roof.

House with a light roof and a dark facade
  1. It is better to make color combinations from shades of the same color.
  2. The color scheme should be in complete harmony with the architectural style of the building.
  3. Consider the appearance of nearby structures, as well as the surrounding landscape. Housing that is located near mountains and forests should be issued in yellow, green or brown colors, and the houses located next to the sea are in blue, white and blue shades.

Choosing the color of the house and roof, depending on the architectural style

Choose the color scheme for the design of your home should be based on its architectural style, since incorrectly such combinations can change its appearance beyond recognition and spoil the whole impression.

Classic style

For buildings built in classical style, precise color balance is required. The ideal solution there will be a light pastel range, in which one shade smoothly passes into another. The design of the facade is usually dominated by beige or white colors, and the roof is only 2-3 tones darker than the main structure. It is strongly discouraged to use sharp color changes based on contrast. If necessary, some decorative elements can be highlighted with a golden hue.

classic house beige colour

Romanesque (castle) style

When decorating houses in this style, brown and gray shades should be used that imitate color. natural materials. Some decor elements can be highlighted using shades that are slightly darker than the main color. To paint the roof of the house, as a rule, dark paint is used. gray color or imitating metal. To decorate the facade of the house, wall paintings or mosaics are usually used.

house in castle style gray color

Gothic style

For the design of the roof, as a rule, gray paint is used, which creates the effect of aged metal, and opposite shades can be used to decorate the facade (for example, a snow-white facade and a dark roof).

romantic historicism

When choosing such an architectural style, it becomes possible to combine several colors at once, which are opposite to each other. For example, the most common color combinations are the following:

  • Facade painted in shades of gray that imitate a natural stone and a blue roof.
  • WITH in green roofs will be ideally combined with a white or beige facade.
  • With a burgundy roof, the facade of beige or gray shades looks good.

Romantic home decoration


Sophisticated and simple, the Renaissance style in interior design involves the use of warm pastel shades (for example, cream brown or brick red color schemes). When choosing this style, it is highly recommended not to use gray or cold shades, as they visually reduce the space of the room.


The color scheme of the Baroque style is dominated mainly by cream and white shades for the facades and brick red, dark green and brown for the roof. This style completely excludes too saturated and bright colors. The color design should be as neutral as possible, since the decor already has an abundance of all kinds of details and elements.


Art Nouveau style, due to unusual geometric shapes in decor, it has a huge scope for experimenting with a color palette. When choosing color solutions facades and roofs, you can safely try various options, which in other styles will simply not be combined. Among the most common combinations finishing materials there are combinations of wood and stone, as well as wood and metal.


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