Potassium permanganate for wood. Staining wood with potassium permanganate

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The main destructive factors that reduce the strength and visual value of wood include damage by microorganisms (fungi) and. All negative impacts are interconnected and occur most intensively when high humidity. To increase the resistance of wood to destructive influences environment They use an integrated approach, which consists of reducing and impregnating it with chemical reagents.

The use of antiseptic compounds prevents the appearance of flowering and wood-boring beetles, and also accelerates the process of restoring the structure of the product after complex cleaning or repair. The products used can be home-made or factory-made. Factory mixtures are considered the most effective and usually contain substances of organic origin. They are more toxic to the body and require strict adherence to recommendations for use.

Do-it-yourself formulations are often no less effective, but are significantly cheaper. The complexity of preparing antiseptics for treating wood is low. It is important to use hand and face protection (gloves and masks) as you are handling a lot of substances. The composition of the solution depends on the goals set for protecting the wood and how it is used.

Are bitumen and salt mixtures safe?

Part of the compositions for antiseptic impregnation used for deep protection of trees buried in the ground. Mixtures for treating the external surfaces of a house or gazebo have a more gentle effect, as well as interior decoration premises.

Antiseptics for the most effective protection are non-aqueous mixtures based on used motor oil or bitumen. Advantages of such compositions:

  • a viscous coating made from heavy petroleum products effectively protects the product from the penetration of moisture and air oxygen;
  • the anaerobic environment of a tree protected by bitumen stops the development of bacteria and fungi, destroying existing colonies of microorganisms;
  • Wood-boring insects cannot appear in wood treated with bitumen or oil. For their existence, only weakened (rotten) wood and the absence of resins and hydrocarbons harmful to any organism are necessary.

Treated with heavy petroleum products (often with the addition of coke chemicals), wood does not deteriorate in the ground for years. Suffice it to recall the telegraph poles that have stood for decades without a hint of rotting.

Disadvantages of preparing and using resin (bitumen) and oil mixtures:

  • toxicity of components;
  • highly flammable if not prepared correctly;
  • high soilability of the compositions, which are almost impossible to wash off if they get on clothes;
  • unpleasant odor;
  • impossibility of use due to unpleasant odor and indoor toxicity.

Traditional mixtures for treating wood are aqueous solutions of salts - sodium fluoride and copper or iron sulfate. Their small concentrations are used to coat the external and internal parts of wooden structures and decoration items. More saturated compounds help protect buried piles or boards.

Advantages of saline aqueous solutions:

  • less toxic than non-aqueous impregnations. The greatest danger is only copper sulfate (copper sulfate), which can cause severe poisoning if swallowed;
  • simplicity and safety of preparation. Heating the mixture over an open fire is no more dangerous than a regular fire;
  • ease of transportation. Bitumen or oil are more difficult to transport to the place of application, but salts are easily transported over any distance.

The disadvantages of aqueous antiseptics include:

  • lower degree of wood protection than non-aqueous viscous mixtures;
  • ability to be washed off with water after use;
  • the need to apply insulating coatings to consolidate the effect.

All protective drugs should be used on the territory of the household with caution, especially during the harvest period. Contact of substances with fruits can lead to poisoning, so preparation and application of an antiseptic should be carefully considered.

Impregnation for wood: main components and preparation process

Bitumen solution for wood processing

The preparation contains not only bitumen, but also a diluent - diesel fuel or gasoline. Bitumen containing diesel fuel will harden for a long time and will have time to saturate the treated surface more strongly. The use of gasoline speeds up the hardening time and is useful when there are time constraints on the work.

Bitumen thinners are sold at gas stations, and used oil can be purchased at service stations. Bitumen is purchased from hardware stores or construction sites. Officially sold bitumen is more viscous and well packaged, which improves its transportation.

When buying and using gasoline, use only metal containers. Static electricity from polymer containers can cause fire and burns .

In addition to the initial components, to work you must have:

  • container for heating bitumen;
  • device (stops) for fixing the container over a fire or burner;
  • metal stirrer.

The process of preparing the bitumen composition is as follows:

  1. bitumen is poured into metal container and installed above the intended source of open fire;
  2. turn on the burner or light a fire, gradually increasing the heat;
  3. heat the bitumen until completely liquefied, stirring occasionally to dissolve lumps;
  4. extinguish the fire after bringing the bitumen to a slightly viscous state and set the container with it aside;
  5. Solvent is added in small portions, controlling its splashing due to heating. Gasoline will actively evaporate, so you should wait until the mixture cools a little.

The proportions of bitumen and thinner depend on the initial state of the bitumen. The main criterion is that the final mixture is liquid at room temperature. The content of diesel fuel or gasoline is usually about 20-30% of the total mass, but may vary depending on the nature of the viscous component.

If the heating of the bitumen is rapid, the mixture may foam and spill over the edge of the container directly onto the fire. This occurs due to the presence of water in the bitumen. Slow heating will stop this process and allow the water to boil away calmly.

The preparation time for the bitumen preparation takes several hours. Depending on the amount of work, you can complete it in two hours or spend the whole day. The resulting mixture is a viscous mass that has high adhesion to any wood surface. Leave on long-term storage bitumen does not cost, it is consumed immediately after cooling and diluting with a lighter petroleum product.

The mixture should be prepared exclusively outdoors to avoid inhaling harmful fumes and causing an accidental fire. Bitumen antiseptic should be applied using brushes with long handles. You can also immerse part of the tree in a container with a solution. After drying, the bitumen layer is very difficult to damage, so the products become suitable for burying in the ground.

Preparation of an aqueous mixture and the process of treating wood with copper sulfate

Salt-water solutions are prepared by dissolving a given amount of salt in heated water. Heating is necessary to increase the speed and completeness of dissolution. There are different proportions for treating wood with sodium fluoride and iron or copper sulfate:

  • A weak solution of sodium fluoride is used to impregnate wooden surfaces of domestic structures. Its content ranges from 0.5 to 4% (from 50 to 400 g per 10 liters of water), depending on the purpose of the structure. Inside the house it is enough to use less concentrated mixtures, while outside (gazebos, benches) it is better to use saturated solutions. To visually control the completeness of application, add 10 g of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) to the resulting solution. Intense coloring will not be durable and will disappear soon after covering the surface. The solution should be applied with a spray bottle or a wide brush;
  • To treat pillars and structures buried in the ground, sulfate mixtures containing the target component of 10-20% (1-2 kg per 10 liters of water) are used. Such compositions require particularly careful drying and long soaking times to improve the effect of application. The quality of application of the antiseptic is controlled by the degree of coloring of the product, which is facilitated by the rich color of the vitriol solution. The resulting preparation soaks parts of the wood that will subsequently be exposed to negative external influences.

To prepare the water mixture, you will need a source of hot water, a container for cooking and a paddle for stirring. Using the solution after settling makes it possible to load it into a sprayer, improving the uniformity of the coating and reducing the consumption of reagents. Impregnation can be applied immediately after cooling. Solutions can be stored for several days until suitable weather conditions are established.

The preparation of aqueous solutions can be carried out at home or outdoors. At home, you need to be especially careful not to spill excess solution on things or in hard-to-reach crevices. The total preparation time for antiseptic rarely takes more than an hour.

To avoid mistakes when dosing components, study the characteristics of the wood you are going to process. There are complex approaches to processing, including cutting off a layer of wood and varnishing the salt-impregnated surface.

Comparison of purchased and homemade antiseptics

Advantages of a DIY solution:

  • lower cost;
  • high efficiency in the case of bitumen or oil composition;
  • less toxicity;
  • minimal likelihood of purchasing counterfeit products.

Advantages of purchased factory-produced drugs:

  • greatest efficiency;
  • easy to prepare (ready after mixing with water or a non-aqueous solvent);
  • selectivity of influence.

The choice of wood processing tool remains up to the user. The quality of the resulting wood protection when using self-made impregnation may be inferior to more expensive factory mixtures. For use inside the house, it is advisable to buy a complex product that will have not only an antiseptic, but also a fire-fighting effect.

Self-prepared antiseptics are several times cheaper than ready-made commercial formulations and are quite effective. The scope of application of such mixtures is not limited to exterior work and includes a number of compositions for use inside the home. The degree of protection can be adjusted by the thickness of the applied impregnation layer and the concentration of its aqueous solution, ensuring the suppression of any wood-destroying influences.

We manufacture DIY wood antiseptic.

When I was looking for information on this issue, I found only about bitumen, its heating and application. Will someone really impregnate the rafter system with heated bitumen? And if we are talking about a tree that will be in the ground, then it is easier to soak it with used engine oil - in any car service they will be happy to give you (or maybe give you ☺) the required amount - just your own container!

SENEZH Fire-bio doesn't protect from the appearance of fungus, mold and other nasty things, even though it costs 1550 rubles/25 liters. I can send you a photo - we made a gazebo at SNT "Artist" in 2012. In 2014 the owner calls and says that mold covered herself the whole gazebo. I arrived and ended up with 25,000 rubles and 5 days of work for two carpenters - to dismantle everything, clean it (and we also coated it with yacht varnish - it grows right under the varnish), impregnate it with anti-mold, then decorative impregnation.


We take a 25 liter canister.

We buy inkstone(protects against the appearance of mold, mildew, moss, and if present, kills) 100 gr. - on the market 70 rubles.

and potassium permanganate (for color) 10 g. - at the pharmacy 50 rubles (you can also choose colors water based).

We dilute it for 20 liters (not a typo - for 20 liters).

Stir and apply with a brush or roller (faster).

The price of such an antiseptic is 120 rubles + 20 liters of tap water (since we were forced to install meters, we’ll take 1 ruble/1 liter, i.e. 20 rubles). RESULT 160 rubles for 20 liters!!!

Why did I write this - I’m tired of everyone trying to “cheat” us out of money!

P.S. And one more thing: wood bleaches are made on the basis of chlorine - they also do not cost 500 rubles/5 l like Senezh EFFO. I'll try to make it myself and write about it.

Sincerely, Shchelkov Anton.

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You will need

  1. ​Black leg​
  2. ​Black color wooden products can be obtained by using the fruits of privet, which is more often called wolfberry. The juice of these berries is mixed with various acids to obtain different shades. The blue color is obtained when mixed with baking soda, scarlet - with glaubert's salt, brown - with copper sulfate and green - with potash.​
  3. ​You must remember that some antiseptics can be toxic and when working with them, you must take precautions. Before you start processing wooden house read the instructions included with the drug. After application and drying of the wood, the chemicals disappear and the treated lumber becomes completely safe.​
  4. ​With the help of bleaching, you can not only prepare wood for painting, but also achieve expressiveness of tone, weakening it to the required level. When bleached, some types of wood sometimes acquire the most unexpected color shades Thus, a walnut, which has a uniform surface texture with a violet tint, when bleached in hydrogen peroxide acquires a pure scarlet-pink hue, and with further bleaching - pale pink.​
  5. ​Dilute 50 grams of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) in a liter of warm water, then apply it to the wood with a brush and wipe with a damp cloth after 5 minutes. This stain should be used immediately after preparation. If necessary, repeat the wood treatment. The shades range from cherry to dark brown, almost black. The golden-brown color of birch veneer can be obtained by using a 3.5% solution of potassium permanganate. If you then do not protect the tree with anything, the potassium permanganate will fade


  • ​AGING BOARDS with Oleg Nefedkin​
  • ​Each subsequent layer of stain is applied only after the previous one has dried.​
  • ​Can be used for whitening different solutions. Some act very quickly, others more slowly.​
  • ​You can achieve a rich black tone if you use a decoction of oak and alder bark.​
  • ​The main inconvenience of using stain is that during processing the composition lifts the wood fiber. On the one hand, this emphasizes the structure of the wood, and on the other, it makes the product more vulnerable to moisture. Therefore, before applying stain, the wood should be wetted superficially, left to soak for a while and thoroughly sanded.​
  • KakProsto.ru

DIY stain | Construction portal

Purpose of wood stain

Chickenpox has been known for a long time. Most often it affects children, but in them the disease is generally much milder than in the adult generation. Potassium permanganate is used to treat chickenpox. Not everyone knows how to properly prepare this solution.​

Many of us have faced such a misfortune. A fungal disease that causes the death of seedlings. Blackleg affects the seedlings of many garden crops and flowers. Plants become diseased very early, from seedlings to the formation of several leaves. The disease is caused by fungi that are present in almost any soil. They colonize the root collar of small seedlings and clog the stem vessels through which nutrients are supplied. The root collars of the plants turn black, and then the entire plant dies.​

​Sometimes it is necessary to give a wooden product a gray or silver tint. In order to get this effect, you can use the following method: add one part of vinegar to one part of water and place rusty hardware(wire or nails). The solution should be infused for some time, and then the product is lowered into it and wait until the desired shade is obtained.​

​Stain is a special composition for treating wood, which is used to give it a different color, usually darker. These compounds do not form a film on the surface, but penetrate into the wood and therefore the wood texture remains visible. Depending on the type of stain, they may have different protective properties.​

​If you bleach an apple tree in a mixture of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide, you get a very beautiful colored tree Ivory. The whitening is quite deep, up to 0.5 mm, and can be polished.​

Types of stains for wood processing

​You can make ordinary boards look noble and “lived up” with the help of simple decorative techniques. The method of aging wood was used by decorative artist and specialist in Russian wooden architecture Oleg Nefyodkin in his remake of “Village Refectory”. His way of processing the boards turned them from ordinary building material into a work with a special antique charm.​​Stains on oil based dry in about 3 days, solvent or water based – 2-3 hours.​

​Oxalic acid solution. In 100 g boiled water dissolve 1.5-6 g of oxalic acid. This composition is suitable for bleaching light wood species: linden, white poplar, light walnut, birch and maple. Other types of wood may develop dingy tones or gray spots. After bleaching, veneer sheets must be washed with a solution (composition: hot water– 100 g, soda ash– 3 g, bleach – 15). This treatment removes resin from the surface and raises the wood pile.​

An even brown color, close to natural, is obtained by mixing equal proportions of willow bark, oak, walnut shells and alder catkins. All ingredients must be poured with cold water and brought to a boil. After this, add ½ teaspoon of soda to the solution and boil for another 10 minutes.​​Alcohol stain​

- boiled water;

A characteristic sign of the disease is blackening and rotting of the root collar. Root system diseased plants develop poorly, seedlings are very easily pulled out of the soil. The defeat is often widespread, especially in greenhouses and nurseries. IN open ground the disease is much less common. Sources of infection are soil and plant debris, where the pathogens of the disease, fungi, persist and live. The disease is promoted by dense plantings, excessive watering, poor ventilation, and sudden changes in temperature and soil moisture. The infection persists in the soil.

To obtain a darker shade of oak wood, you can use ammonia (88%) diluted in water. It is important to avoid inhaling the vapors of this product and ensure that the liquid does not come into contact with the skin. It is better to carry out work on fresh air, and you need to act quickly, because outdoors this stain loses its properties. You can gradually mix the required portions of the product. After the product is purchased desired shade, the solution is washed off. If the product is small, then it can be placed in a glass or ceramic container and an open jar of ammonia can be placed in it. The dish is tightly closed with a lid, and in a few hours the product will be ready.​​Stains are usually used to change the color of wood, and generally the color should be darker than the original color. For these purposes, you can make stain with your own hands, and this does not necessarily require expensive chemical substances or complex ingredients.​

​Various solutions are used for bleaching. Some of them act quickly, others slowly. The bleaching technology depends on the composition of the bleach. In the practice of amateur carpenters, a solution of oxalic acid (1.5...6 g) in boiled water (100 g) is traditionally used. This solution bleaches light woods well - linden, birch, maple, light walnut, white poplar; other breeds develop gray spots and muddy shades. After bleaching, the veneer sheets are washed with a solution that simultaneously lifts the pile and deresinates the surface. Composition of the solution (in parts by weight): bleach - 15, soda ash - 3, hot water - 100. First dissolve the soda, then add bleach after the solution has cooled. After using the solution, the wood is washed with water.

​ Moisten the surface of the wood with a solution of 35 g of potassium carbonate or 75 g of soda ash per liter of water, and then after drying, moisten it with a mixture of 50 grams of tannin (can be bought at a pharmacy) per liter of water. Don’t rush to repeat staining wood with stain - its color only appears after an hour...​​YOUR TEXT​

A stain composition that is too thick can be diluted with a suitable solvent. For water-based stains, water is used, for oil-based stains, paint thinners are used. This way it will be possible to reduce the appearance of possible defects on the surface of the product. ​

​Bleaching with a 25% hydrogen peroxide solution is suitable for most tree species, except lemon tree, oak and rosewood. Products, after treatment with peroxide, do not need to be washed. The peroxide solution only bleaches finely porous wood species. Wood containing tannins is very difficult to lighten with such a stain. To improve the bleaching process, tanning rocks must first be treated with a 10% solution of ammonia.​

You can also give a tree a brown color using a decoction of nut shells and apple tree bark. If you need to get a more saturated tone, then alum is added to the solution. ​

​is a solution of organic dyes with pigments in ethyl alcohol. Alcohol formulations are used for antiseptic and decorative painting wooden products. Such stains reduce pile lifting and do not cause swelling of the wood.​

​- capacity;​

Making your own stain: recipes from craftsmen

Plant stains

To prevent blackleg, you need to be careful about preparing the soil for seedlings. Soil mixture must be freshly prepared. You cannot add humus or compost to it. There are a lot of fungi in them. Soil disinfection can be carried out in various ways. If you have to use soil that has already been used, then it must be calcined in the oven at a temperature of 110 degrees and the soil must be kept in the oven for at least 30 minutes. Or process in the microwave. In the seed boxes, the soil is spilled twice with boiling water or a 1% solution of potassium permanganate. In greenhouses, it is recommended to disinfect the soil with freshly slaked lime (1-1.5 kg/m2). A more modern biological remedy is to spill the soil with a solution of Fitosporin. Three days before sowing seeds or before picking seedlings, you can add Cumulus DF (5 g/m2) to the soil. Adding Trichodermin-3 to the soil 3-5 days before sowing.​

  • ​Evaluate the manufacturing method:​
  • ​Few people know that you can change the shade of wood using plant-based compounds.​
  • For many species, with the exception of oak, rosewood, lemon tree and some others, an effective bleaching agent is hydrogen peroxide (25% solution), which is sold in pharmacies in the form of a solution or perhydrol tablets. After bleaching with hydrogen peroxide, the wood does not need to be washed. The bleaching process is controlled only visually. Hydrogen peroxide bleaches mainly fine-pored wood and ash. Species containing tannins are difficult to bleach in hydrogen peroxide or cannot be bleached at all (for example, oak). To speed up the bleaching process, the surface of such rocks must be moistened with a 10% solution of ammonia.​
  • ​ If wood with a high tannin content (oak) is moistened with slaked lime, then after drying it will turn light brown. But the nut will turn greenish-brown.
  • ​1. The first step is to “level” the untreated surface of the board - remove all soft fibers with a special metal brush. Processing with this tool will create a peculiar relief on the board, the depth of which should be no less than 1.5 mm. We clean dust from the surface with an ordinary brush or brush.​
  • ​Applying stain: video​
  • ​Results of bleaching different tree species:​
  • ​Treating wood with a decoction of alder and willow bark gives the wood a black color.​

Stains based on coffee, tea and vinegar

​When using alcohol stain, it is difficult to achieve uniform coloring, since the composition dries quickly and stains may form. For tinting small products, such stains may be suitable, but painting parquet will be very problematic.​

  • ​- manganese;​
  • ​Seeds unless the label says they have passed special treatment, should be kept in potassium permanganate. Do not forget that there are varieties whose seedlings are more resistant to blackleg disease than others. Keep this in mind when choosing a variety. A few days before sowing, you can heat the seeds in a solution of zinc sulfate (20 mg per 100 ml of water) at a temperature of 48-50 ° C for 20 minutes.
  • Fedor, I have never calcined the soil or etched it with potassium permanganate. There wasn't enough soil in the oven yet!! ! I consider the correct temperature and humidity conditions to be the best prevention of blackleg. The soil should be slightly damp, and the “legs” of the seedlings should be warm (seedlings should be in a sunny window - the soil heats up), and the “heads” should be cold (+16), and the room should be cool. I prepare the soil from purchased universal soil + my own garden soil, frozen all winter outside in a bucket. I water the “baby” tomatoes often, but only a little. When they are poured into cups, once every 3-4 days with water at room temperature, I water them in the morning or afternoon, but also not to the point of dirt. And dampness and sores appear due to stagnation of moisture in poorly permeable soils and on cold window sills.​

​To give a reddish tint to light wood, you can use onion peels. Prepare a strongly brewed decoction of the husk and apply it to the product or use it as an additive to brown stains.​

​Birch wood after bleaching in a 3...5% solution of oxalic acid acquires a greenish tint. Oak and ash veneer are bleached with oxalic acid. For other types of wood, use citric or acetic acid. To do this, acids are diluted with water in a ratio of 50 g per 1 liter of water. To obtain gold veneer, soak Anatolian walnut in hydrogen peroxide, visually observing the appearance of the desired shade. Hydrogen peroxide must be at least 15% concentration. In the same way you can get pink color, bleaching some varieties of walnuts in hydrogen peroxide at a concentration of 30%. To get blue on a white background, bleach walnut with contrasting tones in a solution of hydrogen peroxide.​

Stains with chemical components

​ In order to make oak darker, use 88% ammonia diluted in water. Avoid inhaling vapors and do not allow liquid to come into contact with bare skin. Whenever possible, work outdoors. After an hour in the open air, the mixture loses its strength, so apply the stain very quickly or gradually mix new portions, and when the wood takes the color you want, rinse the solution with water. Place the small part to be painted in an enamel or glass container and place an open jar of ammonia in it. Close the top of the dish tightly. In a few hours the staining process will be completed.​

  • ​2. Then we cover the boards with a dark primer, which will highlight the texture of the wood. The primer is prepared from ordinary acrylic paint, which is diluted with water until translucent.​
  • ​The stain must be applied extremely carefully, as it will be quite difficult to remove the resulting defects.​
  • ​Birch after bleaching in a solution of oxalic acid receives a greenish tint;​
  • ​If a decoction of unripe buckthorn fruits is applied to a light tree, the product will acquire a golden-yellow hue.​
  • ​Alcohol stains are applied only with a spray (spray gun), and when painting with a brush, the result can be unpredictable

Whitening stains

​- corolla;​

​One of the main risk factors is thickening of crops. Seedlings in separate containers are damaged much less frequently by blackleg.​

​I don’t like to calcine (I think all the microelements burn out. , I steam it, wet the soil and put it in a hot oven, I used to do it in a bucket (I put a grid with gauze on the bottom, poured water and soil on top), I pour boiling water over it before planting cucumbers, just pour it into the watering, tin and water the furrows, the awakened pests do not eat the seeds. I dilute manganese in one container, then add it to the desired concentration. I spill the soil, soak the seeds, feed the tomatoes.​

  1. ​To give birch wood a reddish tint, you can use a strong decoction of larch bark.​
  2. ​Wood is one of the most inexpensive and easiest to use building materials, due to which lumber is most popular in private construction. But in addition to positive qualities, wood also has disadvantages, such as: susceptibility to rot, destruction due to mold or insects, and the possibility of fire. Treating the wood with an antiseptic will help solve these problems, allowing you to significantly extend the service life of this material.​

​ Sliced ​​veneer made from light wood can be painted in yellow using a decoction of barberry root (can be bought at a pharmacy). Strain the broth, you can add 2% alum to it (also at the pharmacy) and heat it again to a boil. The cooled broth will be ready for use.

  • ​3. After the primer has dried, color can be applied. To create it, white acrylic paint is diluted with water until the composition becomes liquid, like milk. To soften White color, add a little primer to the paint. The final touch in preparing the color is a drop of paint in a cool green shade - this is what will give the wood the effect of antiquity. After applying the composition, remove excess paint from the board with a rubber spatula.​
  • ​Formation of streaks. This happens if the stain is applied in large quantities and dries very quickly. In this case, you should try to remove the stain layer as much as possible. On the hardening layer, you need to apply another layer of stain, which will soften the drying one, and then remove the excess solution with a rag.
  • ​ash and oak veneer becomes noticeably lighter after treatment with oxalic acid;​

Methods of applying stain

​You can make your own wood stain from available materials: coffee, tea and vinegar.​

  1. ​Oil-based stain​
  2. - cotton swabs.
  3. ​The development of the disease is facilitated by low temperatures air, high humidity, low light.​
  4. ​I agree with Mrina, only now I spill Fitosporin on everything: both in the greenhouse and when I plant seeds. I've been using it for 4 years

The main principles of wood stain processing

​Brown vegetable stain is obtained from walnut shells. The slightly rotten shells are dried in the shade and then pounded into powder in a mortar. Then it is added to boiling water, the broth is filtered, and a little soda is added. Wood is treated with this solution, and if, after drying, the surface is moistened with a solution of potassium dichromate in water, a reddish color will be obtained. When treated with dilute acetic acid, the wood will become grayish.​

  1. ​The risk group includes wooden elements located in direct contact with the soil, foundation, walls of the building and an environment with a high level of humidity, which means that antiseptic treatment will be required for the following elements:​
  2. ​ The orange color is obtained by using a decoction of young poplar shoots mixed with alum. Boil poplar branches (150 g) in 1 liter of water to which alum has been added for 1 hour. Then filter and leave to settle in open glassware. Leave it in a bright room for a week. After this, it acquires a golden yellow color.​
  3. ​Alexandrushek​
  4. ​If the stain is completely dry, you need to use paint thinner to remove it. However, it will not be possible to remove all the pigment. The top painted layer can be removed with a plane or sandpaper.​
  5. ​When bleached in hydrogen peroxide (peroxide concentration not lower than 15%), Anatolian nuts acquire a golden hue, and walnuts acquire a pink color.​
  6. ​Different shades of brown are obtained when using coffee. Ground grains mix with baking soda. Instant coffee can also be used as a mordant. It is enough to brew strong coffee and treat the wood with it. ​
  7. ​have many tones and shades. Oil stain contains dyes that are soluble in drying oil and oils. White spirit is used as a solvent.​
  8. ​To begin, pour some boiled water into the container, which must first be cooled to room temperature. For standard method processing with cotton pads or cotton wool does not require much water. The volume should be no more than one liter. Remember that the water should not be hot so as not to harm the skin (especially when it comes to children).​
  9. ​You should also not sow seedlings too early, for example in February. In March there is more sun and it is warmer. Less risk of disease.​

​soil is a living substance and has a balance of microorganisms​

Possible defects and their elimination

​Alder and oak bark can produce a very rich black stain.​

​parts of a wooden supporting frame;​

​ To obtain a greenish color, add a decoction of oak bark to the decoction of young poplar shoots with alum (see above). A greenish color will be obtained if fine verdigris powder (50...60 g) is dissolved in vinegar and the solution is boiled for 10...15 minutes. Soak sliced ​​veneer in a hot solution.​

​You can tint wood with natural dyes.​

​Spotting of the product. If the wood being treated has an uneven density or is curled, then the absorption of the stain may occur unevenly - the color will be richer in some places and lighter in others.​

​Wood treatment with stain can be done in one of four ways:​

​Tints light wood and tea leaves well. Theanine, which is found in tea, gives wood its natural brown color. The saturation of the shade depends on the concentration of the tea.​

  • ​Oil stain is the most convenient to use: it can be applied in different ways, does not lift fibers and is distributed evenly over the entire surface. Products treated with oil-based stains can be easily repainted and restored.​
  • ​Pour a few grains of manganese into a bowl of water, which are best collected with the tip of a knife so as not to “overdo it.” It is better not to handle manganese with your hands, so that colored spots do not remain on the skin. It is important to remember that this drug should not be allowed to come into contact with clothing for the same reason. Thoroughly stir the grains in the water. Potassium permanganate must dissolve completely, otherwise they may burn. To quickly and efficiently achieve homogeneity of the solution, you can use a regular whisk. When the procedure is completed, you can add the required volume of water.​

​What to do at the first signs of the disease.​


Is it possible to treat wood with potassium permanganate?


​with such soil treatment, not only harmful microorganisms and pest larvae die, but also beneficial microorganisms, and the soil is more quickly populated by harmful ones

kldbkldf srl;fr;r"

​A pleasant brown shade of stain can be obtained by mixing crushed willow and oak bark, walnut shells and alder catkins. All ingredients are added to cold water together with a teaspoon of baking soda and boil a little over low heat, and then cool, filter and use. You can also replace the ingredients with walnut shells, willow and apple bark.​


​wall partitions, interfloor and ceilings;​
​ To obtain a black color, juice from privet fruits ( wolf berries) mix with acids. For brown - with vitriol, blue - with baking soda, scarlet - with Glauber's salt, green - with potash.​

Wood weathering, staining, bleaching

​Spotting on products made of mahogany or walnut looks attractive, but on wood of cherry, birch, pine, spruce and poplar it does not look natural​

​Spraying. The stain is applied to the surface of the wood with a spray gun. Spraying allows you to achieve uniform distribution of stain and obtain an even texture.​
​You can get the effect of ebony “black” wood using vinegar and metal parts. Small iron nails should be filled with acetic acid and left for 2-7 days in a dark place (the longer the solution “infuses”, the darker the color of the wood will turn out). Wood treatment with the prepared composition must be carried out in the fresh air, since the solution has a very pungent odor. It should be noted that polyurethane varnish when applied to such a product, it curls up due to the large amount of vinegar, but nitrate “lays down” normally. ​

​Wax and acrylic stains​

It is better to determine the concentration of the final solution by eye, but carefully and carefully evaluate the resulting color of potassium permanganate. It is important that the solution has a light pink tint. However, if the solution is diluted too much, then the desired effect in treating rashes will not be achieved and the solution will simply not be effective. Therefore, if you can immediately see that the color you are getting is too light and light, you will need to add a few more grains of manganese and stir well again and monitor the shade of the resulting solution.​

​1. Remove dead plants. Dry the soil, loosen it.​

​because after improper processing it often becomes unsuitable for plants​

​Yellow color can be given to light wood using a decoction of unripe buckthorn fruits. And if you add alum to the product, the tone will intensify even more. If you use apple tree bark, the tone will be brownish.​

​lower crowns of log buildings;​
​ In some cases, it is necessary to select a silver or gray color for sliced ​​veneer. To get a silver-gray color when mordant dyeing light-colored rocks, add vinegar (1:1) to rainwater (? - I think you can use ordinary water) and place rusty nails or wire in this solution. After the solution has settled, lower the veneer into it. Check the desired color visually.​

​Completely unexpected shades color combinations are obtained in a decoction of ground coffee beans, sometimes with the addition of baking soda. Strong instant coffee is also used. In this method, we calculate the required strength ourselves.​
​Spotting is very difficult to remove. You can remove a layer of stained wood with a plane; in plywood, you will need to remove all the face veneer.​
Rubbing. The stain is applied to the wood and rubbed evenly over the entire area of ​​the product. The coating is transformed, the texture becomes pronounced. This method is optimal for porous wood species, and the stain should not dry quickly.​
You can give the wood a cherry, brown and dark brown hue with a solution of potassium permanganate: 50 g should be diluted in 1 liter of warm water, applied to the wood, and after 5 minutes wipe the surface with a soft cloth. In order to obtain a brighter shade, the treatment with potassium permanganate must be repeated.
​– the latest generation of tinting materials. Stains based acrylic resins and wax form a thin colored film on the surface of the wood, which additionally protects the material from excess humidity. These types of stains “lay” evenly on the surface and are well suited for treating wooden floors.​
​When the preparation of potassium permanganate is completely completed, take a piece of cotton wool or use cotton pads and thoroughly treat all areas of the rash. The process is quite labor-intensive and time-consuming. Children, especially at a younger age, unfortunately, do not have such great patience to calmly allow each pimple to be treated for 20-30 minutes. Use the bathroom. Bring the concentration of the solution in the bath to the required color and place the child in it. The main thing is not to delay the process of taking such a bath, since it is only important to treat the inflammation and let it dry, and not soak it;
​2. Add to container with seedlings wood ash or crushed charcoal. You can sprinkle with a mixture of dry sand and ash.​

​it’s better to buy a suitable treated soil in the store and make the right mixture​

​ If you brew larch bark in a strong solution and cover the tree (preferably birch), the tint will be reddish.​
It is better to prevent the appearance of spotting in advance:
​Apply with a roller or swab. This method is used when processing products small area, it helps to avoid streaks and ensures uniform distribution of stain over the surface.​
​After treating the wood with potassium permanganate stain, the surface must be coated protective composition, otherwise potassium permanganate will fade
​Acrylic stains have a wide range of tones that can be mixed to create more subtle shades. The composition has no unpleasant odor, is not flammable and is suitable for all types of wood. Acrylic stains do not emit harmful fumes, and dry quickly after application.​
After taking a bath with a solution of potassium permanganate, under no circumstances should you wipe your body with a towel; it is only important to get it lightly wet so that the water does not drain. Then you need to let the affected areas dry well on their own, which will dry out the inflammation and speed up the healing process.​
​3. After the start of recovery, leave the healthiest specimens.​
​good luck to you :)​

​Various shades are obtained after using coffee: using ground coffee beans with the addition of baking soda. You can also brew strong instant coffee and use this solution as a stain.​
​The market offers a large number of antibacterial chemical products of various effects, differing from each other in composition. In general, all antiseptics can be divided into three groups:
​ Moisten wood with a high concentration of tannin (sold in a pharmacy) with a 12% ammonia solution, and it will turn gray-brown.​
​ To give the wood a brown color, dry slightly rotten nut shells in the shade and then pound into powder in a mortar. To make stain from powder, you need to boil it in boiling water, filter the broth and throw in a little potassium carbonate or simply soda. If wood treated with walnut stain is moistened with an aqueous solution of potassium dichromate after it dries, the wood will become reddish. And if you treat it with dilute acetic acid, then the same brown wood will become grayish.​
​test the wood - apply stain to an unnecessary piece of the product being processed;​

Application with a brush. If you don't have a spray gun or swab, you can use a brush, but this method is not suitable for all types of stain. Experts note that when applied with a brush, wood gives a deeper, richer color than with other methods.​
​If you want to get a permanent color, you can experiment and create a stain from chemicals.​
​When working with acrylic stain, it is important not to overdo it with the thickness of the layer. A good effect can be obtained by applying no more than 2 layers; if more, spots may form

​Stain is a tinting composition that is applied to treated wood to change the natural color of wood, plywood, furniture, chipboard, fiberboard and MDF. The second name for the stain is Beitz.​
​4. As soon as the seedlings get stronger, transplant them into another soil.​
​Pour water into a metal container (according to the volume and amount of soil - a liter is possible). put it on the fire or stove. and soar so that the steam burns all the soil it contains. that's all. refrigerate and use. You won’t evaporate anything there. These are minerals, and water the manganese before planting or sowing. There is always a lot of everything in humus soil. But steam contributes both to the removal of organic degradants, but also to the minerals becoming more mobile. good luck to you. and the potassium-phosphorus composition, in addition to organic matter, should always be in the soil. this gives the plant an increased immune system against diseases and pests
​Vinegar stain is prepared as follows: degreased iron parts (for example, small nails) are poured with acetic acid and left to infuse in a dark place for one to seven days (depending on the required concentration). Since the composition has a very pungent and strong odor, it is better to treat wood with it in the fresh air. This method can produce the effect of ebony, since wood with a high concentration of theanines (for example, walnut) is colored anthracite black by this composition.​
​water-based products;​
​ Using an aqueous solution of copper sulfate, you can give a gray-blue tint to oak, mute the tone of mahogany, or make sycamore gray - this tone is also called “maple.” The effect will begin to appear after the wood dries.​

Do-it-yourself wood treatment with antiseptic

​ Making a stain that gives a reddish tint to light-colored wood is also possible from onion peels. Prepare a very strong decoction onion peel and use it alone or as an additive to brown stains.​

What elements of a house or apartment should be treated?

​use gel stain.​

  • ​In order to receive beautiful product from natural material, you must adhere to the basic rules of wood processing.​
  • ​A tree with a high content of theanine (oak) can be moistened with slaked lime - the product will turn brown. If you treat a nut with this composition, you will get a brown color with an unobtrusive greenish tint.
  • ​Wax stains are very soft wax. They can be used directly on wood or on a pre-painted surface. Wax stains are applied using a cloth and spread over the wood using a rubbing motion.​
  • ​The special composition penetrates deep into the wood, due to which the wood texture is preserved. This effect cannot be achieved with enamel or paint.​

How to choose a good antiseptic?

​5. Do not rush to sow seeds for seedlings.​

  • ​And I calcined the soil for the seedlings! I just poured it onto a baking sheet and kept it for half an hour at a temperature of about 200 degrees. At this temperature, no “loss of trace elements” occurs. Pest larvae and mold spores die. For me, this method is more convenient than pouring boiling water. And I used potassium permanganate to treat seeds. I immersed them in a fairly concentrated solution - 1%. Here are the methods for treating seeds (although, to be honest, I didn’t notice much of a difference between treated and untreated seeds).​
  • ​Dilute 50 g of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) in a liter of warm water, then apply it to the wood with a brush and wipe with a damp cloth after 5 minutes. This stain should be used immediately after preparation. If necessary, repeat the wood treatment. Shades range from cherry to dark brown, almost black. The golden-brown color of birch veneer can be obtained by using a 3.5% solution of potassium permanganate. If you then do not protect the tree with anything, the potassium permanganate will fade
  • ​oil-based products;​

​Yellow color is obtained from light wood veneer in a solution of potassium chloride (10 g per 1 liter of water at 100 °C).​

​ Take crushed oak and willow bark, alder catkins and walnut shells in equal parts. Pour into cold water, bring to a boil, add half a teaspoon of baking soda and boil the solution a little more over low heat. Strain. A good color can also be achieved by preparing a similar solution from the bark of willow, apple and walnut shells. With subsequent tinting, the product acquires an even brown color, identical to natural.​

How to treat wood with an antiseptic yourself

Preparatory work is the key to success

​Gel stain is a thick, paste-like stain that does not spread and does not penetrate deep into the wood. In addition, gel stains have a low absorption rate.​

Processing technology

​The stain is applied strictly in the direction of the wood grain. Excess solution is removed in the same direction.

An unusual shade can be achieved by making the following composition: dissolve 75 g of soda ash and 35 g of potassium carbonate in 1 liter of water. Treat the wood with the composition, and after complete drying, the surface should be moistened with the mixture (1 liter of water + 50 grams of tannin). After this treatment, the color will appear only after an hour, so there is no need to rush and paint the wood again.​

​Wax stains look most effective in combination with polishing. This technique is often used when finishing turnings, profiles and threads.​

DIY stain

​Some use stain to hide the true type of wood, for example, they paint inexpensive pine in the colors of noble tree species. Others use stain to update the interior of a room or highlight beautiful texture natural material.​

​6. When foci of disease appear, the affected plants are carefully removed, the seedlings are watered with a pink solution of potassium permanganate (3-5 g per 10 liters of water), then the seedlings are not watered at all for a week.

Stains based on plant components

​Seed dressing with potassium permanganate.​

  • ​Various shades of brown can be obtained if wood with a high theanine content (for example, oak) is moistened with slaked lime, and walnut can be colored brown with a greenish tint.​
  • ​combined mixtures based on modern chemical compounds;​
  • ​ If you coat birch or maple with a solution of pyrogallic acid and, after allowing it to dry, cover it with another aqueous solution of potassium chrome, you will get a blue color.​
  • ​ A rich black color can be obtained by using a solution of willow and alder bark.​
  • ​and what will it give​
  • ​Most often, stain is applied in 2-3 layers.​

Stains from tea, coffee and vinegar

  1. ​Sliced ​​light veneer can be repainted yellow using a decoction of barberry root (sold in pharmacies). Strain the finished broth, add a little alum to it and bring to a boil again. The cooled solution is ready to be applied to wood. ​
  2. ​Important! Wax-based stains should not be used before treating wood with two-component acid-curing varnishes or polyurethane​
  3. ​With skillful use of stain and a combination of several shades at the same time, you can turn ordinary product from wood to artistic value
  4. ​For prevention and at the first signs of disease, it is recommended to spray seedlings biological drugs(Baktofit, Planriz, Fitosporin, Fitolavin-300).​

Stains containing chemicals

  • ​The simplest, most common and effective way to disinfect the surface of seeds. Of all the etching agents, potassium permanganate has the widest spectrum of action. Dressing is carried out in a 1% solution of potassium permanganate. 1 gram of potassium permanganate (KMnO4) is diluted in half a glass (100 ml) of warm water. You get a black solution. Weaker concentrations are practically useless. If the seeds are suspected of being infected, the concentration of the solution is doubled. Care should be taken to ensure that there are no stuck together seeds; for example, tomato seeds stick together and may not be pickled. The seeds are placed in a bag made of non-woven material such as agril and placed in the solution for 20 minutes. Then, without removing it from the bag, rinse it in cold boiled water.​
  • ​75 g of soda ash or 35 grams of potassium carbonate are added to a liter of water, the surface of the wood is moistened with this composition, and after complete drying, it is treated with a solution of 50 grams of theanine in a liter of water. With this method, the color of the stain does not appear immediately, but after an hour.​
  • ​Water-based wood treatment products are the most popular, since in addition to killing mold and insects, such compositions provide reliable fire protection. Also, all protective chemicals can be divided into compositions for impregnation or coating of wood. The impregnation penetrates as deeply as possible into the wood, providing a high antibacterial level of protection, while the application agents create protective layer, protecting the surface of the material from contact with water and dampness.​
  • ​ Relief forms can be impregnated with hot cotton oil, which makes the carving stronger and the relief acquires a noble dark color, which becomes more intense after coating the product with varnish and polishing it.​
  • ​If for wooden frame, which will be sheathed, or floorboards on the underside, then used machine oil is better.​
  • ​When applying the first layer, you need to use a small amount of stain, and after it dries, the surface will need to be sanded and the raised lint removed.​
  • You can give the veneer a greenish color using the following solution: dissolve 50-60 g of fine verdigris powder in vinegar, boil for 10-15 minutes and treat the veneer with a hot mixture.​
  • ​You can give wood a different shade using plant components.​
​In addition decorative functions, some types of stains also have protective properties. Wood-protective compounds include oil-alkyd or solvent-based stains. Such stains can protect wood from insect pests, mold and fungi.​


How to ignite the earth? How to “spill with boiling water” and “treat with potassium permanganate”? Write the process itself if you did...

Natalia Brovko

If it’s already overgrown, then it’s better to replant. If it’s prevention, then yes, the main thing is not to overdo it with watering at all. Black leg from dampness

Marina Karaseva

​Other methods of disinfecting the surface of seeds.​

Natalia Belousova

​Light wood can be tinted yellow if you add 2% alum to a decoction of barberry root and heat it to a boil, and then treat the surface of the product with this decoction.​


​For a more reliable effect, it is worth using impregnating and coating substances together, or giving preference to mixed-type antiseptics that combine both of these effects. Before purchasing, you should carefully study the instructions for the antiseptic and fire-retardant wood treatment products and find out how the effects of the drugs meet your needs.​
​ Various shades of brown can also be obtained using aniline dyes. These paints can be bought in powder - it easily dissolves in water, as well as in turpentine and oil. For a dark stain, mix two aniline dyes - Vandyck brown and Bismarck brown. Dilute each paint separately in warm water. Add 7 ml of glue and a drop of vinegar to both solutions. Mix paints with each other to achieve the shade you want; The more water you add, the lighter the stain will be.​
​ Light wood can be painted yellow with a decoction of unripe buckthorn fruits, and brown - with apple bark and walnut shells. If you add alum to each of the listed decoctions, the color tone will intensify.

This is meaningless, because the disinfecting properties of potassium permanganate are determined by its oxidizing abilities - the release of atomic oxygen at the time of reaction. She will react - and that’s it, the disinfection is over.​

​When processing the surface, you must try to ensure that the brush does not “go” into already frost-covered areas.​


From the juice of wolfberries (privet) and various chemical components, you can get a variety of stain colors: brown - with vitriol, scarlet - with Glauber's salt, blue - with baking soda, green - with potash. ​

Tatiana Pavlyushchik

A strong decoction of larch bark gives a reddish tint. It is especially decorative when processing birch.​

​The main criterion by which all stains are classified is the basis for making the solution. The most common stains are water-based, alcohol-based, oil-based, acrylic and wax-based. Let's look at the features of each type.​
Potassium permanganate can be used to disinfect the soil in beds, boxes or cups adapted for growing plants. So, seedlings in cups are watered with a warm pink solution of potassium permanganate every 10 days. (You can alternate with watering with ash lye.) Before planting the seeds of any vegetables or flowers, water the soil in the box with a special solution: 3–5 g of potassium permanganate per 10 liters of water. This prevents the “black leg” disease of tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, and cabbage. The same concentration of solution will be needed to disinfect the soil in the greenhouse. 1 liter of solution is poured into the holes for seedlings of tomatoes, cucumbers or other vegetables. However, if you are attentive to your green “wards”, then by their appearance you can almost always determine whether the plant is healthy, and if you notice the first signs of infection, you can immediately take the necessary measures. However, to prevent diseases and the appearance of pests in the greenhouse, “experienced” gardeners treat the outside of the greenhouse several times a season with a 0.5% solution of potassium permanganate. Moreover, not only the walls of the greenhouse are treated, but also the area at the entrance. Gardeners do this unscheduled (and therefore necessarily) when it gets cold after rain. Fertilizing with a solution of potassium permanganate (3 g per 10 liters of water) increases plant resistance not only to diseases, but also to unfavorable weather.​

​To treat seeds, you can use a 2-3% solution of hydrogen peroxide, preheated to 38-40°C, where the seeds are kept for 7-8 minutes.​
A more saturated color is obtained by using a decoction of young poplar shoots and the same alum. Boil 150 g of poplar branches in a liter of water, add alum and boil for another hour. The filtered broth is left to stand in a glass container for a week and then used.​
​Wood processing, regardless of whether it is planed timber or an ordinary log for a log house, is carried out only if the wood has the required level of humidity corresponding to the numbers indicated on the packaging of the antiseptic. Before you start treating wood with an antiseptic, it is necessary to carry out all drilling and sawing work, since the preparations act on the surface of the wood and all fresh chips and cuts that appear after treatment will become potential sources of mold and mildew. It is also extremely important to clean the surface of the wood from possible contaminants and degrease the surface, which can be done using special chemicals.​

Tatyana Pavlova

​ You can take dyes for clothes. Yellow, red, and brown. Dilute in water in approximately 100-150 ml. Each sachet is in a separate bottle. And now you can mix any stain from these colors.​

Does watering seedlings with potassium permanganate help against blackleg? And can I water it?

Victor Soloviev

​Low-fat small nails or iron filings are poured with acetic acid and the composition is allowed to brew for a day to a week (depending on the desired saturation) in a dark place. The product is coated with this composition. True, it has a strong pungent odor and it is better to cover the tree with it in the fresh air. The Americans call this recipe ebenization (ebony), because... on rocks with a high tannin content, such as walnut, a well-defined black color is obtained, sometimes almost like anthracite. True, some furniture makers note that water-based polyurethane varnish simply curls up when applied to such wood, apparently due to vinegar. But nitra is normal.​
​They go to the store and buy a wood product http://sekretystroyki.ru/zashhita-drevesiny-ot-gnieniya.html or beg from chemists​
​The stained wood, after drying, is polished with a thick, coarse cloth in the direction along the grain or diagonally.​
​Bleaching wood allows you to prepare the product for painting and achieve expressive tone. Some tree species acquire unexpected color shades when bleached. For example, walnut, which has a uniform texture with a purple tint, becomes pale pink or scarlet pink after treatment with a bleaching stain. Bleaching apple wood makes the wood a noble ivory color.​
​A reddish tint can be achieved by using onion peels. To do this, you need to prepare a “cool” decoction and treat light wood with it or add it to a purchased stain.​
​Water-based stains​
​No, you can’t help anymore. So that it doesn't happen black leg There is no need to fill the soil and sprinkle the soil with clean, calcined sand on top before sowing the seeds.​
​For seed treatment you can also use 1% saline solution, 0.04% phosphoric or 3% acetic acid solution.​
A greenish tint of wood is obtained if a strong decoction of oak bark is added to the above-described decoction of poplar twigs and alum. Otherwise the process is the same.​
​After everything has been done preparatory work, you can start processing the wood. Processing technology depends on the means and capabilities available to you. The most effective way is to soak the wood in a diluted preparation, but this option will require high costs and at home similar method It is almost impossible to process massive elements such as rafters and floor joists. The second method involves applying an antiseptic to the surface of the wood using a regular brush or roller. The antiseptic must be applied evenly, painting the entire surface of the wood. Processing is carried out in several layers, usually 2 to 4-5 layers are required, more detailed information can be found in the instructions included with the chemical you have chosen.​
​8. Whitening:​
​it turns out to be a stain effect
​It is better to divide large surfaces of the product into sections and stain them sequentially.​
​Bleaching with stain: photo​
​Using walnut shells, you can get different shades. The old shells need to be dried a little and ground into powder. Boil the resulting nut powder in water, strain through a fine strainer and add a little baking soda to the solution. Wood treated with this composition will acquire a brownish tint, and if, after drying, an additional aqueous solution of potassium dichromate is applied to it, a reddish tint will be obtained. To obtain a grayish tint, the surface treated with the “walnut” solution must be impregnated with dilute acetic acid.​

Yana Yevtushenko

​are produced in two forms: dry stains in powder form for self-dilution in water, and in a ready-to-use state. Water-based stains take quite a long time to dry, so it will take a long time to achieve a uniform tone.​


​It is better to pour 1 t of furatsilin solution into a glass of water for gargling


​I also baked it on a baking sheet in the oven, but not much, and not for half an hour, the earth didn’t even have time to dry. Of course, the microorganisms die, but after cooling you need to water them a little with Baikal.​


​Also, the green color of wood can be obtained by dissolving 50-60 grams of fine verdigris powder in vinegar and boiling the product for ten to fifteen minutes. It is better to soak planed products in this solution (hot) for some time until the desired color is obtained.​

​After antiseptic and fire-retardant treatment of wood has been carried out, the material must dry under natural conditions, in a dry, ventilated hanging or outdoors under a canopy. For drying, depending on the chosen composition and the number of layers applied, 48 to 72 hours will be enough, after which the elements are ready for use. Treating yourself with an antiseptic is a fairly simple process, which, however, will require attention and concentration.​

Treating seeds with a solution of potassium permanganate Treating tomatoes with potassium permanganate Soil treatment in a greenhouse with potassium permanganate

To make wood products more decorative and aesthetically pleasing, they are treated with stain. The solution changes the tone and emphasizes the texture of the wood. Modern stains have antiseptic properties and can significantly extend the service life of the product.

Let's consider what types of stains there are, how you can make the composition yourself, and what are the basic rules for applying stain to wood.

Purpose of wood stain

Stain is a tinting composition that is applied to treated wood to change the natural color of wood, plywood, furniture, chipboard, fiberboard and MDF. The second name for the stain is Beitz.

A special composition penetrates deep into the wood, due to which the wood texture is preserved. This effect cannot be achieved with enamel or paint.

Some use stain to hide the true type of wood, for example, they paint inexpensive pine in the colors of noble tree species. Others use stain to update the interior of a room or highlight the beautiful texture of a natural material.

With the skillful use of stain and a combination of several shades at the same time, you can turn an ordinary wood product into an artistic value

In addition to decorative functions, some types of stains also have protective properties. Wood-protective compounds include oil-alkyd or solvent-based stains. Such stains can protect wood from insect pests, mold and fungi.

Types of stains for wood processing

The main criterion by which all stains are classified is the basis for making the solution. The most common stains are water-based, alcohol-based, oil-based, acrylic and wax-based. Let's look at the features of each type.

Water-based stains are available in two forms: dry stains in powder form for self-dilution in water, and in a ready-to-use state. Water stains take a long time to dry, so it will take a long time to achieve a uniform tone.

The main inconvenience of using stain is that during processing the composition lifts the wood fiber. On the one hand, this emphasizes the structure of the wood, and on the other, it makes the product more vulnerable to moisture. Therefore, before applying stain, the wood should be wetted superficially, left to soak for a while and thoroughly sanded.

Alcohol stain is a solution of organic dyes with pigments in ethyl alcohol. Alcohol compositions are used for antiseptic and decorative painting of wooden products. Such stains reduce pile lifting and do not cause swelling of the wood.

When using alcohol stain, it is difficult to achieve uniform coloring, since the composition dries quickly and stains may form. Such stains may be suitable for tinting small products, but painting parquet will be very problematic.

Alcohol stains are applied only with a spray (spray gun), and when painting with a brush, the result can be unpredictable

Oil based stain have many tones and shades. Oil stain contains dyes that are soluble in drying oil and oils. White spirit is used as a solvent.

Oil stain is the most convenient to use: it can be applied in different ways, does not lift fibers and is distributed evenly over the entire surface. Products treated with oil-based stains can be easily repainted and restored.

Wax and acrylic stains- the latest generation of tinting materials. Stains based on acrylic resins and wax form a thin colored film on the surface of the wood, which additionally protects the material from excess moisture. These types of stains “lay” evenly on the surface and are well suited for treating wooden floors.

Acrylic stains come in a wide range of tones that can be mixed to create more subtle shades. The composition has no unpleasant odor, is not flammable and is suitable for all types of wood. Acrylic stains do not emit harmful fumes, and dry quickly after application.

When working with acrylic stain, it is important not to overdo it with the layer thickness. A good effect can be obtained by applying no more than 2 layers; if more, spots may form.

Wax stains are very soft waxes. They can be used directly on wood or on a pre-painted surface. Wax stains are applied using a cloth and spread over the wood using a rubbing motion.

Wax stains look most effective in combination with polishing. This technique is often used when finishing turnings, profiles and threads.

Important! Wax-based stains should not be used before treating wood with two-component acid-curing varnishes or polyurethane.

Making your own stain: recipes from craftsmen

Plant stains

You can give wood a different shade using plant components.

Stains based on coffee, tea and vinegar

You can make your own wood stain from available materials: coffee, tea and vinegar.

You can give the wood a cherry, brown and dark brown hue with a solution of potassium permanganate: dilute 50 g in 1 liter of warm water, apply to the wood, and after 5 minutes wipe the surface with a soft cloth. In order to obtain a brighter shade, the treatment with potassium permanganate must be repeated.

After treating wood with potassium permanganate stain, the surface must be coated with a protective compound, otherwise the potassium permanganate will fade

Stains with chemical components

If you want to get a lasting color, you can experiment and create a stain from chemicals.

Whitening stains

Bleaching wood allows you to prepare the product for painting and achieve expressive tone. Some tree species acquire unexpected color shades when bleached. For example, walnut, which has a uniform texture with a purple tint, becomes pale pink or scarlet pink after treatment with a bleaching stain. Bleaching apple wood makes the wood a noble ivory color.

Whitening with stain: photo

Various solutions can be used for bleaching. Some act very quickly, others more slowly.

  1. Oxalic acid solution. Dissolve 1.5-6 g of oxalic acid in 100 g of boiled water. This composition is suitable for bleaching light wood species: linden, white poplar, light walnut, birch and maple. Other types of wood may develop dingy tones or gray spots. After bleaching, veneer sheets must be washed with a solution (composition: hot water - 100 g, soda ash - 3 g, bleach - 15). This treatment removes resin from the surface and raises the wood pile.
  2. Bleaching with a 25% hydrogen peroxide solution is suitable for most wood species except lemonwood, oak and rosewood. Products, after treatment with peroxide, do not need to be washed. The peroxide solution only bleaches finely porous wood species. Wood containing tannins is very difficult to lighten with such a stain. To improve the bleaching process, tanning rocks must first be treated with a 10% solution of ammonia.

Results of bleaching different types of trees:

  • Birch, after bleaching in a solution of oxalic acid, acquires a greenish tint;
  • Ash and oak veneers become noticeably lighter after treatment with oxalic acid;
  • When bleached in hydrogen peroxide (peroxide concentration not lower than 15%), Anatolian nuts acquire a golden hue, and walnuts acquire a pink color.

Methods of applying stain

Treating wood with stain can be done in one of four ways:

  1. Spraying. The stain is applied to the surface of the wood with a spray gun. Spraying allows you to achieve uniform distribution of stain and obtain an even texture.
  2. Trituration. The stain is applied to the wood and rubbed evenly over the entire area of ​​the product. The coating is transformed, the texture becomes pronounced. This method is optimal for porous wood species, and a stain that does not dry quickly should be used.
  3. Application with a roller or swab. This method is used when processing products with a small area; it helps to avoid streaks and ensures uniform distribution of stain over the surface.
  4. Application with a brush. If you don't have a spray gun or swab, you can use a brush, but this method is not suitable for all types of stain. Experts note that when applied with a brush, wood gives a deeper, richer color than with other methods.

The main principles of wood stain processing

In order to get a beautiful product from natural material, you must adhere to the basic rules of wood processing.

Applying stain: video

Possible defects and their elimination

The stain must be applied extremely carefully, as it will be quite difficult to remove the resulting defects.

Formation of streaks. This happens if the stain is applied in large quantities and dries very quickly. In this case, you should try to remove the stain layer as much as possible. On the hardening layer, you need to apply another layer of stain, which will soften the drying one, and then remove the excess solution with a rag.

If the stain is completely dry, you need to use paint thinner to remove it. However, it will not be possible to remove all the pigment. The top painted layer can be removed with a plane or sandpaper.

Spotting of the product. If the wood being treated has an uneven density or is curled, then the absorption of the stain may occur unevenly - the color will be richer in some places and lighter in others.

Spotting on products made of mahogany or walnut looks attractive, but on cherry, birch, pine, spruce and poplar wood it does not look natural

Spotting is very difficult to remove. You can remove a layer of stained wood with a plane; in plywood, you will need to remove all the face veneer.

It is better to prevent the appearance of spotting in advance:

  • test the wood - apply stain to an unnecessary piece of the product being processed;
  • use gel stain.

Gel stain is a thick, paste-like stain that does not spread and does not penetrate deep into the wood. In addition, gel stains have a low absorption rate.

Processing wood with special compounds increases the strength of the material, providing reliable protection from aggressive influences and destruction. When making wood antiseptic with your own hands, you should remember the high toxicity of the component composition.

The need to process large areas of a wooden house, or bathhouse, requires the use of significant volumes and is a financially expensive stage of construction work. The best option in this situation, you will need to purchase the necessary chemical reagents and prepare an antiseptic for the tree yourself.

Choice suitable composition depends on the desired processing properties. Classification antiseptics is formed on a component basis:

  • oil base;
  • wax base;
  • water base;
  • solvents.

Antiseptics are also distinguished depending on the type of construction work: for internal or external use. Internal processing must be safe and environmentally friendly. Products for external treatment include a base that combines the properties of an antiseptic and resistance to atmospheric influences (temperature changes, ultraviolet radiation).

Component composition of antiseptic

The qualitative characteristics of the component composition of the solution will help determine how to make a wood antiseptic of the required type with your own hands. The product can be prepared on the basis of:

  • copper or iron sulfate (iron or copper sulfate);
  • iodine, or brilliant green;
  • bitumen;
  • biocidal or clay pastes;
  • sodium fluoride.

Oil-based or bitumen-based products effectively protect wood even when in the ground from moisture and fungal infections. Viscous solutions penetrate deeply into the structure of the material. The disadvantage of processing petroleum products in combination with substances of coke-chemical nature is high level toxicity.

Traditionally, water-salt based mixtures are used. The scope of application depends on the concentration of the solution. Unlike oil or bitumen options, the products are less toxic, easy to prepare and do not require special conditions for transporting components.

The disadvantage of the composition is the need to apply an insulating outer layer, which will increase resistance to washing off.

Main Applications

Do-it-yourself wood antiseptic allows you to use the solution in large volumes to achieve the desired result:

  1. External protection of wooden buildings from moisture and ultraviolet radiation.
  2. Processing of wood materials during open transportation.
  3. Protection of areas exposed to increased moisture (underground, buried in the ground).
  4. Bacteriological protection against insects, fungus and mold.

The compositions can be used as a surface coating or impregnation of the material. Combining antiseptic substances with varnishes or dyes additionally provides a decorative surface.

Important aspects of preparation and application

Basic manufacturing rules will help you figure out how to make a high-quality solution. You will need to carefully study the information about toxic components and necessary precautions. When choosing a recipe, it is important to consider the availability of components.

Initially, you will need to prepare the necessary equipment (containers, brushes, watering cans, spatulas) and select a place for making the solution. The preparation process directly depends on the base and component composition of the mixture. It is important to pay attention to the degree of toxicity of substances.

Liquid solutions should be applied using a spray bottle, thicker solutions should be applied with wide brushes or a sponge. Internal work is carried out in a ventilated area.

Recipe for copper sulfate products

A DIY wood antiseptic made from vitriol must take into account certain proportions of the substance, designed for the desired volume of the finished mixture. You will need to prepare the chemical components:

  • copper sulfate (50% of the dry part);
  • sodium bichromate (50%);
  • water (in the ratio of dry substances 1 kg/9 liters of water);
  • table vinegar 9% (1000 ml water/5.5 ml vinegar).

The process of preparing vitriol-based paste involves mixing the dry ingredients in equal quantitative ratios. Heating the water to 50°C will help improve the dissolution of substances to the required consistency. The paste made is thoroughly mixed and ready for use.

Preparation rules must take into account safety measures, because the resulting antiseptic, do-it-yourself copper sulfate for wood, is toxic. Avoid contact of the solution with the skin and mucous membranes. It is advisable to use special protective clothing, glasses, and a respirator.

Bitumen based paste

Antiseptics for wood deep penetration They are made with their own hands using bitumen. Additional components for the solution are gasoline or diesel fuel. The need for deep impregnation is often caused by aggressive environmental influences.

This recipe requires special care. The bitumen is placed in a metal container and heated until the lumps disappear. The thermal effect is stopped when the required degree of viscosity of the product is reached. Next, a solvent is added. Optimal penetration of the solution can be achieved by immersing the elements requiring treatment in the finished mixture. Bitumen antiseptic has a high degree of adhesion to the surface of wood.

Protective Solution Options

It is possible to make a simple and effective wood antiseptic with your own hands. The recipe has an accessible composition based on sodium fluoride solution. The concentration of the substance from 0.5% to 4% is selected depending on the need for internal or external treatment.

To facilitate visual control over the thickness of the protective layer, adding potassium permanganate (10 g) will help. Over time, the color of the coating will fade. Wood processing work is carried out with a wide brush or spray gun.

Sulfate mixtures are used to protect against destruction of wooden parts immersed in the ground. The main component is diluted 10-20% in 10 liters of water. The desired effect can be achieved only if the impregnation is kept for a long time and the surface is properly dried.

Oil impregnations are widely used for interior work. The safety of the base is achieved due to the naturalness of the composition. Various types of oils are used (linseed, hemp) in combination with additives (extracts with tanning components). Treatment oil compositions increases decorativeness, restores texture and enhances the insulation of the material from moisture.

The choice of wood treatment depends on individual coating requirements. The degree of protection can be adjusted by selecting the required concentration and thickness of the protective layer. Products that are properly made with your own hands are not inferior in quality and effectiveness to ready-made solutions.


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