How to get rid of small midges in an apartment in winter. How to get rid of midges in an apartment: the best methods and traps

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There are almost two thousand varieties of midges; fruit flies - fruit or food midges - usually appear in houses and apartments. These are very small insects that reproduce instantly. They do not harm human health, but can spoil food. Typically, these midges are brown in color, but sometimes orange and black individuals can be seen.

Fruit left on the table can attract midges

In order for the fight against to be successful, it is imperative to understand where the midge comes from. The sources are very diverse:

  1. Overripe and rotten fruits and berries. Adults leave eggs on them, and when the food ends up in comfortable conditions, insects begin to actively develop.
  2. The trash can and all waste in hard-to-reach places - an apple core under a cabinet, leftover food, a dirty bottle - attract a huge number of midges.
  3. Sink drain - even if the sink is sparkling clean, various waste inevitably accumulates in the depths of the drain. If they are not removed regularly, a suitable breeding ground for pests is created.
  4. Neighbors - midges can appear from unscrupulous owners of nearby apartments.
  5. Indoor flowers - if the soil constantly remains wet, insects easily settle in it and infest the home.

Preventing its occurrence is quite simple: vegetables and fruits from the market should be doused hot water and then dry. Among the main preventive measures you can note:

  • Throw away soft berries and fruits that are starting to spoil in a timely manner;
  • do not leave perishable foods on the table: strawberries, sliced ​​watermelon, pineapples;
  • place all food in the refrigerator overnight;
  • do not store onions, potatoes, carrots and other vegetables prepared for the winter in a warm place;
  • Throw away garbage promptly and wash the container with a disinfectant.

Do not leave rotten vegetables and fruits in the kitchen

If there are plants in the kitchen, loosen the soil, remove all fallen leaves, and thoroughly wipe the pots. When the midges are already infested, it is better to replace the soil and treat the leaves with a solution of potassium permanganate. If there are animals in the house, change their water every day, and always put their food in a container. Be sure to clean the refrigerator and throw away any spoiled food.

How to get rid of onion midge

Midges can often be seen in onions. The main reason is its improper storage, when the vegetable is sent into a sealed package or bag - there they quickly become damp and rot. Immediately after detecting insects, it is necessary to sort the vegetables and throw out all rotten ones. One of the options to defeat midges is pine needles or cotton wool treated with essential oil. It should be placed next to the onion. If there are a lot of insects, use specialized pest traps.

One of the common problems is midges in cereals. Their eggs and larvae can get into it at the packaging stage, and if the product is sold by weight - at the market or in a store. The first stage of the fight is to identify all pest habitats and get rid of them. bad products. It is impossible to sort through and completely clean them, since insect eggs are very difficult to notice.

Bugs and larvae in flour

The place where spoiled cereals are stored should be disinfected to destroy pest larvae. Helps prevent re-infection Bay leaf or garlic - they need to be placed in containers with cereal. Another way is to store food in the freezer.

After midges are detected, it is necessary to carry out a comprehensive cleaning of the entire area. The source of pest spread may be in a tiny crevice where, for example, a piece of apple ends up. Wash the stove thoroughly, including all its walls. The oven can be steamed: place a frying pan with water inside and detergent, heat to one hundred degrees and leave for thirty minutes. As a result, the burnt residue can be easily removed with a wet cloth.

Carry out a comprehensive kitchen cleaning

Don't forget the microwave. If there is a lot of fat in it, prepare a solution citric acid and heat it for ten minutes by turning on maximum power. When the device has cooled down, wipe it with a sponge. All hard to reach places In the kitchen, scrub with a brush and mop the floors, paying close attention to the area under the sink.

One way to eliminate midges is store products. But most of these drugs contain chemical substances, which can cause allergic reactions and other serious consequences. The most popular aerosols are Reid and Dichlorvos. To destroy insects that infest flower pots, use Aktaru or Grom-2.

Midges can be destroyed using specialized sprays

If you poison a midge chemicals, there should be no people or animals left in the room. After treatment, all rooms should be well ventilated. Alternative way– various incense or essential oils. They effectively fight insects and fill your home with enchanting aromas.

An effective way to solve a problem. You can make traps yourself, even without special skills:

Adhesive tape is very effective in the kitchen against flies.

One of the most effective traps is sticky fly tape. Its effect can be enhanced with wine. Insects will instantly flock to their favorite scent. There are other options:

  • a special house that attracts and destroys midges;
  • expensive baits made in the form of fruit and impregnated with insecticide.

One of best options, how to remove midges from an apartment. Homemade recipes are easy to use and do not harm your health. But first do the following:

  • All drain holes treat with boiling water;
  • pour vinegar into the sink, add baking soda, when the reaction is over, rinse with water;
  • Sort through all the cereals, throw spoiled ones in the trash bin;
  • fumigate the room with incense.

Midges are afraid of the smell of incense

Some housewives fight midges with a vacuum cleaner. You can simply suck up the insects and then clean the bag away from your home. Among the others effective means you can note:

  1. Horseradish - the smell of this plant is good at repelling midges. Cut fresh raw materials into pieces and place them throughout the kitchen, open the windows - pests will quickly fly away from your home.
  2. Camphor, tobacco, juniper are an excellent remedy against uninvited guests. Tobacco and pine needles can be set on fire in a suitable container. Camphor is heated in a frying pan.
  3. Vinegar with water and soap - if you can’t smoke out the midges, try luring them into a trap. To do this, mix water, vinegar and sugar in a jar, pour in liquid soap. Cover the neck with film and make several holes in it. Insects will fly in and die.
  4. Wheatgrass decoction - you can wipe all surfaces in the kitchen with it or spray them with a spray bottle.
  5. Essential oils - midges do not like the smell of lavender, cloves and lemon. Use any of them and forget about the hated pests.
  6. Vanilla - place its pods in the kitchen. Alternative option– a vanillin solution that can be sprayed instead of the usual air freshener.
  7. Garlic – chop a clove, pour boiling water over it and leave for a couple of hours. Ready solution water plants in whose pots midges are found.
  8. Geranium - midges cannot stand its smell. Therefore, place this plant in the kitchen and other rooms.


The best prevention of midges is cleanliness. It is advisable to store all products, packaging with juice and jam in the refrigerator. Empty the trash can regularly and then wash it with soapy water or vinegar.

Check your condition periodically water pipes, do not leave wet rags and dirty dishes in the sink, quickly get rid of spoiled food. To prevent midges from appearing again, follow simple rules:

  • throw away garbage promptly;
  • do not leave uneaten dishes on the table;
  • Store perishable foods and cereals in containers;
  • wash the dishes immediately after eating;
  • wet clean the kitchen every week;
  • Water your house plants moderately and sprinkle the soil with sand.

These tips will help prevent the spread of midges. And if they already exist, you can easily deal with them using folk remedies or store-bought pest control products. The reasons for the appearance of midges in the kitchen are varied and affect the choice of control method. In some cases, folk recipes give positive results, in others you have to resort to professional remedies.

Small midges in an apartment or house are associated with dirt and uncleanliness and cause a lot of trouble for the owners. In warm weather, midges multiply very quickly, so there is no time to waste. As soon as you discover that midges have appeared in the house, you need to leave everything and take action immediately.

It is not very difficult to remove midges, but some rules must not be neglected in order to exterminate all insects and prevent them from appearing again.

Why can midges appear in an apartment?

To get rid of it once and for all small midges in the apartment, you need to find out why they appeared. After all, midges often appear in the apartments of very neat and clean owners who never expected such a neighborhood.

There are two types of midges in an apartment or house: some start in, others in. The reasons for the appearance of the former may be overwatering plants or purchasing flowers in a pot with midge-infested soil.

In the kitchen, and sometimes in other places in the apartment, midges appear if there is food for them - rotting foods. For such midges, the smell of rot is like a magnet, attracts, and the rotting fruit or vegetable itself becomes favorable place for life and reproduction.

How to get rid of midges in an apartment and house

Regular garlic will help remove midges from indoor plants. This is the simplest option; midges cannot stand the smell of garlic. Other ways to get rid of such insects:

  • Water the plants with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Be careful not to burn the roots. You need to water all the flowers so that the midges do not move into the next pot. This remark applies to all methods, since it is not a problem for midges to fly over.
  • Stick regular matches into the ground, head down.
  • Expand orange peels in pots.

The most reliable means from midges in indoor flowers - replanting the plant in new land, washing the roots, processing the pot. But this method injures the plant; it is used as a last resort if all other methods have failed.

If midges appear in the kitchen, the first thing you need to do is find the source - rotting food, put them in a bag, tie them tightly and throw them away. And then start catching flying insects.

The most in an effective way How to get rid of midges in an apartment is to use special aerosols. But they cannot be used if there are animals or children in the house. In addition, after such treatment, you need to thoroughly ventilate the rooms and wash all objects that may have come into contact with the chemical.

An absolutely safe remedy for midges in an apartment is to use homemade traps. To do this, you need to take a plastic glass, put bait (rotten fruit) into it, and cover it tightly with film. Make small holes in the film. The midges will fly to the smell of rot, make their way inside, and no matter how hard they try, they won’t be able to get out. In a short period of time, all insects will be trapped.

Adhesive tape will help get rid of midges in the house; it attracts insects with a pleasant smell, and when they sit on it, they stick and die.

Another way to get rid of midges in the house is with a vacuum cleaner. You need to suck in the midges flying and sitting on the walls with a stream of air, and then carefully shake out the contents of the vacuum cleaner into a bag, tie it tightly and throw it away. But there is a possibility that not all insects will be caught. Therefore, you need to either repeat the procedure several times, or use other methods in parallel.

These are the most common options for how to get rid of midges in an apartment, but in practice people come up with others. For example, you can leave a container with a sweet liquid or beer overnight; by the morning, the midges that have flocked to the smell will simply drown.

Some people find that cleaning with ultraviolet light or a mosquito repellent lamp helps.

After you have managed to get rid of midges in the house, you need to do some general cleaning. And in the future, make sure that the food does not spoil and that the flowers are watered in moderation.

The midges are becoming uninvited guests in the apartment, especially in summer. They spoil food and indoor plants, some even bite humans. Insects reproduce quickly and become a real disaster for housewives. Don't worry, you can get rid of midges quickly.

We find out the reason for the appearance of midges in the apartment

First, deal with the source of the insects. This will help in the further fight against them. Sources of midges:

  • trash bin. Make sure there is no debris or moisture at the bottom of the bucket; this is an ideal food source for insects. Remove trash from your apartment regularly. Wash the bucket immediately with hot water and dry;
  • rotten or dirty vegetables and fruits. Carefully inspect all fruits and vegetables; throw away any rotten ones immediately. Store food in the refrigerator, do not place it on the table or in cabinets. Midges love rotten vegetables and fruits and lay larvae on them;
  • indoor flowers. Midges love to live on flowers, especially if you water them with tea leaves. If the humidity in the flower is excessive, insects appear near flower pots. Do not overfill the flowers with water;
  • sewerage IN sewer pipe food debris that gets stuck there gets stuck and begins to decompose there. Pests swarm into the room. Clean the drains in a timely manner;
  • Pets. Insects can live in aquariums, in the cages of domestic rodents and birds. Remains of dishes or an unwashed bowl will become a source of their appearance. An unkempt eating area for a cat or dog will also attract annoying midges. Change the water in the aquarium more often, and wash your pets' bowls regularly.

Folk recipes for controlling midges in an apartment

Get rid of annoying midges with the following: traditional methods:

Physical methods of controlling midges

  • Pests can fly out of the sink. Open the hot water and wash off the remaining food along with it. Use a plunger as needed.
  • Use a vacuum cleaner. Turn it on more power and start hunting for insects. Then take out the bag and shake it outside.
  • Smoke out the midges from the apartment. Grind the camphor and pour it into a hot frying pan. As soon as you see steam, carefully take the frying pan and slowly walk around the entire apartment with it. Midges cannot tolerate smoke, and it does not pose a danger to people.
  • To get rid of midges in flower pots, make a weak solution of potassium permanganate and water all the plants. Instead of potassium permanganate, you can use a special flower care product.

Chemicals in the fight against midges

Buy an insect repellent aerosol or chemical solution from the store. Spray the entire perimeter of the room with an aerosol. But first, remove pets from the room, take children and elderly people out. When spraying the drug, use gloves, a respirator, put on an old long-sleeved robe and goggles. Before using the product, carefully read the instructions.

Look in all the rooms for secluded, hard-to-reach places, especially in the kitchen. Midges fly to pieces of spoiled food or rotten potatoes in a box. Immediately remove the discovered source of midges and sprinkle the area with a chemical.

Following the above rules and tips will help you get rid of annoying midges for life. Maintain cleanliness, get rid of rotten food, do not leave wet rags and dirty dishes. This will help keep the apartment clean and cozy.

The fruit fly is a small, harmless insect, but it is always unpleasant to find one in the house. She is attracted by the smell of spoiled fruits and nectar in the flowers of indoor plants. In the warm season, Drosophila can fly into a living room from the street if you simply spray an air freshener with a berry or fruit scent in the room. How to get rid of fruit flies in the apartment? What products should you use?

Fruit fly on peel

Where do fruit flies come from in the house?

There are several ways for a fly to enter an apartment:

  1. The insect chooses soft, slightly or severely spoiled fruits as a place for laying eggs, since their peel is easier to bite through. Since both the fly itself and its eggs are small in size, it is almost impossible to notice that a vegetable or fruit is infected.
  2. Fly larvae and eggs can appear in the house along with soil for indoor plants.
  3. Open windows without mosquito nets or open doors- another path along which an insect can get into the apartment. Midges fly to the smell of fruits, indoor flowers or spoiled food.

Where to look for fruit fly larvae in an apartment?

To get rid of these small insects, it is not enough to simply destroy adult individuals - fruit flies reproduce actively, a female is capable of laying about 20 eggs at a time, and in 2 months (this is the life span of an adult insect) she can produce up to 2000 eggs. Insects hatch in the early morning, and already 8 hours after this, the female is ready to reproduce. If you do not start fighting Drosophila in time, it will easily fill the entire house.

The most common habitats of midges:

  1. Trash can or food bowl pet- this is where they are created optimal conditions for the laying of eggs and the accumulation of adult insects, because there is no shortage of food in such a place.
  2. Pots with indoor flowers. Wet soil and fallen leaves that are beginning to rot are also attractive to insects.
  3. Storage areas for vegetables and fruits. If there are several fruits in a container, one of them may begin to deteriorate before the others, and flies will definitely smell it.

Are fruit flies harmful?

In fact, fruit flies do not cause much damage: they do not have the slightest interest in humans or animals, do not bite them, and do not spread dangerous diseases. The only, and even then hardly possible, threat is the risk of intestinal upset. This is possible if you eat fruit infected with larvae.

How to deal with fruit fly?

Having noticed the appearance of uninvited guests in the house, you need to carefully inspect the apartment and find all the spoiled food: fruit forgotten on the table, sour leftover food in the trash can, pet food in a bowl that has spoiled in the heat. If tea leaves are used as a fertilizer for indoor flowers, you also need to inspect the pots with soil.

All detected possible sources of Drosophila must be disposed of immediately by sending them to the trash. Containers for storing fruits and vegetables should be thoroughly washed to remove larvae and eggs invisible to the eye from the surfaces.

Flowers need to be transplanted into pots with fresh soil. If some of the leaves or flowers of the plant begin to rot, they are removed. The indoor plants themselves are watered often, but little by little - waterlogged soil attracts midges.

Traditional methods

To clear your apartment of midges, you can build your own traps:

  1. Since one of the Drosophila's favorite treats is banana, it can be used as bait. Peel the fruit and place it in plastic bag or plastic bottle. Using a toothpick, make several holes in polyethylene or plastic. Leave the trap near the midge habitat. Over the next 2 days, a significant portion of the midges will fly inside, but they will not be able to get out.
  2. Just as much as bananas, the fruit fly Drosophila loves honey, fruit juice or apple cider vinegar. The trap is made like this: take a deep container, pour one of the listed liquids into it, and cover it with a bag or cling film. Make holes with a toothpick. Insects attracted by the smell will climb into the trap.
  3. Another possible variant- use glass jar. A piece of banana, orange or any spoiled fruit is placed at the bottom. A cone is made from a sheet of paper with a small hole at the top. Turning it over, insert the blank into the neck of the bottle. The midges will easily get inside the jar, but they will not be able to fly back out.
  4. IN disposable cup pour beer, water diluted with sugar and yeast and leave it near a cluster of insects. Hearing a tempting smell, the midges will fly towards it and drown.

In addition to traps, you can use other means.


The crushed hard camphor is placed in an old frying pan (one that you don’t mind throwing away) and put on fire. As soon as the frying pan is hot and steam starts to flow, the container is carried throughout all rooms of the apartment. The resulting smoke is not dangerous for humans, but midges will not tolerate it.

Poison for midges

A couple of recipes for poisonous treats for insects:

  1. ½ cup of milk is mixed with 40 g of sugar and the same amount of ground black pepper. Soak a paper napkin or piece of paper in the liquid toilet paper, placed on a plate next to the midges. After a while there will be no insects left.
  2. 10 g of honey is combined with 1 g of saccharin, and a napkin is moistened with this mixture. Place it on the windowsill.

Vacuum cleaner

The place where midges have accumulated is treated with a vacuum cleaner. A running unit will draw in insects, trapping them in a dust bag. The container must be emptied outside the apartment.


Drosophila are very sensitive to temperature; hypothermia is detrimental to them. If they attacked the apartment in winter, it is enough to simply leave the window in the kitchen open when leaving the house. After a few hours, all the flies will die.

This way you can destroy adult insects, but if there are larvae left somewhere, then after a while the insects will appear again. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to thoroughly wash the pet’s trash can and bowl, and water the soil in flower pots with a manganese solution.

Potassium permanganate or matches

This method is suitable if there are flies on the plant. Prepare a weak solution of manganese and treat flowers with it twice a month.

You can also use regular matches: stick them head down into the ground in the pot. The sulfur from the match will destroy the larvae.


Fruit flies cannot tolerate the smell of geraniums. If there are midges in the kitchen, you need to get rid of the spoiled fruit and place a pot with this plant on the windowsill of the room.


Midges do not like the smell of garlic, so placing the crushed head near the Drosophila habitat helps. After a few hours there will be no insects.

Orange and clove

A stick of spice is stuck into the orange peel and placed next to the place where midges gather.

Store products

How to get rid of fruit flies if you don’t have time to bother with building traps or preparing poisonous compounds? You can use ready-made traps or preparations.

Manufacturers offer a choice of:

  1. Repellents. Soaked chemical compounds tapes that emit fumes that poison insects. Such products cannot be called completely safe for humans - the room in which the tape is located must be ventilated.
  2. Sprays. Special liquids containing fatty acids, falling on larvae and insects, destroy them. They are not dangerous to humans.
  3. Zappers. Modern devices, which affect insects with electricity. The only drawback of some models is their high power consumption.
  4. Traps. Factory-made traps do not contain poison; most of them use a substance that attracts insects, and the midge that flies into the trap dies of hunger, unable to get out. You can even install such devices in the kitchen without fear that they will harm a person or animal.

Preventive measures

It is not difficult to prevent the appearance of Drosophila in an apartment; all you need to do is:

  • keep clean;
  • regularly (at least once a day) remove the bucket;
  • wash dishes immediately after a meal;
  • Throw away spoiled fruits immediately;
  • Do not leave food in your pet’s bowl for a long time, remove it as soon as the animal eats.

If the midges have nothing to eat, they will not appear in the apartment.

Even if midges have infested your apartment, you should not immediately rush to the store for chemicals - you can get rid of them without the use of toxic substances.

Midges only seem like harmless creatures at first. But when it gets hot, they are everywhere. These pests carry many different diseases, and it is advisable to prevent their occurrence. However, if they have already chosen a place in the apartment, it is important to know how to get rid of them as soon as possible.

Midges only seem like harmless creatures at first.

Midges are small insects belonging to the Diptera family. They can reach 6 mm in length. They have a small body, limbs and antennae. Outwardly, they are very similar to flies: insects with a short proboscis and four-segmented palps. They are found in every corner of the globe. The only exception is Antarctica.

As for their species, there are about 1850 of them. Their lifespan is approximately a month. They are an integral part of the natural community. Midges are a tasty food for many animals. But they are dangerous for people because they are carriers of serious diseases.

If this insect infects your skin, the lesion will be even larger than in the case of a mosquito. Moreover, the pain will be stronger and last longer. This is due to the fact that when a midge bites, it bites skin covering, and mosquitoes just pierce the flesh.

Midges are small insects belonging to the Diptera family.

Where do they come from?

The source of midges is a humid microclimate. Therefore, it is not surprising that most often its accumulation can be found near sewer drain, in the swamp area, etc. As soon as the heat sets in, you open the windows for ventilation. It is through this that midges enter your home. In addition, if you do not throw garbage out of your home in a timely manner, it can become a source of attack by small insects. Therefore, the question of how to get rid of small midges in an apartment will always be relevant.

If you find small insects, then you urgently need to look for places where they accumulate. This may be where you put garbage, near indoor plant, sewerage, over fruits and vegetables. If in your home you have not found places where these insects live, then you should ask your neighbors about the situation.

Over the years, housewives have come up with different ways, which would help get rid of house flies. But before you begin to act, you need to discover their location. First, check the vegetables and fruits that are on the table in the kitchen. It is this place that small midges will choose to lay their larvae. When it's hot outside, food tends to spoil quickly. A small rotten piece is enough. Do not forget that storing plant products in the refrigerator will eliminate the question of how to get rid of midges at home.

  1. Take a good look at each one Kitchen Cabinet where you store cereals or other plant products. Don't miss bags, other containers, and places between them where food was previously stored. Surely you haven't thought about the fact that empty container from chemicals can become a breeding ground for midges.
  2. Don't forget the filters under the sink. There may be an accumulation of food particles, which over time begin to rot. Due to his small size midges can easily enter such a place.
  3. If someone lives in your house Small child, then check the location of his high chair. Still, children never miss the opportunity to use food as a toy. As a result, all the food ends up scattered throughout the room. Be that as it may, even the most meticulous housewife cannot keep absolutely everything under control. So don't leave this item unattended. It is especially worth taking a closer look at the place where the seat is fixed. There are gaps in this area where food can accumulate. This is where the uninvited guest appears.
  4. Midges prefer moisture. So there is nothing strange in the fact that these pests accumulate near a houseplant. Especially if the owner generously waters the flower.

Effective folk remedies for cockroaches in the apartment

How to get rid of midges in the kitchen (video)

How to protect yourself from midges

If you don’t want to worry about how to get rid of household pests, then you should think about carrying out a thorough cleaning. You need to start by washing all surfaces, wash the floor behind the cabinets, and get rid of crumbs in all the cracks. If you have fruits or vegetables stored in your kitchen, put them in the refrigerator.

If you suddenly find a rotten product, you need to get rid of it quickly. And do not store them in the trash for a long time, throw them directly outside.

In addition, check all the grains that are present in your kitchen. Place them in more airtight containers that are not exposed to moisture. If you don't want small nasty insects in your cereal, then try to buy a little bit of everything so that it lasts for several weeks.

Even if after spring cleaning insects continue to bother you, then you should start cleaning the sewer. For this purpose, you can use special tools that can be purchased at any hardware store. Place one of these products in the sink at night. This time is enough for the drug to dissolve the accumulated rot. Alternatively, you can use ordinary soda, which will need to be poured into the drain and filled with vinegar. Once the chemical reaction has finished, turn on the water to flush the drain.

If you don’t want to worry about how to get rid of house flies, then you should think about carrying out a thorough cleaning

If there are still insects in the sink, then it is necessary to disassemble the sewage system and clean it.

How to get rid of bedbugs in a sofa

Experienced housewives give the following advice:

  1. Try to take out the trash every day. Even if very little of it has accumulated. As soon as you empty the trash can, wash and dry it, as annoying insects may appear there.
  2. Houseplants should only be watered when necessary. Try not to let the soil get too wet.
  3. To store bread, it is better to use a plastic bag and a bread bin.
  4. Any container containing food or drink must be tightly closed. Especially when it comes to sweet compote or fruit salad.
  5. Remove all leftover food from the table: throw it away or put it in the refrigerator.
  6. Wash plates, cups, and jars in which sweet foods, drinks, wine, and honey were stored. Insects love sweet environments.
  7. Systematically clean your pets' cages and bowls.
  8. Wipe daily work surface in the kitchen and get rid of the resulting condensation.

Folk remedies

You can get rid of midges using the following: folk remedies:

Methods for removing mold in an apartment

Physical methods against midges

How to quickly rid yourself of this annoying problem?

  1. If an insect emerges from the sink, you can simply wash it off with hot water. If the need arises, you can use a plunger.
  2. Use a vacuum cleaner. Set it to the highest power and start hunting insects. Then simply shake out the bag.
  3. Smoke out the uninvited neighbors. Grind the camphor and pour it onto the hot surface of the frying pan. As soon as steam appears, carefully take the frying pan and walk with it around the entire room. There will be fewer insects, because they cannot stand the smell of smoke.
  4. If you need to get rid of midges that are based in the area flower pot, then you will need to prepare a mixture of potassium permanganate. It is used for irrigation. As an alternative, it is possible to use special means for caring for indoor plants.

How to get rid of midges at home (video)


Purchase an aerosol or chemical insect repellent from the store. Use this product to treat all rooms. Just take all pets, children and elderly people out first. When spraying, you need to wear gloves, a respirator, an old long-sleeved robe and goggles.

  • Monitor the cleanliness of the sanitary siphon.
  • Always immediately dispose of food that has begun to rot.
  • Make sure the cloth is clean and dry. Don't let it rot while wet. After all, this can also later become the cause of pests.
  • The areas where your pets eat and live should also be kept clean. Try to change your cat's litter more often.
  • In addition to the above, make sure that there are no places in the house where moisture accumulates. If possible, wipe down the table and sink to keep them dry. Water is the source of life for small pests.

    You can install a fan where you store vegetables and fruits. Will not leave a breath of air flow annoying insects chance to land and complete your mission.

    If you are determined to get rid of midges, then you should resort to one of the methods listed today.

    As an additional measure, you can get a ready-made trap


    It is clear that the easiest option for getting rid of midges is the use of dichlorvos. However, you can make some efforts and force yourself to maintain cleanliness own home. Then you can be sure that the annoying insect will not disturb you.

    As an additional measure, you can get a ready-made trap. You can buy it, or you can make it yourself. It will become an excellent alternative everyone chemicals and even apple cider vinegar.

    You will need plastic cups and lids. Pour just a little bit of weak vinegar into them. Ground coriander is also added there. All this is closed tightly with a lid. Now you need a needle or thin knife to make a hole. The trap is ready. Now leave it overnight. In the morning, you will be extremely surprised how many unwanted insects have fallen prey to your creation.

    Everything is quite simple, but no less effective. But the most important thing is all the methods available to everyone. Another thing is important: you should not delay using any of the listed methods and wait until annoying fly will take over your entire home. It is necessary to act quickly so that you do not have to resort to drastic measures later.


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