Fashion trends in design. Design trends: what's in and what's out of interior fashion

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Fashion trends interior solutions change every year, but every year completely updating the appearance of an apartment or house just to be on trend is pointless. But if you decide to start a renovation, then you definitely need to know which interior has gone out of fashion. After all, if you make mistakes in the interior of your apartment now, you will be able to correct them in a few years, and all this time your home will have a tasteless interior! Well, let's see which design has become an anti-trend.

Antitrends in interior design 2018

It’s rare to see an apartment or house where all the rooms are designed in different style directions, so mistakes in the interior of a residential building can be made even when choosing a style! In 2018, several style directions dropped out of the ranking of trendy interior solutions, so the anti-trends in interior design are the following styles:

  • industrial;
  • Scandinavian minimalism;
  • baroque.

brick walls, concrete ceilings, an abundance of metal - all these are outdated techniques in the interior of an apartment, which are unlikely to ever come back into fashion. Yes, industrial design appeared not so long ago, and, yes, some of its elements will continue to be popular, but not in design residential buildings.

Scandinavian minimalism “demanded” white furniture against the background of white walls and ceilings, and as a result turned into a tasteless interior of Russian apartments. Modern design does not completely exclude minimalism, since with its help it is easy to turn a small room into a spacious one, but adding additional volume through white is an outdated technique in the interior that should not be used in 2018.

The desire to decorate spacious rooms has led to the fact that the Baroque style has turned into a tasteless interior of apartments. Ostentatious luxury, columns, stained glass windows - all this looks out of place in the context of modern interior design, and the most tasteless interior is a combination of all the elements of this style within a small apartment.

Anti-trends in interior design are not only entire styles, but also some individual elements. Thus, the latest trends in interior design in 2018 exclude the presence multi-level ceilings. If you want to zone the space of your home, then under no circumstances make separate closed premises, but use decorative partitions.

Interior design: anti-trends in furniture and interior decoration

Tasteless interior design may affect just one room in the house, but in the end, it will ruin the look of the entire apartment. That is why, before you begin renovation or decoration, you need to know what kind of interior has gone out of fashion for bedrooms, living rooms and kitchens.

Not fashion design bedroom interior 2018

The bedroom is a place to relax, the design of which is strictly individual. Everyone decides for themselves what the bedroom set will be, and this choice, in most cases, is influenced by the size of the space itself. And yet, mistakes can be made in the bedroom interior even if you choose the right furniture, and all because in 2018, standard sets became the anti-trend for bedrooms! Interior designers advise not to be afraid of experiments and use furniture from different collections. Of course, the combination should be stylish, because if you decide to choose a solid wood bedroom in combination with red plastic bedside tables and a yellow fabric wardrobe, it will look appropriate.

Anti-trends in living room interior design

The living room is the place where we welcome guests, so we always strive to give it a little festive look. However, as we have already said, fashion trends in interior design 2018 exclude ostentatious luxury, so the “Baroque” style should be immediately excluded. In addition, in order to avoid mistakes in the interior of the living room, you should forget about:

  • Provence style;
  • tropical theme;
  • set in the same style.

If you look closely at the Provence style, it is not difficult to notice that furniture in this style, in its form, resembles baroque, although it does not have the most excessive luxury, but color palette, in many respects, coincides with Scandinavian minimalism. Considering that all this, individually, is not in trend, it is not difficult to guess that Provence-style living rooms are also out of fashion.

Flowers always have a place in the living room, but the tendency to decorate the walls with images of lush vegetation or place pots of ferns and palms throughout the room is a thing of the past.

Many people believe that if you choose living room furniture from different collections, you will get a tasteless home interior, but this is not at all true. Skillful combination various items will transform your living room from standard to trendy! In addition, in this way it is easy to place accents in the interior, but again, all this should be done with taste and if you highlight something, then only one thing.

Tasteless kitchen interior

Anti-trends in kitchens have affected almost everything - the colors of the sets, their shape, and materials. Thus, it has become even easier to make mistakes in the kitchen interior, for example, by choosing an unfashionable color. On the other hand, if you listen to the advice of designers, you can not only avoid them, but also choose a design that will be in trend for a long time, so when decorating your kitchen, try to avoid:

Pastel colors are gradually becoming a thing of the past, and they are being replaced by rich colors and even bright colors. It is clear that not everyone will risk choosing kitchen set in the ultraviolet color trend of 2018, but noble burgundy or fresh orange color will be appropriate in any home.

Imitation expensive materials often used in interior design, but if previously it was even fashionable, now it is a leading anti-trend! If you really want to be surrounded by wood or marble surfaces in your kitchen, then use natural materials, since tasteless apartment interiors are recognizable by plastic fakes.

Asymmetry has also reached kitchens, so regular shapes are gradually turning into an anti-trend. Also, long tabletops are no longer in fashion - they have been replaced by more practical solutions, which make it possible to arrange all the necessary things so that they are at hand.

  • Yulia Zolotareva
  • 25.02.2018, 17:13

Fashion trends, like the hearts of beauties, are prone to change! To avoid giving your interior designer a heart attack, read this article about what style directions no longer in fashion.

Naturally, adapting to fashion trends every year and completely updating the appearance of the apartment every time is stupid. However, if you have started renovation and decoration, then you should definitely know what kind of interior is now considered tasteless. If you suddenly make a number of mistakes in the interior, you will only be able to correct them in a couple of years, and all this time you will have a tasteless design, writes So-so idea...

Old trends are gone, and they are replaced by simplicity and conciseness. Today the main thing in design is to choose quality materials and furniture, finished stylish design where everyone do plays important role. The era of glossy ceilings and furniture sets has long since sunk into oblivion, we think everyone already knows about this, so we won’t talk about them now.

Loft style

Whether this will surprise anyone or not, the long-loved brutal loft style is no longer considered a trend. Moreover, it is no longer in demand. The fact is that there was so much of this industrial-urban style that people simply got tired of it. It is worth paying tribute to this style - it lived brightly and was everywhere: in small apartments and big houses, in various cafes and restaurants, beauty salons and studios. The eye needs something new, not brick!

“Clean” styles

The popularity of the “clean” style is decreasing. And all because it is already gray and dull. Create an interior adhering to strict boundaries, be it neoclassical, minimalism or Scandinavian style, this is considered not modern. Many leading designers recommend mixing - adding, for example, more colors to Scandinavian interiors or a completely different style. Interesting now more interior with character - you want lively and contrasting stylistic solutions.

Style trends such as industrial and baroque are also considered anti-trend.


Lots of metal, concrete ceilings, brick walls, as well as abundant stucco on the ceiling and walls, waves in all forms, arches, columns - all this boldly goes into the furnace of anti-trends of 2018! All these are outdated techniques in the interior of an apartment. Some characteristic elements of the industrial style continue to be at the peak of popularity, but are no longer used in the design of residential buildings.

Primitive hi-tech

If back in the 90s this style looked very advantageous against the backdrop of boring Soviet interiors, now it looks no less tasteless than them. This applies to classic high-tech (simple geometric shapes, often angular). And all because housing with rigid forms of furniture has become too boring and uncomfortable. Today, they are being replaced by softening, fancy forms, and furniture must be transformed. However, everything should be as practical and convenient as possible!

Flashy colors, chrome elements combined with budget faux leather furniture, ordinary geometric shapes in furniture and space - all this is considered an anti-trend for 2018.

Pastels, pale colors and simple bright colors

Down with pallor and transparent plastic furniture! In apartment design, many designers use pastel and light shades identified as anti-trends. Rich or muted complex shades remain pleasing to the eye. Interior design trends are moving away from light gray and beige colour, and they are replaced by brass and gold, lavender color, velvet.

Luxury in all its forms or vintage “queen’s boudoir”

Luxurious carved chairs, bedside tables, curtains with a lambrequin - all this is considered bad manners and has nothing to do with fashion trends.

Using many colors

One of the most important parts in the interior is the color combination! Sometimes they choose a lot of shades that are incompatible with each other. And this is a mistake. It is important to remember that color can influence the state of mind, mood and train of thought! Choose your favorite colors, consult with designers and approach this issue with caution. Eg: White color in the interior can fill you with energy and keep you on your toes. However, too much of it can lead to irritability and fatigue. Yellow in the interior it provokes brain activity and promotes creativity. Pink - calm and security.

Interior elements you should forget about

Several elements that can spoil the design

Transparent plastic furniture;
Sliding wardrobes with patterns on glass;
Bright and inappropriate photo wallpapers, prints on the walls;
Tiles with the same pattern (stamping). These are not only tiles with flowers and patterns, but also marble-like, concrete-like tiles with a repeating pattern;
Neon lighting and multi-level ceilings;
Bulky kitchen units;
Wallpaper with a glitter coating (when you pick up such a roll, put it back, cross yourself, and move on);
Cosmetics and souvenirs scattered around the house (various jars, cosmetics, gift sets, toys, letters on the walls, dishes and souvenirs).

These shells are a real punishment. They can be washed even after each use. And wash not only inside the sink, but also under it, because... splashes flow down the walls. In addition, you will have to constantly monitor the water pressure, because if you turn it on harder, splashes will be everywhere. Small children will need to buy a special high chair, otherwise such a sink will be too high for them or it should be installed lower.

Freestanding clawfoot bathtubs

They look, of course, luxurious and elegant. But there are difficulties with installation, because such baths require large premises. Caring for them is even more difficult: a freestanding bathtub will most often have a glossy, non-porous surface that requires special means. In addition, due to the high sides, it will be uncomfortable to get out of such a bathtub. You will need to wash while sitting all the time, and if you want to take a shower, you will need a circular curtain to prevent wet puddles from forming on the bathroom floor.

Open shelves

Looking at photographs of interiors, we forget that before taking the perfect photo, the photographer or decorator changed the arrangement of objects 10 times to achieve the desired result. Therefore, when we see neatly and beautifully arranged dishes and cute accessories in the photo, we want to do the same at home. In fact, open shelves is a constant headache(especially if you live in a city where there is more dust). They need to be wiped constantly. And this means: remove the dishes, wash them too (they also become covered with dust), and then put them in their places. Yes, and a special surprise awaits those who decide to hang open shelves next to the stove. Then the surfaces and the dishes themselves will be covered not just with dust, but with a sticky and greasy layer of dust, which cannot be removed with an ordinary damp cloth.

Washing in front of the window

Perhaps every second housewife dreams of washing dishes while looking out the window. Every time you hear something like this: “I really want a sink in front of the window, it’s so nice to wash dishes and admire nature.” Yes, this is nice, just keep in mind that over time, and especially if the window is located close to the sink, you will not admire the marvelous landscape outside the window, but the drops and streaks left on the glass from washing those very dishes. They cannot be avoided, and you will start wiping your kitchen windows in just a couple of weeks. Alas.

Walls covered with slate paint

To paint walls slate paint, and then draw and write on them, is now very fashionable. Despite this, owners of interiors with such walls say that since they painted the wall with slate paint, they can no longer afford anything else. Why? Yes, because this type of paint is very difficult to repaint to a different shade. It's the same as trying to change your hair color from a burning brunette to a blonde. And to be completely honest, writing with chalk on such walls is not very convenient. Not at all like on school board, some dirty and unclear inscriptions are obtained.

Extended curtains

Yes, now they do just that: they allow the curtains to flow across the floor, making the canvas 20 or even 50 cm longer. And the curtains really look beautiful. But when it comes to cleaning, it’s not hard to guess how much dust and dirt will accumulate in these long hems. Well, what if there is a dog or a cat at home? Then there will also be balls of wool. So, be prepared to wash your extra-long curtains three times more often.

Interior design trends do not change as rapidly as in clothing. Much that was fashionable in 2017 remains relevant this year. Geometry, concrete, loft and minimalism are still popular, natural materials. But there are also some changes and surprising new items. For example, instead of emerald central in fashionable interiors becomes a brick-red color.

Red color always dominates over other shades and attracts the attention of others. When used correctly, it turns any room into a fun and cheerful space.

The motto of the year is “Only the essentials.” More and more attention is being paid to the practicality of the room and the functionality of filling the space.

When decorating windows, it is better to abandon multi-layered heavy curtains and choose traditional combinations of light curtains and thin tulle

  • Abundance of light and spaciousness. In the interior, designers mainly pursue the goal of filling the room with light as much as possible and creating the illusion of more space. This trend has been relevant for several seasons.
  • Cool color palette. This trend follows from the previous one and is not a dogma.
  • Geometric motifs. Now they are found not only in patterns on wallpaper, but also in unusual shape furniture.
  • Eco-friendly materials. This trend is also not new. However, it is encouraging that materials that are safe from a toxic point of view are becoming more accessible to different segments of the population.
  • Built-in Appliances. A trend that has been relevant for several seasons and is loved for its practicality.
  • Textured surfaces. Due to the desire for practicality, object decoration is kept to a minimum. But unusual textures in decoration and furniture will prevent the apartment from looking too strict and boring.
  • Ergonomic storage. In 2018, countertops with many compartments are popular.
  • Mixing styles. This trend simplifies the process of selecting all the details for the whole composition, on the one hand, and on the other hand, it allows you to more clearly express your individuality.

Due to through holes V concrete blocks these partitions will not look like a boring monolith, but a brutal translucent design

Velvet upholstery in emerald, ultramarine or tart wine colors is still in fashion.

Fashionable color trends

Color plays a huge role in interior design and sometimes becomes the key chord of the entire composition. Through color you can convey the unique character of the room, highlight furniture and decorative details. In this regard, 2018 provides wide choose, because both minimalism and bold shades are in fashion. Everyone can find something fashionable color scheme for your apartment in accordance with your temperament and lifestyle.

Bright colors are always in fashion, the interior definitely ceases to be neutral

The most fashionable colors of this year:

  1. Red, as already mentioned, is becoming the main color in the interior of 2018. It is the color of a brownish tint that is relevant. It contains fashionable textiles, cabinet and upholstered furniture, and accessories.

    A fashionable combination of red furniture with a brown floor or even ceiling

  2. Turquoise color can compete with brick. At the peak of popularity is the turquoise-mint shade, which, according to psychologists, eases emotional distress. Curtains or upholstery upholstered furniture This shade will create a peaceful atmosphere in the room.

    Calm, cool color from nature is considered universal and ideal for interior decoration in classic and modern styles

  3. Violet. According to some designers, it should take precedence. Psychologists say that it helps relieve stress and increases concentration. It also has the property of suppressing hunger, which may please people who do not control their appetite.

    TO purple color everyone treats him differently, but he leaves no one indifferent

  4. Aquamarine. It is believed that it contributes to a greater saturation of life with emotions.

    The combination of sea green with white or beige makes the interior lighter and fresher

  5. Earth tones have been popular since last year. These are white, muted gray, sand and brown.

    Bright living room in shades of gray with delicate pink accents

  6. Dark colors continue to be trendy. The black color of kitchen facades is becoming widespread.

    Stylish black color can dilute any interior as a neutral color

  7. Copper and gold colors become more natural and strengthen their positions. Pastels are being replaced by more intense shades.

    Shiny brass tabletops, vases, lamps and mirror frames look great

In 2018, the unexpected is in fashion color combinations, such as aqua with yellow, or blue with orange.

It is not necessary to paint the walls yellow; it is enough to place a colorful sofa or table in the room. Yes, and not just yellow, but like in cartoons, juicy and positive

Styles and nuances in decor

In interior design, it is recommended to use a minimum number of elements that will create homely atmosphere, ideally, they should also provide some practical benefit. This is not asceticism pure form, but minimalism with a touch of luxury. When choosing a few decorative items, you should focus on high quality.

Exclusive interior items, made by hand or to order, are popular

Decor solutions:

  • Metal textures are at the peak of fashion. However, it is worth adding something more extraordinary than handles or a tabletop. An ultra-fashionable option would be round chandelier with gilding.
  • Chandeliers of the most unusual shapes are also popular.
  • 3D – mosaic. Choose one piece to decorate the room. For example, you can cover an apron with voluminous mosaics.
  • The same apron can be made printed by choosing a pattern to match the main design.
  • Walls decorated with mirror mosaics add light to the room and look very interesting.
  • Open shelves - with or without glass fronts. Visually increase the space.
  • Appliances bright color. In case you are tired of the built-in one, the equipment can be made an advantage of the room.
  • An unusual bright rug can also be used as an accent.

Metal looks good in the form of rods or other very fine lines, literally strokes

The wall can be completely covered with shelving and they will not “press” if you use a combination of closed and open shelves

The latest trends in kitchen interiors

In kitchen interior design, functionality and practicality are given a special place. And stylistic solutions can be very unusual and violate stereotyped ideas about decoration.

When decorating your kitchen, you don’t need to be afraid of bright colors; you can safely use yellow, light green or sunny orange

Kitchen interior design trends:

  1. An association. To expand the space, the kitchen is connected to other rooms. An excellent solution would be a kitchen-studio, which envelops the living room and is divided into zones. Designers often make a kitchen out of modules similar to ordinary furniture, combining it with another part of the apartment. The kitchen is no longer a confined space, cluttered with cabinets and objects, and is no longer perceived as a boring space solely for preparing food.
  2. Matte coating. Shiny lacquer facades are going out of fashion in 2018.
  3. Metal and stone finishing. Modern materials such as glass, wood, plastic and gypsum are also actively used. Combinations of different materials look interesting.
  4. Thin countertops and wide work surfaces.
  5. Cabinets without handles. The absence of a top row is welcome.

The interior of the kitchen should be spacious, with clear, laconic forms

There should be fresh flowers or herbs in the kitchen

Modern kitchen is different comfortable furniture. Each item in the room performs a function and is located in a designated place. No unnecessary things that just take up space. They prefer monochromatic dishes. Required Tools are located at arm's length on equipped countertops.

Household appliances are mainly built into furniture modules, but in some cases it is permissible not to hide it, but to make it an advantage of the room. The main thing is that it is easy to use and contributes to maximum optimization of cooking processes. Manufacturability is given great importance. Wi-Fi is built into modern technology for remote control and receiving notifications about the cooking process.

On modern kitchen Touch screens are becoming more and more common, and intuitively we understand that gadgets will be the main trend in the future

The highlight kitchen interior may become partial or full registration brick walls

For wall decoration small kitchen choose light colors of tiles or wallpaper. This will help visually increase the space. For greater effect, it is also recommended to keep the ceiling in light colors. This design will correspond to the minimalist trend. If desired, you can place non-flashy accents.

The softness of pastel and the nobility of metal

If, despite big choice fashionable colors, none of them seem suitable for decorating your apartment, there are perfect solution. Designers recognize pastel colors as relevant for the interior, regardless of the fashion season. Let us remember that pastel colors are shades of any color diluted with white. Thanks to its pigment, any color becomes more calm and suitable for decorating a living space.

Pastel colors usually include light blue, cream, milky, transparent yellow, pale pink and many other slightly muted and discreet shades

You can choose any pastel shade from a huge palette, and to express the fashionable spirit of the time, use the most trendy finishing materials in your interior design. A combination of pastel and metal will look piquant and fashionable. This material is now used not only as an additive, but also serves as the basis for entire kitchen surfaces.

Metal countertop in the interior of a fashionable kitchen

In addition to being spectacular, metal facades perform one small but pleasant function - you can attach magnets with task lists to them, or leave notes to your loved ones. Metal in facades combines well with glass, wood, concrete and stone. If the budget is low, it is permissible to use imitation metal.

Fashionable styles in the interior

Nowadays loft and minimalism dominate. Here key points characterizing them:

Minimalism Loft
Finished in chrome steel, glass, stone or wood Concrete floor and wall finishing
2 main colors, a third is possible as an accent Wall decoration with bleached or red brick
Massive windows to fill the room with light Open communications
No partitions in the room Beams on the ceiling
Geometricism of figures Raw wood tables and benches
Blinds instead of curtains Metal cabinets

Comfortable minimalism is ideal for small rooms- only necessary set objects, but the atmosphere should not be ascetic

The industrial design style, democratic and provocative at the same time, consists of ostentatious emptiness and deliberately rough details

If you are an avid fashionista or love drastic changes, then the style can be changed according to fashion. But remember that style, more than other aspects, reflects the character of the resident. If long-term living is planned in the apartment being renovated, it is recommended to choose a style that suits your temperament and lifestyle. Then the apartment will become as comfortable as possible for you, and you will look harmonious in your home. There will always be fashion trends that can be implemented within the style of your choice.

Video about what is hopelessly outdated in interiors

Photos of fashionable interiors

Interior and exterior design is one of those fields that is dynamic and constantly evolving. Every month something fundamentally new appears here. Keeping up with all the trends can be quite difficult, but with a new overview you can at least try to do this. Enjoy watching, there's sure to be something here to please everyone.

1. Glamor

Glamorous style is one of the main trends in interior design. This style involves the presence of exclusive furniture, stylish decorative items, expensive textiles and other luxury items. Many people mistakenly believe that glamor is a black and white or pink color scheme, an abundance of rhinestones, feathers and other frilly attributes. But in fact, this style is the embodiment of elegance, sophistication and solemnity.

2. Eco-style

For several years in a row, eco-style has remained at the peak of popularity in the field of interior design. Furniture from natural wood, brickwork, finishing the walls with logs - all this will make the interior unique, attractive and cozy.

3. Natural stone

Natural stones are another popular trend in interior design. Countertops, bathtubs, sinks and wall trim natural stones looks truly luxurious and stylish.

4. Textile finish

To replace paper and vinyl wallpaper textured and unusually pleasant to the touch textile wallpapers arrived. This decoration will emphasize the sophistication and elegance of the room, and will help create an atmosphere of warmth and homeliness in the room.

5. Geometry

The designers recommend that everyone who has started a renovation pay attention to geometric patterns. However, instead of banal designs, it is worth looking at ideas for non-standard tile laying, asymmetrical furniture with clear edges, original items decor and patterns on the carpet. Such techniques will undoubtedly add life and dynamics to the room.

6. Pastel shades

This season, designers preferred pastel colors to bright, flashy accents. color scheme. Such shades have a beneficial effect on the psyche and help create a relaxing atmosphere. The walls of a room decorated in pastel colors You can decorate it with a watercolor pattern, which will look interesting and impressive against the background of muted shades.

7. Plants

Eco-friendliness is recognized as the most fashionable trend of this year, which is manifested not only in the use of natural finishing materials. Famous designers actively use living plants for room decoration. Among other things, plants are perhaps the easiest way to refresh the interior and add oxygen to it, which is especially important for residents of megacities.

8. Functionality and ergonomics

Fashionable design trends are rapidly replacing large-sized furniture and useless decorative items, promoting minimalism, practicality and functionality. Furniture transformers, lightweight partitions and all kinds of “smart” storage systems will allow you to create a stylish and comfortable home.

9. Recreation area

Residents of megacities live in an accelerated, if not stressful, rhythm. High quality and comfortable stay- a vital necessity for such people. Therefore, the main element of the bedroom is a large and comfortable bed with good orthopedic mattress and pleasant to the touch bed linen. Designers also recommend abandoning unnecessary furniture and paying attention to light and sound insulation.

10. Metallic shine

Copper, brass and gold are the most fashionable materials this year. They can be used both in decoration and in accessories. The combination of black and gold in wall decoration, copper-colored lamps in a bright kitchen, vases, figurines made of brass and copper in the living room are amazing ideas for creating a stylish interior.

11. Animalistic motifs

Fashionable design trends gravitate toward nature and strive to break the boundaries of familiar city apartments. Animals painted on the walls, small paintings with realistic images of predators and herbivores, animal prints will add exotic notes to the interior, making the home spectacular and original.

12. Photo wallpaper

Photo wallpaper is not a new, but still a current trend in the field of interior design. Photo wallpaper with perspective will create the illusion of endless space, which is especially important for owners of small apartments.

13. Bright ceiling

16. Retro

Modern interiors look luxurious and comfortable, but they often lack the soulfulness and warmth that is felt in the old apartment of elderly parents. Create cozy interior Retro style details that are popular this season will help. Artificially aged or antique furniture, colorful textiles, decorations self made will turn your home into a cozy family nest.

Continuing the theme that will make the interior exceptional.


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