Can tomatoes be stored in the refrigerator? How to store ripe tomatoes

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Collecting bountiful harvest With personal plot, we try to preserve the fruits of our labor for as long as possible. This also applies to the harvest of red berries - tomatoes. And everything would be fine when there is a private house, but, for example, how to store tomatoes in an apartment, and if they do not have time to ripen, then what to do with green tomatoes? In our article you will find answers to these questions.

Which varieties are suitable for long-term storage?

When choosing a tomato variety, pay attention to its ripening period: there are early-ripening, mid-ripening and late-ripening varieties. Late varieties are suitable for storage.

Did you know? IN late varieties contains the Rin gene: it slows down the ripening of the fetus, stretching the metabolism. Therefore, the pulp and crust of these varieties of tomatoes remain juicy and elastic.

The late varieties include a number of varieties and hybrids: Giraffe, New Year's, large tomatoes Long Keeper, F1, Lazybok and Masterpiece, Khutorskoy and hybrid Khrustik.

Varieties such as Red Cherry, Cherry Lisa, Cherry Lycopa can be stored for 2.5 months. Raceme varieties have very good characteristics for long-term storage: Intuition, Instinct, Reflex. Similar characteristics inherent in the following hybrids: Monica, Master, Diamond, Viscount, Trust, Resento.

How to properly harvest tomatoes for storage

Whether you keep tomatoes fresh for the winter depends on the conditions in which they were collected.

  • Collect tomatoes for storage before frost (night temperature should not drop below +8...+5 °C).
  • Harvest tomatoes for storage during the day, after the dew has cleared.
  • Use only undamaged and firm tomatoes.
  • Sort by size.
  • Sort by maturity.
  • Remove the stems from each berry, but do not pull them out. This way you can damage the fruit itself. If the stem does not come off, leave it on the tomato.

Did you know? Large vegetables ripen faster than small ones.

What conditions are needed for storing tomatoes?

The room where tomatoes will be stored must be clean, ventilated, and dark. Tomatoes for storage are placed in 2-3 layers in boxes after preliminary sorting.
To save everything useful material in tomatoes and prevent them from spoiling, it is necessary to observe temperature regime. Suitable for tomatoes of different ripeness different temperatures: 1-2 °C – for ripe ones, 4-6 °C – for slightly reddened ones, and for green ones – 8-12 °C. The maximum permissible temperature should not exceed +18 °C.

Humidity should also not be neglected: provide a sufficient level of moisture in the room, but do not over-moisten it. It is necessary to inspect the storage bookmark every day.

How to store ripe tomatoes

Experienced agronomists always knew how to save fresh tomatoes longer. It is advised to prepare a non-concentrated gelatin solution or apply a wax layer to the fruit. After such manipulations, the fruits are dried and sent for storage. They say that you can extend storage by using alcohol/vodka, 0.3% solution boric acid or a light pink solution of potassium permanganate. All this will completely destroy microbes on tomatoes.

Temperature affects the shelf life of ripe tomatoes. Ripe tomato fruits can be stored for up to one and a half months at a temperature of 1–3 °C without losing their quality.

Ripe tomatoes can be stored in jars by covering the fruits with mustard powder or by “dry sterilization” with alcohol. Ripe fruits can be stored in paper bags, cardboard boxes, plastic bags, refrigerator or any ventilated area.

Storage conditions for green tomatoes

In folk practice, there are many ways to store green tomatoes until they ripen. In order for everything to work out, it is important to comply with temperature conditions. In order for tomatoes to remain green for as long as possible, the temperature should be between 10–12 °C with air humidity of 80–85%.

For storage, choose medium-sized fruits of green or milky pink color. We spread the fruits in 2-3 layers, with the “butts” on top. Can be stored in cardboard boxes, plastic ventilated boxes, on shelves in the basement. If you store tomatoes in boxes, cover the fruits onion skins and keep the temperature -2..+2 ºС - this will prolong storage.

Materials that prolong storage:

  • sphagnum peat;
  • sawdust;
  • onion peel;
  • Vaseline and paraffin (need to be applied to each fruit);
  • paper (you need to wrap each individual tomato).

It turns out there is a proven way to store green tomatoes so that they turn red. Don't need any special treatments or paints. Add some red tomatoes and hay to the boxes if you want to speed up the ripening process. Bananas are also suitable for these purposes: ripe tomatoes and ripe bananas emit ethylene, which accelerates ripening. Bring ripening tomatoes into the light - this will speed up the “coloring” of the fruit.

You can store tomatoes as a whole bush. Before frost, you need to hang a healthy bush with green tomatoes in a room where it is dry, warm and has enough light. This upside down position will provide useful elements to all the fruits.

If the room temperature exceeds 30 °C, completely unripe tomatoes will turn red, their taste will be sour, although it will look like a red tomato. Tomatoes are adversely affected by dry air and high temperatures: the fruits will be wrinkled with an altered pulp structure. And if there is damp air and low temperature when storing tomatoes, the tomatoes may not turn red at all, diseases will develop, and the fruits will become unfit for consumption.

By following these simple conditions, you can be sure that the tomatoes will last up to 2.5 months or longer.

Where is the best place to store tomatoes?

When wondering how to store tomatoes, we must also think about where to store them. Storage location is very important for this berry. If you live in a private house, then store tomatoes in the cellar or garage (if there is enough moisture and no harmful substances). In an apartment, many people cannot imagine how they can keep tomatoes fresh for the winter. A balcony or bathroom is suitable for storage. In both options, it is necessary to maintain constant moisture, ensure the absence of light (tomatoes ripen faster in the light) and a moderate temperature. And, of course, do not forget to periodically inspect the fruits for damage or manifestations of possible diseases.

Why you can't store tomatoes in the refrigerator

Important! Only ripened fruits can be stored in the refrigerator.

It is not advisable to store green tomatoes in the refrigerator - they will not ripen. Eat certain conditions how to store tomatoes in the refrigerator.

  • Store only ripe berries.
  • Place the fruit in the vegetable compartment.
  • You can wrap each tomato in paper.
  • Tomatoes can be kept in the refrigerator for up to 7 days.

If you store tomatoes beyond this period, they will lose their taste. Also, the pulp will begin to undergo changes in its structure to the point that you will not be able to eat the tomatoes and will have to throw them away.

What to do if tomatoes start to rot

No matter how you try to keep fresh tomatoes longer, some of them can still spoil. Therefore, it is important to inspect the fruits daily. The most common tomato diseases are late blight and bacterial canker. The first appears in the form of vague subcutaneous spots, and the second affects the stalk. The spots are brown in color with a white halo along the edges and have a black border.

Kira Stoletova

Many of us love salads made from fresh vegetables, such as cucumbers and tomatoes. In this article we will look at how to keep tomatoes fresh for as long as possible at home.

Rules for storing tomatoes

At 5-6º, red vegetables lose all their beneficial properties. The optimal storage temperature is above 20º. In such conditions, tomatoes became more useful and rich in composition.

Red, ripe fruits can be stored for about a week. Again, the shelf life of tomatoes depends on their degree of ripeness, appearance and transportation conditions.

Storing green tomatoes

Green tomatoes cannot be stored in the refrigerator. They will spoil or remain green.

The process of ripening tomatoes should take place at room temperature(15-20º). If the room is too hot, the fruits will stop releasing coloring pigment and will not ripen. It is best if the temperature reaches 13º. Only in this case will they turn red and retain their taste.

Tatyana Orlova (candidate of agricultural sciences):

If there is a need for picked green tomato fruits to ripen faster, it is enough to add 1 red to a group of green tomatoes. After 3-5 days, all the fruits will also turn red. A fresh ripe banana placed in a box of green tomatoes gives the same effect. This happens because ripe fruits release ethylene gas, which speeds up the ripening of the fruit.

It is correct to store fresh tomatoes in the refrigerator in the fruit and vegetable compartment, where the optimum temperature is maintained. You can also store tomatoes on the bottom shelf. This will keep your tomatoes fresh for as long as possible.

Ripe tomatoes are stored for 2-3 days. Unripe - up to 7 days.

  • It is best to store tomatoes by placing them in one row. You can, of course, lay them in two rows, but so that the bottom row is not too compressed.
  • If a tomato is left in the refrigerator for several days and then placed in a room at room temperature, it begins to release beneficial substances.
  • Wrap each tomato in paper. This will preserve the strength for a long time. In addition, the paper does not squeeze the tomato if the fruits were arranged in two rows.

Storing tomatoes in in a plastic bag will not lead to anything good. The fruits do not breathe, the humidity in the bag increases and after a few hours such vegetables can simply rot.

Storage in a glass jar

Storing tomatoes in glass jars allows you to preserve fruits for several months. The main thing is to choose tomatoes that do not contain rot and mechanical damage.

A new way that allows you to store tomatoes in this form is as follows. Fresh tomatoes should be thoroughly washed and dried. Next, put them in a glass jar, which must be sterilized. When the jar is full, pour in 3 tbsp. l. alcohol After that, close it with a plastic lid and twirl it well in your hands. Then we need to lower the wick inside the jar and set it on fire. When the alcohol starts to burn, you need to roll up the jar with a metal lid.

Storage on the balcony

You can store tomatoes on the balcony at temperatures from 5 to 12º. How to do it correctly:

  1. First you will have to find a box, preferably a wooden one.
  2. We cover it with paper and put tomatoes there. Paper can be replaced with cotton fabric.
  3. If the tomatoes are laid out in several rows, then be sure to lay paper or fabric between the rows. But it is strictly forbidden to use plastic bags or film.
  4. Boxes with vegetables can be stacked on top of each other.

In order to extend the ripening period of green fruits and thereby lengthen the period of its consumption, all collected green tomatoes are divided into several batches and stored at different temperatures. One group of fruits can be placed in a room (for example, on a windowsill). They will reach maturity in 7-10 days. Keep the second batch on the balcony or glass loggia, where the usual autumn temperature is + 12-15 degrees. The third batch is in the refrigerator, in the vegetable compartment.

By collecting a generous harvest from our plot, we try to preserve the fruits of our labor for as long as possible. This also applies to the harvest of red berries - tomatoes. And everything would be fine when there is a private house, but, for example, how to store tomatoes in an apartment, and if they do not have time to ripen, then what to do with green tomatoes? In our article you will find answers to these questions.

When choosing a tomato variety, pay attention to its ripening period: there are early-ripening, mid-ripening and late-ripening varieties. Late varieties are suitable for storage.

Did you know? Late varieties contain the Rin gene: it slows down the ripening of the fruit, stretching the metabolism. Therefore, the pulp and crust of these varieties of tomatoes remain juicy and elastic.

The late varieties include a number of varieties and hybrids: Giraffe, New Year's, large tomatoes Long Keeper, F1, Lazybok and Masterpiece, Khutorskoy and hybrid Khrustik.

Varieties such as Red Cherry, Cherry Lisa, Cherry Lycopa can be stored for 2.5 months. Carpal varieties have very good characteristics for long-term storage: Intuition, Instinct, Reflex. Similar characteristics are inherent in the following hybrids: Monica, Master, Diamond, Viscount, Trust, Resento.

How to properly harvest tomatoes for storage

Whether you keep tomatoes fresh for the winter depends on the conditions in which they were collected.

  • Collect tomatoes for storage before frost (night temperature should not drop below +8...+5 °C).
  • Harvest tomatoes for storage during the day, after the dew has cleared.
  • Use only undamaged and firm tomatoes.
  • Sort by size.
  • Sort by maturity.
  • Remove the stems from each berry, but do not pull them out. This way you can damage the fruit itself. If the stem does not come off, leave it on the tomato.

Did you know? Large vegetables ripen faster than small ones.

What conditions are needed for storing tomatoes?

The room where tomatoes will be stored must be clean, ventilated, and dark. Tomatoes for storage are placed in 2-3 layers in boxes after preliminary sorting. To preserve all the beneficial substances in tomatoes and prevent them from spoiling, it is necessary to maintain temperature conditions. Different temperatures are suitable for tomatoes of different ripeness: 1-2 °C for ripe ones, 4-6 °C for slightly reddened ones, and 8-12 °C for green ones. The maximum permissible temperature should not exceed +18 °C.

Humidity should also not be neglected: provide a sufficient level of moisture in the room, but do not over-moisten it. It is necessary to inspect the storage bookmark every day.

How to store ripe tomatoes

Experienced agronomists have always known how to preserve fresh tomatoes longer. It is advised to prepare a non-concentrated gelatin solution or apply a wax layer to the fruit. After such manipulations, the fruits are dried and sent for storage. They say that you can extend storage by using alcohol/vodka, a 0.3% solution of boric acid or a light pink solution of potassium permanganate. All this will completely destroy microbes on tomatoes.

Temperature affects the shelf life of ripe tomatoes. Ripe tomato fruits can be stored for up to one and a half months at a temperature of 1–3 °C without losing their quality.

Ripe tomatoes can be stored in jars by covering the fruits with mustard powder or by “dry sterilization” with alcohol. You can store ripe fruits in paper bags, cardboard boxes, plastic bags, a refrigerator or in any ventilated area.

Storage conditions for green tomatoes

In folk practice, there are many ways to store green tomatoes until they ripen. In order for everything to work out, it is important to comply with temperature conditions. In order for tomatoes to remain green for as long as possible, the temperature should be between 10–12 °C with air humidity of 80–85%.

For storage, choose medium-sized fruits of green or milky pink color. We spread the fruits in 2-3 layers, with the “butts” on top. You can store it in cardboard boxes, plastic ventilated boxes, or on shelves in the basement. If you store tomatoes in boxes, then cover the fruits with onion peels and keep the temperature at -2..+2 ºС - this will prolong storage.

Materials that prolong storage:

  • sphagnum peat;
  • sawdust;
  • onion peel;
  • Vaseline and paraffin (need to be applied to each fruit);
  • paper (you need to wrap each individual tomato).


It turns out there is a proven way to store green tomatoes so that they turn red. No special treatments or paints are needed. Add some red tomatoes and hay to the boxes if you want to speed up the ripening process. Bananas are also suitable for these purposes: ripe tomatoes and ripe bananas emit ethylene, which accelerates ripening. Bring ripening tomatoes into the light - this will speed up the “coloring” of the fruit.

You can store tomatoes as a whole bush. Before frost, you need to hang a healthy bush with green tomatoes in a room where it is dry, warm and has enough light. This upside down position will provide useful elements to all the fruits.

If the room temperature exceeds 30 °C, completely unripe tomatoes will turn red, their taste will be sour, although it will look like a red tomato. Tomatoes are adversely affected by dry air and high temperatures: the fruits will be wrinkled with an altered pulp structure. And if there is damp air and low temperature when storing tomatoes, the tomatoes may not turn red at all, diseases will develop, and the fruits will become unfit for consumption.

By following these simple conditions, you can be sure that the tomatoes will last up to 2.5 months or longer.

Where is the best place to store tomatoes?

When wondering how to store tomatoes, we must also think about where to store them. Storage location is very important for this berry. If you live in a private house, then store tomatoes in the cellar or garage (if there is enough moisture and no harmful substances). In an apartment, many people cannot imagine how they can keep tomatoes fresh for the winter. A balcony or bathroom is suitable for storage. In both options, it is necessary to maintain constant moisture, ensure the absence of light (tomatoes ripen faster in the light) and a moderate temperature. And, of course, do not forget to periodically inspect the fruits for damage or manifestations of possible diseases.

Why you can't store tomatoes in the refrigerator

Important! Only ripened fruits can be stored in the refrigerator. It is not advisable to store green tomatoes in the refrigerator - they will not ripen. There are certain conditions on how to store tomatoes in the refrigerator.

  • Store only ripe berries.
  • Place the fruit in the vegetable compartment.
  • You can wrap each tomato in paper.
  • Tomatoes can be kept in the refrigerator for up to 7 days.

If you store tomatoes beyond this period, they will lose their taste. Also, the pulp will begin to undergo changes in its structure to the point that you will not be able to eat the tomatoes and will have to throw them away.

What to do if tomatoes start to rot

No matter how you try to keep fresh tomatoes longer, some of them can still spoil. Therefore, it is important to inspect the fruits daily. The most common tomato diseases are late blight and bacterial canker. The first appears in the form of vague subcutaneous spots, and the second affects the stalk. The spots are brown in color with a white halo along the edges and have a black border.

Important! Bacterial canker infects the seeds and spreads with them. These diseases can be overcome by unusual way– “sterilization” of tomatoes.

  1. Heat the water to 60°C.
  2. Lower the tomatoes for strictly 2 minutes.
  3. Dry.
  4. Place in another storage area on newspaper or burlap.

Now the question of how to store tomatoes at home or how to store tomatoes in the refrigerator so that they remain fresh for the winter will not confuse you. Use proven ways to preserve tomatoes longer, and let this berry delight you with its taste and aroma.

Storing tomatoes involves many nuances. These vegetables are sensitive to foreign odors, so they should be placed away from other foods. In addition, some fruits can speed up the ripening process of tomatoes, and they will spoil faster than the standard shelf life. In addition, the period of preservation of freshness of tomatoes is influenced by their variety. Mid-season and late varieties will last longer than early varieties.

The nuances of storing tomatoes:

  • when storing a tomato, it should be placed with the stalk facing up (the skin in this area is more delicate, so the weight of the tomato can cause it to deteriorate faster);
  • tomatoes in supermarkets are pre-stored in refrigerators, so they will be stored at room temperature less than tomatoes grown independently or purchased at the market;
  • after exposure to tomato low temperatures, its taste properties change, but some of them can be restored if, after cold conditions, the tomato is left at room temperature for 24 hours;
  • tomatoes grown independently last longer than those purchased in stores;
  • It is necessary to store only tomatoes with the hardest possible skin, on which there are no mechanical damage or signs of disease;
  • overripe tomatoes cannot be stored;
  • if there are a lot of tomatoes, it is better to store them in wooden boxes(from time to time it is necessary to turn the tomatoes over and inspect them to identify the first signs of rotting);
  • when storing tomatoes in boxes, the bottom should be covered with paper, and it is better to sprinkle the tomatoes themselves with sawdust;
  • Before storage, tomatoes do not need to be washed, and their surface must be completely dry;
  • if you cannot avoid storing tomatoes in the refrigerator, then before placing them in the cold, each vegetable should be wrapped in paper or regular newspaper;
  • tomatoes ripen quickly at home; to extend the shelf life of tomatoes, you need to separate them with paper or sawdust, preventing them from coming into contact with each other;
  • store tomatoes in plastic bag or in the refrigerator is not recommended (condensation in the bag will cause signs of rotting, and low temperature will accelerate it);
  • if the tomatoes are picked along with the branches, it is better not to remove them (this will extend the shelf life);
  • Alcohol will help keep the tomatoes fresh a little longer (with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol, carefully wipe each tomato and wait for the substance to evaporate, after which the tomatoes are placed in a place for potential storage).

How long and at what temperature should tomatoes be stored?

Tomatoes are best stored at room temperature.. For 5-7 days, medium-ripe tomatoes do not lose their taste and shape. If the tomatoes are not ripe, then it is better to place them in the open rays of the sun on the windowsill and periodically turn them with their unripe sides up. In other cases, tomatoes should be stored in cooler and darker places.

At temperatures below +15 degrees, tomatoes lose their taste characteristics and the structure of their pulp changes. Store tomatoes in the refrigerator only as a last resort. When exposed to low temperatures, they will begin to deteriorate within a few days.

The process of rotting a tomato begins from the inside. Most often this happens within 6-7 days. It is possible to extend the shelf life of tomatoes, but the additional period will not be long and will be limited to a few days. The optimal conditions for storing tomatoes are considered to be a temperature range of +12 to +15 degrees with an average air humidity of 80%.

Late and mid-season varieties tomatoes can be stored for up to two weeks at room temperature or in the refrigerator. Main role in in this case plays a role in the degree of ripeness of tomatoes. If the tomatoes are not ripe, they can be stored for two weeks after reaching full ripening.

There are two other ways to preserve tomatoes for 3-4 months. The tomatoes must be thoroughly washed and placed in a jar so that they do not fit tightly together and remain free place. Add a few tablespoons of alcohol or mustard to a jar of tomatoes, and then close the lid tightly. After this procedure, the jar must be thoroughly shaken so that the additional ingredient completely covers the skin of the tomatoes. If alcohol was added, then it must be carefully set on fire and the lid rolled up. traditional way. The jars must be pasteurized and the tomatoes clean. In this state, the tomatoes will retain their freshness and after a few months they will still remain juicy and ripe.

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How to store tomatoes at home? This question arises only for those who have a supply or who have reaped a rich harvest in the fall. There are techniques that allow you to keep them fresh without resorting to preservation for long enough.

But first, let's deal with small batches.

Can it be stored in the refrigerator?

Many people know that storing tomatoes in the refrigerator is not the best option: Tomatoes quickly lose their taste, and in appearance they become loose and completely unattractive.

The fact is that the bright and beloved taste fresh tomatoes- this is the result of a combination of sugars, acids and volatile substances. Volatile substances are temperature dependent, so with too much cold or, conversely, with too high a temperature, tomatoes change their taste and aroma not for the better.

In addition, harmful elements accumulate in fruits that are stored in the refrigerator for a long time. Is it even possible to store these vegetables in the refrigerator? Of course, but you need to take into account that without a significant loss of taste they will lie there for a short time.

At temperatures from +4 C to +6 C, tomatoes purchased in good condition can lie in a refrigerator drawer without packaging for about a month,At temperatures from +1 C to +3 C degrees – about forty days. At the same time, they will become soft, loose, and lose taste and aroma.

Preparing a large harvest for storage

To successfully store tomatoes at home, you need to prepare them correctly:

  • Storing tomatoes, like other vegetables, starts with sorting. We put ripe and overripe ones into food or processing first, but pinkish, brown, whitened and green ones can wait.
  • Thus, it is necessary to separate vegetables according to maturity and size. This is important because different values ​​are recommended for red and green fruits. optimal temperature, and large tomatoes tend to ripen faster than small ones.
  • It makes sense to store only dense, truly fresh tomatoes. Even one slightly damaged one can cause damage to the entire volume of reserves. For the same reason, stocks must be periodically inspected, removing spoiled ones from the total mass.
  • Vegetables will last a long time if they are stored completely dry and with their stems intact.
  • A weak gelatin solution or a thin wax layer helps keep tomatoes fresh. Each fruit is treated with this “protection”, which then needs to be slightly dried.
  • Vegetables will be stored longer if they are treated with potassium permanganate or a solution of boric acid (0.3%).
  • Sorted, processed vegetables can be placed in storage containers.

Ripe tomatoes are best consumed first.

How to store the harvest

Where to store tomatoes? In any suitable room at your disposal. To take into account the main factors for long-term maintenance of fresh tomatoes, you can adhere to the following rules:

  • Store in treated lattice, well-ventilated boxes. There should be clean paper at the bottom. The fruits must be arranged correctly: lay rows of paper or wrap each tomato separately. They can also be sprinkled with peat or sawdust.
  • Tomatoes that were collected at the stage of milk ripeness should be wrapped in thin black paper and placed in a box, separating the layers from each other with straw.
  • It is best to place the container in a dark, well-ventilated room where the temperature is maintained at +10 C.
  • In the room where vegetables will be kept, it is necessary to provide ventilation to eliminate the gas emitted by tomatoes.
  • Approximately once every 7-10 days you need to check your supplies: spoiled vegetables should not be stored together with healthy ones. The most common reasons fruit spoilage - late blight and bacterial cancer. The fact that the fruits are sick is indicated by brown spots appearing on them. Such tomatoes can be saved by pasteurization.
  • IN hot water vegetables are immersed and kept there for 2 minutes. It is not recommended to exceed this time, as this risks the fruits simply softening and becoming loose. After this, they need to be placed on paper to dry in a dry and ventilated place.
  • If all recommendations are followed, the fruits suitable varieties Will stay fresh until January.

Green and red tomatoes require various conditions for successful storage

Other storage methods

  • Freezing. Quick-frozen fresh ripe tomatoes can be stored for three to four months. At the same time, defrosted vegetables stored in freezer, are great for preparing salads and other dishes.
  • Vacuum. The fruits are placed in sterilized jars and filled with two tablespoons of alcohol. The jars need to be rotated so that the alcohol gets onto more fruits. In the next step, the wick is lowered into the container and set on fire. After some time, the alcohol will begin to burn, and this is the best moment to roll up the jar. The oxygen in it will burn, and the tomatoes will end up in a vacuum. You can also use a special device to create a vacuum. They can survive in a vacuum for about three months.
  • Mustard. Sterilized three liter jars You need to pour a thick layer of mustard powder on the bottom. Place a layer of tomatoes on top; storage will be successful if you place them with their stems facing up. Sprinkle them thickly with mustard, then add another layer. The final layer should again be mustard. The jars are rolled up and stored. This method will help extend the life of the crop as much as is provided for by the keeping quality of the selected variety.
  • Vinegar-salt solution. Place the washed tomatoes in a bowl and pour in a mixture of vinegar, water and salt (8:1:1);
  • Vegetable oil. Fill in vegetable oil tomatoes (the top of the vegetables should be covered by one centimeter of oil).
  • Salt. Place chopped vegetables into a container in an approximately 8-10 cm layer, sprinkle a little salt, and place whole fruits on top of them, which are also salted. Do this until the container is full.

Simple boxes are ideal for storing vegetables

Varieties suitable for storage

Experienced gardeners know, but beginners need to take into account that for long storage Not all varieties are suitable, but only those that are intended for long-term preservation.

Here are some of the varieties popular with our gardeners:

  • Average shelf life (approximately two months): “Oak”, “Moonlight”, “Japanese Crab”, “New Masterpiece”.
  • Tomatoes that will last until the new year: Khutorskoy, Zhanna, New Year's, Rio Grande, Podzimny, Masterpiece.
  • Tomatoes that can be stored fresh throughout the winter: Khrustik F1, Vasilisa, Giraffe, Long Keeper, Orange Ball.

You can find out which variety is suitable for storage before choosing seeds or seedlings in the store; in addition, this is indicated on the seed packaging. In any case, given the difference in climate in different regions, it is best to choose varieties zoned for your conditions.

Tomatoes are surprisingly beneficial vegetables for human health. They contain a lot of useful acids, for example, phosphoric and citric, as well as vitamins of groups A, B, C and D. In addition, these vegetables are useful because the carotene they contain becomes a vitamin when it enters the human body And, bringing great benefits.

Of course, like any other product, they lose some of their properties during storage. beneficial properties, but compliance optimal conditions allows you to significantly slow down this process.


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