Is it possible to paint wood with concrete paint? Facade paint for wood: oil-based, acrylic, silicone, alkyd compositions

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Facade paints for wooden houses The application is quite different. Here you need to approach not just from the point of view of color, you should remember that this is an open surface and the best facade paint for wood should be chosen.

This is exactly the topic we will talk about today. Also in the video in this article you can see the types of dyes and choose the right option.

A variety of paints for wooden surfaces

Paint for facade works wood is divided into several types. They all differ in their composition. This is where you have to make a choice, because some apply varnish, others leave the natural shape.

After all, each dye must be selected depending on the tree. Instructions on the selection rules will be below. All the work can be done with your own hands, and then the final price will be significantly lower.


This coating is characterized by high penetrating ability, in some cases the penetration depth reaches 7 mm. Thanks to this property wooden elements will be reliably protected from exposure environment, putrefactive and mold manifestations.

Functions performed by an antiseptic:

  • Endowing wood with antiseptic properties;
  • Protection of wooden surfaces from atmospheric influences;
  • Preventing the formation of mold and rot;
  • Decorative design of wood, creation of a transparent tinted coating.

There are 2 types of antiseptic:

  • Glazing. This coating is transparent, emphasizing the noble natural shade of wood. The glazed look preserves the wood texture well.
  • Covering or opaque antiseptic, on the contrary, hides the entire texture of the tree, but its relief is preserved.

Acrylic paint

Facade acrylic paints for wood are becoming increasingly popular. There are a lot of advantages here.


  • High weather resistance, reliable protection of the wooden surface from moisture. This coating is resistant to severe frosts, temperature changes.
  • Preservation of original color and shine a long period . The brightness and freshness of color lasts for years. Another plus - acrylic paint mixes perfectly, allowing you to choose the desired shade.
  • Good vapor permeability properties. This means that the paint does not close the pores and allows the surface to breathe, allowing air to pass through it perfectly.
  • Elasticity due to the presence of a component such as acrylic. The paint seems to adapt to the rhythm of life at home, so it does not crack even under the influence of deforming factors.
  • Environmentally friendly safe coating option. The main component of acrylic paint is water, the binding elements are acrylates. Acrylic paint has become No. 1 in European countries, including the northern states. It accounts for over 80% of painted houses.
  • No specific rubber smell.
  • Acrylic paint for facade wood is quite convenient to paint. To apply the layer, you can use either a roller, a brush or a spray gun.
  • Dries quickly. If there is a need to renew the layer, it is not necessary to perform preliminary cleaning.

Oil paint

Oil paint has the same ability to withstand atmospheric and temperature influences as acrylic coating, and what they have in common with an antiseptic is excellent absorption into the surface.


  • The price of the material is quite affordable and everyone can afford it.
  • A large selection of colors that will allow you to choose not just a color, but also a shade. You can also always mix them, because they combine and acquire desired color no problem.
  • Restoration does not take much time. After all, the layer can be safely applied one on top of the other.
  • They serve as excellent protection against moisture and withstand temperature changes well.
  • The only disadvantage of oil paint is that it is too for a long time drying: this takes more than a day. There is also a small nuance: over time, the oil finish may slightly change in color, becoming matte. Although this drawback practically does not matter for light colors.

Alkyd paint

This type of paint was known even before the advent of acrylic paints, and every year the demand for them is only growing. This is due to the low cost and increased protective properties. Alkyd paint is characterized by the formation of a thin film on the surface being treated that repels water.

  • Alkyd paint dries very quickly, which is both its plus and minus: fast drying does not allow the enamel to penetrate deeply into the wood, and this affects its durability.
  • Alkyd paint is well suited for painting windows, doorways, thresholds, such building elements that require reliable protection from moisture. In addition, it is resistant to temperature changes and can withstand extremely low temperatures.
  • Alkyd paint should be applied exclusively to a dry surface, otherwise the formation of bubbles and peeling is guaranteed. It will take up to 12 hours for one layer to dry.

Rubber paint

Latex or otherwise rubber paint for wooden surfaces - modern look coatings whose characteristics surpass well-known paints and varnishes. Judging by its composition, rubber paint can easily be classified as acrylic, since its base is also water and acrylates. But still its quality is somewhat different, improved through the use of the latest technological developments.

Advantages of rubber paint:

  • Environmental cleanliness, health safety. All related work can be carried out without the use of personal protective equipment.
  • High strength and protective properties. It copes well with all kinds of aggressive environmental factors: ultraviolet radiation, precipitation, wind load, pathogenic microflora and others.
  • Has good vapor permeability, allows the tree to breathe.
  • When dried, a durable, velvety film is formed on the surface, very elastic.. Rubber paint creates a pleasant texture. It is capable of stretching, so cracks are invisible - from above the surface looks solid.
  • Surface painted latex paint, it is allowed to wash with an alkali-based solution.

Which facade paint for wood to choose: Video

Regardless of the appearance of various materials on the construction market, wooden buildings remain at the peak of popularity. Such houses have a better microclimate, and their construction is sometimes easier than, for example, brick ones. But to maintain an attractive appearance, the tree needs additional processing. Most often, facade wood paint is used for this process. At the moment, there are a great variety of such coatings, so it’s worth understanding all the variety presented.

Types of facade paints

The main function of the coating wooden house paint and varnish material, in addition to the aesthetic component, is to increase the resistance of wood to external influences and increasing its service life. The right choice of facade paint can perform these two functions simultaneously. So, facade paints on wood intended for exterior work are of the following types:

Advantages and disadvantages of facade paints

Each paint has its own positive traits, and negative, so it is worth considering these features depending on the type of solution.

Acrylic is characterized by a high percentage of environmental friendliness and protects the surface much better from the adverse effects of the environment, due to the formation of a kind of film on the surface, from which moisture evaporates when it dries. It became popular thanks to another quality of the resulting layer - strength. Because of this, it does not crack throughout its entire service life, even with strong temperature changes.

Due to its low cost and wide range of uses, it is chosen by many alkyd paint. It can be used to paint some elements of the house, for example, frames, entrance doors, platbands. It is very important that the surface to be painted is as dry as possible. Otherwise, the resulting layer will very quickly crack and become unusable.

For a long time, while there were no other species, they were very popular oil paints. At the moment, facades are painted with them less and less, since such a solution has poor adhesion to other painting materials. If the surface is covered with oil paint, then it will not be possible to renew it with another paint and varnish substance. In addition, it takes a long time to dry and has a very pungent and unpleasant odor.

Criteria for choosing paint for the facade

For a wooden facade, you should select a composition that is not afraid of exposure to moisture, temperature changes and direct sun rays. The surface must be vapor-permeable so that the house has the opportunity to “breathe”. In any case, facade paint for wood must have a high degree of adhesion not only to wood, but also to other paints and varnishes. An additional advantage will be the protection of the wood from fungus and mold.

Most often they choose for a wooden facade acrylic compositions, which will retain their properties throughout the entire period of operation. At the moment, this paint and varnish material is in large assortment presented on the construction market. When choosing, you should decide on the necessary paint properties and shade. It would also be useful to clarify the service life and compare it with the one that is planned. It is imperative to find out in advance whether the paint can be applied to an already painted surface and hide minor defects. Fire retardant wood paint is often chosen for wood buildings.

Popular manufacturers and prices

At the moment, as mentioned, there are many types of facade compositions made of wood from a wide variety of manufacturers on the market. Here are the most popular ones:

We also cannot fail to mention Soppka fire-retardant paint Russian production. This composition protects the wood not only from the spread of fire, but also from the effects of fungus and mold, acting as an antiseptic.

We can cite as an example the domestic paint Olympus, which is made on the basis linseed oil, which further strengthens the wood surface. This paint is alkyd and combines high quality and affordable price.

Application of façade paint

In order for the finished layer to serve long time, it must be applied correctly. In this process, the following rules should be followed:

  • Preliminary cleaning of the surface from the old coating and complete drying.
  • Mandatory mixing of paint before application.
  • Application is carried out in several layers. How many there will be depends on the type paint and varnish product and surfaces.
  • If the paint is thick, it is diluted with a solvent.
  • The paint needs to be given required time to dry. As a rule, 1 layer on the surface dries within 4 hours.
  • Painting work can be carried out at temperatures ranging from -10 to +55 degrees Celsius.

Technology of painting with water-based and acrylic paints

First you need to carefully prepare the surface for application. For this purpose it is removed old layer and remove excess dust and dirt from the surface with a stiff brush. A special cleaning solution is used to remove mold and moss. If there are visible defects on the surface, they are treated with a grinding machine or sandpaper.

Advice! It is best to treat the surface with a primer with an antiseptic effect.

After preparation, wood paint for exterior use is diluted with a solvent as necessary and applied to the surface. Drying time for one layer is from 2 to 4 hours. If the paint has not run out, store it at negative temperature is prohibited, therefore better solution bring it into the house or garage.

Application of alkyd paint

This type of coloring agent should also be applied to a prepared and completely cleaned surface. The wood must be coated with a primer. As previously mentioned, this paint is applied only to a dry surface to avoid cracking.

Applying oil paint

At the first stage, it is also worth preparing the surface in advance. The paint is diluted to the desired consistency with drying oil. It is very convenient that this type of paint can be applied at low negative ambient temperatures. Complete drying of the oil layer of paint occurs in at least 24 hours.

Important! To increase the service life of the finished layer, you can apply a layer of oil varnish to it.

Unused paint should only be stored in a tightly closed container in a dry and dark place.

Wood is still often used for construction residential buildings. Some choose it for the environmental friendliness of the material, some for its affordability.

But both of them understand that a natural foundation requires additional protection. Exterior wood paint for exterior work performs this function perfectly. The main thing is to choose the right product in the store and apply it using all the recommendations.

To update appearance house built from natural wood, use two completely different substances, which will be discussed in more detail below.


This coating completely preserves the structure of the wood, does not hide or mask it. The popularity is also explained by the fact that it is produced this material from natural substances with a small addition of synthetic components. Such supplements only improve specifications varnish

It is vapor permeable, resistant to abrasion, perfectly repels moisture, and as you know, wood quickly absorbs a large number of water and is destroyed under its influence. Varnish coating dries quickly and, importantly, protects all elements from exposure to sunlight.

If the outer walls are varnished, they need to be renewed after a few years. But before re-application there is no need to remove the previous layer at all.


This coating already has different shades due to various synthetic dyes. Coloring compositions vary in price, the presence of various components, duration of operation and other characteristics.

There are several types of paints that can be used on wooden facade. We need to talk about each type separately and evaluate its advantages and disadvantages.

Oil paint

It is made exclusively from natural solvent with the addition of synthetic dyes. The basis is drying oil, which is extracted from flax, hemp and sunflower seeds. The price of such a coloring composition is very affordable. That is why it is still popular. But oil paint has many disadvantages.

  • An unpleasant odor that persists for a long time after application to the base.
  • Long drying period, about 12 hours.
  • Paint can only be applied after the old coating has been completely removed. Otherwise, after a few months the renewed layer will peel off and crack.
  • Rapid loss of original appearance under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.
  • The service life of the applied layer is up to 3 years.
  • When dry, oil paint creates a vapor-tight barrier that disrupts natural ventilation.

Having assessed all of the above, we can say that this option is not the most suitable for updating and protecting a wooden facade.

Acrylic paint

In construction stores, this type of wood painting compositions is presented in two versions:

  1. Solvent based.
  2. Water-dispersed.

Solvent-based acrylic paint is characterized by the presence of resins that dissolve in organic substances. Manufacturers also add components that increase resistance to solar radiation and other negative atmospheric factors.

Thanks to this composition, solvent-based acrylic paint:

  • Does not lose color for a long time.
  • Protects wood from moisture.
  • Resists temperature changes well.
  • Allows a couple of interior spaces pass outside.
  • The applied layer does not crack.

Some manufacturers produce compositions that can easily be used to paint facades in winter time of the year. Water-dispersed acrylic paints are characterized by the absence of strong odors. This is one of important factors, which affects the popularity of such coverage.

In addition, manufacturers introduce polymer components into the composition that improve technical characteristics, and such a coating remains invariably attractive for a long time. All acrylic paints have a range distinctive characteristics, allowing you to occupy your niche in the range of façade paints:

  1. Create a polymer protective film on a surface.
  2. They allow moisture to pass through from the interior.
  3. No pungent smell.
  4. Resistant to abrasion and fading.
  5. Create durable coating due to high adhesion.
  6. Service life up to 20 years.
  7. Wide palette of colors.

Silicone paint

This coloring composition is extremely suitable for wood. But it is very difficult to find it. The price of the goods is quite high, so construction stores rarely deliver them, and even then only on order. Despite this, professionals recommend that owners whose houses are located in a climate zone with high humidity and sudden changes in average annual temperature use this type of paint.

By using a silicone compound outside, you don’t have to worry about:

  • Preliminary application of a primer layer before painting.
  • Cracking of the applied layer.
  • Moisture absorption.
  • Erasing paint.

The main thing is to follow all the instructions during application if you plan to do the coloring yourself.

Alkyd paint

This coloring composition for wooden facades is made from polyhydric alcohols and alkyd resins. It perfectly protects the base from moisture and high temperatures. But you should work with such compounds extremely carefully.

  1. The substance is highly flammable. When treating the surface, you need to make sure that there is no nearby open fire or a source of high temperatures.
  2. It is advisable to protect yourself well. Use a respirator, safety glasses and clothing. But that's not all. The service life of the painted layer is no more than 5 years.

After this, the paint begins to crack and crumble. To avoid this professional craftsmen It is recommended to protect the surface layer with transparent varnish.

Paint application method

There are paint brushes different sizes. To paint the facade, it is better to stock up on several. The widest one is suitable for large area. A smaller tool will come in handy if you need to update window frames or decorative elements. But you need to know how to work with brushes.

Often marks remain from the tool or smudges form. Therefore, they are better used for small parts. But if there is no other option at hand, then you can also cope with a brush. It will take more time, but the result will still be there.

The roller is best used on flat surfaces. If the outer walls of the house are made of solid logs, then it will be very difficult to process all the corners. In this case, you will also have to stock up on a brush.

The most the best option for coloring external walls counts . The layer is applied evenly and does not spread. But here you also need to be careful. Not all paints can be poured into this device. The dye solution must have a certain viscosity, otherwise the spray gun will be damaged.

Not everyone can handle such a device on their own, so it’s better to hire a professional team that knows how to work with which paint.

Coloring rules

It is important not only to choose suitable paint, but also apply it correctly to get a good result that will please you for many years.

  • We start by preparing the base. It all depends on whether it's new or an old house. If the house is new, then you need to thoroughly sand the surface and cover it with primer. deep penetration.
  • If the house has already been used and painted before, then you need to remove old paint. If this is not done, then the new layer will very soon, under the pressure of the old scales, also crack and fall off. It is necessary to ensure that there are no cracks, chips, traces of fungus or the activity of insects or rodents on the surface. If such flaws are found, they are removed.
  • Be sure to apply deep penetration primer. To do this, use a brush. If a silicone composition was chosen for external use, this step is sometimes skipped.
  • The primer needs to dry completely.
  • Then you can start applying paint.
  • The solution must be mixed well. During storage, coloring components may settle to the bottom and the color may change.
  • It must be remembered that almost all paints are applied in 2 or even three layers. For the first layer, you can dilute the paint with a primer, but the 2nd layer should be undiluted. Reapply only after the previous one has completely dried. The complete drying time is indicated on the packaging.

You also need to pay attention to the weather. If there is wind, the sun is very hot, or, on the contrary, it is going to rain, then it is better to postpone everything. The wind will bring a lot of dust and dirt, which will instantly stick, and it can only be removed by completely removing the layer of paint.

Hot weather will not allow the paint to dry evenly and this will make the applied layer less durable. A high humidity will not allow the coloring composition to reliably adhere to the surface of the wood. For high-quality painting, partly cloudy weather with an air temperature of 5 to 25 degrees Celsius is suitable, humidity should not exceed 50%.

Please note that the morning time is also not suitable. Dew may settle on the façade, and the surface must be perfectly dry before applying paint. Start coloring no earlier than 11 am.

High-quality façade paint on wood for exterior use should be durable and create an aesthetically pleasing and environmentally friendly coating.

The cladding must maintain color saturation and basic properties even when exposed to high and low temperatures, open additional features to select suitable shades.

It is important to understand that the quality of wood paint is determined not only by the manufacturer.

In order for the coating to serve the stated period without requiring replacement or repair, it is necessary to comply with certain rules staining. For example, on wooden facades the material can only be applied with a layer of alkyd primer, replacing a primer, which guarantees protection for the wood, but does not provide adhesion to the coating.

The use of soil mixtures instead of the specified alkyd primer leads to premature wear of the coating (as a rule, it lasts no more than two years).

Besides proper preparation surface, it is important to choose a paint for treating the facade, which will extend the service life of the base, protecting it from temperature changes, precipitation and mechanical damage.

Since we are talking about wooden facades, below useful recommendations by choosing exactly the kind of paint that can provide reliable protection wooden facade.

Acrylic for finishing - what could be better?

The choice of exterior paint should depend on the desired result. The coating can completely cover the wooden facade, create a thin opaque layer on it, or transparent film, through which you can see the structure of the wood.

To create the effect described in the first case, it is good to use acrylic and oil mixtures.

In the second case, wood varnish and colored antiseptics will be more appropriate.

Properly selected acrylic paint allows you to create a practical and reliable cladding that does not crack for many years and retains a bright and rich color.

Acrylic paint exhibits excellent elasticity and allows walls to “breathe”, preventing condensation from forming in the room and drying out the wood.

The materials can be used for finishing new wooden facades and previously coated surfaces.

A good option for painting wooden facades is alkyd enamels, due to which the structures can be given the desired shine or dullness. Such materials for exterior use have the property of penetrating into wood, extending its service life.

Facade acrylic paint for wood is available today in a wide range of colors and shades, allowing you to bring to life the bold ideas of designers and architects.

Please note that surfaces should be treated only after the building has begun to shrink, that is, a year after construction.

When choosing colored antiseptics, you should opt for materials for outdoor work, which include additives that prevent the formation of rot or the appearance of insects in the base. In addition, tinted antiseptics should protect walls from UV rays, moisture and temperature changes.

Materials are divided into:

  • coverings;
  • glazing.

The former form a transparent film on the surface of the wood, the latter create a dense layer through which the texture of the wood is not noticeable. Both types of antiseptics perfectly protect facades and have proven themselves in the country’s climate.

Features of applying paint to a wooden facade

The main thing in the process of applying paint is preparing the walls. It is important to clean the surface from dirt and treat it with the above-mentioned primer. You can replace the primer finish by sanding the base with sandpaper or a special sander.

The procedure will improve the adhesion of the material to the base of the wall.

Apply the material with a brush or roller, always along the natural pattern of the wood.

Separately, it is worth treating the ends of the facade using a water-based sealant, which will protect it from moisture and at the same time not impair the ability to “breathe”.

A second coat of paint should be applied only after treating the base with an abrasive sponge, which will create micro-roughness, improving the adhesion of the layers.

It should be remembered that painting a house immediately after construction is possible only if it was built from laminated veneer lumber. All other types of wood will require additional drying of the facade.

It is important to apply paint for exterior woodwork at temperatures above zero in weather without precipitation and high humidity.

Wood plastic for finishing wooden facades

Separately, it is worth mentioning the Drevoplast paint, specially developed for cladding facades made of wood. Reviews online once again confirm that the material is one of the best for wood processing.

Its main advantages include the following:

  • Wood plastic is simple and easy to use;
  • resistant to precipitation;
  • does not allow moisture to pass through and retains elasticity;
  • demonstrates high cover rates;
  • Wood plastic can have a “liquid plastic” effect.

Drevoplast is a facade paint for wooden facades with increased resistance to atmospheric influences.

The material provides reliable protection for the base from precipitation, winds, and prevents the formation of mold and fungi.

Wood plastic can be used for both external and interior works in residential, industrial and industrial premises.

Wood plastic can be applied both to previously painted surfaces and to new surfaces after pre-treatment.

Want more information on the topic? Check out these articles:

If your goal is to decorate and modernize the facade of a house...

Despite widest choice synthetic finishing materials, a huge number of people still prefer wooden facades made of lining, siding or blockhouse.

As you know, wooden surfaces suffer from humidity, temperature changes, fungi and insects. In order for the cladding to remain presentable for a long time appearance, the surface needs to be treated. A properly selected coating will not only protect the wood from the adverse effects of the environment, but will also emphasize the natural beauty and uniqueness of the wood structure.

For a long time, the only option for coating wooden houses was drying oil-based paint. However, now the range has expanded many times over. Acrylic antiseptic primers, various enamels, polyurethane clear varnishes and much more appeared.

In order to make the right choice paint coating, should be considered:

  • what type of wood is your façade made from?
  • under what weather conditions the work will be carried out, in what climate the house will be used;
  • Is it possible to paint the facade before assembly - in parts - or is it necessary to work with the finished wall.

When re-processing, you need to know what paint was used for the initial painting. If you don't know, it's easy to determine. Scrape off a piece of the old coating - the oil paint will chip off, and the acrylic paint will roll up.

What paints for wooden facades exist?

The choice of coating for a wooden facade is primarily determined by color scheme, your taste and budget. Before heading to the hardware store, let's first understand the concepts. What are enamel, varnish and paint, how do they differ from each other?

Dye is a suspension of pigments in various substances. It creates a uniform, opaque film.

Enamel– these are pigments in varnish, in the consistency of a suspension. Hard, opaque, textured film.

Varnish– substances in organic solvents.

Table. Paints that are usually used for finishing facades.

Prices for various types of construction paints

Construction paints

Now about each type of coating in more detail.

Clear varnishes and paints

Transparent coatings qualitatively highlight the natural structure of wood. The advantages of such a coating, in addition to its external beauty, include excellent vapor permeability, thanks to which such paint dries perfectly on the surface of the wood. And thanks to ultraviolet filters, the wood does not fade in the sun.

On a note! Renewal of such coverage will be required no earlier than in a few years. When repainting, there is no need to remove the old layer.

The disadvantage of such coatings is their fairly high cost.

Water-dispersed paints and varnishes

This type of coating is one of the most popular in the world. Water-based paints occupy about 80% of the total global paint market.

The advantages of such coatings are color fastness, resistance to moisture and sun. A breathable film is created on the treated surface, making it very comfortable to be inside such a room.

The downside of the coating may be its unsuitability for work with sub-zero temperature. Due to the presence of water in the composition, under the influence of frost this paint delaminates. In addition, this coating is less durable; re-treatment may be required after approximately 4 years. These are mid-priced paints.

Opaque enamels (traditional oil paints on drying oil and similar analogues)

Such enamels based on organic solvents used to be extremely popular. IN Lately they have been seriously replaced by water-dispersion paints.

The main reason for the decline in popularity of traditional paints is increased toxicity. Who among us has not felt bad at least once in our lives after inhaling paint? In addition, such paint is more fire hazardous. Opaque enamels cannot be called durable. When exposed to moisture and temperature changes, facades quickly lose their presentable appearance, and the coating cracks.

The advantage of traditional paints is their low cost. These paints are among the cheapest on the market.

It is obtained by mixing a binder component - alkyd resin, coloring pigment and solvent (kerosene, white spirit and others). Sometimes the mixture includes a drier, which affects the drying rate, thixotropic (to avoid spreading) and antifungal additives. This coating is water-resistant, dries quickly and does not turn yellow, unlike some other paintwork materials.

Video - Dufa. Woodflex paint for wooden facades

How to paint the wooden facade of a house yourself?

We will need:

  • work gloves;
  • protective mask;
  • wide brush;
  • small brush;
  • rag;
  • sanding machine and sandpaper;
  • drill and disc brush for drill;
  • spatulas;
  • paint stirrer.

First, let's find out whether we are going to repaint the old, peeling wall or process a new, unpainted facade? Those painting a new façade may want to skip the first step in our instructions because we'll start by removing the peeling paint.

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Step 1. Removing old paint

The most important thing when repainting an old wooden facade is: high-quality removal peeling paint. If you leave loose, chipping pieces of old paint on the wall, they will soon fall off, taking part of the new coating with them. And all the work will go down the drain.

There are several ways to remove old paint. You can clean the surface with a scraper or a stiff brush, then rinse with a special solution or water under pressure and dry thoroughly. Or you can warm up old paint using construction hair dryer and scrape off with a scraper or spatula. The method you choose depends on your capabilities and the condition of the old coating. The main thing is that as a result of pre-treatment the surface becomes uniform, smooth and dry. No loose paint, loose fluff or smudges.

On a note! For comfort further work needs to be removed from the façade drainpipes, other elements that protrude and may interfere with work, and if possible, cover the windows with film.

Step 2. Sanding and putty

For best result It is better to sand both old and new wood using grinder or a disk brush for a drill.

If there are cracks and irregularities, they must be sealed with wood putty using a spatula. For wooden facades, oil or adhesive putty is best suited. Due to its composition, it tolerates moisture better and adverse effect environment. Apply putty thin layer on damaged areas and dry thoroughly before further processing.

Step 3. Treat the surface with a primer or antiseptic

Any wooden surface - no matter old or new - must be treated with an antiseptic or primer. The main mistake of most is that the priming stage is omitted. This is understandable, because often a primer or antiseptic costs more than paint. However, it is the priming of the walls that guarantees the ideal final result.

Modern antiseptic impregnations not only protect wood from corrosion, insects and fungi, but also stop the beginning process of wood decay (which is very useful in the case of restoration of old walls).

A new, unpainted wooden surface must also be primed. Usually manufacturers paint and varnish materials They produce primers that are ideal for the type of paint you choose. That's why The best decision- purchase a primer from the same manufacturer as the paint you choose. For example, if you are painting a wall with Tikkurila Pika-Teho paint, Tikkurila Valtti Pohjuste primer is suitable for you.

The primer or antiseptic is applied with a brush in one layer, carefully rubbing the composition into the wood. After coating with primer and before painting, the wall must be dried. Different types of primers dry different quantities time, see the drying information on the packaging of your product.

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Impregnation for wood

Step 4. Coloring

After the surface has been sanded, primed and thoroughly dried, you can begin painting.

Important! pay attention to weather, in which you plan to carry out work. If you are going to process a new facade and there is an opportunity to paint it in parts, it is better to paint it indoors. If you need to paint already finished wall– carefully study the weather requirements on the paint packaging.

Climate restrictions may vary for different types of paint. Manufacturers agree on one thing - do not choose damp, rainy weather, scorching sun and heat for painting, or early in the morning when the facade has not yet completely dried out from dew. A dry, moderately cloudy day is best for such work. Humidity - no more than 50%, air temperature - from +5 to +20 degrees. It is recommended to start work no earlier than 10-11 am.

Before starting work, the paint must be thoroughly stirred using a paint stirrer or stick.

Different paints require different amounts of application. On average, paint is applied in 2-3 layers, thoroughly drying each of them. Sometimes the first layer is thinned with a primer. For exterior house painting, a wide, dense brush with fairly stiff bristles is best. Apply the paint in a thin, even layer, moving along the grain.

Painting the external walls of a wooden house

Important! The drying time for each coat of paint may vary depending on the type of coating. For different manufacturers, paint can dry from 2 to 24 hours.

A properly painted wooden facade will give your home a beautiful appearance for 10 or even 15 years. The main thing in this process is to carefully select materials, carefully follow the instructions and take into account climatic conditions.

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Video - Painting a wooden facade


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