Is it possible to paint veneer furniture? Painting plywood, chipboard, fiberboard and veneer

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How often do apartment owners or office space are faced with the need to change the entrance or interior door. There can be many reasons - from a change in style and design of the entire room, to banal wear and tear. What to do if you don’t want to replace a practically new door at all.

The output is - traditional painting, capable of “breathing” new life. It would be faster and more reliable to entrust such work to professionals, but you can do the job yourself. If you paint the canvas taking into account the material and the appropriate compositions, the result promises to be more than excellent.

How to paint a veneered door yourself?

It should immediately be noted that regardless of the material used, any doors are painted according to the existing rules:

  • Firstly, the structure is always removed from its hinges before painting.
  • Secondly, the fittings must be removed from the canvas.
  • Thirdly, all kinds additional elements(for example, decorative or glass inserts) are covered (sealed) with a special protective film.
  • Fourthly, the old coating is always removed in various ways.

You can see this process in more detail by watching the video...

In itself, such a material as veneer (photo) is quite “capricious” and demanding (in particular, in comparison with laminate). In practice, veneered doors are first brought into the room a week before work - this is done so that the material can get used to temperature conditions and humidity.

What should I do if minor damage or scratches occur during handling?

Such “errors” can easily be eliminated independently using transparent compositions (varnishes) for painting furniture. Wax furniture polish will also work.

If the damage is not very large, it is possible to paint only the damaged areas with a layer of paint. When defects are noticeable from distances of more than 50-100 cm, the structures need to be completely painted - this will prevent the formation of gloss, which is not evenly distributed.

Choosing the composition in order to paint correctly

Choosing paint is a serious matter and required composition must be purchased before the work is completed in the required quantity.

  • polyurethane paints,
  • water compositions - they are more practical,
  • glypthal,
  • compositions for coloring high level humidity,
  • other varieties suitable for painting veneer.

Attention! It is not recommended to use nitro paints. The reason is that such compositions react very poorly to excess moisture, which leads to the formation of dull spots on the treated surface. In addition, nitro paint is toxic and can cause poisoning.

How to paint it yourself

The work is carried out in several stages. The initial stage is preparing the surface for painting. Preparatory stage consists of cleaning the surface from all kinds of contaminants, as well as removing old varnish. There are situations when the color is completely new door It doesn’t fit at all and doesn’t fit into the overall scheme of the interior. If the canvas is new and has no visible damage, then it is possible not to remove the base layer, but simply coat it with varnish of the desired color.

Removal of old varnish or paint occurs using special rinsing agents or fine-grained sandpaper.

Attention! Some people make a big mistake by using a grinding turbine - this is unacceptable. This treatment leads to the formation of dents due to high speed rotations.

Deep chips or visible scratches are primed or leveled using wood putty; after drying, the treated areas are protected with sandpaper.

It is a little more difficult if the smoothness of the surface during production is ensured by polishing. In such a situation, preparation is carried out using zonal treatment with a construction hairdryer.

After the preparatory stage is completed, you can begin the actual painting. Painting is the final stage and is very easy to carry out if the canvas is well prepared.

  • It is worth keeping in mind that paints with good coverage can hide a unique pattern on the surface, so it is recommended to use the least concentrated options.
  • The use of colored varnishes will help to better preserve the natural beauty of the structure, and in order to make the color more saturated, the use of stain is recommended.

  • It is recommended to treat the surface in a horizontal position; this painting will make the surface even and smoother.
  • It is allowed and even recommended to use different shades of the sides of the canvas, which is especially effective when decorating the interior in different colors.
  • Despite the huge range of paints for painting, sometimes it is necessary to give a special tone or otherwise decorate a veneer door. In such cases, stains will come to the rescue. A better and more professional option for applying stain would be a spray bottle, but if you don’t have one, a simple brush or sponge will do.

Artificial veneer door and its painting

Today there is a huge selection of veneer models. However, it is not always possible to distinguish (especially for non-professionals) artificial products from natural ones. The difference between artificial veneer is that artificial versions use special film coatings created using 3D effect technologies. Artificial options are practically no different from products made from natural wood, since a completely natural pattern is created.

But, despite their visual appeal, artificial veneer models will be much more difficult to paint. The problem lies in paint dripping from the surface of the door. Therefore, when staining, you should remember that the procedure will take a little longer. It is also necessary to approach the choice of paint for such products more responsibly. Therefore, it is recommended not to carry out such a procedure yourself if you do not have the proper experience. Turning to professionals will save you from serious mistakes and allow you to get the most suitable result.

Veneer is called wood material, which is the thinnest wood plates or sheets. Depending on the manufacturing technology, veneer can be of the following types:

  • Sawn;
  • Planed;
  • Peeled.

Depending on the relationship between the direction of sawing or planing the wood and the direction of the growth rings, veneer is divided into the following types:

  • Radial;
  • Semi-radial;
  • Tangent;
  • Tangential-end.

Veneer sheets (plates) have a front (right) and a back (left) side. The surfaces of the sides differ in their density. Surface front side more dense than the reverse, the structure of which is loose and has microcracks.

Veneer is widely used in the furniture industry. This material is also used for decorative purposes.

Furniture whose facades are finished with veneer can be found in every apartment and house. As a rule, it acts as a decor for chipboard. Also widely used in the furniture industry is plywood, which consists of veneer sheets glued together.

Veneer sheets glued to furniture facades or sheets of plywood, from which various furniture parts are made, have one drawback. This disadvantage lies in insufficient moisture resistance. There is moisture-resistant plywood, but it is advisable to provide it with additional protection. This feature of the material must be taken into account when using veneer and when repairing furniture made with its use. In the case of furniture repair, the issue of painting veneer comes to the fore.

Painting technology

Painting veneer with your own hands is a relatively simple operation and is not very different in technology and sequence of actions from. But, nevertheless, this process has certain specifics.

The painting algorithm is quite traditional and includes the following steps:

  • Surface preparation;
  • Selection of paint type and color;
  • Coating;
  • Coverage protection.

Surface preparation

Layer old paint remove using coarse grain sandpaper or a metal brush with not very stiff bristles. It is necessary to carefully remove all paint and traces of contamination on the surface.

The video talks about veneer furniture:

The next step is priming the surface. Best to use acrylic primer, which is characterized by high adhesiveness and good water-repellent properties. The primer must be applied in a thin layer using a paint brush or roller. When the primer is completely dry, you can begin applying paint.

Paint selection

The quality and durability of the paintwork directly depends on the type of paint chosen. When choosing paint for veneer, it is recommended to give preference to acrylic paints. These paints are capable of creating durable, high-quality coating. The advantages of these paints also include their environmental friendliness. They have no unpleasant odor, so you can work with them even in indoors. These paints are very convenient to use, but at the same time, they require care from the artist. Before the coating is completely dry, it can easily be damaged by careless movements.

To prepare acrylic paint, you need to actively mix and dissolve the dry mixture in water. On the packaging of the mixture, the manufacturer always indicates mixing proportions for different paint consistencies. The paint should be mixed in two stages. Dissolve and thoroughly mix the contents of the bag with water until uniform, while maintaining the required consistency. After this, the mixture should “rest” for several minutes. After this, mix thoroughly again.

But acrylic paints are not the only ones possible option veneer painting. Their popularity is explained, first of all, by their environmental friendliness and ease of use. But in addition to this method, you can consider the following:

  • painting veneer with stain;
  • veneer painting with enamel.

Each of these methods is unique in its own way. The choice of paint type depends on the intended application of veneered products. If we are talking about an entrance door, the sheets of which are covered with veneer, then use in this case acrylic compositions not advisable. In this case, it is better to use high-quality enamel or cover the veneer with several layers of high-quality bitumen varnish, which will not only protect the door coating well from moisture, but can also withstand the effects of ultraviolet rays.

The use of stain is advisable in cases where the veneer needs to be given a unique shade.

It completely depends on your imagination and your taste preferences. Color palette produced modern industry, acrylic paints is huge.

Applying paint

Acrylic paint can be applied to the veneer surface with a spray gun, brush or roller. The choice is yours; there are no clear recommendations on this matter. The sprayer differs favorably from other tools in that it gives the most even and seamless coating. Having chosen one of the “manual” methods of applying paint, you should take into account that no matter what tool you use, you should pay attention to its quality. It's not worth saving. Cheap rollers and brushes willingly and generously “decorate” the coating with their pile, which does not always have a beneficial effect on the quality of the coating and its appearance. If you choose a roller, it is best to use a foam roller.

The paint must be applied with unidirectional movements of the brush or roller. In this case, you will receive an even coating pattern. You also determine the number of paint layers yourself. But each new layer should be applied only after the previous layer has completely dried.

Coating protection

For all their advantages, acrylic paints dry out relatively quickly. Therefore, the coating must be protected with varnish applied in several layers. Varnishing the veneer can be done using a foam roller.

But not only acrylic coating needs additional protection. And it’s not just a matter of defense here. Applying the right varnish not only ensures paint coating additional protection, but also gives appearance coatings new rich shades.

Today, such doors are considered relevant. There is a huge selection various designs, palettes and shapes. Wenge or walnut veneer doors are very popular.

How do these designs differ from other similar products? Veneer is wood cut into thin strips. The thickness of these strips varies and reaches up to 1 centimeter. Such sheets are used to decorate doors, the internal mass of which is made of pine, oak, etc.

The natural texture of the material is an important advantage

Veneer is considered a demanding material. And in order for the doors to get used to environment(temperature, moisture), it is brought into the apartment where it will stand a week before installation. If you handle such a door carelessly, scratches and abrasions may form on its surface. Such defects are not difficult to eliminate on your own. The question arises, is it possible to paint veneered doors? If yes, how can this be done? For this case, furniture varnishes and wax polishes are used. Such materials are transparent. You need to apply varnish to the surface, and then rub it with polish.

You need to pay attention to the damaged surface.

If the damage is not significant, then a layer of paint material can be applied only to it. But if the defect is very noticeable, then all doors should be updated. This method will prevent spots and intermittent shine.

After applying the varnish, the door will have a uniform shine and a beautiful appearance.

Veneer doors can also be painted.

It is important to decide what we want: keep the color as it was or completely change the color. The degree of deformation of the door surface and how they were painted before is also important.

But, is it possible to paint veneered doors if they were previously varnished? Previous layer paint and varnish material should be removed using grinder using fine-grained tape.

If you decide to completely repaint the entire surface, then you need to be prepared for additional work. Only the work must be carried out very carefully, because the thickness of the wood is insignificant. If you are afraid that you cannot cope with this yourself, contact specialists.

Preparing doors for painting includes: cleaning the surface from dust and dirt, covering any uneven surfaces with a special primer.

You can decorate a veneered door with water-based, glyphthalic, polyurethane paint. It is strictly forbidden to paint veneer with nitro paints. There may be stains on the doors that spoil the appearance. The most suitable option Water-based paint is considered to be used for painting veneer.

Is it possible to paint veneered doors if they are made of artificial material? Theoretically, this is possible, but to achieve an excellent result is more than anything else. It is impossible to choose paint that will adhere tightly and will not roll off a very smooth base. And if you prime the surface, the effect of natural wood will disappear.

We remember that you can paint veneer doors with varnish or paint.

If the original paint layer is changed using a chemical dye, there is a risk of destroying the environmental friendliness of the product.

Painting veneered doors is not difficult; it must be done in the same way as wood products, because veneer is wood.

Before painting the doors, you need to sand them with a sanding mesh. This work must be done manually if the veneer is peeled or planed. You can use a grinding machine if we are preparing sawn veneer.

After sanding, the surface must be primed.

Thoroughly mix the prepared paint, which can be: acrylic, enamel, pentaphthalic paints. They dry quickly and are easy and simple to apply. You can paint it with a ready-made color, or you can do the tinting yourself. But before painting, you need to make sure that the surface is completely dry. If the doors were in a damp room, then it is necessary to dry them.

The paint should be applied with a roller, brush or sponge. You can look at the instructions and read how they recommend applying the material.

After applying the dye, you need to give it time to dry. While drying, protect the surface of the door from dust.

The ideal result can be achieved by applying paint with a spray gun. Indeed, in this case, the paint is applied in a thin layer and evenly, which affects the appearance of the door. But to use such a tool, you need to have certain skills.

Is it possible to change the color of the doors?

When planning our interior, we try to think through everything down to the smallest detail: what color the walls, floors, furniture and, of course, doors will be. But creating decoration exclusively to your taste is not always possible. Sometimes you have to work with ready-made furnishings, for example, after buying a house or apartment with finishing. And what to do if the color of the door panels does not suit you and does not match the rest of the materials and interior details? There are some ways to restore doors, change their color and overall appearance.

Painting the door leaf

This method of changing your appearance is not suitable for everyone. interior arch and doors. The canvas or portal structure must be made of natural wood. Most often, doors for painting are made from pine or other inexpensive types of wood. The following materials are used to change color:

These types of coloring compositions are suitable if you need to radically change the shade of the canvas. Usually used white paint, but some interiors require brighter details.

How and how to paint a veneer door

And the coatings market offers a large assortment tones To give the canvas a natural color or a noble wood shade, a solid door is coated with varnishes or stains.

Lamination or pasting with photo wallpaper

You can change the image of a door not only with paint. At home, it is quite possible to laminate the canvas yourself. The same applies to updating the arch in the apartment. For this procedure, special adhesive paper is purchased, the pattern on which imitates the texture of wood. Those who want to get more original decorative element, can purchase photo wallpaper for pasting door panels. Such material usually has a bright, expressive pattern, for example, beautiful landscape, architectural object, images of flowers, etc. Such a solution in the interior will look unusual, but it can also get boring quite quickly. Although, if necessary, the canvas can be restored again by covering it with a new film.

Decorating with fabric

Interior doors can be given a new fresh look using fabric. There are two ways to do this: pasting the canvas or its elements using the patchwork technique or locally with one type of fabric and constructing curtains that are attached in place of the glass. To decorate a door with textiles, you need to carefully consider its color and print. This decor harmonizes most successfully with the interior style of Provence, shabby chic or country. For pasting you need to choose a well-processed dense fabric.

What is the best way to paint a veneer door?

How to repaint an interior door?

An important part of the renovation is the replacement of interior doors. However, if the doors have not lost their properties and are capable of serving for more than one year, then changing them will be pointless. IN in this case To repair them, it will be enough to update the color by painting the doors. This procedure is not complicated, and you can do it yourself.

Preparing to paint an interior door

First of all, you need to clean the surface, handles and glass inserts from dust. You should also remove old layer paints. It is not necessary to remove the door from its hinges; contact with a minimum number of surfaces allows you to obtain best quality staining.

Next, you need to remove the handle and lock, filling the resulting void with rags or cotton wool. To make it convenient to open and close doors, stretch a wire instead of a lock. It is better to cover elements that will not be painted with polyethylene or glue newspaper with toothpaste.

If you find it inconvenient to paint a door that is in a vertical position, you can remove it and place it on the table.

Choosing paint for an interior door

The main issue when performing these works is the selection of paint, which is carried out based on the door material and the nature of the old coating.

  • Nai the best option will be used acrylic enamel, often used for painting rounded logs. Its advantage lies in the presence huge selection colors, giving surfaces a matte finish. Plus, it has virtually no smell. Of course, the cost of such paint will be much higher than usual and additionally requires fixing with varnish or other hardening coating.
  • Alkyd enamel is characterized by good durability, which is much cheaper than the previous option, but has a strong odor, so during the period of work the room must be isolated from people.
  • Even greater strength and long term service has nitro paint, which is also characterized bad smell and toxicity.

    When working with it, it is important to strictly follow all safety measures and carry out painting when there are no people in the room.

Tool for painting an interior door

The result of the work depends not only on the choice of paint, but also on the tools used, the choice of which depends on the door material, the paint used, as well as the desired result.

Yes, when painting interior door enamel or varnish must be used with a brush. If it is important to preserve the natural structure of the tree, focusing on patterns, then the best option would be rubber spatula or sponge.

The roller is used when processing large areas.

The spray gun is most widely used when painting metal doors.

Do-it-yourself interior door painting

  • On initial stage you should get rid of the previous coating. This can be done by first washing the door with soapy water and then treating it with paint solvent. If necessary, you can use sandpaper.
  • The door is then coated with putty, which can be purchased at finished form Or you can prepare it yourself by mixing sawdust with PVA glue. After drying, you should walk over the surface with sandpaper.
  • It is better to start painting the door from the panel, using a brush to make even strokes along the grain. Then they move on to processing the recesses. The ends are painted last.

  • Painting the door alone will not give the desired result, as the coating appears to be unevenly applied. Therefore, you need to sand the surface again and apply a second layer of paint.
  • For painting door frame, the walls adjacent to it need to be sealed masking tape, otherwise it may be necessary to re-glue the wallpaper. Paint the vertical strips first, then the tops and trims.
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It often happens that when purchasing a secondary home, interior or entrance doors The apartment leaves much to be desired. For example, the color may not match at all general interior while maintaining the integrity of the structure as a whole. And therefore there is a desire to change the doors. But why change when they are still good, in acceptable condition and can hang around for decades? There is a solution: you just need to paint the door.

Troubles will not appear if you take into account the material that forms the basis of the structure and the degree of wear of the surfaces.

How to paint a door made of various materials? Painting rules differ in each situation. Let's look at them in order.

Veneered doors

To clarify the picture, let’s clarify what veneered doors are. Veneered interior doors can be externally confused with products made from natural solid wood, although the former are much lighter and more functional. Why? For an answer, you can turn to the specifics of the technology for manufacturing veneer doors.

Veneer is a rather capricious material and is nothing more than the thinnest cut of valuable tree species intended for decorative finishing surfaces of the door frame and leaf. A veneered door conveys the texture and natural shade of natural wood.

The most commonly used technique is joining veneer with panel structure. Glued to a blank made of wood blocks (mostly coniferous) MDF board(modified wood). This frame is responsible for the necessary geometry of the door, making it more resistant to negative influence humidity and temperature fluctuations. Following special technology, a veneer covering is glued onto the MDF board. That is, the hot pressing method is used.

The gluing of the finish to the base surface is carried out thanks to the resins released from the wood when heated. Synthetic products are not used. To ensure a glossy shine, the structure is coated the right shade varnish in several layers. He is responsible for the final color of the product. It is important to note that veneered models, like those made from solid wood, within the same delivery from the manufacturer have significant differences in color from each other.

The reason here lies in the uniqueness of the pattern of the wood cut, as well as in its ability to refract light. Among other things, the panel is finished with more than one sheet of veneer, which complicates the task of harmonizing the pattern of stripes. Each model is unique and original. You can choose several products that are similar in color, but they will still be different in texture and design.

Sometimes inner space the structure is filled with cardboard honeycombs, which makes it even lighter. This factor is important for an interior door: you won’t have to make any effort when opening and closing it.

There are models that are covered not with a cut from wood, but with films made using a special technology with a 2D effect (artificial veneer), imitating the texture and pattern of wood. Such doors are difficult to distinguish externally from veneered interior doors. Their advantage, compared to the latter, lies in their higher moisture resistance.

Caring for a veneer door

An interior door will retain its original appearance for a long time only if it is used carefully and carefully. Not recommended for cleansing door surfaces abrasives that can leave deep scratches.

Liquid-based cleaners consist of chemically active components that come into contact with the varnish. The use of the latter can leave unsightly bald spots on the varnish.

How to paint a veneer door?

The first step is to resolve the dilemma of whether to leave the solid wood color or completely change the color. The choice of door restoration method is influenced by factors such as the magnitude of deformations.

When choosing the first option and in the presence of small scratches and defects, they make do with varnishing, after which the door is thoroughly rubbed with polish. It is possible to eliminate small scratches locally by applying colored varnish of the appropriate shade.

Sometimes, after purchasing a model of interior door that you like, you discover that its color is not exactly what you expected and it does not match the color scheme of the interior. What can be done in this case? A completely new (not used) canvas can be varnished in a different tone without removing the previous layer of varnish. Stable flooring works great for this purpose, but not furniture!

The previous layer of varnish is removed using fine-grained sandpaper or special means for removal. It is unacceptable to use a grinding turbine here: due to the high-speed grinding, dents may occur.

If you plan to change the color of the door completely (damage is visible from a long distance with the naked eye), then you should prepare for additional types works The sequence of actions will consist of surface preparation and painting. Manipulations on natural veneer due to its insignificant thickness should be carried out with extreme caution. In the absence of appropriate skills, it is more advisable to entrust all the work to professionals.

The surface is prepared by cleaning dust and contaminated areas, removing the layer of the previous varnished coating.

The first step is to cover up all the unevenness with a special primer. A veneer door can be decorated with polyurethane, glyphthalic or water-based paint. Nitro paints cannot be used for veneer - matte spots may appear on it. The best option painting veneer doors using water-based paints.

To paint the door, you should wait until the primer is completely dry.

Painting faux veneer doors is also possible from a theoretical point of view. However, it is unlikely that you will be able to achieve the desired result, since choosing paint that does not roll off smooth surface and staying on it is very difficult. And if you prime the canvas, the natural effect of natural wood will be lost. Carrying out quality repairs faux veneer doors may look a little differently. This circumstance is important to take into account if this particular model is purchased (or received along with the apartment).

Let us emphasize once again: before using veneer, you should decide how urgent it is to change the appearance of the product and which product is better to use - varnish or paint.

By changing the composition of the surface layer using chemical dyes, the environmental friendliness of the structure can be disrupted.

Consulting with a specialist in veneer doors will help you decide on this issue in many ways.

Painting paneled doors

Today, paneled doors can be painted in one of two ways.

Method one. First, paint is applied to the ends. Then carefully clean the damaged areas of the panel. A new layer of primer is applied to the cleaned surface. And paint is already applied to the primer, twice. This method is suitable for painting door surfaces with smooth surfaces.

Such doors are coated with varnish or stain in strict accordance with the stated requirements from the manufacturer.

Method two. Tinting the door panel and frame is used when the surface has a wood texture. To hide wood imperfections, you can use a white shellac primer. Stain will help achieve the desired shade. When painting any surface, you should use only high-quality brushes and materials.

Painting laminated doors

The paint adheres perfectly to a smooth laminated surface, but it will not last long. Therefore, the first thing they do is remove upper layer impregnated varnish using a sanding machine and, if necessary, zero sandpaper.

We should not forget that directly under the protective layer there is a particle board, which will easily begin to crumble if the treatment is carried out at a sufficiently deep distance. The prepared surface is thoroughly wiped with a solvent and a layer of primer-antiseptic mixture is applied. They wait for a while to protective layer dried, and paint was applied.

You can purchase any paint, since particle board is unpretentious in terms of coatings applied to it.

The paint is distributed over the surface using a spray gun or a roller with velor pile. After the 1st layer has dried, apply the second. A day later the painted door is varnished transparent composition, which will act as protection during operation.

Painting MDF doors

You can safely use such compositions that contain 2 components: varnish and tinting agent (for example, “Lakobeits”). At the same time, the structure of the product will be preserved, and external neatness will, of course, be added.

The consistency of Lakobeits is liquid, which allows the composition to penetrate deeply into the porous surface of MDF, fill it, forming a homogeneous and thin layer. The latter is an excellent protection against moisture.

It is very convenient that the varnish and tonic are mixed and applied at the same time. There is no need to apply each layer in turn, waiting for the previous layer to dry.

You can paint with a brush, then no special skills are required from an amateur painter. The main thing is to make sure there are no leaks.

When painting a door with a pattern with a roller or spray gun, it is difficult to achieve the required evenness of the layer. Only a professional should paint in such a situation.

It is quite simple to prepare MDF doors for painting: they are wiped with a damp cloth or washcloth to remove excess particles.

Painting Canadian doors

It is easier to carry out work on Canadian with a spray gun. In the absence of one, use a roller or brush. Usually Canadians sell them already coated with primer. All that remains is to apply the main layer of decorative coating.

But if this is not the case, then the product must be primed. Instead of soil will do thinned paint. After finishing the primer, the surface must be sanded. Then the coloring is carried out directly. In a situation with a spray gun, the “wet” option is suitable; in other cases, wait for the previous layer to dry.

It becomes clear that there are plenty of ways to paint the door between rooms.

When choosing a specific one, do not forget to follow the dyeing technology and rules, then the result will certainly please you.

Interior doors can long time maintain your attractive appearance correct operation. Exist certain rules caring for the veneer surface - do not clean it with abrasive substances, do not use cleaners with chemically active components. But what to do if scratches appear on the door, or you want to change its color so that it matches the modernized interior?

Painting a door made of natural veneer

You can paint doors or arches in an apartment made of veneer with colored varnish or paint. If a scratch appears on the door leaf, first of all, evaluate its extent. Small scratches can be painted over using varnish of the recommended shade. Damage that can be seen from a distance of one meter requires painting the entire canvas. Due to the fact that natural veneer It has a very small thickness; working with it requires caution and extreme care.

Before starting work, it is necessary to remove the door from its hinges and prepare the surface for painting: remove the remains of old varnish, dust, and dirt. The varnish is easily removed with fine-grained sandpaper or a remover specially made for this purpose. Deep cracks need to be primed and then smoothed with wood putty. Clean the dried surface with sandpaper.

When choosing paint, remember that natural veneer surface has a unique wood cut pattern. If you want to preserve it, use less concentrated paints. By using paint with good hiding power, you can forever forget about the structure and color of natural veneer.

A new veneer door, which does not match the color of the interior, can be repainted with a different color of varnish without removing the old coating.

Painting faux veneer doors

Paint door leaf made from artificial veneer is theoretically possible. However, be prepared that the result may disappoint you. You have to find a paint that can be applied to a smooth canvas and that will stick to it later. Priming the surface for painting will deprive the door of the natural effect.

Painting a veneer door requires consultation with a specialist. It is necessary to resolve a number of issues: what to buy in a particular situation, varnish or paint, and whether the environmental friendliness of the product will deteriorate in the process of change chemical composition surface layer of the door leaf.


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