Heating of atmospheric air. With this phenomenal device you will heat your entire apartment for free! Disadvantages of such heating

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§ 29. How atmospheric air is heated

Remember what device is used to determine air temperature. How does the air temperature change during the day?

Sun rays in the atmosphere. You know that the sources of energy for all processes occurring on the surface of the Earth are the Sun and the interior of our planet. The sun is the main source. One two-billionth of the energy emitted by the Sun reaches the upper boundary of the atmosphere. However, even such a small proportion solar energy does not completely reach the Earth's surface.

Part sun rays absorbed, scattered in the troposphere and reflected back into outer space, and some reaches the Earth and is absorbed by it. is spent on heating it.

Heat atmospheric air. The temperature of the lower layers of atmospheric air depends on the temperature of the surface over which it is located. The sun's rays, passing through transparent air, almost do not heat it; on the contrary, it dissipates through clouds and impurity content, losing some of the energy. But, as we have already noted, the earth’s surface heats up, and the air warms up from it.

The heating temperature of the surface depends on the angle of incidence of the sun's rays.

On our planet, the surface heats up according to the same pattern. Morning and evening the sun shines earth's surface at an acute angle, and therefore the sun's rays seem to glide across the earth's surface, almost without heating it. At noon, the angle of incidence of the sun's rays increases, and the surface warms up more. In addition, the sun's rays in the atmosphere in the morning and evening travel through a small angle of incidence 35 times longer distance, than at noon, which determines their dispersion and absorption by the atmosphere.

So, during the day the temperature changes significantly. The lowest temperature is observed in the morning before sunrise, and the highest in the afternoon.

The angle of incidence of sunlight depends on geographical latitude terrain. The area at the equator warms up the most, since the angle of incidence of the sun's rays approaches 90° throughout the year and decreases towards the poles, so these areas are the coldest.

The color and composition of the earth's surface (scientists call it the underlying surface) also greatly influence its heating. A dark surface heats up faster and a light surface heats up slower because light colors reflect part of the sun's rays without absorbing the thermal energy that bonones do (Fig. 75).

Rice. 75. Dependence of heating of the underlying surface on the angle of incidence of solar rays

The terrain also affects air temperature, since the southern slopes of the mountains warm up better than the northern ones.

The water surface heats up more slowly than dense soil, but also cools more slowly. In addition, the temperature is influenced by winds, movements air masses, transparency of the atmosphere, cloudiness, precipitation, altitude above sea level, presence of bodies of water, and the like. Due to this, the distribution of heat on the earth's surface is very uneven, even in areas close to each other.

Due to the fact that the atmosphere is heated mainly due to the energy absorbed by the underlying surface, the air temperature decreases as it rises. In the troposphere it decreases by an average of 6° with an increase in altitude by 1 km.

Heat distribution on the Earth's surface. As you already know, the amount of solar energy falling on the earth's surface depends on the angle of incidence of the sun's rays. Our planet, revolving around the Sun throughout the year, alternately turns toward it with either the Southern or Northern hemisphere. This is explained by the fact that the earth's axis is tilted at an angle of 66° 33 to its orbit and the sun's rays illuminate differently various areas Earth. The most illuminated is summer period(June-August) is the Northern Hemisphere, and in winter (December-February) - the Southern Hemisphere. On a climate map, places with the same temperature are connected by lines called isotherms. they are plotted on the map in two colors: the coldest month - January - in black, and the warmest month - July - in red.

Tropics and polar circles. June 22 The Sun is at its zenith above the parallel 23° 30 north. w. This parallel is called the Tropic of the North. In the Northern Hemisphere there is a time when the longest day is observed, which is called day summer solstice. To the north of parallel 66° 33, polar day reigns in summer, that is, the Sun does not set beyond the horizon at all from 40 days at the Arctic Circle to 189 days at the pole.

Parallel 66° 33 north. w. called the Arctic Circle. At this time, south of parallel 66° 33 n. sh., that is, beyond the Antarctic Circle, the polar night is observed.

After the summer solstice, the Sun continues to move in orbit. The day is getting shorter. Finally comes September 23rd, when the length of day and night is the same. This day is called the autumn equinox. The sun is at its zenith above the equator. In the Northern Hemisphere it is autumn, in the Southern Hemisphere it is spring.

Describe on your own the movement of the Earth around the Sun and its consequences, starting with the winter solstice.

Thermal zones. Heat zones are stripes with certain air temperatures that differ from each other in the amount of heat coming from the Sun. their boundaries are determined by the lines of the tropics and polar circles. We found out that the Sun can be at its zenith throughout the year, in the territory limited by the Northern and Southern tropics. This area warms up best and is therefore called the hot thermal zone. The annual temperature amplitudes here are small, and at the equator there is almost no change of seasons at all.

The areas between the tropics and the polar circles in the Southern and Northern Hemispheres are called the southern and northern temperate thermal zones. There is a clear change of seasons here, and depending on them, the length of day and night changes. The differences between summer and winter temperatures reach tens of degrees. In summer, the Sun is high above the horizon, but the angle of incidence of the sun's rays does not reach 90°.

Between the poles and polar circles the northern and southern cold zones are defined. Within these zones it is cold even in summer, and in winter there are severe frosts and winds. There is little precipitation. The annual amplitudes of temperature fluctuations are relatively small. There is a change of polar day and night.

Consequently, five thermal zones are defined: one hot, two moderate and two cold (Fig. 76).

Rice. 76. Distribution of solar heat on Earth

Rice. 77. Thermometer

Rice. 78: a) graph of daily temperatures: 6) graph of annual temperatures

Why is air temperature measured? Air temperature is measured with a thermometer (Fig. 77), which is placed at meteorological stations in special buildings protected from direct sunlight. Here they monitor the air temperature at least three times a day. To compare the temperature of different days, the average daily temperature is determined. It is the arithmetic average of temperature readings during the day. Average monthly and average annual temperatures are also calculated. Based on temperature observations, temperature graphs are drawn up (Fig. 78).

The difference between the highest and lowest temperatures over a given period of time is called the amplitude of temperature fluctuations. Daily, monthly and annual amplitudes are determined.

The daily temperature range on Earth is not the same. Large daily temperature fluctuations in the tropics are explained by the significant transparency of the atmosphere. At the poles, during the polar day, the temperature remains almost unchanged during the day. The sun remains in the sky throughout the day. The amplitude is also insignificant over the oceans and at the equator.

Explain why.

Air temperature observations have great importance for climate change research. The climate map reflects information about the temperature regime of the territory (isotherm) and maximum and minimum temperatures in separate places.

Practical work 5

Solving problems involving changes in air temperature and atmospheric pressure with altitude, humidity

1. Determine the air temperature at the top of Goverla, if at its foot ( absolute altitude 800 m) it is 18 °C.

2. Determine the approximate height of the mountain if the air temperature at its foot was +16 °C, and at the top - -8 °C. What are these mountains called (low, medium, high)? Give examples and mark them on a contour map.

Practical work 6

Drawing up a graph of air temperature changes, cloudiness and precipitation diagrams, wind roses, and their analysis

Plot a graph of air temperature changes over a month using weather calendar data (optional).

Let's repeat the main thing

The heating temperature of the Earth's surface depends on the angle of incidence of the sun's rays.

The tropics are parallels of 23° 30 north and south latitudes, above which the Sun is at its zenith once a year.

The polar circles are parallels of 66" 33 northern and southern latitudes, along which the phenomena of the polar day and polar night occur.

Heat zones are stripes with certain air temperatures that differ from each other in the amount of heat coming from the Sun, the limits of which are determined by the lines of the tropics and temperate circles.

The tropics and polar circles are the boundaries of the Earth's thermal zones - hot, two temperate and two cold.

Based on temperature observations, a graph of temperature variations is drawn up over a day, month, and year.

The difference between the highest and lowest temperatures over a given period of time is called the amplitude of temperature fluctuations.

Isotherms are lines on a map connecting places with the same temperature.

Key terms and concepts

Average monthly and average annual temperatures, amplitude of fluctuations, isotherms.

Questions and tasks

1. What determines the heating of the Earth's surface?

2. Explain what the temperature of the Earth’s atmospheric air depends on.

3. What are average daily, average monthly, average annual temperatures? How are they determined?

4. What is the amplitude of temperature fluctuations?

5. What is the purpose of monitoring temperature?

6. What is called the underlying surface? How do the properties of the underlying surface affect the heating of atmospheric air?

7. Explain why air temperature decreases with height.

8. What are called the tropics? By what criteria are they identified?

9. What are the polar circles? What phenomena occur in the polar circles?

10. The sun is at its zenith over the Southern Tropic. What time of year is it at this time in the Northern Hemisphere, and what is it in the Southern Hemisphere?

Using the atlas maps, determine in which thermal zones the islands of Greenland and Madagascar are located.

Do the experiment. Direct the flashlight beam at a flat surface at a right angle. Pay attention to the illuminated area, and then change the angle of the light and notice in which case the surface is illuminated better. You will see that the more the angle of incidence of the flashlight beam approaches 90°, the more the area will be illuminated; The sharper the angle of incidence of the beam, the larger the illumination area and the blurrier the light spot.

At the boundary between the troposphere and stratosphere, the temperature varies from -83 to -53 C.

In the lower part of the stratosphere, the decrease in air temperature with height stops and it remains approximately constant, and above 25 km the temperature begins to increase again, reaching a maximum value of about 0 ° C at the boundary of the stratosphere and mesosphere (approximately 55 km).

The lowest temperature on Earth is 89.2 ° C (Antarctica), the most Heat on Earth - +58 C (Tripoli (Libya, Africa).

The comfortable state of a person directly depends on the ambient temperature air. Depending on where you need to raise the temperature air(in the living room, in the bathroom before bathing, in the kitchen), this can be achieved different ways.

You will need

  • electric fan heater, oil radiator.


For heating air In the living room or kitchen, use a fan heater to place it on the floor near the window and turn it so that the hot air flows into the room. Modern fan heaters have several power control positions. For fast heating air In the room, turn on the fan heater by placing the power regulator in the extreme clockwise position. If necessary, reduce the fan heater power by turning the control knob in the opposite direction. A fan heater is the preferred device for quick warm-up air in a certain area of ​​the room.

When using an oil cooler to raise the temperature air place it near the center of the room. At this point, the radiator will heat the entire room evenly. Turn on the oil radiator by turning the thermostat knob on its body clockwise. Some oil radiators additionally have stepwise power adjustment. Turn on one, two or three radiator heater sections, depending on the size of the room or how quickly you need to raise the temperature air in the room. Oil radiator is the preferred device for maintaining a set temperature air throughout the room.

To increase the temperature air In the bathroom, before bathing, it is good to use hot water drawn into the bath. It is advisable to use a shower head. Adjust the position of the shower head mode switch so that you get a large number of thin streams of water. They have a larger contact area with the surrounding air, which means the air in the bathroom will heat up faster. Turn on the hot water while standing away from the stream of water. Upon reaching required temperature air In the bathroom, adjust the water temperature to your liking.

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Perhaps you are a poor student or just on a budget. What to do if your house is still not fixed heating system? Maybe you live in an old, drafty house? Perhaps you want to reduce your CO2 emissions. Regardless of the reason, you need to stay warm when it's cold. Here are some useful tips.


How to make your home warmer without a heater

    Close all windows carefully. Make sure winter frames, if you have them, are installed and closed tightly. Windows must be closed. Open them during the day when the sun is shining if the temperature outside is higher than the temperature inside.

    • Windows must be sealed. You can purchase special window caulk to help seal them better. At a minimum, place a shirt or towels in areas where air leaks noticeably, or plug cracks with newspaper.
  1. Hang cheap shower curtains on your windows that let in sunlight. This will help keep cold air from outside while allowing the sun's heat to warm your home. You can also cover your windows tightly with plastic.

    Hang the curtains. Heavy curtains block air flow. Open them when the sun is shining and close them at other times.

    Seal the doors. Check the door frame as well as the area under the door. You can buy and stick a seal. Again, at a minimum, place a towel or something else under the door.

    Let as much sunlight into your home as possible. Make sure there is nothing obstructing sunlight (eg plants, awnings). Remove anything that leans against the sunny side of your home (it's best to put these items back at night to create extra insulation).

    Close unused rooms. This will create another barrier between you and the cold air from the street. This will also reduce circulation and therefore heat loss.

    • You can purchase a magnetic register at a hardware store that turns off forced air electric heaters in unused rooms. This way, only the rooms you use will be heated and the heating will be used much more efficiently.
    • Make sure that all heaters are mounted openly, especially where water pipes may freeze. Unblock the circulation of cold air in the heated room (this may be blocked by furniture or carpet) so that heated air can circulate effectively.
  2. Lay down the carpet. Carpets and carpets help prevent heat loss through the floor. They tend to be warmer to the touch than wood or stone and are more warm surface for walking.

    Add insulation to the attic. A large number of Heat escapes through the attic as warm air rises and cold air sinks. Make sure the attic is thoroughly insulated.

    Light a fire in the fireplace . If you have a fireplace, light it to make your home warmer. If you don't have a fireplace, consider installing one. Never leave a fireplace with a fire burning unattended.

    Get ready. You will warm up while cooking, the kitchen will become warmer with the stove on, and you will treat yourself to something tasty and hot.

    Light a candle. Candles can produce a lot of heat. Place them carefully and do not leave them unattended. You can find cheap candles at any grocery store.

    • Use a candle heater. It won't produce as much heat as a fireplace or real heater, but it will be very cheap heat.
  3. Turn on the incandescent lamps. The average incandescent light bulb releases up to 95% of its energy as heat rather than light, making it an extremely efficient source of heat.

    • Compact fluorescent and LED bulbs won't help warm a room, so save them for warmer days and use the money you save to pay your heating bill.

    How to keep yourself warm in a cold house

    1. Drink warm drinks. Warm drinks will raise your body temperature. This process is very relaxing and even stimulating. Make a cup of tea or coffee. Drink some warm broth.

      Dress warmly. Many people believe that the largest percentage of heat loss occurs through the head, but in fact, heat loss throughout the body is the same. However, if you are cold, a hat or scarf definitely won't hurt. A sweater can also work wonders. Dress in layers, especially if you're wearing wool or cotton clothing. Wear slippers or warm socks. If you are sitting, wrap yourself in a blanket.

      • If you still have cold feet, buy black tights. They should be opaque. Wear one or even two pairs under your clothes. This will create another layer of clothing to retain heat. Men can wear long underwear.
    2. Use small spaces. For example, if your bedroom is much smaller than your living room, spend more time there.

      Play sports. 20 minutes of vigorous exercise can not only warm you up, but also keep you warm after your workout. Additionally, a healthy body tends to be more tolerant of cold.

      • Be active. Movement produces heat! The more active you move, the better your blood circulation. This means warm blood flows into the fingers and toes, keeping them warm.
    3. Hug a friend or pet. The body of any warm-blooded animal warms. Snuggle up with your dog or cat and keep each other warm.

      Use a hair dryer. You can quickly warm up yourself or cold shoes and clothes before putting them on. You can also warm up your bed before you go to bed. Never cover the hairdryer! It may overheat and catch fire.

      Buy a heating pad. Instead of heating the entire house or rooms, use a heating pad on low wattage. You can also make your own heating pad:

      • Use a bottle with hot water. Thus, it is very convenient to warm your hands and feet while sitting; you can also put her in bed, at your feet.
      • Heat socks or small pads filled with rice, dried corn or beans for one minute at microwave oven and use as a heating pad or put it in bed.
    4. Buy a thick robe. Think of it as a big fluffy blanket with sleeves. It's very warm and comfortable, and you can even sleep in it!

      Go on a visit or on vacation. Consciously spend time in a well-heated place that won't cost you anything, such as a library, church, a friend's house, etc.

      Try an electric blanket. An electric blanket can keep you warm and cozy all night, and it's cheaper than inefficient and expensive old heaters.

A comfortable microclimate is one of the very important components in the life of every person. Well-being and performance directly depend on it. But it is not always possible to achieve it using conventional microclimatic devices.

Ventilation with heating will become great solution to create a comfortable and cozy atmosphere in the room. Adjusting the microclimate device allows you to adjust the temperature and amount of fresh air flow at which you will be comfortable.

Due to the variety of modes and ease of use, supply ventilation with heating is relevant in public places, industries and residential premises.

What is forced air ventilation with air heating?

Ventilation with an influx of air masses differs from standard systems conditioning. The principle of its operation is to draw air from the outside. Thus, in addition to cooling and heating, such ventilation enriches the room with oxygen, while conventional air conditioning systems simply circulate the air in the room.

The supply air is heated in the ventilation unit. The heated supply ventilation unit has high heat transfer. Therefore, even during severe frosts, ventilation continuously supplies masses of fresh hot air.

Ventilation with heating is carried out through air exchange. Circulation and heating of the influx of air masses is carried out in supply and exhaust units with a recuperator. Air drawn from outside is heated in the recuperator due to the temperature of the exhaust air masses. The recuperator prevents the mixing of “exhaust” and supply fresh air.

Another way to heat the supply ventilation is through recirculation. With this heating method, fresh air masses are mixed with “spent” ones. The air flow from the street heats up to desired temperature and served indoors.

Design features of the device

Main elements of supply ventilation

  • Air intake grille. Acts as an aesthetic design and a barrier that protects debris particles in the supply air masses.
  • Supply ventilation valve. Its purpose is to block the passage of cold air from outside into winter period and hot - in the summer. You can make it work automatically using an electric drive.
  • Filters. Their purpose is to clean incoming air. I require replacement every 6 months.
  • Water heater, electric heating elements - designed to heat incoming air masses.
  • For rooms with small area recommended to use ventilation systems, with electric heating elements, for large spaces - a water heater.

Additional items

  • Fans.
  • Diffusers (contribute to the distribution of air flow masses).
  • Noise muffler.
  • Recuperator.

The design of ventilation directly depends on the type and method of installation of the system. They come in passive and active action.

Passive ventilation systems.

This device is a supply ventilation valve. The scooping of street air masses occurs due to a pressure difference. In cold weather, the temperature difference contributes to the discharge; in warm periods, the exhaust fan assists. Regulation of such ventilation can be automatic or manual.

Automated regulation directly depends on:

  • the flow rate of air masses passing through the ventilation;
  • air humidity in the room.

The disadvantage of the system is that in winter, such ventilation for heating the house is not effective, since a large temperature difference is created.

On the wall

Refers to the passive type of supply ventilation. This installation has a compact box that is mounted on the wall. To control heating it is equipped with an LCD display and a control panel. The operating principle is to recuperate internal and external air masses. To heat the room, this device is placed near the heating radiator.

Active ventilation systems

Since in such systems it is possible to regulate the intensity of the fresh air supply, such ventilation systems are more in demand for heating and warming up the room.

According to the heating principle, such a supply heater can be water or electric.

Water heater

Powered by a heating system. The principle of operation of this ventilation system is to circulate air through a system of channels and tubes, inside which hot water or a special liquid. In this case, heating occurs in a heat exchanger built into the centralized heating system.

Electric heater.

The principle of operation of the system is to transform electrical energy into a thermal one using an electric heating element.


This is a compact device, small in size for supply ventilation, with heating. To supply fresh air, this device is attached to the wall of the room.

Breezer Tion o2

Breather design tion o2:

  • A duct consisting of an air intake and an air duct. This is a sealed and insulated tube through which the device draws air from the outside.
  • Air delay valve. This element represents air gap. It is designed to obstruct outflow warm air, while the device is turned off.
  • Filtration system. It consists of three filters that are installed in a certain sequence. The first two filters clean the air flow from visible contaminants. Third filter – deep cleaning– from bacteria and allergens. It purifies incoming air from various odors and exhaust gases.
  • Fan for air supply from outside.
  • Ceramic heater, which is equipped with climate control. Responsible for heating the air flow and automatic temperature regulation.

Operating principle of compact ventilation.

  1. Masses street air pass through the air intake, which is equipped plastic grill closed type. Thus, air masses are filtered from debris and insects.
  2. The air then passes through the duct into the body of the device. To protect the walls from freezing, it is made of sound-heat insulating plastic pipe. In this case, all joints are sealed.
  3. Then, coarse and medium dust are filtered using special filters built into the device.
  4. After which the air mass passes into the heater and warms up to the temperature set by the climate control. On such a device you can set the desired temperature (up to +25°C) and the system will maintain it automatically.
  5. After heating, the air undergoes two-stage filtration to remove fine dust, odors, gases and allergens, enters the fan and is discharged into the room.

This supply ventilation can be controlled remotely using a remote control.

The bottom device is installed within one hour.

Supply ventilation device with air heating

There are two types of units for supply ventilation:

  1. Monoblock - they are made up of one block, which is installed at the inlet of the air duct. This block contains all the necessary devices without exception, ensuring high-quality and reliable service. ventilation structure. This type of device is often generally installed in the wall or in window frames. This method is considered the simplest and least expensive. But in practice it is quite ineffective, since the placement of its intake fans does not make it possible to cover many areas of the building.
  2. Mounting - these supply ventilation systems are powerful enough to cover high rise buildings, industrial premises large areas, apartment buildings.

Supply ventilation schemes

The simplest type of installation:

  • Air filter,
  • blower fan,
  • A heating element.

How to heat supply air using a recuperator?

Recuperators are divided into 2 types:

  1. Rotary- work using electricity. Have a body cylindrical, in which the rotor element is mounted. It constantly rotates between the “incoming” and “exhaust” air valves. Quite a large item. Efficiency – up to 87%.
  2. Lamellar. Such recuperators consist of united plates. Supply and “exhaust” air move towards each other through different valves. This helps prevent recirculation. Such recuperators are usually small in size.

Duct heaters.

A duct heater (or heater) is a device that heats the air in a room. It consists of pipes within which water, steam or hot air circulates.

According to the principle of thermal output, duct heaters are divided into: electric and water. Water heaters must be connected to central heating systems.

How to use a fan heater

The main purpose of a fan heater is to heat air masses. For more intense circulation of flows, the fan forces air into the air. This makes this device universal.

Options for operating the fan heater:

  • This device can be used as the main source of heat supply to a room that does not have central heating.
  • The fan heater can complement the main heating system.
  • For heating construction sites and workers on them.
  • For quickly heating air in a small room.
  • The fan heater can be used as a regular fan: in winter for heating, in summer for cooling the air.
  • For ventilation and heating of enclosed spaces.

How to calculate power

When choosing supply ventilation with heating, you need to correctly calculate its power. To do this, you should be guided by the following parameters:

In industrial facilities with large areas and in rooms with special operating conditions, a special exhaust unit with heated air is used.

  • Ventilated room layout.

For household objects, the location of the rooms is important, whether they are walk-through or isolated. The number and location of ventilation devices will depend on such indicators.

  • The purpose of the room space and the number of people constantly staying there.

When designing a supply ventilation system with heating, you need to take into account the type of room, its purpose and the likely number of people who will constantly stay in it. In accordance with European standards, air exchange should be 12-20 m3 per person per hour.

  • Availability of additional equipment (industrial facilities, offices), operational features. If there is a lot of equipment in the room such as: computers, typewriters, welders, ovens, etc. When choosing the installation of a supply and exhaust system, this must be taken into account. The features of the operation of the premises are also important. Since the installation, which is intended for use in private homes, is in no way suitable for bath complexes, with sauna and swimming pool.

Significant differences in the supply air exhaust units also for different climatic zones.

Heating a room with an appliance that is not designed for this purpose can be deadly. Short circuits in houses, electricity, gas leaks - these are far from full list problems that may arise and lead to great difficulties.

Experts say: the owner needs to be especially careful gas stoves. It only seems that open fire warms better. In fact, it significantly spoils the air, making the situation even worse.

What to consider

Heating a room with an oven is quite easy. However, it is worth considering that if you open an electric oven, your stove will immediately start working harder, because. it will have to heat a much larger surface than the one for which it is designed. And this leads to an increase in energy consumption, and to faster wear of the furnace, and to the likelihood short circuit. After all, if the wiring is old and weak, it simply may not withstand such abuse.

Putting something in an open oven to cook (so that the oven supposedly works as intended) is not an option. After all, she does not have enough power to perform her direct duties.

As for gas stoves, the situation is even more serious. After all, such furnaces emit nitrogen dioxide into the atmosphere, and quite high level. And this is a rather dangerous carcinogen, leading to very unexpected consequences. For example, it can worsen asthma in children prone to this disease. Preschool children are especially affected.

If the ventilation system in the house also does not work well, you risk getting serious poisoning with the help of such heating of the premises.

And no amount of ventilation will help and you can’t heat the room with an oven. Moreover, opening the window and turning on gas oven, you are not providing the proper level of heating. And as a result, you poison yourself more than you insulate your room.

What to do

The only sensible option that can be offered to those who like to warm themselves by the stove is the purchase of an air conditioner or heater. Electrical appliances create comfortable temperature indoors in minutes. Moreover, they are completely safe for humans and do not cause the development of serious diseases such as asthma or other respiratory problems.

If possible, it is better to make a fireplace in the room. Let it be small, but real. Firewood does not emit toxic substances when burned, as a result of which the room is heated and does not cause harm to health.

And be sure to contact your housing office to resolve the issue with the room temperature. Perhaps your housing office will reconsider the conditions for supplying heat if the whole house is suffering just like you.


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