The wallpaper does not stick to the ceiling. How to hang paper wallpaper on the ceiling

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Sticking ceiling wallpaper- one of the most difficult stages of renovation in any room. This will require special preparation, effort and material. After all, ordinary wallpaper for the ceiling will not work. They will simply peel off. But the process of applying ceiling wallpaper itself has many features that need to be examined in more detail. Read all the details in our article today.

When should you not glue ceiling wallpaper?

It is better to refrain from this operation if you live in an old house. After all, in Soviet times the ceilings were made of slabs, so every one and a half meters the surface would have a joint that could not be covered. In addition, the slabs often lie under different angles and are not the same height. This can only be seen after removing the previous coating. If this situation is familiar to you, it will be much safer and more thoughtful to install suspended ceilings that will effectively hide these shortcomings.

Also, do not use wallpaper on the ceiling in the kitchen and bathroom. After all, in these rooms, hot steam rises, and due to humidity, the material begins to peel off. Thus, the wallpaper on the ceiling in these rooms will not last long. They will likely come off after a few weeks of use. Maximum - in a month.

What wallpaper is suitable for the ceiling?

You should not take wide rolls, because working with them is not easy. There is no need to try to look for ceiling wallpaper from foreign manufacturers. Basically, only domestic ones produce them.

It is not recommended to purchase wallpaper in too bright colors. They look out of place in any design. The best option is considered to be white or any approximate pastel shades, depending on the design idea of ​​a particular room or apartment as a whole. You should also not choose wallpaper that is too thick. After all, they are very heavy for the ceiling. Only specialized materials designed specifically for this surface are needed.

In small rooms, you should refrain from wallpapering with large patterns. After all, this will visually reduce the space. If you choose the right ceiling wallpaper, this, on the contrary, will create a feeling of comfort and expand the room.

What difficulties arise when gluing on the ceiling?

Do not forget that the wallpaper on the ceiling will always be illuminated, and if necessary, you will not be able to mask the imperfections with a piece of furniture or, for example, a painting. Here every nuance will be noticeable immediately.

You need to remember that the ceiling is the warmest place in the room. Consequently, the glue will dry there much faster. This gives extremely limited time to correct any errors while working with the material.

You should also not forget that you will not be able to avoid seams on the wallpaper. Therefore, it is necessary to come up with a way to disguise the seam joints or make them as inconspicuous as possible.

Types of wallpaper

There are several types that differ in their purpose and appearance. Among them:

  • Paper wallpaper. This is the cheapest category. However, the price here justifies the quality. Paper wallpaper will not last long, so you will soon have to make repeated repairs.
  • Non-woven. They are considered ceiling wallpaper and are ideal for painting. Thus, they can act as independent material. They are moisture resistant, which is a big plus.
  • Vinyl wallpapers. They may not lose their original color for a long time, they admit wet cleaning, and also unpretentious in operation. This type can imitate a variety of surface structures.
  • Fiberglass. They are not subject to mold infection, are also abrasion resistant and non-flammable.
  • Liquid wallpaper. This is an alternative to plaster. They are evenly applied to the entire ceiling surface with a spatula.

Is it possible to glue ceiling wallpaper onto previous wallpaper?

This question falls into the “possible, but not necessary” category. Ceiling wallpaper can be applied to the previous ones. However, this is mostly a waste of time.

The fact is that new wallpaper must be attached to something, and most often glue is used for this purpose. However, it is absorbed into the previous layer, leaving marks on it. Also, in order for the glue to harden, oxygen is needed. Because of this, bubbles appear on the coating, or the surface completely comes off in some places.

This is explained by the fact that the number of layers causes too much stress due to the massiveness. Consequently, the wallpaper turns out to be too heavy for the ceiling and begins to peel off.

The situation can be made worse if you try to paint the resulting composition. The color of the wallpaper will mix with the shade of the paint. Both layers will become saturated with moisture, and, most likely, the entire structure will fall down. However, this is only in best case scenario. In the worst case, you will have to tear them off layer by layer for a long time and intensively. This is not a pleasant task and requires a lot of patience.

Additional preparation steps

First of all, you need to make sure that there are no several layers of whitewash on the ceiling. If they exist, it is advisable to get rid of them. After all, it is unknown how they might behave under glue or under wallpaper in general.

Also, we must not forget that to cover the ceiling it will be necessary to turn off the electricity. Accordingly, it is best to start wallpapering in the morning in order to have time to complete all the work before dark.

How to properly glue ceiling wallpaper? When performing this operation, you need to remember that it requires specialized glue, preferably High Quality. There is no need to save on it. It is on this composition that the entire success of the work done will depend.

Step 1. Preparing the ceiling surface

The first step is the most important, because the entire future fate of wallpapering depends on it:

  • First you need to make sure that the ceiling is absolutely clean and does not contain excess paint or whitewash. Some paint finishes can be left on, but should be checked first. It is enough just to stick the adhesive tape and then tear it off with force. If the tape remains clean, you can leave this coating and not worry about the wallpaper.
  • We must not forget that you need to carefully fill all cracks and potholes. Otherwise they will be noticeable on your wallpaper. Before applying putty, the ceiling must be thoroughly cleaned. Then repair all the imperfections and only then putty everything on top.
  • If there is any paint or other coating left on the surface of the ceiling, it must be thoroughly washed with soap, wait until it dries completely, and only then can you start gluing wallpaper. The reason is that due to the glue, any surface imperfections will appear on the wallpaper.


How to deal with the problem visible seams? Before gluing ceiling wallpaper, you need to cut the material. It all depends on the number of windows in the room and their placement. How to glue wallpaper to the ceiling? Ceiling wallpaper should always be applied towards the window.

If there is more than one window in one room, it is recommended to cut the material along the length of the walls. This will help avoid large quantity seams and joints. In the process of cutting wallpaper for the ceiling, the elements do not have to strictly correspond to the measurements. Make them a little longer. A margin of three centimeters on each side will be enough so that the wallpaper slightly extends onto the wall. If this size becomes too much, it can be cut off at any time.

If you choose wallpaper with a pattern, you must first measure the length of the first strip, and cut all subsequent strips strictly in the same place. This way you can achieve a successful match of pattern or texture. An excellent practice when gluing is not only to apply glue to the wallpaper, but to treat the ceiling with it.

How to properly apply wallpaper with glue?

To do this, you will need to turn the piece of material over so that front side ended up at the bottom. The strip must be located on a flat and clean surface.

Stages of gluing the first strip:

  1. Mixing glue. The composition should be made as thick as possible, depending on the length of the wallpaper. While it swells, move on to the next step.
  2. It is necessary to mark the middle of the ceiling from two different parts rooms. To do this, you can use a coated cord; you will need to pull it back and click it on the ceiling. This way it will turn out straight line, which can be used later.
  3. The light from the window should go along the joints, if you were in doubt about how to glue ceiling wallpaper correctly. In this case, the defects will be less noticeable. As mentioned earlier, wallpaper should be glued along the length of the room in the direction of the windows.
  4. In the process of wallpapering, simply turning off the electricity with a switch is not enough. It must be turned off on the control panel or the plugs must be unscrewed. This is the only way you can be sure that the wiring will not short out and you will be safe.
  5. To find out how to apply ceiling wallpaper, or more precisely, how to apply the first strip, just use the instructions from the manufacturer. Do not forget that instructions differ depending on the type of material and manufacturer. General Tips can only lead to wasted canvas.

Subsequent stages of wallpapering

For efficient work It is best if at least 2 people work on gluing. In this case, one can stand on a stepladder under the ceiling, and the second can hand him wallpaper sheets, holding them as high as possible to the ceiling for convenience. This will significantly speed up and facilitate the work process.

We must not forget about the stock on each side of the wallpaper. Three centimeters will be enough, but you can take up to five. If the canvas is too long, it must be cut. To avoid negligence and stick the ceiling wallpaper as in the photo, you need to use a spatula to carefully remove excess. Scissors or even sharp knife. After all, they can leave torn edges.

To organize continuous process gluing, it would be nice to also have a third partner who could prepare the next piece of canvas. The process must be done as quickly as possible, because then the wallpaper will dry evenly and there will be no unnecessary difficulties.

If, when connecting a piece of ceiling wallpaper, small air bubbles, you must immediately level them with a spatula. Such an error cannot be corrected later. This procedure must be repeated with each piece of wallpaper. All subsequent (after the first) strips must be glued end-to-end.

As for how to properly glue ceiling wallpaper so that the seams are not visible, you need to slowly pull one strip to the other with your hands. This is done in such a way that ultimately these strips come into contact with each other.

It should be remembered that all excess glue must be removed immediately. White rags are better suited for these purposes. It is advisable to stock up on a large number of them. It is important that the rags are dry and clean. Then it will not be imprinted on the new ceiling wallpaper and will help to carefully remove the remnants of the previously applied glue. The strips that are glued last or applied along the edges of the room must be trimmed further from below. This way you can save both effort and time spent on installation.

General conclusions

There are an infinite number of ways to glue ceiling wallpaper. However, the above tips are the most effective and common. They will help even a beginner cope with this not an easy task. True, to simplify the work, you will still need the help of one or two friends.

Wallpapering in the absence of at least some experience is a very difficult matter. Even experienced craftsmen ceiling work are preparing to overcome some difficulties. Therefore, those who decided to engage self-registration premises, you should know the main stages and nuances of such work. This will help you avoid mistakes and make a quality finish.

Preparatory process

A professional can stick the wallpaper on the ceiling on his own by folding it like an accordion, but it is better for a novice specialist to find an assistant. He will support the hanging end of the paper web and evaluate the quality of the work. This will make the task much easier.
If the ceilings are high, the matter is complicated by the need to construct a stable two-tier pedestal that will be easy to climb. For rooms with low temperatures it will be enough comfortable table or a high stool. You should prepare a platform on which the wallpaper will be spread and coated with glue. The optimal solution will free up space along the wall and thoroughly clean the floor.

The ceiling surface should be cleaned of lime or paint, leveled, and cracks should be sealed with putty. Before removing irregularities and defects, the entire treated area must be covered with a primer. deep penetration. Before starting work, you will need to close the doors and windows tightly and turn off the electricity.

Stages of wallpapering the ceiling

1. Prepare a brush, roller, clean rags, and a container of glue.
2. A roll is spread along the wall and cut into sheets of the same length, making sure that the pattern matches.
3. Apply glue to the middle of the first canvas and distribute it to the edges with gentle movements. The adhesive should not get on the front side of the wallpaper.
4. The canvas is folded in half so that the coated sides touch.
5. Depending on the structure of the selected wallpaper, they will need different time until the paper is saturated. Usually 1 minute is enough.
6. Next, you need to climb onto the pedestal and ask an assistant to hand one of the edges of the canvas. At this time, its second side is supported below.
7. By distributing the wallpaper in in the right direction along the wall, you should roll it out with a roller, squeezing out the air and achieving a smooth smooth surface.
8. After part of the canvas is glued, the pedestal is moved and the process continues.
9. The second piece of wallpaper is glued end-to-end in the same way.

Professionals recommend applying glue to the ceiling so that the work moves faster and is of better quality. Much depends on the type of paper chosen: if it is too thick, then it needs to be given more time to soak. Such sheets should be supported more carefully, since the weight of a wet sheet is significant and it can tear.

So, you are thinking about repairing your ceiling in the hall, bedroom or hallway - it doesn’t matter. The only important thing is what exactly you want to do with your ceiling. Currently construction companies offer a lot of original and luxurious solutions, including tension or suspended ceilings, various options for decorative ceiling. We will try to figure out how to glue ceiling wallpaper and prevent some mistakes in this rather painstaking process.

This is one of the original, quite simple and economical solutions for your ceiling. Despite the seemingly simple solution, they can decorate yours and give it additional zest.

Types of ceiling wallpaper

There are several types of wallpaper. So, if you want to paint the ceiling in the future, you should purchase them either from fiberglass or non-woven ones. The former allow you to reduce paint consumption due to low adsorption characteristics, the latter you can repaint up to 10 times, and you should use acrylic or latex paint.

It is worth considering that if you save your cash and choose the option of purchasing embossed ceiling wallpaper (two layers), then after about 5 years you will have to redo the ceiling again, since they are short-lived. But if you don’t skimp and buy non-woven ones, you will receive a guarantee that the ceiling will not bother you for at least 15 years.

Another type is textile. The fabric in this version will be treated with special coatings, which will protect them from contamination. They also have good heat and sound insulation.

How to choose the best

Another important question that will be asked of you. For the most part, ceilings produced in Russia have only one color option - they are white. At the same time, domestic ones have a lot of relief and patterns options, which provides the consumer with various options design solution in decorating your room. As for imported ceiling wallpapers, they are much more varied, and they can be either colorless (under further painting up to ten times), and have some attractive color in advance.

The process of gluing ceiling wallpaper

Do not rush to draw conclusions that gluing ceiling and wall wallpaper is no different. Let's start with the fact that everything depends on the products you choose. So, foreign manufacturers They simplified the gluing task, unlike domestic ones: just apply a layer of glue directly to the ceiling and that’s it. But we got ahead of ourselves a little. Fulfill a number of conditions:

And now we continue to understand how gluing imported ones differs from gluing domestic ones. So, as we wrote above, imported ones do not need to be lubricated with glue; it is enough to apply it directly. As for domestic wallpaper, here you will need to apply a layer of glue on it. Be sure to let them soak for 10 minutes. Next, assemble them “in an accordion” and stick them on the ceiling one by one.

In both cases, you may develop various swellings. You should use a rubber roller: roll out these swellings and bubbles from the center to the edges.

Stages of gluing

  1. Provide for yourself necessary tools and materials: spatulas, rubber rollers, brushes for applying glue ( different sizes), ruler, tape measure, stationery knife, glue for ceiling wallpaper, acrylic primer, etc. (as needed).
  2. Get rid of previous "patterns" on the ceiling. Clean the surface to perfect condition.
  3. Eliminate serious ceiling defects. Minor differences in relief, as described above, can be ignored. But large “cavities” will have to be dealt with using putty or plasterboard overlays.
  4. Apply an acrylic primer to the ceiling and let it dry for about 1 hour.
  5. Decide which direction the sticking will be. In order for the seams between the stripes to be barely noticeable, it is necessary to glue the wallpaper in the direction of sunlight - away from the windows.
  6. If they do not have a pattern, then you can immediately cut them to size so that there is a small margin of 2 to 10 cm. If they were purchased with a pattern, then it is worth cutting just one strip to size. Then, having pasted it, apply the rest of the wallpaper and match the pattern, and then mark the cutting places with a pencil.
  7. Lay the cut strip pattern down and carefully apply a layer of glue with a brush. You will also need to apply ceiling wallpaper adhesive to the ceiling if you have not completely stripped it off. In this case, the layer of glue on the ceiling should be minimal. Let the wallpaper soak for 10 minutes and no more!
  8. We fold the strip into an accordion and glue it to the ceiling. We move them with our hands to the junction with the other strip.
  9. After this, you should smooth them with a roller to get rid of swelling (bubbles). Smooth from the middle to the edges.
  10. Trim off any excess pieces by applying a spatula to the corner and running the blade of a utility knife along the strip.
  11. The wallpaper should dry naturally, and there should be no drafts in the room.

Video on how to glue ceiling wallpaper:

  1. First of all, remember that gluing should overlap, so you need to cut with a margin. You will later trim off the excess edges using a utility knife.
  2. Take care of the cleanliness of your ceiling: remove old “patterns”, tiles and unnecessary plaster.
  3. Don't be lazy and apply it to the ceiling acrylic primer. It dries within one hour.
  4. Try to make sure that no wind gets into the room (get rid of drafts).
  5. "Seven times measure cut once". When cutting wallpaper, remember that in general cases it is 10.5-10.6 meters long. Therefore, to avoid extra costs, carefully consider all your actions.


Gluing ceiling wallpaper is a simple process: it is enough to follow a number of rules described above, and then you guarantee a new and original interior in the apartment. We hope we were able to explain to you in understandable language how to glue ceiling wallpaper. If you have any additional questions or suggestions, please leave your comments below!

Kirill Sysoev

Calloused hands never get bored!


More recently, several decades ago, during renovations, ceilings were whitewashed with chalk. This was perhaps the only way to decorate ceilings. Currently, the plane above the heads does not have to be white: bright, elegant materials are used above as actively as on the walls. It is important to know how to hang wallpaper on the ceiling correctly so that the paper, vinyl or non-woven fabric lays flat and forms a surface without flaws.

Is there wallpaper on the ceiling?

Finishing the ceiling space is a complex and tedious process. For some types (installation of a suspended plane, installation tension fabric, gluing wallpaper) you need a team of two or three people; you can’t do it alone. Do apartment owners in new buildings put wallpaper on the ceiling? Often this type of finish is replaced with modern paint. Nevertheless, having undoubted advantages, roll material will remain popular for a long time. Here are five reasons for its popularity:

  1. This is not the most expensive type of finishing. The material is presented in construction markets in a wide price range.
  2. You can easily choose the finish to suit your taste. There are wallpaper rolls of any color, pattern, texture on sale.
  3. Wallpaper, especially ceiling ones, are perfectly combined with each other. Your design will be unique.
  4. For this type finishing works no need for expensive equipment.
  5. Professional pasting skills are also not required. If necessary, you can easily handle the repairs yourself, doing the work carefully and according to routine.

Which wallpaper is better

Hanging wallpaper on the ceiling with your own hands begins with choosing rolls. Which wallpaper is best to glue to the ceiling in your room is an important question. So that the result of the repair pleases you for a long time, think about what the material, pattern, color of the wallpaper will be. It’s good if the color of the top plane is the same color scheme, like the walls, but a little lighter. It is better to choose light rolls with a small pattern or without it at all. This type of painting does not require complex joining of lines and hides surface imperfections.

Used for pasting residential premises using panels made of different materials. Non-woven, vinyl, and paper wallpapers are often purchased. Each material has its own characteristics, pros and cons, you need to find out about them before you hang wallpaper on the ceiling yourself. If you are doing pasting for the first time, and your ceiling is well prepared for repair (smooth, without flaws), choose vinyl rolls. The paper fits well even on a bumpy surface; it can hide ceiling defects. Non-woven fabric looks impressive and stylish, but working with it requires skills.

How much wallpaper do you need?

To calculate the consumption of wallpaper rolls, decide in which direction you will paste them. According to the rules, the sheets are placed above the head perpendicular to the flow of sunlight, that is, parallel to the window (in most cases this is the width of the room). When measuring the width of the room, find out the length of each panel. Take measurements and calculate how many strips you will need. When determining how much wallpaper you need for the ceiling, consider the standards. Rolls are 10 and 15 meters long. Their width is 0.5 or 1 meter.

Can it be glued to ceiling tiles?

Before you hang wallpaper on the ceiling correctly, start preparing the base, which will determine whether your finish will last long. The surface must be hard, smooth, monolithic. This is achieved by distributing the putty mixture and deep penetration primer over the plane. Are you wondering whether it is possible to glue wallpaper onto ceiling tiles? The result of the experiment will be disappointing. The canvases will not lie flat, over time they will sag, crack at the joints, and come off in places. Ceiling tiles Before pasting, dismantle to a solid layer.

You can glue wallpaper onto wallpaper

Sometimes the previous finishing layer holds so firmly that there is a desire not to tear it off, but to stick new strips on top. Sometimes you can glue wallpaper onto wallpaper on the ceiling, but this is the exception rather than the rule. How can you determine if this is possible in your case? Moisten the old paper thoroughly with a wet brush over an area of ​​at least square meter, let it soak in moisture. If the panel begins to bubble, it will come off under the weight of the glue and finishing material. It must be removed completely, to the base. The quality of gluing new wallpaper strips over old ones is always low.

How to glue wallpaper to the ceiling

Prepare necessary materials and working tools. You will need:

  • roulette;
  • construction or stationery knife for side cuts and cutting of the panel;
  • pencil for marking;
  • a special roller for smoothing wallpaper or a plastic spatula;
  • a rag or sponge for wiping off excess glue;
  • paintbrush and small glue brush;
  • wallpaper rolls;
  • high-quality glue (preferably instant).

Before gluing wallpaper, make sure that the base is well prepared. The ceiling surface should not have traces of chalk, cracks, or potholes. Defects must be carefully processed and puttied. A good primer will make the plane strong and monolithic, which should dry before the start of gluing. It will ensure uniform adhesion of the material to the surface being pasted, and the strips will adhere securely.

Measure panels of a given length; if necessary, take into account where the pattern matches. Cut the workpieces, each time marking the beginning of the strip. The edge with marks should always be on the same side; this is important, even if the strips do not have a clearly defined pattern. You need to draw a marker along the ceiling - the level of the first strip, a line parallel to the wall along which the first sheet is laid. Start working from the window.

Coat the gluing area (part of the ceiling) with the adhesive solution according to the instructions. It should not be as thick as the main adhesive mass. Apply neat, thin adhesive layer wide popcorn. Apply the strip with movements from the center to the edge, do not allow excess glue on the spread sheet. Treat the edges and corners especially carefully. Roll the wallpaper sheet inward with glue and leave to soak for a couple of minutes.

On next stage you will need an assistant. Unfold the panel and lean it against the ceiling along its entire length. You need to quickly adjust the position of the strip, aligning it with the marker line. Use a roller or plastic spatula to smooth out the wallpaper, removing blisters caused by air bubbles and excess glue. Avoid wrinkles and creases in the canvas, some of them will be noticeable after drying. Repeat the action, gluing the strips end-to-end, one by one, until the entire surface of the ceiling is finished.


This type of wallpaper requires skills and some experience from the master. The fact is that non-woven wallpaper is glued to the ceiling, spreading only the base. If the wallpaper is of high quality, it can be smoothed out perfectly with a special spatula. The coating dries evenly, leaving no bubbles or kinks underneath. This technique may allow you to glue the blanks alone. Simply apply the strip, rolled into a roll, to the coated part of the ceiling plane and unwind it as it is glued.


Durable, dense material with a vinyl finishing layer well masks unevenness and defects in the ceiling visual perception. Sticking vinyl wallpaper– it’s not a difficult matter. It is important to pay attention to the quality of the joints, lubricating the surface well. The junctions of the vinyl covered strips are very neat and invisible. If necessary, the edge of the sheet hanging over the wall is cut with a knife, using a metal spatula as a ruler.


For imperfect ceilings, paper sheets can be an excellent finishing option. Glue thin paper wallpaper You need to apply it to the ceiling quickly, without letting it get too wet. They are laid on surfaces of any degree of unevenness and, unlike vinyl, adhere tightly after drying. However, paper with an embossed pattern, which is thicker and more massive, is more reminiscent of vinyl in properties.

How to hang wallpaper alone

You can adapt to any circumstances. So from the assortment you can choose non-woven rolls that are glued dry. But a team of two people will get the job done much faster and with better quality. Therefore, before you hang wallpaper on the ceiling alone, try to find someone to help.


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When it comes to finishing the ceiling surface, people in most cases consider only three options: installation stretch ceiling, installation suspended structure and painting. It would seem that there is not much to choose from, but there is a fourth option, which has been used for decades, but today for some reason it is becoming a thing of the past. We are now talking about wallpapering. Ceiling wallpaper was not always glued, mainly because gluing it is quite difficult and inconvenient. This article was written so that even a beginner can understand how to hang wallpaper on the ceiling.

To begin with, this finishing option has always been original, as it provided wide design possibilities. Wallpaper allows you to create unique interiors that you won’t find in other houses or apartments.

As for other advantages of this method, these include:

  • no need to frequently paint the ceiling if it fades over time;
  • no need for significant financial costs associated with the arrangement of tension/suspended structures.

In other words, wallpaper is the best option according to several criteria at once. However, it should be remembered that the choice of material must be approached with all responsibility (this is especially true for rooms with high humidity).

Now let's look at the gluing process itself. This procedure, as noted above, is extremely inconvenient: it is not easy to glue wallpaper onto walls, but here all the work is done overhead.

For which rooms is wallpapering suitable?

It is not suitable for every room. Embossed colored ceilings are known to visually make a room smaller, so this method is suitable for large rooms - say, a living room, where you can not only experiment using different textures, but also hide imperfections in the finishing. The fact is that the latter large rooms less noticeable than in small ones.

The ceiling, covered with wallpaper, also has a large set of visual effects. With its help, for example, you can both make a room more comfortable and divide it into several zones. It is quite obvious that the ability to delimit rooms is especially important in one-room apartments, where one room serves as an office, a living room, and a bedroom. Finally, the porosity of the wallpaper also provides additional sound insulation.

Stage one. Deciding on the type of wallpaper

First, you need to familiarize yourself with the features of some types of wallpaper, and also find out which option is more suitable for finishing the ceiling.

  1. Paper. The most common type of material, characterized by low cost. A good choice in case of cosmetic repairs.
  2. Liquid. Who doesn’t know, such wallpaper is a special liquid mixture that, after application, gives a seamless and perfectly smooth surface.
  3. Vinyl. Very popular today, they are distinguished by durability, strength and moisture resistance.
  4. Non-woven. Such wallpapers are especially durable, elastic, and abrasion-resistant.
  5. Textile. They consist of two layers - a paper (or non-woven) base and a textile fabric.

We have not considered all types of wallpaper present on the current market, and this is of no use. Instead, let's return to the main topic, namely wallpapering the ceiling with your own hands.

GOST 30834-2002. Wallpaper. Definitions and graphic symbols. File for download.

Stage two. We prepare everything you need

As for the wallpaper itself, there are no restrictions in terms of their choice - you can use any of the options listed above. For example, the starry sky is a very original method of decorating the ceiling surface.

On a note! Wallpapering for painting deserves special attention. Modern models the material can be painted up to 15 times, which means that if you are tired of the color, then it is not at all necessary to remove the previous finish - instead, you can simply repaint it.

If the ceiling in the room is low, then it is preferable to use wallpaper light colors, and always with small and dim drawings. This will visually raise the ceiling, and the light wallpaper itself will be suitable for almost any interior. In order to reduce the height of the ceiling, you need, on the contrary, to use dark colors. However, this is a matter of taste, so no one can stop you from using the option that you personally like for gluing.

You will also need the following tools:

  • stepladder (or durable table, sawhorses);
  • brushes;
  • bucket;
  • rags;
  • a construction mixer (in extreme cases, you can use a regular wooden stick) to stir the glue;
  • pencil;
  • roulette;
  • roller (the handle should be long and the length of the pile should be medium);
  • a special tray for the roller (thanks to it the glue will be distributed evenly).

On a note! The strips must be laid parallel to the window. With natural light coming from the window, the joints will be less noticeable. For this reason, trimming wallpaper should be done taking into account the longitudinal size of the room.

And one more thing: it’s better to do the gluing together. One will glue the wallpaper, and the other will hold the edges of the strips and make sure that the installation is done correctly. Although this can be done independently (by folding the canvas into an “accordion”), but only if you have a lot of experience.

Stage three. Preparing the ceiling

One of the main advantages of wallpapering is that it is not necessary to remove the old covering from the ceiling. But if there is whitewash, then it is advisable to remove it and then putty the surface twice. If there was already wallpaper on the ceiling before, they also need to be torn off.

If working surface uneven or has significant slopes, then it needs to be leveled (in particularly serious cases, drywall is used for leveling). However, this again depends on your budget, as well as what kind of renovations you will be doing.

If wallpapering will be done on a puttied surface, then before starting work it must be properly treated. You can use acrylic primer for these purposes, applying it to the ceiling with a regular brush.

When the primer layer dries (and this will happen quite quickly), you can begin directly gluing the wallpaper. Let us also note that priming the ceiling is an optional procedure, but wallpaper on a primed surface, which has been repeatedly proven, sticks, sticks and dries much better.

dried primer in mandatory sand it down. Also, the treated surface must be marked in such a way that the strips of material are glued at an angle of 90 degrees relative to one of the walls of the room. Seal the place where the chandelier will be hung using masking tape. Don't forget to turn off the electricity before gluing.

Stage four. Cutting the wallpaper correctly

It's no secret that to hang wallpaper, you first need to cut it according to the required sizes. For this reason, you should definitely know how to cut without ruining the material. Below is an algorithm of necessary actions.

First, take the roll and place it so that the front side “looks” down.

Using a tape measure, measure the appropriate length, then mark the location with a pencil.

Where we put the mark, we bend the material (the front part should be on top) and smooth out the resulting bend.

At the end, we take a stationery knife and cut the strip along the bend (more precisely, along inside the latter).

Stage five. Draw a line for the first strip

When the ceiling is properly prepared and the wallpaper is cut into strips of the required length, we need to mark a line along which we will glue the first sheet of wallpaper.

To make the line as even as possible, we hammer in a couple of nails along the width next to the ceiling on opposite walls. We tie and pull the rope tightly between these nails, after rubbing it with chalk. Next, we pull back and sharply lower the rope - as a result, a white line will remain on the ceiling, along which we will glue the first strip.

Note! The line must be marked before the actual wallpapering begins.

Stage six. Let's start wallpapering

Here, a lot depends on the type of wallpaper chosen for the room. If we are talking about, say, vinyl or paper, then the glue should be applied directly to the wallpaper sheets themselves. If non-woven wallpaper is used, the adhesive mixture should be applied to the ceiling surface. The adhesive that was applied to non-woven wallpaper must be kept for several minutes, while for paper wallpaper this is unacceptable - the material should be laid on the ceiling immediately after applying the adhesive.

Let us add that the strips of material must be laid parallel to the window opening, as was already mentioned at the beginning of the article. Thanks to this, the joints will be practically invisible. When everything is ready, we get to work. For the convenience of visitors, the instructions are presented in table form.

Table. Pasting ceiling wallpaper.

Steps, no.Short description

Stir the glue. It must be very thick to securely fix the wallpaper.

Take the first strip and apply the adhesive mixture to it, spreading it from the center to the edges. It is important that the glue never gets on front part wallpaper

It all depends on how many people are doing the pasting. If you do this alone, then fold the glue-coated strip into an accordion shape, then glue along the previously marked line, gradually straightening the material. As you glue, smooth the material with a roller or a special smoothing brush. If two people are working, then one must climb onto the trestle, holding the edge of the strip. The second one at this time should hold the second edge and monitor the process.

Now we squeeze out the remaining adhesive solution and air from under the wallpaper strip. For this purpose, we take a clean roller and roll it, moving from the center to the edges. To remove excess glue, use a sponge or rag.

We perform similar actions with the remaining wallpaper strips. Difficulties here can arise only with the adjustment of the adjacent strip to the already glued one. We do this end-to-end, without overlap. If there is some kind of pattern on the wallpaper, then we need to combine adjacent stripes (we need to take care of this at the stage of cutting the material).

Note! There should be no drafts in the room during gluing. It is recommended not to open windows and doors for several days after completion of work.

If you work alone, you can make your own convenient device, designed to support strips, from plasterboard profile, connecting it with the letter “T”. The video below clearly shows how to wallpaper a ceiling yourself.

Video - Wallpapering the ceiling with your own hands

You can use ceiling plinth to seal joints.

Common mistakes when gluing

The most common defect is material lag. This can happen after gluing it to old and peeling plaster. To avoid this defect, you must first remove the layer of plaster or paint. This is especially true in the case of lime or chalk whitewash. After removing the old coating, the surface must be treated with fixing paint.

When gluing, it is advisable to apply glue both to the ceiling and to the wallpaper. As a rule, special adhesive solutions for heavy types are used for this. of this material. Moreover, it is recommended to dilute the glue somewhat thicker than indicated in the manufacturer's instructions. The ceiling surface itself should be treated, and the smaller the thickness of the wallpaper sheets, the more careful the alignment should be. If thick textured wallpaper is used, then leveling can be done less carefully, since small defects will not be noticeable. Sanding and priming, as noted earlier, will help improve grip.

Please pay Special attention on air bubbles under the material, because they will be especially noticeable when the lighting is on.

Finally, to avoid getting wet through, you should not soak the wallpaper for too long, and the glue layer should not be too thick.

Rules of care

To extend the life of the wallpaper, you can coat it with varnish. Most paintable wallpaper can easily withstand at least several stains, so this finishing option is extremely economical. And if the wallpaper comes off, coat the fallen edges with glue and press them to the surface with a clean roller.

As for embossed wallpaper, they are distinguished by the fact that they absorb dust well and unpleasant odors. For this reason, such material needs periodic cleaning, for which you can use a vacuum cleaner, dry cloth or brush. Moisture-resistant wallpaper can be wiped with damp cloths.

Video - Gluing non-woven wallpaper to the ceiling

Summing up

Actually, we can end here. We found out that gluing ceiling wallpaper is quite a difficult task, but if you wish, you can handle everything on your own. The main difficulty of the process is that you need to complete all the steps listed and described above. If you strictly follow the instructions, there should be no problems.


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