Review of equipment for the production of aerated concrete blocks. Let's learn about equipment for the production of aerated concrete blocks: raw materials, manufacturing process

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Concrete is one of the most popular materials in construction. But in last years Increasingly, not just concrete is being used, but concrete blocks with various additives. One of these “hybrids” is aerated concrete. Therefore, in this article, using the example business plan for the production of aerated concrete blocks We will consider the prospects for creating such an enterprise.

Aerated concrete is actively used in construction residential buildings, administrative buildings, shopping malls, etc. Load-bearing walls are usually made from aerated concrete, since the material is highly durable. The demand for aerated concrete blocks continues to grow, which makes this business very promising. But during the process of launching an aerated concrete production enterprise, a number of issues may arise that should be considered at the planning stage.

Key Features business plan for the production of aerated concrete blocks with calculations

Production planning

When deciding to launch a new business, you should carefully analyze all aspects of the matter. Before we move on to actual production, we first need to do some development. business plan For aerated concrete production.

It is important to assess the presence of competitors in the regional market, since opening such a production will be most profitable if there are no direct competitors in the region, since transportation costs are one of the few items in production on which savings are possible in this business.

IN business plan it will be important to carefully carry out all the calculations associated with the beginning production of aerated concrete. All collected information must be structured into sections, drawing appropriate conclusions.



Main activities within the production of aerated concrete

Within the framework of the project under consideration, the main activity will be the production of aerated concrete blocks, which are produced by introducing cement mortar certain substances that cause gas formation (usually aluminum powder).

Simplified all processes within the framework of the considered business plan for the production of aerated concrete blocks will look like this:

  • Purchase of raw materials;
  • Block production;
  • Sales of products.

The technological solution (adding gas-forming substances to cement) is due to the fact that concrete blocks simply have worse performance characteristics than concrete structures with various additives. In turn, aerated concrete has high thermal insulation and soundproofing properties.

1 – Summary

1.1. The essence of the project

1.2. Volume of investments to launch the production of aerated concrete blocks

1.3. Work results

2 – Concept

2.1. Project concept

2.2. Description/Properties/Characteristics

2.3. Goals for 5 years

3 – Market

3.1. Market size

3.2. Market dynamics

4 – Staff

4.1. Staffing table

4.2. Processes

4.3. Wage

5 – Financial plan

5.1. Investment plan

5.2. Financing plan

5.3. Sales plan for the development of production of aerated concrete blocks

5.4. Spending plan

5.5. Tax payment plan

5.6. Reports

5.7. Investor income

6 – Analysis

6.1. Investment analysis

6.2. Finance Analysis

6.3. Risks of producing aerated concrete blocks

7 – Conclusions

A business plan for the production of aerated concrete blocks with calculations is provided in MS Word format - it already contains all the tables, graphs, diagrams and descriptions. You can use them "as is" because it is already ready to use. Or you can adjust any section to suit you.

For example: if you need to change the name of the project or the region where the business is located, this can be easily done in the “Project Concept” section

Financial calculations are provided in MS Excel format - the parameters are highlighted in the financial model - this means that you can change any parameter, and the model will automatically calculate everything: it will build all the tables, graphs and diagrams.

For example: if you need to increase your sales plan, then just change the sales volume for a given product (service) - the model will recalculate everything automatically, and immediately all the tables and diagrams will be ready: monthly sales plan, sales structure, sales dynamics - all this will be ready .

A special feature of the financial model is that all formulas, parameters and variables are available for change, which means that any specialist who knows how to work in MS Excel can adjust the model to suit themselves.


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Drawing up a business plan for aerated concrete production

Market analysis of aerated concrete blocks

The relatively stable economic situation has caused positive trends in the development of the construction industry, which has led to the demand for building materials. The production of gas and foam concrete is one of the fastest growing industries in the construction market.

In the market analysis section in aerated concrete business plan It will be necessary to estimate the share of aerated concrete in the total production of building materials. It is also necessary to evaluate not only direct competitors (companies selling aerated concrete blocks), but also indirect ones (companies producing other materials used for similar purposes in construction).

Talking about competitive advantages aerated concrete compared to other building materials, we note such characteristics as:

  • Lightness (due to the fact that the blocks have a porous structure);
  • High thermal conductivity;
  • Vapor permeability (this is a disadvantage - the material tends to accumulate moisture, so you have to cover the walls with special solutions);
  • Fire safety (aerated concrete is one of the safest (non-flammable) materials);
  • Ease of use (convenience during the construction of buildings).

A similar line of business with similar technology for production and sales of products is the production of foam blocks. also contains a descriptive part of the project and calculations.

Registration of production

When starting any activity, it is necessary to register it - that is, register as individual entrepreneur or as a limited liability company.

The business plan will also need to take into account the costs associated with providing all documents - to the tax office; to the Pension Fund and the Fund social insurance, open bank accounts, obtain other permits - conclusions from the labor safety inspectorate, according to fire safety and etc.

Planning the production of aerated concrete blocks

In this section, you need to choose the location of production and determine the characteristics of the necessary equipment.

Speaking about the location of production, we note that it is better to place it outside the city or in an industrial zone. The main thing is the availability of sufficient space to accommodate:

  • Workshop (possibly several workshops);
  • Raw materials warehouse;
  • Stock finished products;
  • Garage;
  • Administrative premises;
  • Utility rooms.

IN business plan for each specific production aerated concrete the characteristics and cost of the equipment used will be given, which will vary depending on production program. Let's present some approximate categories of equipment:

  • Dispensers for bulk materials and water;
  • Mixer for aerated concrete;
  • Forms;
  • Mobile pallets for molds;
  • Cutting device, etc.

When planning production, it is necessary to draw up staffing table indicating all categories of personnel, their job responsibilities and wages.

On initial stage the following specialists need to be found:

  • Manager;
  • Technologist;
  • General workers;
  • Loaders;
  • Drivers;
  • Other auxiliary workers (as necessary).

Investment calculations in a business plan for the production of aerated concrete blocks

Since most of the calculations depend on technological solutions and the production program of a particular enterprise, it is quite difficult to identify a single structure and provide specific figures for the required investments. But you can download a sample on our website business plan for the production of aerated concrete blocks with calculations. The calculation methodology presented in this business plan will allow you to calculate all the necessary indicators depending on the characteristics of your project.

  • Equipment - xxx r.
  • Premises (rent) - xxx rub.
  • Working capital - xxx rub.
  • Marketing - xxx r.
  • Unforeseen expenses (10%) - xxx rub.

ABOUT The total investment amount will be approximately50 - 150 million rubles. Of course, everything depends on the scale of the planned activity, the characteristics of the equipment, etc. But in any case, significant financial investments will be required to launch serious production.

Operating costs in the production of aerated concrete

In addition to investment expenses in any business, there are also operating expenses associated, as a rule, with the purchase of raw materials and payment wages. Their approximate structure for a company producing aerated concrete blocks is as follows:

  • Rent – ​​xxx rub.
  • Salary – xxx rub.
  • Raw materials – xxx r.
  • Utility payments – xxx rub.
  • Depreciation – xxx rub.
  • Taxes – xxx r.
  • Other expenses (10%) – xxx rub.
  • Total operating expenses for the month - xxx rub.

Total expenses will consist of investment and operating expenses.

Income in the business plan of an enterprise for the production of aerated concrete

The company's income will also have different meaning depending on the specifics of a particular business. Let us only note that sales of aerated concrete blocks are seasonal. The peak of sales occurs in the spring and summer months, when construction is actively underway.

Sales of products are possible through different channels sales - retail sales from the enterprise warehouse, concluding contracts with construction companies and etc.

Income items in business plan for an enterprise producing aerated concrete will be generated by receiving income from the sale of the following assortment items:

  • structural aerated concrete blocks;
  • structural and thermal insulation aerated concrete blocks;
  • thermal insulating aerated concrete blocks.

Thus, based on the assortment categories and their cost, the planned revenue from the production of aerated concrete is calculated, which for the xxx period will amount to xxx thousand rubles. This value is calculated based on the average prices for aerated concrete blocks in Russia, which for the period xxx amounted to xxx rubles.

The average payback period for such production will be approximately 3 - 5 years.

The business plan has a clear structure, contains detailed financial calculations, and the financial model allows you to flexibly change any business parameter. This optimal solution for those who plan to attract investments, want to get a loan or have ready-made template to develop your business plan.

Structure of the financial model for the production of aerated concrete blocks

The financial model is a separate file in MS Excel format - essentially it is
a separate product designed for business planning and calculation of all its
indicators. Each of the parameters of the financial model can be changed manually.
There are no macros in the financial model. All formulas are transparent and accessible to

Traffic report Money- the most important document of any business plan. Contains comprehensive information about the company's operating, investment and financial inflows and outflows, and also allows you to evaluate the overall picture of the company's performance.

Why do you need professional development of a business plan for aerated concrete production?

Starting production in the construction industry is associated with large investments and risks. Correctly drawing up a business plan will allow you to develop a viable business development strategy, as well as attract investment and credit resources. In order not to waste your time and effort on developing such a document, we suggest you download a sample of a ready-made business plan for the production of aerated concrete blocks with calculations. The financial model presented in this sample will allow you to calculate all investment indicators for your project. And a clear structure of all the necessary sections in this business plan will help to correctly convey the idea of ​​the project to an investor or bank. You can also order the development of an individual turnkey business plan, taking into account the characteristics of your business, by clicking on the link below.

Starting a business in the construction industry is both a responsible and time-consuming, but profitable endeavor. A promising direction This industry is the production of aerated concrete blocks. It is only important to correctly draw up a business plan.

Aerated concrete is fake diamond, which is used to build walls in individual construction. It is suitable for the construction of load-bearing structures, internal partitions and filling interframe spaces. Aerated blocks do not place a large load on the foundation because they have a cellular structure and are light in weight. This economical building material with high thermal insulation properties.

There are several types of classification of cellular concrete: depending on the purpose, shape, production technology and composition.

1. Based on the processing method, a distinction is made between autoclaved and non-autoclaved aerated concrete.

2. According to their purpose, gas blocks can be heat-insulating, structural or structural-thermal-insulating. They have a certain marking, for example, aerated concrete d500 belongs to the class of structural and thermal insulation blocks.

3. Based on the form factor, they are divided into U-shaped, straight and tongue-and-groove.

Aerated blocks are made from sand, cement, lime, water, gypsum and aluminum powder. Secondary and by-products can also be used in production. industrial materials such as slag and ash. Depending on the composition of aerated concrete, it is classified into:

  • cement;
  • slag;
  • lime;
  • ash;
  • mixed.

In artificially synthesized stone mortar transforms only when certain conditions. To obtain it, autoclave hardening technology is used. In this case, the composition hardens under the influence saturated steam And high pressure, changing its structure. The mixture produces the mineral tobermorite, which gives the material strength. This is how autoclaved aerated concrete is obtained.

Concrete that hardens under natural conditions is called non-autoclaved. It has a cellular structure, but differs in its properties from gas blocks made using special technology. This building material is more susceptible to shrinkage during operation, so it is advisable to use it in cases of light loads. To increase the strength characteristics of non-autoclave blocks, various reinforcing substances and fillers are added to the initial composition. The use of polyamide plastics for reinforcement can reduce shrinkage deformation.

The production of non-autoclave blocks does not require expensive equipment, so you can make them yourself.

DIY aerated concrete

The production process consists of several stages:

  • selection and mixing of components;
  • filling molds with solution;
  • curing the composition to gain strength;
  • extraction from forms.

The universal composition for producing aerated concrete contains cement, sand, lime, and aluminum powder. Initial additives and their proportions may vary, depending on the availability of raw materials and the requirements for the finished building material. For example, in autoclave production, sand is sometimes replaced with ash or slag. And to obtain building materials with a lower density, aerated concrete can be made based on TPP resins.

When making aerated concrete at home, it is necessary to correctly calculate the ratio Supplies and take into account the installation features and measurement errors. But there are also standard mixture recipes for gas blocks, which indicate the following proportions:

  • Cement – ​​50-70%;
  • Water – 0.25-0.8%;
  • Gas-forming agent – ​​0.04-0.09%;
  • Lime – 1-5%;
  • Sand – 20-40%.

These substances are also used in autoclave production. Based on the ratio given in the recipe, you can calculate the approximate number of components that will be included in the composition per 1 m3 of aerated concrete:

  • Portland cement - 90 kg;
  • Water – 300 l;
  • Gas generator – 0.5 kg;
  • Lime – 35 kg;
  • Sand – 375 kg.

However ideal composition at home can only be achieved experimentally, since much depends on the quality of the original components. Influence the flow chemical reaction maybe both the temperature of the water and the brand of cement.

Instructions for self-production of non-autoclaved aerated concrete

To obtain an aerated concrete block at home, you do not need complex equipment and tools. The main thing is to strictly follow the steps in the step-by-step guide below and use the components in a certain ratio, and not “by eye.”

1. Based on the indicated proportions, calculate required amount ingredients.

2. First of all, you need to mix Portland cement with pre-sifted sand.

3. Pour water into the resulting mixture and mix everything thoroughly.

4. Add other components to the solution. Aluminum powder is poured into last resort. In the preparation of both non-autoclaved and autoclaved aerated concrete, the process of mixing the ingredients is equally important. To evenly distribute air bubbles, it is better to use a concrete mixer.

5. The resulting solution is poured into special forms, which are made from metal sheets or wooden planks. To make it easier to get hardened aerated concrete, it is better to use collapsible structures. In addition, it is recommended to lubricate the mold with machine oil diluted with water.

6. You need to fill the mixture halfway, since it expands almost twice during the chemical reaction. This process takes about six hours, after which the blocks can be leveled by cutting off the protruding mass.

Formation in this case takes longer than for autoclaved aerated concrete - it takes at least 12 hours for the mixture to harden. To speed up the hardening process of the composition, it is recommended to add soluble sodium compounds (soda) at the stage of preparing the solution. The material gains brand strength after 28 days of aging. A ready-made, non-autoclaved aerated gas block made by yourself is suitable for low-rise construction, for example, for the construction one-story house or garage.

The construction industry, even in times of various crises, always shows a certain growth, therefore, the production of building materials as an idea for business development will always be successful.

The most attractive is the production of materials that show constantly growing demand, and these include aerated concrete, always popular, especially from private developers.

In order to start producing aerated concrete for commercial purposes special equipment required, production area, suppliers of raw materials, workers (if we are talking about a small enterprise, you can even get by on our own plus 1-2 assistants).

Future production size should be determined by such criteria: financial investments that a businessman is ready to invest at the initial stage, the capacity of the market for which the production of this product is oriented.

In some cases justified the purchase of equipment for the production of aerated concrete for a specific facility: in this case, it is possible to significantly reduce the overall construction costs, and after completion of the work, the equipment can be sold, rented out or establish small commercial production of this material.

Aerated concrete blocks: main types and sizes

Any business should be started after a carefully and detailed business plan. This is especially true for aerated concrete, based on the fact that the data products can be produced in various ways, and, therefore, different equipment will be needed, and the enterprise’s needs for production and warehouse space may also differ.

Aerated concrete can be produced two ways: autoclave and non-autoclave. In the first case, the products have greater strength, give a lower percentage of shrinkage, and are recommended for construction load-bearing walls and partitions.

Products received in the usual way hardening is exhibited best thermal insulation characteristics. Aerated concrete blocks can have standard rectangular shape (more precisely a parallelepiped) or special - U-shaped, which are used to install lintels in window and door openings.

The dimensions of the product are determined by the dimensions of the molds for pouring, but it is desirable that they correspond to standard or standard values , equal in length – 625 mm, in height – 250 mm, and with the possibility of producing blocks different thicknesses, from 100 to 400 mm.
For U-shaped products, the standards are as follows: length 600 mm, height 250 mm, and the width or thickness can be 200, 300 or 400 mm. A plus will be the possibility of using equipment for making blocks according to individual orders.

Raw materials for the production of aerated concrete blocks

Because most of the cost Since the product consists of raw materials, the choice of suppliers should be approached very responsibly. Main criterionquality of raw materials and low transport costs. In addition, in order to ensure a certain supply of raw materials, warehouse space will be needed, the size of which must also be taken into account when choosing a site for rent.

To produce aerated concrete you will need:

  • Portland cement, it is recommended to use grade 400, which guarantees the necessary strength characteristics of the finished product;
  • lime;
  • sand(quartz is often used for this);
  • aluminum powder or pasta.

Acceptable use and additional components: plasticizers that improve the characteristics of aerated concrete and hardening accelerators that shorten the production cycle, but do not impair the quality of products.

Also there must be a source of water, the quality of which must meet certain technological requirements. If you plan to release products with additional properties or qualities, you may need supplies, gypsum, slag, wood shavings and some other components used as fillers.

Drawing up specifications for the production of aerated concrete

If commercial production is planned, then without drawing up Technical Conditions(TU) for their production is indispensable. This is first of all necessary to receive a Certificate quality of manufactured products.

You can do the development yourself, if you have specialized education, A you can order this work specialists or buy ready-made specifications. After this you need to go TU registration procedure, the cost of which averages from 3,000 to 5,000 rubles for one type of registered product.
For example,

Cost of manufacturing specifications a specialist for one type of product can range from 5,000 to 35,000 rubles, and the purchase of ready-made specifications ranges from 4,000 to 10,000 rubles.

In some cases, purchasing specifications carried out together with the purchase of equipment, many manufacturers offer this option as a bonus or at a discounted price with a big discount.

Specifications for product release must contain the following information and data:

  • about product parameters, its properties and characteristics;
  • description of the manufacturing process and product quality control;
  • O necessary conditions for storage finished products and rules for their transportation;
  • about quality requirements feedstock;
  • about the rules of compliance with technology safety at work;
  • on environmental standards.

Marketing strategy and product sales

Although aerated concrete is in constant demand both from private developers and construction organizations, without proper advertising company and product promotion policies are indispensable.

First of all, it should be said that a new material manufacturer has appeared on the market and for this you can use various ways: advertising in the media, distribution of printed products to potential buyers in construction markets, in stores, targeted mailing of commercial offers, indicating the names of products and their prices.

Very effective using a direct sales strategy for work with large developers or construction companies, but for this you need to hire for the appropriate position additional employee, whose duties in a small enterprise may well be performed by a hired director or directly by the business owner himself.

Purchase of equipment

Depending on the planned production volumes per day, defined in cubic meters, and size initial capital should be approached when choosing equipment for the production of aerated concrete. In this market there is enough wide choose , offered by both domestic and foreign manufacturers primarily European and Chinese.

Sales of equipment for the production of aerated concrete by many Manufacturers carry out turnkey: with delivery and installation, personnel training. Except warranty service Service may also be provided. When choosing equipment its capabilities should be taken into account for the production of blocks of different densities, including the minimum and maximum values ​​for this parameter.

Regardless of the configuration, equipment for making blocks consists of the following elements and production units:

  • mixer for suspension solution;
  • mixer-activator;
  • molds for products;
  • mechanism for cutting aerated concrete;
  • dispensers for water and raw materials, vibrating screens
  • special autoclave oven(only for the production of autoclaved aerated concrete).

You will also need hydraulic trolleys for transporting finished products to the warehouse.

Equipment performance can be 10 m³, 60 m³, 120 m³ and more per day. The price will depend on this parameter, as well as on the degree of automation of the process.
On equipment for the production of aerated concrete blocks price minimum approx. at 15 m³ per day will be about 100,000 rubles. It should also be noted that cost of equipment for the production of autoclaved aerated concrete significantly higher, so its use for mini-factories is very rare, since the profitability of such production is very low, and accordingly, the payback period will be very long. Average, equipment payback time and the initial capital invested in production ranges from six months to two years.

Technological process for manufacturing aerated concrete

Production of aerated concrete is not particularly difficult, but requires strict adherence to the technological process.

Types of equipment

All equipment for the production of aerated concrete blocks can be divided into 4 groups:

  • conveyor lines;
  • fixed lines;
  • mini lines;
  • mobile installations.

Their main difference is performance. To accommodate them, production areas of different sizes are required.

Stationary lines are well automated, which allows you to significantly reduce the use of manual labor, as well as obtain products of very high quality. Productivity ranges from 60 m³ per day and more. To ensure smooth operation of the plant, only two people are needed per shift.

To accommodate such a mini-factory together with warehouses for raw materials and finished products you will need about 500 m² production and storage facilities. Therefore, to start a business you will need quite high costs at the initial stage, primarily for the purchase of equipment and rental of space. Costs for equipment alone will range from 300,000 to 1.5 million rubles or more, depending on its performance.

Initial costs can be significantly reduced giving preference to mini lines, whose productivity is about 15 m³ of products per day. Their main difference from stationary ones, in addition to the size and level of automation, is the principle of operation of the equipment.

In stationary complexes the fixed element is the mixer, and in mini-lines block molds, that is, in the first case, the forms themselves drive up to the mixer to fill them with the prepared solution, and in the second case, vice versa.

That's why, You can also save on renting space for production: to accommodate a mini-line with a capacity of 15 m³ per day, you will need only 140-160 m². But to service this installation, at least 2 workers will also be required, since the level of automation is much lower. Mini-lines can be used to produce aerated concrete directly on a construction site, but this will require a source of electricity.

On conveyor lines it is possible to produce from 120-150 m³ per day, at the same time, it is possible to achieve maximum automation of the process and reduce the number of hired workers. Equipment located on an area of ​​600 m² or more, only 8 people can be served. Naturally, large investments will be required at the initial stage, but with good market conditions and established sales the payback of such a line can occur in just a year, although the cost of equipment will range from 2-5 million rubles or more, depending on its performance.

Mobile installations for the production of aerated blocks It makes sense to buy when you have to build, for example, a country residential complex or a cottage. In this case you can significantly reduce costs. On average, construction costs can be reduced by 30%. In order to achieve high quality products The mixer is additionally equipped compressor unit which provides more high quality manufacturing solution.

As a rule, everything mobile units are designed to operate from a regular power supply with voltage 220 V, instead three-phase connection at 360 V for other types of equipment. To place it does not require much space on the construction site, such equipment can even be placed under a canopy. The cost of such a plant for the production of aerated blocks starts from 25,000-40,000 rubles.

What you need to consider when organizing a business for the production of aerated concrete blocks

Production of material with low cost and high demand does this type business is very attractive. But in order to get maximum profit, you should take into account some nuances. First of all, you should consider seasonality of demand, therefore, in order for the first year of operation not to be unprofitable, production should be started a month or two before the start construction season , having accumulated a certain stock of products in warehouses. It should also be taken into account that main category of clients are private developers, so it is necessary to constantly work to increase sales by attracting maximum quantity new clients.

When choosing a premises for rent, you should be guided by several points: its area must be sufficient to accommodate the production line, raw materials warehouse and finished products warehouse. In addition, it must be possible for vehicles to enter. Room should be sufficiently dry and warm In addition, water supply and a three-phase electrical network with a voltage of 360V must be supplied.

Pricing and sales of products

When developing a business plan, Special attention should be given attention to the pricing section. In order for sales to grow, the price of products must be competitive and the quality of the products high. Calculation of the cost of production is carried out for 1 m³ and includes:

  • the cost of raw materials, including its transportation;
  • utility and rental expenses;
  • remuneration of employees;
  • business maintenance expenses, including taxes;
  • expenses associated with promoting products to the market (mailings, advertising, etc.);
  • other expenses.

After received cost of production 1 m³ for aerated concrete, it should be compared with the average market price for this type of product.

And depending on the result obtained set an economically justified price on your products, without striving for an extremely low price, which can simply scare away the buyer, since he will simply consider the product to be of low quality, but you should not set it too high, since the consumer can always find high-quality products at an affordable price.

In order for the business to flourish, it is necessary to regularly monitor the market and promptly respond to any fluctuations. In this case, it will be possible to achieve stable demand for your products, and, consequently, capital turnover will occur faster, which in turn will accelerate the payback of fixed assets spent at the initial stage on organizing the business.

Today, the technology for the production of aerated concrete blocks is of interest to everyone who plans to build Vacation home or open a business for the production of cellular concrete. After all, this building material is a very good choice in terms of strength and thermal insulation characteristics, and besides, the production of aerated concrete can be quite a profitable business project.

What you need to know about cellular concrete?

Aerated concrete is an artificial stone with microscopic air pores. Another name for it is autoclave. cellular concrete, and it in itself speaks about the technology of its production. Aerated blocks have excellent energy-saving characteristics precisely due to their porous structure. In addition, they are distinguished by their relatively low weight, including compared to brick and other types of building ceramics.

Aerated concrete blocks are a building material that can be used both for the construction of internal partitions and for load-bearing structures. It won't suit high-rise buildings or industrial facilities, but in individual construction it has proven itself to be excellent. Relatively lightweight gas blocks do not place a large load on the foundation, which reduces the cost of foundation construction. In addition, they are large in size, which speeds up the construction process.

Composition of aerated concrete blocks

All of the above benefits building material due to its composition. All that aerated concrete consists of is cement, quartz sand and a gas generator, which is aluminum powder. Some manufacturers add gypsum, lime, ash, and other ingredients to the composition.

Thus, aerated concrete is made on the basis of dry components that are mixed with water. Any technical equipment is suitable for these purposes. pure water, meeting the requirements of GOST 23732-79. The temperature of the water is important. It is desirable that it should not be lower than 45°C, since this will speed up the hardening of the blocks, increase their strength, and for the enterprise this is beneficial because it will increase the productivity of the line as a whole. Thus, many manufacturers heat the water because higher temperatures mean best quality material. It also helps reduce the amount of cement used, since heating the water stimulates the activity of the dry components of the mixture.

The production of aerated concrete requires a rather serious approach to the selection of sand. Theoretically, both career and river sand, but it is important that it contains as few silt or clay particles as possible. It is also important to choose the grain size - no more than 2 mm. The technology for producing aerated concrete using the autoclave method makes it possible to replace sand with slag or ash obtained from metallurgical production. Thermal power plant ash helps produce aerated concrete with a lower density. This helps further reduce material production costs.

For the production of aerated concrete blocks, Portland cement grades M400 and M500 are required. It is best that Portland cement meets the requirements of GOST 10178-85. But the aluminum powder should be grade PAP-1 or PAP-2 - it acts as a gas generator. Sometimes a special paste is used for the same purpose. It can also be a suspension, since powdered aluminum is not so convenient when mixing the solution. Suspensions based on it can also be used.

What is the effect of aluminum powder based on? It reacts with cement or lime mortar, which has the properties of an alkali, and during this chemical process, calcium salts (aluminates) and hydrogen gas are formed, which ensures the formation of pores.

For the production of aerated concrete, it is very important to make the correct calculation of the consumption for each component of the feedstock. Exist standard recommendations for autoclaved gas blocks. Based on this recipe, the entire volume of the mixture is filled with 50-70% cement, 0.04-0.09% aluminum powder and up to 20-40% sand. In addition, you will need water (0.25-0.8%) and lime (1-5%). Thus, in order to get 1 cubic meter of aerated concrete, you need to take up to 90 kg of cement, up to 300 liters of water, lime - 35 kg, sand - 375 kg, aluminum powder - 0.5 kg. But this quantity can be adjusted under the conditions of a specific production, depending on the quality characteristics of the raw materials themselves.

What equipment will you need?

The technology for making aerated concrete is relatively simple. However, you won’t be able to get by with handicraft methods here. You need to purchase special equipment, which is usually ordered as a package from the manufacturer or its official representative - this is the most profitable option. This is not just one installation, this is a whole automated mini-factory. Sometimes the manufacturer even provides the services of a specialist who will advise on the installation of such a line, help set it up and select the optimal composition for the mixture used for such equipment.

Mini-plant for the production of non-autoclaved aerated concrete

The line includes various devices, and theoretically, each of them can be purchased separately if for some reason one fails. We are talking about such things as forms and intended for their transportation mobile pallets, devices for cutting finished blocks, mixers for aerated concrete, dispensers for bulk materials, etc. But the main thing is an autoclave oven, because we are talking specifically about the production of autoclave gas blocks, which are distinguished by the highest quality characteristics.

Equipment for the production of aerated concrete is divided into several types. The choice of a specific option depends on the required daily productivity, how many workers the entrepreneur plans to hire, and how the shifts will be organized. The following options are possible:

  1. Stationary lines have a daily productivity of up to 60 cubic meters of finished products. As a rule, they require warehouse and production facilities with an area of ​​at least 500 m². Main feature of such lines is that the forms approach stationary installed mixer and there they are filled with solution, after which all other technological steps are performed. This is very simple technology, in order to service such a line, it is enough to hire one additional employee.
  2. Conveyor lines are needed where high productivity is required - up to 75-150 m³ per day. Here production is carried out at a faster pace (of course, the ripening time of the product does not change, this does not depend on the line). However, conveyor lines require large areas production premises, and to service them you will need at least 8 people, although most technological processes Here it happens automatically.
  3. Mini lines can't boast high performance, up to 15 cubic meters of finished blocks per day. The difference from stationary lines is that the mixer moves in them, and the forms are installed stationary. The main advantage is that they do not need large production areas, 140-160 m² is enough, so they are popular as a starting option.

In private construction, mobile installations are often used, which are needed for self-made gas blocks. This pays off, and according to experts, construction costs are reduced by approximately 30%. Mobile units are supplied complete with a compressor. They even work from household electricity.

Production stages

There are two types of aerated concrete - autoclaved or non-autoclaved. The latter option is cheaper, although the resulting material has lower strength. However, due to the fact that its production cost is lower (no need to buy an autoclave, maintain it, pay extra for energy), it is a fairly popular option, so it is worth considering in more detail. If an entrepreneur intends to produce non-autoclaved aerated concrete, the production technology for it should be reduced to the following main stages:

  1. Accurate dosage of all the components described above, and then mix them thoroughly. If you have the appropriate equipment, this stage takes no more than 10 minutes.
  2. Using special equipment, the prepared mass is unloaded into special molds (they are filled only halfway, since the mixture will increase in volume during gas formation). This process will take place within 4 hours. During this time, the mixture fills the volume allotted to it in the form, and sometimes even this is not enough for it. Then after 2 hours the excess can be removed.
  3. The curing process of the products takes about 16 hours, and after this period they are stripped and reloaded onto pallets, where they will gain so-called tempering strength. This stage takes another 2-3 days. After this, the products can be sent to the warehouse, but it is still too early to sell them, since they will gain their brand strength only on the 28th day.

The production of aerated concrete blocks using an autoclave in the first stages is practically no different from the technology described above. First you need to measure out the required amount of all components (it is advisable that this be done using dispensers, this will help improve accuracy). Then this entire mass is loaded into the mixer and mixed thoroughly. Sometimes experts suggest using a concrete mixer for these purposes. Then a gasifier is introduced - this happens after 10-15 minutes of mixing the initial ingredients. Aluminum powder reacts with the solution in any case; it does not require autoclaving for this.

The semi-finished product is poured into molds, kept for the required 4-6 hours, after which the gas blocks are cut. They should sit for another 10-18 hours before they gain strength.

But the most important thing is to know how autoclaving is done after all the procedures described above. The formed blocks are reloaded into a special oven, into a sealed chamber, where high temperature Each block is treated with saturated water steam. The pressure should also be high - up to 12 kg/cm².

Non-autoclaved concrete is dried naturally, but this is not necessary for autoclaved products. Nevertheless, they also need to be kept for about 28-30 days in a warehouse, where they will gain brand strength.

It is not enough to know how to make aerated concrete; you also need to be able to deliver it to the consumer. To do this, gas blocks are packaged in a special shrink film and transported on wooden pallets.


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