The main problems of social adaptation of first-year students. The problem of adaptation of first-year students to a new educational environment

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The problem of adaptation of first-year students to the higher education system is widely discussed in the pedagogical press, and it is no coincidence: the success of this process largely determines the future professional career and personal development future specialist.

In our study, we consider adaptation in the context of personal socialization, a process that allows a person to take his place in society, moving from the asocial state of a newborn to life as a full-fledged member of society.

In the studies of A.V. Mudrik, V.V. Moskalenko, A.G. Kharchev, social adaptation is considered in unity with the autonomy of the individual as the main components of socialization.

Social adaptation presupposes the active adaptation of an individual to the conditions of the social environment, and social autonomization is the implementation of a set of attitudes toward oneself, stability in behavior and relationships, which corresponds to the individual’s self-image and self-esteem. Solving the problems of social adaptation and social autonomization is regulated by the contradictory motives of “Being with everyone” or “Being yourself.”

With all the diversity of approaches to social adaptation. Most researchers believe that its main function is the individual’s acceptance of the norms and values ​​of the new social environment (groups, collectives to which he comes), the forms of social interaction that have developed here, formal and informal connections, as well as forms of objective activity (for example, methods of professional performance of work).

There are several forms of social adaptation: maladaptation, passive and active.

Disadaptation characterized by undifferentiated goals and types of human activity, a narrowing of the circle of his communication and problems to be solved, and, most importantly, rejection of the norms and values ​​of the new social environment, and in some cases, opposition to them.

Passive adaptation implies that the individual accepts norms and values, according to the principle “I am like everyone else,” but does not strive to change anything, even if it is in his power. Passive adaptation - manifests itself in the presence of simple goals and easy activities, but the circle of communication and problems to be solved is wider compared to the level of maladjustment.

Active adaptation, first of all, contributes to successful socialization in general. The individual not only accepts the norms and values ​​of the new social environment, but also builds his activities and relationships with people on their basis. At the same time, such a person often develops more and more diverse goals, but one of the main ones becomes the goal - complete self-realization in a new social environment. A person with active adaptation has a wide range of communication and interests. Ultimately, this level of adaptation leads to harmonious unity with people, with oneself and the world.

In order to identify the characteristics of social adaptation of pedagogical university students, we conducted a diagnostic experiment on the basis of the first year of the Faculty of Natural Geography. The experiment involved 104 students from three departments of the faculty. An anonymous survey was chosen as the main method, supplemented by targeted observations within the university and beyond.

The main indicators of adaptation levels were: analysis of academic performance (interim assessments and winter session), the degree of activity of first-year students in social and research work.

In the questionnaire, first-year students were asked nine open-ended questions:

1. What difficulties are you currently experiencing: in your studies; in communication with the group; in communication with teachers; special opinion?

2. What do you like about studying in your specialty?

3. Is your school preparation sufficient to master special disciplines?

4. What do you think is the difference between studying at school and at university?

5. What kind of help and from whom do you need to cope with difficulties (supervisor, dean’s office, etc.)?

6. Did your idea of ​​student life and study coincide with reality? Why?

7. What character traits do you think a student needs to be successful at university?

8. Why do you need higher education?

9. Has your lifestyle changed since you started studying at university?

Analysis of the questionnaire data made it possible to identify the main problems of adaptation of first-year students to study at a university (in descending order of their importance):

1) Insufficient level of school knowledge in many disciplines.

2) Inability to allocate your time and energy.

3) Unpreparedness to work with a large amount of new information.

4) Lack of usual control and care on the part of parents and teachers; unpreparedness for learning based on complete independence.

5) Unpreparedness to meet the high demands of teachers;

6) Some students lack hard work, willpower, and most importantly, the desire to learn.

Some first-year students admit that they entered the university only to receive a diploma of higher education, no matter what. This attitude leads to problems such as reluctance to learn. There is one goal, a very narrow one, and as a result there is a narrow circle of communication and problems to be solved. As a rule, all this leads to maladjustment; students with such an attitude “go with the flow.”

Subsequently, in order to clarify the results of the survey, conversations were held both with individual students and with microgroups. As a result of the work done, the following conclusions were made:

1. Mastering the student environment has become ineffective for the majority of “yesterday’s” students, because in the list of identified problems, more than 70% of students experience similar difficulties.

2. Similar to the six identified problems, we obtained the following results in the form of a diagram. So, in October - November 1998, students were divided into three groups:

YES - maladjustment

PA - passive adaptation

AA - active adaptation

The typical structure of problems for a maladjusted group consists of all of the above, plus indifference to everything that happens around them.

Passively adapted students are characterized by the same problems, but we can add to them a low level of communication culture.

For those who are actively adapted, the problem remains of realizing themselves fully, using their knowledge, skills, and abilities in accordance with the norms and values ​​of the student life around them.

In a conventional education system, dynamics of changes in the level of adaptation is possible. This is primarily due to individual characteristics person and those forms of social interaction (formal and informal connections, leaders) that have developed in academic groups (we processed the results not only for the course as a whole, but also for each academic group separately).

From the results of the survey, it is obvious that when working with first-year students, special attention should be paid to a number of factors that determine the active (successful) adaptation of “yesterday’s” schoolchildren to university life:

 knowledge of students about the structure of education at the university, knowledge of their rights and responsibilities;

 changing the learning conditions to increase the share of practical classes;

 consulting assistance from a psychologist;

 assistance of curators in organizing the academic group as a whole;

 assistance from teachers and senior students in planning educational, social and research work of students.

Discussion of the results of our diagnostic experiment led to the creation of a geographical circle at the Department of Physical Geography and Geoecology.


1. Mudrik A.V. Introduction to social pedagogy. - M., 1997. - 137 p.

2. Mudrik A.V. Socialization and the “time of troubles”. - M., 1991. - 80 p.

3. Social pedagogy / Comp. T. Yu. Akhundova and others - M., 1992. - 128 p.

In his life, every person faces the difficulties of such a process as adaptation. The adaptation process can be defined as a person’s adaptation to the characteristics of his external environment. It allows you to get used to unfamiliar conditions and develop effective ways of behavior to resolve emerging difficulties. Also, thanks to adaptation, a person acquires the skills to successfully implement various types activities. A person experiences adaptation for the first time in his life at a young age. kindergarten, then the elementary level of school - the first time in first grade. The next critical stage is the transition from the initial link schooling to the average, then comes the moment of choice future profession and educational institution - secondary school or university.

Social adaptation of new students in secondary and higher education institutions means mastering the ability to meet the requirements, rules and regulations of the educational institution, to function effectively in an unfamiliar environment, to reveal their abilities and capabilities, and to satisfy needs.

An important condition for effective mastery of knowledge is the rapid and painless adaptation of students of the new intake to the still unfamiliar process and structure of training at a secondary school or university. Studying in the first year either becomes an impetus for development for the student, or leads to disturbances in communication, behavior, and, as a result, a decrease in the effectiveness of learning.

The difficulty of adapting to the conditions of obtaining a now professional education lies in the need to interact with the new environment, in the difficulty of making a decision about acquiring a particular profession, and in the presence of doubts about whether the choice was made correctly or incorrectly.

The first problems arise when faced with new realities of life. New students are faced with a huge number of them: a different educational system, the need to establish contacts with fellow students and teachers, everyday problems, independent life without parental care, lack of knowledge about the structure and rules of education.

An unfamiliar environment, a team, not always clear requirements for the learning process and results, distance from parents, problems with communication with peers - these problems lead to psychological frustration young man, a feeling of self-doubt and self-doubt develops. All this, in turn, entails difficulties in learning.

Required a large number of time for the student to accept and understand the new learning requirements. Not all students cope with this task successfully. In this regard, differences in learning outcomes at school and at a new educational institution with more stringent requirements become obvious.

Quick adaptation of the student is an important condition for further development of the most effective ways educational activities. This process is rapid, its success is influenced by a number of conditions: the functional state of the student, psychological readiness to accept new things, the desire to achieve set goals. It is safe to say that each person perceives the same events in his own way, and the reaction to the same event can be diametrically opposite.

The main objectives of the activity teaching staff educational institution to build an effective adaptation process for first-year students are:

  1. Assistance in the entry of freshmen into unfamiliar conditions.
  2. Setting to acquire positive learning motivation.
  3. Prevention of various types of discomfort (physical, psychological) arising from long-term adaptation to unfamiliar conditions.
  4. Strengthening freshmen’s awareness of their unique status in a new institution and team.
  5. Formation of a cohesive team, creation of a comfortable psychological climate, conditions for the development of the personality of each student.

Elimination negative consequences adaptation to lifestyle and new forms and methods of teaching, problems that arise in the process of its implementation, as well as creating conditions for accelerating this process - these are the main tasks facing teachers. Successful learning and practical use acquired knowledge, confident professional development of a future specialist.

And also, what dangers threaten the student? This is the question most often pondered by parents who have released their children from under their wing. But teenagers themselves are happy to move away from home, without thinking about the difficulties that await them on the threshold of adulthood.

All first-year students go through a difficult adaptation period, it’s just that some experience less anxiety about this, and some more. Difficulties in adaptation occur because students are young, they want to try everything, their attention is more distracted, they do not understand everything yet, since they are not experienced.

Let's look at these difficulties in more detail. Lack of understanding of the danger of a new life

Dangers and difficulties await young people who have come to study for the first year of university at every step. To the point that any building of any university could collapse, and the rubble could bury young people. No one is immune from this. There are a lot of dangers waiting for anyone on the street. For example, all transport poses a huge danger to all people. A lot of young people die in car accidents.

Consider this example: now many teenagers are addicted to their gadgets; they walk down the street, staring at their phones, not noticing anyone or anything around them, which increases the risk of getting hit by a car.

Inability to manage your time

Many first-year students do not know how to manage their time rationally. Having received the long-awaited freedom, they forget that studying at a university is, first of all, difficult work that requires effort, patience and a lot of time. Students skip classes and then reap the fruits of their frivolity. Often the session is a real shock for them.

Inability to conduct business activities

Often freshmen end up in a dormitory, but they are completely unprepared to live on their own. Young people do not know how to cook their own food, they do not know how to distribute material resources so that they are enough for a modest but decent life. Conflicts often break out in dormitories due to the fact that many students are not accustomed to living in a large group and finding a compromise with the people around them.

Financial difficulties

Nowadays many students have problems financial difficulties due to the fact that they often have to study for a fee. Because of this, additional and considerable material resources are required. And young people often find it difficult to get a job, because they need to be able to combine both work and study.

Exposure to deviant hobbies

Young people, having left their parents' nest, are often not ready for the fact that they will have to overcome another difficulty - giving up their hobbies of alcohol, smoking, etc. After all, many of their peers already seriously smoke and drink alcohol. And it’s not easy to refuse such a temptation. For example, if your friend smokes and invites you to do the same, saying something similar to the following words: “we all smoke, come with us,” it is difficult for a person with weak willpower to refuse. Tobacco and alcohol addiction– This is one of the most common bad habits among students, it is very dangerous.

Thus, we examined the main difficulties in adaptation of first-year students. There are, of course, more of them, but if a young man is ready to overcome them, he will succeed.

Social adaptation is understood as the process of a person’s active adaptation to new social conditions of life. It is the most important and complex in our society. Likewise, students, having entered a new role, feel completely different in it. Also, the adaptation period and its features significantly determine in the future the moral and psychological well-being of first-year students, their discipline, attitude to study, and active life position. Choosing a profession entails the emergence of new problems for teenagers related to studying at a given institution, communicating with classmates and teachers. He enters a new social development situation immediately upon entering an educational institution. This situation is characterized not only by new teams, but also by a focus on the future: the choice of lifestyle, profession, reference groups. The need for this choice is dictated by the life situation, initiated by parents and directed by the educational institution. Accordingly, during this period, value-oriented activity acquires primary importance. It is associated with the desire for autonomy, the right to be oneself.

When studying the process of adaptation of students to study in higher educational institutions, four aspects can be distinguished: psychophysiological, social, pedagogical, and professional.

1. The psychophysiological aspect of adaptation is associated with breaking a dynamic stereotype developed over the years and the formation of new attitudes and skills.

2. The social aspect affects their interaction with the environment and getting used to the new team.

3. The pedagogical aspect is associated with the peculiarities of students’ adaptation to the new education system.

4. The professional aspect affects the process of including students in a socio-professional group, their mastery of the conditions of the future specific labor activity. Adaptation is adaptation.

Adaptation is the adaptation of the body and personality to the nature of influences or to changed living conditions in general. This is a complex dynamic process caused by the interaction of various types of adaptations: biological (changes in metabolism and organ functions); physiological (changes in the interaction of the physiological systems of the body); psychological (changes in psychological processes, states, formations and properties); social (joining a new team).

Adaptation of first-year students is a complex process of adaptation to new conditions of educational activity and communication. The adaptation period makes it possible to check the socio-psychological preparation of students for learning, to predict the possibility of their further advancement and development. Different environments have different effects on the behavior and psychological state of first-year students. One behavior, one feeling in the company of friends, another in an unfamiliar group, a third in full view of teachers. Some teachers, unfortunately, judge freshmen who have just entered the university by their first impression, forgetting that each of them has their own adaptation period. An unusual, new environment, new comrades, unfamiliar teachers, many difficulties - all this can negatively affect the psyche of a freshman and make him passive, cautious for some period, or, conversely, unbalanced and irritable.

Adaptation to new conditions is calm for some, painful for others. And the teacher-educator must take this into account when studying the personal qualities of a first-year student. The formation of a freshman’s personality is expressed not only in the body’s adaptation to new conditions, but also in the development of new ways of behavior that allow them to cope with difficulties and master educational and social activities. A significant portion of first-year students experience difficulties in their academic activities. Due to the fact that the process of personality formation in educational activities is essential for a freshman, we will highlight those difficulties that are caused by the conditions of the educational institution:

Changes in the usual rhythm of life;

Lack of time for self-preparation, inability to distribute it correctly;

Separation from parents, relatives;

Increased demands of teachers;

Overload of educational activities;

The complexity of the educational material;

Features of the new team;

Weak special and general educational preparation;

Features of relationships in the specialty class;

Lack of communication and discussion skills;

Lack of educational skills;

Specificity of the educational institution.

The greatest difficulties are associated with changes in the usual rhythm of life (lessons according to the schedule can begin both in the morning and in the middle of the day, with breaks of an hour or more), lack of time for self-preparation and correct use, as well as separation from parents.

Stage 1 is preparatory, associated with the teenager’s professional self-determination and the formation of an initial psychological basis for overcoming the difficulties of the first period of adaptation to learning.

Stage 2 is indicative, associated with the teenager’s orientation and adaptation to the general specifics of a secondary specialized educational institution, with the assimilation of current norms, rules and subordination to its requirements.

Stage 3 - students adapt to the characteristics and requirements associated with the choice of specialty, as well as to the study group.

Stage 4 - the freshman, by expanding the concept of the profile of his specialty, forms a primary self-assessment of correctness professional choice and behavior in the group.

A significant role in overcoming the difficulties of adaptation of first-year students to modern stage The teacher and psychological and pedagogical support of the entire team must play a role. Understanding the leading role of learning in the development of a freshman has great value. The content of the training should contribute to more effective development personality, and this is possible only when methods of training and education are developed taking into account the psychological patterns of age and individual development, and at the same time, not only rely on the already existing knowledge, skills and abilities of first-year students, but also set the prospect for their further development.

To summarize, we can say that the effectiveness of learning, and therefore mental development, depends on the extent to which teaching methods focus on developing in first-year students the ability to learn, the ability to independently acquire knowledge, and the need for an active attitude towards the learning process.

In conclusion, returning, we can say that the most important task of the adaptation process is the problem of human survival, through the adaptation of the potentials of the individual’s body with the processes of the natural and social environment. Sociological studies of this problem are aimed at identifying factors that contribute to the formation of the most effective, active form social adaptation, to study those elements of social policy, economic mechanism and the process of democratization of society that have a significant impact on the effectiveness of social adaptation. This contributes to good and quality work in any process.


Improving the system of secondary specialized education requires the introduction of data into practice educational institutions a set of measures aimed at timely providing each yesterday's school student with a new set of students in accordance with his age and individual characteristics of development conditions, the formation of a full-fledged, adapted personality, and the receipt of vocational education. This requires a serious approach to organization teaching worker college during the period of adaptation of freshmen and psychological and pedagogical support of students during this period.



· Secondly, students adapt to the new team. Problems interpersonal relationships in a team they help resolve class teachers.

· Created a social passport for first-year students.

Why is the issue of adaptation of first-year students quite important today?

1) formal adaptation
2) social adaptation
3) didactic adaptation

1) objective: academic performance and attendance;

2) subjective

6) communication barriers.



SOGBPOU "Roslavl Multidisciplinary College"

Methodological development

"Problems of adaptation of freshmen"

Performed by teacher Inna Olegovna Shashnina

Roslavl 2015


Economic And social change, occurring in society, the deterioration of the quality of vocational education, the blurring of sociocultural guidelines, a decrease in the educational capabilities of the family, leads to multidirectional activity of adolescents, their psycho-emotional instability, a drop in academic performance and good manners, which results in low social adaptability of graduates of secondary vocational education, inadequate adaptation to educational process. These processes directly affect the system of secondary vocational education. Experience shows that one of the key reasons for the low vocational training- poor adaptation of students to the educational process at the technical school. Adaptation of students in an educational institution is one of the integral parts of the process of adaptation of the individual in society.

Improving the system of secondary specialized education requires the introduction into practice of these educational institutions of a set of measures aimed at timely providing each yesterday's schoolchild - student with a new intake in accordance with his age and individual characteristics of development conditions, the formation of a full-fledged, adapted personality, and obtaining a professional education. This requires a serious approach to the organization by the technical school teaching staff of the adaptation period for first-year students and psychological and pedagogical support for students during this period.

Target: creating conditions for freshmen in the learning process, creating the most optimal conditions, for a painless entry of students into academic life.

conducting educational and informational events for students;
providing individual assistance to each needy student and his parents;
coordination of the actions of all employees to solve the problems of adaptation of first-year students.

Student life begins with the first year and therefore the successful adaptation of a freshman to life and study in college is the key to the further development of each student as a person, a future specialist.

What do students need to adapt to?

Firstly, to the educational process in college, which differs in many ways from the school process. The success of improving the academic performance of first-year students lies in the alternation of didactic methods and techniques academic work, especially individual work with low-performing students, conducting consultations on the subject for such students.

  • Secondly, students adapt to the new team. Problems of interpersonal relationships in the team are helped by class teachers.

Thirdly, students adapt to new living conditions: independent organization studies, organization of life and free time.

Fourthly, students also adapt to new relationships with parents, because they begin to fulfill the role of an autonomous individual.

Class teachers solve many problems related to the process of adaptation of students:

We identified and clarified lists of students requiring special attention: orphans, students from disadvantaged and low-income families.

  • We created a social passport for first-year students.

We created an atmosphere in the group for the development of students’ personal qualities by creating optimal conditions for the self-realization of each student’s personality.

We organized joint extracurricular activities to unite the group: collective trips to the ice palace, a tourist trip to Smolensk, a collective excursion to the city museum, participation in the “Health Day” sports festival.

Carry out constant monitoring of student attendance and progress.

Maintain constant contact with parents.

This is necessary, first of all, because the adult stage of life is the end of school, the beginning independent life and studying in a secondary specialized educational institution, requires the younger generation to be attentive to their health and the ability to say “No” to bad habits.

Why is the issue of adaptation of freshmen quite important today?

After all, many believe that in modern world There are more important problems. Many people think: “What problems can a boy or girl who has just entered a technical school have? This is a clean and carefree time. They have their whole life ahead of them!”

Indeed, this is just the beginning of life and it is important that it be bright and beautiful! But no one thinks that the same boy or girl may have difficult problems adapting to a new environment in an educational institution.

The adaptation process is lengthy and not always successful, and a significant proportion of first-year students have problems with adaptation, which is associated with personal qualities students themselves, lack of skills for independent learning activities, unpreparedness professional self-determination. The concept of adaptation includes motivation for learning and professional self-determination, independence mental work, value preferences, relationships with teachers and classmates.

Adaptation is the adaptation of self-organizing systems to changing environmental conditions.

We know that socialization lasts a lifetime. Youth completes the active period of socialization. This stage entails psychophysiological changes. This period is called “difficult age”, “turning point”. Its content is a change in behavior: from almost complete obedience, young men move to restrained disobedience - hidden or open disobedience to parents. Individuals of this age develop a parallel system of values ​​and worldviews.

During this period, the formation of the foundation of the personality ends, its upper – ideological floors – are completed. Awareness of one’s “I” occurs as an understanding of one’s place in the surrounding society. At the same time, there is a constant search for moral guidelines associated with a reassessment of the meaning of life.

Difficulties in socialization during this period are associated with three main circumstances:

· Discrepancy between high level of claims and, as a rule, low social status, which is given by age;

· The discrepancy between the old style of parenting and the new potential opportunities of this age;

· The contradiction between an increased focus on independence and dependence on the opinions of peers;

In your observations of students, you can independently determine the level of adaptation of a freshman if you know three forms:

1) formal adaptation- cognitive and informational adaptation of students to the new environment, to the structure of the technical school, to the content vocational training in it, to the requirements and responsibilities;
social adaptation- “entry” into inner space groups and the association of these groups with the student body as a whole;
didactic adaptation– adaptation to new forms and methods of educational activities that have a professional orientation.

The success of the adaptation process can be assessed by two criteria:

1) objective: academic performance and attendance;

2) subjective : the degree of personal satisfaction with the team, with oneself and with the quality of the work performed.

The main problems of student adaptation are:

1) uncertainty of motivation for choosing a profession, insufficient preparation for it;

2) readiness of the components of a professional-personal perspective;

3) inability to carry out psychological regulation of one’s behavior and activities independently;

4) insufficient readiness for independent activity skills;

5) organization optimal mode work and rest in new conditions;
6) communication barriers.

The main reasons causing difficulties in adapting to learning:

A specific attitude towards oneself, towards one’s capabilities and abilities, towards one’s activities and its results.

Educational activities involve high level control, which should be based on an adequate assessment of one’s actions and capabilities. In order for a student to be able to better adapt to the changed conditions of his life, he needs to have a positive image of himself.

Students with low self-esteem tend to find insurmountable obstacles in every task, they have a high level of anxiety, they adapt worse to academic life, have difficulty getting along with peers, study with obvious stress, and experience difficulties in mastering knowledge.

Difficulties in adapting to school may be due to insufficient developed ability to interact with other people: with peers and teachers. The student is forced to obey new rules of academic life, new requirements. They sometimes run counter to his immediate desires and motivations.

The technical school and the student mutually adapt to each other. Therefore, teachers and class teachers of the Roslavl Multidisciplinary College create conditions for the subsequent full development of a first-year student. They solve the problem of uniting into a single team a heterogeneous group of students who came to the first year from different schools living in different cities and regions. In a short time they must find everyone individual approach, to achieve not only the unity of newcomers into the team, but also to bring the team itself to the highest stage of its development, to reveal to it the prospects for future professional activity.


Thus. adaptation is an integral element of every person's life.

Each of the stages of socialization plays its role in the life of an individual. And as we have already seen, the stage of adolescence and the associated period of beginning training at a technical school are especially important. After all, an adult and self-sufficient personality is formed on it. It is important that this process evolves and not degrades, since the psyche is just being formed and it is subject to active influence from others. And it is necessary that this influence be beneficial in order to create a mature and adequately thinking personality.


1.Zakharova, G.M. Adaptation of first-year students // Specialist.-2010.-No.9.-P.21-22.

2. Alexandrov, M.A. The importance of socio-cultural activities in the process of social adaptation of students // Secondary professional education students.-2012.-No.7.-P.45-46.

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Adaptation is one of the key concepts in scientific research human nature. This is a natural and necessary component of human existence in the “organism - environment” system, in the “person - society” system, since it is the adaptation mechanisms that have evolutionary roots that provide the possibility of human survival.

One of the options for a person’s adaptation in society is his professionalism, which acts as a valuable resource for survival and effective life. The desire to master a profession is one of the motivating factors for school graduates to enter higher education. educational establishments. Admission to a university is accompanied by a transition to new system education, new social environment, which is a complex and sometimes painful matter, necessitating the adaptation of first-year students to the educational process.

New environment, new regime, different academic loads and requirements, new relationships, new social role, new level relationships with parents, a different attitude towards oneself - this is not a complete list of changes that become especially acute in the first year of study. Freshmen experience a change in their usual way of life, which automatically turns on the adaptation process.

Adaptation of students to study at a university is a multi-level process that includes the constituent elements of socio-psychological adaptation and contributes to the development of intellectual and personal capabilities of students.

In turn, the adaptation process is associated with solving a whole range of different problems. One of the central socio-psychological problems of the adaptation process is mastering a new social role- student roles. The former school student does not have the skills to perform such a role. And hence the volumetric complex of both internal and external conflicts associated with difficulties in accepting and further fulfilling norms corresponding to the student’s social role. First-year students try to learn the behavior expected of them through trial and error. And on its basis, build further relationships with peers and teachers.

Social and psychological problems of adaptation of former schoolchildren to studying in higher school also conditioned psychological characteristics adolescence. Characteristics young men are striving for self-knowledge and self-determination as a subject social life, as well as active interaction with the outside world. Worldview self-determination includes the social orientation of the individual, the formation of life plans, the formation of one’s own value system and one’s own intellectual search. Self-determination is in itself a very complex process, which is accompanied by restructuring internal organization personality and makes special demands on young men. Thus, the process of growing up is accompanied by significant psychological difficulties, which further aggravate the problem of first-year students’ adaptation to school.

From pedagogical problems It should be noted fundamental difference educational loads and forms of organizing educational activities at a university from those at school. All this causes additional stress and increases anxiety among freshmen, exacerbating the problem of adaptation.

In addition, during the first year of study, professional difficulties may arise related to the conscious choice of a future profession. It is quite a common phenomenon when, some time after entering a university, a student realizes that he made the wrong choice. It is quite obvious that such a turn of events does not contribute to the successful adaptation of students to higher education and the educational process.

It is also necessary to indicate economic forces, influencing the adaptation of first-year students. In the conditions of transition to a market economy, there is a tendency for worsening economic situation university students. For this reason, many first-year students are forced to earn a living, which, in turn, challenges them even more complex tasks and complicates the adaptation process. Some students go to earn money, having not yet adapted to new conditions and pressures. Hence, absences from classes, poor studies, failed exams, and expulsion from the university are indicators of a student’s maladjustment.

From the above-mentioned problems and features of the dynamic adaptation process, it becomes obvious that not all students, when entering the university atmosphere, are able and able to quickly adapt. Thus, N. Khanchuk’s observations show that in the second year, every fourth student is not adapted to the university environment. Indirect evidence of this is the high percentage of students on academic leave who study again. Direct evidence of students’ incomplete adaptation to studying at a university is the lack of stable skills in planned, systematic study1. As a result of prolonged adaptation, students’ academic performance may also decline, various personal problems may arise, and health will deteriorate.

In our opinion, the first year of study largely solves the problem of laying the foundation for professional training in subsequent years of student life. Thus, successful completion of this stage is an important prerequisite for the student’s further achievements. Hence the need for a set of measures to optimize the adaptation process in the first year, which will help students get through this difficult period faster.

1 Khanchuk N.N. Some actual problems adaptation of students in the process of studying in higher education// Problems of social adaptation various groups population in modern conditions. - Vladivostok: Far Eastern University Publishing House, 2000. - P. 265.

Bibliographic link

Melnik S. N. PROBLEM OF ADAPTATION OF FIRST-YEAR STUDENTS TO THE SCHOOL PROCESS // Advances modern natural science. – 2004. – No. 7. – P. 71-72;
URL: (date of access: 04/06/2019). We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences"


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