Pros and cons of heated floors. Is it wise to use underfloor heating as the main heating system? Pros and cons of the underfloor heating system

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Today, heated floor technology is not much inferior in efficiency to radiator heating systems, but has many advantages. We propose to consider the main advantages of hidden heating systems, installation and connection features.

Advantages of hidden heating

One side of the attractiveness of underfloor heating systems is the concealment of utilities. Neither radiators, nor heating pipelines, nor shut-off and control valves will disturb the harmony of the interior. However, this is not the only advantage of the secrecy of the heating system.

If in living rooms pipes do not pass through the wall ceilings and along them, this will greatly facilitate installation finishing works. For leveling and application decorative materials The entire plane of the walls is accessible; in addition, there are no difficulties with cutting the floor covering; there is no need to hide the passage of pipes when installing suspended ceilings. The absence of visible communications is especially beneficial when changing layouts.

In addition to aesthetic advantages, there are also technical ones: uniform heating of the floor creates an optimal distribution pattern warm air. Since the main emphasis is not on convection heat transfer, but on its direct radiation, there is no need to warm up the upper uninhabited zone. This ensures a reduction in heating costs of about 10-15%. What’s most interesting is that savings here do not come at the expense of comfort: the temperature in the leg area is about 20-22 ºС, in the head area it is 3-4 ºС lower.

The main disadvantages of water heated floors

The main disadvantage of a heated floor system is the complexity of its design. The process of laying heating elements in the floor is quite technological and labor-intensive, but if we are talking about a water heating system, additional difficulties arise with organizing the piping and setting up the heating operation.

This is not at all a reason to refuse to use heated floors. Using quality materials and installation system, compliance with the technology of laying pipes in the floor and installing floor coverings, all efforts will pay off handsomely. Underfloor heating is a truly effective, economical and durable heating system, but, we repeat, only if it is designed in compliance with a number of key requirements.

Among the difficulties of the device, it is worth mentioning separately the need to carefully select the material for the floor screed. In addition to strength qualities, it must meet standards for heat capacity and thermal conductivity, as well as the ability to emit heat in a certain spectrum - about 9-10 microns. In principle, when heated to 40 ºС, almost all cement-bound materials emit heat in this range. All that remains is to achieve the maximum possible coating density and uniform distribution of thermal energy in warm layer screeds. For this purpose, steel fiber can be used, liquid glass or special polymer additives for underfloor heating screed - plasticizers C-3, HLV-75, BV 3M and the like.

Materials for the device

As already mentioned, underfloor heating systems require extremely careful selection of materials. Just one and a half to two decades ago, everyone was content with laying a metal-plastic pipe in the floor, convincing themselves that, apart from corrosion, nothing threatened the heat exchanger in the floor. This approach has a number of disadvantages that become apparent during the first 3-5 years of operation.

In order not to repeat the mistakes of others, for heated floors you should use tubes that, if damaged, can restore the structure of the polymer over time and have the highest possible thermal conductivity. It is impossible to guarantee that when installing the tubes they will not be broken, but for metal-plastic this, without exaggeration, is a death sentence. The best way In this regard, cross-linked polyethylene behaves, the alternative to which is copper. In the latter case there is a series additional benefits: even higher thermal conductivity, negligible coefficient thermal expansion and the ability to remember shape when deformed.

For open systems heating, the absence of excess pressure can lead to the ejection of gas molecules through the walls of the tubes; over time, gas particles can accumulate into fairly large plugs. To eliminate such phenomena, modern pipes for heated floors are made of composite materials with a built-in oxygen barrier.

When it comes to materials for installing heated floors, insulation cannot be ignored. Its choice is decisive for the durability of the heating system and the floor as a whole. The thermal barrier must be incompressible, retain its shape and, naturally, have high resistance to heat transfer. Of all the options, extruded polystyrene foam and polyurethane foam are most suitable for use as a thermal cutoff; polyisocyanurate boards are less commonly used.

Do you need a backup heating system?

You can often hear the opinion that water heated floor systems are unreliable, and therefore when using them as the main source of heating, there is an illusory risk that over time the house will be left without a single source of heat. This misconception is associated, first of all, with the experience of operating underfloor heating systems, which, in essence, are budget counterfeits of the original technology.

Judge for yourself: if low-quality pipes are used for the heat exchanger, there is a risk of their clogging, breakage and destruction of the screed due to thermal expansion increases significantly. Here it really makes sense to combine floor heating with the installation of radiators, although this version of the heating system is fraught with adjustment difficulties: you constantly have to adjust the flow, otherwise the temperature in the room increases to truly uncomfortable values.

However, if a warm floor is designed taking into account all technological requirements, it can work as the main heating system for many decades. Care and sensitivity during the installation of thermal insulation, pipes and when pouring screed eliminate the main risk factors for both the occurrence of leaks and damage to the floor covering or the base on which it is laid. In general, the costs of organizing a backup heating system and properly installing a water heated floor are approximately equal.

Preferred types of boilers

The main disadvantage of water floor heating systems is their extremely low resistance to overheating. This rule mainly applies to heat exchangers made of polyethylene - this material has one of the most high odds linear thermal expansion. For copper pipes this figure is significantly lower.

Due to such restrictions, it is required right choice boiler unit and corresponding adjustment of its operating mode. Boilers running on natural gas and electricity are considered the most suitable. Their thermoregulation system eliminates the supply of too hot coolant to the underfloor heating system.

The least suitable for connecting a water floor heating system can be safely called solid fuel boilers. Their peak power is almost impossible to limit, especially when periodically changing the type of fuel. That is why such systems require the inclusion of special devices in the hydraulic circuit that maintain the water temperature in the heating circuit by mixing liquid from the return line.

Connection diagram

The final argument against underfloor heating systems is the complexity of organizing the coolant distribution scheme. If the system has more than one floor heating circuit, the installation of hydraulic manifolds with flow regulators is required.

House heating scheme with water-heated floors. A - gas heating boiler; B - combined mixing unit and collector group; B - heated floor contour. 1 - boiler with built-in circulation pump; 2 - security group; 3 — expansion tank; 4 - three-way mixing valve; 5 - circulation pump; 6 - ball valve; 7 - needle valve or valve with a servo drive; 8 — pressure reducer; 9 - flow meter

On the one hand, installation and commissioning of such complex networks are comparable to additional costs. However, all the efforts to organize heating with underfloor heating are more than compensated by the comfort of its use: each room can easily adjust its own thermal regime, while the entire system can be easily and efficiently balanced even if there are several dozen “loops”.

Otherwise, the heating floor connection is made according to classic scheme organizations closed system heating with excess pressure. The only addition is the water preparation unit at the make-up inlet: since the heat exchanger consists of fairly narrow channels located at the lowest point of the system, it is necessary to remove from the water all mechanical impurities that can settle and eventually completely clog the tubes.

If we have not done heating systems with water heated floors before, then we should start right away practical implementation your desires will not be correct. You need to first pay attention to some theory. Well, at least learn about the pros and cons of heated floors. Perhaps the disadvantages will be such that you won’t want to have such a heating system in your home at all.

What are the advantages of water heated floors compared to radiators?

Disadvantages of water heated floors

  1. The heat loss of the room where the heated floor is installed must be less than 100 W/m2.

    Conclusion: with higher heat losses, you will have to either insulate the house or install combined heating (water heated floor plus radiators).

  2. It is not always possible to install a water heated floor in apartment buildings, Where single pipe systems heating. Well, or at least you need to know how to make such a connection correctly and without any conflicts with neighbors or utility workers (this is described in detail in the article about installing a water-heated floor in an apartment).
  3. Large thickness of concrete screed over a warm floor. If such heating is on the second floor or higher, then the floor level will rise by ~10 cm. On the first floor or on the ground floor, the total is more - by 14-20 cm. In other words, planning in old apartment(house) heating with water heated floors, get ready for other global work related to reinstalling doors. And one more thing: concrete screeds for a heated floor will increase the load on floors and other structures... are you sure that they will withstand? What is your confidence based on? Think about it.
  4. Installation of a water heated floor and materials for it are more expensive than for radiator heating. True, these expenses are then paid off by saving energy resources, as I wrote about above.

There are several more disadvantages of heated floors that must be taken into account. I will list them.

  1. Any heated floor (not necessarily water) is not best system heating for rooms in which people are constantly present. Surprised? I'll explain why. Alas, almost everything in the world has a downside.
  2. So, contrary to the same well-known saying (or proverb? - I can’t remember what the difference is), your feet do not always need to be kept warm. I mean, not all the time! Blood rushes to heated areas of the body, this is well known to everyone. And the legs, being warm all the time, do not rest, the veins do not rest... The result is a disease of the veins due to their constant expansion.

    Conclusion: you need to stay in a room with a heated floor for a limited time. That is, do such heating in the hallway, bathroom, in any passage corridor, in the bathhouse, in the dressing room... where you are rarely or for a short time.

  3. I mentioned the lack of mixing of air layers in the advantages of a warm floor. But this is also a minus, because it is impossible to provide normal natural ventilation. But with radiators, natural ventilation is possible.

    Conclusion: when designing heated floors, design and forced ventilation with all its “charms” (connection to the power grid, noise, additional expenses... this is for you in continuation of the theme of efficiency), otherwise the air in such a room will be stale.

  4. Not every material can be used to cover a heated floor. Therefore, you need to know the following.

    It is necessary to distinguish between two concepts that are similar in sound, but different in meaning: “comfortable floor” and “warm floor”. What is the difference?

    What is the difference?

    The comfortable floor has a temperature of 20…22 degrees and is only suitable for off-season use. But in real winter cold it will not cope with heating. And then you will need additional heating (radiator, air, or something else). Wood is quite suitable for covering a comfortable floor.

    But in warm floor The coolant heats up to 55 degrees. And you can’t cover such a floor with wood! Wood will crack due to high temperatures. But if you don’t heat it, then, again, such a heating system won’t cope in cold weather.

    And although there is a separate section about coverings for heated floors, I will say a few words here. As coverings for heated floors, you should take only natural materials: carpet from natural material, ceramic tiles, linoleum - also from something natural, and not from PVC, parquet and parquet boards, etc.). Non-natural materials contain various harmful substances that will evaporate when heated... however, they evaporate even without heating. Do you need it?

Well, I believe that now, knowing all the pros and cons of water heated floors, you will be able to make an informed choice, and not “because that’s it.” Next we will consider the question energy saving when heating with water heated floors.

heating with water heated floor

The most common option today is considered to be a warm water floor, the use of which allows you to completely warm up floor surface to the required temperature, without having visual heating devices. In addition, parquet, laminate or linoleum can be laid on top of such a system without any problems. You can read more about warm water floors here (

Warm floors are an effective solution among all the options that contribute to room heating. This system has gained great popularity due to the fact that installation does not require much effort and time. A warm water floor is a structure, or rather a network of pipelines through which water flows, heating up to 35 degrees Celsius. This type of heating is often preferred by urban homeowners, since there is no need to use water from the central heating system. But such a system can also be installed in country houses in which a heating boiler and a special water pump are installed. The "warm floor" system can work not only from gas boiler, but also from heat pump.

Such heating has many advantages that make it possible to distinguish a water-heated floor from radiator system heating.

The heat is distributed evenly throughout the room, making your stay in the room comfortable.

Very often, the feet freeze first from the cold, and with the help of an installed water heated floor, this problem can be eliminated by providing warmth.

Cold air rises.

Saving energy consumption, which is very good when the room area is large.

If such a system is installed by specialists, the customer pays only for their work and the materials used. After this, you will not have to spend money on maintaining the heated floor.

IN winter period The system helps to heat the room, and in summer - cools it.

When installing a “warm” floor system, you can forget about heaters and radiator pipes.

But, no matter how good everything is, such a system also has a number of disadvantages that need to be considered in more detail:

The main disadvantage when installing a water floor is that if there is a need to obtain a relatively low heating temperature, you need to have a mixing unit working in conjunction with a water pump, which creates forced circulation water flowing through pipes.

In addition, often the use of a water heating system can lead to the fact that the total pressure in central heating at home will begin to decline.

It is important to know that after the water passes through the loop pipes, it enters another room in a cooled form, which leads to insufficient heating.

Today, it is possible to install a water heated floor only with permission from the responsible authorities, who must give their consent to use. Do not connect yourself this type heating without the necessary sanctions.

It is best to consult with specialists who install and maintain water heated floors before installing such a system.

But in general, it should be noted that such a heating system will become an indispensable assistant in the cold season. Besides the fact that it is hidden from prying eyes, consumes little electricity, so it also surpasses many heaters in quality.

The concept of a water heated floor refers to a pipeline diagram laid in a layer of concrete screed. Heated by a boiler or boiler, the coolant circulates through the pipes and heats the floor.

  1. System Description
  2. Consumer Opinions
  3. conclusions


In private houses and cottages, water-heated floors are increasingly being used, the opinions and reviews of buyers about which are ambiguous. To decide on the rationality of using such a design, you should understand some of its features:

  • Warm floors are part of a water heating system, so they can be installed in country houses and cottages or new buildings if they have heat exchange risers or autonomous heating. In apartments of houses old building This type of floor heating is prohibited.
  • The design is " layered cake", quite difficult to perform. Installation requires certain experience and a high degree of qualification.
  • When pipelines are damaged, a leak occurs, and the location of the breakdown is difficult to identify. To repair the area, it is necessary to dismantle the floor.
  • Not all types of finishing coating are suitable for heated floors.

What are the reviews from users?

“The process of installing built-in underfloor heating is truly an amazing thing, I did it in my home. I hired contractors for installation - the floors turned out like something out of a fairy tale. General heating operates at minimum mode, the rooms are warm and cozy. The bathroom is absolutely classy, ​​there is no such dampness and the water dries quickly on the tiles. Even with the heating turned off, the cold floor does not cause any discomfort.”

Igor, Moscow.

“I installed heated floors throughout the entire area of ​​the apartment to use as the main option without radiators. I laid ceramic tiles on top in the hallway, bathrooms and kitchen, and laminate flooring in the rest of the rooms. Room thermostat regulates the operation of the boiler, while the system copes well with heating - economical and comfortable view heating".

Anatoly, Nizhny Novgorod.

“In the house, I heat the entire first floor only with a water-heated floor system - there are no radiators. Very warm even in very coldy. The main disadvantage is the price. Laying technology and materials are much more expensive than batteries, plus special thermostatic mixing pump groups. It’s better to hire specialists to carry out the work – this is also an additional cost.”

Konstantin, Volgograd.

“Heated floors have increased comfort compared to radiator heating - this is undeniable, but they also have a number of disadvantages. I have floors like this in my bathrooms, hallways and bathhouse. At temperatures below 25 °C, I heat the floor in the bathhouse to 30-35 °C - it’s hot for the feet. I visit the house periodically, so I lower it to 15 °C. The radiators can warm up the house to 22 °C in 4 hours, and heated floors in 8. In the summer I encountered the problem of a cold tiled floor.”

Alexander, St. Petersburg.

“I have a big house, I installed heated floors in all the rooms. They didn’t turn it on the first year, they started it up only the next year – the winter was harsh. The radiators were turned off, the temperature in the rooms remained 21-22 degrees - it was warm to walk on the floor even without slippers. The average monthly gas consumption turned out to be 1.7 times less than with radiator heating.”

Danil, Samara.

“I have been installing floors under parquet boards for quite some time. I would like to note that the maximum temperature on the surface of the parquet should be no more than 27 ° C, and you should definitely avoid laying a warm water floor under the furniture. With good ventilation and insulation external walls the temperature in the room will be 24-25 degrees, taking into account floor heating to 27 °C without additional heating sources.”

Maxim, Moscow.

Let's sum it up

The main role in the effectiveness and feasibility of using a warm water floor is played by finishing coat(linoleum, ceramic tiles, laminate, parquet or engineered boards). You should choose materials with medium or high thermal conductivity, otherwise all the heat will be “extinguished.” Ceramic tiles are considered the most heat-conducting option, but some reviews indicate excessive “coldness” outside the heating season.

According to reviews, a system of warm water floors under laminate can only be used if Special attention choice of finishing coating:

  • load class 31-33, thickness 8-10 mm;
  • the presence of special pictograms or inscriptions on the markings - “Underfloor heating” or “Warm Wasser”, “H 2 O”;
  • safety class E0-E1.

The following are suitable for installation on a water floor system: Quick-Step Creo (Belgium), Tarkett Woodstock Premium (Russia), Pergo Living Expression (Sweden), Classen Futuro Harmony (Germany) and others.

Many people consider underfloor heating as their main heating system without the use of radiators, but for such a design to be effective, all steps must be taken necessary measures for thermal insulation of walls and roofs of a building. Owners of private houses and cottages note the rationality of warm water floors for the first floor of a building with a basement. Warm water floors create increased comfortable conditions in the premises of a house and apartment due to the large heat transfer surface.

Electric heating

Advantages of electric floors

This system, as the name suggests, runs on electricity.
It uses cables made of special alloys as a heat conductor. The current passing through the wires heats the cables, and from them the surface of the floor and more are heated. The ability to organize several temperature zones is the main advantage of an electric heated floor. The first zone is directly above the floor surface (+24°), the second is 1.5-2 m from the floor (+22°) and the third is under the ceiling (+20°). This regime fully meets the needs of the human body.

Warming up the room and distributing temperature flows in the room with a traditional radiator and warm electric floor

Electric floors are designed for long-term use. They are less susceptible to external mechanical influence, which distinguishes them favorably from water floors.

The electrical "warm floor" system has the following advantages:

  1. It can be used indoors in conjunction with central heating.
  2. Since the air is heated by thermal radiation, the air in the room does not become dry.
  3. Does not require additional equipment As a result, costs are reduced.
  4. Thanks to thermostats and temperature sensors, you can control the temperature and set it as you wish.
  5. Installation of film heated floors does not require major repairs to the base, and the installation mesh of heating mats can be cut if necessary.

An interesting fact is that, according to scientists, the use of infrared floors not only reduces energy costs, but also increases human immunity. Under the influence of infrared rays, microorganisms and cells vibrate. Due to this, vital processes are stimulated, and well-being improves. It's up to you to believe this statement or not.

Disadvantages of electric floors

Electric floor is not suitable for large premises, since the efficiency of using electricity as heat is quite low.

The larger the area of ​​the room, the more consumption electricity for its heating. Water systems here look more economical. In addition, styling electrical elements(cable or film) is not possible under furniture due to the high risk of their failure due to overheating. However, the rod floor shown in the photo does not have these disadvantages.

Cables in warm floors They warm up evenly, but this is their drawback: this can affect the arrangement of furniture and the choice of finishing floor covering. Thus, cable floors will work best with self-leveling floors, tiles and ceramic tiles, film - with laminate or linoleum.

Resistive heating cables cannot be cut. Therefore, before installation, you need to accurately calculate the length of the wire.

The negative aspects of using an electric floor include:

  • Increased energy costs.
  • When using an electrical system, electromagnetic radiation inevitably occurs, which can negatively affect the health of particularly sensitive people and the environment in the room.
  • Installation without your own hands is quite expensive.
  • Laying wires requires precise calculation of the pitch, so it will be difficult to do without some experience.
  • The cable floor is laid in a screed. If you are renovating an old apartment, the cost of refurbishment of floors will increase.
  • Infrared floors are expensive.
  • Heating mats should not be placed under household appliances and large furniture.

Only by considering all the positive and negative qualities of the electrical underfloor heating system can you decide which better view use: cable, matte or film.

Water heating

Pros of water floors

Water heated floors are a modernized design of water heating. Water enters the pipes from the autonomous heating system. A mandatory requirement is the presence of a pump, since without it the liquid will not be able to circulate through the system.

A significant advantage of a water floor is not high price coolant. Water at low cost provides high quality heating of premises.

Water heated floors have the following advantages:

  1. Can be installed under almost any floor covering, including natural parquet.
  2. Reliability of system operation.
  3. Electricity costs are significantly reduced.
  4. Possibility of use as the main heating system, which allows you to abandon visible heating sources (batteries, convectors, etc.).
  5. Installing a water floor is cheaper than installing an electric one.

Cons of water floors

Like any heating system, water floors are not without certain disadvantages:

  • It cannot be installed in an apartment building without permission from the relevant authorities. The fact is that if such floors are connected to a central heating system, then temperature losses for the remaining apartments increase. It is prohibited to connect to a common heating system without permission from housing and communal services.
  • They require the purchase of additional equipment (circulation pump, manifold, mixing unit, etc.).
  • Damage to communications is possible, which will lead to leaks. Therefore, when purchasing pipes, you must first figure out what material they are made from and which one is better suited for the “warm floor” system.
  • Complex installation that requires certain skills in laying pipes, pouring and leveling floors.
  • Because the water floor is flooded cement-sand mortar, in the event of a breakdown, the entire screed will need to be dismantled.
  • A competent calculation of the system power is required. In case of errors in the project, the consumer risks being left without heating.

A water heated floor is a room heating system from a boiler or from a boiler. The pipes are laid on the base and must be filled with concrete screed.

Advantages of water heated floors

The main advantage of this design is that the room is heated evenly and heat loss is significantly reduced, which means fuel is used economically. In addition, you don’t have to install radiators, which will give you the freedom to implement many design ideas.

Warm floors of this type are often installed in country houses or cottages, as well as in apartments with autonomous heating. If the house does not have an automatic boiler, it is better not to install water heated floors. In ordinary apartments, such a floor cannot be installed, since it is prohibited by law; in this case, electric heated floors are installed.

Disadvantages of water heated floors

The disadvantage of water heated floors is that leaking pipes can lead to the need to break the floor, although the service life of pipes that are used today is 50 years. In addition, you cannot lay any kind of floor covering on the floor; ceramic tiles are best suited, as they have high thermal conductivity. Parquet in in this case will be an unsuitable coating, since wood transfers heat very poorly.

Technology for laying water-based heated floors

Water heated floors are installed only inside a cement screed. To install it correctly requires professional knowledge, skills and experience. An important stage of the work is carrying out all necessary calculations. It is very difficult to do this yourself, since it takes into account the dimensions of the room, what the floors are made of, the presence or absence of insulation, what power the boiler is using, as well as the diameter of the pipes and the type of flooring.


If you decide to make a water heated floor, it is better to entrust this work to professionals, otherwise there is a risk that you will not get the desired result.

Warm water floor - the main differences from other types of heating

The “warm floor” heating systems that exist today are divided into two subtypes: electric and water. Depending on the method of application, such systems can act as the main source of space heating or be auxiliary heating equipment. Often electric heating elements used for local heating of technological rooms, balconies, loggias, bathrooms and toilets. On the contrary, a water heating circuit can be installed throughout the entire apartment or used in one of the rooms, for example, in a children's room.

This heating option is usually chosen in corner rooms, where there is a high probability of cold zones appearing. Thanks to its operating principle, this heating option is able to provide the most comfortable temperature conditions. Despite the fact that, in comparison with other heating methods, water heated floors have their pros and cons, in the general context this type of heating deserves more attention. In any case, there are always aspects and situations in everyday life that allow one to evaluate the advantages of the system, or, conversely, that indicate the technical imperfection of the chosen option.

For reference: a floor equipped with a water circuit allows the use of a wide variety of floor coverings, unlike electric mats.

For example: in order to maintain normal circulation in a home heating system using heated floor technology, you will need to install not only a pipeline, but also install additional equipment. Circulation pump, manifold - mixer, whole set three way valves(according to the number of water circuits), all of these are mandatory attributes and accessories in this case, regardless of the heated area. The presence of special devices will help to avoid a drop in coolant pressure in the central heating circuit and will prevent interruptions in the circulation of domestic hot water.

It should also be remembered that such a system is prohibited for installation in an apartment building, which was originally designed for centralized heat supply. For private sector residents and owners country houses On the contrary, this option is preferable traditional options heating

You need to know that in order to implement this type of heating in your house or apartment, considerable costs will be required associated with a large amount of work and consumables. The drawings and diagrams show the temperature conditions inside the room, achieved as a result of using a thermal curtain and when operating the heated floor covering of the system.

It is clearly visible on the basis of what principle heating is carried out internal space. In the case of a water floor, the heat source is located in the lower part of the room. Thereby thermal energy spreads evenly over the entire floor area, transferring the necessary heat to the air masses circulating inside the living space. When using radiator heating, during which internal air exchange occurs due to convection, the floor is the coldest place in the living room.

Insufficient heating, especially in corner rooms and with a large glazed surface, is compensated by installing additional heating devices. A water floor is fully capable of solving this problem, uniformly heating the entire internal volume of the room. The aesthetic side of the issue is also important. The absence of heating radiators has a positive effect on the quality of the interior of residential premises. A warm floor distributes heat evenly throughout the entire space, thereby heating all objects in the room.

For reference: the most acceptable indoor temperature for comfortable living is + 18 0 C. By heating the coolant in the water heating circuit to a temperature of +35-45 0 C, it is achieved optimal temperature heating the floor covering 25 0 C. Accordingly, the lowest floor layer of air heats up more, while the upper layers have a comfortable temperature.

Warm floor design. Scope of application

The main advantage that you should pay attention to when studying a heated floor heating system is cost-effectiveness and high efficiency. Interior large area, especially in private houses, designed for autonomous heating, can be successfully heated in this way. Even the installation and arrangement of heated floors in all residential premises of a large multi-room residential building will be a completely profitable enterprise. For that category of citizens who have water gas heating or expect to use solid fuel units, a water floor is practically perfect option solving the issue of organizing heating.

Comparison of this heating scheme with electric floors inappropriate in this case. The last option, even taking into account the comparative ease of installation and ease of operation, is clearly inferior to a water floor in terms of economic indicators. The electric floor can be installed in selected places, where there is a need to heat small areas.

Before summing up the advantages and disadvantages of a water heated floor, let’s try to understand its design and technological features.

The basic principle of operation in this case is as follows:

  • heat source - coolant liquid, boiler water, which can flow into a pipeline laid in the floor;
  • heated water can come from a riser central highway heat supply, and from an autonomous heating device.

Thanks to design features and new technologies, today there are several ways to equip heated floors. As an ideal floor covering, it is best to use ceramic, concrete or combined materials (tiles, decorative stone, concrete screed). The advantages and disadvantages in this situation are subjective. Ceramic tile or concrete screed have high thermal conductivity, and accordingly, when heated by the heated coolant, they transfer heat better into the room. Conversely, laminate, parquet, and linoleum are convenient and comfortable floor coverings that play the role of additional insulation, reducing the intensity of heat transfer in internal spaces.

The efficiency of a warm water floor directly depends on the quality of the layer cake, i.e. on the composition of the underfloor heating substrate. The substrate usually includes:

  • Waterproofing;
  • Metal mounting mesh;
  • Thermal insulation;
  • Damper tape;
  • Dry or wet screed.

On a note: As a rule, the traditional thickness of a layer cake varies in the range of 50-150 mm. The final parameters of the cake are determined depending on the diameter of the pipes for the water circuit, the thickness of the floors, the quality of the floor covering and the power of the underfloor heating system.

The main operating tool in this case is a pipeline made of metal-plastic pipes. Pipes connected into separate fragments or sections (circuits) are laid on a cushion, after which they are connected to collectors through which coolant is supplied to the heating circuit and returned.

The design of the heating system also contains the operating principle. The distance between the screed and the floor covering is where the warm water circuit is laid, through which the entire surface of the floor is heated to the required temperature. Due to insignificant heating (the optimal heating temperature of the coolant is 35-45 0 C), the “warm floor” heating system is low-temperature.

Obvious advantages of heated floors

If you do not take into account installation difficulties, heated floors are rightfully considered one of the most effective systems heating The low-temperature operating mode of heated floors can provide real and significant savings in heating costs. On average, 20-40% compared to the radiator heating option. No overheating air mass indoors ensures good saturation of the internal space with positive ions.

To others obvious advantages The following qualities can be safely attributed:

  • high environmental safety of the system, full compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards for heating residential premises;
  • the main part of thermal energy is transferred as a result of thermal radiation, which has a positive effect on the human body;
  • real heat savings in residential buildings with high ceilings(up to 50% for ceiling heights of more than 3 meters);
  • the absence of open wiring and radiators greatly simplifies interior decoration residential premises;
  • real subsequent savings in heating costs compared to electric heating(on average 5-7 times);
  • Unlike electric heated floors, a water floor does not provide powerful electromagnetic field, negatively affecting the well-being of housing residents.

Obvious disadvantages of this heating system

The main drawback that can overshadow you if you decide to install heated floors in your home is rather the presence of administrative prohibitions on the use of such a heating system. You can get around the bans if you focus on small area heating and you have the first floor. Otherwise, the situation is fraught with further administrative fines and restoration of dismantled equipment.

The second argument that can be attributed to the disadvantages of this heating system is the lengthy and painstaking installation of the equipment. The disadvantage of a water floor during the installation process is that it involuntarily makes the structural features of the building heavier. Due to the layer cake used for the substrate, the weight of the floor can increase by 10-15%, which is extremely dangerous for old multi-storey residential buildings.

Following the laying and installation technology, homeowners will have to face quite large financial costs. Unlike electric floors, water heated floors are labor-intensive in the process of maintenance and repair. In terms of safety, a water floor is inferior to other home heating options.


There are many advantages to this heating system, but there are also some disadvantages when it comes to heated floors. However, the situation looks like this. In any case, if you decide to install warm water floors in your house or apartment, the advantages that you will receive in the future will clearly outweigh the disadvantages. High efficiency, cost-effectiveness and practicality are the main advantages of this heating system.


Water heated floor systems are a fairly new solution in the field of built-in heating systems. The peculiarity is that the coolant in this case is heated water circulating through pipes laid in the floor, which transfers heat radiated through the decorative flooring into the room.

At the same time, the efficiency of water heated floors is high; this type of heating seems to be extremely economical, allowing one to reduce the cost of heating a home to a comfortable temperature by 20-30, or even 50%. It's all about the temperature of the circulating fluid, which, as a rule, does not exceed 50⁰C, and often 40⁰C is enough.

Why? It's simple. The floor in a room, in the case of a heated floor, is a continuous convective surface that radiates heat. At the same time, the floor covering remains pleasant and comfortable, without posing a risk of burns, and the air in the room is heated evenly over the entire area.

Unlike traditional heating radiators, a heated floor immediately warms up the air to comfortable temperatures below (22-24⁰С), while at head level the temperature is already somewhat lower (18-20⁰С), and an overheating zone does not form under the ceiling, and no empty heat loss occurs. This property is one of the advantages of water heated floors, as it provides optimal “healthy” heating that promotes comfort and health.

Like any type of heating, water heated floors, of course, have their own advantages and disadvantages. And this must be taken into account when deciding whether to install this type of heating system.

The undoubted advantages of water heated floors include the following:

  1. Economical– compared to radiator heating from 20-30% to 60%. When heating water to low (30-50⁰C) temperatures using gas in autonomous systems, especially with large heated areas, a water floor is even superior to an electric floor in terms of operating costs (up to 5-7 times more economical).
  2. Safety, because the pipes with the coolant, firstly, have a low temperature, and secondly, they are completely hidden. This eliminates the risk of injury and burns.
  3. Comfort, ensured by uniform heating of the air and pleasant tactile sensations when walking on the floor barefoot.
  4. Aesthetics, because the built-in system solves the problem of hiding or camouflaging unaesthetic radiators and opens up wide horizons for the implementation of design ideas for remodeling and interior arrangement.
  5. Smooth and soft heating, safety for capricious floor coverings due to gradual heating and low temperatures, absence of thermal shock (in the case of installing a thermostat and the ability to control the temperature of the coolant).
  6. No generation of harmful electromagnetic field and oversaturation of air with positive ions.
  7. Water heated floor does not dry out the air in the room.

While listing the advantages of water heated floors, it is worth analyzing its disadvantages:

  1. Labor intensity of installation– to lay a water floor, you will have to undertake a major overhaul with leveling and careful preparation of the surface of the subfloor. The system consists of several layers various materials, including waterproofing, cement-concrete screed and decorative flooring.
  2. Significant initial costs for installing a hydronic floor option- approximately 5 times higher than electric or traditional radiator. However, with active use, water heated floors demonstrate high efficiency and pay for themselves.
  3. It is impossible to install heated floors, for example, on stairs and in small corridors. In such areas it is required additional installation radiators.
  4. The likelihood of a leak and the difficulty of eliminating it– to find damage and repair the pipeline, you will need to completely dismantle the floor covering and remove the screed.

Due to the risk of leakage and, accordingly, flooding of neighbors below, water-heated floors are not recommended for installation in multi-storey buildings. Also, when connecting water-heated floor circuits to the central heating system, there is a high risk of pressure drop in the system throughout the house and a sharp decrease in heating efficiency.

Is it enough to analyze the information on the query “water heated floor advantages and disadvantages” to make a final decision, especially if people with poor health live in the home? On the one hand, if the difficulties do not frighten you, but the advantages captivate you, it is worthwhile to critically evaluate them again.

The point is that she main feature and the advantage of this type of heating, namely, a constant elevated floor temperature, which allows you to “keep your feet warm” all the time, can also have a downside.

Namely, to provide negative impact on the vascular system of the legs, because blood constantly flows to the “warm” legs, putting a constant load on the veins and expanding them.

Therefore, it is recommended to install a water or electric floor in rooms with periodic and short-term presence of people there, or to limit the time they walk on the floor or stay on it.

The question of whether heated water floors are harmful to the general physical condition and well-being cannot be answered unambiguously. The air in the room is not too dry, there is no improper mixing of the layers, but in the case of heated floors, natural ventilation is difficult. In order to avoid air staleness, it is necessary to ventilate the room more often and take care of forced ventilation.


Water heated floor - an effective alternative radiator heating and a good option for the first floors of private houses. However, making a decision about installation requires a scrupulous analysis of the pros and cons.

Modern trends in interior fashion inspire property owners to use smooth and cool coverings as flooring materials - laminate, tile, travertine or parquet. Despite the aesthetic appearance and high wear resistance, these materials do not perform their best in the cold season. the best side– they are cool to the touch, so walking on such a floor without slippers is uncomfortable.

To solve this problem, experts in the field of heating engineering recommend paying attention to water heated floors, which will appeal to consumers who crave comfort and warmth.

Water heated floor is effective method heating of a residential home, commercial building or office, in which heat production is concentrated in the lower part of the room. The main advantage of this technology is its versatility. The design of a warm water floor can be used in any room - bathroom, living room, bedroom or kitchen.

Among other advantages of the technology, the following factors are worth mentioning:

The main disadvantages of this type of home heating are related to the labor-intensive work and high cost Supplies necessary for the implementation of the heating scheme. Despite the fact that the technology has some disadvantages, in general it justifies itself and is optimal choice for homeowners who want a reliable source of comfortable heat, the operation of which is not associated with high monthly costs.

How does this technology work?

To assess the feasibility of installing a structure, it is not enough to simply study the pros and cons of a water heated floor, since a complete analysis requires in-depth knowledge affecting the operating principle of the technology. through the use of a network of special small-section pipes, which are built into the floor and then filled with concrete or dry screed.

The basic circuit diagram involves the use of the following elements:

In the process of heating the coolant using a boiler, solar collector or electric heater, the floors are heated and help create comfortable temperature conditions in the room. Compared to conventional heating systems that involve the use of radiators, fireplaces or convectors, heated floor technology is the most justified - it concentrates heat below, warms the feet, and makes the climate in the house comfortable and healthy.

An important point is that direct supply of coolant is only possible from, which heats the water to an acceptable 40-45 degrees. When using boilers of another type, the owner will need to equip a mixing unit involved in lowering the temperature of the coolant.

Behind last decades technologies for creating heated water floor systems have stepped far forward and today owners who connect a heated water floor are fully insured against problems such as leaks, water hammer, pipe damage from corrosion, etc. However, in order for the heated floor to meet all expectations, its installation must be carried out by responsible specialists in accordance with the recommendations of the heating scheme developed by heating engineers.

Is the high cost of water heated floors justified?

Hydronic underfloor heating systems cost much more than traditional types of heating. The average price per m2 of water heated flooring is about $30, taking into account labor and the purchase of components, so the cost of a project for a house with an area of ​​one hundred square meters can be quite high. At the same time, low operating costs in the long term justify the investment of property owners.

The average temperature of a water heated floor is 40-45 degrees. Therefore, during operation, such a system requires much less energy resources than a traditional radiator circuit. In addition, you need to know that average cost 1 m2 of water heated floor is calculated taking into account the purchase of all necessary system components, including:

The larger the area of ​​the house, the lower the cost per square meter of heated floor, since the cost of the most expensive element of the system - the boiler - is evenly distributed over each square meter of area.

Review of popular manufacturers

Final cost 1 square meter Warm water floors also depend on the choice of components produced by different brands. At the moment, on the domestic market you can purchase a Rehau warm water floor, produced in Germany. The German brand guarantees high quality products and excellent consumer characteristics of the system. The affordable price of a Rehau water-heated floor allows you to save money already at the first stage of a home heating project.

Among other advantages that a Rehau warm water floor has, it is worth highlighting the following qualities:

Manufacturers from other countries also operate on the market, these are:

The choice of manufacturers is quite large and the consumer may not be limited to foreign brands, because in addition to those listed, companies from the Russian Federation and neighboring countries sell their products on the market at more affordable prices.

How does electric-water heated floor work?

An electric water heated floor, which is a combined heating system, can be installed in the house. This system uses special antifreeze as a coolant, and the design itself consists of pipes with a small internal cross-section (about 24 mm), inside of which a cable is placed. Liquid electric floors are different simple installation and low installation costs.

The most popular products on the market are products from the XL Pipe brand. Positive reviews of the XL Pipe electric water heated floor are confirmation High Quality and product reliability.

Among the tangible advantages of products from this brand are the following characteristics:

  • high maintainability;
  • overheat protection;
  • absence of electromagnetic radiation;
  • possibility of laying pipes according to any pattern;
  • simplified floor screed.

What coating is compatible with underfloor heating?

In addition to answering the question: how much does a warm water floor cost, owners are faced with other dilemmas. Most often they touch on the topic of design compatibility with various types of floor coverings. Based on the operating principle of heated floors, it can be assumed that the most effective solution there will be a choice of flooring with maximum heat capacity.

The first type of coating is protected from deformation and has sufficient heat transfer, so it is often used in rooms with high level loads.

The tiled covering for a warm water floor will be durable and practical.

Laminate and parquet, although they do not have the same wear resistance as tiles, however, have a number of other positive qualities- it has good heat conductivity and a simple installation process. Thus, water heated flooring under a wooden floor can also be implemented in the house. Linoleum can also be used in different rooms, it is worth remembering that the maximum thickness of a warm water floor should not exceed ten centimeters.

The owner can consider each of the options and determine which coating is best for a warm water floor after assessing the layout of the house and the resources available.

Installation of a warm water floor

The main aspect of the proper functioning of the heating system is proper installation. You can do it yourself or use the services of companies that offer turnkey installation at an affordable cost. It is worth understanding that professional installation of a water heated floor - the price for which is about 30% of the cost of consumables - is preferable to installing the system yourself.

The rather high cost of a warm water floor per 1 m2 should not confuse property owners who are thinking about implementing an energy-efficient and reliable heating circuit. The fact is that the substantial initial investment required to purchase components and pay installers over time is justified by the reliable operation of the system and the low costs associated with the operation of heated floors.

Today we would like to touch upon one of the most controversial issues in the field of space heating - is it possible to use heated floors as the main heating of a private house or apartment? Below we will look at the pros and cons of such an idea, which will actually allow you to answer this question!


It is reasonable to use electric heated floors as the main type of heating only in private homes. It is extremely illogical to use such a heating system in an apartment for several reasons:

  1. You will still have to pay for heating, because... risers will pass through your apartment.
  2. Shutting off the central system is quite problematic and expensive (dismantling batteries, changing the pipe system, welding work, etc.).

As you can see, in apartments the ability to use an electric heated floor as the main heating is not practical due to several significant disadvantages. If you are not satisfied with city services, you can simply do it without turning off the central system. This solution to the problem is recommended if the housing and communal services starts the heating season late and you only need to somehow get out of the situation for a while.

By the way, water system Floor heating also cannot be used in apartment buildings, because this is prohibited by law. The reason is obvious - hot water will pass under your floor covering, cool down and only then flow further to your neighbors.

Private houses

As for the use of electric heated floors as the main heating of the house, here you can already think about whether to do it or not. The only thing that can stop you is the monthly cost of paying the electricity bill. If you make an economical system, install electricity and turn on the heating wisely, while with the main type of heating this option will be quite reasonable.

The advantages in this case are the following:

  1. Ease of installation. Even a person without special skills can do it.
  2. A heating cable, thermomat or film will not occupy the free space of the rooms, unlike radiators or convectors.
  3. Good heating of the rooms. Heat will be radiated evenly throughout the entire area of ​​the private house.
  4. Long service life with correct installation and use.
  5. There is no need to spend money to buy a boiler and other types of equipment.
  6. Creation Cost electric heating flooring (as the main one) is at least 2 times cheaper than water flooring.

The disadvantages of underfloor heating as the main heating system for a private home include:

  • There should be no problems with power supply on the site, otherwise in winter there is every chance of freezing if the lights are turned off for a long time.
  • Not all regions have an acceptable cost per kilowatt of electricity. The first step is to take into account the costs so as not to run into financial problems later. We provided detailed cost calculations in the article -.
  • The heating cable or infrared film covering must not be laid under the installation sites household appliances and furniture. If a warm floor is used as the main heating, so-called cold bridges can form in unheated areas. As a result, as reviews on thematic forums show, there may be significant heat loss and the formation of dampness on the walls.

As you can see, the possibility of using this heating option as the main one has its advantages and disadvantages. To begin with, weigh the pros and cons in relation to your conditions, and then draw a conclusion. We also recommend watching the video below, which provides more modern version main heating in the cottage.


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