Why do hibiscus leaves turn yellow? Chinese rose (hibiscus) sheds its leaves like trees in autumn, what to do in such cases

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Hibiscus, also known as Chinese rose ( Hibiscus rosa-sinensis), can be considered one of the most luxurious and sophisticated indoor plants. Its large bright flowers, contrasting with the green glossy foliage, invariably attract the attention of both amateur gardeners and professionals.

Unfortunately, this luxurious beauty sometimes begins to “be capricious,” upsetting its owners with deterioration in appearance, yellowing and falling leaves. The causes of this phenomenon can be various diseases, the destructive effects of pests, the plant’s reaction to stress, etc. And it is advisable for the gardener to know at least the main factors influencing the change in leaf color in order to be able to take timely measures and prevent the development of a process that could lead to the death of the green pet. Let's look at the most common of them.

1. Violation of the watering regime

An adult hibiscus, with a well-developed root system, consumes and evaporates large volume moisture, so it needs regular, abundant watering. The watering regime should be selected in such a way that the soil in the pot always remains slightly moist. But it is extremely undesirable to overdo it here. If you water the plant “in reserve,” the soil will quickly begin to become waterlogged, become too dense for the roots to function normally, and they will no longer cope with the work assigned to them. In addition, in soil oversaturated with stagnant water, various putrefactive processes actively develop, which negatively affect the root system and trunk of the plant and can lead to its death. Gradual death of the root system, lack of nutrients, which the roots can no longer supply to the plant in full, and lead to the fact that the hibiscus begins to get rid of “excess” green mass, as a result of which the leaves first turn yellow and then fall off. If the development of the process is not stopped in time, the plant may die.

If the hibiscus is still small and has not grown into a large bush, then the first steps to save it are to remove it from the pot, remove the rotten blackened roots, treat the remaining root system with fungicidal preparations and replant the plant in new land. When replanting, the roots can be additionally powdered with “Kornevin”, and the crown of the plant can be sprayed with “Epin”. These measures should help reduce the plant’s stress from all procedures and quickly take root in its new location.

For an adult plant, the rescue procedure described above is of little use. Fortunately, due to the love of water, it is quite difficult to fill it. Another case is more likely here - the danger of drying out the plant, to which the hibiscus will react by drooping and withering of the leaves, which will later turn yellow and fall off.

2. Incorrect illumination level

Pretty hibiscus shade-tolerant plant, but if there is too little light, then it will certainly react to such neglect of its needs with massive yellowing and falling leaves. As a rule, gardeners often encounter a similar problem when moving their pet from the street (from the garden or from the balcony) into the house. A sharp change from the usual bright sun to a dimly lit room causes stress in the plant. To help him acclimatize faster and survive the move without loss, it is necessary to use additional illumination with phytolamps.

The opposite problem is sunburn leaves, due to which delicate leaf plates are covered with yellow, white, and sometimes shapeless spots burnt to black. To avoid such troubles, hibiscus taken out into the fresh air should be gradually accustomed to the sun, providing it with shading during the midday hours. The same measures should be taken for plants placed on the south window.

3. Temperature violation

Hibiscus is a heat-loving plant and prefers temperatures ranging from 18 - 30 °C. At lower values, its leaves may partially turn yellow and fall off. The reaction to heat in the Chinese rose is the same, but here the situation can be saved high humidity air and abundant watering (the main thing is not to overdo it).

In addition, by yellowing and dropping leaves, hibiscus also reacts to sudden changes in temperature, drafts, and cold wind.

4. Pests

Spider mites are a real scourge of hibiscus. At the first stages of its invasion, this pest is practically invisible and does not betray its presence in any way, but the plant’s leaves soon begin to turn yellow and fly off en masse. Later on young shoots you can notice cobwebs, on the threads of which tiny moving dots become noticeable.

The fight against spider mites should begin as early as possible. As soon as it is detected, the crown of the bush must be treated chemical preparation directed action. In particular, products such as Actellik, Aktara, Neoron, and Fitoverm have proven themselves to be effective against ticks.

5. Chlorosis

Hibiscus is one of the plants susceptible to chlorosis. With the development of this disease, the leaves of the plant turn completely or partially yellow, sometimes dark green veins are clearly visible on them. After some time, the leaves fall off, the young shoots dry out, and with further development of the process, the plant may die.

This disease can be caused by watering with very hard water, alkalization of the soil, and a lack of nutrients and microelements, in particular iron. As first aid, it is recommended to transplant the plant into fresh soil and feed it with fertilizers containing iron chelates.

6. Nutrients

In addition to iron, hibiscus needs a high content of potassium and magnesium, and a lack of the latter can also cause the development of chlorosis. But you should be careful with phosphorus and nitrogen when fertilizing. From excess nitrogen, the so-called “nitrogen burn” develops, in which the edges of the leaf blade turn brown, and excess phosphorus leads to yellowing of the leaves. Therefore, when choosing nutrient mixtures for feeding hibiscus, preference should be given to those in which the potassium content prevails over phosphorus and nitrogen, that is, it is better to exclude phosphate and nitrogen fertilizers from the hibiscus diet.

7. Natural causes

If the only leaf of a hibiscus has yellowed and fallen off, and the frightening process has stopped there, then there is no need to panic. This behavior is a natural process associated with plant growth and the replacement of old leaves.

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Many plants that came to us from

other countries, are firmly entrenched in apartments and on personal plots amateur gardeners. And one of these fairly common crops is Hibiscus. The tropics are considered to be its homeland - India, China and Asia, but now such a variety of this plant as the Chinese rose is grown at home throughout Russia. Most often, this culture does not require any special attention, being quite unpretentious. However, in certain cases, the leaves of the flower begin to turn yellow and fall off. What could cause such a nuisance? Why do hibiscus leaves turn yellow and fall off? What to do about this? What is the best way to deal with trouble?

Of course, without sufficient information about the growing conditions of hibiscus, it is impossible to unambiguously and accurately determine the reasons for the yellowing of its leaves. However, there are certain factors that most often provoke such a problem.

If the hibiscus grows at sufficient high temperature, it needs systematic watering significant amount water. If the plant is hot, then watering can be done twice a day. Those plants that are on fresh air, respond well to use special devices for automatic drip irrigation.

If the leaves begin to turn yellow and fall off during the cold season, it may well be that such a nuisance was a consequence of excess moisture in the soil. As we have already said, the Chinese rose loves water very much, but it cannot thrive in a cold swamp in the area of ​​the root system.

If it is very hot outside or in the house, the hibiscus can actively shed its leaves, which turn yellow before this happens. You can cope with such a nuisance with the help of active watering, which will provide the crop with a sufficient amount of liquid.

Do not forget that the Chinese rose came to us from the tropics, and accordingly, it loves warmth very much. To make the flower feel comfortable, the temperature environment should fluctuate between eighteen and thirty degrees. Otherwise, he will suffer appearance and various diseases may develop. For example, if you place a flower pot next to winter window, it can react to such a cold snap by quickly dropping its leaves.

Normal access to sunlight is a real source of life for the Sudanese rose. When there is a lack of light, the plant can actively shed its leaves, thus trying to reduce its need for light. This process can continue until just a couple of leaves remain on the hibiscus.

An infected bush has a diseased appearance and in some cases may become completely bare. Therefore, if signs of a spider mite are detected, you need to quickly take measures to save the plant. Therapy in this case is carried out using special compounds– insecticides that you can easily buy at a flower shop. But in fact, it is quite difficult to remove spider mites. Experts recommend carrying out preventive spraying of plants once a year to prevent such a problem from occurring.

Even slight air movements may not please the hibiscus and cause it to drop its leaves. Therefore, try to protect your plant from windy weather in the house.

There are several types of chlorosis. Yellowing of leaves can develop in different ways, depending on the severity of the disease. So if the leaf itself is green and turns yellow only in a limited area, we can conclude that the Chinese rose needs certain nutrients. It may well be that your pet suffers from soil acidity problems or simply lacks nutrients. Nowadays, soil acidity is often disturbed due to watering tap water, which is characterized by increased rigidity.

This cause of yellowing of hibiscus leaves is the most rare, but nevertheless probable. If you apply pesticides during a particularly hot season or accidentally change the dosage, the hibiscus leaves may turn yellow and fall off. In addition, this problem can be caused by too frequent use of pesticides.

If you have identified the cause of the yellowing of hibiscus leaves and promptly eliminated it, the foliage will stop falling. Chinese rose capable of growing new green mass in a fairly short period of time. You can help your pet form a beautiful bush a little - trim branches that are too long or damaged. Pruning will activate the process of side shoots appearing, which will help the hibiscus become green and lush even faster.

Hibiscus is a genus of plants in the Malvaceae family. Many species and varieties are combined under this name. Among decorative species Especially notable is the Chinese hibiscus, or, as it is also called, the Chinese rose - an evergreen, long-lived shrub with large flowers.

Brief description of the culture

Since the plant is very sensitive to low temperatures, it is more often grown in greenhouses and greenhouses than in open ground. Its preferred temperature is about 25-30 degrees in summer and 10-12 in winter. If the summer is not warm enough, flowers will not appear on the plant. The flowering period of the Chinese rose is quite long - from the very beginning of spring until mid-autumn.


Hibiscus can reach two to three meters in height. Its lifespan is about 20 years.

Important! When growing hibiscus, you need to take care not only of the air temperature. Important has sufficient lighting.

Why do hibiscus leaves turn yellow?

There may be several reasons.

  • Lack of moisture.

Yellowing of leaves can be caused by drying out soil and drying out of leaves due to dry air. To avoid this, it is necessary to adjust the amount of water and frequency of watering depending on the weather conditions, the condition of the soil and the plant itself.

In addition, in addition to timely watering, it is recommended to additionally spray the flower with a spray bottle.

  • Excess moisture.

Leaves may also turn yellow if the amount of water for irrigation is too large. In the cold season, the amount of water for irrigation must be gradually reduced. The amount of liquid is also reduced if the plant does not have time to absorb it.

Attention! Hibiscus is watered only with settled water.

  • Lack of light.

With a lack of light, the leaves of the plant begin to turn yellow and gradually fall off. This is due to the fact that at low light levels, the shoots do not have time to produce chlorophyll, so some of them die.

If there is not enough daylight, gardeners use special lamps.

  • Excess of light.

This problem is less common and is due to the fact that when the lighting is too intense, direct sun rays Chinese roses can get burns, which result in yellowing and drying of the leaves.

The leaves are turning yellow

  • Changes in soil composition.

If the leaves turn yellow and dry out not entirely, but in spots, this may mean increased alkalinity or acidity of the soil.

Acidity can increase as a result of constant improper watering. In this case, the flower is replanted or preparations and fertilizers are added to restore the normal state of the soil.

  • Lack of nutrients.

If there is a lack of nutrients, it is customary to feed the plants. However, in the case of growing hibiscus with the application of fertilizers, it is necessary to be careful and fertilize in several stages, carefully controlling the amount of substances applied, since otherwise the hibiscus will begin to wither.

Lack of nutrients.

  • Diseases.

Most dangerous disease for this flower there is chlorosis - non-infectious, arising from hard water, or infectious, provoked by microorganisms.

If the first type of chlorosis can be avoided by watering the bush exclusively with settled water, as well as simply replanting it, then the second type is more difficult to deal with - this requires full treatment. It should be remembered that the infection can move further to other plants.

  • Pests.

They are combated by prophylactically treating Chinese roses with special preparations. The most common pests are aphids, spider mite, scale insects and stem gall midges, which settle in the buds of the plant.

Due to pests

Thus, the reasons why hibiscus leaves turn yellow usually lie in wrong choice places for seedlings or improper care. External causes of yellowing of leaves, independent of the gardener, such as pests or infectious diseases, are much less common.

Disease Prevention

The main diseases affecting hibiscus occur due to insufficient levels of chlorophyll production, chlorosis. Leaf diseases can take different shapes. So, leaves can:

  • turn yellow entirely;
  • turn yellow in spots;
  • fade;
  • fall;
  • fall off along with the inflorescences;
  • curl (due to aphid infestation).

In the case of hibiscus, the main prevention is to ensure proper conditions for the growth and development of the bush, such as:

  • timely and not excessive watering;
  • settled and not hard water;
  • sufficient, but not aggressive lighting;
  • stable air temperature;
  • feeding;
  • Regular treatment of shrubs with anti-pest drugs.

Ways to restore normal plant activity

Having figured out why hibiscus leaves turn yellow and fall off, you can move on to recovery methods. What can be done with the plant and how to treat it. After all, every flower lover does not want to throw away a beautiful and unusual flower.

The main thing that needs to be done first is to determine the exact reason why the leaves turned yellow. Lack or excess of water, improper lighting, pests or diseases - the treatment method depends on the root cause.

You need to get rid of yellowed leaves

Having determined the cause, before starting treatment, it is necessary to remove the damaged parts - dried or curled leaves, dried branches, rotting roots.

The easiest way to help a plant is when the problem is improper care or incorrect location on the site: then it is enough to return to proper care behind the bush to allow it to gradually recover.

For this:

  • Regulate the amount of watering, making sure that the hibiscus does not dry out.
  • Check the condition of the soil.
  • Spray daily to ensure the leaves receive the necessary moisture.
  • The bush is replanted or moved to another place - lighter or darker, depending on the condition of the leaves.
  • Fertilizers are applied if necessary.

However, with getting rid of pests and the diseases they cause, the situation is somewhat different. It is necessary to treat the plant with special preparations not only for treatment, but also two or three times a year - as a preventive measure.

The most common pests are the following: spider mites, aphids, whiteflies, scale gall midges and false scale insects.

In most cases, treating pests with a soap solution (10 grams of soap per 1 liter of water).

But there are more effective means:

  • when infested with aphids, treatment with Fitoverm, Decis, Anabasin or soap solution helps;
  • against scale insects - spraying with Actepllik or any other insecticides;
  • when infected with spider mites, a soap solution or drugs such as Akarin and Fitoverm help;
  • when infected with gall midge, collecting already infected buds helps;
  • When infested with scale insects, it is necessary to treat the leaves with mineral oil.

In addition, it would be a good idea to treat the soil with a medicine against soil pests.

If hibiscus drops leaves: what to do

When a hibiscus drops its leaves, what should you do? It was previously said that leaf falling is one of the variants of a bush disease, so in some cases the disease will have the same reasons as yellowing of leaves, that is:

  • flowering, that is, preparing the plant for the winter;
  • problems with watering and lighting, that is, insufficiency of the first and/or second;
  • spider mite infection;
  • sunburn;
  • low temperatures.

Accordingly, the treatment methods will be similar. However, there are also additions. So, when the leaves fall off, it is necessary to check the condition of the plant’s root system - if the roots are dried out or rotten, they must be cut off and the plant transplanted into new pot or to a new site, if the shrub is planted in open ground.

Yellowed leaves are not the greatest of possible problems. Even a novice flower lover will be able to revive a plant if he follows the recommendations of experienced flower growers.

Chinese rose, also known as hibiscus, is a fairly hardy plant.. She stoically tolerates errors in care, but if they are not permanent. If the plant is constantly watered or not watered at all, the plant will begin to die. Its leaves will begin to turn yellow and fall off, then buds and flowers. And if you don't pay attention to this, he will die.

It's not about natural aging, but about the reasons that cause yellowing in young plant. When a plant loses its beauty for other reasons. Therefore, yellowing of the leaves is a signal that all is not well with the Chinese rose.

Why does this happen to a houseplant?

Partial yellowing of leaves with spots is caused by various reasons. Let's take a closer look at them.

Important! For any flower it is important to choose the right pot. How it will develop depends on this root system.

It’s easy to check whether the pot is correct. Water the flower in the morning and check the condition in the evening earthen coma in the middle of the pot. If the soil is dry, the vessel is small for it, urgently replant it. Otherwise, its leaves will begin to turn yellow, as the flower will try to reduce moisture evaporation by shedding excess leaves.

The new pot should be 1-2 cm larger in diameter than the previous one. Transplantation is carried out by transshipment so as not to injure the roots. Must be in the pot good drainage. Transplantation is carried out in moist soil, watering begins on the third day.

If water constantly accumulates in the pan, the roots will begin to rot, the leaves will turn yellow and fall off.. This indicates that the capacity is large. As in the previous case, a transplant is needed. We remove the plant, along with the earthen lump, from the pot and check for rot. If rot appears, remove it and powder the cut areas with crushed charcoal. We replant into a smaller pot and regulate watering.

Care errors

  • Chinese rose is a tropical plant and does not like drafts. It should not be placed within reach of fans or air conditioners. When ventilating the room, it is recommended to cover it with a screen.
  • Incorrect lighting. This factor leads to the following consequences:
    1. When there is insufficient lighting, the rose sheds its leaves, guided by the principle: fewer leaves, less light needed.
    2. With a lack of sunlight, the leaves turn yellow on the shaded side.
    3. The bright sun is also harmful - the leaves can get sunburned.

    The best option is diffused sunlight. In case of shortage natural light Fluorescent lamps will help.

  • Yellowing of the upper leaves of flowers indicates a lack of nutrients. This can be corrected by increasing the dosage of fertilizers or the frequency of fertilizing. But this must be done carefully so as not to overfeed. Too much fertilizer also causes problems.
  • Low ambient temperature. Since hibiscus comes from the tropics, it is thermophilic. The temperature in the room where the rose is kept should be between 18-300 C. Otherwise, the plant begins to shed its leaves. During the rest period, the temperature should not be lower than 15 degrees.

Diseases and pests

When a Chinese rose is infected with viruses, the leaves not only turn yellow, but also become covered with spots. One of the common viruses is chlorosis. In a plant infected with chlorosis, the leaves turn yellow, but the veins retain their natural color.

Chlorosis indicates improper soil acidity. Sometimes the leaves of an infected plant turn yellow only where the source of the disease appeared. And sometimes the leaves turn yellow and fall off, the tops of the plants and underdeveloped roots die off.

It can be fixed in a complex way mineral fertilizer type "Uniflor-Micro", as well as by transplanting into another soil. Spraying with iron chelate will also help. To avoid chlorosis, it is not recommended to water the flower with hard tap water, because it oxidizes the soil.

Spider mite

Another reason for yellowing leaves is spider mites.. It can only be detected if you examine the leaves with a magnifying glass. Without a magnifying glass, you can notice a weightless web on the leaves and buds.

Insecticides, which are sold in flower shops or washing the leaves with soapy water. After ablution, the flower is sent into the shower. The soil in the pot is covered with film.

Even with the help of insecticides, the plant takes a very long time to recover. To prevent the spread of ticks, you need to treat them preventively twice a year. Treatment is carried out with Agravertiv, Fufan or Actllic. Treat three times at intervals of four days.

Spider mites grow where there is dry air. Therefore, in rooms where the air is dry, you need to use humidifiers or place a container of water near the flowers. Regular spraying has a beneficial effect on hibiscus.

Attention! When using pesticides in hot weather or overdosing them, they lead to yellowing and falling of the leaves of the Chinese rose. Pesticides should not be used too often.

Chinese rose buds turn yellow and fall off for several reasons:

After finding out the cause of yellowing of the leaves of a Chinese rose, and after eliminating it, the flower will quickly recover. At this time, you can prune long shoots.

You can also learn more about why hibiscus buds and leaves fall off, and we also told you why the plant does not bloom.

Rest period

In order for hibiscus to grow beautifully, bloom magnificently and not get sick, it needs to be properly cared for during the dormant period.

First he needs to trim. This must be done not only to form a bush, but also to remove weak, poorly formed shoots. They won't have flowers anyway.

Reference! During the dormant period, the flower prepares for a beautiful lush flowering. Accordingly, the conditions of detention should be optimal: the air temperature should not be lower than 150 C.

When is the process natural and when is it not?

Naturally, the leaves of old specimens that are preparing to die turn yellow.. Although in this case you can try to revive him. This can be done by removing yellowed leaves and by pruning. And when caring for such a bush, you must follow all the rules of care.


We have considered everything possible reasons yellowing of hibiscus leaves. We also talked about ways to eliminate these causes. We hope that our article will help you grow your pet lush and blooming profusely.

It is not a difficult plant to care for. They usually require minimal care and acceptable growing conditions. But unpleasant moments also happen. In particular, hibiscus leaves turn yellow and fall off. Most often this happens with indoor hibiscus. There are many reasons for this annoying phenomenon. Therefore, in order to eliminate the problem, it is necessary to establish the cause as quickly as possible and begin to eliminate it.

Indoor hibiscus leaves turn yellow and fall off: reasons and what to do

Natural cause

It often happens that there is simply no reason for anxiety and panic. If the majority of hibiscus leaves remain green and nothing happens to them, but one or two leaves turn yellow and fall off, then this phenomenon is normal. Hibiscus is a plant with intensive growth that does not stop even in winter. So a natural replacement of leaves occurs - new ones grow, old ones die off.

Wrong content temperature

For this reason, mass falling of hibiscus leaves occurs mainly in winter. This happens if the temperature of the plant is . If many houseplants If they can easily tolerate a temperature of +12 degrees, it is not suitable for hibiscus. Minimum temperature, at which it will feel normal in winter and subsequently bloom profusely +15 - 16 degrees. But at such a low temperature, a number of other rules must be observed: optimal watering, air humidity, protection from drafts, avoid overcooling the earthen coma. Even a slight deviation from this set of rules will result in yellowing and falling of the hibiscus leaves. Therefore, novice flower growers who do not have sufficient experience in providing optimal conditions should refrain from it and move the hibiscus to a warmer room with a temperature of at least +18 degrees.

Improper watering

The reason that indoor hibiscus leaves turn yellow and fall off can be either insufficient or excess. Under normal conditions room temperature, the soil in the pot should always be moist. But only slightly damp! Damp, waterlogged soil can cause death of the root system and the entire plant as a whole. In such soil, the active development of putrefactive bacteria and harmful fungi begins, and the supply of nutrients to the plant is suspended. As a result, the plant begins to wither and if measures are not taken, it will almost certainly die. The first signal is that the leaves turn yellow and fall off. Young plants are especially susceptible to this. In a young hibiscus, the root system is not yet sufficiently developed, and it is difficult for it to cope with a large volume of moisture, especially if the pot was chosen when planting too large, “for growth.” In this case, you must immediately replant the flower. First you need to thoroughly clean the hibiscus roots from any remaining soil, remove all rotten and damaged roots, and treat the roots with a fungicide solution. Before planting, it is advisable to powder the roots with Kornevina powder. After planting in fresh soil, spray the entire above-ground part of the flower with Zircon or Epin.

Drying out the soil is no less dangerous. Prolonged drying will almost certainly destroy the plant irrevocably. In this case, nothing can be done to help the plant. But if you notice that the hibiscus leaves have begun to fade and turn yellow, and the soil in the pot is dry, then you should immediately water the plant.

Incorrect lighting

Lack of light in itself cannot cause any harm. indoor hibiscus. This plant grows normally in both bright light and shaded areas. The danger comes from sudden changes in illumination. This usually happens when moving hibiscus from indoors to outdoors in the spring and back in the fall. This does not lead to fatal consequences, but it affects the decorativeness of the plant; the hibiscus leaves begin to turn yellow and fall off. After a while, the plant will adapt and grow new leaves, but first it will cause the owner a lot of unpleasant moments. To avoid this, accustom the plant to changes in light gradually, do not immediately place it on bright sun after the shadow and vice versa.

Incorrect feeding

Unbalanced conditions can also lead to yellowing and falling of hibiscus leaves. The most important components for its nutrition are magnesium and potassium, they are mandatory must be present in fertilizers. An excess of phosphorus and, in particular, nitrogen can cause particular harm to the flower. An excess of this element can cause nitrogen burn. Therefore, when choosing fertilizer for indoor hibiscus, give preference to potassium fertilizers containing magnesium. They may also contain phosphorus and nitrogen, but in insignificant concentrations.


Enough common reason along which the hibiscus leaves turn yellow and fall off. This applies not only to indoor hibiscus. Almost all plants can be subject to this scourge. The cause of leaf chlorosis can be too hard water, a high concentration of alkali in the water and soil, or a lack of fertilizer. But the main reason that causes leaf chlorosis is iron deficiency. If the above reasons are eliminated or absent, then it is necessary to treat the plant with the drug “Iron Chelate” or a specialized antichlorosis drug. Treatment is carried out both by watering and by leaf (according to the instructions for the preparation). If the process has gone far, then the hibiscus should be transplanted into fresh soil.


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