Why do they sew up the corners of profiled timber? Types and methods of corner joints in the construction of wooden houses from timber

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Assembling timber into a warm corner is considered by most craftsmen as one of the most effective methods for arranging a joint between logs. This method installation provides reliable connection parts even without fasteners.

In addition, the design minimizes contact of the inner surface of the beam with the external environment. Accordingly, due to the configuration of the angle, blowing is reduced and heat loss is reduced.

We will tell you in our article how to lay timber in a warm corner and what its main advantages are.

General principles for forming corner joints

Cutting the corners of a timber or log building is one of the most difficult and time-consuming stages in assembling a log house. The design of the corner determines how effectively the structure will resist deformation, whether it will be durable enough, and how the walls will react to heat loss.

Today it is practiced to form corner connections both with and without remainder. These methods can be compared in the table below:

Type Description Examples
With the remainder When forming a log house, the connections are arranged in such a way that the edges extend beyond the plane of the wall:
  • on the one hand, this leads to an increase in material consumption, so that the price of construction increases;
  • on the other hand, the protruding parts play the role of a kind of buffer that protects the corner joint from wind and precipitation, therefore, on average, corners “with a remainder” are considered warmer.
  • into a bowl;
  • in the fat tail;
  • to the clap;
  • in a huff.
Without a trace When constructing a building, the parts are cut to exact size. In this case, the joining at the corners is carried out in such a way that the ends are in the same plane.

The design turns out to be more accurate, but the contact point individual elements will be more vulnerable than in the previous case.

  • end-to-end;
  • half a tree;
  • in the paw;
  • on an insert tenon (key);
  • in a “warm corner”.

As can be seen from the table, the corner connection of a beam into a warm corner belongs to the category of joints without any residue, while the technique itself provides very good thermal insulation. Why this happens and how to implement it in practice will be discussed in the next section.

Review of the methodology

Installation technology

If you are building wooden log house do it yourself, then the result of all the work largely depends on your skill in arranging connections. This is especially true if we are talking about such a design as a “warm corner”.

This connection is made according to the following scheme:

  1. Cut a tenon on the middle or inner part of the end of the beam. The length of the spike should be about 1/2 of the length, and the width should be from 1/3 to 1/2 of the same value.

Important! The tenon is not cut out on the outer part of the part, since in this case neither the strength nor the tightness of the connection is ensured.

  1. A recess is cut symmetrically to the location of the tenon on the side surface of the second beam.. The dimensions of the recess should be equal to or several millimeters larger than the dimensions of the tenon.
  2. The shape of the protrusions and depressions may vary.Most often they are made rectangular (root tenon), but sometimes the parts are cut out in the form of unequal trapezoids ( dovetail). The second option is much more difficult to implement, since you need to ensure that the angles match, but this connection holds much better.

  1. When laying crowns, tenons and grooves must be alternated. So, if on the odd crown on the left we cut out a tenon, then on the even one there should be a groove there. This design makes it possible to provide the necessary rigidity and block the displacement of the beams in the horizontal plane.

Assembly instructions are quite simple:

  • place a layer of jute sealant in the recess;
  • insert the protruding part and push the beam to the end, if necessary, pushing it down with a mallet;
  • if you are installing a dovetail, then install the tenon in the groove from top to bottom, hammering until the parts to be connected are in the same plane.

Advice! When assembling profiled timber into a warm corner, you need to ensure that the profile locks are not damaged during installation of the parts.

Advantages and disadvantages

This method of corner cutting has an impressive list of advantages:

  1. Tight joining of elements without metal fasteners and through gaps ensures high level thermal insulation. That is why a warm corner of timber walls for a bathhouse is almost the only acceptable option, and for a residential building it is very desirable.

  1. At correct installation the connection is perfectly smooth, which contributes to the uniform distribution of operating loads.
  2. The convenient shape of the joined parts greatly facilitates assembly: if you follow the dimensions accurately enough, it will take only a few minutes to form a joint.
  3. Both outside and inside, the connection looks very neat, since the integrity of the beam is minimally compromised. This reduces the cost of caulking and finishing.

This method has fewer disadvantages, but you should still be aware of them:

  1. The design requires high manufacturing standards: both tenons and grooves must be cut with minimal tolerances, otherwise a significant part of the thermal insulation potential will be lost.
  2. During the installation process, you need to be very careful, trying not to disturb the geometry of the angle when settling the beam.

However, experienced craftsmen are well aware of these shortcomings and try to compensate for them with their skills. Beginners will have to do all the work very carefully at first.


Warm corner timber house collected according to a specific algorithm given above. If you want to master this technique, we recommend that you first watch the video in this article and then practice: it’s better to spend some time, but do the job at the highest level.

IN wooden house construction There are several ways to cut corners: cutting in half a tree, in a warm corner, in a dovetail, on rectangular dowels, etc. These corners are cut directly on site where the house is being built.

There are also such angles as: a single-line key groove (in the “oblo”) and a four-sided key groove, this type of cutting is done on machines in the factory. We will tell you more about other types of cutting corners of houses and log houses in the following articles.

We are interested in the most popular and common type of sawing (cutting) the corners of houses made of timber, this is in the so-called “warm corner” or, in other words, in a tongue and groove. This assembly of a log house is ideal for houses and bathhouses made of timber, in particular from profiled timber.

Cutting in a warm corner

The technology for cutting into a warm corner is quite simple: a groove is made in one beam, a tenon of the same size is made in another beam, and the walls of the beams are tightly joined together, crown by crown. The corner of the house turns out to be completely windproof and reliable, which is why it got its name warm.

The step by step process of cutting into a “warm corner” can be seen in the photographs below.

The groove is marked

Please note that using the technology of sawing a tenon or groove corner walls alternate on even and odd crowns. How this happens can be seen in the drawing:

All corners of a house or bathhouse are sawed off at the construction site directly during the process of assembling the log house. One of the early varieties of a warm corner, the so-called “dovetail”

All lumber is produced with sawmills of a standard six-meter length. But, most often, houses have dimensions larger than 6x6 m and in this case the beams need to be joined together.

There are two types of timber joints: a joint in the wood floor and a tongue-and-groove joint.

method of joining wood floors

methods of connecting timber into a tenon and groove

Also a type of timber connections

Installation of a bay window (joint of a bay window made of timber)

Log walls corner of the house

[Louse walls corner of the house (corner in tongue and groove)]

Log walls corner of the house (corner in tongue and groove)

Photo corner in a log house made of profiled timber

[inner corner of timber frame]

internal corner of timber frame

Joint of partitions into main walls (washed down)

[Seeded the partitions into the walls of the log house]

Washed the partitions into the walls of the log house

Logs made of 150x100 timber are completely sawn into the frame (base of the house)

[Filled the joist into the base wooden house]

Sawed a log into the base of a wooden house

Wooden dowels when assembling the crowns of a house or bathhouse from timber

[Wooden dowels when assembling a log house from timber]

Wooden dowels when assembling a log house from timber

Roofs (casing bars) in window and doorways. A method to combat shrinkage at home. Read more about log shrinkage

[Curbing in the house to combat shrinkage]

Casing in the house to combat shrinkage

Profiled timber as the main one construction material For main walls houses, bathhouses, log houses and cottages.

[Profiled timber is the main material for the main walls of a house]

Profiled timber is the main material for the main walls of a house

Installation of timber partitions photo (top view)

[Installation of timber partitions (top view)]

Installation of timber partitions (top view)

Shrinkage compensators include screw shrinkage supports, sliding supports rafters, etc. See more about shrinkage compensators.

[Shrinkage compensators in log houses]

Shrinkage compensators in log houses

At first glance, it seems that the technology for constructing a house from profiled timber or solid log have long been established and nothing new can be invented in this direction. But it is worth noting that over time, established assembly techniques still undergo significant changes. Here, for example, is the classic method of corner connection of a wooden frame, the so-called “cup” connection, thanks to the appearance modern instrument transformed into a more technologically advanced “paw” connection, however, such a connection turned out to be not without flaws. It has already been replaced new scheme, called “in a warm corner”.

Assembling the corner joint is the most critical step in the process of assembling a wooden frame; in addition, it is also the most labor-intensive. Almost all operational characteristics of the house depend on how well the corner is assembled, including service life and susceptibility to warping and deformation of the walls, and most importantly, how warm the house will be.

Each of us has been convinced from our own experience that the corners freeze first in winter, and if this happens, then it is quite difficult to deal with this problem. It is best to take care of this during the construction phase. There are several ways to achieve good results.

Characteristics it has
quality corner connection:

Everything here is quite simple: strength, tightness, aesthetics, manufacturability and efficiency, these are the characteristics that first come to our minds, but are most interesting to us:

Strength. It is known that the timber is fixed under the pressure of its own weight, as well as the pressure of the floors and the weight of the roof. But, similar connections must be resistant to possible changes linear dimensions timber, and wood, as is known, is subject to deformation that occurs with fluctuations in atmospheric humidity and air temperature. This effect can be reduced by using timber, pre-dried to 18-25%, in contrast to the material natural humidity, it will create a minimum of problems, both during construction and during operation.

Tightness. One of the main conditions for why we are building a house is to protect ourselves from the external environment; circulating drafts will bring pleasure to few people. The simplest solution to avoid drafts is to complicate the path for air to pass through the connections, i.e. we must make the connection of parts geometrically more complex.

Types of beam connections in corners

When building a house from timber, all types of corner joints can be divided into two types:

  1. Angle with remainder.
  2. Angle without remainder

Angle with remainder

Such a connection can have different names: “into the cup”, “into the edge” or an angle with cuts. What exactly is an angle with a remainder? During the construction of a log house, the joints are formed in such a way that the edges of the logs extend beyond the walls. Docking occurs due to grooves - one-, two- or four-sided. In the first option, a notch is made on top of the beam in width, which corresponds to cross section upper segment. And when cutting a double-sided groove, the same cuts are made at the top, bottom, and width, and they are equal to a quarter of the height of the lumber.

To increase the strength of the structure, a four-way connection is used. IN in this case cuts are made on four sides. Laying timber of this shape is very convenient; the crowns in this embodiment are located transversely on top of each other. In order to ensure additional tightness, the corner is filled with insulation between the crowns - this is, as a rule, linen tow or jute insulation.

Basic positive traits corner connection of the beam with the remainder:

It has a high degree of reliability and does not require additional fixation. At the same time, the crowns located on top reliably hold the bottom ones by applying pressure with their own weight. In this case, displacement of any wall elements becomes impossible, even during seismic vibrations.

This connection option is very technologically advanced; it is possible to prepare the grooves on the timber in advance in a production environment, and then compactly assemble it on site like a construction set.

The main disadvantages of assembling the corners of a log house with overcuts:

  • As a result of drying and shrinkage of the timber after assembly, cracks may appear in the corner joint; in this case, the groove may freeze and be blown out. It is almost impossible to organize tightness and insulation.
  • There is an obvious waste of material used, since the logs, as a rule, must be significantly longer than the structure itself.
  • And of course, the protruding ends significantly interfere exterior decoration Houses
  • The ends crack and require special treatment

Angle without remainder

In this type of house construction, the parts used are cut to exactly the required size. It is important to note that the joining in the corner parts is made in such a way that the ends are located in the same plane. This structure turns out to be more neat and aesthetic. Several methods are used to connect timber in such corners of a log house. But, as a rule, only some are suitable for the construction of residential premises.


With this method, parts are laid joint to joint. For connection, an element specially adapted for fastening or a screw stud is used. This construction option is typical for utility rooms. A log house built using this method does not initially imply the presence of high thermal insulation characteristics, therefore, such premises are not intended for living in during the cold season. This connection of corners can be used for the construction country house, which does not claim to be year-round accommodation. To improve the thermal insulation characteristics of this type of connection, install an additional dowel across the connecting seam.

"Half a Tree"

This method can significantly protect the room from drafts, but still these characteristics are not enough for construction warm home. This method works well for building country houses or light garden houses.

"Into the paw"

It manifests itself as a more modified version of the previous structure. This method is considered to be a simplified version classic way corner connection. In the old days, the paw was cut from scraped logs. This method is suitable exclusively for the first crown and top harness, but in no case is it suitable for building walls, because it has a through gap.


This type of joining is suitable for logs and timber. Due to the special shape of the cut, after the wood is saturated with moisture or, conversely, during the process of drying out, the connection parts do not change their original shape, due to which the protection is maintained living rooms from the penetration of cold. To eliminate the cracks, they are sealed with insulation and then sheathed on the outside.

"Warm Corner"

The disadvantages that are described in the methods given above are completely absent when assembling “in a warm corner”. This connection is more suitable than others for profiled timber. A special profile is cut out at the end of the beam; when connected, it completely eliminates the possibility of blowing through the corners. To achieve a completely tight fit, a special groove is cut out. It is located inside the trunk, which is used for the joint, and a tenon is formed at the mating end of the beam, which ensures excellent tightness.

This type of connection, which is also referred to as a “root tenon,” preserves the walls from displacement and provides unsurpassed protection from the wind.

At this type gap assemblies also require sealing with insulation, and then sheathing the corner from the outside.

If the planned construction is not easy outbuilding, namely premises for permanent residence– you should choose the most suitable types of corner connections for this – “warm corner” or “dovetail”. The second option will require certain skill from the performers, so it must be taken into account that dovetail assembly may require additional financial costs.

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There are several in various ways connections of profiled timber. One of the most complex and at the same time reliable is the “warm corner” corner connection of profiled timber. Despite the difficulties associated with it, experts characterize the “warm corner” as an effective and heat-intensive connection, and that is why it is most common in construction wooden houses.

The following technologies for creating corner joints are known:

  1. "In the paw."
  2. "Warm Corner"
  3. "Butt."
  4. “Into the Cup” and others.

The “warm corner” corner connection has several varieties, namely:

  • Connection with main tenon.
  • Keyed connection.
  • "Dovetail".

In the article we will talk about the warm corner connection, as the most optimal technology in our opinion. The trick of such a connection is hidden in the fact that a vertical tenon is cut out in one of the joining beams, and a groove is made in the other to the size of the tenon. During the assembly process they interlock with each other. Thanks to this, a lock with a hidden spike is formed at the junction.

The connection is made in the following order:

First, markings for trimming are applied to the beam using a square, and the beam is cut. Using a tape measure, the required length is measured and drawn on the upper side of the beam horizontal line, from which verticals are drawn on the sides. Next, using a square or a pre-made stencil, the position of the tenon is drawn.

Now you can cut it out.

The groove is marked and cut in the same way. In the very simple version tongue and groove have rectangular shape. It is important that the connection is tight and there should be no gaps in it. And the insulation inserted into the groove will make the structure more airtight.

After completing the assembly of the crown, the beams are secured with a dowel. When laying the next crowns, the operations are performed in a similar order, but it is important that in each subsequent crown the tenon and groove alternate in a checkerboard pattern. This will make the frame more durable.

The “warm corner” corner connection of profiled timber has a number of advantages that make it so popular:

  1. This design does not require additional fastening, which greatly simplifies the technology and makes it more economical.
  2. Ideal shape source material allows you to make the assembly monolithic and reliable.
  3. There are no gaps in the design through which cold can enter the house.
  4. The ends of the beams do not protrude outward, which facilitates subsequent finishing of the house.

Of course, making such corner connections is associated with certain difficulties, since it can only be done manually. But its use in construction can significantly improve the quality of the finished log house.

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For the most part, the beams in the corners are connected in the same way as logs, but there are some peculiarities. And most likely, building a wooden house for a private developer is not a daily task, so hiring a professional team is not always justified. Therefore, today there is an ideal opportunity to learn how to independently cope with such a seemingly very difficult matter. Below we will tell you how to correctly and reliably make corner joints of timber.

For some, you only need skills in using a chainsaw, for others, it is enough to have experience with an ax and a jigsaw. In any case, in the end you will get a reliable and windproof corner in a wooden house.

Main types of log corners

As already mentioned, they resemble log joints.

And in the same way they are usually divided into angles:

  • with remainder;
  • without a trace.

Each method also has several of its own pairing options. They depend on the method of forming the angle. Let's look at this in more detail below.

Advice: do not use corners to connect profiled or glued building materials, they will be visible and because of this you will have to finish the walls.

Whatever the geometric accuracy of the elements, it will be difficult to protect the timber from the wind blowing through the joints and lateral stability. In any case, such corners will have to be additionally insulated.

Advice: do not use this method for houses large area, significant costs will be required for its insulation.

  1. Dowels - they are made from. They are installed in sawn grooves, which will need to be made in advance, and they are used as an insert. Thanks to this design, the two beams are held together and do not move relative to each other.

The shape of the keys can be:

  • longitudinal;
  • transverse;
  • oblique.

The type of its fixation in the node depends on this. The oblique method is considered the best, but doing it with your own hands without certain skills is problematic;

  1. "Into the root thorn"- the most common fastening. It is formed at the ends of the beams, where a groove is made on one, and a rectangular profile on the other. There can be in the range of 1-5. It is necessary to take into account that the more complex the structure, the less strength it will have. Therefore, before making cuts, everything must be carefully calculated.
    During the installation process, insulation made from flax or jute fiber is used. Therefore, such fasteners received another name - “warm corner”. Due to the complexity of this pairing of elements and when using this method for profiled timber, the corner is not insulated.

In cottages made of laminated veneer lumber, to increase the reliability of the connection point, wooden dowels (rods) are used round section), which are driven into the end. Metal ones are usually not used, since when they dry out they become visible. In this situation, we recommend using mounting angles, which will help strengthen the structure.

  1. To lay corners from timber use:
    • notches - the general name for a connection when a tenon and groove are used;
    • dowels - rods made of wood or metal;
    • fat tails - a longitudinal protrusion at the place where the log is planted;
  1. Be sure to leave some gap in the groove during assembly, then the beam will be able to move freely during the shrinkage period, otherwise the wall may be deformed. And let it increase the time general work, ultimately the log house will not suffer from its consequences.

Installation of profiled timber in a corner

If we analyze the methods of corner connections, which are most often used in the construction of cottages from profiled timber, the winner is the option called “in a warm corner”.

It also includes conjugations:

  • "root thorn";
  • dowels;
  • "swallow tail".

Dovetail method

A special inclined groove and tenon should be cut out at the end, while Special attention given exact dimensions. Thanks to this, the connection will be strong and with low heat loss. The resulting lock will not damage the external or internal walls in any way.

Instructions for making a connection “in a warm corner”:

  1. Make a marking of what is best to use the stencil for;
  2. Use a saw to cut out a groove on one side and a tenon on the other;
  3. Connect the elements together;
  4. Lay insulation between them;
  5. Secure the connection wooden dowels, maybe metal ones. To increase rigidity, you can install mounting angles inside.

Tip: when installing, alternate rows with grooves and tenons, then the wall will have an aesthetic appearance, and the corner itself will be as strong as possible.

Positive design qualities:

  • reliability and airtightness due to exact dimensions profiled material;
  • no nails are used, a wooden lock is sufficient, which reduces construction time and overall costs;
  • upon completion of the shrinkage processes, the angle will not be maintained;
  • there are no protruding elements on the outside, which makes it easier to carry out exterior finishing;
  • guaranteed tightness.


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