DIY crafts made from polyurethane foam. Crafts made from polyurethane foam Garden crafts made from construction foam

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Crafts from polyurethane foam You can do it yourself in just a few hours.

If you have a disposable bottle that hasn't run out yet, why not put it to good use? landscape design.

In this case, it is still better to resort to professional foam rather than household foam, since a small gun with a diameter of 2 mm is added to it.

Unusually simple and beautiful figures made from polyurethane foam will become the property of your site. They will not leave either neighbors or people simply passing by indifferent.

Materials for fakes made from polyurethane foam

You will need:

  • gloves;
  • sprayer with pre-prepared water;
  • polyethylene;
  • aviation kerosene.

Kerosene is needed so that upon completion of work with polyurethane foam, hands can be easily washed from building material.

It will also be useful to create a base for crafts made from polyurethane foam with your own hands.

You can take a regular one plastic bottle, an old pan or something else that you don’t mind.

With foam coating auxiliary material the creation of the craft will begin...

They need to be painted carefully, and before this procedure
dry thoroughly in the shade. It takes at least a week to dry, but if the layer of foam is large, it is better to wait longer.

The paint is applied to the foam craft with your own hands every spring. If this is not done, the foam may crack and the craft will be damaged.

Ideas for crafts made from polyurethane foam

If you have a small pond on your site, you can make a large green toad. This is especially true where there are many plants, especially large-leafed ones. In some cases it is easier to make a lizard or a crocodile - whoever succeeds.

In order not to make a mistake with the sizes and “get your hands on”, you can practice on plasticine. No matter how strange it may sound, it was after trying this simple material, you can make gorgeous crafts from polyurethane foam.

The same goes for dough - if you like to bake delicious buns, sculpt animals - this will help you figure out what you can do better.

Perfect solution- make turtles from polyurethane foam. And it is not at all necessary to have a pond on the site. Besides, White paint Almost everyone has it, and it’s now cheaper than the colored ones.

Turtles are easier to paint; their shells can be alternated with natural ones. If, during the creation of a craft, bumps appear that should not be there, they can be cut off sharp knife.

The situation is similar with rounded parts - if they need to be sharpened, the excess is simply cut off.

Not only crafts made from polyurethane foam street views decorate, they can be made for home. Funny frogs will make people passing by smile!

Yes, as original New Year's decor You can make a snowman out of foam, but you need to start creating it in advance so that the material has time to dry thoroughly.

If you paint the foam ahead of schedule, it will quickly crack.

Without attaching special effort and material costs, foam crafts will be an excellent decor and decoration for any summer cottage. It is no secret that for many, a dacha is a place where people come to relax from the city noise, rhythm and bustle. Therefore, it is very important that the dacha be exactly the place where a person can truly enjoy life and rest his soul. Often, caring for a summer cottage and decorating it requires considerable Money, patience and time, but with foam everything is different.

In order to make any crafts from polyurethane foam with your own hands, you do not need to have any special education - absolutely everyone can cope with this task, it is enough to have good fantasy and imagination.

In construction, polyurethane foam is used very often and in large quantities. It is used to seal small cracks and has the ability to expand, filling all the voids.

Important! The hardening of the foam depends on what brand of foam it is, but on average it takes from 15 to 25 minutes.

You can cut off excess parts of finished products only after the foam has completely hardened.

You can cut off excess parts of finished products only after the foam has completely hardened.

From construction foam you can make any crafts, since foam is an unpretentious material, and when frozen it can withstand any temperature; in addition, crafts made from foam do not undergo any serious changes when they are exposed to precipitation.

The material is lightweight and does not have sharp corners, so foam crafts for installation are often made for kindergarten or sites. Such crafts can have both large and small size, but the weight of the craft will be small.

When working with polyurethane foam, you must use a foam gun, which is placed on the can, and after finishing work, use a gun cleaner

How to work with polyurethane foam?

To work with polyurethane foam, you may need a minimum set of tools and accessories - several pairs of gloves, preferably rubber - the fact is that the foam has such unpleasant properties, it quickly sticks to your hands, so it is simply impossible to do without gloves. In addition, you will need 2 or 3 knives of different sizes - they are needed after the foam has dried in order to give the products the required shape and for cutting out small details such as eyes, nose, mouth. When working with polyurethane foam, you must use a foam gun, which is placed on the can, and after finishing the work, use a gun cleaner. To paint finished products you will need paints and brushes. In order for foam crafts to last as long as possible, it is recommended to coat them with varnish.

Important! Polyurethane foam is a very light material, so every time before performing any new craft, it is important to take care of its weight, otherwise the structure will not hold.

Therefore, it is necessary to place something heavy inside each structure - it could be a container with sand, a piece of iron, a plastic bottle with water. You can use anything, the main thing is that the thing at least slightly fits the shape of the future craft (if ready product has small dimensions or volume) and was weighty.

It is important to remember that all work performed with polyurethane foam should be carried out only in a well-ventilated area. The temperature should be room temperature. If work is carried out on fresh air, then you need to do this in good weather, but work under direct sun rays You can’t, you need to step into the shadows.

While working, it is important not to forget to shake the can of foam before each use.

Finished products made from polyurethane foam must be coated with paint, but it is important to remember that the content of nitrocellulose is unacceptable, since this substance adversely affects the foam; as a result, the craft softens and the entire structure may lose its shape.

Hedgehog figurine made of polyurethane foam

Crafts made from polyurethane foam

Animal figures are especially popular among crafts made from polyurethane foam. You can place them in any part of the garden, placing a lonely figurine by the pond or on the lawn, or create an entire composition. When making crafts from polyurethane foam for kindergarten, figurines of fairy-tale characters are mainly created:

  • Hedgehog. This figurine is very easy to make and is ideal for beginners. Any material can be used as a frame, it all depends on the preferences of the master. When the foam has hardened, use a knife to carefully cut off all excess and give the product the desired shape. Hedgehog needles are made from toothpicks, which must first be prepared for work - they need to be painted black, leaving a small distance untouched. The part that needs to be stuck into the figure remains unpainted. If desired, the other end of the toothpick can be painted golden. Before sticking toothpicks into the hedgehog, the figurine must first be painted and allowed to dry. In these photos you can see step by step production crafts made from polyurethane foam like a hedgehog.

Foam goat

  • Sheep and lamb. A master class on making crafts from polyurethane foam, such as a ram and a sheep, should begin with making a frame. The frame can be made from several plastic bottles connected with tape. In order for the structure to be stable, the bottles that will be used as lower limbs must be filled with sand or water. After the frame is completely ready, you can begin the main work - treating it with polyurethane foam. Foam treatment should be done gradually, in layers. Each applied layer must dry thoroughly (15-20 minutes), and only then can the next one be applied. What the craft will look like after final processing becomes visible after the first layer. After the final layer has been applied and dried, you need to use a knife to give the figure its final shape, and then paint it.
  • Goat. These photos show step-by-step instruction on making such a craft with your own hands from polyurethane foam, like a goat. For the body frame you need to use plastic bottles, pre-wrapped with tape or wire. Leftovers are used for the leg frame metal pipes, which must be the same length and thickness. The resulting structure must be securely fastened to the ground, and care must be taken to ensure that the base of the body is securely fastened to the legs. The product is covered with one or two layers of polyurethane foam. In order to make the horns and tail, you can use cuttings of thick branches, securely fasten them and apply another layer of foam to the goat. Before painting the goat you need to apply one thin coat of primer. Large buttons can be used to make eyes.

Polyurethane foam bun

  • Kolobok. This photo shows a craft in the form of a kolobok, made with your own hands using polyurethane foam. A medium-sized plastic ball can be used as a frame. The ball needs to be covered with foam in several layers, not forgetting to dry each layer. The hands of the kolobok are made of plastic straw with wire stretched inside. Hands need to be secured to the kolobok and treated with foam. Small ones are used for the legs wooden blocks, which must also be secured and foam applied to them. The scarf is also made of foam. And you can use cardboard as a frame for the ears on the headscarf. The finished bun needs to be painted, varnished and planted on some stump.
  • Figure for growing flowers. In order to manufacture original pot for flowers, you can make any craft from foam. But it is important to remember that in the middle part of the figure you need to secure a container for growing flowers - this can be: a deep basin, a tin bucket, a large plastic bottle with a cut neck.
  • New Year's crafts. Such foam crafts can be made both at a summer cottage and on the territory of a kindergarten. A Christmas ball can be made from a tennis ball; to do this, cover it with a layer of foam and paint it with bright colors.

In order to make a Christmas tree, you must first make a frame. The frame is made from a cone made of cardboard. The foam is applied in several layers to the cone-shaped frame. As it dries, the figurine is shaped into a Christmas tree using a knife and painted in the appropriate color.

Making figures from polyurethane foam is quite simple. Your country cottage area, the garden or vegetable garden will look wonderful thanks to such interesting figures. Be sure to read the basic rules before starting work. In this article we will look at how to make garden figurines from polyurethane foam with your own hands.

  1. Prepare workplace, cover with oilcloth or newspapers.
  2. Carefully read the foam manufacturer's instructions.
  3. You cannot make a figure out of polyurethane foam on the street when sub-zero temperature air.
  4. When working, use latex gloves, since polyurethane foam is a toxic material.
  5. The frame of the figurine must be heavy so that it does not get blown away by the wind. Sand, pebbles or earth are used as weighting materials.
  6. Polyurethane foam completely hardens in 10 hours, it is sticky - so if you are working with it for the first time, purchase acetone or a solvent.
  7. The finished figurine must be completely covered with furniture clear varnish. Thanks to this, the figure will be resistant to any weather conditions.

You will need: 2 plastic bottles (5-6 liters each), 4 plastic bottles (1.5-2 liters each), a plastic bucket (for example: ice cream), scissors, a stationery knife, sand or earth, isolon (linoleum backing), spray can polyurethane foam, tape, spray or oil paint, furniture varnish, brush, wire, pieces of linoleum for sheep ears, superglue.

Master Class

You will need: can of polyurethane foam, plastic liter bottle, bucket, furniture varnish, oilcloth, stationery knife.

Master Class

The polyurethane foam snail is ready!

You will need: an old saucepan, an iron can, wire, superglue, a can of polyurethane foam, oil paints, furniture varnish, button eyes, scissors.

Master Class

The polyurethane foam frog is ready!

You will need: a can of polyurethane foam, a 2 liter plastic bottle, sand, rubber tubes, a bushing from toilet paper, scissors, wire, oil paints, furniture varnish, stationery knife.

Master Class

The polyurethane foam fox is ready!

You will need: a can of polyurethane foam, plastic pipe for the frame, rubber cord, stick or wire, superglue, oil paints, furniture varnish, stationery knife.

Master Class

The polyurethane foam lizard is ready!

And for the New Year garden plot you can install a snowman. Watch how to make a snowman from polyurethane foam in this video!

Absolutely any shape can be made from polyurethane foam. The main thing is to think through the frame and design. Imagine and create masterpieces with your own hands!

Making garden figures with your own hands from polyurethane foam is an excellent solution for any good owner. Even the smallest personal plot, not to mention creations landscape designers near expensive cottages, they will decorate the garden with figurines - fairy-tale characters, funny little animals, cartoon characters. It doesn’t really matter what material they are made of or how much they cost if these characters turn a piece of your garden into a fairy-tale space to the delight of children and guests.

Having decided to decorate your site garden figurines, you must first decide how you see them. You can make future garden residents from the most different materials, but not all of them you can handle on your own. For example, wood carving, and even more so stone carving, requires considerable professionalism, so it is better to order such garden figures from specialists or buy ready-made ones. The same applies to the production of plaster sculptures. It is clear that this will require additional costs, including delivery of the figurines to a new place of residence. In addition, each of the materials mentioned has its own disadvantages.

Garden figurines made of wood look great - it is beautiful, “warm”, environmentally friendly pure material. However, in natural conditions among grass and bushes, such garden crafts may not last long or will require special protection from dampness and rot.

Stone sculptures fit perfectly into garden reality and are preserved for a long time, however, stone is a heavy material, both directly and indirectly. figuratively, so the figures will be inactive, and not suitable for every style.

Gypsum crafts for the garden are perhaps the most widespread today due to their relative cheapness and ease of manufacture. However, if the manufacturing technology is not fully followed, they may turn out to be fragile and not waterproof enough.

Figures made from polyurethane foam not only lack the listed disadvantages, but also have additional advantages:

  • low weight - so much so that during manufacturing it is even recommended to fill the frame elements with sand or pebbles so that the characters made from polyurethane foam with your own hands are sufficiently stable;
  • almost unlimited freedom when working with the material - foam allows you to easily and quickly add in one place and subtract in another, since it is perfectly cut and can be applied to any surface, which is, of course, very convenient for a novice sculptor;
  • unlimited shapes, sizes and style features, since from foam you can create a cartoon snail on the lawn or a Japanese-style lantern;
  • insensitivity to moisture, temperature changes and other natural phenomena.

In other words, polyurethane foam as a material allows you to make a garden figure of any shape and any size.

Preparing for work

It’s relatively easy to create a garden sculpture from polyurethane foam on your own, but you need to think through everything in advance.

First, you need to decide what kind of characters will become residents of your garden or vegetable garden. It is very important that they fit organically into the style of the site. Indeed, it would be strange to see some monumental girl with an oar in a small dacha, or a frog princess or a bun from Russian fairy tales in a Japanese garden. In addition, it must be taken into account that there should not be too many such art objects; they should become a pleasant surprise for visitors, and not be encountered at every turn. If you doubt whether a figure made by yourself from polyurethane foam will look good in a particular place, you can draw it on cardboard and cut out its approximate layout. Place it in the expected place of residence of the future character and imagine how everything will look in reality.

Secondly, prepare in advance not only a foam container, but also what you are going to use to make the frame for the future sculpture. These can be metal buckets and cans, plastic bottles, boards and beams, fittings, strong but bendable wire, thick cardboard, plastic tubes, etc. In fact, anything can become the basis for a future masterpiece - a foam coating will hide everything. Containers intended for the frame must be filled with sand or small pebbles to give stability to the finished figure. And the wire, from which it is convenient to make arms, legs, and tails, is better to hide inside a hollow plastic tube, so that the area for covering with foam is larger and there is less internal damage.

Thirdly, before you start sculpting figures from polyurethane foam with your own hands, carefully study the instructions for the foam you purchased, since each manufacturer has its own nuances and requirements. Don't forget to stock up on personalized protective equipment to work with this building material - at least gloves and a respirator.

Step-by-step instructions for creating sculptures

So, are you ready to become a “foamy” Michelangelo? Then get started.

  1. 1 On the manufactured frame or part of it (in some cases it is better to connect the parts of the figure in almost finished form) apply polyurethane foam in layers. The important thing here is to take your time and have patience. Foam is applied thin layers, which must be allowed to dry for 15-20 minutes, otherwise pieces of your product will begin to fall off. The container should be kept with the cap down to be able to use all the foam, without any residue, and it is best to use a special gun to apply it. It is not recommended to work with this material at sub-zero temperatures, otherwise the result may disappoint you.
  2. 2 The polyurethane foam completely hardens in about 11-12 hours, so at the stage of layer-by-layer application you can form it with your hands, sculpting necessary forms. When the material has completely hardened, you can, following the example of the great sculptor, cut off the excess using stationery knife. In this case, you can not only cut off, but also add to in the right places material - in this sense, polyurethane foam is unrivaled.
  3. 3 The finished and dried sculpture, so that it does not collapse in the future and lasts as long as possible, should be covered with a layer of putty. To create an even and smooth surface The product is rubbed with sandpaper.
  4. 4 Paint the sculpture better acrylic paints, and there must be at least 2 layers, otherwise it won’t turn out very nice. At the same time as painting, all the small details are installed, including the eyes, which can be made from beads (gluing them on the face or muzzle) or from small rubber balls - this way the look will be more expressive. To ensure that your work does not lose its beauty for as long as possible, after painting it is recommended to cover it with a layer of varnish.
  5. 5 That’s it, your masterpiece is ready, you can install it in its place. However, thanks to the lightness of the sculpture, you can change this place over time.

I would like to note that making figures for the garden with your own hands is especially enjoyable if you do it with your children. In this case, your offspring will not only be able to enjoy meeting the funny inhabitants of your site, but also be proud that they participated in their creation.

Kolobok, Kolobok, I'll eat you... A fairy tale in the garden

The stork is still single, but soon he will have a girlfriend

Well, there are already two of them

For work (to make a swan) you will need:

  1. plastic bottle (size depends on what size figure you want to get in the end)
  2. rubber or cotton gloves
  3. actual mounting foam (the simplest)
  4. gun for polyurethane foam (expensive, about 500 rubles min, but it is necessary)
  5. sharp knife (cut off unnecessary things)
  6. gun flush
  7. desire and fantasy...

We take a plastic bottle and fill it with sand so that the figure turns out heavy and does not blow away in the wind. We make a small cut for the neck. The neck is a hose into which a wire is inserted; we give the neck the desired bend.

We begin to foam... Layer by layer, allowing each layer to dry for 15 minutes, otherwise the foam will settle and fall off. We leave the place where the legs should be, we only foam the neck and torso on top. On the sides, where the penim wings should be, we make additional layers, giving the desired shape to the wings. We dry the swan figurine so that the foam hardens, after which we begin to make the legs...

Legs - I have two tubes, d=1cm (you can take ski pole saw in half or something similar) twist the two halves with wire and foam again ("stick" to the body) layer by layer with drying!!!

Don't forget that foam tends to expand! After applying the first layer, you will see how much it increases in volume...

After the figure has dried (30 minutes, after all the layers have been applied), cut off with a sharp knife what seems unnecessary to you.

I painted it with PF and NC paints, usual for exterior work, and it takes a lot of paint, because... the surface is not smooth. On the forum, which advised me to make similar figures, it was painted with acrylic paints and varnished on top, but PF and NC are cheaper. Probably convenient to use aerosol paints but it's a bit expensive...

Why do you need a gun? To make it convenient for them to apply foam, adjust the thickness of the jet.

This weekend I will make a girlfriend for a swan, I promise that I will film everything step by step with a camera and post a master class.

That's all! Go for it, everything will definitely work out!!! The main thing is not to be afraid to experiment. Foam is so comfortable material, you yourself will understand when you start doing it.

By the way, a bun is an old saucepan, a fox is an old 5-liter canister.

Turtle family

Master class on making figures from polyurethane foam

I took it for work plastic mold from under a cake, wire, an old hose, polyurethane foam, a foam gun, cardboard and tape (I used electrical tape to more clearly show which places to wrap with it)

The cake mold is filled with sand. In order to make the figure heavier.

We bend the wire and tape it with tape (electrical tape) to the cake pan. Let's fix it this way.

We foam the edges, thereby securing the wire and the mold.

For the neck and head: thread the wire into the hose and attach it to the form with tape. We foam it. We wait 15-20 minutes for the foam to harden.

We put pieces of the hose on the lower part of the wire - these will be the legs.

Cut out a triangle from cardboard - this will be the tail. We apply it to the back of our turtle and foam the seam. Let it dry for 15-20 minutes.

We foam the tail.

We build up the shell, begin to foam the legs, neck and head. We dry each layer, otherwise the foam will “slide”... And the desired shape will not work out!!!

We get this turtle, all that remains is to color it. In the end, I applied three layers of foam, spent less than half a bottle of polyurethane foam, so I decided to make her girlfriends. But even for three turtles I didn’t use up the entire bottle.


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