Fish feeding - my reviews. Why do tomato seedlings need rotten fish? Capelin for tomato seedlings

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Tomatoes are many people's favorite vegetable.
But to obtain juicy and rosy fruits, you should
work hard, because a tomato is enough
demanding culture.
This vegetable needs a lot of fertilizer.
To provide it with the necessary nutrients,
you need to know: what to put in the hole when planting tomatoes,
how to prepare the soil and how to fertilize it?

After all, pre-prepared and fertilized soil
is the key to a high and tasty harvest!
Before planting tomatoes, the holes must be well filled.

Applying fertilizers to the soil in autumn
See also How to feed tomato seedlings at home,
so that they are plump What number is needed
plant tomatoes? Tomato planting takes place in
spring time, but soil preparation must begin
V autumn time. This process is very important, because the introduction
fertilizers when digging will help saturate the soil
essential vitamins eventually she will become fertile
and nutritious.

Digging the soil will saturate it with oxygen and
destroy many pests

What fertilizers should be used to feed the soil?
Application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers at
Preparing the soil for tomatoes is simply necessary.
Any soil composition needs them.
Spread fertilizer over the ground, then start
digging. If the soil is acidic, apply liming.

The soil also requires organic fertilizers and nitrogen,
which is found in large quantities in poultry
litter If there is a manure heap on the site, which
rotted, spread it over the ridges within a year.
By adding superphosphate to manure, the effect of beneficial
substances will increase, root system there will be tomatoes
completely saturated with the necessary elements.
It will bring considerable benefits to the soil and future vegetables.
compost heap and ash.

The earth will not only be perfectly prepared for
planting a tomato, but it will be light and airy.
Do not forget that the high yield of tomatoes
depends entirely on soil preparation!

What to put in the hole when planting tomatoes
After the soil has been prepared in the fall,
she was completely saturated with all the useful elements.
However, in the spring, 24 hours before planting seedlings, it is necessary
add a weak solution of manganese and yeast to the ridges
mixture at the rate of 10 grams per 10 liters of water.

Yeast solution in the hole will help with bushes
adapt faster to new conditions

Yeast fertilizer should infuse for 24 hours,
when planting tomatoes, pour it into each hole,
approximate dosage 220 grams. In an organized
planting hole where tomato seedlings will grow,
you need to put in crushed eggshells.
It will help enrich the plant.

Also, potassium fertilizer will be useful for the root
tomato systems. The source of potassium is ash,
which can be obtained from burnt straw, grass
or sunflower. In each prepared hole
put 100 grams of dry matter.

Wood ash is a source of minerals

When the seedlings are planted, each hole should be
sprinkle with black soil or compost fertilizer
(no more than a pinch!). Is it necessary to add it to the hole when
planting tomatoes, mineral fertilizers Upon landing
bring tomatoes both into the greenhouse and into open ground
mineral fertilizers are not recommended.

They will be needed during the further growth of the vegetable,
but you shouldn’t put them directly into the hole.
At first, the plant should get stronger and form
root system. Therefore, those substances that were
added to the soil in the fall and a little added organic matter
in the spring is quite sufficient quantity for
the first stages of plant development. Excess fertilizer
when planting seedlings, it can destroy the root system
tomato If the seedlings were grown in peat cups,
then in the hole when planting a tomato fertilizer
You don’t have to put the mixture in!

Humus - required element for tomatoes

What to add to the holes after the tomatoes are planted
So that the tomato harvest can please every gardener,
it is necessary to regularly fertilize not only the bushes,
but also the soil. It is worth considering what fertilizers should be used
apply, their dosage and time:

After the soil preparation has been completed, the seedlings
planted. After 14 days we fertilize the soil
complex fertilizers, at the rate of 1 tsp per 900 grams
water. After passing ten days for each hole
pour in potassium permanganate with the addition of nitrophoska.
After fourteen days, feed the soil with superphosphate
and potassium, 100 grams of fertilizer mixture in each hole.

On the tenth day, after planting the seedlings, add chicken manure.
It must be diluted with water at the rate of 1:15.
Sprinkling ash around the holes will be helpful at this stage.
After three weeks, apply ammonium nitrate 25
grams per 8 liters of water. When will the first flowers appear?
feed the plant with mullein and azophoska, 20 grams per 8 liters of water.
Then make three more feedings with aged
at intervals of 14-20 days.

Onion peels - both fertilizer and protection against diseases

The best fertilizer for tomatoes during this period is
mullein and bird droppings. What to put in the holes when planting tomatoes?
Folk way When planting tomatoes in holes, many
Gardeners recommend using onion peels.
As soon as the first stages of preparation for landing begin
seedlings, fertilizer should be mixed with rotted
manure, humus and onion peels. It can be used
not only dry, but also in the form of tincture.

Along with the seedlings, add onion peels into the holes, then you
get: strong, healthy seedlings; resistance to various
diseases; fast growth plants; at low temperature
The seedlings do not spoil and are not afraid of drafts. Onion peel
is a universal fertilizer for tomato bushes.
Just a handful of onion peels placed under each
the plant will ensure normal growth, development, high
fruiting and excellent nutrition rich in useful
vitamins. In addition, the husk is rich in essential substances,
which effectively combat garden pests.

Prepared holes in the greenhouse

The seedlings are not exposed to the Colorado potato beetle, but
The root system quickly takes root and does not rot.
During the entire growth period of tomato bushes, 2-3 times
perform feeding. Take 300 grams of onion peels,
pour them hot boiled water, leave for 10 hours.
Then dilute the resulting mixture at the rate of 4 liters
fertilizers per 20 liters of water.

Just two sprays for the entire growth period
tomato bushes, can prevent the plant
infection with fungal diseases and powdery mildew.
Carry out the spraying procedure when the ovaries are growing and in
flowering hour. Prepare the solution: 100 grams of onion peels
pour one liter of boiling water, leave for 20 hours, strain
and apply. The holes must be well watered
Tomatoes grown on your own plot are different
perfect and unique taste.

The holes must be well watered

However, to achieve a high, rich harvest
it is necessary to carefully care for the plant
and soil. Don’t forget and be lazy to add it to the holes
necessary fertilizers and fertilizing, because they are
are the key to a bountiful and tasty harvest.
Following the above tips, picking tomatoes
will bring a lot of positive emotions to every gardener.

Advice from readers

When the tomato clusters have already formed, the tomatoes
green and you expect them to turn red - it's period
end of July - August. We significantly reduce watering,
only once a week in the evening - from excess water they
yours is cracked.
And one more piece of advice. To make tomatoes turn red faster
(in St. Petersburg in mid-August it already gets significantly colder
and there is a possibility of late blight), once a week when watering
add one cap of ammonia to a bucket of water,
you will see the result.
You can take a few bushes as an experiment.
Tomatoes are also very responsive to yeast - when watered in June
- in July you can dilute 50 grams of yeast in a bucket of water and
one liter for each bush
. I also collect bread and rolls in the winter, and in the summer I collect grams by eye
I soak 500-600 of these crackers in a 15 liter bucket and put
in the sun in the yard for 2 days, then I crush the bread by hand
until crumbly and pour a liter per bush under the tomatoes,
you will be pleasantly surprised by the result, and the leaves are gorgeous
and the bush is strong and has a lot of fruit!!!
Everyone probably knows that tomatoes love fish.
when planting seedlings, you can put ice cream in the hole
sprat or other fish, and during the season, if there are bones
or any fish itself, then you can bury it under a bush.
They need phosphorus.
Have a good harvest!!!

What useful tricks do gardeners go to in order to get the result? good harvest. And, of course, not in vain, because agricultural crops, and especially tomatoes, love all sorts of self-care. Feeding, fertilizers, tying, healthy tinctures on some skins are their favorite treats. And don't doubt it tomatoes will thank you with abundance and unsurpassed taste.

But you may not have heard of the “secret” that we will share with you in this article. Why? Yes, because it turns out that the real sages in this matter have found an amazing method for successful cultivation tomatoes - place one fish or fish head in each hole.

A little more detail

This may seem rather unusual, but, in principle, there is nothing surprising in this. After all, in fact, fish is organic, and better fertilizer you can't find anything like her! Let's see how the seedlings will benefit from such creative feeding:

  1. Roots very easily absorb biomass decomposed in the ground.
  2. Obtaining phosphorus in required quantity. And it is very important in the formation of roots and inflorescences, not to mention the taste benefits, for which it is also responsible.
  3. To some extent, magnesium, potassium and iron will be used in the diet. Full flowering and uniform ripening of fruits depend on them.

Well, there is no doubt about the benefits of this “fertilizer”. And although all these useful substances are present in ordinary organic compounds, specially selected in stores, it is still more pleasant to “feed” your garden on our own, especially if you don’t need to spend a lot of money on it.

How to do it?

Let's figure out how to carry out this procedure correctly so that in the end it really gives good fruits. Pay attention to some tips to help you with this:

  1. The depth should be sufficient to accommodate both the fish and the roots of the seedlings.
  2. You should not skimp on depth, because if you dig a shallow hole, the smell of the product can be heard by animals who will not miss the opportunity to get to it. As a result, the plant will be destroyed.
  3. You can add any fish parts. You can also put a whole small fish.
  4. To avoid attacks on your garden by cats and dogs, you can replace this fertilizer with fishmeal, but the effect will be less.

If you learned about this method after planting the seedlings or simply forgot, you can simply drop this fertilizer into the hole while the tomato is growing.

Little recipe

  • Scroll the waste remaining from the fish or the fish itself through a meat grinder;
  • add some water;
  • use the resulting fertilizer as soon as it is prepared;
  • You should not pour directly on the root - do it between rows, without touching the leaves, so as not to burn them.

Do not overuse this fertilizer. Plants, like people, love variety. Therefore, alternate organic “food” for your tomatoes, and they will repay you with a bountiful harvest.

Organic fertilizers are made from substances of animal or plant origin. Such fertilizers contain a high content of substances, necessary for plants for full growth and development: nitrogen, phosphorus, iron, potassium, calcium and magnesium.

The benefits of organics include the following:

  • Their availability and low cost.
  • Environmental friendliness - their natural origin is beyond doubt.
  • Complex effect - they contain a whole set of components vital for the plant.


  • Working with tools can be not very convenient and pleasant.
  • Calculating the correct dosage also has its difficulties.

Tomatoes love natural fertilizers and there are many undeniable advantages of this type of fertilizer:

But there are also disadvantages of such fertilizers:

  1. Materials of plant and animal origin often contain insect pests and various fungal infections.
  2. Also, incorrect dosage and overfeeding with organic matter can cause burns to the plant’s root system and above-ground parts.

Onion peel

Tomatoes love feeding with onion peels., which contains a lot useful substances, capable of protecting this crop from such unpleasant diseases as gray and black rot. Thanks to this fertilizer, the tomatoes' stems become stronger, their tone increases and the fragility of the bushes decreases. How to prepare the composition:

  • Pour 2 cups of compacted onion peels into 2 liters of boiling water.
  • Leave in a cool, dark place for 48 hours.
  • Then strain the solution and dilute with clean cool water in a ratio of 1:3.

How to use:

  1. First feeding onion infusion carried out 3-4 days after planting tomato seedlings in the ground. The solution should be applied to the root hole near the plant trunk. For 1 bush you will need half a liter of infusion.
  2. The second feeding should be done when the bushes are flowering. Watering is also root-based.


Tomatoes are very fond of fish heads because it is a very effective, environmentally friendly and easily accessible fertilizer. Just don't throw away leftover fish after cutting it and store it in the freezer.

Important: Feeding tomatoes with fish will provide them with phosphorus, potassium, iron and magnesium.

How to prepare fish head composition:

How to use:

  1. It is not the roots of the plants that need to be watered with this solution, but the space between them.
  2. Try not to let fertilizer get on the leaves, as this can burn them.


Summer residents have long noticed that bread solution has a very beneficial effect on tomatoes. The crop begins to develop faster, the root system is formed several weeks earlier, and the ripened fruits have excellent taste. How to prepare the composition:

  • Remnants of black or white bread dried in advance and stored in a tightly closed container.
  • Then the resulting crackers are placed in a small bucket and filled with warm water.
  • This composition should be infused under a tightly closed lid in the sun for about 2 weeks - during this time the yeast will begin to ferment.

How to use:

  1. The finished solution must be diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio.
  2. You need to water the bushes right to the roots for two weeks.

Banana peel

An infusion of banana peels has long proven itself, How effective remedy for feeding tomatoes in a greenhouse. But also growing in open ground plants also respond gratefully to fertilizer in this way nutrient solution. Tomatoes grow faster, form and increase leaf mass well, and produce higher yields. How to prepare and use the composition:

  1. From fresh peel: Place 3 banana skins in a 3 liter container glass jar and fill with clean cool water. Leave for 3 days. Pour the mixture into a bucket and dilute with water in a 1:1 ratio. Water the tomatoes at the root in the morning or evening throughout the week.
  2. From dried skins: Pour 4 dried peels into 1 liter of water and leave for 48 hours. Then dilute with water 1:1. Watering is carried out in the same way as described above.

Chicken droppings

Chicken manure has long been used in gardening as a natural and very effective fertilizer for watering tomatoes, because it contains chemical elements 3 times more than everyone knows cow dung. IN bird droppings a large number of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, copper, manganese, cobalt and zinc.

As a result of this feeding, tomatoes experience rapid growth, faster inflorescence formation and active flowering. In addition, it has been experimentally noted that even a single treatment of bushes with such fertilizer increases the crop yield for 2 years in advance.

Attention: Fresh, dry, and even granulated bird droppings can be used to prepare the nutritional composition.


How to prepare a composition from chicken manure:

How to use:

  1. The solution must be applied by the root method at the rate of half a liter of fertilizer per 1 bush.
  2. It is recommended to carry out this procedure only after rain or a couple of hours after watering the crop.


How to use:

  1. Dry chicken manure is added when digging the soil after harvesting in the fall.
  2. Fertilizer is applied in a slightly moistened form over the entire surface of the future planting site of tomatoes at the rate of 3-5 kg ​​of manure per 5 m².
  3. Fertilizer must be spread evenly over the soil; you can use a rake to do this.
  4. It is also recommended to add to chicken droppings wood ash, sand and compost and then leave the beds fertilized in this way until spring digging.


How to use:

  1. Granular fertilizer is very convenient to apply to the soil before planting tomato seedlings.
  2. For 1 m² of land you will need 150-250 grams of litter.
  3. The granules should be lightly sprinkled with earth.

Important: The seedlings should not come into contact with this fertilizer, so it must be applied between future beds.

Horse dung

Horse droppings – excellent feeding for tomato bushes. But it is most effective to use half-rotted manure, since it contains a large amount of nitrogen, which is well absorbed by plants. How to prepare the composition:

  • Dissolve one bucket of manure in 30 liters of water.
  • Let the resulting solution brew for 2-3 days.

How to use:

  1. The first feeding is carried out 20-25 days after planting the tomato seedlings in the greenhouse.
  2. Further, the manure composition should be applied no more than once every 2 weeks.

Application of rabbit

In addition to water, rabbit droppings are rich in nitrogen, magnesium and potassium, thanks to which the growth of plants accelerates and they become stronger and more resilient. This fertilizer is used directly in 2 ways:

How to prepare and use liquid fertilizer:

  1. Pour 1 kg of litter into 10 liters of water and mix thoroughly.
  2. Let the fertilizer sit for 12 to 24 hours, shaking occasionally until smooth.
  3. This fertilizer must be applied at the rate of 2 liters of composition per 1 m² of land, but not more than twice a year, otherwise the plants will burn from an excess of nitrogen and methane in the soil.

How to prepare and use dry manure:

  1. To make out rabbit manure dry powder, it is first dried in the sun and then ground to a fine powder.
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Effective fertilizer for tomatoes

Om-Nom-nom! Tomatoes love fish heads. It's environmentally friendly pure fertilizer, which you can get absolutely free. Just when cooking, you should not throw away the fish heads, but carefully store them in the freezer. Also, if you have friends who sell fish, you can ask them for waste. Fish tails, intestines, spines, as well as shells of crabs and lobsters are also excellent food for tomatoes.

The cycle of biological elements in nature works here. When biomass decomposes, substances are released that are perfectly absorbed by the root system of tomatoes. Feeding tomatoes with fish will provide plants with phosphorus in an easily accessible form. In addition, it is an additional source of potassium, iron and magnesium.

Therefore, plants that are fed with fish usually look healthier and more vigorous than plants that did not receive such feeding. And the harvest, accordingly, is an order of magnitude greater. And their fruits have more sweet taste and dense structure.

When the greenhouse is used for business, feeding tomatoes with fish will also not hurt. True, for industrial purposes it is usually not kitchen waste that is used, but fishmeal and fish emulsion.

If you want to feed tomatoes with fish when planting seedlings, dig a hole of sufficient depth. Plan the depth so that the plant, fish head (or fish waste), and other fertilizers fit there. But it must be at least 60 cm. If you bury the fish at a shallower depth and your greenhouse does not close hermetically, cats or dogs will try to dig the fish out. And, of course, the plants will be damaged. Also, if you bury the fish at a sufficient depth, there will be no unpleasant odor throughout the greenhouse.

Also, when planting tomatoes in a greenhouse, in addition to fish heads, you can add chopped eggshells, bone meal and organic fertilizers.

As the fish decomposes, it gradually provides nitrogen and calcium to the tomatoes. By autumn there won't even be any bones left of the fish. Everyone will eat tomatoes.

If you do not have the opportunity to get fish waste or you are afraid of arrogant cats, then we recommend using fish meal as a substitute. Two handfuls in each hole is enough. But this is not an equivalent replacement for fish heads.

Feeding tomatoes with fish after planting

If you missed the moment and didn’t bury the fish when planting seedlings, don’t be upset. This can always be done later. Just dig fish waste next to the tomato bushes. This is especially convenient to do if someone in your family likes to fish. Then you will always have free, highly effective fertilizer. Just bury the fish deep enough to avoid the smell.

When cats or dogs have access to your greenhouse, and you are afraid that they will dig around in search of fish, use a slightly different method of feeding tomatoes.

Scroll all fish waste through a meat grinder.

Mix the mixture with water. It will turn out to be peculiar liquid fertilizer. There is no need to infuse such a solution until it gives off a rotten smell. Water tomatoes with it immediately while they are fresh.

You need to water with this solution not at the root, but between the plants. Be careful not to get it on the leaves, otherwise it may burn the leaves.

This feeding of tomatoes with fish is described in detail in the video.

Other types of feeding tomatoes with fish

Fish bone meal. It has the same effect as bone meal, but does not alkalize the soil as significantly. Used similarly to bone meal.

Fish flour. Unlike fish bone meal, it is made from soft waste. This fertilizer contains more nitrogen. Fishmeal decomposes in the soil within 6–8 months.

Organic fertilizers based on fish emulsion. This fertilizer was popular among American Indians who fertilized crops with rotted fish waste. It is applied from spring until the end of the growing season once a month. A small amount of emulsion is dissolved in water and watered the soil under the plants. When purchasing this fertilizer, check the sodium chloride content on the label. If this substance is present, the fertilizer is not recommended for use on heavy clay soils. Its disadvantages include an unpleasant odor.

And some summer residents even made a pleasant discovery - the Colorado potato beetle does not eat nightshade plants under the root of fish, which includes tomatoes!

As with any nitrogen-containing fertilizer, use moderation when using fish food. If you overdo it, the tomato greens will be thick and lush, but there will be few fruits.

Certainly, fish food- not a panacea. Before applying any fertilizer, you need to know the structure and chemical composition soils where these fertilizers will be applied. Otherwise you can do serious mistakes, even following the most correct and proven advice.

We wish you to receive as much as possible more harvest tomato in your greenhouse!

Tomatoes love fish heads. This is an environmentally friendly fertilizer that you can get absolutely free. Just when cooking, you should not throw away the fish heads, but carefully store them in the freezer. Also, if you have friends who sell fish, you can ask them for waste. Fish tails, intestines, spines, as well as shells of crabs and lobsters are also excellent food for tomatoes.

The cycle of biological elements in nature works here. When biomass decomposes, substances are released that are perfectly absorbed by the root system of tomatoes. Feeding tomatoes with fish will provide plants with phosphorus in an easily accessible form. In addition, it is an additional source of potassium, iron and magnesium.

Therefore, plants that are fed with fish usually look healthier and more vigorous than plants that did not receive such feeding. And the harvest, accordingly, is an order of magnitude greater. And their fruits have a sweeter taste and denser structure.

When the greenhouse is used for business, feeding tomatoes with fish will also not hurt. True, for industrial purposes it is usually not kitchen waste that is used, but fishmeal and fish emulsion.

Feeding tomatoes with fish when planting seedlings

If you want to feed tomatoes with fish when planting seedlings, dig a hole of sufficient depth. Plan the depth so that the plant, fish head (or fish waste), and other fertilizers fit there. But it must be at least 60 cm. If you bury the fish at a shallower depth and your greenhouse does not close hermetically, cats or dogs will try to dig the fish out. And, of course, the plants will be damaged. Also, if you bury the fish at a sufficient depth, there will be no unpleasant odor throughout the greenhouse.

Also, when planting tomatoes in a greenhouse, in addition to fish heads, you can add crushed eggshells, bone meal and organic fertilizers to each hole.

As the fish decomposes, it gradually provides nitrogen and calcium to the tomatoes. By autumn there won't even be any bones left of the fish. Everyone will eat tomatoes.

If you do not have the opportunity to get fish waste or you are afraid of arrogant cats, then we recommend using fish meal as a substitute. Two handfuls in each hole is enough. But this is not an equivalent replacement for fish heads.

Feeding tomatoes with fish after planting

If you missed the moment and didn’t bury the fish when planting seedlings, don’t be upset. This can always be done later. Just dig fish waste next to the tomato bushes. This is especially convenient to do if someone in your family likes to fish. Then you will always have free, highly effective fertilizer. Just bury the fish deep enough to avoid the smell.

When cats or dogs have access to your greenhouse, and you are afraid that they will dig around in search of fish, use a slightly different method of feeding tomatoes.

Run all fish scraps through a meat grinder

Mix the mixture with water. The result will be a kind of liquid fertilizer. There is no need to infuse such a solution until it gives off a rotten smell. Water tomatoes with it immediately while they are fresh.

You need to water with this solution not at the root, but between the plants. Be careful not to get it on the leaves, otherwise it may burn the leaves.

This feeding of tomatoes with fish is described in detail in the video

Other types of feeding tomatoes with fish

Fish bone meal. It has the same effect as bone meal, but does not alkalize the soil as significantly. Used similarly to bone meal.

Fish flour. Unlike fish bone meal, it is made from soft waste. This fertilizer contains more nitrogen. Fishmeal decomposes in the soil within 6-8 months.

Organic fertilizers based on fish emulsion. This fertilizer was popular among the American Indians, who fertilized their crops with rotted fish waste. It is applied from spring until the end of the growing season once a month. A small amount of emulsion is dissolved in water and watered the soil under the plants. When purchasing this fertilizer, check the sodium chloride content on the label. If this substance is present, the fertilizer is not recommended for use on heavy clay soils. Its disadvantages include an unpleasant odor.

And some summer residents even made a pleasant discovery - the Colorado potato beetle does not eat nightshade plants under the root of fish, which includes tomatoes!

As with any nitrogen-containing fertilizer, use moderation when using fish food. If you overdo it, the tomato greens will be thick and lush, but there will be few fruits.

Of course, fish feeding is not a panacea. Before applying any fertilizers, you need to know well the structure and chemical composition of the soil where these fertilizers will be applied. Otherwise, you can make serious mistakes, even following the most correct and proven advice.

We wish you to get as much tomato harvest as possible in your greenhouse!


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