Full drain hole. Reasons for silting and rapid filling of the cesspool

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Despite the appearance on the market of easy-to-use septic tanks and stations biological treatment, many owners suburban areas They still prefer to equip ordinary cesspools for collecting wastewater. The popularity of such receivers is explained primarily by their low cost. Digging a cesspool on your own will not be difficult even for a person completely far from various kinds construction work.

However, in addition to the unconditional advantage in terms of cheapness, the cesspool also has a number of disadvantages. To clean such a receiver, owners suburban area you will have to periodically order a sewer truck. And, of course, pay money for it. In addition, over time, the period between necessary calls to specialists decreases. This is primarily due to the fact that it fills quickly. What to do in this case, and why they begin to seep into the ground more slowly, we’ll talk about this later.

Reasons for fast filling

Problems of this type occur with cesspool may in case of:

  • discrepancies between its volume and the amount of incoming wastewater;
  • silting of the bottom;
  • the appearance of fatty deposits on the walls, preventing normal drainage.

In the cold season, among other things, there may be an appearance of overflow due to freezing of the wastewater in the collector. Regular cesspool care, including in winter, is a mandatory procedure. If the collector is already full, urgent measures need to be taken. Indeed, in this case, not only does the sewage system stop working normally, but also extremely bad smell, which also disturbs the neighbors.

Causes of siltation

The discrepancy between the volume of the pit and the amount of water drained from the house is the reason quick filling, which is quite easy to eliminate. In order for the collector to begin to properly perform its functions again, you just need to expand it. However, most often it is siltation that is the reason why the cesspool quickly fills up. What to do in this case? There are several answers to this question.

Siltation usually occurs due to the fact that the owners of the house dump food remains into the sewer, toilet paper etc. In this case, the bottom of the pit quickly silts up, and wastewater stop seeping into the ground. To reduce the risk of this problem occurring, you need to install drain hole There is a mesh in the kitchen sinks, and in the toilet there is a bucket specially designed for using toilet paper.

How to deal with siltation

But if the cesspool is still filled. what to do? Methods for cleaning collectors may vary. But, most likely, the owners of a suburban area will need to carry out one of the following procedures:

  • try to clean the hole manually;
  • try to pump out the sludge with a fecal pump;
  • use special biological products.

Sludge also accumulates at the bottom of the pit because sewage disposal equipment cannot pump it out. Therefore, its accumulation gradually occurs in the collector. To get rid of this sediment, among other things, you can simply pour water into the hole. As a result, the sludge will become much more liquid and will be able to be pumped out. But this, of course, will make the pit cleaning procedure more expensive. It is quite possible that calling a special sludge pumping machine will cost a little less.

Use of biological products

This method will also most likely cost less than ordering special equipment. Using Biological Products Is Really Simple perfect solution in the event that the cesspool fills quickly. It is clear what to do in such a situation. You just need to buy a similar product and pour it down the drain.

At the moment, this cleaning technology is considered perhaps the most effective. Biological products specified type contain a large number of bacteria that decompose organic matter. As a result of their vital activity, the sludge in the pit disappears very quickly. The residue brightens, becomes more liquid and seeps into the ground. Moreover, such bacteria are capable of decomposing solid residues. After some time, they turn into compost, suitable for feeding garden plants.

Biological products can be used to combat not only sludge, but also fatty deposits on the walls of the pit. After using this type of product, not only all organic residues disappear, but also the unpleasant odor.

What drugs can be used

So, the cesspool fills up quickly. We found out what needs to be done - use a special biological product. But what cleaning product should you buy? On modern market There are both foreign and domestic drugs of this group. They can be sold in concentrated liquid, powder or tablet form. To clean the pit, it is better to purchase a product of the first or second type. Such preparations contain substances capable of processing organic matter in the absence of oxygen. Among the most common options are “Vodograi”, “Dzherelo”, “Saneks”.

Liquid products can be used to clean pits immediately. Powdered ones need to be diluted with water (not chlorinated) and left for some time. The use of biological products is usually allowed only at air temperatures from +3 to +35 degrees. If any chemical substances(powders, dish cleaning compounds, bleaches, etc.), a product containing bacteria may be ineffective. The fact is that anaerobic microorganisms cannot live in an aggressive environment.

What to do if the cesspool fills up quickly: do-it-yourself cleaning

This method is also effective. To clean the hole on your own, you will only need to prepare buckets, a shovel and a strong rope or pole. Upper layer sludge is usually liquid. Therefore, it can be scooped out with a bucket. On next stage the owner of the site will need a partner. To remove solid residues, you will have to go down into the hole using a ladder with a shovel. The sludge is scooped into a bucket and then rises to the top.

Using a fecal pump

Cleaning a cesspool using a shovel and buckets will not cost the owners of a suburban area a penny. However, of course, not all summer residents will agree to do such dirty work manually. Disgusting homeowners will have to spend money and purchase. Using such equipment is also an excellent solution if the cesspool fills up quickly. What to do after purchasing a pump? The answer to this question is simple. You need to prepare a container of the same volume as the pit itself, and pump liquid and sludge into it. Next, the wastewater is disposed of.

What to do if wastewater freezes

Often a septic tank fills up too quickly simply because the liquid in it freezes. This problem usually occurs when the technology for assembling the external part is not followed. sewer system Houses. Pipes for water drainage should be laid below the freezing level of the soil at a slight angle. At the same time, it is advisable to additionally insulate them. The cesspool itself must also be covered with a lid with a layer of insulator.

But, of course, in winter it is unlikely that it will be possible to correct deficiencies in the installation of sewage systems when the drains freeze. This operation should be postponed until spring. The pipes and the pit themselves will have to be defrosted. The easiest way to do this is using electric current. In this case, work is done as follows:

  • A copper rod rated at 2 kW is stuck into the ice formed in the cesspool.
  • The end of the rod is connected to a wire powered from the phase.

Site owners who decide to defrost the pit in this way will have to be patient. The wastewater will melt for a day or two. Of course, such work should be carried out in compliance with all necessary measures security. You need to wear special boots on your feet, and dielectric gloves on your hands. After the pit has defrosted, the rod is first de-energized, and only then pulled out. Well, of course, this method should only be used by those people who have experience working with electricity.

The cesspool is filling up - what to do? How to solve a frozen pipe problem

If you're frozen yourself sewer line, it can also be heated using electricity. IN in this case the wire is stripped to such a length that it can be used to wrap the pipe in one layer. Defrosting using this method will also take quite a lot of time. And this method of solving the problem can only be used if the external pipeline is assembled from metal pipes.

Solving a similar problem with plastic sewerage will be much more difficult. To do this, you will have to use a special device that supplies very high current to the ice in the pipe. great strength(up to 400 A). Such equipment is not found in every household. Therefore, to defrost it will most likely be necessary to call a specialist. Sometimes employees of sewer service companies use equipment that pumps hot steam under high pressure into the pipe to remove ice.

So, we hope we have answered the question in sufficient detail about what to do if the cesspool fills up very quickly. If such a problem occurs, home owners will most likely have to get rid of sediment or ice that has formed inside the collector. This can be done different ways. But to remove sludge, it is still better to use some kind of biological product, and to defrost the pit, call specialists.

In order for the sewage system in the house to function normally, timely maintenance of the pit where the waste flows is necessary. However, even in case correct operation the hole may fill up too soon. Let's highlight several reasons why a cesspool fills up quickly and what should be done to avoid this.

Impaired functioning

In order for the sewer system to function properly, it must be provided with proper care. In this case, the most important thing is timely pumping of wastewater. It is usually carried out once a year, but with a smaller volume, it can happen more often if the septic tank is filled with waste. However, when several years pass, the period between pumping may decrease, and the pit will begin to fill quickly. As a result, additional measures may be required to improve technical characteristics cesspool.

Such reasons causing deterioration in the performance of the pit may be:

  • silted bottom;
  • fat deposits on the walls sewer pipes, making the soil such that it does not absorb water;
  • high pit filling speed.

As a result, a lot of waste accumulates in the pit, and a terrible smell accumulates, spreading around even when closed hatch(except for completely sealed containers), the pit fills up too quickly and has to be pumped out more often.

Silted bottom

One of the most common reasons To quickly fill a hole is to silt its bottom. You can get rid of this as follows. Firstly, it is necessary to pump out all the wastewater in the pit - for this they call a sewage disposal truck. Everything that the machine has not pumped out, that is, small residual waste in the pit, needs to be filled in clean water so that they soften as much as possible and become liquid. After some time, special biological products are added to the pit, containing a large number of bacteria that can cope with sludge.

Bacteria are also necessary to clean the walls of fat deposits accumulated on their surface. These biologically based drugs are quite effective because their components are microorganisms that feed on sediment from the cesspool. What is achieved after using these microorganisms?

  1. The amount of sewage in the cesspool is reduced.
  2. Solid waste liquefies.
  3. The unpleasant smell stops coming from the pit.
  4. Internal elements such as sewer pipes are cleaned of grease deposits.
  5. The pit drainage functions as before again.
  6. For a long time, the cesspool will not silt, and fat deposits will not form in it.
  7. All waste components become passive and not dangerous to humans.

Biologically based drugs differ in their application options. Some of them are used to clean sewer systems and sewers; they are able to destroy fats and formed odors. And others make it possible to speed up the process of decomposition of waste that ends up in the sewer - fruit peels, toilet paper and the like.

These products are often used for outdoor dry toilets. The waste contained in them, as well as sewage, is simply converted into compost, which can even be used to fertilize vegetable gardens. Therefore, if the pit has already silted up, microorganisms will help deal with this problem best.

How can you prevent siltation at the bottom of a cesspool? Ideally, it will not be possible to completely prevent anything that silts up from getting into the pit, but something can be done. So, you can put a mesh on the kitchen sink that will prevent solid waste fall into the sewer. Instead of throwing it into the toilet, you can simply place a bucket of toilet paper in the toilet. Then fewer products will fall into the pit and silt it up.

You can get rid of the rapid filling of the sewer by installing a second collector. It is done at a short distance from the first collector. Both containers are connected by a pipe installed at a slight angle, through which water flows. This design can provide a system with two levels of cleaning, as a result of which the sewer system will work much more efficiently.

Note! The pit intended for collecting wastewater should be located at a distance of about 30 m from the main well, no less, as required by sanitary standards.

Freezing of drains

If wastewater begins to accumulate in the cesspool in winter, it is likely that the waste has begun to freeze. Most often, ice is formed due to improperly performed work on the installation of sewer thermal insulation, as well as poor quality installation work. However, even if all the work, including thermal insulation, was done correctly, the pit can still freeze.

Enough effective way, which allows you to defrost the contents of the pit, is resistive heating of the conductors. You need to take a copper wire rated for 2 kW, a metal pin about 20 cm long, and a small hook. We must not forget that this method is best used by those who have at least a slight understanding of electrical engineering, since safety precautions are required here.

If the entire pit freezes, the following method must be used. Drive into the center of the frozen drains metal pin, connected to a wire whose end is stripped. The other end of this wire, using a hook, is thrown over an element connected to the current, or a wire powered from the socket phase is used. A few hours, as with a pipe, cannot be done here - you will have to wait about a day or even two until the pit is completely defrosted. When the pit is frozen, the wire is de-energized and only after that is pulled out of the pit.

Note! If during this process you have to be near the pit, then prerequisite safe work There will be rubberized shoes and protective gloves.

In the case where only a metal pipe is frozen, it is necessary to warm up the sewer differently. You need to strip the wire enough so that you can wrap it around the frozen pipe once. The other end of the wire is connected to the phase in the socket. After just a few hours, the pipe is under the influence of a current passing through metal pipe, will thaw.

Another option for defrosting pipes is feeding inside the pipe hot water using a special device shown in the illustration.

For defrosting plastic pipes special devices are used with which a large current, about 400 A, is supplied through the ice in the pipe, as a result of which the ice quickly melts. As a rule, specialists are equipped with such equipment. The home craftsman can try using a welding machine. The contacts should be in ice (in water) on opposite sides of the frozen pipe.

In the article, we examined the main reasons for the rapid filling of the cesspool, as well as winter problems that may give the impression that the pit is overfilled.


This video will tell you about defrosting a water drain in a private house:

For normal operation sewer system in country house requires proper and timely care sewer pit. Sometimes situations happen when the cesspool quickly fills up, what should you do to eliminate this unpleasant consequence? In fact, there are many reasons why this can happen, let’s pay attention to the most common of them.

Why does the cesspool fill up quickly?

Basically, this situation occurs for the following reasons:

  • the walls and bottom of the septic cavity become silted;
  • You may notice particularly unpleasant odors;
  • organic deposits may accumulate on the walls of the pit, which are difficult to deal with;
  • fills up too quickly drain hole.

When a silted bottom is observed in a hole, it is immediately necessary to take some actions to solve such an unpleasant problem:

  • you need to call a sewer truck;
  • pour water into the hole to dilute the sediment;
  • use special biologically based preparations to break down the sediment and process it.
If a strong odor appears, it is necessary to clean the cesspool using a vacuum cleaner.

To get rid of unpleasant odor from the sewer system, it is recommended to use biological drugs, which do an excellent job with their direct function. Such preparations consist of microorganisms that effectively remove organic deposits and quickly neutralize unpleasant odors. Biological products act quickly, but they are not capable of harming human health in any way.

Rapid overflow of the cesspool

In order not to solve the problem of fast filling sewer pit, many owners decide to simply bury it. A new recess is made nearby for the same purposes. Despite this solution, the problem with fast filling still remains unresolved. In such situations, it is easier to connect the old pit with the new one. This way you can significantly increase the space for wastewater, while the degree of their purification is greatly improved.

When installing cesspools, you should remember that there are sanitary standards, prohibiting the construction of such structures near drinking wells and wells. IN best case scenario the distance must be at least 30 meters.

How to ensure thermal insulation of a treatment system?

Often owners country houses are faced with the problem of freezing of the sewer pit and the entire system. The reason for this phenomenon may be poor insulation. If this still happens, then you need to carry out quick defrosting using effective methods. To use one of the methods, you must have certain knowledge in the field of electrical engineering and safety. So, it is proposed to use the method of electrical heating using conductive materials.

Thermal insulation of cesspool

In order to quickly defrost a cesspool, you need to acquire the following materials:

  • copper wires;
  • 20 cm metal rod;
  • electrical extension cord;
  • capture.

When connecting the manufactured device, you need to pay attention Special attention security. As a rule, everything similar works required to be carried out in rubber gloves and in dielectric boots.

It is proposed to warm up the sewer system using one of the proposed options:

  • If only the drain pipe freezes, then you need to screw a copper wire onto it. The length of such a conductor can be calculated as follows: 3.14 times the diameter of the pipe. Next, the created device is supplied power supply. So he should work for several hours. When the current acts on the pipe, it begins to warm up, and the drain is quickly restored. When connecting the current, there should be no children or animals nearby;
  • if the sewer pit itself freezes, then other actions must be taken. A metal rod is driven into the center of the pit, to which copper wire. For the convenience of connecting electric current to the rod, it is recommended to use a special grip with an insulated handle.

Upon completion of all work, in one case or another, you must first turn off the voltage. Only after this can you safely remove the wires.

Defrosting a cesspool with a copper rod

Impaired performance

In order for the sewer system to work smoothly, it requires proper care. Very often questions arise: “the septic tank has silted up, what should I do?”, so timely pumping out of the wastewater entering the pit is considered an important condition. Such an event should be carried out at least once a year, but if the volume of the sewer pit is smaller, then pumping needs to be done more often, namely as the septic tank fills with waste. In frequent cases, over time, the interval between pumping can be shortened, and the result will be a rapid filling of the structure.

Thus, you will need to create auxiliary conditions which can be used to improve technical specifications cesspool.

The performance of the structure may deteriorate as a result of:

  • silting of the bottom;
  • accumulation of fat on the walls of pipes and pits, which contributes to a deterioration in absorbency;
  • increasing the speed of filling the sewer pit.

As a rule, not only does it accumulate in the pit large volume drains, but a very unpleasant odor appears, which spreads throughout the entire territory, even if the hatch to the sewer is closed. This does not apply to sealed septic tanks. Since the pit is filling quickly, there is a need to pump out stagnant liquid more often.

Silted bottom problem

Rapid filling of a septic tank can happen due to “silt in the cesspool”; not everyone knows what to do in such a situation. It is not easy to fix this problem, but it is possible:

  • First you need to pump out all the water contained in the pit. For these purposes, it is best to call a sewer truck, which will quickly cope with the task;
  • The little liquid left at the bottom of the pit should be filled with clean water. This must be done to soften the contaminants;
  • After waiting a little time, you need to pour preparations of biological origin onto the bottom, which contain a lot of bacteria intended for processing sludge. Such bacteria are able to effectively clean the surface of the cesspool of fat that lingers in it.

Pumping water from a pit when the bottom is silted

Biologically based preparations include special microorganisms that feed on sediment remaining in the cesspool. So, what effect do these microorganisms give:

  • the degree of waste content in the pit decreases;
  • solid fractions liquefy;
  • eliminates bad odor;
  • The sewer pipes located in the cesspool are cleaned of grease;
  • the operation of the drainage system is normalized;
  • for a long time you can not think about the problem of siltation of the bottom and the formation of fatty deposits;
  • waste becomes no longer hazardous to human health.

Many biological agents differ in the method and purpose of use. There are those that are used exclusively for cleaning the sewer system or sewers. As a rule, such preparations can quickly and effectively decompose deposited fats and neutralize bad odors. And with the help of some other means you can speed up the decomposition of waste that ends up in the sewer system. Such waste includes food peels, toilet paper, etc.

Such preparations are often used to clean street toilets. Thus, the waste is converted into compost, which can later be burned and used as fertilizer for the plots.

Methods for preventing siltation of the bottom of the pit

Of course, it will not be possible to completely limit the entry of contaminants and other waste into the cesspool, but there are actions that significantly reduce this risk. For example:

  • in the kitchen, you can install a special mesh in the sink to retain solid waste;
  • It is advisable to place a bucket in the toilet to collect used paper.

By following these simple steps, you can significantly reduce the risk of clogging the sewer system, which is already quickly filled with other waste.

Often at the dacha the septic tank fills up quickly, what to do in such situations if not special means to solve this issue? The problem of quickly filling the sewer pit can be eliminated by installing a second collector. It is recommended to do it at a short distance from the first structure. These two containers must be connected via a water overflow pipe, which must be installed at an angle. With this design it is possible to achieve more efficient work sewerage.

Sewage filter will prevent silting of the cesspool

If the drains freeze

N rarely in winter period Owners of country houses are faced with the problem of waste freezing in the sewer pit. Basically, this situation occurs due to improper installation of thermal insulation; there may also be comments regarding incorrect installation work. Sometimes, even with the correct algorithm for performing work, the sewerage system can freeze.

The most effective way to defrost a pit is to heat it using conductors. For these purposes you need to prepare:

  • copper wire that can withstand a load of 2 kW;
  • a metal pin, the length of which should be approximately 20 cm;
  • You may also need a hook for ease of work.

If the entire cesspool is frozen, then it is advisable to use this defrosting method: a strong metal pin is driven into the center of the pit, to which a wire with a stripped end is subsequently attached. Using a hook placed on the second end of the wire, it is thrown onto the element connected to the current source. Defrosting a cesspool usually lasts several hours, sometimes it will take several days. Everything will depend on the degree of freezing and the amount of waste.

At the end of defrosting, the wire is first de-energized, only then it is disconnected from the pin. During the work process, it is important to consider and apply safety rules.

If only the pipe leading wastewater to the pit freezes, then it is advisable to use a different method. This section should be cleared copper wire, so that it is quite enough to wrap a frozen pipe. The second free end will need to be brought to the socket phase.

In winter, sewer pipes may freeze and must be defrosted.

Using this defrosting method, the sewer pipe can still function after just a few hours.

You can use another method of defrosting sewer pipes, which involves supplying hot water, but this is not always possible and not everyone has it.

To defrost plastic pipes, you can use specialized devices that are designed to supply a large current through the ice. As a result, frozen water will melt very quickly. Not every owner has such equipment. country house, so it is better to use the services of specialists.

If you urgently need to do the work yourself, you can try to defrost the sewer using welding machine, while its contacts should be in water or ice, and the opposite side is connected to a frozen pipe.

The main problem with all closed cesspools is that they fill up extremely quickly. If such a design is used for autonomous sewerage, you have to clean it 1-2 times a month, which promises serious financial losses. Some solve this problem quite simply, they choose cesspools without bottom or with perforation system. They differ from ordinary ones in that they gradually clear themselves. Liquid waste is absorbed into the deep layers of the soil. It is necessary to use other cleaning methods in such situations no more often than semiannually. However, even this will not completely protect you from various problems in the future. For example, after a couple of years of regular use of such a container, many people wonder why water does not leave the cesspool. This kind of trouble occurs quite often, but today there are already a lot of options for solving it.

As you already understand, even a cesspool without a bottom needs periodic cleaning. If you wait too long, water will quickly begin to accumulate inside it. This happens due to the fact that the amount of solid impurities increases noticeably. There is very little liquid left in the pit and it will have to be cleaned.

If you have carried out cleaning relatively recently, but water still lingers, most likely there is a problem in pollution. This is especially true for those structures that have a body with holes made in the walls. Soap, grease and other deposits can simply clog the holes, which becomes the main reason for water retention in the pit.

In the rarest cases, liquid does not drain from the container due to a sharp drop in ambient temperature. Forms on the surface of the liquid ice crust. New waste that falls into the hole remains on the surface, which creates the feeling that it is quickly filling up and water is not leaving it.

Ways to eliminate water retention in a septic tank

There may be many reasons why water is retained in the cesspool, but the methods for eliminating them have little to do with it. You can choose the one that is most convenient for yourself.

Most effective method cleaning a cesspool, which will help eliminate the problem of water retention, is pumping out waste using special equipment. According to the rules, it must be carried out at least once every six months, but if you neglect this, the water will stop draining.

In addition to the fact that calling special equipment is the most effective method of fixing the problem, it also spends a minimum of your time. All the work is performed by a specialist, all you need to do is pay for his services.

Cleaning takes from 20 to 60 minutes, depending on the volume of the pit and its filling level. In some cases, cleaning may be difficult due to excessive viscosity of the waste. In this case, you must first use other cleansing methods.

When using a cesspool without a bottom or with a perforation system, various preparations are very popular, which not only facilitate cleaning mechanically, but also provide many other benefits.

Such products can be made based on chemical reagents or live bacteria. First, let's talk about the first method.

Main reagents used in manufacturing chemicals for cleaning a cesspool - these are formaldehydes, ammonium compounds and nitrate oxidizers.

  • Formaldehyde cleaners V Lately It's too hard to find anymore. The fact is that they are extremely dangerous for the environment and are even banned in a number of countries. If they are regularly used to clean a cesspool without a bottom, around it for a long time Even weeds will not grow. The soil will recover only after 7–10 years. Therefore, before choosing this type of drug, you should think several times. Is efficiency so important to you if you have to pay for it with serious harm, both to yourself and to the environment?
  • Ammonium compounds- This is an average quality product. It will perfectly clean the cesspool, get rid of unpleasant odors, and remove deposits on the walls of the structure. However, such preparations are quite whimsical and are best used at positive temperatures. Under such conditions, live bacteria will be no less effective, so the need for such a drug is quite controversial.
  • Nitrate oxidizersthe best option of all chemicals for cleaning the cesspool. According to their principle of action, they are very similar to the same type of fertilizer. The silty sediment that remains at the bottom can even be used as fertilizer. It will not only be safe for the soil, but will even be beneficial. In addition, nitrate oxidizers are the most unpretentious. They are best used when water does not leave the cesspool.

Live bacteria have recently become one of the most popular methods of cleaning a cesspool.

Their main advantage is that they do not harm the environment at all. In fact, they only accelerate the natural processes that take place in the sewage collection tank. Bacteria feed on organic waste, gradually decomposing it. As a result, the entire contents are divided into two layers: water and silty sediment. Water is absorbed into the soil without harming it, and the sediment has to be pumped out periodically. It can be used as fertilizer.

Bacteria used to clean cesspools can be divided into 2 categories: aerobic and anaerobic.

  • The first requires a constant influx to work effectively clean air , therefore they are suitable only for those cesspools that have an air duct. They will also be useful for cesspools outdoor toilet. Aerobic bacteria most effective. They purify the liquid so thoroughly that it can even be used for household purposes.
  • Anaerobic bacteria do not require constant access to air. An accessible environment is quite enough for them. They can even be used in closed cesspool. True, this type of bacteria is not very effective. The water layer turns out to be very cloudy, and the moisture slowly goes into the deep layers of the soil. It is better not to use silty sediment to fertilize the soil.

In addition, any type of bacteria is completely unsuitable for cleaning a cesspool V winter time . Bacteria can only work in the temperature range from +4° to +30°C. They are not only afraid negative temperature, but also negative impact a number of chemical reagents. Therefore, you should not use both bacteria-based and chemical-based cleaning products at the same time. The first ones will simply not be effective.

Preventing water stagnation in a cesspool is extremely simple. All you have to do is monitor the frequency of cleaning. Approximately semiannually Be sure to pump out waste using a special machine.

In between, it is recommended to use medications bacteria based. They will not only make further mechanical cleaning faster, but will also allow you to delay it a little, as well as remove unpleasant odors and deposits.

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Nitrate oxidizers are considered safe chemical reagents. Their composition is similar to nitrate fertilizers, as a result they are harmless to the environment, and the product of their processing can even be used as a fertilizer. The operation of this reagent is simple: it quickly dilutes the muddy medium, removes unpleasant odors and reduces the volume of residual mass. The big plus is that they work even in an aggressive environment (an environment in which there is waste household chemicals). The downside is high cost drug.

Cleaning the septic tank from sludge

Often the manufacturer provides sludge pipes in the designs of septic tanks, and the sludge is removed by gravity. If this is not the case, then there is a need to pump out the sludge. This can be done using a vacuum drain pump or using a sewer truck.

One of modern methods to combat sludge in septic tanks are special biological products, the so-called “bacteria for septic tanks”. They are added to the chambers of septic tanks, they are activated and quickly break down sewage, silt and fatty layers into completely harmless neutral substances. When removing sludge with the help of bacteria, you should be aware that bacteria do not tolerate direct exposure to toxic substances such as chlorine. They just die and don't work.

Having considered everything possible ways, we can safely say that you have reliable and verified information on how to get rid of sludge in a cesspool yourself or with outside help. Don't forget to take care of your cesspool; preventive measures are what will save you from hassle and expense in the future. To prevent the cesspool from filling up frequently, do preventive maintenance on time! We wish you good luck in the fight against sludge!


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