Cherry tomatoes: how to grow the best varieties in a greenhouse? Cherry tomatoes, planting and care.

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Cherry tomatoes were named so because of their resemblance to cherries. For many vegetable growers, small tomato varieties are a real godsend. They look very beautiful on the table as part of salads and are great for winter pickles.

Cherry Trebus:

Cherry tomatoes are not one variety, but a whole family of crops that share the same fruit size. Cherry tomato varieties are very different from each other. They have different ripening periods, height, fruit color, weight and shape of tomatoes.

Growing cherry tomatoes: preparing a greenhouse

To plant Cherry tomatoes in the spring, vegetable growers begin preparing greenhouse shelters in the fall. The used soil is completely removed and new soil is brought in and chemical fertilizers are added to it.

Instead of chemicals, you can add organic fertilizers:

  • Humus;
  • Peat;
  • Sawdust.

Humus will fill the shortage useful substances. Peat will help maintain the required level of moisture in the soil and contribute to the regulation temperature regime. Sawdust will release when smoldering carbon dioxide, necessary for normal plant growth, will protect tomatoes from infection with root rot.

ATTENTION: At increased acidity soil, it can be fertilized with chalk or dolomite flour.

You can make your own soil, but it is much easier to purchase ready-made nutritional bases in a specialized store.

The timing of planting seedlings and sowing seeds depends on the early maturity of the species and the time it takes for the soil to warm up in the greenhouse.

The best varieties

Despite the small size of the fruits, not all varieties of Cherry tomatoes are characterized by low bush growth. For growing in a greenhouse, you can choose varieties that are suitable for the stem height of the room.

For growing in a greenhouse, they are isolated the following types Cherry tomatoes:

  • Superdeterminant;
  • Determinant;
  • Indeterminate.


For growing in greenhouse conditions, you can take the following varieties of Cherry tomatoes of this type:

  • Arctic. It is considered one of the most standard representatives of these cultures. Has over early dates ripening of the crop. From the moment the first sprouts appear until harvest, a little more than two and a half months pass. The bushes of this plant rarely grow above 40 centimeters. Forms clusters of inflorescences in which up to 22 fruits are set;
  • City dweller F1. Hybrid with early ripening. The fruits have a good taste and bright fragrant smell. From the first shoots to the ripening of tomatoes, a little more than three months pass. It forms racemose inflorescences with the number of ovaries from 12 to 18 pieces; the weight of a mature fruit ranges from 12 to 25 grams.


Among the determinate Cherry varieties, the following are distinguished:

  • Ampelous. The plant grows up to a meter high. In a racemose inflorescence, from 15 to 18 ovaries are formed, weighing up to 15 grams. This variety does not require pinching;
  • Raisin F1. Hybrid with early ripening. The height of the central stem reaches a meter. The bush is formed into one or two trunks. Up to 7 clusters are formed on one stem, each of which can contain up to 20 plum-shaped fruits.


The indeterminate Cherry varieties include the following:

  • Date orange F1. Refers to varieties with late ripening of the crop. The fruits have a traditional round shape with a mature tomato weighing between 18 and 20 grams. The formation of inflorescences is racemose, from 16 to 18 pieces in a brush. When broken, the fruits are amber in color. It has an original taste, vaguely reminiscent of plums;
  • Dark cherry F1. The plant is formed into one stem, which when good care reaches a height of 3.2 to 3.5 meters. The fruits of the common, practically round shape. The hybrid is characterized by early maturity. A little more than two months pass from the first shoots to harvest. 10-12 ovaries are formed on one hand. The weight of mature fruits ranges from 15 to 30 grams. The tomato is suitable for consumption in fresh and conservation.

IMPORTANT: All “Cherry” tomatoes, which are classified as indeterminate, must be tied up, and some of the tall varieties must be shaped with stems tied to a support.

Planting seedlings

In order to sow tomatoes for seedlings, you need:

  • Prepare the soil mixture;
  • Pour soil into seed boxes;
  • Bring the container with soil into a warm room so that it can warm up to 15-19 degrees;
  • Prepare the seeds (soak in warm water for a few hours);
  • Treat the seed with a weak solution of manganese;
  • Make small holes in the soil at a distance of 2 cm from each other, no more than 1 cm deep;
  • Place the seeds in the holes and cover them with soil;
  • Water the seedlings with water heated to 25 degrees from a spray bottle;
  • Cover the crops with polyethylene;
  • After the first shoots appear, remove the film;
  • After the first two or three well-formed leaves appear, the shoots need to be pruned.

Planting in a greenhouse

Before planting tomato seedlings in a greenhouse, you need to carry out a number of works:

  • Loosen and water the soil;
  • Treat the beds with a weak solution of manganese;
  • Dig holes at a distance corresponding to the recommendations of the seed manufacturer (depending on the amount of space required to ensure normal growth of the bush);
  • Wood ash and humus are placed in the holes;
  • Plants are moved to their permanent growth site;
  • For tall varieties, immediately dig a reliable support next to the bush; install it later without damaging it root system- will not work;
  • At the end of planting the plant in the greenhouse, the bush is watered warm water right at the root.

How to grow cherry tomatoes? Cultivation secrets:

Plant nutrition

Plants are fertilized once every two weeks using:

You can add crushed garlic to any of the nutrient solutions.

If you don't have it at hand organic fertilizers, you can take ready-made fertilizers produced in a factory. Feeding chemicals stop when ovaries begin to form on the plants.

Bush care

In general, there are no particular difficulties in caring for tomatoes with small fruits, and plant care depends on the following points:

  • Grade heights;
  • Precocity of the fetus;
  • The need for picking (some representatives of Cherry tomatoes do not need picking).

Cherry tomatoes, once they appear in the greenhouse of an amateur vegetable grower, will not leave him indifferent. The good taste and aesthetic appearance of small fruits makes them desirable on the table of any gourmet.

Cherry tomatoes bred by specialists have gained particular popularity. Their group includes varieties and hybrids, the fruits of which are miniature and weigh from 10 to 30 g. Their shape and color are varied. Find out which varieties or hybrids to give preference to and how to properly grow cherry tomatoes outdoors and closed ground, as well as on the balcony.

Having decorative look, cherry tomatoes have proven themselves excellent in cooking due to great taste. The advantages of this variety of tomatoes are:

  • high sugar content - 2 times more than in regular-sized fruits;
  • rich taste;
  • the presence of varieties and hybrids that have the taste of fruit and the smell of melon, raspberries or blueberries;
  • the arrangement of fruits in clusters and uniform ripening simplify their collection and storage;
  • long shelf life, superior to large-fruited tomatoes;
  • their attractiveness for decorating various dishes;
  • ability to grow in a pot;
  • use in garden design - in small areas, cherry tomatoes - yellow, red, orange and purple - will be an excellent decoration until harvest.

Varieties and hybrids of cherry tomatoes

The group of tomatoes with small fruits includes a large number of names. They grow well in greenhouses and produce crops in urban environments, at the same time decorating balconies and window sills, and can bear fruit abundantly in open ground. There are acclimatized varieties for this purpose. Find out which varieties and hybrids of cherry tomatoes are best to choose for growing in open and closed ground or on the balcony.

For open ground

In the southern regions, these tomatoes can be sown directly on the ridges, and in the central zone and northern regions of Russia, small tomatoes are grown through seedlings. Having chosen the variety for certain conditions, it is important to avoid mistakes, so when purchasing seeds you need to make sure that the bag with them contains information confirming that the selected cherry tomatoes are intended for open ground.

Cherry red

The variety has been on the State Register since 1997. It is recommended for cultivation in open ground and film greenhouses in all regions of Russia. The fruits are used fresh or for canning in clusters.

The variety is early ripening: from germination to harvest from 95 to 102 days. The bushes are semi-spreading, medium-branched, indeterminate - up to a meter high. The fruits are from 15 to 30 g, round in shape, red in color. From the bush you get up to 1 kg of fruits with a delicious taste.

Cherry Negro F1

In the State Register since 2015. Suitable for cultivation in all regions of Russia. A garter and the formation of bushes are necessary. Hybrid salad, early ripening, indeterminate. The tomatoes are egg-shaped, brown in color, weigh up to 35 g. The taste is excellent. Resistant to verticellosis and fusarium wilt.

Octopus cherry F1

IN State Register The plant hybrid has been in existence since 2012. Allowed for cultivation in all regions under film covers and in open ground. Purpose: salad, as well as canning of whole fruits. The plant is indeterminate, the bushes need to be tied up and shaped.

The tomato is an early ripening tomato with rounded red fruits with dense pulp. Tomato weight is up to 40 g. The taste is good. Transportability is high.

Greenhouse varieties and hybrids

You need to select a variety of cherry tomatoes for growing in a shelter that will be most convenient for the conditions of a particular greenhouse. The fact is that tomatoes differ in the size and shape of the bushes, growth characteristics, as well as the degree of resistance to diseases and do not require exactly the same care. With the least difficulty in a greenhouse, you can get a harvest from hybrids, the seeds of which are designated F1 on the bags.

Varieties and hybrids of cherry tomatoes have different terms ripening, fruit shape, color, size and location on the branch. There are tomatoes that are red, orange, yellow, reminiscent of cherries or small cream. The height of the bushes and branching vary so much that some grow freely, while others require support and fixation on it.

Cherries were bred for different conditions cultivation, so the choice of their varieties and hybrids is wide. Both have their advantages, and preference depends only on the needs of the grower.

Cherry tomato varieties intended for greenhouses can be grown both in polycarbonate structures and under film covers.

Cherry Lisa F1

The hybrid was included in the State Register in 2010. It is recommended for growing in unheated film or polycarbonate greenhouses. Early ripening, indeterminate. The shape of the fruit is cylindrical, their surface is smooth. The color of unripe tomatoes is pale green, while ripe tomatoes are orange. Fruit weight is 10 g. Transportability and keeping quality are high. Productivity up to 12 kg/m2.

Cherry Kira F1

The hybrid was entered into the State Register of Agricultural Plants in 2010. Recommended for growing in all regions under film covers. The tomato is early ripening, indeterminate, for salad purposes. The fruits are round, smooth, orange color. Productivity up to 7 kg/m2 of tomatoes.

Cherry Ira F1

Tomatoes were included in the State Register in 2010. The hybrid is recommended for cultivation in the Central Black Earth, Middle Volga, North Caucasus, Central, Northern, Volga-Vyatka and Northwestern regions.

The crop ripens 92 days after the seeds germinate. The plant is indeterminate. The shape of the fruit is cuboid. The color is red. The increased density of the vegetable provides it with good transportability. Weight up to 32 g. Productivity 5.4 kg/m2.

Sweet cherry F1

The hybrid is ultra-early ripening, from germination to fruiting it takes from 75 to 83 days. The clusters contain up to 50 fruits. The height of the bush reaches 2 meters. They need pinching and tying up. Round red fruits weigh from 20 to 30 g. Universal use. The taste is very sweet.

Cherry Amber

The variety has been in the State Register of the Russian Federation since 2015. Designed for cultivation in all regions. Mid-early tomato, intended for salad. The color of ripe fruits is yellow. Their weight is 20-25 g. The taste is high. Productivity 8-8.5 kg/m2.

For the balcony

Growing a number of varieties of cherry tomatoes is possible on a balcony or windowsill. They do not have a deep root and grow well in a pot or box.

Cherry nano

The variety was registered and included in the State Plant Register in 2010. The tomato is early ripening, determinate, standard. The shape of the fruits is flat-round, they are dense and bright red in color. The weight of the tomatoes is 10-15 g. The taste is high. The plant is resistant to root and blossom end rot.

Cherry strawberry

Salad, early-ripening hybrid of determinant type, which has been in the State Register of Plants since 2015. Tomato can be used raw in salads and for whole-fruit canning. The fruits are slightly ribbed, round in shape, red in color. Their weight is from 20 to 30 g.

Cherry fingers

The variety was registered and entered into the State Register in 2010. Its purpose is for fresh consumption and whole-fruit canning. Early ripening plant with fruits cylindrical, red. The weight of tomatoes is from 15 to 20 g. The taste is high. They have good resistance to root and crown rot.


Growing cherry tomatoes at home to obtain a high yield must be carried out in compliance with agricultural technology. Depending on the chosen landing site, it will change.

Planting seeds for seedlings

Seeds from last year's harvest give better germination. To grow seedlings that will be planted in a greenhouse in May, sowing is done in the first half of March; and for open ground - 2-3 weeks later. Before planting, the seeds are soaked for a day in water or in a solution of a commercial growth stimulant. You can also use an infusion of wood ash (a solution of 20 g of ash in 1 liter of water, left for 24 hours).

For sowing seeds, use common containers or separate pots. The soil for cherry tomatoes should be loose and fertile. Use purchased soil or prepare it yourself. In the store you need to choose a special substrate for tomatoes with a mark on the package “Disinfected”. Additionally, 3-4 days before planting, it is useful to shed it with a pink solution of manganese.

If the soil is taken from home, then it is calcined for disinfection for half an hour, and then spilled with manganese. Next, to restore beneficial bacterial microflora, the soil is watered with the Baikal preparation a week before sowing the seeds.

The soil compiled on your own should include in equal volumes:

  • peat;
  • sand;
  • turf land;
  • garden soil.

TO soil mixture add minerals: for 10 liters you need 40 g of superphosphate, 20 g of potassium salt and 8 g of urea.

For sowing, make furrows 1 cm deep and water them with water. room temperature and spread the seeds evenly every 1.5 cm. After this, they are lightly sprinkled with soil. The distance between the rows is 4 cm. The soil temperature during sowing should be at least 20 °C. The room where the seedlings will be located should be 27 °C.

In order for the seedlings to be friendly, it is necessary to create greenhouse conditions, covering the container with transparent plastic bag or glass. The sown seeds should be ventilated once a day, removing the cover for 5 minutes. A few days after germination, it is removed completely. You can harden the seedlings by immediately after their appearance by lowering the temperature for several days to 15 °C during the day and 10 °C at night. Then return them to the heat again. For the full development of plants in the future, good lighting will be required.

If there is not enough light in the house, then it is necessary to provide additional lighting, for which it is effective to use special phytolamps. Their light spectrum is selected so that plants can develop as best as possible - strong and not stretched out.

Cherry tomatoes are practically no different in care from large-fruited varieties and hybrids. Planting of seedlings is carried out in the phase of 2 true leaves, when the seedlings are approximately two and a half weeks old. The soil used is the same as when sowing seeds.

When diving, seedlings are planted in pots of 8 cm in diameter. Afterwards, the tomato seedlings are fed with a solution of sodium humate prepared at the rate of 1 g/2 l of water. Next, fertilizing is applied once every 10 days, using complex fertilizers for vegetable crops.

Further care of the plants comes down to watering them and loosening the soil. Water at room temperature in the morning generously, but not daily, but according to the needs of the seedlings. Loosen upper layer soil once every 7 days to ensure proper respiration of the roots.

Growing in greenhouses and open ground

Cherries produce the best harvests in open ground during hot summers, so it is useful to know the long-term weather forecast. The seedlings are planted in the ground in a permanent place after the threat of return frosts has passed. IN Middle lane– this is the last ten days of May. Bushes on permanent place placed at a distance of 50 cm from each other.

Indeterminate varieties due to high altitude must have a support to which they are tied. Determinate (low-growing) tomatoes are fixed, otherwise the branches with fruits will break. To get the maximum yield, excess side shoots (stepchildren), but not leaves, are removed from the bushes. The bush is formed strong, not thickened with excess shoots and gives more nutrients on fruit formation.

Beds for tomatoes are arranged on sunny place protected from the wind. In the first week after planting the plants, they need shelter, for which lutrasil is pulled on the arms. After 7 days, the tomatoes acclimatize and the protection can be removed.

Tomatoes should be watered as needed. If they go heavy rains, the need for additional moisture disappears. After watering in hot weather, the soil is mulched with peat to prevent it from drying out. To prevent a crust from appearing, which impedes root respiration, it is necessary to loosen the soil around the bushes after each watering. Fertilizing is carried out similarly to large-fruited tomatoes. Alternatingly, mineral and organic fertilizers are applied once every 10 days.

Growing in a greenhouse is possible even if the summer is not very warm. Greenhouse varieties cannot tolerate a lack of moisture. In a greenhouse, air humidity is high, and the soil dries out more slowly, so watering the plants must be regulated after the fact. The soil should be moistened when the top layer of soil dries out. In order to because of high humidity air, the bushes have not rotted, you should ventilate the greenhouse daily. The soil is loosened once every 10 days to prevent a crust from forming.

During the flowering period, to increase pollination, gently shake the bushes every other day. When growing in open ground, this is not required, since there are much more pollinators there than in a greenhouse, where they rarely fly.

At greenhouse cultivation cherry tomatoes, like large-fruited tomatoes, often suffer from fungal diseases due to high humidity. Proper watering and regular ventilation prevents problems from occurring.

Growing at home on a windowsill or loggia

Cherry tomato seedlings, which will later be planted in pots, are grown in the same way as those intended for open ground or a greenhouse. Depending on the variety, tomatoes should be planted for constant growth in pots or boxes with a volume of 4 to 20 liters. The soil can be used the same as for seedlings. Plants can be taken out onto the balcony when the air temperature remains at least +16 °C. You can't let the tomatoes blow in the wind.

Caring for cherry tomatoes in a pot has its own characteristics. If the plants stand on a loggia, which is illuminated by the sun most of the day, then the temperature in it can rise to very high temperatures. high values, and the cherry tomatoes will overheat. If you do not carry out regular ventilation, this will immediately affect the condition of the bushes and reduce their fruiting. When the plant is on the windowsill, the room where it is located is ventilated every day, but at the same time avoiding drafts.

A limited amount of land in the absence of regular fertilizing cannot provide tomatoes with sufficient nutrition, and they will not bear fruit. Fertilizers are applied once every 10 days. Organics are used in turn and mineral supplements. If the bushes begin to produce a lot of leaves and do not set fruit, then feeding is interrupted for 20 days.

When watering tomatoes, do not allow water to get on their leaves and stem; there should be no water in the tray under the pot. If the air in the room is too dry, it needs to be locally humidified. To do this, pour expanded clay under the pot and pour water. Expanded clay will not allow the roots to choke by raising the pot above the water, which, as it evaporates, will locally humidify the air around the plant.

Cherry tomatoes in pots must be tied up. Even low-growing varieties with strong stems, when grown in a limited amount of soil, are not strong enough and can break under the weight of the brushes. Pinching is required only if recommended for the variety. At proper care Cherry tomatoes on the balcony bear fruit as abundantly as in the open ground and in the greenhouse. The timing of fruit ripening, if the plants are provided with a comfortable temperature, exactly coincides with those indicated in the description of the variety.

In the last couple of decades, summer cottages You can often see such a previously exotic vegetable as a cherry tomato (from the English Cherry - cherry). They began to cultivate it relatively recently, a little less than half a century, but during this time this variety of tomatoes has gained well-deserved popularity not only as an edible plant, but also as an ornamental plant.
There are a number of explanations for this. Firstly, they bloom very beautifully. Secondly, because of their different sizes bushes - from half a meter to almost three - can create a unique look not only on the site, but also in the apartment and on the balcony. Thirdly, a variety of shapes and colors. Round, oval, cream, pear-shaped; red, orange, yellow, green, purple and even almost black. This whole range of colors simply cannot but please the eye of even a sophisticated gardener.
Tomatoes are widely in demand in cooking. They are used in the preparation of salads, appetizers, first and second courses, and go well with meat and fish, even when preparing barbecue. Cherries are perfect for decorating various delicacies and give the housewife the opportunity to experiment with creating her own masterpieces. Tomatoes look great when canned, being in no way inferior to their larger counterparts in taste.
Since these tomatoes are very heat-loving, their cultivation, especially in areas with a cool climate, was quite difficult, since they could not ripen. But there is always a way out, and these are cherry tomatoes in a greenhouse. The method of growing them is not much different from the usual varieties, but still some rules should be followed.

Types and varieties of cherry

First of all, you need to decide on the tomato variety. This largely depends on the size of the greenhouse, since important role height plays a role.


Plants that stop growing depending on the number of tassels that have formed. As a rule, growth stops at 4-5 hands, less often - 7. These include:

  • Ampelous. Maximum height 1 meter. Tomatoes are small in size, weighing approximately 15 g.
  • Raisin F1. This is a hybrid whose fruits are in the form of cream. It differs from the previous one in earlier ripening, weight up to 20 g, and the number of ovaries - max. 20 and brushes – 7.

Determinate varieties are best suited for cultivation in greenhouses, since they do not require pinching and have relatively small size, forming into a powerful bush.


This type of tomato has almost unlimited growth, sometimes reaching 2.5-3 m. Such plants require careful pinching so that only the main stem remains on which the clusters are formed. They are also suitable for growing in open ground, but only in warm climates. In “mainstream” greenhouses (heating, lighting, etc.) they can bear fruit for more than a year.

  • Pear yellow F1. Mid-season variety, the height of which fluctuates on average at around 2 m. The fruits are sweet and have a berry aftertaste.
  • Date orange F1. Mid-season; The fruit is oval with a plum and honey flavor. The pulp has a characteristic amber color. The cluster contains up to 18 fruits with a maximum weight of 20 g.
  • Black cherry F1. The name itself speaks about its color. Early ripening (65 days). The weight of the fruits ranges from 15-30 g, of which 10-12 pieces are formed per cluster.


They differ from determinant ones by their short stature and early maturity.

  • Arctic. Very early variety(75-80 days). There are often up to 22 tomatoes on a bunch. Height no more than 40 cm.
  • City dweller F1. Mid-season (up to 100 days from germination). The weight of these cherries is 15-25 g, of which there can be from 12 to 18 pieces. Ripening can be accelerated, but this requires pinching.

But that is not all. There are so-called semi-determinate tomatoes. They occupy an intermediate place between determinant and superdeterminant, both in height and in terms of ripening. These species are ideal for greenhouse conditions.

Preparing soil in a greenhouse

“Prepare your sleigh in the summer...” - this saying also applies to the soil in the greenhouse, which must be prepared for planting in the fall. It is advisable not to apply mineral fertilizers during digging. Manure and humus are used; Where there are peat bogs, there is peat. Chalk and lime are used to reduce acidity.

Seed preparation

Before planting seedlings, seeds undergo preplanting treatment. Of course, you can sow dry, but then you may encounter: a) worse germination; b) slower growth; c) less resistance to diseases. But this applies only to varietal seeds. Hybrids do not require processing.

  1. The first step is poisoning. A 1% solution of potassium permanganate is prepared. To do this, 1 g of potassium permanganate is dissolved in 100 ml of water. The color should be almost black. The seeds should not be stuck together in any way. If this is observed, then they should be rubbed well to separate them from each other. After which they are wrapped in a bandage, gauze, placed in a bag and in this form are sent to a container for 20-45 minutes. After this procedure, the seed must be thoroughly rinsed in warm water and move on.
  2. Second step. Seeds are placed in a special nutrient solution without pre-drying for 12 hours. For this, special growth stimulants for tomatoes are best suited, but you can get by with most liquid ones. It is important to study the instructions so as not to make a mistake in the proportions, since it is unlikely that anyone will prepare 1 liter for a handful of seeds.
  3. Third step. Without any rinsing, the bag is placed in water for a day, and then in the refrigerator for the same time, while periodic spraying is necessary.

After these procedures, the seeds are ready for planting.

Planting seedlings

The time for planting seedlings varies from February to April, although practice shows that in hot climates it can also be grown without seedlings in greenhouses. The fruits ripen completely.
It is best to take a ready-made store-bought substrate for seedlings. It has optimal nutrient content. If there is none, you need to prepare it yourself, paying attention to the type and acidity of the soil. It is advisable to heat it to protect the seedlings from root-gnawing pests.
Soil is poured into the prepared containers. The grooves are made at a distance of 6-7 cm from each other, and between the seeds - 2-2.5 cm. The depth is just over a centimeter. Next, the soil is moistened and placed in a warm, well-lit place and covered with film or glass. It is important to place the container on a stand to allow air access to the roots.
When seedlings appear, a temperature of +15-18 degrees is required for 7 days. Subsequently, it is raised to 20. Every day, the plants must be turned with the other side towards the light: this way one-sidedness can be avoided. Watering is done only twice until 2-3 true leaves appear. After their appearance, a pick is made. Weak sprouts are thrown away, and strong ones are best replanted in peat cups, so adaptation will occur better.

Planting in a greenhouse

An important factor good harvest is the location of the greenhouse itself. Tomatoes sun loving plants, so shading can have a negative impact on it.
Disembarkation ready seedlings depends not only on soil temperature and climatic conditions, but also on the variety and the desire of the gardener to get the harvest for as long as possible. The soil temperature should not be lower than +15°C. If desired, it is measured with an ordinary household thermometer, leaving it in the soil for 20 minutes. (It is best to take measurements early in the morning, since the ground is coldest at this time). During planting, the two lower leaves are removed and the plant is buried to this level. Watering is carried out no earlier than 12-14 days after planting.
Planting scheme for low-growing plants: 40 cm between bushes and 45 cm between rows. For tall people: 50 and 75 cm, respectively. For convenience during further processing, it is recommended to plant tomatoes in a checkerboard pattern.

Tomato care

Cherry tomatoes for growing in a greenhouse do not require much trouble. Caring for them includes the standard “set”: watering, loosening, and for interdominant varieties, also pinching. Watering is necessary regularly, but not abundantly. A lack of moisture leads to cracking of the fruit, and an excess affects the wateriness and taste. Loosening improves air access to the roots and prevents them from rotting.
Like ground tomatoes, those growing in a greenhouse are very sensitive to “rain” watering from a hose. Especially if it comes from centralized water supply or wells. Cold water And heat air have a detrimental effect on the bushes. The best option- watering the roots with warm water, for example from a barrel, which it is advisable to place directly in the greenhouse.
Unlike other types of tomatoes, cherry tomatoes need to be tied up regardless of their size. This does not only apply to ampel varieties, which are grown in hanging condition.

If on open areas The pollination process is carried out “naturally”, but in a greenhouse it is a human affair. There is nothing complicated: the brushes are slightly shaken. This causes pollen to spread to other flowers. It should be taken into account that the temperature should not be higher than +35 degrees and not lower than +12, the humidity should not be higher than 65%, and watering should be done after this operation no earlier than 2 hours later. The pollination procedure is carried out 2 times a week.
Cherry tomatoes are fed in the same way as ordinary tomatoes. It’s difficult to do without chemistry, but the best fertilizer there was and is manure. The solution is prepared as follows: manure is poured into the selected container and filled with water in a ratio of 1:10, mixed and left to ripen for 2-3 days, although the minimum is 1 day. Then dilute 1 liter in a bucket of water and add one liter at a time to the root.

Cherry tomato diseases

Although these tomatoes are disease resistant, some varieties can develop fungi and rot. There may be late blight, bacteriosis, black leg, mosaic, root and apical rot, fruit cracking and others. Therefore, preventive and therapeutic measures are carried out, as for ordinary tomatoes.

Growing cherry tomatoes in a greenhouse is not difficult. The main thing is to adhere to agricultural technology, and then harvesting will bring complete satisfaction.

Cherry they are named for their resemblance to cherries (cherri English) and relatively small size fruits The work of breeders to develop cherry varieties and hybrids has not stopped. They constantly delight gardeners with new, unusual, tasty finds.


How to grow cherry tomatoes in a greenhouse? Preparation To spring planting for seedlings experienced gardeners It is recommended to start in the fall, with soil preparation. Experienced gardeners do not recommend applying chemical fertilizers. Ultimately, of course in small quantities, they will enter the planted plants, and with the fruits into our body.

Contribute humus is better, peat, sawdust. Humus will replenish the level of organic fertilizers. Peat will support in the soil required humidity, will help regulate the temperature. Sawdust, when rotting, will release carbon dioxide, which is necessary for the development of plants, and will protect plants from infection with root rot.

If necessary, you can deoxidize the soil with chalk or dolomite flour. To saturate the soil with nitrogen to a depth of 18-20 centimeters bury the roots and stems of dry lupine.

Exactly the same composition soil will do for planting tomato seeds for seedlings. If you have not prepared the soil in advance, you can use ready-made mixture purchased in specialized stores.

By timing landings navigate yourself. They depend on the early maturity of the variety and the time it takes for the soil to warm up in the greenhouse. After preparing the soil, you can think about which cherry tomatoes are best to plant for the greenhouse.

Do not take for subsequent landing seeds from hybrids. They will not repeat the characteristics of the variety from which the seeds were taken. Take seeds only from varietal tomatoes.

Variety selection

Because of the size of the fruit, you should not think that these are low-growing tomatoes. Just like tomatoes with the usual fruit size for us, cherry bushes can be either determinate or indeterminate. Currently, varieties have been developed that are “super-determinant”.

Cherry tomatoes - varieties for the greenhouse:


The best varieties of cherry tomatoes for greenhouses of this class:

  • Arctic. Most bright representative This variety is very early, from germination to ripening only 77-82 days. The height of the bush does not exceed 40 centimeters. It forms inflorescences that often produce up to 22 fruits.
  • City dweller F1. An early ripening hybrid with good taste. It takes 95-100 days from the first shoots to the ripening of tomatoes. Forms clusters of 12 to 18 fruits, weighing from 12 to 25 grams. To speed up ripening, pinching is required.

Useful video about choosing a variety for greenhouses:


  • Ampelny. Bush about a meter high. The cluster contains up to 15-18 fruits, weighing about 15 grams. Distinctive feature is the unnecessaryness of stepsoning. In place of the stepsons, brushes with fruit ovaries are formed.
  • Raisin F1. Hybrid of early (85-90 days) ripening periods. The bush reaches a height of up to one meter; it is recommended to form it into one stem. Up to seven clusters appear on the stem, each containing up to 20 small plum-shaped tomatoes, weighing up to 20 grams.


The best varieties of cherry tomatoes for this type of greenhouse:

Important: despite the low weight of the fruits, due to their abundance bush needs tying absolutely all varieties of cherry. For indeterminate tomatoes, it is recommended to form a bush on a trellis.

Planting seedlings

Pour the prepared soil into the box, warm the soil to a temperature of 16ºC-18ºC. Make grooves 5-7 millimeters deep and place the sprouted seeds in the grooves. For myself write down what seeds you planted so as not to be confused in the future. Sprinkle with a layer of soil about a centimeter, lightly compact, and water. Place the box in a well-lit area.

Temperature should be around 20ºC. After the sprouts appear, water with complex fertilizer “Gumat”, carefully following the instructions, and also periodically unfold the box on the window. This will help avoid unnecessary stretching and tilting of the seedlings. Watering with complex fertilizer can be repeated after 12-14 days.

After the appearance of the second or third true leaf it is necessary to make a pick. It is advised to transplant the seedlings into peat pots in order to subsequently plant seedlings with them.

Planting in a greenhouse

How to grow cherry tomatoes in a greenhouse? After the earth warms up In the greenhouse you can start planting seedlings. The temperature can be checked with a household thermometer by leaving it in the ground for 15-20 minutes. It should not be below 15ºC, otherwise the roots may rot. After forming holes on the ridges, plant seedlings, removing a couple of lower leaves.

Maintain distance between rows and bushes. The planting scheme is as follows: about 45-50 centimeters between rows, about 40 centimeters between plants - for low-growing varieties. For tall plants, the distance increases to 60-75 centimeters between rows and half a meter between bushes. landing better conduct staggered, to improve access to the plant.

Plant nutrition

Don’t just get carried away with feeding mineral fertilizers. For normal ovary formation and fruiting Nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers are required.

A couple of weeks after planting, fertilize with urea, maintaining the proportions, one tablespoon per bucket of water. Water per liter of solution under the root of the plant. A solution of chicken manure and water, prepared in a ratio of 1:15, is suitable for fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizers.

Necessary repeated stirring the mixture. After a couple of days, water, preparing a solution at the rate of half a liter of mixture per bucket of water. Water one liter of mixture per plant. After 30-40 minutes, pour water under the root of the bush.

Bush care

Maintenance will consist of timely watering and periodic loosening of the soil. Lack of moisture may cause something completely unnecessary for you fruit cracking. Loosening will help avoid excessive stagnation of moisture, which most often leads to rotting of the roots.

Any cherry bushes require mandatory tying. Only ampelous (liana-like) varieties for greenhouses do not require tying. They are grown in hanging baskets.

Cherry tomatoes for the greenhouse, indeterminate varieties, they also require stepsoning. This will help you get an increased yield.

Growing cherry tomatoes in a greenhouse is a good option for personal plot. Rich color palette, absolutely unusual taste of fruits will serve to compensate you for their relatively small size.


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