Plant ginger roots in the country. How to grow ginger in the garden

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Ginger root is an aromatic spice that has medicinal properties and is used in cooking and medicine. The plant itself is sometimes used as decorative culture, which is grown in pots and decorates the interior of the house. If you want, you can grow ginger yourself, because there is nothing complicated about it. We will tell you how to grow ginger in this article.

Brief description of the plant

Ginger is a perennial crop from the ginger family and is a rhizomatous plant native to tropical climates. In appearance, ginger resembles a low bush, although it is considered a herbaceous crop. The homeland of this spice is South Asia, but currently the plant is widespread in Australia, India, China, Indonesia, Jamaica and Barbados, as well as in West Africa.

The ginger plant has long, oblong leaves, some of which are rolled into thin tubes to imitate stems. All parts of the culture, both aboveground and underground, have a pleasant aroma, somewhat reminiscent of the smell of lemon. Ginger root also has a pungent taste and has a warming effect on the body.

Preparing ginger for planting

Rhizomes are most often used for planting crops. It is believed that ginger can be propagated by seed, but in the conditions of our country this method is practically impossible. In addition, vegetative propagation provides a greater guarantee that the new plant will take root in the soil.

To plant ginger in your garden or at home in a flower pot, you should purchase a fresh root from a store or market. Please note that young roots are suitable for propagating the crop. It is not difficult to identify them by appearance: they have an even smooth surface and a pleasant light golden hue. Make sure that planting material was not damaged and did not appear wrinkled or flaccid.

Before growing ginger from the root, you should prepare planting material. The root should be immersed in slightly warm water and left there for at least 24 hours. During this time, the buds, from which new shoots will subsequently hatch, will have time to swell. It is worth noting that there is no point in planting the entire root; you can divide it into several parts and grow 3-4 plants or even more. The most important thing is that the root fragment that you will plant has several buds on it. If you cut ginger into several parts, all cut areas must be processed charcoal or ash to avoid the development of diseases and rot in damaged areas.

Features of growing ginger in open ground

Choosing a place and time to plant a crop

In southern countries where ginger is grown for industrial purposes, its development time from planting to digging up roots is about 6-12 months. In Russia, the growing period of the crop is from 8 to 9 months.

The roots of the plant are planted to germinate seedlings around January or February, and in the spring, from April to May, the crop is transplanted into a garden bed. It is advisable that open ground was protected by a film cover.

As for the planting site, ginger prefers sunny areas, because it is a southern heat-loving plant. However, it is also not recommended to plant it under the scorching sun; it is advisable that there be light shade in the ginger bed for a certain part of the day.

Ginger also does not like strong winds, so make sure that the area is not heavily blown and, if necessary, provide the plant with additional wind protection. Since the climate of our country is quite harsh for southern plants, it is recommended to grow ginger not on open beds, but in greenhouses or greenhouses. In addition, such designs make it possible to create the most suitable conditions for the culture.

In the event that ginger is bred as a houseplant and grows in flower pots, the containers can be placed outdoors for the summer. open air or placed in a greenhouse.

Preparing the soil for ginger

When growing ginger in the country, you should properly prepare the soil for the crop. The plant loves fertile, nutritious and light soil, into which air and moisture penetrate well. It is important not to forget about drainage, which will remove excess water and prevent the roots from rotting. To cook suitable composition soil for growing ginger, mix 1 part turf soil with 2 parts leaf humus and 1 part fine river sand.

The depth of the hole for planting ginger should be approximately 20 cm. When digging it, do not forget to immediately provide drainage. To do this, pour 2 cm of fine gravel at the bottom of the hole, cover it with 2 cm of sand, and then plant the plant, filling the hole with pre-prepared soil mixture.

Planting ginger in the garden

Around April, prepared parts of ginger roots can be planted on the site. As we said earlier, the soil should, if possible, be protected from wind and cold, as well as from scorching sun rays. You need to deepen the roots of the plant by about 2 cm, in addition, the soil must be sufficiently moist before planting.

After approximately 1-1.5 months, the crop will produce its first shoots. It is worth noting that ginger grows quite quickly and actively increases its green mass, so it is important to provide the plant with timely and abundant watering. Constantly check the soil in the place where the crop grows; the soil there should not be too dry. In addition to watering, the soil also needs loosening, which should be done the next day after irrigation. Loosening will make the soil porous, allowing sufficient oxygen to reach the roots of the plant.

You can grow ginger in mild conditions shade, but we must not forget about regular watering. By the way, it is advisable to moisturize not only at the root of the plant, but also spray the leaves with a spray bottle. If the crop grows in a greenhouse, you need to ensure that air humidity is maintained at the proper level. It is advisable to irrigate ginger in evening hours, especially if it grows on sunny place. When water hits the leaves, it acts like a lens, and the sun's rays in this case can leave burns on the leaves.

Ginger Fertilizer

An important condition for growing ginger is timely feeding. This crop responds very well to fertilizers, which should be applied to the soil once every 10 days, starting from the time the ginger sprouts. In the first months of development, the culture is fed with mullein, which is dissolved in water in a ratio of 1:10. Instead of mullein you can use chicken droppings and nettle tincture, which should be alternated with each other. Around August, ginger begins to be fertilized with potassium compounds, which promotes intensive development of the root system.

If ginger is bred for the purpose of obtaining rhizomes, it is not at all necessary to wait for it to bloom. On the contrary, with the appearance of buds, the development of tubers slows down. But if the crop is grown only for decorative purposes, phosphorus fertilizers can also be used as fertilizing.

Ginger: harvesting and storage

Ginger rhizomes begin to be dug out of the ground at about last days September. Drooping and drying leaves will indicate that the crop is ready for harvest. At this time, it is advisable to reduce the number of waterings, and spraying foliage should be stopped altogether.

As soon as the leaves turn yellow and fall off, the ginger tubers are removed from the soil, the soil is cleared from them, the thin adventitious roots are cut off, and then the tubers are laid out in the sun to dry slightly. Some part of the harvest is stored for next year in order to grow them into a culture again. The rest is used for medicinal or culinary purposes.

It is advisable to store ginger tubers in a dry and cool place, for example, in a basement or cellar. Storage temperature should not exceed 2-4°C. Those who live in an apartment and do not have a basement can wrap the roots in paper and store them in the refrigerator.

Growing ginger in a pot

Ginger can be grown not only in the garden, but also at home, in a flower pot. It is worth noting that such a plant is not always used for food; sometimes it is grown in decorative purposes. Ginger produces quite attractive large flowers deep pink hue. For those who want to grow ginger in a pot, here are some recommendations:

  1. Only young, fresh root crops are suitable for planting crops in a pot. When choosing a root, make sure that it has a sufficient number of buds.
  2. As in the case of growing crops in the garden, planting material should be pre-soaked in water at room temperature. Keep the ginger in a container of water for about 1-2 days, then its dormant buds will awaken much faster.
  3. Sometimes, after lying in the light and warmth, the root produces green sprouts. This root is ready for planting and does not need soaking.
  4. Since ginger rhizomes grow greatly in width, you should choose a wide pot for the plant.
  5. The crop is planted in the first weeks of spring. The root is buried in the ground so that the sprouts or buds are directed upward. The planting depth is no more than 2 cm.
  6. The soil mixture for planting must be prepared in advance by mixing fertile soil with phosphorus fertilizers for root vegetables. Before filling the pot with soil, you should place pebbles at the bottom of the container and add a layer of sand, which will provide drainage to the plant. In the absence of drainage, the root crop may simply rot.
  7. Until the ginger produces shoots, it should not be watered often. But as soon as green shoots appear above the surface of the earth, the crop needs to be irrigated regularly and in sufficient quantities.
  8. Throughout the summer, once every 2 weeks, the plant in the pot needs to be fertilized with complex fertilizers. In hot and sunny weather a container of ginger can be placed on a balcony or loggia, or transferred to a garden or greenhouse. Only the plant cannot be left under the scorching rays; it needs to be provided with slight shade, as well as protection from drafts.
  9. At the beginning of autumn, the culture should be brought home again. If ginger is grown as a flower, all conditions must be observed and the plant must be kept comfortable. There is no need to dig the root out of the ground in the fall; let the plant live in the pot for several years. In winter, watering the crop should be kept to a minimum, making sure that the soil in the pot does not dry out and moistening it as needed. With the onset of spring, the plant begins to be watered intensively again, adding potassium fertilizers to the water for flowering crops.

Useful properties of ginger

Ginger has long been considered a plant that helps prolong youth and beauty, as well as maintain good health. The thing is that ginger rhizome is rich in various vitamins and other beneficial substances. For example, this plant contains vitamins F, B2, C, B1. In addition to vitamins, the root contains magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, zinc, potassium, as well as many amino acids.

As medicine ginger is used to treat many diseases. It is used for the following purposes:

  • to eliminate pain accompanying arthritis;
  • to remove toxins and waste from the body;
  • as an antispasmodic, as well as a remedy for flatulence;
  • ginger helps fight nausea;
  • it is actively used to treat pain that occurs during menstruation;
  • the plant helps improve the functioning of the digestive system and also activates metabolism;
  • ginger root is considered an immunostimulating agent that enhances protective functions body.

The advantage of this product is that it does not have allergenic properties, so it can be used without fear.

To get the maximum benefit from ginger, it should be consumed fresh, since after heat treatment the plant loses some of its properties. The method of consuming ginger is not complicated. First you need to cut off a suitable piece of root, peel it, and then finely chop or grate it.

Ginger makes excellent tea or lemonade. To brew tea, pour boiling water over the peeled and grated root and leave to steep for about 30 minutes. You can add lemon or mint to your tea for extra flavor.

Ginger is a popular component of various marinades for meat and fish. In dried form, this root is added to hot first and second courses. The plant has also found its use in confectionery; with the addition of this product, cookies are baked, candies, sweet syrups and jams are made.

By the way, the taste of the finished dish will largely depend on the stage at which ginger was added. If you add the root at the very end of cooking, its aroma will be subtle, barely perceptible. If you add the component at the beginning of cooking, the taste and smell of ginger will be more intense. When deciding at what stage of cooking to add ginger to a dish, pay attention to the characteristics of the products you are cooking from. If the aroma and taste of the main ingredients are not too expressive, add the root at the very end so that it does not interrupt the smell of the dish.

Growing ginger. Video

Photo: upon request from Yandex and Google

Externally, ginger is very similar to bamboo, which is why it is often grown in gardens and cottages as a decorative element. However, its main function, of course, is not this: ginger root has long been used as an addition to hot drinks, as an aromatic spice, and as a universal medicine that helps against many ailments. Despite the fact that this plant is tropical, planting ginger in the country is quite possible. It is only important to know a few rules of care. More details about everything. Help

Ginger is quite unpretentious. It is a herbaceous perennial with a rhizome that branches horizontally. All shoots are covered with beautiful leaves, which can grow up to twenty centimeters in length. South Asia is considered the homeland of ginger, but if you comply with some conditions, which we will discuss below, growing ginger at your dacha in Belarus will be without problems.

Ginger loves well-lit places. But such that at noon the sun does not burn its leaves. If there is no such area at your dacha, then just figure out how to shade it during particularly hot hours. Also, the place chosen for planting ginger should be reliably protected from the wind, especially its strong gusts. This plant does not tolerate drafts. Focus on the southern sides of the site, but if you are not sure that the summer will be warm, then simply plant it in a greenhouse. We talked in detail about which days are best to grow certain plants in lunar calendar gardener for 2017.

Ginger should be planted in special soil. It should be sand, leaf humus and turf soil. Moreover, the proportion is very important: for 2 parts of humus from the leaves you need to take 1 part of the other components. However, some gardeners claim that ginger will grow well in any fairly loose soil.

Remember that the soil under the plant must be well drained. In the hole or trench where you plan to plant ginger, you need to pour a small amount of fine gravel (a layer of approximately one centimeter). Then the gravel must be covered with two centimeters of sand and covered with the same layer of substrate.

This plant cannot be propagated by seeds, which means you will have to grow ginger from the root in the country. In nature, in an ideal climate, ginger grows from six months to one year. In our climate, ginger is destined to grow no longer than nine months. Moreover, a significant part of this time is spent preparing and germinating planting material.

Roots for seedlings need to be planted at the beginning of the year, but this can be done as early as January. Roots that are ready for planting need to be moved to open ground from April to May. It's too early in March because the risk of frost is very high. Experienced gardeners advise not to rush in this matter. To begin with, at the end of March, ginger can be planted in a greenhouse, where it adapts, and then, when the weather outside is stable, transplanted into open ground. For normal development of ginger, the temperature must be at least twenty-five degrees. If it drops to eighteen, then the ginger will “fall asleep,” and returning it to growth again will be problematic.

As we have already emphasized, ginger reproduces by root, and it can be safely divided. You can buy the root in garden stores. You need to choose a young and healthy root with a smooth, almost glossy skin. Under no circumstances should the root be dry or frostbitten. We also recommend that you pay Special attention so that the root is sprouted. It should have “eyes” like a potato (these are shoot buds).

Before planting ginger, you need to thoroughly prepare not only the soil, but also the planting material itself. As for the root, it should be kept in plain warm water for several hours. You can also use a solution of potassium permanganate for these purposes. This is how we “move” the root and stimulate it active growth. If before planting you divide or cut the root, then you need to do processing at the cut points. It is enough to dry it a little and sprinkle with a small amount activated carbon or crushed ash.

In order for the root to grow normally, it must be located quite close to the surface, because it grows in breadth, not depth. This means that for planting you need to dig a shallow ditch: an approximate depth of five to ten centimeters. The distance between the roots should be about ten centimeters, and each bud on the roots should “look” up. Know that before planting the soil must be thoroughly loosened and moistened.

On a note! If it is important to you that the plant blooms (and ginger flowers are very beautiful), you need to diligently follow all the rules of agricultural technology: from maintaining high humidity to creating the optimal temperature for ginger. But even if you carefully follow all the rules, you will be able to enjoy the first flower with a stunning purple hue only 2 years after planting.

Planting and caring for ginger in the country is not very tricky if you are armed with a few tips. So the root has been planted. Until the first shoots appear, the plant needs to be watered very generously, because ginger loves moisture. Sprouts appear in about two weeks. Then watering should be reduced, but this must be done regularly. The soil should not be too dry, but it should not be too wet. In the latter case, the roots will simply begin to rot.

After each watering, it is advisable to loosen the soil (loosen it approximately one centimeter deep). Remember that on hot days, ginger leaves need to be sprayed. However, do this either late in the evening or early in the morning. If you spray the leaves on a hot afternoon, they may become burned.

As for fertilizing, you can’t do without them. At first, organic fertilizers can be used once every ten days. In August, you can use potassium fertilizers and organic matter. Before flowering, phosphorus-based preparations can be used. The harvest can be harvested after ten months. In principle, the roots are ready for use even five months after planting, but they will be too small. A couple of days before you plan to harvest, stop watering your ginger. The roots need to be carefully dug with a shovel, the accessory parts should be broken off and fresh air dry for about three days. We hope we have given you a detailed answer to the question of whether it is possible to grow ginger in the country. Have a good harvest!

Do you know anything interesting about how to plant ginger in the country? If yes, then share with our readers in the comments below the article!

Ginger is a tropical herb native to South Asia. This perennial belongs to the ginger family. Ginger is used in cooking for baking and making drinks. Its root has also been used in folk medicine.

Many gardeners are interested in where ginger is grown. Although it is a heat-loving plant, ginger can be easily cultivated in areas with temperate climate, the main thing is to take into account the “tastes” of the plant. Let's find out how to plant and grow ginger from the root.

Ginger - growing in the garden

Those who grow ginger know that it reproduces by dividing the rhizome. As you know, to grow ginger in the garden, you can use an ordinary root purchased at the market or in a store. However, pay attention to the condition of the rhizome, which should be juicy and dense, with shiny, smooth skin.

Before you start growing ginger in open ground, the root must be sprouted. Do it in early spring. A wide and low pot is best suited for germination. For planting, you should take a piece of ginger rhizome up to about 5 cm long, which has 1-2 vegetative buds. First, you need to put a layer of drainage on the bottom of the pot. The soil mixture should consist of leaf humus, turf soil and sand, taken equally. Immerse the root in warm water for 2-3 hours so that it “wake up”, and then disinfect it with a pink solution of potassium permanganate. Now the root needs to be buried with its eyes facing up and sprinkled with a few centimeters of soil on top. The planted root should be watered well. In two weeks, young sprouts will appear on the ginger seedling.

At the end of spring, a sprouted ginger seedling can be planted in open ground. To plant ginger, you should choose a place in partial shade. After removing it from the pot, place the seedling in a pre-prepared hole at the same depth at which it grew in the pot. Sprays are something that ginger loves, so do them as often as possible.

In addition to its health benefits and nutritional value, ginger is also very beautiful flowering plant. If you are going to grow it for decorative purposes, then it will be grateful to you for feeding it with phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, which will stimulate its growth and flowering. And if you want to use the root for food, then fertilize it with compost or wood ash.

Self-grown ginger can be harvested after the leaves die.

As you can see, growing ginger in open ground is not difficult. But all summer long your garden will be decorated with this beautiful plant, and all winter long the healthy spice will be on the table.

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Ginger in the garden

Ginger- a very famous and useful product, it was brought to our lands back in the Middle Ages, and it has become very well established among us. Our fellow citizens also have the opportunity to grow this root crop on their own land. garden plot without much difficulty.

What is needed to grow ginger?

In order to grow ginger yourself, you should follow a few simple rules. When you do everything correctly, you can get good harvest in the form of meter-high fruits with an ideal root system. The first brick in this matter will be the correctly selected root for planting. If you choose it correctly, then this is already half the battle, which promises success. Ginger can be bought at any grocery store. The root itself must be healthy and fresh, and it must also have several buds on its body. If you already have such a root, then you can now proceed to the second stage - this is determining the time of planting ginger.

Favorable place to land

Ginger is first planted in a box, and then it can be transplanted into the garden.

On average, ginger takes 6 to 8 months to fully ripen. If you are growing ginger at home, then the winter season is the most suitable for planting. And for planting in open space, mid-spring is best suited. The disembarkation period is not the only condition for good growth ginger, you need to pick and right place disembarkation Ginger should be planted where there is no large quantity direct sunlight, and you also need to protect the plant from drafts, as it is very afraid of them. The ideal place for growing ginger is a greenhouse, and there is only one reason - in it you can safely control the temperature and the climate itself, providing it with warmth and humidity.

Soil preparation

Ginger needs properly prepared soil.

It should consist of dry fine sawdust, leaf humus and sand, preferably using river sand. It is also worth making a hole of a certain diameter for the root itself. Their recommended size is about 20 centimeters. Special attention should be paid to preparing the root itself for planting. Before the process itself, it must be kept in water for two days. This is done so that the root buds and is ready for planting. When the root is infused in water, we will get the desired effect. Now it needs to be divided into several parts, the length of which is 3 centimeters. You need to divide so that there is one bud left on each particle. If they are not there, then the root itself will not grow and there will be no result.

The soil itself needs to be watered before planting. When the ginger is already immersed in the soil, the box should be kept in a warm and bright place, and avoid direct light rays. There it will have to remain throughout the first phase of maturation. The plant also needs to be watered frequently to avoid lack of moisture.

Plant care

After 50 days, the first shoots should appear on the surface. From the moment they appear, you can safely move the container with the plant into the shade. On summer period In time, it can even be transplanted into the garden, where it will also be comfortable. Ginger care does not end there. From time to time it needs to be fertilized and fed with various organic additives, as well as minerals and substances that contain potassium. When your ginger is growing and you don't see much on it beautiful leaves, then this is a sign that it is growing correctly. After all, as you know, leaves interfere with normal growth, as they absorb all the beneficial substances into themselves.


The most suitable time to collect the fruit is the beginning of autumn. That's when it will be juicy and in full bloom. useful substances and taste. After removing ginger from the garden, it needs to be dried in the sun so that it can be stored for a long time. Optimal temperature for storage - this is from +2 to - 4 degrees. If you create the right storage conditions, the ginger will not spoil.

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Ginger in the country: growing, care, reproduction

Ginger is good not only as a wonderful oriental spice, but also as a cure for all diseases. All more people learns about the beneficial properties of ginger and its importance for health. Among the many beauty recipes, women choose recipes with ginger: it can easily get rid of excess weight, give the hair unprecedented chic, and the face - freshness and youth. But isn't it better to grow it yourself? This will be much more convenient and much cheaper. Below we will explain in detail how to grow this spice and plant at home.

How to germinate ginger before planting in the garden

Planting material for self-cultivation ginger in open ground conditions are most often parts of the rhizome on which there are living buds. You can buy them at any grocery store, where they come from Asian countries.

When choosing planting material for the garden, you should give preference to the rhizome that has:

  • smooth surface
  • elastic top layer
  • cover plug without rot
  • clearly visible buds - eyes
  • inner layer without signs of drying.

Since under natural conditions ginger grows in a fairly warm climate, the short summer in regions with a temperate climate is not enough for the plant to develop normally.

How to grow ginger in the country

Based on this, it is necessary to germinate the rhizomes before planting. It is better to start this in February-March.

Before planting, divide the rhizome into separate fragments of two or three segments - phalanges. Soak the ginger pieces in warm water for a day.

Place a drainage layer on the bottom of a wide pot and fill it 2/3 with a mixture of turf soil, sand and humus.

Place the rhizome pieces with their eyes facing up and cover them with a 2 cm thick layer of soil. Water everything well. The soil in the pot should be constantly moist. After 15-20 days, green cones of germinating ginger will appear above the surface of the earth.

During further cultivation, it is important to maintain moisture conditions and prevent even short-term drying out of the soil. The room temperature should be +20 +22 degrees. Every two weeks, feed the plant with complex mineral fertilizers.

Keep the pot of sprouted ginger in a well-lit window, but keep it away from direct sun. The leaves that appear can be regularly sprayed with settled water. At the end of spring, ginger needs to be transplanted into open ground.
Transplanting young ginger into the garden

A well-lit area with sufficiently moist soil is suitable for growing ginger in the garden. The soil needs to be loose, filled with sand and organic matter. A shallow trench is made in it, in which potted ginger seedlings are placed at a distance of 10-15 cm from each other.

Caring for the plant comes down to the following:

  • watering
  • loosening the soil once a week
  • weed removal
  • feeding
  • spraying in dry weather.

If ginger was planted in February - March, then in mid-September you can begin harvesting. If the leaves turn yellow and the stems begin to fall apart, then it’s time to harvest. To do this, stop watering 10 days before, after which you can start digging up the rhizomes with a shovel.

Of course, you can’t count on too much growth, but these will still be full-fledged ginger rhizomes. After everything is dug up, the rhizomes are dried for three days and stored in the same conditions as other root crops.

To obtain flowers, you can conduct an experiment and plant several plants in a greenhouse. Perhaps the rhizomes will safely overwinter and germinate in the spring. If the experiment is successful, then in the third year the plant can please you with flowering. But if the plant is planted for flowers, then it is still better to grow it in pots, bringing it to winter period into the room.

How to plant ginger in a pot at home

Growing ginger at home begins with choosing planting material. Optimal time for planting - winter months. Buy fresh root with shiny and smooth skin in any vegetable department of the supermarket. It should not be frozen or too dry; shoot buds can be seen on the “correct” root - these are like eyes on a potato.

To awaken the buds to growth, you need to place the ginger in warm water for 2-3 hours. If not the entire root is planted, but only part of it with shoots, then treat the cut site with a weak solution of potassium permanganate (as a preventive measure for fungal diseases).

When choosing a pot, make sure that it has a wide bottom, as the plant grows in width. Fill the bottom with a drainage layer 3–5 cm thick. To do this, mix turf soil, sand and leaf humus in equal proportions.

Bury the root in the ground to a depth of 2–3 cm with the eyes facing up and water generously. If everything was done correctly, the first ginger shoots will appear within 2 weeks. IN room conditions The pot is placed in a cool and dry place, at a temperature of no more than 15 degrees.

How to Care for Ginger Root While Growing

After the long-awaited green shoots appear, the plant needs proper care. We will start from the fact that ginger loves warmth and moisture, which means that the main task of proper cultivation will be frequent watering and maintaining heat and humidity near the plant.

Don't let it dry out! It will inevitably lead to the death of the young ginger. You need to water often and little by little. To prevent water from stagnating and the roots from rotting, carefully loosen the soil after each watering. Humidity is easy to maintain if you spray the growing ginger several times every day with a spray bottle.

Despite the fact that this plant is light-loving, direct sunlight can be dangerous for it, so best place it will be partial shade. Don’t forget about feeding - like any growing organism, ginger requires the addition of minerals and organic fertilizers: potassium - for growth, phosphorus - for flowering.

Many people buy it in markets and supermarkets and use it as a cure for colds and a means for weight loss. But few people know that you can grow ginger at home. This requires a pot of soil, regular watering and several months. tells how you can not only grow ginger on a windowsill, but also get a good harvest.

Preparing for landing

Ginger is a perennial herbaceous plant with a branched rhizome, the flowering of which begins in the third or fourth year after planting. At home in the Ukrainian climate, ginger is grown mainly as an annual plant.

To get a well-developed root, ginger must be planted in February. When choosing a rhizome that will serve as a “seed”, you should remember that it should be fresh, smooth and hard to the touch, not very fibrous, and most importantly, have fresh buds (like potatoes in the spring).

The rhizome must be placed in a glass with warm water and a few drops of potassium permanganate and cover plastic bag so that your eyes wake up.

Then you need to divide the rhizome so that each piece contains a fresh bud. To make sure that the rhizome will take root and sprout, you need to sprinkle it with charcoal.

About taste and healing properties ginger root can be talked about endlessly. Its pungent, burning taste, due to the presence in the composition essential oils and the special substance gingerol, gives a special piquancy to dishes and drinks, due to which ginger is widely in demand in cooking as an aromatic spice. In folk medicine, ginger root is successfully used as a sedative, antiviral, and diuretic. A decoction of it effectively helps with seasickness, metabolic disorders, migraines, stomach ulcers and diseases of the circulatory system.

However, not everyone knows that it is not at all necessary to go to the store for such a healing product. With a little effort, horned root, as ginger is often called, can be grown in a regular garden bed. Of course, in conditions middle zone The rhizomes do not reach the impressive size of store-bought ginger, but they fully correspond to all other characteristics. In addition, growing ginger, which looks like a reed with bright cone-shaped inflorescences, looks very attractive and can serve as an exotic decoration for the site.

Landing dates

The initial stages of ginger cultivation occur at the end of February - beginning of March - at this time planting material is purchased and rhizomes are planted in the ground for preliminary germination.

Ginger seedlings are transferred to open ground in early June. To prevent heat-loving guests from hot countries from suffering from return frosts, in the event of a threat of cold weather, ginger beds are covered with film or non-woven material.

Preparation of planting material

Buying ginger root for planting is not a difficult task; just look in the vegetable department of the nearest supermarket. The suitability of the material is determined by appearance root tuber - it should be fresh, elastic, with a glossy surface and several growth buds. The rhizome for planting should not be dry or frostbitten, or old or fibrous.

The material brought home is treated with a warm solution and, folded into a glass or ceramic dishes, placed near a warm radiator, where they are kept for 7–9 days until the buds swell. At the end preparatory stage root tubers are planted in the ground for germination.

Pre-germination of ginger in a pot

The rhizome intended for planting is divided into separate fragments 2–3 cm long, each of which must have several vegetative buds. The resulting segments are kept in warm water for a day, after which they are planted in the ground as follows:

  • A drainage layer is placed at the bottom of a low tray, on top of which a nutritious soil mixture of turf soil and humus (3:2) is poured. You can also use purchased soil for garden seedlings.
  • Fragments of ginger root are laid out on the soil surface with the eyes facing up and covered with a layer of soil 2–2.5 cm thick.
  • Plantings are watered abundantly with warm water.

After 2–3 weeks, cone-shaped ginger sprouts appear from the ground. Before being transferred to the ground, the seedlings are kept on a warm, well-lit windowsill at a temperature of about + 20 °C, shading the delicate greenery from the burning rays of the sun as necessary. The ginger bed should be watered regularly, avoiding even a short-term drying of the surface layer. Every 15–20 days, young plants are fed with a solution of complex fertilizer. In addition, it is very useful to periodically spray ginger seedlings and the air around them with warm water.

Transferring seedlings to open ground

For the comfortable well-being of the overseas spicy root, a bright place is allocated on the site, protected from drafts and the hot rays of the midday sun. loose soils, rich in humus. The bed is dug up before winter with the addition of river sand and organic fertilizers. Before planting, the soil is thoroughly loosened so that no large clods of earth remain on the surface. When performing a transplant, follow the following sequence:

  • Several planting furrows are formed on the surface of the bed with a row spacing of 60–70 cm.
  • The furrows are streamed with water heated in the sun.
  • Ginger seedlings are planted in furrows, gently pressed with soil. The interval between plants is at least 10–15 cm.
  • Mulching the soil with dry peat or humus helps maintain the required level of moisture.

To protect against sudden cold weather, a structure made of metal arcs and a removable shelter (polyethylene, agrofibre) is installed above the bed.

Caring for a ginger bed does not require special skills and comes down to the basic procedures necessary for each agricultural crop:

  • An important condition for the full development of ginger is the correctly chosen watering regime. Regular, abundant soil moisture stimulates the growth of tuber roots, but stagnant water causes them to rot.
  • High ambient air humidity, which has a beneficial effect on the growth of green mass and the quality of flowering, is maintained by frequent spraying of the above-ground parts of plants with warm water.
  • The surface soil layer must be loosened weekly, preventing the formation of a dense earthen crust that blocks the access of oxygen to the roots.
  • Weeds growing in the ginger bed must be mercilessly removed. Their growth prevents evaporation excess moisture from the soil surface and promotes the development of fungal infections.
  • For supporting vitality Ginger plantings are periodically fed with mullein infusion (1:10). With the onset of August, the “diet” includes potassium supplements necessary for the formation of rhizomes.

Surrounded by care and concern, ginger grows and develops on country garden bed no worse than in its historical homeland.

Harvest and storage

The ginger root harvest begins in the second half of September. The readiness of the plant for harvesting is determined by the yellowing, lodging leaves. To prevent the tubers from starting to grow again, watering is completely stopped within 10–12 days. It is advisable to dig up the rhizomes in dry, sunny weather and, shaking them off the ground, lay them out immediately to dry. In bad weather, it is recommended to dry ginger root under a canopy or in cool, well-ventilated areas. When growing ginger for decorative purposes, the tubers are left in the ground or buried in a greenhouse. For successful wintering in the ground, the planting site is covered with spruce branches or a thick layer of fallen leaves.

Store fresh ginger roots in the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator or in a frost-free cellar along with other root vegetables. In addition, at home you can prepare a real oriental spice - ground ginger. To do this, the rhizome is cut into transparent slices and, spreading out thin layer on a sheet of paper, dry at room temperature. After complete drying, the ginger slices are ground in a coffee grinder or mortar until smooth and powdery. Store the spice in a tightly closed glass container. It is worth noting that the specific taste and beneficial properties Both fresh and dried ginger possesses it, thanks to which the spice is successfully used in cooking for flavoring baked goods, drinks, first and second courses, as well as in folk medicine for preparing medicinal decoctions and warming ointments.


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