The drug Epin is a real help for indoor plants. Epin for plants: use according to instructions

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What is Epin? Epin for plants is an artificial analogue of a natural plant biostimulant. At the same time, it exhibits adaptogenic properties, perfectly protecting plants from stress. The action of epin is based on the activation of the protective functions of plants, their immunity, which helps to withstand adverse conditions environment, including temperature changes, drought, frost, rainfall and others.

It is noted that after treatment with epin for plants, the yield increases by approximately 10-15% due to accelerated ripening of fruits. Seeds are also treated with epin solution before planting and adult plants are sprayed.

Epin for plants: what is it?

Be carefull! If you see a drug called "Epin" on a store shelf, run away - it's clearly a fake. The production of this drug was stopped in 2003 due to the enormous scale of counterfeit production. Fortunately, the drug Epin-Extra soon appeared with an improved anti-counterfeit system. And in general, at the current time in Russia, this drug is produced only by the manufacturer Nest M. Therefore, before making a purchase, do not be lazy to study the packaging.

Application of epin extra: why our plants need it

The use of Epin extra usually has the following effects:

  • acceleration of seed germination;
  • improved rooting of seedlings after picking and/or transplanting;
  • increasing productivity;
  • reduction of ripening time;
  • reliable protection plants from environmental impact;
  • increasing resistance to various diseases, including late blight, fusarium, peronosporia, bacteriosis and scab;
  • rejuvenation of old plants by increasing lateral growth;
  • strengthening weakened plants;
  • removal of heavy metals, nitrates and radionuclides from plant tissues.

In general, plants will tolerate any stressful situation relatively well if you help them by using epin extra. By the way, maximum efficiency is achieved during pre-planting treatment of seedlings.

It is very important to store the drug correctly. It is stored exclusively in the dark, since its destruction begins in the light. In addition, the drug is destroyed when exposed to an alkaline environment. Therefore, when preparing the solution, only clean boiled water is used. You can even slightly acidify it by adding a large number of boric acid or vinegar. Plants absorb epin extra perfectly, regardless of whether the treatment was complete or partial. It takes at least 2 weeks for the drug to disintegrate in the plant. Therefore, it is recommended to carry out treatments with such a minimum break, because more frequent treatments are simply devoid of any practical meaning.

It is very important that epin for plants is absolutely safe for humans and animals. Therefore, it is used not only in floriculture. Sturgeon breeders, poultry farmers and livestock breeders are no less actively using the benefits of Epin Extra.

Epin solution: areas of application

So, how is Epin solution used? Begin treatment with epin at the seedling stage. As soon as 3 true leaves appear on the seedlings, treat them with a solution of 5 drops of the drug and 0.5 liters of water. The next treatment will be needed immediately before the dive. Moreover, it is important to carry it out literally a few hours before the procedure. To do this, dilute 3 drops of the drug in 0.1 liters of water.

Epin extra is also used to process vegetables at different stages of their development. For example, pre-planting treatment of potato tubers includes spraying the tubers with Epine (8 drops per quarter liter of water) with Epine solution the day before planting.

Note: potato yield increases by an average of 20% as a result of treatment with epin. It is important that the treatment is carried out in cool weather!

Flowering vegetable crops, as well as plants on the eve of frost, are treated with a solution for the preparation of which 1 ml of epin is dissolved in 5 liters of water. A similar solution concentration is effective for different fungal diseases, in particular, with late blight. In addition, plants are treated with it 7 days after planting and replanting, as well as after the snow finally melts in the spring.

For some reason, many novice gardeners sincerely believe that epin and zircon are the same thing, or at least the effect of the drugs is no different. Is this really so? And what effects does zircon have? Can they replace Epin? Not really.

Epin- This is a kind of immunomodulator for plants. Zircon improves root formation processes, has a positive effect on flowering and protects the plant from viral diseases. Epin is harmless, so even an overdose of the drug will definitely not cause damage to plants. But when working with zircon, precise dosages should be observed. An overdose can destroy plants. Therefore, it is preferable to even use a lower concentration of the solution. Epin is excreted from the plant in 14 days, while zircon requires only 18 hours. Epin affects plants even with partial treatment, but zircon will have to carefully treat their entire surface. And quite a few more important point: root system plants are not absorbed by epin. But they will be very happy with a zircon solution as an irrigation.

To summarize, let us draw up brief postulates for the use of epin:

  • the standard solution consists of 1 ml of the drug diluted in 5 liters of settled water;
  • treatment is carried out on foliage no more than once every 2 weeks - just spray the plants with epin;
  • a prerequisite for processing is the evening due to the cessation of the effect of the drug under the influence of sun rays;
  • the solution used must be fresh;
  • Despite the safety of the drug, it is better to use gloves when using it.

I would like to especially note that it is impossible to find the drug bad reviews. All gardeners and gardeners speak extremely positively about it.

During the growing season, the plant has to face a number of unfavorable factors, to overcome which it requires a lot of strength. The modern chemical industry can help him with this.

Article outline

What is the stimulator "Epin - extra"

The active ingredient of the drug "Epin - Extra" is epibrassinolide, a synthetically synthesized phytohormone, identical to the natural one. Hormones restore plants after stressful situations, such as exposure to low temperatures, drought, or lack of sunlight. Their action is aimed at activating enzymatic reactions and accelerating protein synthesis.

Phytohormones are contained in every cell, but their quantity is very small. The highest concentration is observed in young tissues and seedlings - the most actively growing parts.

A chemical analogue of a natural hormone significantly increases immunity by stimulating cell growth and activating metabolic processes. The product is recommended for the restoration of plants after suffering stress and for preventive measures aimed at increasing productivity.

Available in the form of ampoules, one ampoule contains 1 ml of the substance. For ease of use, the active substance is dissolved in industrial alcohol, and shampoo is added to the composition. "Epin - extra" requires dilution with water.

Application of Epin extra

The use of the product is recommended in the following situations:

  1. To stimulate seeds before sowing;
  2. For treating seedlings before planting permanent place;
  3. The drug is used to treat tubers and bulbs to speed up the forcing of plants;
  4. The stimulator "Epin - extra" is used to increase productivity;
  5. IN stressful situations, such as drought, frost, lack of ultraviolet radiation.

The advantage of the drug over other stimulants is that it does not disrupt the natural phases of plant development and is not addictive.

The use of "Epin - extra" in the complex treatment of fungal and bacterial diseases allows you to speed up the recovery of plants and reduce the risks of re-infection of plants.

The use of the product has a number of features. It must be borne in mind that the active substance is destroyed when exposed to direct sunlight and in an alkaline environment. Therefore, processing must be carried out in the dark.

Before diluting Epin - Extra, you must make sure that the water for preparing the solution does not have an alkaline reaction. Some plant growers use boiled water, others add a little vinegar or citric acid to the solution. Since the soil is alkaline in any case, adding the drug during watering is useless.

The drug is quickly absorbed by the plant and has a prolonged effect. Complete removal of the stimulant from plant cells takes an average of two weeks, so it is useless to carry out treatment more often than the specified period.

The drug "Epin - extra" is considered environmentally safe. He doesn't provide harmful effects on the environment, under the influence ultraviolet rays the drug disintegrates. It cannot be overdosed - the excess substance simply will not be accepted by the plant. Has no effect on bees and other insects.

How to use Epin extra for plants

Use for vegetable crops

Application for vegetable crops allows you to significantly increase productivity and improve the taste of products. The product is used for soaking seeds and subsequent processing on green leaves.

Tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers

Soaking of seeds is carried out in a 1 - 2% aqueous solution of "Epin - extra". Soaking time is 2 hours, in water room temperature. Before planting, the seedlings are treated according to the green leaf. A week after planting, the treatment is repeated.

To increase the number of fruits and improve their taste, spraying is carried out during the appearance of the second true leaf, and repeated during flowering. For treatment, 1.2 ml of phytohormone is diluted in 6 liters boiled water, the solution yield is about 6 liters per hundred square meters. To protect plants during unfavorable natural conditions, use a single spraying of green leaves with a 2% solution.


Pre-sowing treatment of tubers is carried out in a dark place, avoiding direct sunlight. To treat 50 kg of seeds, add 1 ml of the substance to 250 ml of water. Soaking time is 4 – 6 hours.

To improve immunity, potatoes are sprayed during the budding phase. The consumption of the working solution is 3 liters per hundred square meters.

Eggplant, radish

Pre-sowing soaking of seeds is carried out in a 1% solution of “Epin - extra”, soaking time is 3 hours, chemical consumption is 150 ml per 100 g of seeds.

To increase yield and improve the presentation of fruits, plants are treated during the second leaf phase.


Cabbage seeds are soaked in a 0.25% solution for 6 hours. For 100 grams of seeds you will need 100 ml of solution. To spray seedlings, use a 1% Epin-extra solution.

In order to prevent diseases and improve product quality, seedlings are treated during transplantation to a permanent place, and repeated during the formation of a head of cabbage. For this purpose, a 0.2% aqueous solution of the stimulant is used.

Onion sets

To facilitate root formation and increase resistance to unfavorable factors Before sowing, the bulbs are soaked for 30 minutes in a 0.02% solution.

To stimulate immune processes per hundred square meters you will need 3 liters of 0.02% solution, treatment is carried out in the phase of 4 - 5 leaves.

Melon watermelon

Soaking of seeds is carried out for 2 hours. To prepare the solution, 0.02 ml of the drug is diluted in 100 ml of water, this amount is sufficient to treat 100 g of seeds.

To increase the number of ovaries, plants are treated in the budding phase with a 0.2% solution.

Rules for using Epin Extra for sowing seeds


The stimulant is effectively used in growing champignons and oyster mushrooms. The phytohormone promotes rapid development of mycelium and accelerated fruiting.

Mushrooms are sprayed with a stimulant before each wave of fruiting. To prepare a solution, 0.2 ml of the drug is diluted in a liter of warm water.

Epin extra for flowers

The growth stimulator is effectively used in floriculture. Seed treatment with Epin - Extra allows you to increase the germination of difficult-to-germinate seeds and obtain strong, healthy seedlings. Soaking cuttings allows you to increase the number of roots and, as a result, speed up the rooting process. Spraying "Epin - extra" reduces the impact of stress during transportation indoor plants, help in recovery from illness or insufficient watering.

When forcing bulbous flowers, for example, tulips, the use of a stimulant makes it possible to achieve flowering 5 - 7 days earlier, and the presentation of the plants also improves.


Used in cultivation fruit trees for the formation of more ovaries, improving the condition of the tree after summer pruning, for treating trees affected by return frosts. Gardeners also note a positive effect after spraying seedlings and shoots after grafting; the survival rate of planted trees and scion increases.

The seedlings are sprayed with the solution immediately after planting, and the procedure is repeated after two weeks. For better survival of the scion, before grafting, the cuttings are soaked in a 0.02% solution for two hours, after the scion produces the first leaf, spraying is repeated.

Cuttings of shrubs and flowers

The phytohormone "Epin - Extra" is effectively used for cuttings of difficult-to-root shrubs and flowers, such as lilac, some types of roses, red currants, and calibrachoa. Gardeners claim that the use of phytohormone increases the number of rooted cuttings by 20 - 30%.

There are several ways to use the drug. The first method involves treating the mother plant before cuttings; the phytohormones absorbed into the plant will ease the stress from pruning and help the cuttings to take root. Treatment is carried out with a 1% solution in the dark.

It is also possible to soak already cut cuttings in a stimulant solution for 2 – 6 hours. After soaking, carry out the usual germination procedures. The processing method is chosen depending on the season. If the plant is dormant during cuttings, the treatment is carried out using the second method.

Cut rose cuttings are placed in a container with a chemical for 3 - 4 hours. To prepare the solution, 4 drops of the growth stimulator “Epin-extra” are mixed in 200 ml of acidified water. Treatment with the drug increases the rate of root formation, improves appearance plants.

After treatment with the drug, rose cuttings are planted in moist soil for germination; they must be covered in order to reduce moisture evaporation and prevent overdrying. When the plant begins to produce leaves, spraying is repeated every two weeks until complete rooting.


As a rule, cuttings are carried out in early spring, when the plant is dormant and has no leaves. Cut cuttings are placed in a 0.5% solution of the drug for 4 - 5 hours. After this, the cuttings are planted for germination in a greenhouse. The treatment is repeated once a month until the plants are completely rooted.

Often, cuttings harvested in the fall are used for germination. The cut pieces are placed in a damp, clean cloth and transferred to a room with a temperature of 2–3 degrees above zero, where they remain dormant for several months. It is necessary to regularly check the condition of the cuttings and promptly treat them if mold or rot is detected.

To awaken, the cuttings are brought into a room with a temperature of 8 to 15 degrees Celsius and placed in a container with a 1% Epin Extra solution for 10 to 14 hours. After the drug is absorbed, the cuttings are placed in a greenhouse for germination.

Using a stimulator allows you to increase the number of roots formed, therefore, the young seedling will receive more nutrients and speed up development.

Blue spruce, euonymus, juniper

When propagating evergreen plants by cuttings, it is necessary to remember that, despite the fact that the trees do not shed their leaves, in conditions of low temperatures the plants are in a state of rest, when all metabolic processes in the plant cells slow down or stop.

Therefore, if cuttings occur in the cold season, it makes no sense to process the mother plant. To germinate cuttings, you need to soak them for 12 hours in a solution containing 1% stimulant. After processing, the cuttings are placed in moist soil in a room with a temperature no higher than 20 degrees Celsius. Additional lighting will speed up the root formation process.

Tuber propagation by division

Propagation of rare varieties of tuberous plants has a number of difficulties. Often not all eyes are awakened; cut tubers become infected various types fungi and bacteria. To improve performance, cut tubers are treated by soaking in a 1% Epin-extra solution. After using the stimulant, the treated tubers show better disease resistance, and a higher percentage of high-quality seed is obtained.

The tuber is cut clean sharp knife into parts. Each part should have one or two eyes. After this, parts of the tuber are soaked in the stimulator for 2 - 4 hours, then used various ways germination corresponding to the propagated crop.

Application of Epin-extra in agriculture

Suitable for all agricultural crops. Regular use of the substance allows you to increase productivity by 20 - 30%. Also, the use of the drug allows you to get a good presentation finished products, reduce the content of nitrates and heavy metals, increase resistance to a number of fungal and bacterial diseases.

For pre-sowing seed treatment you will need:

  • Wheat – 200 ml per ton of seed;
  • Sunflower – 40 ml per ton;
  • Sugar beet – 12 ml per ton;
  • Potatoes – 12 ml per ton;
  • Buckwheat – 150 ml per ton;
  • Barley, rice, rapeseed – 200 ml per ton;
  • Seeds are treated once with a 1% solution.

During the growing season, crops are treated by spraying on green leaves at intervals of at least two weeks. The procedure usually begins after the appearance of the fourth true leaf.

For spraying, prepare a 1% solution of the substance, for this required amount"Epin - extra" is diluted in warm water according to the instructions, adding boric or citric acid. According to some data, the use of a stimulant for spraying tomato seedlings can reduce the number of fruits affected by late blight by 20%.

The approximate yield of the product is:

  • Wheat – 50 ml per hectare;
  • Buckwheat – 12 ml per hectare;
  • Tomatoes, cucumbers, melons – 100 ml per hectare;
  • Grapes, black and red currants, cranberries – 40 -60 ml per hectare;
  • Sunflower, rice, barley – 50 ml per hectare.

Security measures

Refers to chemicals With low level danger. Precautionary measures are due to the fact that technical alcohol and shampoo are added to the active substance to improve penetration.

Before using the Epin-Extra stimulant, you should carefully read the instructions for use of the drug. This is usually located on the back of the packaging bag or on an insert inside the package. You must make sure that the drug is original; using an uncertified product can cause serious harm to the plant or person.

Degrades when exposed to light, so make sure the opaque packaging is not damaged. If the drug was stored in a display case exposed to sunlight, it is better to refrain from using it.

Work should be carried out with gloves, clothing should cover the body well. Despite the fact that the drug does not have a toxic effect, allergic reactions and irritation of the skin and mucous membranes cannot be ruled out.

The low toxicity of "Epin-extra" does not exclude its use in indoors, for example, for treating indoor plants.

Spraying of plants should not be carried out during strong winds or during solar activity. It should be borne in mind that it takes several hours for the active substance to enter the cells. If it rains after the procedure, the treatment must be repeated.

Epin Extra to protect plants from frost

and is this necessary?

In pursuit of the harvest, we must not forget about common sense. Use Epin or not - it's up to you to decide. We just decided to figure out for ourselves what this magical remedy is that we only hear about on all gardening forums and websites. And here's what we managed to find out...

What's in the casket?

The very first question: what does epin consist of? Most often on packaging and in numerous recommendations in the press, this question is answered succinctly: “Epin is an adaptogen with a pronounced anti-stress effect on plants.”

In more detailed version it looks like this: Epin-extra, P (0.025 g/l epibrassinolide). And not a word about what the mysterious epibrassinolide is.

It turns out that epibrassinolide is an analogue of brassinolide. Phytohormone of the steroid class. Epinbrassinolide is a phytohormone of the steroid class. This substance is highly active and promotes plant cell division; its range of effects is extremely wide. Contained in every plant cell.

It is known that all life processes of plants are regulated by phytohormones. They are produced in plants, their concentration is low, the amount depends on the phase of growth and development, and the state of the environment. There are 5 generally recognized hormones:


Many researchers include brassinosteroids among them.

Brassinolide was first isolated from rapeseed pollen in 1979. It belongs to the accelerating group of hormones (together with cytokinins, auxins and gibberellins). It inhibits the production of growth-slowing hormones: abscisic acid and ethylene. More than 60 brassinosteroids are known.

Epinbrassonolide is the first artificial analogue of brassinosteroids, completely identical to the natural substance.

The hormone does not cause deformity, deformation of shoots, fruits and leaves. It affects other plant hormones - and due to their activation, it shakes the plant, stimulates growth and development.

How to use Epin?

The following groups of plants are most susceptible to the hormone:

  • legume family - beans, peas, chickpeas, chickpeas, etc.
  • the pumpkin family - zucchini, pumpkin, cucumbers, squash, etc.
  • the nightshade family - tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, potatoes, physalis.

The most effective time of application (plant sensitivity to the hormone is increased) is before and after flowering. The efficiency is slightly lower in the germination phase.

The effectiveness of the drug has been proven by many practical experiences. Epin really:

  • Accelerates fruit ripening
  • Prevents the falling of ovaries, flowers and fruits
  • Increases resistance to fungal and viral diseases
  • Ensures good survival of plants after transplantation
  • Activate recovery processes in affected plants after damaging factors:
    • frost
    • drought
    • sunburn
    • burns after treatment with chemicals
    • diseases
    • soil salinity

Excellent effect on seeds:

  • Germination increases by 15%
  • Long-standing and slow-growing shifts wake up and give amicable shoots

What can I say - there are only advantages... But we still do not recommend treating plants with epin. It's a hormone - and that says it all. It is no coincidence that these substances are designed in such small quantities. And man, trying to build his “harmony,” violates all the laws of nature. This is irresponsible to say the least. It is also fraught with consequences...

Conclusions can be drawn...

1. The drug is effective. Just as hormones are effective for all living organisms, that’s why they are hormones: there are very few of them, but they can do a lot. Who would doubt the “effectiveness” of, for example, male or female sex hormones for humans? But thoughtless use leads to irreparable harm! And the result does not always justify the means.

2. It can be used only in extreme cases - if in fact there are only very old seeds available (for soaking), or the hail has completely destroyed the seedlings of plants in the garden bed or flower garden (for spraying). But if you want to get a bumper harvest, or urgently stimulate something... it’s better to do some extra weeding or just loosening.

We will be glad to know your opinion about the drug! Share your experience in the comments!

Have a good harvest, dear readers of our site!

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Biochemical studies carried out by specialists have shown that

Epin regulates and activates protective functions the plant cell itself, and therefore the entire organism, for survival in extreme conditions.

When exposed high temperatures it enhances the synthesis of special “shock” proteins,

during drought, stimulates the appearance of additional roots in plants,

when flooded, it increases water absorption and evaporation; when there is a lack of light, it increases the synthesis of chlorophyll.

At the same time, due to the stimulation of the natural defenses of plants, its fungicidal effect is also manifested:

after treatment with the drug, plants become more resistant to diseases and pests: late blight, powdery mildew, fusarium, blackleg, various bacteria and viruses.

Plants are significantly less susceptible to invasion by aphids, wireworms, and Colorado potato beetles.

Epin is a powerful regulator. which works the more efficiently. the sooner you apply it. During the fruiting phase of tomatoes, it is almost pointless to use it.

But before picking seedlings and after - just super. Moreover " maximum effect will appear much later.

Epin is used at all stages of plant development, starting from seeds. Scientists assure that treated seeds germinate faster and their germination rate increases. They grow into healthy, non-stretching, disease-resistant seedlings.

After treatment with Epin, seedlings bought in a store take root better. Epin turned out to be indispensable during transplantation: it promotes rooting of plants. And, apparently, this drug will be especially needed in case of any unfavorable conditions for plants. weather conditions: cold snap, lack of light, heat, sudden temperature changes. One or two treatments with an interval of 7-10 days will help revive frozen, weakened, withering plants and, as practice shows, increase the yield.

Plants are sprayed with Epin during growth, during budding and the beginning of flowering. By acting on the immune system and improving tissue metabolism, it, according to scientists, promotes earlier ripening of fruits. But Epin not only accelerates the ripening of the crop, but also, as they say, improves its quality. Vegetables accumulate more protein, starch, vitamins, essential amino acids and reduce the content of “ecological dirt”: heavy metal salts, nitrates, radionuclides, herbicide and fungicide residues. Perhaps this drug will be very useful for you towards the end of the summer season before the onset of cold fogs. Potato and tomato tops treated with it in August will more successfully resist late blight, and cabbage heads will continue to gain weight, despite the September frosts. It has been noticed that the fruits of treated plants are stored longer and are less susceptible to fungal diseases.

Flower growers are satisfied with Epin. According to reviews from lovers, carnations, thanks to Epin, resemble dahlias in size, and ordinary chamomile is catching up the best varieties astr. Clematis, phlox, peonies, delphiniums, and bells respond to the drug with rapid growth and abundant flowering. Flowers processed in the budding and early flowering phases are especially large in size.

As can be seen from the above data, Epin can be considered a very effective drug, and not only effective, but also economical. The contents of one ampoule in 1 ml packaging are dissolved in 5 liters of water. This solution is usually enough to treat 1-2 acres of crops. According to scientists, the drug is so pure that its use is allowed even near apiaries.

The ampoule with Epin is stored in the refrigerator. Before use, keep it for 10 minutes at room temperature, shake if sediment appears. To prepare the solution, use boiled, slightly acidified water, since Epin loses its properties in an alkaline environment.

For an alkaline reaction, the water is acidified with 9% table vinegar. Adding 1/2 teaspoon of vinegar to 200 ml of water reduces the acidity value by one. The solution is prepared on the day of treatment; it retains its effect for two days if stored in a dark place.

Spray the plants on a clear, windless day. evening hours from a spray bottle with a fine spray, that is, they are dusted rather than sprayed. Only under this condition will droplets of the drug linger on the microhairs of leaves and stems, and not flow down into the soil. Under the influence of Epin, the hairs become stiff and no longer resistant to pests, even aphids or the Colorado potato beetle. So Epin does not kill pests, it only increases the strength of the plants themselves for active resistance, forcing pests to look for more attractive food items elsewhere. But before resorting to the help of the drug, the gardener must provide the plants with everything they need: nutrition, watering, lighting. After all, Epin cannot replace either fertilizer or water, and it is capable of activating the powers only of those plants that do not need anything.

The drug was awarded three medals from the All-Russian Exhibition Center, a diploma from the Russian Scientific and Technical Society of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, and was included in the program to eliminate the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

FROM THE DIARY RECORDS OF PRACTICAL GARDENER N. NOSYREV (section "Garden and Vegetable Garden" at the Central Institute of Agriculture of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences).

For my six hundred square meters, every year I buy at least 10 ampoules of Epin. I soak seeds, corms, cuttings in its solution, spray the whole aboveground part plants.

Potato. I spray the sprouted tubers with Epin solution 3 days before planting (4 drops per 100 ml of water). I continue the treatments: for seedlings with a plant height of 10-15 cm (1 ampoule per 5 liters of water); before spring frosts, if the height of the potatoes does not allow them to be hilled (1 ampoule per 5 liters of water); in the phase of budding and the beginning of flowering (with the same solution at the rate of 500 ml per 40 bushes) and two weeks later to prevent late blight.
I also spray tubers intended for storage with Epin (1 ampoule per 25 liters of water). For 100 kg of potatoes I use 200 ml of solution.

Tomato. I soak the seeds in Epin solution (3-4 drops per 100 ml of water, at a temperature of 20-22oC) for 12 hours and sow them immediately. I spray the seedlings before picking (2 drops per 200 ml of water). Seedlings - the day before planting or immediately after planting and on the eve of frost (6 drops per 200 ml of water); in the phase of budding and beginning of flowering, 1-2.3-4.5-6 flower brushes (1 ampoule per 5 liters of water). Last time- before the onset of cold fogs in August-September.

Pepper and eggplant. I soak the seeds in Epin solution (4-6 drops per 100 ml of water) for 18-24 hours and sow them immediately. Seedlings, seedlings and plants before frost, in the phase of budding and flowering of the first flower, then every ten days I treat them in the same way as tomatoes.

Pumpkin crops (cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkin). I pre-treat the seeds with potassium permanganate, and then soak them in Epin solution (4 drops per 100 ml of water) for 12-18 hours at a temperature of 22-23oC. I spray seedlings in the phase of three true leaves (6 drops per 200 ml of water) on the eve of transplanting to a permanent place. Next, I treat the plants with the same solution in the budding and early flowering phases and then every 10-14 days.

Carrots and beets. I soak the seeds in Epin solution (4-6 drops per 200 ml) for 18 hours. I spray the plants in the phase of two true leaves (4 drops per 200 ml of water) and then after two weeks (1 ampoule per 5 liters of water or 10 drops per 1 liter of water).

Radish and daikon. I soak the seeds in Epin solution (6 drops per 200 ml) for 12 hours. I spray seedlings (4 drops per 200 ml) and grown plants in cold weather (1 ampoule per 5 liters of water).

Cabbage . I spray seedlings (4 drops per 200 ml of water), seedlings before planting in a permanent place and then every 10 days (1 ampoule per 5 liters of water) until a tight head is formed.

Onion sets and spring garlic. Before planting, I keep it in Epin solution for 1 hour (6 drops per 200 ml of water), dry it and plant it. I carry out the second treatment on the seedlings when the height of the feather reaches 10-15 cm (1 ampoule per 5 liters of water), then after two weeks.

Black onion. Before sowing, I soak the seeds in Epin solution (6-8 drops per 200 ml of water) for 24 hours. Next, I process the seedlings, just like onion sets.

Winter garlic and onions (planted before winter). I spray on seedlings (6 drops per 200 ml of water), then after two weeks (1 ampoule per 5 liters of water).

Radish. I spray the seedlings (6 drops per 200 ml of water) and after another 10 days (1 ampoule per 5 liters of water).

Strawberry. Before planting, young rosettes are kept in Epin solution (1/2 ampoule per 1 liter of water). I repeat the treatment a week after planting (1 ampoule per 5 liters of water). On fruiting strawberries I spray: after harvesting last year’s leaves and spring treatment, before spring frosts, during budding and the beginning of flowering (1 ampoule per 5 liters of water), after harvesting, if I cut off the leaves (4-6 drops per 200 ml of water), at the end of October - in case of a snowless winter (1 ampoule per 10 liters of water).

Raspberries and other berry bushes. I use Epin (1 ampoule per 5 liters of water) in the sap flow phase, when 50% of the buds have bloomed, before frost, in the budding phase and the beginning of flowering, and then after 10 days. At the end of October, when preparing for winter, I use a weaker solution (1 ampoule per 10 liters of water).

Frost holes, hollows, mechanical injuries on trunks. I clean the damaged areas with a wooden scraper until they reach healthy wood and disinfect them with a 3% solution. copper sulfate. After the wound and surrounding areas have dried, I treat it with Epin’s solution (10 drops per 200 ml of water), and after one or two days I cover it with garden varnish.

Cuttings (of any plant). I put Epin in the solution (1 ampoule per 2 liters of water) and leave it for a day in dark place . Subsequent spraying: after rooting of the cuttings and the appearance of two true leaves (6-7 drops per 200 ml of water) and after another two weeks (1 ampoule per 5 liters of water).

Fertilizer Epin belongs to the group of growth stimulants. This substance accelerates the growth and development of plants, increases their resistance to a number of diseases, and provokes abundant flowering and fruiting, and also improves the taste of the crop. It is intended for application during any period of the growing season, including for treating seeds before sowing. Due to its wide spectrum of action, the fertilizer is useful both for garden and vegetable crops, and for ornamental plants in pots.


This liquid fertilizer group of biostimulants. It is produced in 1 liter bottles for industrial use, but at home it is more convenient to use 1 ml ampoules. This is a transparent liquid with a yellow tint, which is dissolved in water for irrigation.

The manufacturer of this fertilizer is the NEST-M company. Until 2003, the drug was called "Epin", then it began to be prepared using an improved formula and supplied to specialized stores under the name "Epin-Extra". The active substance and mechanism of action of the dietary supplement remained the same, but its effectiveness was increased.


Growth stimulants are separate group fertilizers for different types crops Epin-Extra has shown high effectiveness against garden and ornamental plants. After using it, you can notice impressive results:

  • acceleration of seed and bulb germination processes;
  • protection of adult crops from environmental factors, including frost, drought and exposure to direct sunlight;
  • increasing resistance to pests, bacterial and fungal infections;
  • stimulation of the formation of new shoots even in older plants;
  • improving the taste of fruits;
  • increase in yield indicators by at least 40%.

Important! Epin-Extra went through all the necessary studies, during which it proved its effectiveness and safety. It has quality certificates and is produced with a high degree of protection against counterfeiting.

Composition and properties

The main active ingredient of the fertilizer is epibrassinolide. This is a synthetic substance created by analogy with natural plant growth stimulants. It affects the hormonal system and is involved in the biosynthesis of enzymes. The drug also regulates the level of entry of foreign elements into plant cells, resulting in heavy metals and other harmful substances do not accumulate in them.

Due to Epin's ability to increase pest resistance, its use can significantly reduce the need for pesticides.

Instructions for use

One ampoule contains 0.25 mg of active substance. This amount is approximately equal to 40 drops of concentrate. Before use, it must be diluted with water at room temperature. The dosage and method of application will differ depending on the type of crop.

Advice! Spraying with Epin solution is carried out in cloudy weather. Its components are quickly destroyed when exposed to direct sunlight.

For indoor plants

The Epin stimulator is suitable for all types of indoor plants and decorative flowers. 1 ampoule of the substance is diluted in 5 liters clean water, you can also add about 8 drops of concentrate per 1 liter of liquid. Next, it is sprayed over the surface of the green mass of plants.

In indoor plants, the stimulant has the following effects:

  • causes vigorous growth and abundant plant life;
  • allows you to cope with stress, including after a transplant;
  • helps to revive damaged flowers;
  • improves rooting and survival rate of seedlings.

Epin is recommended for use on weakened plants, including after they are transplanted into a new container. The number of treatments depends on the purpose of using the drug. For prevention, it is enough to spray flowers once a month, for damaged plants - once a week, to stimulate growth - three times a season in courses of 3 treatments at intervals of a week.

For the garden

For garden and vegetable crops, the biostimulant is useful at all stages of their development. It is used for soaking seeds before planting, and then for treating seedlings and adult plants. The working solution is prepared according to the instructions, depending on the crop variety.

The drug is also applied by spraying leaves and shoots. It provides indispensable assistance in growing fruit plants:

  • increases seed germination and seedling survival rate;
  • stimulates shoot growth, abundant flowering and fruiting;
  • improves the taste and varietal characteristics of the crop;
  • increases productivity by 1.5 times.

Advice! Fertilizer can be combined with preparations to kill pests and foliar feeding. The only condition is that it is incompatible with alkalis, including Bordeaux mixture.

Features of use

For Epin fertilizer to be as effective as possible, it must be used according to the instructions. There are certain recommendations on how to properly prepare working solutions and in what dosage to apply them for different plant varieties.

For soaking seeds

To soak the seeds, the solution is prepared in the proportion of 2-4 drops of concentrate per 100 ml of water. For seeds of indoor plants, take a larger amount of solution; for vegetables, 2 drops are enough. Before processing grain crops for planting, take 2 ampoules of the drug and dissolve them in 10 liters of water. This amount is enough to soak 1 ton of grain. The grains are left in the solution for 4-8 hours, after which they can be placed in the ground.

For seedlings

Seedlings are treated to strengthen them and stimulate growth. The solution is prepared at the rate of 5-6 drops per 500 ml of liquid. Spraying is carried out when 2-3 true leaves appear on the plants. The procedure can be repeated the day before transplantation. open ground.

For potatoes

To process potatoes, the fertilizer is diluted in a standard ratio (1 ml per 5 liters of water). Spraying is carried out twice:

  • treatment of tubers before planting - 1 ton of material will require 10 liters of working solution;
  • application during the period of bud formation - 150-300 liters of aqueous solution per 1 ha.

Epin fertilizer can also be used when growing potatoes in vitro. The drug is added to the nutrient medium (1 ml per 1 liter of substrate), and is also applied by spraying during the budding period.

For tomatoes

To treat tomato seeds, 0.5 ml of the drug is diluted in 2 liters of water. This amount is enough for 1 kg of seeds. They should be in the solution for 2 hours, after which they can be planted in the ground.

To spray green mass, 100 ml of the product is dissolved in 150-400 liters of liquid. This amount is enough to process 1 hectare of tomatoes. Fertilizer is applied twice:

  • during the formation of buds;
  • during the flowering of the first cluster.

For cucumbers

To treat cucumber seeds, add 0.25 ml of concentrate to 1 liter of water. Seeds are placed in this solution and left for 2 hours, after which they are planted in the soil. Treatment of plants after transplanting them into open ground or into a greenhouse is carried out according to the same scheme that is recommended for tomatoes.

For cabbage

It is also useful to soak white cabbage seeds in a solution before planting. To do this, 0.25 ml of the substance is diluted with 1 liter of water, the seeds are left in this mixture for 6 hours. Spraying is carried out at the stage of full leaf rosette. The consumption of the drug is 80 ml of concentrate or 150-400 liters of working solution per 1 ha.

For the bow

It is recommended to treat the bulbs before planting. To do this, 0.05 ml of concentrate is sufficient per 1 kg of raw material, which is diluted in 200 ml of water. The bulbs are simply sprayed with the resulting mixture. The second spraying is carried out at the stage of formation of 4-5 leaves. For 1 hectare of beds you will need 60 ml of fertilizer in combination with 150-300 liters of water.

For ficus

Fertilizer can be used for both prevention and rehabilitation of damaged or aged ficus trees. Epin's composition is suitable for different varieties of this plant. At home growing there is no need to prepare 5 liters of solution from 1 ampoule, as indicated in the instructions. You should add a few drops of concentrate to 1 liter of water and use it for spraying. The fertilizer application schedule is standard for flower and ornamental crops.

For orchids

Orchids are especially sensitive during the period of their transplantation into new pot, and the procedure must be carried out every 1-2 years. The mixture will help them restore vitality and continue to develop in a new capacity. The working solution is prepared in the proportion of 2-4 drops per 1 liter of water, which is sprayed on the leaves. Fertilizer can be applied once a month for preventive purposes; to rehabilitate damaged plants, treatment is carried out three times at intervals of a week.

For violets

Violets also need timely application of a biostimulant. The solution is prepared in a standard proportion and used to spray the leaves. However, you should be careful when processing violets. After the procedure, the plant is placed in partial shade so that the sun's rays do not burn the leaves. You can spray in the evening.

For citrus fruits

Citrus plants are processed according to the scheme recommended for decorative flowers. It is especially important to apply fertilizer during the shoot growth and flowering phase. You can also treat the seeds before planting in open ground.

For conifers

Processing coniferous plants carried out by spraying healthy and damaged needles. The solution must be prepared in standard concentration by dissolving 1 ampoule in 5 liters of water. The consumption of the drug depends on the size of the plant and the density of the needles. Its entire surface should be evenly covered with fertilizer.

Safety precautions and storage conditions

Epin is a drug with a low level of danger. However, when preparing the working solution and processing plants, you should follow some rules:

  • wear protective clothing, including gloves and a mask;
  • do not spray the drug in windy weather;
  • If the product gets on the skin or mucous membranes, rinse them with water.

The closed ampoule is suitable for use for 3 years. It is recommended to open it, draw the contents into a syringe and place it in the refrigerator, and throw away the ampoule. If the use of the drug is not expected in the near future, the closed package must be closed in a dark room.

Important! The drug should be stored out of direct sunlight. If it was on display without individual packaging, it should be replaced with another copy.

Prices in stores

Another feature of the drug is its low cost, especially considering the small dosage per plant. The average price of fertilizer will depend on its volume:

  • ampoule 1 ml - 15 rubles;
  • bottle 50 ml - 310 rubles;
  • 1 liter bottle - 5000 rubles.


Epin-Extra is a reliable protection for various types of crops and their rehabilitation after stress. Using this additive, you can significantly increase productivity and restore damaged plants. The substance is harmless to humans and belongs to the low-hazard group, so it can be used without fear for the quality of the fruit and their suitability for consumption.


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