Signs associated with the front door. Signs about creaking

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A door is perhaps the most reliable and strong protection of a home. In ancient times, people attributed a lot to her mystical properties. It was believed that the door protects the house from otherworldly forces and evil people. Even in fairy tales, they have magical spells; they can only be opened in a special way, for this you need to cast a special magic spell.

IN modern world, the door is also an integral attribute home interior. Among the wide variety of doors, you can find not only the entrance door, which is the calling card of your home, but also the interior door, which has a number of positive properties, such as sound absorption, thermal insulation, tightness and aesthetics. How to choose the right interior doors, which will satisfy all your requirements? The answer to this question can be found in various magazines, books, Internet sources, on television (there have been many TV shows about repairs, where quite a lot useful information), or maybe on the advice of friends who have knowledge and experience in this matter.

As already mentioned, the doors appeared a long time ago. But we will now tell you what signs exist about this subject. It turns out that you cannot open the entrance and interior door, because the evil spirits could enter the home, then move into all rooms in the house. This sign developed back in ancient times, when people worshiped the Gods and were very afraid dark forces. The servant at the door was not a guard at all, as many of us believe, he monitored the crossing of the threshold. It was believed that one could only cross the threshold with the right foot, otherwise misfortune could happen in the house. You cannot sleep with your feet facing the doorway, this greatly affects a person’s health, his strength dries up, he becomes lethargic, and he loses interest in life. If one of your relatives goes to long journey, you need not only to “sit down,” but also to close all the windows and doors for a while so that the journey is successful and happy. A creaking door was considered a harbinger of grief and misfortune; even today they try to lubricate them as soon as possible in order to get rid of this unpleasant sound.

In Ancient India, it was forbidden to slam the door, as this could supposedly scare away good luck and wealth, but in Greece, on the contrary, the louder you slam the door, the sooner you can drive away evil spirits from your home. To protect their home from troubles and troubles, people hung horseshoes over the door, icons, garlic, and buried mustard seeds under the threshold.

Today, each of us decides for ourselves whether to believe these signs or not. Or maybe someone will follow the fashion trends of the upcoming 2014 blue wooden Horse. All colors of blue, cyan, green are welcome in anticipation of this time, and wooden items will be a symbol of goodness and prosperity, therefore high-quality interior door This material will not only become a piece of furniture, but will also perhaps bring good luck to your home!

By observing signs and following fashion trends, a person is, as it were, programmed that everything will be fine for him, but at the same time, one should not forget to believe in oneself, then there is a greater chance of getting everything you want from life.

Human. People attached even greater importance to them - it was believed that through the window of your house you could see the future, with their help you could ward off trouble or, conversely, inadvertently attract it into your home.

Good signs about windows in the house

Accidentally look out of the window dark time days and seeing light there is fortunate. Likewise, returning home in the evening and unexpectedly seeing light in the window is a sign of changes in life for the better.

Swung open by a gust of wind window sashes- to receive news soon.

If you want a bright streak to finally come in your life, “sweeten” it - throw a pinch of sugar through the window on Sunday morning.

If you are not happy with something in life, if you are tormented by constant illnesses or failures, look at your windows - if they are dirty, wash them as best you can and you won’t notice how life will change.

What not to do with windows

  • looking out the window at the funeral procession passing by. It is better to completely curtain the windows when she approaches, so that death does not inadvertently look into your window;
  • cutting new windows in an old house - a sign says that this can lead to the death of one of the household members;
  • look out the window for a long time full moon- the night luminary draws strength from a person;
  • look out the window at night - you can see a ghost or evil spirits;
  • throw garbage out the window, pour out slops - on the other side of the glass there may be the souls of deceased ancestors who came to visit you;
  • entering the house through a window means illness;
  • close the windows with blind shutters or curtains (including roller blinds) for the day - the house definitely needs sunlight and air, otherwise it will stagnate bad energy, and the household will feel bad. But it is possible and even necessary to close curtains and blinds at night so that evil spirits do not enter the house;
  • build a house with windows facing north - the owners will never feel good in it. The best option- place window openings on east side building;
  • leaving broken or cracked glass in a window is a gap in the protection of your home, through which water will immediately begin to flow. negative energy from outside. A person who lives in a house with cracked or broken windows will never be happy and healthy.

When asked whether it is possible to block up a window in a house, we also receive the answer that this should not be done, otherwise there will be trouble. The meaning of the sign “putting up windows in the house” can be neutralized if you visually completely hide the former window opening - that is, do not leave it simply covered with bricks or blocks, but plaster it, paint it the color of other walls, cover it with panels, etc.

Signs about the weather

The behavior of the weather was also judged from the windows. Thus, it was believed that if the windows become covered with droplets of moisture in the cold, then a thaw is just around the corner. What if February 4 window glass painted with beautiful frosty patterns, this meant that winter would remain in its rights for a long time.

Dry floorboards and window frames in an old house, incomprehensible sounds heard spontaneously in the night - it seems that this is part of the ambiance of a horror film invented by Hollywood scriptwriters. In reality, creaking was associated with many signs, including among our Slavic ancestors.

Why does the door or floor in the house creak?


Most often, superstitions concerned doors. It is clear that old wood can crumble over time, and poorly fitted parts rub against each other with an unpleasant grinding noise. This state of the house speaks of poverty and “handlessness” of the owner, therefore it predicts the inhabitants of the home life difficulties. It is much worse if a sudden problem arises.

  • Old people in the villages said that there is an exact sign: a door creaks, which used to open easily and silently - there will be trouble!


Not only long-awaited guests, relatives, friends, but also evil spirits entered the house through the door and threshold. The time for their walks is at night, when living people retire. In silence, any sounds are heard especially clearly; they give away uninvited visitors. invisible hand knocked on the window or pulled on door handle, the floor in the house creaks - a sign signals a visit from otherworldly entities. It is possible that this is a brownie wandering around (to “cajole” him and calm him down, housewives left some treats near the stove).

No mysticism?

In fact, wood has the ability to react to changing air humidity, swell and slightly increase in size. Therefore, unexpected sounds can be explained without any mysticism. The floors are creaking - signs advise preparing for a long period of bad weather, rain, thunderstorms. The same goes for creaking furniture or window frames.

Should you be afraid of squeaking?

In the old days, boots or shoes that were “creaky” were a fashionable feature, so craftsmen specially developed special “musical” soles. The actors walked on stage in “noisy” shoes. Such “accompaniment” is still associated with great theatrical success, so before important negotiations or public speaking The squeaking of shoes is called a happy omen.

  • Sometimes the unusual behavior of your favorite shoes can be a warning of something more serious. For example, about illness or upcoming family scandals.
  • They also say this: if you hear creaking everywhere, remember who you had to offend in the recent past. Perhaps the Universe itself is hinting that your actions and words were unfair.


What if a tree creaks on the street? This situation can be considered a warning of impending misfortune, but the explanation for the sign is very simple: only a broken trunk is capable of making a grinding noise. You should stay away from the tree, sooner or later it will definitely collapse.

The door and threshold are a symbolic border between our home and the outside world. At home we are protected and surrounded by a benevolent atmosphere. This is our little fortress, and only we decide who to let into our little comfortable world and who not.

If they try to enter our home against our will, this causes protest and a desire to fight back. Everything connected with the native walls is important for a person, so signs and beliefs about the threshold have survived to this day, and many of our contemporaries try to observe ancient traditions.

Two different worlds

Why can’t you say hello across the threshold and why can’t you pass things across the threshold? Many, even without knowing the answers to these questions, try not to violate the two mentioned rules.

  • The threshold has long been considered the border between the worlds of the living and the dead. These worlds have different energies, so if you don’t want to lose a person, quarrel with him or lose mutual understanding, it’s better not to communicate across the threshold.
  • For the same reason, you cannot shake hands across the threshold.
  • To prevent good luck and happiness from leaving the house, you cannot pass an item across the threshold. Moreover, such a thing will not bring anything good to the person who received it.
  • If you give money over the threshold, material well-being will disappear.
  • There is no need to explain why you can’t kiss across the threshold: you can destroy the connection with your loved one, love will leave the relationship, and quarrels will begin.

What else can’t you do across the threshold?

  • It was believed that spirits should not be disturbed, which is why one should not stand on the threshold.
  • Even if something worries you or the wait is too long, you can’t sit on the threshold. You need to enter the house or go outside.
  • All issues need to be resolved inside or outside the house. Saying goodbye over the threshold is unacceptable if you want to see this person again.
  • You cannot talk while on opposite sides, this can lead to a quarrel.
  • It was believed that on the day the bride should not step on the threshold or even step over it. Otherwise, she will not be happy with her husband. Apparently, it was no coincidence that the tradition of carrying the bride into the house in his arms arose.
  • It was recommended that when leaving the house, you cross the threshold with your right foot, then the day will definitely be successful and you will be lucky in everything.
  • Spitting over the threshold was also not recommended: you could accidentally drive away your luck.
  • It was considered an alarming sign if a dead person appeared on the doorstep. However, everything is not so scary, because she could have been thrown or she was frozen. In any case, it was recommended to bury the bird and go to church for your own peace of mind.

It’s very simple to protect yourself from negativity: you need to listen to signs and not pass anything across the threshold - neither objects, nor emotions, nor feelings.

On the other side

In the house we feel safe and calm, but what awaits outside is unknown. Perhaps that is why the signs associated with the door are shrouded in mysticism. The door is the main symbol of home protection. It’s no coincidence that ill-wishers throw it under her various items, wanting to cause damage, and the owners, on the contrary, place various amulets in front of front door or above it.

1. It has been used above the door as protection since ancient times. It is still considered a symbol of good luck in all matters and promises the owner a successful completion of all affairs.

6. Another sign is a knock on the door. This sound may be associated with someone's visit, and there is nothing special about it if you are expecting guests. But if you hear a knock and approach the entrance, but there is no one outside, not everyone will take this situation calmly. Some superstitious people then cannot sleep at night, tormented by bad thoughts. It's so easy to actually attract bad things into your life. Best of possible options- do not respond to knocking and do not go out into the hallway. If someone really needs to talk to you, they will knock again.

7. A creaking door was never a good idea either. favorable events. But at the same time, in ancient times it was believed that it was walking. He had to be appeased with a saucer of milk or honey.

8. Hitting your forehead on the doorframe foreshadowed that the owner would find perfect solution, which will help get rid of the problems that weigh on him or find a way out of difficult situation, which seemed insoluble.

9. If the cat is sitting at the front door, you can be happy. The dark streak has come to an end, improvement in all matters lies ahead. If it is lying on the doorstep, and there is a young girl or a single guy in the house, there will soon be a wedding.

Knowing about signs and their meanings, you need to remember that unfavorable signs can always be neutralized and everything can be turned around in such a way that the bad will bypass the house, and the good will definitely linger in it.

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Doors, windows, keys and locks have long attracted the imagination of magicians and mystics. In protective household magic these things have unique properties, for they are called upon to protect the house from the penetration of all unclean things.


The door is a symbol of entry into other dimensions. Many protective rituals are associated with doors and door thresholds. The most popular protective door decorations are: onion and garlic braids, plant wreaths, bags of herbs and salt, bells, and salt scattered on the threshold under the rug, which wards off evil.

There are other techniques for protecting the house from evil forces: two crossed needles placed under the rug, mustard seeds, a knife under the threshold. Magical protective properties have three nails driven into the top of the door in the shape of a triangle with the apex facing up.

The door is capable of both repelling and attracting certain energies. Five coins placed under the threshold attracts money.

To get rid of a pranked brownie or ghost, there was such a ritual: you need to stand on the threshold with inside home and loudly slam the door several times in a row. Then the entity will fall into a trap between the door and the jamb, or even leave immediately. And vice versa, if the owners do not want to lose their brownie, then they should not slam the door.

There is a type of people who open the door wide and spend some time moving bags or talking before closing it. This Bad sign, since there is a belief that those who do not close the doors behind themselves attract unwanted entities into the house and release the most favorable energy from the home.


Ancient priestesses were often depicted with keys in their hands. This symbolized the connection with the subtle world and deities. Keys are a symbol of wisdom and comprehension of secrets.

A whole range of spells and magical rituals associated with keys.
Worn around the neck, a small silver or gold key can replace a talisman.

The iron key, as a phallic symbol, helps against impotence if placed under the mattress.

Several old house keys can be collected in a bunch with a red ribbon. This will be a talisman against thieves, the so-called constipation against thieves. You need to go around your home and jingle the keys near each corner of the house. The anti-thief lock is then hung on the front door as an amulet decoration.

A key that fits one of the house's locks, placed upside down next to the bed, will ward off nightmares and promote peaceful sleep.

But a key found on the street should not be taken into the house. This is perhaps the most harmful find, after needles, pins and small change.


The windows are the same as doors, only without keys. In ancient times, windows were called the eye of the wind, since the slits in the walls, made for ventilation from smoke, often whistled from the wind.

Curtains hung on the windows acquire protective function, if they white, but since light curtains do not block out the sun, white curtains or tulle help against negative influences. It is still customary to hang white curtains in the kitchen.

Today modern design ideas so varied that they can help those owners who would like to provide their home with the greatest protection. What windows are most effective in a magical context?

These are stained glass windows, because the glass different colors refract light and emit . Patterns on the windows cast colored rays into the room, creating luminous fragments on the walls and floor - a crystal effect.


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