Projects of brick baths with a terrace. Construction of a bathhouse with a barbecue: a new quality of relaxation in the ancient Russian style

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Bathhouse with a terrace, a separate room for relaxation and a platform for - functional area for complete relaxation. It can have different sizes, be built from timber or brick. Your attention - various projects such buildings with photos.

Features of the 4 in 1 zone: sauna, terrace, relaxation room and barbecue

About to set up on your own personal plot a place to relax, many owners dream of making it not only comfortable, but also universal. After all, it should be to the liking of all family members. And you also need to please the guests, fully providing them with entertainment and complete relaxation at fresh air. Project of a bathhouse with a terrace and barbecue, as well as a relaxation room - good option for such a case. It allows you to realize various ideas and combine them into your own mini-dacha complex.

Bathhouse plan with terrace

There are many advantages to such a 4 in 1 project:

  1. Saving territory. There is no need to waste space not only on the buildings themselves, but also on the paths connecting one building to another.
  2. Reduced construction costs. For example, the wall of a bathhouse can simultaneously be the wall of a terrace. In addition, one roof will cost much less than several.
  3. Organization of comprehensive recreation. You can take a steam bath and then cook dinner using the barbecue - everything is nearby.
  4. Single style. Often, when constructing individual buildings, owners forget that all buildings must be in harmony with each other. In a combined project, this design issue is resolved very simply.

Types of bathhouse projects with a relaxation area

The choice of project is largely due to the size land plot. For example, classic version bathhouses with a terrace measuring 6 x 9 m are suitable for owners large area. It will accommodate not only the whole family, but also a large group of friends. In this case, a common foundation is provided for the bathhouse and terrace. If you make the building two-story, then you can place a steam room and barbecue below, and arrange a guest lounge on the second floor.

If you want to attach a bathhouse to your house, use the 6 x 6 project. Thanks to its proportions, it will fit perfectly into the design of any area. This way you will significantly expand the area of ​​the house and get a cozy open place to relax. It is ideal for enjoying fresh air directly from the cottage in any weather.

Bathhouse with veranda

Compact on the outside, but roomy on the inside, this is a corner bathhouse with a terrace. Often such a project is used in cases where it is necessary to locate a recreation area in close proximity to the house. The terrace adjacent to the cottage can be square or rectangular. However, photos of finished baths confirm that it is the corner platform that allows you to give the entire structure a complete look, as well as effectively manage the territory of your personal plot. Everything can be placed on the ground floor.

Advice. Two-story buildings are optimal if you want to properly plan the area of ​​your land plot and intend to continue construction. For example, add another guest room over time.

Nowadays, entire bathhouse cottages with various extensions, including a terrace, are also popular. You can set up a gazebo on it, playground for children, place for barbecue or dancing. It is convenient to receive and accommodate guests, organize holidays and simply live in the fresh air. To prevent mosquitoes from annoying you in the summer, hang nets or decorative curtains.

Construction planning: timber or brick. Which foundation is better?

To implement your favorite bathhouse project with a terrace and barbecue, you need to think carefully about what material to build from. Perhaps one of the best is timber. Its advantages are obvious:

  • holds heat well, so additional insulation not required;
  • creates an inimitable “bathhouse” atmosphere, because for a long time people have been steaming in wooden buildings;
  • regulates indoor humidity. This is possible due to the fact that wood “breathes”;
  • allows you to implement non-standard architectural solutions;
  • environmental friendliness. It has been proven that wood enhances healing effect baths


Among the disadvantages, it is worth noting the susceptibility of timber to mold, as well as its low reliability in terms of fire safety.

Attention! Glued laminated timber and logs are different building materials. The first one is cheaper. Logs can be rounded, planed, etc.

Brick baths are less fire hazardous, but they take longer to warm up, consuming a large number of fuel. In addition, in such buildings, quality is required. Without it, condensation collects inside, which can cause mold and mildew. Speaking about the advantages of brick, it is necessary to note its environmental friendliness, long term services and the ability to erect a building of almost any shape, which is proven by photos of already erected buildings. It is important that the cost brick baths lower than wooden ones, and they do not require external finishing.

Advice. To build a bathhouse, you can take other materials, for example, gas silicate blocks. Popular and frame houses, which are inexpensive and can be built quickly.

Depending on the project and building material For its implementation, the basis of the bathhouse is planned - the foundation. He can be:

  1. Screw. For it, special piles are used on which the structure will stand. Suitable for almost all soil types. Does not require preparatory earthworks. It can be built quickly (in 1-3 days) and at any time of the year.
  2. Columnar. This is the simplest of all types of foundation, and also the most economical. It can be used to build a small bathhouse with a terrace.
  3. Tape. The work on its construction is considered quite labor-intensive, so it is advisable to resort to this option in the following cases:
  • if your site has complex soil - for example, clay or sand;
  • construction planned two-story bathhouse.

Attention! Since a bathhouse is heavier than a terrace, different foundations are usually laid under them.

Tips for designing a recreation area with a sauna, barbecue and terrace

  • When planning construction, consider the main wind direction. The bathhouse should cover the terrace from drafts. This is also necessary in order to correctly position the barbecue - it is not very convenient when smoke flies towards vacationers.
  • Decide why you need a terrace. If in order to hide on a hot day from sun rays, don't choose the south. If you are going to sunbathe, design the location of the terrace on the sunny side.

Bathhouse with barbecue

  • A terrace in its classic form does not have a roof, but for convenience and protection from bad weather it can be covered, for example, with transparent polycarbonate.
  • Regardless of what area it will have ready sauna, you need to provide for the location of 3 separate rooms: a locker room, a shower and a steam room.
  • To build a barbecue, you should use refractory bricks. In addition, for better fire safety, you can lay out the area around it with ceramic or stone tiles. It is also necessary to make a separate chimney for the barbecue.
  • If you plan to use a sauna with a terrace all year round, take care of heating.

Bathhouse with barbecue area: video

Bathhouse with relaxation area: photo

For many centuries, the bathhouse has been a place for cleansing the body and soul. Over the years, the mentality of people has changed and now the bathhouse is increasingly used for relaxation, combining washing procedures with pleasant communication or eating. That is why more and more often bathhouses are built spacious with large rooms recreation, and among the popular layouts, bathhouse projects with a terrace and barbecue are increasingly being offered.

Where to start - deciding on the type of bath

According to the type of construction they distinguish following types baths:

  • Built-in is a combined bathhouse with a house, when inside the house there are rooms for a steam room and a washing room. In this case, the living room serves as a relaxation room;
  • Free-standing - a full-fledged bathhouse, built in the form of a separate building with the presence of all necessary premises(steam room, washing room, dressing room and/or relaxation room). The recreation area can be placed on a terrace, attic, or in a gazebo with a barbecue.
  • The extension is a small bathhouse attached to one of the walls of the house.
  • Economical option- small baths with or without a large terrace, mainly performing only the functions of a steam room.
  • Sauna-tent is a type of mobile sauna, perfect option For active rest Outdoors.

Bathhouse tent from the inside

Where to build a bathhouse - competent selection of location

Any construction on a personal plot must be coordinated with the relevant local and district authorities. When placing a building on the building plan, you should take into account the distances from the bathhouse to the rest of the buildings around, according to sanitary standards and rules for the development of personal plots and planning of residential buildings. For example, SNiP 30-02-97 establishes the rules for the development of personal plots, SP 11-106-97 specifies the distances from objects, and also contains an algorithm for registering and coordinating the placement of buildings on the development plan.

Here are some excerpts from them:

  • the distance from the bathhouse to the fence must be at least 3 m;
  • if there is a well on the site, the distance from it to the bathhouse should be at least 12 m to prevent contamination of the well water;
  • the distance from the bathhouse to the house should be at least 8 m.

For practical reasons, it is best to locate the bathhouse in the backyard on a hill to facilitate the removal of water from the washing room and steam room.

Distances between objects on personal plots: 1.2 – residential building, 3 – bathhouse, 4 – gazebo, 5 – toilet, 6 – well, 7 – tall tree, 8 – low tree, 9 – bush, 10 – border of the green zone, 11 – road, 12 – fence

Selection of materials for the construction of bathhouses and terraces

The traditional option for building a bathhouse is undoubtedly wood, but Lately Baths are also built from foam blocks and bricks. Each material has its own advantages.

Rounded wood or timber

Natural, environmentally friendly pure material creates comfort and coziness inside the bathhouse, giving the house a majestic appearance. The outside does not require finishing with facing materials, since the rounded or even shapes of the wood themselves already give the finished look to a beautiful wooden house.

Inside, if desired, the walls are lined with clapboard using a board hardwood tree. Pine or spruce is used to decorate rest rooms and dressing rooms, since their use in a steam room is undesirable, because high temperatures air, wood releases volatile resin compounds.

Foam blocks

Foam blocks are a breathable material, like wood, but are inferior to the latter in terms of thermal insulation properties. Therefore, block baths must be additionally insulated, at least from the inside. Foam blocks are cheaper and lighter in weight, and therefore easier to install. The decoration inside the bathhouse is made of wooden facing materials to bring the environment and sensations as close as possible wooden structure. The outside of the walls can be faced in any of the following ways: sheathed with imitation timber or siding, plastered or finished with clinker tiles.

Bathhouse made of foam blocks with a terrace and barbecue area


Brick is practically not used in the construction of baths, as it is expensive material. In addition to this disadvantage, increased hygroscopicity is added, which requires careful waterproofing of the walls inside the bathhouse.

Hygroscopicity is the ability of a material to absorb water or water vapor from the air.

From positive qualities bricks can be distinguished by high fire-resistant properties, excellent heat and sound insulation characteristics.

Tile terrace

When a bathhouse with a terrace made of bricks or blocks is being built, the base of the terrace can be tiled, which will look harmonious with the overall cladding of the building.

Brick bathhouse with tile terrace

Bathhouse with a terrace on a pile foundation

Bathhouse designs with a relaxation room and a terrace on a pile foundation are common, since the weight of a wooden structure is much lighter than a monolithic or brick one, so there is no point in pouring an expensive monolithic foundation. Another plus pile foundation the fact that it greatly facilitates the drainage of water from the bathhouse to the sewer.

Bathhouse made of timber with a terrace on a pile foundation

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

Bath layout options

The main rooms in the bathhouse are the steam room, washing room and dressing room. Depending on the size of the bathhouse, when planning the interior of the building, you can add a bathroom, rest rooms, bedrooms and even a swimming pool. Also, projects of bathhouses with a terrace under one roof include an attic, a balcony and a gazebo. Projects of bathhouses with a closed recreation room are no exception.

Video description

By contacting construction organization, you can choose your favorite bathhouse designs with a relaxation room and a terrace from the catalog or even view 3D models, for example, as in the video:

There are quite a lot of options, but among them we can conditionally distinguish three, taking as a basis the number of storeys of the building and its size: one-story baths; two-story or bathhouses with an attic; bath cottages.

One-story baths

In fact, they are both small houses with a minimum set of rooms (steam room and washing room), providing a comfortable pastime, and large one-story houses with an expanded range of rooms, including bathrooms and rest rooms. In addition, the recreation area can be moved outside the bathhouse to a terrace or veranda. When choosing a project for a large one-story bathhouse with a barbecue area, you don’t have to worry about where to accommodate vacationing guests, since the recreation area is divided into two parts - a room inside the bathhouse and a terrace.

One-story bathhouse with a minimum number of rooms

Two-story baths

Bathhouses with a full second floor are extremely rare - more often they are called bathhouses with an attic. In any case, thanks to the presence of an additional floor, the effective area two buildings and rest rooms can be made: one on the first floor, the second on the second. Thanks to additional areas the bathhouse can accommodate a larger number of vacationers, which is excellent option for a holiday with a large group. An inexpensive project for a two-story bathhouse with a terrace involves the presence of two lounges and a terrace.

Bathhouse with attic and terrace. Plan of the 1st and 2nd floors

Bath cottages

These are large bath complexes with outdoor recreation areas, several indoor recreation rooms, bedrooms, a swimming pool and a kitchen. This is a place to relax not only with your body, but also with your soul. Most often, such a complex is built for subsequent rental. Maintenance of such a building requires high costs, which is unprofitable for private use.

Bath complex with an area of ​​250 m²

Bathhouse projects with a terrace and barbecue: photos of different options

A finished bathhouse with a veranda or terrace can look completely different:

One-story bathhouse made of foam blocks with a large terrace and barbecue

Sauna made of rounded wood with attached gazebo for barbecue

A closed veranda to the bathhouse, photo below, will allow you to relax in comfort even in winter:

Timber bathhouse with veranda and barbecue

Small bathhouse with terrace and barbecue under one roof

Bathhouse with terrace and gazebo with barbecue

Small sauna with barbecue area

An example of finishing a terrace with a barbecue

Project of a bathhouse complex with an additional outdoor seating area, barbecue and swimming pool

Cozy bathhouse with unusual roof, large seating area and barbecue

Video description

And a few more projects on video:


When building a bathhouse on a personal plot, you must first decide on the construction site, then choose a bathhouse design that takes into account all your wishes.

You can contact construction company, whose employees will offer standard projects to choose from, among which, most likely, there is already a suitable one. If this does not happen, you can order a separate project, according to individual wishes.

When planning the size of the bathhouse, it is necessary to take into account the number of people relaxing in it at the same time. If the bathhouse is being built only for personal use, you can choose an economy option with a terrace, or small room rest inside. If there are more than 2-3 people on vacation, it is better to make a bathhouse with an attic, arrange sleeping places on the second floor, and use the bathhouse as a guest house.

Territories summer cottages do not always allow all the owner’s dreams to be realized, so you have to save both space and materials. Therefore, combined projects of country cottages, bathhouses, summer kitchens are becoming more and more popular. Today we'll look at a few combined projects baths and find out all their features.

Advantages of bathhouse projects with barbecue

The dacha plot has become not so much a place to realize one’s agricultural talents, but rather a place to relax. It is to ensure maximum comfort that projects such as a bathhouse with a terrace and a barbecue are created, photos of which we presented on the page. The combination of several objects in one not only saves space, but also makes using the bathhouse more comfortable.

There are a great many projects of such a complex and each of them can have different sizes and configuration. The optimal area for a terrace with a barbecue is considered to be 8-10 square meters. This is enough for both receiving guests and big family such a terrace is quite suitable. Several projects listed on the page have implemented interesting solutions on the use of the area of ​​the terrace and the bathhouse itself:

Decorating a terrace with a barbecue

The terrace can have a lot of design options and can be either completely open or have sliding or removable screens made of fabric, glass, or polycarbonate. This option of temporary glazing of the terrace will allow you to use the bath complex almost all year round. It all depends on the degree of insulation of the terrace. But as a rule, removable elements are put away in the house for the winter. Also interesting option A multi-level extension can be obtained if the bathhouse has a second floor or a full attic.

In the photos of such projects, the terrace looks simply luxurious, especially if you decorate it with flowers and glaze it. It turns out real winter Garden or greenhouse. A two-level bathhouse with a terrace is also good because it can be used as guest house. The second floor or attic in this case is designed as a living space with a guest room, while on the first floor there is a steam room, a relaxation room and a terrace with a barbecue, which can also serve as a summer kitchen.

Price of bathhouse projects with a terrace

Projects for a bathhouse with a terrace and barbecue can be either budget-friendly or not too cheap. It all depends on the type of construction. The most inexpensive bathhouse projects involve construction using frame-panel technology. But that doesn't mean that frame bath cannot be two-level or it will be less functional. The price of such a turnkey project is about half a million rubles.

More expensive projects already involve construction from timber or log houses from rounded logs. The cost of such a bathhouse with a terrace without attic floor- about 800 thousand rubles. A two-story bathhouse with an attic and a terrace will cost from 1,200,000 rubles turnkey. Naturally, the price of the final object will be influenced by the materials and equipment used, as well as engineering solutions, which can help combine the foundation of the bathhouse and the terrace, which will somewhat reduce the cost of the structure.

You can always save money due to the design of the stove, due to the equipment of the bathhouse itself, but the very fact of having such a bathhouse complex summer cottage- this is already a reason for pride. The hours spent in silence after a good bath cannot be measured by any money, so the project of a bathhouse with a terrace and barbecue is an excellent investment in the future.

Modern designs of bathhouses with barbecues from the point of view of economy are the embodiment of competent use of space and functionality. They provide for the presence of a bath complex (rest room, washing room, etc.), combined with a spacious gazebo, on which a barbecue or a simplified summer version of the stove will be placed.

The project of a corner bathhouse with a barbecue, like any other, gives the opportunity to enjoy both water procedures, and from being in the fresh air, as well as from socializing and enjoying delicious food. Each of us probably has a tradition of relaxing in nature in the company of friends, eating delicious kebab. Nowadays, a barbecue in a dacha is a sign of good taste.

Wooden saunas with barbecue

Your choice in favor of building projects with a barbecue gives you a double benefit - you get not only an equipped bathhouse, but also an excellent place to relax. There are a huge number of options for such projects; designs for a bathhouse with a barbecue gazebo made of wood are widely used in the construction of bathhouses.

Note! You can decorate the barbecue area in a wide variety of styles. But the main thing is that it harmonizes with the overall architecture of the bathhouse.

Projects for bathhouses with a gazebo and a wooden barbecue involve placement there large table, rocking chairs or benches, chairs and the obligatory presence of a barbecue, which can be made of brick. When constructing a stove, you must adhere to a certain number of rules and safety standards. But if you have at least a minimum of construction experience, then you can do all the work yourself.

Projects for a bathhouse with a gazebo and barbecue indicate to us that the recreation area will be well protected from any weather conditions, which means that any bad weather prevents you from holding a pre-planned friendly meeting (). In open areas, it will be quite difficult to light a fire due to strong wind or rain, but a gazebo will allow you to do this without the slightest difficulty.

Very often lately you can see a bathhouse not only with a barbecue and gazebo, but also with a swimming pool. The functional separation of zones in this case will allow your guests to cook food in the first zone, and relax in the second.

What advantages does a barbecue area located next to the bathhouse give us?

Arranging in this building area with a barbecue, you will have the opportunity to enjoy delicious food with your friends after taking bath procedures.

  1. you get the opportunity to prepare delicious food without going outside and without running several times from the living room to the kitchen. The stove in the gazebo will become both a place for cooking and a place for relaxation;
  2. placing a stove in a bathhouse is the most best option for those who like to take a steam bath in the winter cold;

  1. the smoke coming from the barbecue oven will exit through the chimney, thereby not causing you any inconvenience;
  2. your multifunctional bathhouse will become a complete complex for your relaxation and the relaxation of your guests. Your friends and guests will come to you with joy and look forward to an invitation from you;
  3. the oven will not only become a first-class culinary tool, but also bright decoration your entire home and plot of land.

Construction of a bathhouse with barbecue

Due to the fact that the recreation area requires an outdoor location, designs for bathhouses with a swimming pool and barbecue require the presence of a gazebo or a simple small canopy.

Your choice in favor of one or another type of arrangement of the space around the barbecue should be based on what the price of this building will be, also taking into account total area your site and its landscape.

  • on small area you can easily equip a bathhouse with a stove, for example, by making it a corner one. The advantage of this design is that when minimum costs square meters you will receive your own multifunctional relaxation corner;
  • a corner log house can be very compactly placed at the end of your site, and the view of your yard that opens in front of it will be an excellent addition to beautiful gazebo with barbecue;

  • baths of this kind usually require the presence of two entrances - one leading to the relaxation room, and the second to bath complex. In this case, a gazebo with a seating and cooking area is attached to one of the entrances;

A bathhouse with an attic () could also be a good option. Placing the building upward, rather than wide, will be the best demonstration of proper use. usable space your site.

Note! Thus, you will get a bathhouse with a gazebo and barbecue, as well as a place to arrange a beautiful garden. This way you won’t have to sacrifice land area for the sake of building a large structure.

Design projects with a stove, gazebo and pool can be implemented from a wide variety of materials, but still the most the best option there will be a tree. This material is natural and fully complies with all known environmental standards.

In addition, wood has high consumer characteristics. Both baths made of rounded logs and laminated or profiled timber will look attractive.


In this article, we told you what designs of buildings with barbecue areas are currently available. You can create such a project either with the help of specialists or do everything yourself; the instructions on our website will help you correctly perform all the necessary steps. You can learn more about this topic in the video in this article.

Bathhouse projects with a loggia and barbecue are an excellent method to compensate for the lack of free space on suburban area. This association allows you to find functional area entertainment, which can additionally be used as a summer kitchen.

In addition, this solution has other advantages:

  • organization of a complete relaxation - after steaming and relaxing after the bath, you can immediately cook barbecue or snacks on the fire on the veranda;
  • integrated construction can help accurately transfer the overall building style for all buildings on the site;
  • if a bathhouse in a country house is planned to be used exclusively during the season, then an extensive loggia with a barbecue can completely replace the entertainment room, which will help to save significantly on the construction of a bathhouse;
  • there is no need to connect separate objects with paths, thanks to which additional savings can be made the required area and reduce costs;
  • combining several objects under one roof will help to significantly reduce costs, since in such a situation, for example, the wall of a bathhouse will also become the wall of a loggia.

Material selection

Complex including swimming pools, sauna and extensive entertainment area

A very well-known and economically viable material for building a bathhouse with a loggia is wood beams. On the one hand, it retains heat well, so the bathhouse will not require auxiliary insulation. In addition, wood itself is a common material for a Russian bath; it allows you to create an exclusive “bath” atmosphere. An additional plus is that wood, as a “breathable” material, independently regulates humidity, although at the same time it requires additional safety from mold and fire.
Brick baths are more reliable in fire protection design, although they take longer to warm up, requiring the largest number fuel. Besides, brick baths will require the mandatory installation of a ventilation system, otherwise condensation will begin to accumulate inside the bathhouse, provoking the formation of mold and microbes.

More famous modifications - baths made of timber

Standard Russian sauna made of timber

Laying the foundation

Despite the often common roof, under the loggia and the bathhouse they lay different foundation. A bathhouse, of course, is heavier than a loggia, which is why the largest and tallest buildings require a solid strip foundation, while for small bathhouses it is possible to get by with a pile foundation. If foam concrete or brick is used to build a bathhouse, then it must be poured strip foundation- others simply cannot withstand the weight of construction.

For wooden loggia A pile foundation will be quite enough. In those episodes when the loggia is placed on difficult soil, prone to freezing or crumbling, on slopes, then to increase stability it is more original to lay helical piles. Along with this for wooden buildings It is too important to correctly create waterproofing between the tree and the foundation in order to avoid rotting of the wood.

A significant period of construction of the bathhouse - laying the foundation

Loggia and barbecue: counting correctly

When planning a loggia, first of all you need to take into account what purpose of the wind is considered the main one, so that the purpose of the bathhouse covers the loggia. In addition, this will allow the barbecue to be positioned correctly so that the wind carries the smoke and heat away from the visitors. If the loggia will serve as a refuge from the sun's rays on a hot summer day, then there is no need to place it in the southern direction. Or, on the contrary, a loggia with a sun lounger will most likely become a wonderful reception space sunbathing- here it entirely depends on the desires and tastes of the owner. In addition, the selection of the location of the loggia is greatly influenced by the view around it - contemplation of the fence is unlikely to add to the mood on vacation, it is much more pleasant to enjoy a forest, a lake or a landscaped exterior.

The loggia can be placed frontally (i.e. along the facade of the bathhouse, Fig. 1), on the side (near one of the walls), it has the opportunity to have a corner location (along 2 adjacent walls) or encircling (along 3 walls, sometimes entirely around the bathhouse, if the territory allows).

Rice. 1. Plan of a bathhouse with a frontal location of the loggia

Frontal arrangement of the terrace

Plan of an elegant and laconic bathhouse with a loggia and barbecue

If you do not expect to invite a large number of people, then taking into account the introduction of a barbecue (barbecue), the smallest suggested loggia area is 7-8 m². Although it is best to start with 9-10 m², then in addition to tables and chairs on the loggia it will be possible to install a sun lounger, a couple of chairs, while the person standing at the barbecue will have enough free space for activities, and vacationers will not get bored with the heat from the stove and smoke.

Although a loggia in the traditional sense is an open area, for greatest convenience it contains a roof for safety from rain and sun. This may well be a continuation of the roof of the bathhouse and be made of a similar roofing material, or you can serve the loggia with translucent polycarbonate. In addition, an opaque canopy will create twilight in the bathhouse itself, so you will need to connect the light earlier.

Recommendation! Polycarbonate coating is especially suitable for large loggias - there is no need to build a powerful base, the lightweight iron system will not clutter up the space, remaining virtually invisible.

For the floor on the loggia, it is preferable to use a wooden board or decking. Naturally, you can lay sidewalk or ceramic tiles, although the tree will look more comfortable. Natural stone is used in the form of spraying on a large loggia.

Natural stone will be a striking treatment for the loggia

To install a barbecue, you need to lay the foundation separately, and special fire-resistant bricks are used for construction, and the base is made at a height of about 70 centimeters from the floor.

Recommendation! To improve fire safety, it is more original to place stone (tile) tiles near the barbecue instead of wood coating - even if a spark falls on it, it will not cause a fire.

A rectangular niche is made in the front wall, in which it will be possible to store a small supply of firewood. To remove smoke from a barbecue, a certain chimney is made, which in height must guarantee effective removal of smoke from the bathhouse.

On the loggia you need to allocate space for firewood

An extensive relaxation complex, including entertainment rooms, a bathhouse, a loggia with a barbecue

Planning a bathhouse with a loggia and barbecue oven

The plan of a bathhouse, regardless of the type (Russian, Turkish, Finnish), must provide for the presence of at least 3 rooms:

  • locker room - dressing room with the smallest volume of 1.2-3 m2, although along with this it is necessary to take into account that according to the standards per person there should be 1.3 m²;
  • shower room - smallest volume 2x2 m;
  • steam room - its volume is a compromise between the comfort of placement and the need to maintain the required temperature at low fuel (electricity) consumption. Smallest size a steam room for 2-3 persons will be 1.3-1.8 m.

If there is a predominance of a spacious loggia for a seasonal bath, you can abandon the entertainment room. The planning of the remaining premises, of course, depends on the aspirations and probabilities of the future owner.

Longitudinal plan of a bathhouse with a loggia, connected from each other by a polycarbonate roof

In this regard, everything you need for fun in the bathhouse fits under one roof

Let's take a closer look at the individual plans.

A corner bathhouse with a loggia and barbecue (Fig. 2) makes excellent use of the site area if you place it in one of the corners.

Rice. 2. Corner bathhouse with loggia and barbecue

The space is used too constructively - the spacious shower room has a plunge pool with cool water. The steam room is quite large - it will be quite comfortable to heat the stove in it; at the same time, it is moved closer to the corner, away from the front door - this is safer, since after the flashy lighting of the shower room, the eyes would like to get used to the subdued light of the steam room. If brick is chosen as the material for the bathhouse, then the stove can be embedded into the walls. If you arrange the steam room a little more insignificantly, then with this location of the stove it can be heated from the shower. There are 2 entrances to the common vestibule - one from the street, the second from the loggia.

Plan of a bathhouse-guest house (Fig. 3) with a veranda and barbecue, a fairly large area - 98 m2. Therefore, if its year-round implementation is expected, installation of a heating system is required. Inside is an extensive entertainment room and some kitchen area. The loggia is located on the side, in area it is almost half of the building. Entrance from two sides - from the street through the vestibule (winter entrance) and from the loggia.

Rice. 3 Bathhouse - guest house with barbecue and loggia

In Fig. 4 and 5 show 2 more plans for a bathhouse with a loggia and barbecue, which can be used as a guest house.

Rice. 4. Plan of a bathhouse-guest house with a terrace and barbecue

Rice. 5. Bathhouse with loggia and barbecue

In Fig. 6 drawing of a bathhouse with a loggia and barbecue, on which you need to pay attention to front door to the entertainment room - it is located on highest distance from the barbecue in order to completely eliminate the possibility of smoke entering the building.

Rice. 6. Drawing of a bathhouse with a loggia and barbecue

It is worth noting such an important fact that brick buildings can be finished with porcelain stoneware or tiles. This will give them a certain originality in appearance. Besides, exterior finishing walls can be very interestingly combined with one or another type of roofing materials.

The bathhouse is usually covered with pliable roofing materials, and it is possible that tiles, slate or metal profiles will be used. Along with this, you can build like an ordinary gable roof, and the attic. The attic is good because it allows you to combine buildings with a bathhouse for visitors to live in; in addition, you can equip an office or a room for summer recreation there.

The final step in choosing a project for building a bathhouse is to develop it either in three-dimensional form or in paper form. This is how you will have the opportunity to see the bathhouse with your own eyes long before it is built. This will allow you to make the necessary corrections during construction, and it will become much easier to build a room according to a plan created in advance.


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