Calculation of the cross-section of the ventilation duct. Ventilation ducts in a private house: how to design an effective supply and exhaust system

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Equipping a private house with a ventilation system assumes that at the first stage the required air exchange will be calculated and the required cross-section of air ducts will be determined, which should culminate in the selection of a specific type of ventilation. After this, you should draw up a diagram that will indicate all the nuances regarding the placement of equipment, the location of air ducts and the installation of air intake and exhaust points.

From the point of view of comfort, a person’s presence in the house is a high-quality indoor air environment, a certain temperature and optimal air flow speed, which should be small to ensure favorable conditions residence. When organizing air exchange using mechanics, you need to install fans on both the inlet and outlet. The flow rate is significantly higher than usual.

This state of affairs is determined by the difference in standards regarding the speed of air flows within a particular environment. Mechanical ventilation ensures movement air masses at a speed of 2 to 3 m 3 per hour. As for natural ventilation, this figure is approximately 1 m 3 per hour. In this regard, this system is considered the most comfortable for humans.

The only disadvantage of natural ventilation is the impossibility of installing it in certain conditions. This problem is connected with the fact that a decrease in air flow speed requires an increase in the cross-section of a special opening in the wall. In particular, to naturally pass 300 m 3 of air in an hour, a channel of 250 by 400 mm will be required, which corresponds to a diameter of 350 mm. In the case of a mechanical system, we get lower values ​​​​in relation to the air duct channel, namely 160 by 200 mm, which in relation to the diameter is 200 mm.

In addition, there are often situations when it is not possible to organize natural ventilation due to the large cross-section of the duct, since this does not allow it to be installed indoors, and installation outside the building disrupts the appearance of the building. Because of this or other similar reasons, houses with a large area are often equipped with a mechanical air exchange system.

Ventilation design

This requires:

  1. Install exhaust ducts closer to the center of the house, placing them in the space between the walls. This will lead to the fact that these elements of the ventilation system will be located in a warm zone, so in winter the draft will increase due to temperature changes.
  2. Choose optimal type air ducts To save money usable space It is preferable to install systems with a rectangular cross-section. If free space quite sufficient, designs with a round diameter are suitable, providing better air exchange and simplified installation.
  3. Determine the required type if round devices were chosen, since there is variability here: rigid or flexible (corrugated). The first type of design ensures the passage of air masses with less resistance and an acceptable noise level. Corrugation is easier to install.
  4. Make calculations regarding diameter and length, which is carried out using the functionality of the corresponding online calculators. It is preferable, if possible, to install wider and longer channels, which will affect the draft in terms of its increase.
  5. Set up a ventilation system using air ducts of the same diameter. If it is not possible to comply with this rule, it is necessary to achieve a smooth transition from one section to another when the deviation does not exceed 30 degrees.
  6. Smooth out all existing joints. Nothing should obstruct the passage of air flow inside the channel. Any irregularities guarantee that resistance will increase and traction will decrease.
  7. Make sure that the air ducts form a structure with a small number of turns. Each bend is a loss of 10% of traction.

Ventilation modernization

If the air exchange system is already installed, but there is a need to update it, then the process of the proposed work should be related to the following tips:

Organization of natural ventilation

A country house usually has a larger area compared to an apartment, so there is no need to make calculations using SNiPs. It is enough to take into account that the air exchange rate is 30 m 3 per hour. This may lead to a small error, which at its maximum is 20%. When arranging ventilation, you first need to make calculations on the distribution of air flows.

When designing natural air exchange, it is envisaged to install hoods in all premises for utility purposes, which should be understood as the kitchen, bathroom, furnace room, etc. In this case, the garage requires additional equipment with a so-called trunk, necessary for removing gases by putting it on the exhaust pipe of the vehicle.

IN living rooms only inflow is provided. If you install hoods in such rooms, this will cause drafts and a decrease in temperature, that is, lead to unjustified heat loss.

Height of ventilation ducts

To provide maximum efficiency exhaust ventilation installed in a private house, it is necessary to lay vertical channels. The higher their height, the better the traction. In this regard, it is undesirable to install ventilation whose outlets lead into the wall. They should be located as close to each other as possible, which allows them to be directed into a single shaft. In this case, the outlet to the roof should be closer to the ridge, which is the highest point of the structure. As a result of ensuring the maximum height of the channels, better traction can be achieved.

During construction brick houses Ventilation ducts are installed in the masonry of load-bearing walls. This method is more practical and profitable, but it cannot be used for frame and wooden houses. It is not advisable to build ventilation ducts from brick in such buildings. Inexpensive plastic pipes and pipes made from polyvinyl chloride are more suitable here.

Under certain circumstances, you can pay attention to cylindrical sewer products due to their low cost and high strength.

In a private house, ventilation should be arranged in such a way that it is sheathed and insulated. This eliminates the formation of condensation that accumulates inside the channel. It is advisable to protect the ventilation outlet with a special cap from precipitation.

Apartment buildings are mainly built taking into account that the ventilation and sewerage outlets are located in the same shaft. In relation to a high-rise building, this is quite reasonable, since there are no problems with traction, which cannot be said about a private house. In this case, you may encounter an effect called reverse draft, when all the unpleasant odors rush not outside, but inside the house.

This problem can be solved by installing exhaust pipe a special valve that prevents backdraft. The disadvantage of such a device is the fact that the formation of ice can lead to its blocking.

Output thrust

In most cases, the height of a private house does not exceed 5 m, which provides insufficient traction force. This situation is solved by connecting electrical wiring to the ventilation duct and installing a fan. In the absence of gas movement, it is enough to forcefully start the draft to give the air flow the required speed.

Majority domestic fans oriented towards a 100 mm pipe in terms of installation. And not each of them will be able to provide the required traction, even if specifications declared in the passport will be suitable. Their purpose is to ensure the movement of air flows horizontally, so they are ineffective when it becomes necessary to push air in a vertical direction.

Ensuring inflow

In order to create an influx, use window vents or rely on microcirculation. This method is quite justified in the summer, but not in the winter, which explains the reason for installing special ventilators. As a result, the air first enters the ventilation duct system, where heat is removed. Ventilators are efficient devices, which create conditions for increasing air temperature. This is guaranteed to eliminate the phenomenon of a cold floor.

When building a house, it is easier to equip it with wall valves that can block ventilation ducts. With their help, it is impossible to increase the air temperature, but such elements can be placed close to the battery, which will eliminate the need to change the design of window frames.

Heating equipment in the form of stoves, boilers and fireplaces is characterized by the fact that it actively consumes oxygen. When the same heat generator is part of an already existing coaxial gas exhaust system, there is no need to separately arrange ventilation. Otherwise, the number of supply valves should be increased.

In relation to the fireplace, it is better to install a separate channel coming from the street, the output of which is carried out under the combustion zone. This causes a decrease in the volume of oxygen intake and heating of the incoming air, and the process of burning wood in the fireplace becomes more active due to the influx of oxygen from the street.

How to create forced ventilation

The climatic conditions of Russia require an appropriate approach to the organization of the heating process, which involves the abandonment of natural ventilation, at least in some regions of the country. In this regard, there is a need to arrange forced air exchange, regardless of the option of its implementation: centralized or local.

Centralized ventilation

Turning to design services for arrangement centralized system air exchange, you must keep in mind that ineffective solutions may be offered to you. Often, designers try to reduce their costs and offer options when systems are brought together at one point metal pipes, coming from the so-called dirty rooms (kitchen, garage, etc.), with the installation of one powerful fan, which ensures air exhaust to the outside.

Such a scheme is not much different from a system characterized as natural, since in in this case the influx of a mixture of gases is possible only due to windows and corresponding valves. A similar effect can be achieved by installing separate outlets equipped with fans in each room, which will be much cheaper.

A properly equipped forced air exchange system is the presence of input and output channels connected to the installation, which includes fans that provide air flow and exhaust to the outside, a recuperator, a heating device and automation. Such a system creates conditions when the processes of air entry and exit occur forcibly.

At the same time, using a recuperator has additional benefits, namely that it heats the incoming air, and this saves on heating the house. Air currents move through thin tubes of the device, where one comes from the street and the other is discharged outside.

As a result, heat exchange occurs when the energy of the warm flow is transferred to the cold one, providing heat savings of 20 to 50%. During the summer, this device is turned off.

After the recuperator there is a device with which the flow is heated, which allows the air temperature to be increased to 10-15 degrees.

Local forced ventilation

The functionality of a centralized air exchange system is quite wide; for example, it can provide filtration of a mixture of gases entering the room. However, the arrangement of such systems is associated with some disadvantages, including the following:

  • high cost of equipment;
  • need in technical room to install the central unit, which is not related to last resort with the noise of his work;
  • the need to seek the services of professionals for laying large cross-section air ducts.

In this regard, in some cases, especially in relation to small houses, it is more profitable to install forced local ventilation.

Local type ventilation units are small devices that resemble air conditioners in appearance. At the same time, they are equipped with fans, a recuperator, a heater, etc. There is no provision for connecting air ducts to them.

In living rooms, such devices can solve the problem of ventilation, which cannot be said for the bathroom, kitchen, basement and other similar rooms. In relation to them, installation of natural ventilation air ducts is required.

You can combine the two mentioned types of systems on your own, since existing instructions and diagrams provide a clear understanding of the process of the proposed work.

From correct device ventilation depends on the microclimate of the house, which has a direct impact on the well-being and comfort of all its residents. Properly constructed ventilation ducts in a private house will ensure stable air exchange. They will create conditions for regular supply of fresh portions and unhindered removal of polluted air.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the specifics of constructing duct ventilation in a low-rise country property. We describe the device technology in detail ventilation system, placement of equipment, laying and fastening of ventilation ducts. Practice-tested improvement options are discussed.

The information presented for consideration is based on building regulations. Taking into account our recommendations, you can build effective ventilation yourself. For visual understanding, diagrams, photo guides and video instructions are attached to the text.

Ventilation of the room is necessary in order to create optimal conditions for the life of people and the existence of furniture and equipment located in the house.

If in apartment buildings everything has already been done by the specialists who erected the building, but during the construction of private real estate this issue is often overlooked.

Sometimes the installation of ventilation ducts is considered a waste of time and money. However, they are an obligatory part of the project implementation, providing favorable living conditions and long terms operation of building structures

This is a fundamentally erroneous opinion. Musty air, sweaty windows, unpleasant odors from bathrooms and the aromas of fried food, along with fumes, will enter all rooms and even the bedroom. Without properly designed and assembled system ventilation, the comfortable life of the inhabitants of the house will be at risk.

Ventilation in a private house can be:

  • natural;
  • mechanical;
  • mixed.

The first type is based on the natural process of circulation of air masses. No mechanisms are used to pump air into the house. It comes from the street, penetrating through micro-ventilated windows or supply valves, organized in the most suitable places for this purpose.

In rooms of the house that do not have valves installed, air circulates through doorways and through cracks between the door and the floor.

Rules for installing ventilation pipes

A properly equipped ventilation system will perform its functions efficiently and will not create problems for the homeowner. To do this, it is important to lay ventilation ducts in the house, taking into account the rules and recommendations.

Firstly, the size of the exhaust ventilation duct in the room must have a diameter of at least 10x10 cm or 15x15 cm. It is better to use ready-made pipes than to make ducts from plasterboard - this will save installation time, and air flows better through the pipe.

To install ventilation ducts, galvanized metal and plastic rigid or flexible pipes of various diameters are used.

Secondly, ventilation pipes must protrude above the roof to a certain height, depending on their location. Thus, the length of the vertical section of the ventilation duct should on average be from 1.5 to 3 meters. If pipes do not fit into the overall design of the house, then you can use ventilation outlets in the roof.

The height of the ventilation ducts above the roof level is assumed to be equal to the height of the chimneys. It depends on the location of the pipes relative to the ridge ridge. It is important to protect the outlet opening with a grate to prevent birds and insects from entering the shaft

Thirdly, according to the regulations, it is necessary to provide ventilation to the boiler room and the room located above the boiler room. Moreover, the purpose of this room does not matter. This could be an office, library, bedroom or living room.

Fourthly, it is important to distinguish between the concepts of chimney and ventilation. In the first case, combustion products enter the channel, and in the second, exhaust air from the room itself. Under no circumstances should these 2 channels be combined into one. This is a gross violation.

Ventilation outlets fit well into general idea roof design. You can choose the model that best suits the color

Fifthly, in the kitchen you need to provide 2 separate ventilation channels - and for supply air. The second option is to use a special grille where the air duct is connected and there is a separate hole for air to flow into the room. Or a window with micro-ventilation would be a good solution.

Thoughtful design solutions with a stepped ceiling can disguise any ventilation system

Sixth, if the house has rooms intended for household needs - a dressing room, laundry room, pantry, washing room and other purposes, then it is necessary to design a ventilation duct there. In such rooms there are no windows through which air could flow.

Seventhly, when a ventilation duct is laid in a wall, it is important that it is not load-bearing. Arrange them in external walls not recommended - due to temperature changes, condensation will always form there.

When installing a ventilation duct in the wall, rooms such as the kitchen, bathroom, toilet, boiler room should be nearby

The eighth rule is that wooden ceiling and roof structures should not adjoin or touch a stone or brick ventilation duct. For a tree, such a neighborhood can be disastrous.

The ninth rule is that it is undesirable to use only a window as a supply valve. She doesn't the best option. A sore nasopharynx in the morning, if there is a sudden change in weather overnight, will be a problem for the owner of the house who slept with the window open. This is especially true in autumn and spring period.

Tenth rule - when it is not possible to make ventilation ducts in the room, you can install a supply valve by drilling through hole in the wall. And at the top, right under the ceiling, drill a hole for installing an exhaust valve. This option for room ventilation can provide the room and its occupants with fresh air.

Natural ventilation channels

For effective ventilation, Each room of the house must have two ventilation devices: one is for air supply, the other is for removing air from the room.

Every room in a house or apartment equipped with a supply and exhaust natural ventilation device according to one of three options:

  1. Supply valve in a window or outside wall for air flow. Transfer hole into an adjacent room with an exhaust duct for air removal (hole in the door or internal wall, partition).
  2. For air flow - overflow hole from an adjacent room with an inlet valve, and exhaust duct
  3. Inlet valve for inflow, And exhaust duct ventilation to remove air.

Check whether in the house or apartment where you currently live, whether all rooms have supply and exhaust ventilation devices?!

In which rooms should exhaust ventilation ducts be installed?

Exhaust ducts for natural ventilation must be provided from the following areas of the house:

  • Sanitary facilities - bathroom, toilet, laundry room.
  • Kitchens.
  • Dressing room, storage room - if the doors of the premises open into the living room. If the doors open onto a corridor (hall, kitchen), then you can do one of two things: arrange an exhaust duct from the premises or install a supply valve in a wall or window.
  • The boiler room must have both a ventilation duct and a supply valve.
  • From rooms separated from rooms with a ventilation duct by more than two doors.
  • On the floor above the first, subject to availability entrance doors from the stairs to the floor - ventilation ducts are made from the rooms indicated above, and/or from the corridor, hall.
  • On the floor above the first, in the absence of entrance doors from the stairs to the floor, a ventilation duct and a supply valve are installed in each room of the floor.

In other rooms of the house that do not have natural ventilation exhaust ducts, be sure to install a supply valve in a window or wall and a flow hole into the adjacent room.

In addition, natural ventilation exhaust ducts are used for ventilation:

  • Sewer pipe riser.

Construction rules (clause 6.5.8 SP 60.13330.2016) require in residential buildings for premises in which gas equipment (gas boilers, hot water columns, kitchen stoves etc.), provide mechanical forced exhaust ventilation and natural or mechanical forced ventilation.

Location and dimensions of ventilation ducts

The minimum side size of the natural ventilation channel is 10 cm., and the minimum cross-sectional area is 0.016 m 2., which approximately corresponds to the diameter of a standard ventilation duct pipe - 150 mm.

A channel of minimal size will provide air exhaust in a volume of 30 m 3 /hour with a vertical pipe length of more than 3 m. To increase the performance of the hood, the cross-sectional area of ​​the channel or the length of the channel is increased. Channels less than 2 long m. do not provide the necessary intensity of natural ventilation.

In practice, the length of the ventilation channel on the floor is usually determined by design considerations - the number and height of the ones located above upper floors, height of the attic, length of the pipe above the roof. On the floor, the length of all channels must be the same. This is done so that the traction force in each channel on the floor is approximately the same.

The cross-sectional dimensions of the channels on the floor are often made the same, but for design reasons - it’s more convenient. The performance of the ventilation channel in a particular room on the floor is adjusted by choosing the size of the ventilation grille.

Ventilation ducts from the premises of the house on different floors are placed side by side, combining them into a block of ventilation ducts.

For design reasons, they try to lay several ventilation ducts from rooms on the same floor side by side, in one place - to create a block of ventilation ducts.

The block of ventilation ducts in stone houses is usually placed inside the load-bearing frame interior wall at home or attached to the wall.

The block is laid out from masonry materials, for example, brick. In brickwork, it is convenient to make channels with a cross-section that is a multiple of the size of the brick, taking into account the thickness of the joints - 140x140 mm. (1/2 x 1/2 brick, 196 cm 2) or 140x270 mm. (1/2 x 1 brick, 378 cm 2)

Double-channel expanded clay concrete ventilation block 390x190x188 mm. Flow area of ​​one channel 168 cm 2
Concrete blocks for laying ventilation ducts in a private house. Block height 33 cm., width 25 cm., wall thickness 4 cm. The flow area of ​​one channel is 12x17 cm. (204 cm 2)

They produce hollow ones concrete blocks, specially designed for laying ventilation ducts.

A block of ventilation ducts made of masonry materials must be supported on a foundation or on a reinforced concrete floor.

In other cases, for example, in wooden or frame houses, the block of ventilation channels is assembled from plastic or galvanized steel pipes. The block of pipes is covered with a box.

How to combine several channels into one channel

In a private house, the number of channels is small, so there is no need to combine air flows from several channels (rooms or floors) into one, as is often done in apartment buildings. Each natural ventilation channel in a private house should begin in the room and end at the head on the roof. Any combination of two or more channels impairs ventilation performance.

In some cases, there is still a need to combine several channels, to combine them into one common natural ventilation channel.


Ventilation channel performance

Performance of a single exhaust ventilation channel with a cross section of 12x17 cm.(204 cm 2) from concrete blocks depending on the channel height and room temperature:

Capacity of natural ventilation channels with a cross section of 12 x 17 cm.(204 cm 2) depending on the channel height and room temperature (at an outside air temperature of 12 o C)

To determine performance for intermediate channel heights, plot the channel height versus performance graph.

Similar tables can be found for ventilation ducts that are made of other materials.

However, for ventilation ducts of the same cross-section (204 cm 2), but made from other materials, the performance will differ slightly from that indicated in the table.

For a channel of a different cross-section, the performance value from the table can be proportionally increased or decreased.

To increase the performance of a ventilation channel of the same height, it is necessary proportionally increase the cross-sectional area of ​​the channel. To do this, for example, choose a concrete block with a larger hole, or use two or three channels of the above size to ventilate one room.

Calculation of natural ventilation of a private house

IN building regulations the minimum required capacity of natural ventilation channels is indicated. People usually feel better when more water is supplied to the room. fresh air than specified in the standards. The performance of the natural ventilation channel very much depends on atmospheric and other variable factors (air temperature inside and outside, wind pressure and direction, resistance to air flow into the room). All this suggests that for a private house there is no point in carefully performing calculations accurately. I recommend rounding the calculation results towards greater productivity of natural ventilation channels. During operation, if necessary, throughput channel can be easily reduced.

Calculation of natural ventilation is carried out in order to determine the size of ventilation channels based on the volume of air removed.

When determining the volume of air removed through natural ventilation channels, it is taken into account that air enters rooms with supply valves from the street, then this air flows into rooms with exhaust ducts, and is removed through the channels again to the street.

Calculation is being carried out for each floor at home in the following order:

  1. Guided by the standards (see), determine the amount of the minimum volume of air that should come from the street for ventilation all rooms with supply valves - Q p, m 3 /hour.
  2. According to the standards, the amount of the minimum volume of air that must be go outside for ventilation all premises equipped with an exhaust ventilation duct - Q in, m 3 /hour.
  3. Compare the calculated minimum values ​​of air flow from the street (Q p, m 3 /hour) and going outside (Q in, m 3 /hour). Usually one of the quantities turns out to be greater than the other. The larger of the two quantities is taken as the minimum design capacity of all exhaust ventilation channels on the floor— Q r, m 3 /hour.
  4. Based on the vertical dimensions of the house, the height of the natural ventilation channel on the floor is determined.
  5. Knowing the height of the ventilation channel, and the overall estimated minimum performance of all channels on the floor (Q p, m 3 / hour), According to the table (see above), the total number of standard channels made of concrete blocks is selected. The total performance of the selected number of standard channels must be no less than the value of Q p, m 3 / hour.
  6. The selected number of standard ducts are distributed between the rooms of the house, which must be equipped with exhaust ventilation ducts. When distributing, take into account the need to ensure standard air exchange in each individual room with a ventilation duct.

An example of calculating the natural ventilation of a private house

For example, let’s calculate natural ventilation in one-story house With with total area floor 120 m 2. The house has five living rooms with a total area of ​​90 m 2, kitchen, bathroom and toilet, as well as a dressing room (storage room) with an area of ​​4.5 m 2. Room height - 3 m. The house is designed with natural ventilation of the underground space through a ventilation duct. Height of ventilated space under the floor 0.3 m. We use concrete blocks to install ventilation channels - see above.

Fan at the entrance to the natural ventilation channel

Continuation: for the next one

When developing a project and building an individual home, it is necessary to construct many utility networks: electrical, water supply, sewerage and, of course, ventilation. The comfortable indoor microclimate largely depends on the latter. Therefore, the installation of ventilation ducts in a private house must be carried out in strict accordance with existing standards and the rules discussed below.

The need to install ventilation

Owners of their own cottages recently faced the problem of installing an effective room ventilation system. Previously, a small ventilation duct in a private house coped well with the tasks assigned to it. After all, the walls are made of brick and wooden windows They perfectly allowed air to pass through, which was necessary for ventilation.

But in modern construction, “non-breathable” materials are mostly used:

  • polymer windows that prevent the appearance of cracks and cracks;
  • frame structures protected by polyethylene membranes;
  • roofs equipped with steam and wind protection films.

All of the above building elements completely block natural air flow. Consequently - high humidity air, which leads to condensation on the glass, moisture on the walls and mold in the corners of the rooms.

Similar problems are faced by residents of old houses, who replaced their existing wooden windows with plastic ones with their own hands and did not take care of designing the supply ventilation ducts.

Ventilation network elements

Central exhaust duct

The instructions regulating the process of construction of individual dwellings state that duct ventilation for the house should be provided at the stage of drawing up project documentation. If for some reason this was not done, you can arrange an air intake and removal system in finished house. For this purpose, ready-made ventilation ducts are used.

The cost of installing ventilation in an already constructed building can be much higher than constructing this utility network directly during the construction of the house.
In the vast majority of cases, the mentioned method is used to equip an old, but thoroughly renovated house with supply and exhaust ducts.

By installing ventilation ducts, and possibly additional mechanical equipment (fans, heat exchangers, filters, etc.) you can avoid negative consequences described in the previous section.

Before starting the installation of central and peripheral air ducts, it is necessary to decide on the type of air exchange system:

  • natural - in a modern private house it is not very effective, since it is sealed window systems prevent the flow of fresh air, and temperature changes during the cold season reduce the efficiency of traction;
  • supply air - suitable for private houses with an area of ​​up to 300 square meters;
  • supply and exhaust - the most effective system, which allows, in the presence of a recuperator, not only to ventilate all rooms, but also to create a comfortable temperature in them.

All of them, with the exception of small nuances, are designed according to the same principle, therefore the features of installing ventilation ducts for the supply system will be discussed in detail below.

In addition to ventilation of residential and auxiliary premises, ventilation of sewerage in a private house is also necessary.
For its manufacture, special types of air ducts are used.

Installation of mechanical ventilation

The system for the forced supply of fresh air and removal of contaminated air masses is designed according to the following principles:

  1. Two ventilation ducts are installed on the roof of a private house (usually in the kitchen area), which will serve as the basis for the entire future system. One of them serves to suck in air, the other to remove it from the premises.
  2. An electric fan equipped with an electronic on/off system is installed on the exhaust air duct. Operating modes are switched based on information received from external sensors that monitor humidity and temperature in the rooms.
  3. The entrances of ventilation ducts indoors must be installed so that the incoming air enters the living quarters (bedroom, living room), passes through the corridor, kitchen and sanitary block, where it enters specially equipped hoods.

As a result of this organization of air flows, moisture and unpleasant odors generated in the kitchen are prevented from entering other rooms of the house.

Air supply system

As mentioned above, laying ventilation ducts in an already built house is very problematic. In this case, you will either have to punch holes in the walls, which in some cases is impossible, or install air ducts in an open way, which will have an extremely negative impact on the interior.

The best option is to construct a system of air ducts in the attic, and arrange their outlets on the ceiling, masking unsightly openings with decorative grilles.

The material for arranging ventilation is ready-made plastic or metal-plastic ventilation ducts of a suitable cross-section.

They are:

  • round;
  • rectangular.

The latter type is preferable as it is easier to install on site.

In addition, you will need:

  • grids;
  • valve;
  • connectors;
  • gratings and so on.

To ensure that the installed ventilation ducts work with maximum efficiency, it is advisable to follow the following tips when installing them:

  1. It is better to make two supply channels in each living room, which will allow pumping a larger volume of air.
  2. The cross-section of the air ducts and the power of the fans must be calculated based on the area of ​​the premises.
  3. Incoming air ducts should be present only in residential premises, while in auxiliary premises they should be installed exhaust system.

Outgoing air channels

The central channel, through which polluted air will be removed from the premises, is installed on the roof in the kitchen area. The fact is that, unlike supply air ducts, the exhaust system should be as short as possible. This will avoid the formation of condensation and other problems leading to disruptions in the functioning of the ventilation network.

This arrangement of the air removal pipe is also due to the fact that a stove is installed in the kitchen, which, as a rule, is a source of the largest number harmful impurities.

You should also know that the air removed from the premises is warmer than the air masses located outside. Therefore, it is imperative to take care of the insulation of the outlet channels, otherwise moisture will condense inside.

In addition to the central pipe, peripheral pipes are installed. Their entrances are mounted above the kitchen, bathroom and toilet.

To increase the efficiency of exhaust ventilation, it is recommended to install a fan in the system. Hood over gas oven and pipe heating boiler must enter the air channel after it (inserts are used for this).

Air ducts in the boiler room

One of the features of a private house is the presence of a boiler that heats the premises. Often it is installed in the kitchen, but sometimes a special room is allocated for it - a boiler room. It must also be equipped effective system removal of air contaminated with combustion products.

When manufacturing a boiler room ventilation system, the following rules should be followed:

  1. The room is equipped with two ventilation ducts leading outside. One of them will serve to remove combustion products, the second will purify indoor air.
  2. There is no need to install a fan in the duct intended for smoke removal. It will constantly fail.
  3. The gas mixture that is discharged through the ventilation duct is much hotter than the surrounding air. Therefore, moisture can constantly form on the pipe walls, which negatively affects the operation of the boiler. To avoid this, the pipe must be insulated with mineral mats.
  4. A ventilation duct designed to ventilate a room, on the contrary, should be equipped with a fan that can rotate in both directions. This will increase the volume of incoming and outgoing air.

Ventilation for fireplace and stove

If a fireplace or solid fuel stove is installed in any of the living rooms, additional measures should be taken to ensure the supply to this room clean air and removal of combustion products.

This will create the most favorable conditions for the complete combustion of wood or coal, because, as you know, a flame cannot exist without oxygen.

In addition, if the ventilation system is ineffective and there is a lack of oxygen, it is released during combustion. carbon monoxide and other dangerous products that, if accumulated indoors, can cause harm to health and even lead to death.

Many people do not install separate air ducts into the room, preferring to open the window. But in this case, you will be faced with inefficient use of heat, because most of it will evaporate during slot or burst ventilation.

Installation of air ducts on the roof

The most problems arise when arranging the outlets of ventilation ducts through the roof covering.

In order not to make unnecessary holes in the tiles or slates and to avoid rainwater getting into the attic, when installing air pipes, you must adhere to the following tips:

  1. Before constructing a ventilation network, it is advisable to draw up a plan indicating the locations of all air ducts, including their exit points through the roof.
  2. To arrange the ventilation ducts in question, it is necessary to use special parts. As a last resort - a stainless steel pipe with insulation.
  3. Before installing the central channel, it is advisable to do everything in it in advance required holes, which will simplify further work for assembling the entire ventilation system.
  4. Places where the pipe is adjacent to certain structural elements should be sealed. Any silicone compound or cement mortar will do.

After processing the joints, it is necessary to suspend ventilation installation work until complete.
The central air channels must be strictly vertical, otherwise there is a danger of moisture forming on the inner surface of the pipes.

Disadvantages of forced ventilation

Despite the obvious advantages, mechanical ventilation It also has some disadvantages that you should be aware of:

  1. filtering air quickly becomes clogged with dust, which requires constant maintenance.
  2. Electrical equipment (fans, heat exchangers) consumes electricity, increasing utility costs.

If technical conditions allow, it is advisable to focus on the design of natural ventilation, the performance of which is sufficient in most cases.


The correct selection and installation of ventilation ducts in a private house is the key to efficient and uninterrupted operation of the ventilation system. You can learn more about the arrangement of ventilation systems from the video in this article.

The secret dream of many of our compatriots is a beautiful country house. Professionals know that at the design stage it is necessary to provide for every little detail, especially communication solutions for the future building. And few people know how to make ventilation in a private house in such a way that it is comfortable to live in at any time of the year.

A well-organized system for the influx and removal of air masses in a living space can provide:

  • additional protection of premises from fungal and mold spores, dampness;
  • circulation of oxygen in each room;
  • comfortable conditions for work and relaxation at home.

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    Which rooms require ventilation?

    Without access to clean air, the human body is unable to function normally. In a residential building, it is necessary to ensure the flow of oxygen primarily in the nursery, bedroom and living room. Don't neglect the kitchen and bathroom. In these small spaces often records a high concentration of humidity, as well as characteristic odors (most of them not very pleasant), which require release to the external environment.

    note! A properly implemented ventilation device in a private home will eliminate the likelihood of dirt, dust accumulation, condensation, stuffiness, and will also prevent mold and harmful microorganisms spread throughout housing.

    Features of the implementation of the air exchange system

    Traditionally, experts distinguish two types of implementation of air exchange systems in residential buildings:

    • natural;
    • mechanical (forced);
    • mixed (the first type is supplemented with a forced exhaust device).

    From the technical side of the issue, home ventilation systems are classified into the following categories:

    • functional purpose;
    • method of moving air masses (ducted, ductless);
    • device that moves air.

    But how not to make a mistake in choosing? What kind of cottage ventilation provides comfortable conditions for those who live in it? Note that each option has both obvious “pros” and obvious “cons”. To better understand the problems of the issue, we should dwell on them in more detail.

    Natural ventilation of a residential building is determined by the difference in pressure inside and outside the room. The entire process is based on physical laws and does not require human intervention. Its essence is as follows:

    1. 1. Since the air temperature is indoors higher than outside, the air becomes light. Due to this, it moves through the ventilation duct to the street.
    2. 2. A partially rarefied mass is formed inside the room, facilitating the influx of fresh oxygen through small openings located in the structure of the object.
    3. 3. The received masses are heavier in structure. They are located in the lower part of the premises, which is why floor ventilation in a private house is so important and is an integral part of the air exchange system.

    note! As the temperature rises, the exchange through the wall occurs faster, especially if it is supplemented by wind.

    Modern residential buildings are practically devoid of cracks and small holes, so natural ones, as a rule, do not work in a private house. Inflow is possible exclusively through small valves built into walls and windows.

    System advantages:

    • No emergency situations. Structural simplicity eliminates the slightest breakdowns or malfunctions.
    • Economical. Ventilation in country house carried out automatically, optional equipment(and with it financial costs) are not required.
    • Flexibility. The device can be easily complemented with air conditioning and filtration solutions.
    • Silence.

    Natural ventilation in a private house

    The natural ventilation system of a private house is not able to provide a forced flow of air, which greatly increases the risk of the formation of fungi, mold, and unpleasant odors. Such “neighbors” not only destroy the building, but also harm people’s health. It is not surprising that in the 21st century they are practically not used. Forced ventilation of the cottage is much more effective.

    Forced ventilation system

    Photo of forced ventilation

    A mechanical system through which air masses are set in motion artificially - through injection devices (compressors, pumps, fans). Such ventilation in a cottage is much preferable. Forced air exchange has the following advantages:

    1. 1. Oxygen can be pre-humidified and heated, thereby creating a comfortable environment.
    2. 2. Ventilation country house autonomous and in no way dependent on the environment.

    As for the shortcomings, they are obvious:

    • To organize such a system, additional equipment is required, implementation at the design stage, and electricity costs;
    • regular maintenance during operation.

    Mechanical ventilation in a private house can be implemented using several methods. Experts distinguish the following types:

    • exhaust - “old” air is removed from the room using appropriate mechanical solutions;
    • inlet – a private house is saturated with air from the street forcibly;
    • supply and exhaust - supply and removal of air masses is carried out mechanically.

    Ventilation of a private house. Forced ventilation (general overview).

    If we are talking about a fairly large brick house or cottage, it is advisable to choose the option mixed type. Its main advantage is the excellent combination of forced and natural systems.

    Proper organization of ventilation in suburban housing

    So, how to properly make ventilation in a house and is it possible to carry out all the activities yourself? Competent organization the air exchange process will improve the microclimate in the living space, as well as maintain the integrity of all structures. Regardless of the room, do-it-yourself ventilation installation in a private house is carried out in several stages:

    • determine the volume of clean air required to ensure compliance with accepted sanitary standards;
    • calculate the diameter and cross-sectional size for the air duct system - this value will determine the atmosphere in the living space;
    • choose optimal scheme ventilation in a private house (carefully weighing all the advantages and disadvantages of each of them);
    • prepare a plan diagram for air channels (a competent approach will ensure effective operation);
    • determine where ventilation will be installed in a private house;
    • the next step is to install zones for the influx and removal of air masses;
    • build the system itself for multi-apartment living space.

    Deciding on the optimal system

    Photo of a typical project

    Professionals emphasize that in a private home it is customary to start at the stage of preparing documentation for future housing. Qualitative criterion of any modern project– availability of all communications necessary for comfortable life of people. And in this context, the presence of fresh air is an important component of harmonizing the surrounding space.

    note! Not only the ventilation itself in the house is important, but also the speed of movement of the oxygen itself.

    Many cottage owners do not perform any preliminary calculations, but equip their homes with powerful mechanical systems. In this case, the fans can force cooling inner space. Experts emphasize that exhaust hood in a private home should be natural if there is no need for additional air exchange. Due to its natural nature, it guarantees a natural humidity regime for everyone within the living space.

    Proper ventilation in a private house is created with your own hands based on a given norm of volumetric air velocity. If we are talking about mechanical solution, the corresponding value can vary from 3 to 5 m 3 /hour. The natural system provides a run of up to 1 m 3 /hour. The difficulty is that if housing has basements, then without compulsory system not enough.

    note ! To pass 300 m 3 /hour of fresh air, you will need a channel with dimensions of 250x400 mm, which corresponds to the standard d 350 mm. However, if you equip mechanical system, you can stop at a channel of 160x200 mm or d 200 mm.

    The video below provides information on how the ventilation system in a country house works:

    Ventilation in a private house: calculated data

    Ventilation of a private house is based on careful calculations. The determining factors for this approach are:

    • object area;
    • number of permanent residents;
    • volume of air in each room.

    Advice! Professionals strongly recommend taking everything into account Appliances And technical means, operating in living rooms, since they actively absorb clean air.

    Installation of ventilation in a cottage is possible only if all the listed factors are taken into account. For proper calculations, you should use special tabular data and diagrams. The easiest way to equip a hood in a private house with your own hands is to carry out calculations by taking into account the area of ​​a specific object.

    This method is most often used for residential properties. In accordance with the standards for such premises, each “square” must have at least 3 m 3 /hour of clean air, and this does not take into account people. To calculate this value, it is necessary to calculate the air norm per area of ​​the object.

    Example ! How to make a hood in a private house with an area of ​​90 square meters? The air exchange rate value is set using the following formula: 90x3 = 270 m 3 /hour. This will be enough for living space.

    Ventilation duct and its cross-section

    Having calculated the optimal level of oxygen exchange, select best scheme ventilation in a private house for DIY implementation, count the ventilation ducts. Regardless of where such a system is planned to be installed, in the underground or in the ceiling area, there are only 2 types of air ducts with a rigid structure - round and rectangular.

    Provide average speed air exchange at a level of 5 m/s, if we talk about branches - no more than 3 m/s. In a natural system, the indicated value does not exceed 1 m/s.

    You can read about the pros and cons of plastic pipes for ventilation in the article: Plastic pipes for ventilation

    To organize effective ventilation in a private house with your own hands, you need to decide on the optimal cross-section of the channel. To do this, use a special diagram that takes into account the flow of air masses and the speed of their passage. Before making ventilation in the house or carrying out installation activities, please note that the standard value of air exchange is 360 m 3 / hour for systems forced type. Therefore, the optimal value for air ducts will be d200 mm or 160 x 200 mm.

    Plastic air ducts rectangular section in the video below

    Ventilation in the house, plastic air ducts - installation and installation

    When thinking about how to ventilate a home, many of our compatriots forget that their homes are equipped with metal-plastic windows, whose design is completely sealed. In this case, care should be taken to ensure that the frame of metal-plastic solutions contains supply valves, through which air masses flow into the interior space.

    note! If there is no hole in the windows, you can make one in the wall. We are talking about a standard pipe having a round shape, which is placed in the hole made. On both sides it is covered with protective metal grilles with a small cross-section.

    Ventilation of the basement of a private house is carried out in a similar way. Enough to stick simple recommendations and creating a favorable microclimate within the living space will not be difficult. In such a room, every person will feel as comfortable as possible.


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