Myrtle propagation by cuttings. Rooting cuttings of Myrtle (Myrtus communis)

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Planting and caring for myrtle (in brief)

  • Bloom: in June-July.
  • Lighting: bright sunlight until noon, then - bright diffused light (south, west and east windows).
  • Temperature: in summer - usual for residential premises, in winter - 5-10 ˚C.
  • Watering: in summer - frequent and plentiful, in the cool season, watering is reduced.
  • Air humidity: increased. Daily spraying of the leaves is recommended, especially in the heat.
  • top dressing: from March to August once a week with complex mineral fertilizers.
  • rest period: winter; in cool conditions - up to three months, in normal conditions - a month and a half.
  • Transfer: young plants - annually, adults as needed.
  • pruning: after flowering or early spring.
  • reproduction: cuttings, rarely seeds.
  • Pests: scale insects, aphids, spider mites, whiteflies, mealybugs.
  • Diseases: root rot.

Read more about growing myrtle below.

Room myrtle - description

Myrtle, according to various sources, from forty to one hundred species, in its natural habitat can grow up to three meters in height, and indoor myrtle, under the most favorable conditions, reaches only a meter. Usually myrtle at home is a tree with a round crown, 30-60 cm tall. Small leathery, as if polished myrtle leaves are located on the shoots rarely alternately and oppositely on short petioles, they have an elongated shape, the tops of the leaves are pointed. Flowers, simple or double, either solitary or collected in a brush. The fruit is a nut or berry drupe. It is curious that myrtle plants include such valuable plants for mankind as tea tree, eucalyptus, clove tree.

Myrtle flower - growing from seeds

How to propagate myrtle seeds at home? At the beginning of spring, myrtle seeds are sown on the surface of a substrate consisting in equal parts of sand and peat, in a container 7-10 cm deep, sprinkled on top with a layer of the same substrate 3-5 mm thick and, covered with glass, kept at a temperature of about 20 ºC, ventilating and moistening the crops, as well as removing condensation from the glass. Seedlings appear in a week or two, and when the seedlings have 2-3 true leaves, they dive into the same substrate in individual pots so that the root collar remains above the soil surface. A month after picking, seedlings are fed with nitrogen fertilizer of a weak consistency. However, amateur breeders should be aware that myrtle grown from seeds:

  • a) will bloom not earlier than in 4-5 years;
  • b) is unlikely to retain varietal characteristics.

In addition, the germination of myrtle seeds sharply decreases after a year of storage, and it is problematic to obtain them, since this will require artificial pollination of the plant.

Myrtle care at home

How to grow myrtle at home.

Caring for myrtle at home includes watering, pruning and feeding the plant, as well as creating optimal or at least necessary conditions. Houseplant myrtle prefers southern, western and eastern window sills, indulgent to drafts, temperature extremes and direct sunlight. Moreover, if there is no sun, there will be no flowering of the myrtle. In summer, myrtle prefers outdoor life, in winter time the plant needs coolness - 5-10 degrees of heat, and the best place for him there will be a glazed unheated balcony.

water myrtle in the warm season, it is necessary abundantly and often, without waiting for the top layer to dry, but excess moisture must be drained from the pan so as not to provoke root rot. Insufficient or infrequent watering can cause the plant to shed its leaves. With the onset of cold weather, watering is reduced, but if the plant winters in a room with working heaters, it will have to be watered as plentifully as in summer. In addition, it will be necessary to spray the leaves of the plant with water at least once a day, since the myrtle needs high humidity air, and you need to remember this in winter, if the temperature in the room with myrtle is above 15 ºC, and in summer. Water for water procedures and watering should be settled or passed through a filter.

Once a week or two from March to August, the myrtle needs to be fertilized with fertilizers. If you grow bonsai from myrtle or you are not interested in its flowering, then feed the plant with a complex fertilizer for ornamental foliage plants, but if you want to see myrtle bloom, then apply fertilizer for flowering plants.

Myrtle has a pronounced dormant period, the duration of which determines the location of the plant: if myrtle hibernates in the cool or on the northern windowsill, then it can rest for up to three months, and if it is warm and in bright light, then only for one and a half months.

Myrtle cutting.

Caring for myrtle also involves giving its crown the desired shape. The formation of myrtle depends on what you grow it for. Many people like myrtle in the form of a standard tree with a neat compact crown, but there are people who do not care how the plant looks, as long as it “blooms and smells”. In any case, one should not get too carried away with pruning the lateral shoots of young plants or pinching them excessively. On the other hand, myrtle grows fast, regenerates easily, and you always have the option to change your plans for how it looks. The main thing is that the formation of the crown should be done in early spring or after flowering.

Home myrtle - transplant.

Young plants are transplanted annually, adult myrtles - as needed, which is determined in this way: if the freshly watered soil dries out within a day, then it's time to increase the amount of substrate, and, therefore, a larger pot will be needed. The pot is chosen only a couple of centimeters in diameter wider than the previous one. It is better to transplant in the spring, using the method of transshipment of plants from old container into a new one, because it does not injure the root system.

Reproduction of myrtle

If you want to start breeding myrtle, then The best way for this grafting, because it allows you to save species and varietal features plants. Moreover, it is much more reliable way reproduction than seed, and plants from cuttings bloom faster than those from seeds - in three years. So if you want to grow your own myrtle tree, you do not need to buy seeds that quickly lose their ability to germinate, just do not hesitate to ask your friends for a cutting after a formative pruning. Best result give semi-lignified cuttings current year. You can take cuttings from January to February, or in July, and it is better if they are from the lower or middle part of the crown. Remove from a piece of shoot 8-10 cm long lower leaves, and shorten the upper ones by a third, and the largest ones by half. Treat the lower cut with rootstock or heteroauxin and plant for rooting in a mixture of leafy soil (one part) and coarse sand (half part), or sphagnum and sand in the same proportions. It is better to take a low and wide container for rooting, and it is advisable to cover the cutting from above glass jar. Rooting occurs at a temperature of 17-20 ºC in a shady place. From time to time, the jar is removed for ventilation and so that the soil does not turn sour. Usually the roots grow within a month, and the rooted cutting is transplanted into a pot with a diameter of 7 cm in the same soil mixture. After a year, transplant it into a container with a diameter of 9 cm in the soil for an adult myrtle and care for it like an adult plant.

Pests and diseases of myrtle

Insects and diseases of myrtle.

Myrtle is harmed by mealybugs, whiteflies, scale insects, aphids, thrips and spider mites, which appear as a result of a chronic violation of the rules for keeping the plant. The first five pests are destroyed by four-time treatment of myrtle with actara or actellik within a month. spider mites and thrips before treatment with the same actellik, it is desirable to wash off with a shower. But rather than poison the myrtle with insecticides, it is better to prevent the invasion of insects by observing very simple rules for caring for the plant.

The myrtle is dry.

A frequently asked question from our readers: “What to do if the myrtle has dried up?” should sound differently: “What to do so that the myrtle does not dry out?” And the answer to this question is very simple: strictly observe the rules for keeping myrtle. If myrtle leaves dry up, then you have not taken into account any of the recommendations of plant care experts. Insufficient air humidity adversely affects the condition of the foliage, especially if in winter the myrtle is in a room with a temperature above 18 ºC, where heating appliances, not only heating, but also drying up the air. Myrtle also dries out if you forget to water it. Remember the rules for caring for a plant and follow them strictly, because it is much easier to prevent the death of a plant by taking preventive measures than to resuscitate it later. Water and spray the myrtle regularly with settled water, keep it on a tray with wet pebbles, but so that the bottom of the pot does not stand in the water.

Myrtle properties and signs

Myrtle properties.

The leaves, young shoots and fruits of myrtle contain essential oil and active substances that have a high antibacterial effect. Soviet scientists have developed a medicinal preparation - myrtle tincture, which is prepared from the mature leaves of the plant. and experience traditional medicine, and modern scientific research confirms that the use of myrtle in the treatment of such serious diseases as diabetes mellitus, pneumonia and chronic bronchitis is highly effective. Myrtle tincture successfully copes with antibiotic-resistant strains of tubercle bacillus and staphylococcal infection, as well as purulent otitis media and a heavy smoker's cough. In addition, the drug from the leaves of myrtle is a natural stimulant of important life processes that increase efficiency and endurance to stress, it does not side effects and is assigned even to children from one year of age. Doctors and botanists recommend keeping myrtle in bedrooms and nurseries because it makes the air in them cleaner and healthier. One plant is able to purify the air of bacteria in a room of 20 square meters. meters.

Myrtle - signs.

Myrtle has long been considered strong amulet. But the plant will fulfill this mission only under two conditions:

  • if it was planted by a woman - the mistress of the house;
  • if the owners of the plant are proud of their myrtle.

The signs of European peoples say: if myrtle grows in a house, there will be peace and love in it, but if the plant dies and is thrown away, happiness will leave this house along with the dead plant. Myrtle is not suitable for offices - he needs a family hearth.

But Muslims do not keep myrtle in their homes, believing that it dooms young boys and girls living in the house to loneliness.

Myrtle species

Common myrtle (Myrtus communis).

In home floriculture, common myrtle (Myrtus communis) is most often grown with a short branched trunk covered with exfoliating scales of red-brown bark. Leaves are green, oval-lanceolate, glossy, leathery, with pleasant aroma. The flowers are white or pale pink with protruding stamens, the fruits are red-black berries. Blooms from June to August. Popular cultivars: "Tarentina" - a compact bush with berries smaller than the original form, but there are much more of them than ordinary myrtle; in the variegated variety green leaves creamy white pattern.

Myrtle lush (Myrtus apiculata).

Lush myrtle (Myrtus apiculata) is also interesting - a bush or tree with peeling brown bark, under which the trunk is creamy white. The leaves are dark green, elliptical, matte. White single flowers bloom in July-August, black-red fruits are edible.

Myrtle hekven (Myrtus chequen)

- a tree with shiny green leaves with a wrinkled edge. This species is the most stable of myrtles.

Ralph's myrtle (Myrtus ralfii)

- an upright shrub with pinkish flowers and red edible berries. It has a variegated variety with a white-cream border around the edge of the leaves.

Like ordinary myrtle, it is not found in apartments too often. But this plant harmoniously looks in any interior. It looks very attractive and unusual, as you can see if you look at his photo. However, lovers of home floriculture may have some difficulties when growing myrtle, since he needs to create certain conditions growth and provide proper care.

plant description

Exist different varieties and varieties of this plant, but in indoor floriculture the most famous and popular is the common myrtle. At home, it can grow up to 0.6 m, maximum - up to 1 m.

Can be grown as a compact tree or ornamental bush. Its leaves are small, leathery, shiny and as if polished. Inflorescences of single type. The color of the flowers can be white, cream, pinkish. Possess very pleasant and quite strong aroma. When flowering, many stamens are formed. They give appearance myrtle tenderness and airiness. If pollination occurs, then fruits appear.

Features of growing myrtle

The homeland of the plant is the subtropics with a humid climate. Similar conditions need to be created for indoor myrtle and at home. It grows well on the southern windows in the apartment, feels good on the western and eastern ones, and in winter it can be kept on the north side.

Myrtle needs to create a humid and warm microclimate

loves warmth and high humidity. In addition to abundant watering, the plant should be sprayed with settled water at least 1 time per day, and more often - up to 2-3 times. To create high humidity, the flower pot itself is placed in a tray with wet gravel poured into it. You can also place water containers next to it.

Attention! Myrtle also reacts negatively to short-term drying of the soil. From drying out, it sheds leaves and may even die.

In order for this plant to feel comfortable, it is provided, in addition to high humidity, by the following conditions:

  • good lighting - in poor light, the myrtle begins to wither and does not bloom, but it is better to shade it from the direct sun on the south side in order to avoid darkening and burns of the leaves;
  • fresh air - the plant needs ventilation, it is not even afraid of drafts. And in the summer, a flower can be placed on the balcony or planted along with a pot in a suburban area;
  • dormant period - in winter, the myrtle should rest, it should be placed in a cool place with a temperature of about 10 degrees. Water and spray it at this time less often, but without complete drying of the soil. In a cool place, the dormant period lasts about 3 months, while in a warm place it is shorter and is half of this period.

Myrtle care

A plant like any other home flower need attention. Caring for myrtle, in general, cannot be called too complicated. It consists of:

  • watering;
  • spraying foliage;
  • top dressing;
  • forming cut.

Myrtle tolerates shaping pruning well

Watering during the warm period is done several times a week. It should be plentiful, but without flooding the flower. Excess water is immediately removed so that the roots do not rot. In winter, water less often if the flower is kept cool. But when the plant is in warm room, normal watering mode.

Often, lovers of home floriculture do not prune plants, but this is necessary for myrtle. Without this procedure, its crown acquires an unattractive appearance over time. It is better to prune in early spring or after flowering.

Advice. After spring pruning myrtle may not bloom at all this year. Therefore, those who expect from a plant lush flowering, it is better to postpone this procedure for the autumn time.

Myrtle responds well to fertilizing. In the warm period, it is fed about 2-4 times a month. In winter, myrtle also needs top dressing at least once a month. In spring and summer, fertilizers intended for flowering plants are more often used, and in the cold period - for decorative foliage.

flower transplant

Young plants are best replanted annually. It is not recommended to immediately plant myrtle in big pot with a margin, it is better to increase its size gradually. To prepare the soil, take 30% of sod and peat land, 20% of humus and sand. You can take purchased soil for planting a plant.

Be sure to use drainage. And for better survival, the roots of the flower can be treated with a stimulant. After transplanting, water abundantly until water begins to seep out of the pot. It is then removed from the pallet. Adult flowers no longer need an annual transplant. In one substrate, they can grow up to 3-4 years.

Advice. In order not to unnecessarily injure the roots of the myrtle during transplantation, it is better to use the method of transferring the plant along with the old clod of earth into a larger prepared pot.

Plant propagation

Many prefer to reproduce on their own indoor flowers. To propagate myrtle, you can use one of two methods:

  • seeds;
  • cuttings.

myrtle cuttings

Cuttings are a popular and easy way to get a new plant. You can spend it in winter, early spring or mid-summer. Take a cutting 6-8 cm in size, but not with flowering branch, process the cut in the stimulator, then plant it in the ground, covering it with glass or transparent film. Rooting will take about 2-3 weeks, after which the plants can be planted individually.

The seed method is also used, but it takes much more time. Just keep in mind that the germination of myrtle seeds lasts only about a year. In addition, the characteristics of the variety with this method may be lost, and the myrtle will begin to bloom much later than with cuttings.

Common myrtle is a beautiful and fragrant plant that creates a special microclimate in the room. Of course, there are some nuances in its cultivation that can scare off newcomers to home floriculture. But caring for myrtle is not as difficult as it seems at first glance, to refuse such an amazing flower.

myrtle cuttings

Myrtle propagation by cuttings. Rooting cuttings of Myrtle (Myrtus communis).
Myrtle is propagated by seeds and green cuttings. If seed propagation seems to be rather long and troublesome, then faster results can be achieved by cutting the plant. At the same time, both young, freshly matured shoots and perennial lignified twigs are successfully cut. You can successfully apply the method of rooting air layers, then you can get another finished adult plant.

For rooting cuttings of myrtle, well-ripened shoots (10-15 cm long) are selected, which are cut sharp knife. If in the process of forming the crown of an adult plant, pruning of perennial branches is expected, then they can be used as material for grafting. If it is not possible to immediately plant the cuttings, then they can be wrapped with a damp cloth, and then, immediately before planting, renew the cut surface.

It is advisable to process the cuttings before planting in some kind of root formation stimulator, I use CHARKOR.

For successful rooting of cuttings, it is necessary to create favorable conditions. The fact is that the moisture contained in the tissues of the cutting evaporates from the surface of the leaves, and if this is not prevented, the cutting may dry out. Therefore, it is necessary to create an air humidity close to 100%. This can be achieved by using a greenhouse, evaporating moisture will return back, and frequent spraying.

I make a greenhouse from ordinary plastic bottle. acute stationery knife I cut the bottle into two parts, in a ratio of 2: 3 of the lower part to the upper.

I make several drainage holes in the lower part so that excess moisture goes into the pan.

Since the diameters of the lower and upper parts are equal, I carry out the procedure for reducing the diameter of the latter. You can simply make two opposite 1 cm cuts perpendicular to the cut surface of the top of the bottle. And you can, evenly rotating the top of the bottle over the fire, melt the edge of the cut. Now the upper part sits tightly on the lower one. It turned out such a sealed greenhouse.

When carrying out all the above works, we follow safety precautions to avoid accidental injuries.

I fill the bottom with vermiculite or perlite. I like to use vermiculite more, it is more "fluffy", retains moisture better, and does not "bloom" like it does with perlite. In addition, vermiculite in its own way chemical formula very beneficial and can even be used as a soil substitute (initially has a very good supply of minerals). In addition to the fact that he himself has useful elements for plant nutrition, vermiculite is able to retain nutrients introduced into the mixture during fertilization. Vermiculite is not dusty, has a high degree of ion-exchange ability, but perlite does not possess these qualities. Vermiculite gradually gives nutrients to plants, while perlite is nutritionally neutral, and is not able to retain these substances. But if you use a combination of a mixture of vermiculite and perlite, then a "happy" combination of materials is formed that provides your plant with the highest quality habitat.

I pour the resulting mixture with warm, settled water. I let the excess water drain. The mixture that has absorbed moisture increases the mass, settles. If necessary, I fill up and compact, excess water comes out through drainage holes.

Now the turn has come to planting cuttings. They are planted to a depth of 2.5-3.5 cm. I compact the mixture at the base of the cutting. Top tightly cover with the top of the greenhouse. I wrap the lower part of the greenhouse with dark paper or any suitable opaque material. The finished greenhouse is placed in a warm, slightly shaded place. If droplets (condensate) appear on the inner surface of the greenhouse, this is good sign the plant breathes. On hot days, the plant is periodically ventilated and sprayed through the top opening of the bottle. No great effort is required to care for such a greenhouse.

After three to four weeks, I check the plant for the presence of roots that have appeared.

They are clearly visible through the transparent walls of the bottle. Signs of plant growth can also serve as a positive result of rooting.

If roots appear, the plant is ready for transplanting. An appropriate container is being prepared. If earlier the container was used to grow some plants, it is well washed out and sterilized. There should be "good" drainage holes at the bottom of the pot. At the bottom of the pot I pour out large expanded clay, on top I spread expanded clay of a smaller fraction. How better drainage, the greater the chance that the plant will not be injured by excessive watering.

I prepare the appropriate earth mixture, the ratio of hardwood to biohumus is 2: 1, I add vermiculite or perlite. I mix everything well.

I take out the rooted cutting from the greenhouse and transfer it to the pot.

The earth is evenly poured and compacted. Upon completion of planting, the plant is pulled up at the base of the trunk to align the root neck with respect to the surface. earthy coma.

I water abundantly warm water until excess water appears in the pan. The water from the pan is drained, the earthen mixture that has sagged after watering is poured.

I pour a layer of vermiculite on top of the earthy coma.

I cover the plant with the upper part of our greenhouse and put it in a warm shaded place.

A week later, I begin to gradually harden the plant, removing the greenhouse for a while and accustoming it to the external conditions of life. After a while, I clean the greenhouse altogether.

Is evergreen with small oblong leaves. in spring and summer periods myrtle blooms with light flowers with golden stamens, and closer to autumn it bears fruit - dark blue berries. Since ancient times, myrtle has been known for its healing properties, and its name is translated from Greek as a "balm", all because the leaves of the myrtle tree are full of essential oil. Essential oil myrtle is actively used.

What does myrtle love, what kind of home care is it?

About a hundred varieties of the myrtle tree are known, the shrub is quite difficult to keep at home, however, if the conditions are comfortable for it, the myrtle will delight the grower with both flowers and berries. If under natural conditions a myrtle tree can reach a height of 5 meters, then when grown at home, the plant rarely exceeds 60 centimeters.

For myrtle, proper lighting, air temperature, watering, humidity and top dressing are important. We will discuss all these options below.

The myrtle tree loves bright sunlight, but the plant should be protected from long exposure to direct sunlight. sun rays. Myrtle is optimally placed on the windowsill on the east or west side. So the midday sun will not burn the leaves of the tree, while daylight hours will be provided to him. This arrangement is also favorable in terms of temperature.

Favorable for the myrtle tree is fresh air, so in the warm season it is recommended to take the plant to the balcony. However, to fresh air it is necessary to accustom the shrub gradually so that the adaptation occurs gently and does not cause any harm to the myrtle.

Room myrtle loves moderate temperatures and even below moderate. In summer, he feels great at air temperatures up to 23 degrees, in winter, at rest, he is content with 6-10 degrees of heat. To create such temperature regime you can shield the battery so that warm air did not reach the plant. If the temperature is too high, the myrtle tree will shed its leaves.

Watering the plant is seasonal. From mid-spring to late summer - early autumn, myrtle should be watered regularly and plentifully. It is important that the water is soft, for this it should be defended or filtered. The soil should not be allowed to dry out between waterings, and water stagnation should also not be allowed. IN winter period watering is reduced, monitoring the condition of the soil.

From spring to autumn, the tree needs systematic spraying. You can also spray the plant only with soft water. In the winter season, spraying is stopped. During active growth the myrtle tree needs to be fed regularly, once every one to two days. You can feed the myrtle tree with any fertilizer, except for lime.

Plant transplant

A myrtle tree can be transplanted in the spring. Young plants need to be transplanted annually, adults - every three years. new pot in size should be slightly larger than the previous one. When transplanting, it is important to ensure that the base of the tree trunk enters the soil to the same depth.

The soil is used as soil, which includes humus, turf, sand, deciduous earth in various proportions. To create your own simple soil use a mixture of purchased and garden soil in a ratio of 2 to 1.

How to breed myrtle (reproduction at home)

Myrtle at home can be propagated by seeds and cuttings. For sowing, only fresh seeds are taken, planting is carried out according to the following scheme:

The seeds are washed in a solution of potassium permanganate (can be left for a day), dried, and then planted in the soil to a depth of 0.5 centimeters.
The container with the soil where the myrtle seeds were planted is covered plastic wrap or glass.
The container is placed in a warm and bright place, but not under direct sunlight.

If necessary, the soil is moistened, but not flooded. When the plant sprouts appear, the film is removed. Transplant seedlings into pots when they reach 20 centimeters in height.

It is much easier to propagate the myrtle tree by cuttings. To do this, cuttings from the apical shoots are cut out at the beginning of summer, only those cuttings that have 3-4 pairs of leaves are cut out. The stalk is stimulated by immersion in a phytohormone solution for two hours (immersed one centimeter). It is recommended to plant cuttings in peat or plastic cups, as soil is suitable sand-peat mix.

Seedlings are covered with a jar or film, not forgetting to periodically ventilate. Glasses with seedlings are placed in a warm place in a small shade. The appearance of fresh leaves will notify that it is time to transplant the young myrtle into large pots. After two or three years, the myrtle tree will begin to bloom and bear fruit with blue berries.

Myrtle is a unique indoor plant that perfectly cleans the air of germs, filling it with purity and freshness. Myrtle essential oil is a natural aphrodisiac that can bring new passion into a relationship. Myrtle oil is also successfully used in cosmetology in the treatment of oily skin problems.

Today we'll talk about

How to grow myrtle from cuttings

In fact, myrtle is very capricious plant requiring more attention. This indoor shrub prefers to grow in greenhouses, but flower growers do not despair and find the best ways to grow myrtle at home. I would like to note that propagating myrtle is more successful by seed, but purchased seeds are not always good germination, and the shelf life of myrtle seeds is very short. But if you have the opportunity to take a cutting of this plant for propagation, we will tell you how to carry out cuttings of myrtle.

So, cuttings should be cut from last year's branches with a size of at least 10 cm and must be stiff. Young green branches most often take root weakly, or even die altogether. Chopped cuttings are treated with growth stimulants and planted in a very fertile soil into a small pot. Before planting, it is imperative to build drainage from expanded clay or pebbles in the tank different size so that excess water does not stagnate in the soil. Cuttings should be deepened by 5 cm.

In order for the rooting of myrtle cuttings to be successful, the plant itself and the soil around the cuttings are also sprayed with growth stimulants. The soil should be moderately moist. Then a mini-greenhouse is built from a simple plastic bottle by cutting the bottle in half. Cover the plant with half a bottle and press it into the ground a little. Greenhouse effect, formed under the bottle, will not allow moisture to evaporate, and the cuttings will be constantly wet. Heat and moisture will do their job - and soon the young myrtle will take root.

It should be noted that in order for the propagation of myrtle by cuttings to be successful, it is necessary to remove condensate from the walls of the bottle and water the soil more often. The cuttings take root in about two months, but with good care this may happen earlier.


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