Russian beauty garden chamomile: planting and care. Garden chamomile, planting and care

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Planting and caring for chamomile (in brief)

  • Landing: sowing seeds in the ground - at the end of May, sowing seeds for seedlings - in March, planting seedlings in the garden - in May.
  • Bloom: from early July to September.
  • Lighting: bright sunlight.
  • The soil: slightly alkaline or neutral, in an area with deep groundwater.
  • Watering: During the rooting period, seedlings are watered frequently, but then watering is required only during periods of prolonged drought.
  • Feeding: Every year humus, peat and compost are added to the soil, and in mid-spring they are scattered around the area. ammonium nitrate at the rate of 20 g of fertilizer per m². There is no need to water the area after this.
  • Reproduction: seeds and dividing the bush.
  • Pests: aphids, thrips, star flies and wireworms.
  • Diseases: are affected powdery mildew, gray rot, rust and fusarium.

Read more about growing chamomile below.

Chamomile flowers - description

Garden chamomile, or cornflower, or popovnik (lat. Leucanthemum vulgare), is a herbaceous plant from 15 to 60 cm in height with a short root, an erect, slightly faceted stem, spatulate, crenate basal leaves on long petioles and oblong, irregularly serrated along the edges of the stem leaves, two of which, located in the upper part of the stem, are greatly reduced in size compared to others. Chamomile flowers are hemispherical inflorescences-baskets with a diameter of 2.5 to 6 cm, united into corymbs. The baskets consist of central yellow tubular bisexual flowers and long marginal pseudolingulate sterile flowers, usually white, but sometimes yellow color. The fruit of garden chamomile is an achene.

There are about two dozen species in the Nielberry genus.

Growing chamomile from seeds

Sowing chamomile.

Growing chamomile is possible in seedlings and without seedling method. You can sow garden chamomile seeds simply in the ground, but it is safer to use the seedling method. Chamomile seeds are sown for seedlings in March. Trays with cells are filled with a moist, light, breathable substrate consisting of peat and sand in equal parts, 2-3 seeds are placed in each cell, sprinkled on top thin layer substrate, cover the container transparent film and placed close to the window, but not on the windowsill, since the light passing through the glass is too intense and can damage the seed germination process. Monitor the condition of the soil, and as soon as it dries, moisten it with a spray bottle.

Chamomile seedlings.

When shoots begin to appear, and under normal conditions room temperature this will happen in one and a half to two weeks, remove the film and place the container as close to a sunny window as possible, protecting the seedlings from drafts. If this is not possible for any reason, place it above the container fluorescent lamp, which must work at least 14 hours a day. As soon as the chamomile seedlings reach a height of 5 cm, leave only one, the most developed seedling, in each cell. Do not pull out unnecessary shoots, but carefully pinch them off above the soil surface, because you risk damaging them. root system the remaining seedling. In order for chamomile to bush, pinch it over 3-4 leaves.

Planting chamomile in open ground

When to plant daisies in the ground.

Seedlings are planted in the ground at the age of 4-6 weeks, when all possible frosts have passed. Garden chamomile loves sunny areas with calcareous or neutral soil and deep groundwater.

How to plant daisies.

Planting daisies in the ground is carried out after preparing the site - complex fertilizer for flowers must be added to the soil for digging. Dig holes 20-30 cm deep at a distance of 20 to 40 cm from each other - the distance between the bushes and the depth of the holes depend on the chamomile variety. Remove the seedlings from the cells along with the earthen ball, plant them in the holes, press the soil around the stems and water the seedlings. Chamomiles from seeds will bloom next year.

Caring for daisies in the garden

How to care for chamomile.

Until the chamomile seedlings become comfortable in the soil and begin to grow, they need to be watered frequently, but after rooting, the flowers require watering only in dry weather. To keep moisture in the soil longer, mulch the surface around the plant with peat. Otherwise, caring for daisies consists of loosening the soil, weeding the area, fertilizing and preparing perennial plants for winter. Humus, peat and compost are added to the soil annually as fertilizers. In mid-spring, ammonium nitrate is scattered between the rows at the rate of 20 g per m² without subsequent watering. During the budding period, it is advisable to apply a urea solution to plants with faded stems and leaves. Slaked lime or dolomite flour is added to acidic soil in the fall.

Chamomile propagation.

Garden daisies are propagated by dividing the bush and by seed. Despite the fact that perennial daisies can grow in one place for five years, after 2-3 years the bushes become too dense, shoots die off in the middle of the bush, the size of the inflorescences decreases, and the plant loses its attractiveness. This can be avoided by promptly planting young, strong shoots from the bush. At the end of September or beginning of October, on a cloudy, cool day, separate a part from the bush and plant it in a prepared hole, spilled with settled water, and fill the resulting void fertile soil. Next time, dig up and replant part of the bush on the opposite side. This is how varietal and double daisies are propagated. If you want to achieve the largest flowers on powerful stems, you need to divide your daisy bushes annually.

Garden daisies also reproduce by seeds. We have described growing chamomile seedlings to you, but you can sow the seeds directly into the ground before winter. In cold soil they will undergo natural stratification and germinate together in the spring, and all you have to do is thin out the seedlings.

Pests and diseases of daisies.

With insufficient or irregular care, chamomiles have a chance of developing powdery mildew, gray mold, rust and fusarium.

Powdery mildew manifests itself in the form of a whitish coating on the above-ground parts of the plant, which gradually becomes brown.

Rust It looks like dark red spots on the upper side of the leaves, and on the lower side it forms pads with fungal spores.

Fusarium Same fungal disease, in which the roots and root collar of young plants begin to rot, the tissues become brown, the stem becomes thinner, and the leaves turn yellow.

Gray rot manifests itself as rapidly increasing in size brown necrotic spots on shoots and leaves. At high humidity air spots are covered with gray fluff of mycelium.

To prevent fungal infection of flowers, do not allow excess moisture in the soil, promptly remove weeds and loosen the soil. It is better to immediately remove a specimen infected with gray rot so that the disease does not spread to neighboring plants. They destroy fungal microflora with fungicides - Fundazol, Topaz, Kuproxat, Oksikhom and other drugs of similar action. Treatment is carried out two or three times with an interval of 7-10 days.

Among the pests, garden chamomile is affected by aphids, thrips, star fly and wireworms.

Starwing fly so called because of the small star-shaped spot on the wing. Its larvae damage garden chamomile, accumulating at the base of the middle flowers. You can protect the planting of daisies from the appearance of this pest by regularly destroying weeds on the site.

Thrips And aphid- sucking insects that feed on the cell sap of the above-ground parts of the plant. Leaves appear discolored or yellow spots, strokes and stripes, damaged tissues die, leaves wither, fall off, flowers become deformed and lose their decorative effect. In the fight against aphids and thrips, insectoacaricides are used - Karbofos, Agravertin or Actellik.

Wireworms are the larvae of click beetles. They live in the soil for up to four years and feed underground parts plants. To get rid of them, traps are set in the soil: holes are dug into which pieces of potatoes, carrots or beets are placed. The top of the trap is covered with a board or piece of metal. After 2-3 days, the traps are opened and the wireworms that have accumulated in them are destroyed. This needs to be done regularly. Most often, wireworms appear if there is a plot of potatoes nearby.

Perennial daisies after flowering

How and when to collect daisy seeds.

If you want to collect seeds, wait for several large flowers to dry, and only then cut them off, dry them in a dry room with good ventilation and remove the seeds from the middle tubular flowers onto paper. They will need to be winnowed, poured into a paper bag and stored in a dry, dark place. Nielberry seeds remain viable for 2-3 years. However, remember that when propagated by seed, varietal and double daisies do not inherit the characteristics of their parents.

Preparing daisies for winter.

Planting and caring for perennial daisies is no different from growing annual daisies, except for one thing - they need to be covered for the winter. Before the onset of cold weather, the stems of perennial garden daisies are cut off at surface level, after which the area is covered with dry leaves, sawdust or covered with non-woven material.

Types and varieties of daisies

In addition to the common cornflower, or meadow chamomile, there are other types of cornflower that are grown in cultivation.

or daisy, grows in Western Europe, Ukraine, the European part of Russia, in the south of Siberia. This is a perennial up to 90 cm high with single inflorescences-baskets with a diameter of 6-7 cm with white reed flowers and yellow tubular ones. The species has been in cultivation since 1500. The best garden forms types are considered:

  • Sans Souci– cornflower up to 1 m high with inflorescences up to 12 cm in diameter. White reed flowers are arranged in 6-8 rows, the few middle flowers are yellow;
  • May Queen– chamomile, very popular in amateur gardens traditional look up to 50 cm high with bright, shiny dark green leaves forming a ground cover;
  • Maxima Koenig- a plant up to 1 m high with inflorescences up to 12 cm in diameter with dark yellow middle flowers and two rows of white reed flowers.

Kuril cornflower (Leucanthemum kurilense)

- late-flowering rock daisy with dissected leaves, growing in the Kuril Islands and on Japanese island Hokkaido. The rhizome of this species is fleshy and thickened. The plant reaches only 20 cm in height, while its few single baskets have a diameter of 5 to 8 cm. The marginal flowers are white. The Kuril cornflower has a variety called arcticum, which differs in the shape of its leaves.

aka marsh chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum paludosum) native to southern Portugal and Spain. This is a low-growing, but very bushy plant up to 25 cm high with sessile spatulate alternate leaves of bright green color and crenate along the edge. Inflorescences – numerous baskets up to 3 cm in diameter with short reed flowers white and a large yellow center of tubular flowers.

in nature it grows in the Pyrenees and is a perennial with a height of 50 to 100 cm with a short ground rhizome, spatulate sessile leaves with a crenate edge and inflorescences-baskets with a diameter of 10-12 cm. In simple inflorescences, the marginal flowers of white color are arranged in two rows, the middle ones, tubular yellow. Double inflorescences consist of numerous rows of white reed flowers, and the tubular ones also have a white corolla. The double inflorescences of this type of nevus are very similar to chrysanthemums. Nielberry is grown as a maximum biennial plant. The species has been in culture since 1816. The best varieties:

  • Alaska– a variety with baskets up to 10 cm in diameter with one row of white reed flowers;
  • Beethoven– lushly blooming daisies with simple inflorescences up to half a meter high;
  • Stern von Antwerp– a variety up to 1 m high with inflorescences up to 10 cm in diameter. Reed flowers are white, tubular flowers are yellow;
  • Schwabengrub– a variety up to 80 cm high with snow-white double inflorescences;
  • Little Princess- an elegant chamomile up to 20 cm high with large bright white inflorescences.

In addition to cornflower, other flowers of the Asteraceae family are also grown as garden chamomile - matricaria, pyrethrum, navels, erigeron and odorless chamomile.

Garden chamomile belongs to the category of perennials. herbaceous plants. It is characterized by ease of care, which allows it to be grown in any area

For successful cultivation garden chamomile must initially be produced correct selection varieties:

  • The most popular variety is the Princess garden chamomile. She has large flowers, the diameter of which can be from 10 to 12 centimeters. This plant stays in one place for up to 4 years. The flowers of this chamomile are very often used to make bouquets.
  • Alaska chamomile belongs to the category of large-flowered plants. Its heads reach 12 centimeters in diameter. This plant reaches a height of up to 90 centimeters. This variety is characterized by unpretentiousness and drought resistance. It begins to bloom in July August. This plant can be planted in the fall, and next summer it will already bloom.
  • The garden chamomile variety Silver Princess is characterized by the presence of snow-white flowers, the diameter of which is 10 centimeters. Plant height is up to 30 centimeters. This variety is very often used in group plantings. Flowering of this plant begins in July and continues until frost.
  • The Winner chamomile variety is quite popular, as it has very beautiful inflorescences. The height of the flowers is from 50 to 90 centimeters, and their diameter is from 8 to 12 centimeters. This variety is characterized by the presence of snow-white petals. This plant grows for 4 years without requiring replanting or dividing the bush. This variety is capable of blooming only in the second year after planting. This garden chamomile blooms from June to August.

Today there are a huge number of varieties of garden chamomile, which allows you to choose the most suitable option for the design of sites.

Planting garden chamomile can be done in the following ways:

  • Using seeds
  • From seedlings
  • Dividing the bush

Planting chamomile using any method requires the selection of slightly acidic soils. This plant does not like shade, so it must be planted in sunny places. Before planting, fertilize the soil. If it is acidic, dolomite flour or slaked soda is added. Enough space is allocated for garden chamomile, which makes caring for it much easier. In one place, this plant can grow for up to 5 years.

When planting chamomile garden seeds need to be selected sunny place. Seeds should be planted directly into the ground in late May - early June.

Garden chamomile has very small seeds, so in order for them to germinate quickly, they must be sprinkled with a very thin layer of soil. After germination, chamomile needs regular watering. After 4-5 leaves appear on the plant, it needs to be planted with 2-3 flowers. Planting chamomile seeds can also be done in autumn period.

When planting this plant in the spring, you must:

  • So that the air temperature is from 16 to 18 degrees.
  • In order for the seeds to germinate faster, garden chamomile must be sown under a covering material.
  • This plant does not like condensation, so as the chamomile grows, it must be thinned out regularly.
  • Planting chamomile in the ground should be done on neutral soils. This is explained by the fact that this plant does not tolerate wetlands.
  • In order for chamomile to fully grow and develop, it is necessary to add mineral fertilizers to the soil before planting it.

In order to grow chamomile from seedlings, the seeds are sown in March. For this purpose, you need to take good drainage and pour it into the pots. Seeds are planted in moist soil. You can sprinkle the seeds with a thin layer of soil or not at all. During the dive, you can use ordinary plastic cups. In these containers it is necessary to make mandatory hole at the bottom.

After picking the plant, it must be sprinkled with water from a spray bottle on top and covered with film. The film should not be opened until the first shoots appear. Cups with seedlings are placed in a warm and dark place.

When the first shoots appear, the film is removed from the cup. The cups must be placed on the window, as the seedlings require light.

Seedlings appear 10-14 days after planting. After the threat of frost in May has passed, you can transplant chamomile seedlings into the ground. Planting seedlings. In this case, the distance between the bushes should be from 30 to 40 centimeters.

Another highly effective way to propagate chamomile is by dividing the bush. To do this, you need to dig up a chamomile bush in the spring and divide it into 2-3 new bushes, depending on its size. Dividing the bush should be done with bare hands so as not to damage the chamomile root system. Next, a hole is dug in the ground, the size of which corresponds to the diameter of the new bush. Mineral fertilizers are applied to the bottom of the hole and covered with a layer of soil. Next, the chamomile is planted in the ground and watered. Absolutely all chamomile propagation methods are highly effective, which allows the gardener to choose the most suitable option for himself.

Garden chamomile is a fairly easy-to-care plant. In order for it to fully grow and develop, it needs:

  1. Ensure timely and abundant watering.
  2. This plant really does not like weeds, so it needs to be weeded regularly. Weeding will not only help get rid of weeds, but will also allow air to pass through the chamomile root system, as well as loosening the soil, since this plant loves fertile soils.
  3. Seedlings of this plant that are planted in poppy need to be watered and fed frequently. For this purpose, mullein infusion or nitrogen fertilizers can be used.
  4. Adult bushes of the plant also need feeding. Urea is used for this purpose. It only needs 20 grams per square meter.
  5. In dry weather, the soil is shed with water after applying fertilizers.
  6. If the leaves of the garden chamomile begin to acquire a light green color, then it is necessary to re-feed it. The need for repeated feeding arises only if agricultural practices were not followed when caring for and planting the plant.
  7. Application mineral fertilizers should alternate with the introduction chicken manure, which will limit the possibility of soil acidification, which negatively affects this plant.

Garden chamomile also requires rejuvenation. To do this, five years after planting this plant, the bush on one side must be cut off. Fertile soil is poured into the resulting hole. After three years, the chamomile is rejuvenated, only the root system of the bush is pruned from the other side.

In the autumn, the aboveground part of this plant is pruned.

Garden chamomile is a plant that cannot tolerate too low temperatures, so it must be covered for the winter. Garden chamomile can be affected by thrips. At the first manifestations of damage, this plant is treated with insecticides.

Growing and caring for garden chamomile is quite simple. That is why any summer resident or gardener can decorate their landscape design without putting in much effort.

More information can be found in the video.

Gardeners love this wonderful flower for its beautiful, abundant, long-lasting flowering, which lasts from the end of June until the very beginning of autumn. There are many varieties of garden chamomile with white, yellow, pink, as well as lilac and brown petals.

Terry chamomile is very popular, having large snow-white flowers, reaching a height of up to 60-70 cm. This flower is ideal for bouquets, it does not fade for a long time, maintaining freshness.

Looks beautiful in single or group plantings. Blooms by mid-summer, blooms for a long time, more than a month.

The most popular varieties of terry chamomile include: Aphrodite, Swan Lake, as well as Snegurka, Crazy Daisy. Often in gardens you will find daisies of the varieties Edelweiss, Snow Lady, Aglaya, etc. However, it does not matter which variety you choose for your garden, since they are all grown using the same agricultural technology.

Today our focus will be on terry chamomile, growing this wonderful plant from seeds, planting and caring for it. This is all we will consider now:

Growing terry chamomile from seeds

Seedless method:

If you choose this method, plant the seeds in prepared soil when it is already warm enough, in late May or early June. Since chamomile seeds are very small, it is recommended to only lightly sprinkle them with soil.

The young shoots that appear do not need to be picked. After 4-5 leaves appear, the plants are planted in groups of two or three, maintaining a distance of 40 cm between plantings. Subsequently, the plants will grow in big bushes, and they will bloom closer to autumn.

Seedling method:

This is the most popular method of propagating chamomile. In early spring, at the beginning of March, the seeds are sown in pots or boxes filled with soil with good drainage. First, the soil is moistened, then the seeds are sown not very thickly (so as not to pick the plants later), sprinkling them with a thin layer of soil. If you are going to pick, use plastic cups with a hole in the bottom to grow seedlings.

After planting the seeds, do not water them, but simply spray them with water from a spray bottle. Cover with film and leave in a dark, warm place until shoots emerge. After this, the film must be removed, and the pots with plants should be placed on a well-lit window.

Seedlings are planted in May, when there will definitely be no frost. 2-3 plants are planted in prepared soil at a distance of 40 cm from each other.

You can also propagate the plant by dividing the bush. This is also a very popular method. An adult plant is divided once every 4 years, preferably in August. Some gardeners advise dividing every year. It is believed that then the flowers will be very large.

Terry chamomile - planting and care

Soil requirements

So that chamomile pleases you abundantly, long flowering, choose sunny areas of the garden for planting seeds or seedlings. Shaded, poorly lit places are not very suitable for this plant. There, chamomile blooms quite well at first, but subsequently its stems gradually lose density and the flowers quickly fade.

Also pay attention to the composition of the soil. For good flowering The plant requires moist, fertilized soil with good drainage. Loamy or sandy soil, especially highly moist soil, is not suitable at all.

What does terry chamomile like, how to care for plants?

Terry chamomile needs some care. It is necessary to water the plants in a timely manner, apply fertilizers, and fight pests.

Young plants that you planted in May need to be watered frequently and also fed once every two to three weeks. Nitrogen fertilizers are suitable for this. You can use mullein infusion. In dry weather, after fertilizing, you need to water the chamomile.

For adult plants, fertilize with urea (20 g per 1 m of planting). The second time, urea is added only if the leaves of the plant have lost their brightness and become pale green. This is often observed when the rules of agricultural technology are violated.

Plants grow quickly. To prevent their development from being choked by weeds, regularly weed the bushes and also loosen the soil under them.

When flowering begins, around the beginning of June, chamomile can be cut into bouquets. Just remember to leave the flowers for seeds. At the end of flowering, when the flower baskets begin to dry and turn light brown, they are cut off. The seeds are peeled, then scattered in paper bags and stored in a dry, dark place.

With the onset of autumn, when flowering finally stops, the stems are cut off at the root. The roots themselves need to be covered for the winter. A special covering material, spruce branches or dry foliage is suitable for this.

That's all, actually. You and I know how to plant such a beautiful plant as chamomile in our garden. terry growing from seeds, planting and caring for which we have discussed today.

I hope these tips will help you grow healthy, abundant whites. flowering plants. If I missed something important, please share your experience of growing terry chamomile. This will be of interest to many amateur gardeners visiting our site.

Garden chamomile is perennial flower, which is unpretentious and very beautiful. The white chamomile field looks especially unforgettable. Due to its durability and color, this plant is used in landscape design and when designing a garden. But in this case, cultivated varieties are used. How to properly grow and care for chamomile own plot, you will learn from this article.

Chamomile is originally a wild plant. field plant, which thanks to its appearance and endurance, people decided to specially grow them on their plots. The big advantage of this amazing flower is that chamomile can be grown from seeds. And along with other seedlings or bulbous perennial flowers, it is much more profitable and easier.

Important! The name of the flower “chamomile” was first mentioned in history in the 18th century. In the territory ancient Rus' It was believed that daisies grow where a star fell. And translated from the Polish dialect, chamomile is a “Roman flower.” By the way, in Ancient Rome a flower with exactly the same characteristics, but a different name, was considered healing and was revered not only for its external properties. At the same time in Ancient Egypt this plant was associated with the sun god Ra. The ancient Egyptians believed that where the chamomile grew, this solar god passed there. And not in vain, because both in our time and then, the plant prefers a lot of sun and warmth.

Modern cultivated daisies are the result of the work of breeders. The main features of this culture:

  1. Chamomiles also prefer warmth and sun, but they will develop just as well in the shade.
  2. By autumn, the above-ground part of the plant inevitably dies. In spring, growth and flowering resume.
  3. The flowering period of species averages from 40-60 days.
  4. Flowers differ in color, shape of inflorescence baskets and size.
  5. The middle of the chamomile remains unchanged. It is yellow or red-brown.

Varieties of garden chamomile

In our country there are a huge number of species of this amazing flower. They differ in size, color, and flowering time. The most common and popular varieties of daisies among our gardeners are:

Chamomile cornflower

This type of plant is popularly known as large garden chamomile (giant chamomile) or popovnik. There are more than twenty varieties of this species. The most popular of them:

  • common cornflower;
  • Kuril;
  • the largest cornflower.

This plant differs from its relatives in the large size of its petals, which can be double, semi-double or single. The core is yellow.

Important! The peculiarities of planting and growing such chamomile on your own plot require adherence to the following recommendations:

Chamomile feverfew

In another way it is also called Persian chamomile. The petals of this type of chamomile can be double or single. Their colors are red, pink and yellow. Distinctive feature of this type of chamomile - the height of the stem. It can reach from 50 cm to 1.5 meters. Pyrethrum is grown not only to decorate the site. This type of chamomile is also used to protect things from moths. The flower is dried and placed in a closet, where its smell repels pests.

Important! Features of care and planting of such chamomile are as follows:

Chamomile doronicum

This species is considered one of the earliest flowering. The flowering period begins in early May and ends in June. The plants reach a height of 70 cm. The petals have a rich yellow color.

Important! Such daisies are absolutely undemanding to the soil and grow even in dark areas.

Pharmaceutical chamomile

This species is the most popular among our gardeners. It has a pleasant, pronounced apple aroma. Features amazing medicinal properties, due to which the flowers and stems of chamomile are used for the treatment and prevention of various diseases, as well as as a component in cosmetic decoctions, creams, and masks.

Although such a plant belongs to the category of 1-year-olds, it can be grown in one area for 2-3 years in a row.

Important! When growing such varieties, keep in mind that they require:

Small petal chamomile

These daisies bloom late - from mid-June to September. Height – up to 1m. The range of shades is varied - the flowers are:

  • lilac;
  • white;
  • pink;
  • blue.

Important! Prefer loose soil and illuminated, sunny areas.

Popular chamomile varieties

You need to decide not only on the type of chamomile, but also on suitable variety. This completely determines how time-consuming it will be to care for the site, and how attractive the landscape will be. Take note of the most popular, persistent and beautiful varieties - it is better to give preference to flowers that have already been tested by gardeners.

Varieties with large flowers:

  • Ophelia;
  • Beethoven;
  • Alaska;
  • Silver Princess;
  • Maxima Kenig;
  • Sans Souci;
  • Julischnee.

WITH double flowers The following daisies are most often planted:

  • Swan Lake;
  • Crazy Daisy;
  • Snow Maiden;
  • Aglaya;
  • Snow Lady;
  • Edelweiss;
  • Wirral Supreme;
  • Christine Hagemann;
  • Goldrausch;
  • Sunny Sade.

With inflorescences of different shades of chamomile there are:

  • red - Kelveus, Atrosanguinea, Garnet Star;
  • pink - Vanessa.

Planting garden chamomile

You can grow chamomile using cuttings from the bush and seeds. When planting using the first method, you will receive faster lush bush. But if you don’t have mature chamomile available, sow the seeds.

Planting giant chamomile - seedling method

In order for the bush to take root well, during the preparation and planting process, adhere to the following rules:

Growing chamomile from seeds

Seedlings are grown from seeds at home or added directly to the soil. The rules for such a landing are as follows:

  1. The optimal planting time is late May - early June.
  2. Prepare the growing beds.
  3. Form rows 1-1.5 cm deep.
  4. Moisten the soil.
  5. Place seeds in the rows, but not very densely, to save yourself from the need for diving in the future.
  6. Sprinkle wet sand on top.
  7. Cover with film and remove it when there is no longer any danger of frost and the first shoots have appeared.
  8. Wait until 4-5 leaves appear on the chamomile and plant 2-3 flowers at a distance of 40 cm.

    Important! The first shoots will appear after 10-14 days, provided the soil temperature is 15 degrees. The bush will bloom by autumn or next spring.

  9. Feed chamomile according to the following scheme:
    • in May - 2 tbsp. nitrophoska per 10 liters of water, distributing 5 l/1 m2;
    • after flowering - 1 tbsp. potassium and superphosphate per 10 liters of water, consuming 6 l/1 m2;
    • after flowering - adding wood ash around the bush in the proportion of 3-4 tbsp/1 m2.


So that you do not have any additional questions regarding planting and growing chamomile, watch the video below. From it you will learn additional details.

Chamomile care

Rules of care garden chamomile very simple:

  1. Make sure that the flower has enough moisture, but do not water it too much, otherwise the roots will begin to rot.
  2. Regularly weed and loosen the soil.
  3. Divide the bushes every 2-3 years.
  4. For the winter, cover the bushes or mulch with organic matter that is available - fallen leaves, spruce branches, sawdust.
  5. Make sure that the chamomile is healthy and prevent it with fungicides. Most often this culture suffers from:
    • gray rot;
    • fusarium;
    • powdery mildew;
    • rust.
  6. Be alert to the appearance of pests and use insecticides to prevent:
    • wireworm;
    • thrips;
    • star-winged fly.


Garden chamomile is only a simple flower at first glance. If you plant it correctly and pay careful attention to growing it, you can easily create a very attractive design your plot and you can use flowers for healing.


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