The most dangerous pests and diseases of indoor plants. Diseases of indoor flowers and ways to combat them

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Most often, houseplants suffer from fungal diseases and insect pests. The leaves and root system. By characteristic features lesions, you can determine the cause of diseases in indoor plants and eliminate it in a timely manner.

High temperature and high humidity- an excellent environment for the development of bacteria. For this reason, flowers should be sprayed and watered in moderation, since excess moisture increases the likelihood of the spread of pathogens.

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    Alternaria blight

    Alternaria blight refers to a fungal disease in which the leaves, tubers and stems of the plant become covered with brown spots. The causative agents are fungi of the genus Alternaria. The disease first affects lower leaves, and then the lesion rises higher in concentric circles. Over time, the spots turn black and grow. Alternaria blight especially progresses with sudden temperature changes.

    The best environment for the development of microorganisms is a warm and damp microclimate, when the indoor humidity is 90% and the temperature is +30° C.

    Prevention of such a disease is good ventilation. Ventilation helps fight mold. It should also not be allowed high density shoots to exclude the source of bacteria: excess branches with leaves should be removed in a timely manner.


    The disease is caused by deuteromycetes of the genera Gloeosporium, Colletotrichum, Kabatiella. The spots on the affected leaves can have different shades: sometimes they are gray-yellow, in other cases brown or purple. As the spots grow, they acquire a brown tint. Spores form on them, which appear in the form of hairs. In these places the leaf surface is rough.

    The fungus is frost-resistant and spreads with watering. Develops at high humidity and elevated temperatures.

    At the initial stages of the disease, the affected leaves are removed and watering of the plant is reduced in order to reduce humidity. Plants are sprayed with Bordeaux mixture, copper sulfate, and the fungicidal preparation Strobi.

    Ascochyta blight

    Phytopathology is accompanied by the appearance of small brown spots with a diameter of 1-2 mm on the leaves. As they grow, they darken and a yellow border forms along the edge of the spot. When the disease affects the stem, it breaks at the site of infection. The first signs of the disease appear in the form of drying of the tips of the leaves. A darkened, brown stripe appears at the border with the healthy part.

    The pathogenic fungus is very resistant and can withstand frost and drought well. Transferred by droplets of water when sprayed. Control measures are the same as for anthracnose.

    Downy mildew

    The disease is provoked by the activity of fungi - oomycetes. At the initial stage of the disease, spots appear on the upper part of the leaf blade. yellow spots incorrect configuration. After a while they turn brown and then turn brown. Appears on the bottom half of the sheet gray plaque, which then turns black. Diseased leaves gather in corrugations, turn yellow and fall off. In later stages, the disease affects the plant's vascular system. On the cut, this appears in the form of darkened vessels.

    Ideal conditions for the development of phytopathology are:

    The source of the disease is poor disinfection of seeds and soil. For preventative purposes, seeds are kept in water at a temperature of +50° C for 20 minutes before planting. Warm seeds are lowered for 3 minutes in cold water and then air dried.

    Low humidity is maintained in the room. Bushes require constant thinning to improve air access. For disinfection purposes, the soil must be changed periodically.

    When the disease has spread to the plant, the infected leaves and side branches are removed. Spraying is carried out with Bordeaux mixture, Bravo or Quadris preparations. If the soil is already contaminated, then spraying is excluded.

    To avoid powdery mildew, houseplants should not be fertilized with nitrogen fertilizers, especially when the budding process is in progress. Since spores easily travel long distances, bacteria can be introduced from trees located outside the window. The development of the disease is influenced by lack of air, but drafts are also contraindicated. You can treat the affected buds with sulfur, whey or milk.

    Rust on leaves

    With this disease, rusty spots appear on the leaves. If you grind them in your hand, a powder is formed. This disease is also fungal. It appears as a result of excessive watering, lack of sufficient lighting and lack of fresh air.

    Sometimes the disease enters the ground along with the seeds. It is impossible to recognize it in advance, so before planting the soil and seed are treated with potassium permanganate. Fungal spores can be blown in by the wind if a flower pot is placed on a window. Therefore, in the spring, all plants should be treated with Bordeaux mixture for preventive purposes. If rust has affected a small part of the leaves, they should be removed.

    Appearance rust spots may be caused by incorrect dosage of fertilizers. If the soil substrate has not been changed for a long time, the soil should be completely replaced.

It's very unpleasant when your loved one indoor flower starts to hurt. Let's consider the probable causes of what is happening, identify the pathogens and learn how to deal with them. So, what diseases of indoor plants exist, what drugs are available to eliminate them, and can flowers fully recover after treatment?

Main factors in the development of diseases

  1. Monitor soil acidity and presence nutrients. An insufficient number of them leads to slow growth, leaves fall off, and flowers become defective.
  2. Low or heat in the room leads to curling of the leaves.
  3. Incorrect lighting. The stems become thin, the leaves dry out, and the flowers do not develop.
  4. Water the flowerpot correctly. Excess moisture promotes the development of rot on the roots, and too little moisture causes yellowing of the leaves.

Please note that some pest control substances are dangerous not only to humans, but also to pets. Take this into account and carry out treatment measures in the fresh air and store toxic substances away from children and animals.

Let us consider in more detail the types of diseases and measures to combat them.

Viral diseases

The main feature of this type of diseases of indoor plants is growth slowdown, however, it is worth noting that the plant rarely dies. This fact does not allow us to identify viruses at the onset of the disease and begin combating the pest in a timely manner.

The most commonly transmitted viruses are aphids and thrips. The treatment of indoor plants is radical - complete destruction, because there are no drugs for their treatment. External signs diseases are appearance of mosaic spots on flowers and some leaves.

Bacterial diseases

Chemicals are not effective in fighting bacterial infections. Main - carry out preventive measures, monitor soil moisture. When root rot occurs, it is necessary to reduce the amount of watering, and if the entire indoor plant is affected, it must be completely destroyed along with the soil and pot.

Houseplants susceptible to attack by many pests, such as:

Diseases caused by fungi


In order not to waste time and money on treating indoor plants, take preventive measures:

It is worth noting that it is better and easier to prevent the spread of pests than to treat them. houseplants.

Houseplant diseases

The plant is afraid of drafts... very strange, the Little Prince thought about the rose. What a difficult character this flower has.

Flowers, like people, live, grow, develop and make us happy lush flowering, if you treat them with love and provide them with proper lighting, watering and fertilizing. Otherwise, they begin to get sick and are affected by fungal, bacterial, and viral diseases, which not only reduce their decorative value, but can also lead to the death of one or all plants in the house if urgent measures are not taken! Diseases of indoor plants caused by fungi are treatable. Plants affected by viruses are destroyed along with the flowerpot so that the disease does not affect the rest of the flowers.

And if you value your plants, or have collected a large collection of varietal indoor flowers, then it is necessary to check their health status regularly so that if the disease appears, it is not allowed to spread.

Causes of diseases

Lack of moisture or waterlogging, dry or too humid air, as well as insufficient or excess lighting are the main reasons why your plant begins to get sick. Diseases of indoor plants also arise due to poor quality soil, which may not be suitable for the plant. One diseased plant can “infect” all the plants in the room. When purchasing a flower from a greenhouse, you must remember that it grew in special conditions microclimate, and his pampering makes him unprepared for life at home. Therefore, during the acclimatization period, the flower may become sick, look depressed, and even shed its leaves.

First of all, you need to find out the reason that caused the disease, and thus create healthier living conditions for the plant. If the color of the leaves has changed, it is worth checking the roots of the plant. After making sure that they are healthy and there is no disease or pest detected on them, place the flower in a more illuminated place and feed it with fertilizers, since it simply does not have enough nutrients. Renew the soil. Light-loving flowers can become sick and turn yellow if there is not enough light, and they need to be moved to a more illuminated window. Some shade-loving plants, such as begonia, aspidistra or fern, on the contrary, can get sick from too much light, turn yellow and get burned, and they are best placed on the west, east and north side. Clogged drainage in a flowerpot, or its absence, can cause stagnation of water and rotting of the roots. Lack of moisture can also damage the roots. Yellowing of leaves can also be associated with sharp fluctuations in room temperatures. Too dry air is the main cause of diseases and damage to plants by dangerous insect pests - spider mite and thrips, which can contribute to the appearance of a dangerous disease on them - sooty fungus. Therefore, it is so important to spray flowers with water from a spray bottle (the exception would be plants with fuzzy leaves - Saintpaulia, Aichrizon). Plants should only be watered with settled water. room temperature so that the roots of the plant do not get shocked.

List of the most common diseases of indoor plants

Fungal diseases

Powdery mildew

Powdery mildew is one of the most common and well-known plant diseases. It is caused by the appearance of the fungus Sphaerotheca pannosa on the plant. It is not difficult to define it. Whitish powdery spots form on the leaves of the plant and flowers, which are easy to remove with your hands. But they appear again and turn gray. As the mycelium increases, the spots turn brown and thicken. The fungus attacks the leaves on both sides of the leaf, and they begin to wither, dry out and fall off, like buds and flowers. The appearance and development of the disease is facilitated by high humidity (above 80%) and air temperature - 20-22 degrees Celsius.

How to fight?

At the beginning of the disease, you can remove the affected parts of the plant and treat it with special preparations designed to combat this disease, or copper oxychloride - 0.5%, potassium permanganate - 2 grams per 10 liters of water, soda ash combined with soap (50 grams of soda and the same amount of soap per bucket of water). The following products help fight the fungus - Skor, Dektra, Topaz and antibiotics diluted in water - penicillin, streptomycin, terramycin, ratio - 50x50. Some indoor plants are very susceptible to this disease, so to prevent the disease, indoor roses you need to pollinate with sulfur powder 2 times during the summer, and feed with potassium and phosphate fertilizers.

Downy mildew

Downy mildew (peronospora) is a disease that affects many indoor plants. Its causative agent is the fungus Peronospors sparsa. The disease mainly affects leaves, but later spreads to flowers and stems. Grayish-yellow spots form on the upper part of the leaves, which increase over time. On the bottom of the leaf you can see a gray coating - mycelium. Over time, the mycelium darkens and thickens. Leaves damaged by false powdery mildew wrinkle and dry out.

How to fight?

Diseased leaves must be removed. If the plant is severely affected, it is better to throw it away. Treat the diseased flower and other plants in the house with a solution of 1% copper sulfate, soda ash, not forgetting to rinse the lower part of the leaves. Preparations such as Kuproxat and Oksikhom are also used to treat plants. Etching is carried out 5 times, every 7 days.

Gray rot

A fungus of the genus Botrytis settles on dying parts of plants. But if conditions are favorable, it can hit absolutely healthy flower. In conditions of high humidity, the fungus appears on the flowers and buds of indoor plants, in the form of brown or brown spots of rot, with a white coating similar to mold or cotton wool. The affected areas soften and wither.

How to fight?

As a preventive measure, and to avoid the occurrence of disease, the room in which the plants are located must be ventilated. Remove dying leaves and do not allow the soil to become waterlogged. Preparations such as Zaslon, Barrier or Trichodermin are added to the soil before planting. If the flower is sick, remove the infected parts from it and treat it with a 0.25% solution of foundationazole, a copper-soap solution - a mixture of laundry soap and copper sulfate - 2% x 0.2%) or other antifungal drugs. The number of treatments is at least 4, with breaks of 10 days.


Spots include a whole group of fungal and bacterial diseases. Their causative agents include such types of fungi as Pestalotia, Septoria, Phyllosticta, Colletotrichum, Vermicularia, Ascochyta, and others. Dry or wet spots form on the leaves of the plant, which increase over time and can cause the death of the entire plant. Spots include: septoria blight, red burn, anthracnose, ascochyta blight and phyllostictosis.

How to fight?

If plants are heavily infested, it is best to destroy them to avoid disease in all flowers. With little initial stage infection, you can try to save the plant by treating it with antifungal drugs - Abiga-Pik, Oksikhom, copper sulfate, Fundazol, Skor, Acrobat MC and others. Treatment is carried out 4 to 5 times, with a break of a week. To avoid the appearance of spots, it is necessary to give them more light, ventilate the premises, and avoid overcrowding of flowers. As a preventive measure, plants are watered with Fitosporin-M.


Rust - fungal disease, caused by fungi - Puccinia and Phragmidium. Brown (rusty) tubercles appear on the surface of the leaves, and pustules appear on the lower part of the leaf. The spots turn into stripes, and the leaves dry out and disappear.

How to fight?

To reduce the risk of disease, it is necessary to reduce air humidity and not overwater the plants. If you find that your flower is affected by rust, remove all parts of the infected branches and leaves, and treat the plant with fungicidal preparations such as Strobi, Vectra, Topaz, a solution of copper sulfate or cuproxate. Etching should be carried out at least 3 times, every 7-10 days.

Sooty fungus

Sooty fungus even looks like a film of gray-black soot. It is caused by a fungus called Capnopodium, the appearance of which is promoted by the secretions of aphids, mealybugs and whiteflies. It does not lead to the death of the plant, but it clogs the mouths of the leaves, and the plant weakens and stops growing.

How to fight?

To get rid of sooty fungus, you must first remove the pests and wash off all the sticky secretions from the flower. Diseased plants are washed with soapy water and treated with systemic fungicides against insect pests. Also, the affected plant can be washed with a solution of laundry soap and vitriol - 2% x 0.2%.

Fusarium or tracheomycosis

Fusarium is one of the very dangerous diseases, and it is caused by fungi - Fusarium. It affects both young and adult plants. Fungi are found in the soil and enter plants in places where they are wounded or cut. Young plants die earlier because their roots and root collar rot. In adult plants, the leaves and stems become brown and wither. Weakened plants are most susceptible to fusarium. The disease can occur in both chronic and acute forms, when the flower dies in just one week.

How to fight?

To avoid the appearance of fusarium, the room should be frequently ventilated, avoiding high air humidity, loosen the soil in flowerpots and sterilize tools when working with plants (pruning, cuttings). As a preventive measure, you can also use the drug Fitosporin-M, which is used to treat the soil before planting the plant. It is better to destroy diseased plants, or save part of a healthy cutting for rooting, treating the plant with Benomyl or Vectra.

Root rot and blackleg

These diseases are caused by several species of fungi - Phytophthora, Rhizoctonia and Pythium. Pelargoniums suffer the most from these diseases. The roots of the flower turn black and completely rot. In Saintpaulia, this disease first causes the leaves to wither, and then the roots rot and the flower dies. This occurs due to stagnation of water and a too dense lump of soil that cannot be loosened. The disease can appear due to the use of unsterilized soil and equipment.

How to fight?

Part of the diseased plant will have to be removed. And try not to overwater the plant to prevent rotting of its root system. You can save the flower by taking part of its apical cutting to re-root it.

Late blight

Late blight is a fungal disease that often affects Saintpaulia violets. First the plant stops growing, then it withers and its leaves change color. After this, the flower’s root system completely rots and it dies. Large plants those with dense leaves can survive longer with this disease, and first brown spots appear near the central veins. The main reason The disease is water overflow and stagnation.

How to fight?

If a plant is affected by late blight, it is better to destroy it. In the initial stage, remove the infected part and treat the flower with copper sulfate, cuproxate or colloidal sulfur.

Bacterial diseases

Bacterial wilt

The disease manifests itself when the plant turgor loses its density and withers. Glassy or oily spots develop on the leaves and quickly enlarge, affecting the entire plant. After this, the shoots wither, and then all the plants disappear. Bacteria penetrate into the vessels of the plant and release toxins that prevent it from developing and prevent the normal movement of water.

How to fight?

Avoid overmoistening the soil and stagnant water, as well as high air humidity. It is better to destroy a sick plant, since it will still not be possible to save it.

Bacterial cancer

Bacterial canker appears as growths that look like healthy plant tissue. They may appear on stems or roots, forming tumor growths. Sometimes cancer appears on fruits and stems in the form of spots that deform the leaf with large warty growths. A large number of Such growths do not allow the plant to develop and they may die.

How to fight?

To prevent the onset of disease, it is necessary to constantly disinfect the substrate and all equipment and tools, and also treat your hands with alcohol before working with it. But plant pests can also transmit cancer. If the roots were damaged during transplantation, the damaged area should be sprinkled charcoal. If the flower is sick, then at the initial stage you can try to save it by removing the affected areas and treating it with copper sulfate. But generally it is better to destroy such plants.

Leaf dropsy

This disease is not caused by bacteria or fungi. A plant becomes ill with dropsy when it lacks light and its soil substrate is constantly waterlogged. On the leaves of the plant, with them bottom side watery growths appear.

How to fight?

Provide the plant proper care, and remove diseased leaves. And then a healthy green crown will appear on it again, and it will not hurt.

Viral diseases

Mosaic disease

Mosaic disease is a viral disease that appears as mosaic-like spots and stripes. They can form concentric patterns on the leaves of the plant. The mosaic deforms the leaves, making them curly or wrinkled. Most often this disease affects such indoor flowers like primroses, callas and pelargoniums.

How to fight?

It is better to destroy the plant, since viral diseases belong to a group of diseases that are practically incurable, and if you leave the flower, the virus can in a short time infect all the plants in the house.

Leaf curl

Curl is a viral disease, and it causes small dry spots to appear on the leaves of the plant. The leaves become deformed, become curly, and the flowers dry out. The disease may also be accompanied by gray-white lines and spots. Most often, pelargoniums, poinsettias and primroses suffer from this disease.

How to fight?

Viral diseases cannot be treated, and the plant must be destroyed, as well as disinfected in the place where it stood, and the rest of the plants in the house must be treated with special protective drugs.

Yellowing of leaves

Jaundice is a viral disease that turns leaves greenish-yellow or yellow. The shoots begin to lag in growth and become very brittle due to the formation of starch in them. A mosaic pattern appears on the leaves.

How to fight?

Determine which one viral disease If a plant is affected, it can be very difficult. To date no chemicals who could fight them. Therefore, the main methods of control remain preventive measures to prevent the disease itself. These diseases are also carried by plant pests. If a disease is detected, it is better to destroy the plant.

Prevention of diseases of indoor plants

It can be very difficult to resist buying a new flower. Or maybe your friends brought you not a bouquet of cut flowers, but a plant in a flowerpot for your birthday? Then you need to decide where it will stand. First of all, inspect the flower for pests and diseases (spots, curled leaves, cobwebs, light or dark spots, thickening, etc.). Place the flower separately from other plants, in quarantine, for at least a month.

If one or two plants are sick, place them separately from the rest of the flowerpots and carry out preventive treatment with special protective equipment all the colors in the house. It is better to discard severely affected plants.

There are an incredible number of different viruses, bacteria and diseases that can infect houseplants.

Main types


There is no single symptom of a viral disease. Basically, the growth of the plant noticeably slows down, the stems begin to bend, and dull green and yellow spots or spots appear on the leaves. White stripes may appear on flowers that are colored. Shortly before a houseplant goes on sale, it may be subject to an infection, which is often carried by insects, or it may be infected while still in the greenhouse. There are no measures to combat the viral disease yet. When the diagnosis is 100%, the flower must be thrown away.


The appearance of dark spots on the leaves of ficus, palm trees and some other indoor plants that are also susceptible to the disease. Dark brown streaks may appear at the ends of the leaves. The disease develops in humid and warm conditions, so it often appears on flowers in greenhouses, greenhouses, and not in living rooms or apartments. Remove and burn the leaves that are affected by the disease, treat the infected houseplant with a fungicide, reduce watering for 10-15 days and spray the leaves less often.


A black fungus that appears in the sweetish secretions left on leaves by aphids, mealybugs and whiteflies. For a plant, a coating that is on appearance not particularly attractive, in fact very dangerous, but it clogs the stomata and blocks the light from the leaf surface, as a result of which the plant weakens and growth slows down. Sooty deposits must be washed off with a damp cloth, then wash the flower clean and warm water. Precautionary and control measures: timely spray indoor plants against insects that can form viscous secretions.


Especially in pelargonium, the disease of stem cuttings manifests itself. As a result of infection by the well-known fungus Botryris, the base of the cutting darkens. It is advisable to quickly remove the affected cuttings. The development of this disease of indoor plants is mainly facilitated by very high humidity or too dense soil, which prevents good drainage. The next time you plant cuttings, try to make sure that the soil in the pot is not excessively wet. It is not advisable to cover the cuttings with polyethylene or glass.

Root rot (tubers)

A very serious lesion that mainly affects succulents, Saintpaulias, etc. Cacti have stems, other representatives have leaves, they wither and turn yellow, after which they darken, then pets begin to die. The cause is a fungal disease of the plant root, which occurs as a result of waterlogging of the soil. It is possible to save your beloved child only at the initial stage of diagnosing the disease.

Stem rot

Some of the houseplant's stem rots or becomes soft. The base of the stem may also be affected. As practice has shown, the fungus that causes disease spreads quickly, killing the specimen. If it becomes infected, it is usually thrown out with the pot. If you try to remove all the affected areas, then at the beginning of the disease you can save it. It is necessary to monitor the water level in the pot and avoid overwatering, frequently ventilating the room and avoiding low air temperatures.

Powdery mildew

A fungal disease that can be seen on leaves in the form of plaque white. The diseases are quite rare, affecting the plant not so much, but they reduce the decorative effect, spreading to the flowers and stems. Leaves affected by dew should be removed and the plant should be sprayed systemic fungicide or dinocap. The second method is constant access to fresh air and pollination of leaves with sulfur.

Leaf spot

The appearance of wet brown spots on the leaves of citrus, dieffenbachia and other plants. Small spots begin to increase and begin to merge with each other, with severe damage, affecting the entire leaf. The disease can be of two types: bacterial and fungal. It is necessary to remove the affected leaves, which are better to burn, spray with a systemic fungicide, reduce watering for a couple of weeks and stop spraying the leaves.

Lodging of seedlings

Fungi that attack the base of the stem and roots of seedlings. Plants fall over and plant stems begin to rot and shrivel at soil level. When planting seeds, you must follow following rules: sow seeds less frequently and exclusively in sterilized soil, do not over-moisten it. At the initial stage of manifestations of the fungus, it is necessary to remove seedlings affected by the disease, ventilate the room more often and move it to a fairly cool room.


The disease is very rare for ornamental plants, only pelargonium is exposed to it. The disease presents as round spots brown tint appear at the bottom of the leaf. It is very difficult to fight the disease - it is recommended to remove and burn the affected leaves, ventilate the room and spray with mancozeb. A sick houseplant should not be propagated.

Gray rot

Looks like fluffy mold gray, which, in stagnant air, too humid and cold conditions, can cover any part of the plant: stems, flowers, buds or leaves. All plants that have succulent leaves are susceptible to the disease. Begonias, Saintpaulias and Gloxinias are especially susceptible to rot. It is necessary to trim and burn the affected areas of the indoor plant. Get rid of moldy soil. It is necessary to treat with a systemic fungicide. Significantly reduce watering and spraying. Ventilate the premises as often as possible.


The formation of hard cork growths is mainly on the lower part of the leaves. This disease is not caused by bacteria or fungus - it is a consequence of too wet soil in poor lighting. Affected leaves must be removed. If you move the indoor plant to a sufficiently illuminated place, and also reduce watering, then after a certain period it will grow young, healthy leaves.

Why violet leaves turn black: treating the disease and eliminating other houseplant problems Benefits and medicinal properties milkweed to eliminate health problems Why Ficus benjamina grows poorly: diseases and pests and the main causes of their occurrence

Nowadays it is difficult to find an apartment that does not have house plants, because flowers always please the eye, delivering aesthetic pleasure. However, indoor flowers are susceptible to a variety of diseases, so you should always be prepared to take appropriate measures. In this article we will tell you what diseases of indoor plants exist and how to cure them.

Viral diseases indoor plants are diseases that are very difficult to diagnose, so they are considered the most dangerous. The main sign that your pet is under threat from a dangerous virus is slower growth of the plant, dry and yellow tips of the leaves (and then the leaves themselves). This is often attributed to a lack of nutrients, but if other characteristic symptoms appear, there is no doubt that you are dealing with a viral disease. Unfortunately, there are no means by which it would be possible to rid a flower of infection, so it can only be saved in the early stages of the disease.

To save your pet, you need to remove all affected areas and lubricate the cut areas with activated carbon. All tools that you used to get rid of the affected elements are also disinfected. This is the only way to rid him of his illness before everything goes too far. If the plant withers and loses leaves, and changing the conditions does not help in any way, the only way out is to get rid of the affected flower; alas, there are no other methods of treatment.

Mosaic disease

The first sign of mosaic disease is spots on the leaves. They are usually lighter or darker in color. Their appearance is directly related to the fact that during the disease the chloroplast disintegrates, which, of course, is reflected in the color. The disease was nicknamed “mosaic” because these spots that cover the leaves form an intricate mosaic pattern. The leaves are severely deformed and wrinkled, and in the end there is complete wilting.

Leaf curl

You may find areas on the leaves that look slightly swollen. Small bulges and spots appear, gradually covering the entire surface of the leaf. The leaves wrinkle and curl, and the flowers, if any, may be severely deformed.


As the name suggests, the leaves of the flowers turn yellow. In some cases, a pattern resembling concentric circles can be seen on the leaf plate. After some time, the yellowness on the leaves gives way to brown spots, which is a sign of tissue necrosis. Flower growth slows down significantly, and the stems become very fragile due to excess starch. Due to such incredible fragility and withered leaves, the flower quickly loses its former beauty and only a faded shadow remains of its former charm.

Bacterial diseases

Bacterial diseases of indoor flowers are a very unpleasant phenomenon. They infect the flower, penetrating through wounds, damaged roots, or even the soil in which your pet is kept. They can also occur due to waterlogging of the soil, so keep an eye on the watering regime.

Most often, spots on the leaves are a signal that a bacterial disease has affected your plants. If a similar infection has been diagnosed in domestic flowers, the easiest way to get rid of it is with the help of fungicides. Bacterial diseases can be treated with a solution of copper sulfate or Bordeaux mixture. If the root system has been damaged, the affected area is removed and replanted.

Bacterial wet rot

An unpleasant illness. Its symptom is gray spots that spread across the leaf plate. They look like fungal spots, but are more diffuse and oily. Touching such a spot, you can feel that they are very soft and have an extremely unpleasant smell. This is not surprising, because bacteria contribute to tissue decay.

To get rid of rot, the affected areas are removed, and healthy ones are treated with copper sulfate.

Bacterial spot

It looks like a burn, because the small spots that appear on the tips of the leaves darken over time, and a border forms around them. It looks as if the leaves were burned. These spots differ from spots caused by fungal diseases in that their boundaries are clearly visible. Fungicides will also help here, but be sure to remove the infected areas first.

Fungal diseases

Get rid of fungal infection using soda solution. To prepare it, just one teaspoon of soda per half liter of water is enough. The resulting solution is moistened with a sponge and the plaque is removed very carefully. Various fungicides are widely used.

Powdery mildew

An unpleasant disease that is not easy to detect in the early stages. A gray coating appears on the leaf blade; at first it can even be mistaken for thin layer dust. Gradually it eats into the leaf and acquires a brown tint. The affected flower elements wither and die very quickly. The drugs Topaz, Hom, Vectra and Bordeaux mixture will help fight the disease.

Gray rot

First it affects the stem of the plant, and then spreads to the fruits and leaves. It looks like a fluffy gray coating. After some time, it takes on the appearance of dry rot, tightly entwining the stems. It is very reminiscent of mold and provokes tissue death. As a result, everything above the affected area dies because the circulation of nutrients stops. Carry out treatment with Fitosporin, having previously removed all infected areas.

Sooty fungus

It is characterized by the presence of a black coating on the tips of the leaves and throughout the entire leaf blade. As a result, the plant is unable to breathe and absorb sunlight, which leads to its death. Sooty fungus is treated with Fitosporin.

Red burn

Leaves and peduncles become covered with red spots, where spore-bearing crusts can later be seen. Severe deformation of the leaves and subsequent rotting of the flower are observed. They get rid of the disease with the help of fungicides.


Brown spots appear throughout the leaf blade, and the tips of the leaves become dark brown. Sometimes the leaves simply become covered with reddish spots, after which they become deformed and wither. Fundazol is used for treatment.


The leaves are covered with orange tubercles, and reverse side of the leaf they look like bulges. The spots grow and take over the entire leaf, causing it to wither and fall off. They fight rust with Bordeaux mixture and Vectra.

Root rot

The fungus attacks the root collar and blocks the access of nutrients to the rest of the flower. If the plant is young, the disease destroys it very quickly, and medications cannot help.


Leaves become dry brown spots, they dry and fade very quickly, even the vessels turn brown. Treat wilt with fungicides.

Late blight

A disease that causes tissue necrosis. Areas of purple and brown colors, quickly spreading to the entire plant. Anti-late blight medications will help get rid of late blight.

Video “Diseases of indoor plants”

In this video you will see the most common diseases of indoor plants.


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