Make a hole for the sewer. Do-it-yourself cesspool - review and comparison of design options

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When building a dacha or country cottage, arrangement sewer system is a top priority. cesspool in a private house is designed according to standard norms, described in SNiP and SanPin.

Cesspools are classified according to the material from which they are made, design and operating principle.

Based on the material, the following types can be distinguished:

By design, cesspools are classified as:

  1. Closed. Completely sealed structures. They consist of a closed bottom and strong walls. Such containers are environmentally friendly and suitable for installation in small areas;
  2. Open or leaking. According to the rules of Sanitary Control, such a device is allowed only if the total volume of wastewater per day does not exceed 1 cubic meter. These pits have no bottom and some of the waste goes into the soil and groundwater. This allows for cesspool cleaning to be carried out less frequently than with closed tanks, but poses a threat to the environment.

According to the principle of operation, all cesspools are divided into single-chamber, multi-chamber and septic tanks. Single-chamber - standard structures consisting of one compartment. It is both a draft drain and a settling basin. This is the simplest option for installing a drain, but it requires regular cleaning. The waste is simply stored in it certain time before cesspool cleaning.

Multi-chamber – cesspools consisting of several compartments. Standard scheme is a connection of single-chamber tanks with pipes. Waste from home or other consumer points is dumped into one, and pre-treated waste flows into the second. The wastewater remains in the settling tank for several days, after which it is further purified and discharged outside the site.

Septic tanks are professional multi-chamber devices. They consist of tanks separated by pipes and filters, pumps pumping wastewater at a certain speed and treatment facilities (biological filters). The main advantage of using a septic tank for a cesspool is its efficiency. It is not just a liquid reservoir, but also a purifier. Many owners subsequently use settled water for technical needs.

Calculation of the required volume of the pit and its geometric dimensions

The volume and geometric dimensions of a cesspool in a private house depend on the number of consumers living and connected to the sewer. It is generally believed that 1 adult consumes 0.5 cubic meters of water per day. The child, accordingly, is half as much - 0.25.

The formula used for calculation is:

V*n=Vya, where V is the daily volume consumed by one person, n is the number of residents, and Vya is the required volume of the cesspool. For example, if there are three adults and 1 child living in a house, the formula will look like this:

0.5*3+0.25*1=1.75 m3. The resulting values ​​are always rounded up. In our case, this is 2 cubic meters. From the obtained values, the required dimensions are determined.

Rules for choosing the depth and diameter of a pit:

  1. The minimum drainage depth must be at least 2 meters. 1 meter is allocated for the release of gases and freezing of the soil;
    2. Maximum depth – no more than 3.5 meters. Most vacuum cleaners are equipped with hoses that are 3 meters long. Exceeding this indicator will significantly complicate the processes of cleaning wastewater from silt and solid accumulations;
  2. The width depends on the selected depth and standard sizes materials selected for the construction of the drain.

Location on the site

cesspool closed type It is more often used in a residential private house, because it can be placed much closer to the living space than an open one. All requirements for choosing a location are described in detail in “Urban planning. Planning and development of urban and rural settlements”, decree 360-92 (Ukraine) and SanPiN 42-128-4690-88 (Russia).

Primary requirements:

  1. The distance from a residential building is at least 20 meters. From non-residential premises a deviation of 15 meters is allowed. It is separately indicated that if the basement exceeds the area of ​​the house, then the countdown begins from the wall of the underground building;
  2. You should retreat from a reservoir or well from 30 meters (closed pit) to 50 (open type reservoir);
  3. A distance of 2–4 meters is maintained from the road and the fence;
  4. According to the rules of good neighborliness, a cesspool must be separated from the neighboring plot by at least 10 meters.

In some cases, it is also indicated that the waste tank must be at least 5 meters away from the garden or garden. It must be remembered that failure to comply with these requirements entails administrative liability.

Installation of a cesspool

The arrangement of a cesspool is carried out in several stages:

  1. Preparing the pit;
  2. Tank installation;
  3. Connecting sewer pipes;
  4. Backfilling the drain.

In the selected location of the site, a place for the future cesspool is planned. The pit is dug with a special construction equipment or manually. Its diameter should slightly exceed the dimensions of the tank for arranging a cesspool. This will allow the container to be more thoroughly sealed and insulated.

Regardless of the type of pit construction chosen, the bottom of the pit must be strengthened with crushed stone and a sand cushion. The first layer of sifted river sand, after it - fine crushed stone and then - coarse stones. The walls of the pit are covered waterproofing material. In cold regions, textiles or agrofibre are also installed on top of the waterproofing to protect against soil freezing.

The dacha plot must have a sewerage system. You can do it yourself. without pumping with your own hands - this is a way to make living in country cottage more comfortable. The main thing is that the sewer system functions correctly. Installing drains is not a difficult task if you first learn how to carry out the construction.

It is quite possible to make a cesspool for a private house yourself

Sealed waste water tanks

These tanks are containers made of concrete, plastic, metal and other materials that do not allow water to pass through. Thanks to the tightness, residents will be spared unpleasant odors. However similar device cesspools involve frequent calls to a team of sewer trucks to remove accumulated wastewater.

Storage containers made of plastic can be mounted in parallel, which increases their volume. Sealed tanks are installed above-ground and underground. The first option will be required for land plots with close groundwater.

The simplest homemade septic tanks

A do-it-yourself cesspool is a feasible job for a master when it comes to simple and lightweight structures. If you are going to use it for construction, then it is better to find an assistant and hire special equipment. Heavy structures are not easy to install yourself.

If you have found a plastic container for a cesspool on your farm, then start arranging summer cottage. Installation will take no more than 2 – 3 days. In addition to plastic containers, they are used metal barrels or containers, as well as products made of polypropylene or polyethylene. Each material has its own characteristics:

  1. Plastic is lightweight, easy to transport, resistant to wet environments, long service life, and easy to process;
  2. Metal barrels or homemade welded structures require an anti-corrosion coating. Otherwise, the product will soon become unusable;
  3. Polypropylene containers are durable, moisture-proof, shock-resistant, and able to withstand sudden temperature changes;
  4. Polyethylene containers are fragile. They require careful transportation. The service life reaches 30 years.

For homemade septic tank with several chambers you need to prepare a pit and fill it correctly concrete screed to get a solid foundation. The rings are installed. The structures are connected to each other. Step-by-step cleaning allows you to obtain an excellent natural fertilizer for the garden.

How to make an absorption pit

A cesspool without pumping is created in several stages:

  1. Select the location where the hole will be located. It is necessary to retreat 1 m from the fence and at least 12 m from the residential structure. Upper layer Scatter the soil around the area. Leave 1.5 m3 of earth for thermal insulation above the ceiling. Remove the remaining soil from the dacha;
  2. Make walls out of concrete. Another option is brickwork. The design will be optimal for sucking liquid into the ground if the masonry is done in a checkerboard pattern;
  3. Make an overlap on top. It could be monolithic slab made of concrete with a hatch.

If you do not plan to insulate the lid, then you need to install the walls 30 or 40 cm lower than the soil level so that the cesspool does not freeze in winter.

A plastic pit boiler is one of the simplest solutions

Sealed design device

There are many options for making a cesspool. This is convenient to meet the various needs of cottage owners. Use factory products to sewer pit served you for many years. Scheme of a cesspool made of concrete slabs. Installation is quick. The cesspool will be able to fully satisfy the needs of residents: concrete rings are sold on the market in large assortment. You can easily select circles with the desired diameter.

During installation, the following order should be observed:

  1. They dig a hole. For execution earthworks usually hire an excavator;
  2. Lay the main circle. Install subsequent rings. Specialists will handle this work. This requires the use of special equipment. An excavator is needed to construct the bottom; the rings will be lowered down by a crane. It is preferable to use solid products in construction;
  3. The last circle should rise 20 or 30 cm above the ground.

Construction of a cesspool from concrete rings requires the involvement of experienced professionals and special equipment.

A cesspool with overflow is an excellent replacement for central sewerage in areas where there is none. The structure has the following advantages:

  • rare pumping using sewage disposal equipment;
  • the ability to use water a second time to water green spaces;
  • no bad odors;
  • the ability to use water in large volumes;
  • absence of gurgling and other unpleasant sounds from the sewer system if the pit overflows.

If desired, the master will build a cesspool overflow structure himself. To do this you will need to understand its structure. 2 settling pits are connected to each other with a special pipe in the shape of the letter “T”.

The first container is connected to the house by a pipeline at an angle of 1.5 or 2 degrees towards the drain. Large particles sink to the bottom of the settling tank. Wastewater flows through a T-shaped pipe into another container. This sump does not have a bottom. It has layers of sand, as well as crushed stone with broken brick. Wastewater passes through all layers. After purification, it goes into the ground without causing harm environment. Loose soil or sandy makes it possible to fill the second pit with crushed stone alone. Lay geotextiles with a layer of black soil on top. Plant plants with short root systems.

Improve decay organic waste It helps to add special preparations containing bacteria to the first septic tank. If oxygen enters the container, the biological product works better. Therefore, it is recommended to leave a hole in the septic tank lid.

The first sump is built from concrete rings, and the second from red brick. Will be needed sewer pipelines made of plastic and T-shaped pipe. Instead of the latter, you can take a corner. This is necessary to prevent sewage from entering the first container into the second.

If you have to dig a ditch by hand, then use this method. Install the first concrete ring at the location where the sump pit will be. Get inside the product and dig in a circle. The weight of the ring will cause it to sink. When concrete product leveled to the ground, a second one is installed on it. Keep digging. Unnecessary soil is poured into a bucket, which is lifted by your assistant standing on top. After completing the installation of the rings, connect the pipes to the containers. A chisel and hammer will help you make holes in the concrete rings.

A plastic cesspool is a structure that a master creates without outside help. When installing, avoid pipe drops and sharp turns. When it is impossible to lay a straight pipeline, then make the angle of turns obtuse. This design avoids blockages. Make sure that it is convenient for the sewer truck to drive up when the sewage accumulates and you need to pump out the cesspool. The drawn diagram will help you create a competent project for local sewerage.

Do-it-yourself sewer pit from used car tiresbudget method create comfortable conditions for accommodation. If the volume Wastewater is small, then this design is ideal: it is accessible and practical. Installation is not difficult. However, it is difficult to disassemble a tire structure with your own hands. The homemade product will last no more than 15 years.

It is difficult to shape structures made of gas silicate blocks into a circle on your own. Therefore, it is made in the form of a square or rectangle. Sealing is carried out using special glue or cement mortar.


Ready-made cesspool kits

Today, cesspools in a private house are made in one day. Contact professional companies that sell and install septic tanks. Select ready product according to the catalog and place an order - a cesspool made of plastic or concrete rings. In the first case, the container is already ready for use, in the second it will be assembled on site.

Factory septic tanks are divided into single-chamber, two-chamber and three-chamber. The last two models allow you to get more output clean water. The first option is used instead of a cesspool.

Thinking about the issue of manufacturing country water supply? Then you should know that in addition to it you will also have to make a country sewer system. By and large, it differs little from the system of sewage conduits that are laid in the city - the difference between them lies only in the point of discharge of contaminated water. If in the city all sewer pipes lead to treatment facilities (at least, this should be the case ideally), then at the dacha they are used as drain hole. It is about her, or rather about her self-construction, and will be discussed in this article, in which, together with the site, we will understand its structure, manufacturing technology and materials that can be used to create it.

How to make a drain hole photo

Drain pit: structure and principle of operation

Structurally, the classic drainage pit is simple device, which almost every person can make at the dacha - you don’t even need special skills here. Moreover, it can be made from a fairly large number of available materials. This is on the one hand, but if you look at this device from the other side, then, like all technical devices, the drainage pit has its own subtleties and nuances, which you must know. First of all, this is the structure and principle of operation - if you understand these points, then there will be no problems either with the selection of materials for the pit or with its direct construction. A classic drainage pit consists of the following elements.

More details about the design and principle of constructing a drainage pit in a dacha can be seen in this video.

In principle, this is the whole device - as you can see, a do-it-yourself drainage pit is not distinguished by its design complexity. The principle of its operation looks even simpler - wastewater entering the pit is simply absorbed into the soil. This concerns the liquid part of them - with solid waste things are somewhat different. First, they accumulate at the bottom and do everything to clog the channels in the soil and prevent the rapid absorption of liquid - they seem to set themselves the task of making sure that they are constantly in the water. Eventually it will happen - when it does, you just need to start adding to the hole special bacteria, which will engage in liquefaction solid waste human life.

Do-it-yourself drainage hole at the dacha: what to make it from

As you already understood, the main element of the drainage pit, which, in general, will have to be built, is a persistent wall that prevents the destruction of the pit. It can be made from various materials, of which we can collect quite a lot - naturally, we will not do this and will consider only the most common options. The task is not to poke your nose in, they say, make it out of this, but to clarify the principle, understanding which, you can independently select the material needed for the drainage pit from what is available at the dacha.

In general, the principle is simple - you need to create some semblance of a container. How and from what you make it is now your business. We need to thoroughly comb through the dacha and other warehouses– you’ll see that something suitable comes along.

How to make a drain hole correctly: bottom filter and its purpose

Bottom filter - without it, not a single pit can serve long time- it is for this reason that the question of how to make the bottom of a drainage hole should be given Special attention. There is nothing complicated here, you just need to know a couple of points that, in general, extend the life of the drainage pit in the country.

In principle, these are all the nuances associated with the manufacture of a bottom drain filter. You shouldn’t disdain it, even when building a small drainage pit - as mentioned above, it can increase the service life of an individual one by two or even three times.

To conclude the topic about how a drainage pit is made, I will say a few words about its close relative - the septic tank. What distinguishes them from each other is the presence of several chambers in the second one, in which the separation of solid and liquid waste. As a result, only one liquid reaches the chamber in which water is absorbed into the soil, as a result of which the channels in the soil practically do not become clogged. Consequently, such a pit serves very well without pumping. for a long time– if you make a septic tank correctly, you can use it for almost half a century. Read about how to do it in another article on our website.


If in multi-storey buildings property owners do not think about the question of where to dispose of waste water and sewage, then for owners of private households the problem of waste and sewage disposal requires a permanent solution. They have no choice but to make a drainage hole with their own hands. This arrangement option treatment plant is the simplest and most accessible during construction on our own.

Landscaping begins personal plot from the installation of a water supply and sewerage system, since staying in nature cannot be called comfortable if you have to carry drinking water from a well and run to nearby bushes when needed.

There are several options for disposing and processing wastewater and sewage, but the simplest design is a cesspool. It is necessary to have knowledge of how to properly make a drainage pit without the help of specialists, so that in the future you will not have problems with its operation and the environmental situation in the area adjacent to the house.

Types of drainage pits

Despite the simplicity of the design, drainage pits differ in the way they are implemented.

They are:

  • sealed;
  • filtering;
  • two-chamber.
Drain pit sealed. The process of how to make a drainage pit with a completely sealed body has its own characteristics. This option is the safest from an environmental point of view, since all waste coming from home or outdoor toilet, end up in a sealed settling tank and remain there until the arrival of the sewer truck.
When the pit is made airtight, sewage does not contaminate the soil and groundwater. As a result, the ecological system will not be threatened, nor will the sources drinking water. The advantage of such a treatment design is that it can be used regardless of the hydrogeological conditions in the adjacent area.

But there are also disadvantages. Sewage and sewage accumulated in a sealed container must be periodically pumped out, and calling a sewer truck is not a cheap service. The frequency of pumping depends on the volume of the tank used.

In fact sanitary standards it is prohibited to build local sewerage such a design: when untreated wastewater gets into the ground, it can cause irreparable harm to the environment in a given area. They can even be a source of contamination of drinking water sources, and this is already extremely dangerous for human health.

This option, if currently used, is only for country houses, since people living in them do not require a large number of water. It is recommended to build filter-type waste pits only if the volume of waste during the day is no more than a cubic meter. When the amount of wastewater is small, it has time to be processed through natural decomposition.

Often pits of this type equipped during the construction of baths, steam rooms and for houses in which separation of wastewater is provided. In the latter case, it is necessary to lay two sewer branches and build two drainage pits on the site. The first of them, equipped with a filter type, receives waste water from washing machine, shower cabin, from the washbasin. These effluents are considered relatively clean.
Sewage from the toilet and water from the kitchen are directed into the second sealed pit.

Two-chamber drain pit. This decision problems with waste disposal is considered practical and reasonable.

The operating principle of this treatment plant, shown in the photo, is as follows:

  • a drainage pit, consisting of two chambers, is connected at the top by an overflow, the first of which is sealed, and the second is filtering;
  • unseparated wastewater initially enters the first of the chambers, which is sealed, and settles there (mechanically separated);
  • solid particles sink down to the bottom, and less contaminated water flows into the next chamber;
  • from another chamber, water is filtered into the soil;
  • The waste collected in the first chamber must be pumped out from time to time. To reduce the amount of waste, special biological drugs. The bacterial strains contained in them promote the processing of organic matter, which leads to a reduction in the amount of sewage.

How to make a drain hole correctly

Before making a drainage hole in a private house, you need to design a construction plan. It is necessary to select the type of structure, location of construction and calculate the required volume of the tank.

Of course, the amount of waste is determined individually, but generally accepted standards also apply. For example, for a family that permanently lives in a house and has three members, they build a pit that can hold 6 cubic meters.

When calculating the volume of a container, the following points are taken into account:

  • How affordable is the cost of services provided by vacuum cleaners;
  • the volume of waste that sewage disposal equipment is capable of pumping out of a pit at one time.
Choosing a location for a drainage pit.

When determining where a sump should be made, a number of factors are taken into account:

  • distance to the location of soil water. It should be sufficient to dig a pit two meters deep (this is the minimum value). Read also: " ".;
  • the distance from the source of drinking water to the sump must be at least three tens of meters. It is extremely important to maintain the minimum distance from the well to the cesspool, for your own safety;
  • you cannot make a cesspool on a slope;
  • it is necessary to provide for the possibility of access of special equipment designed to clean the pit from the drain;
  • It is prohibited to make a septic tank in the immediate vicinity of a residential building and the fence of a neighboring plot. Minimum distance to a residential building should be 5 meters.

Thus, before making a drainage hole in your house, the location should be chosen very carefully to prevent contamination of the area, surrounding the building, especially when the site is built up. In any case, the rules must be followed.

Selection of building materials for arranging a drainage pit.

When creating a sealed cesspool, the following materials are used:

When constructing a filter type drain pit, you can:

  • cover it with bricks, leaving 5 centimeter gaps between the rows in a checkerboard pattern;
  • install reinforced concrete rings for drainage wells with perforation into it;
  • use car tires. They are laid on top of each other, cutting off the lower rim on each tire;
  • use used metal or plastic tanks or barrels. The bottom should be cut off and holes should be made in the lower part to improve filtration of wastewater.

Making a drain hole with your own hands

Exists certain order How to make a drain hole with your own hands correctly.

On initial stage prepare a pit and dig trenches for laying supply pipes.

The depth of the pit should be greater than the designed depth of the drainage pit, since space will be required for the drainage pad. It is made from layers of sand and crushed stone, which are carefully compacted.

If you plan to arrange sealed pit, then the thickness of the layers should be 10-15 centimeters. Place pillows on top or reinforced concrete slab, or pour a concrete screed.

When installing a filter pit, for better wastewater purification minimum layer crushed stone should be 20 centimeters. Thanks to this measure, the bottom will not silt for a longer time.

Then you need to start strengthening the walls of the sump. To do this, make brickwork, or use plastic containers, or install concrete rings.

In the case when a sealed sump is being built, after the walls have been strengthened, waterproofing should be done.

At the same time, connect the supply pipeline to the tank receiving the wastewater. It is necessary that the connection of the pipes with the tank is both sealed and not rigid: then it will not collapse when the soil moves. therefore For connection you should use rubber couplings.

Approximately 40 centimeters from the surface of the earth, a cover for the sump is made. Usually a ready-made reinforced concrete slab with a hole for a hatch is used. If desired, it is quite possible to make such a slab yourself, having previously made the formwork. The ceiling can also be constructed from boards, but it will not be durable.

In order to control the degree of filling of the tank and to pump out sewage, a hatch must be installed in the ceiling. In addition, the cover should be mounted ventilation pipe for the removal of gases (including methane) that are formed during the decomposition of the solid contents of wastewater. You can pour soil on top of the ceiling, but so that precipitation cannot enter the pit.

When is the creation of a local sewerage facility, for those home craftsmen who are new to this type of work, it will not be superfluous to know how to make a drainage pit for servicing a country household. Even if hired workers do the arrangement, it will be easier for the owner to monitor the quality of the services.

A cesspool in a country house is a mandatory attribute, since centralized system Sewerage is not always available. Each of us wants to feel as comfortable outside the city as in the city and begins to equip our Vacation home, installing a shower, bathtub, toilet, etc. in it.

Cesspool, types and features

Before you start building a cesspool, it is important to think through the design of the collection and accumulation of household wastewater.

A cesspool can be:

  • absorbent, without bottom;
  • sealed;
  • septic tank

Cesspool with “no bottom” design the simplest and cheap option arrangement of a cesspool. Disadvantages: Domestic wastewater that enters the ground can cause damage to the environment. And if the volume of wastewater is large, this sewerage option will not be able to cope.

Sealed container, does not pollute the atmosphere and is comfortable to use. Disadvantages: for such a sewer it is necessary to call as the cesspool is filled.

It is important to understand that the cesspool will clog faster over time and you will need to call the cesspooler more often.

Septic tank- a reliable option for arranging a cesspool, since a septic tank works according to the principle mechanical cleaning. A single-chamber septic tank is one of the most simple types both in construction and in operation. It is a well with a bottom lined with crushed stone, through which water subsequently seeps into the ground. The use of bacteria helps to further purify the water; the storage tank itself will fill more slowly and less contaminants will get into the soil.

Where can a cesspool be located?

Defining optimal location- This is an important part of the construction of a cesspool, which requires taking into account such aspects as:

  • a mandatory 5-7 m distance between the cesspool and the residential building;
  • 30 m, not less distance from a pit to a well or other water intake;
  • accessibility for a sewer truck.

In addition to choosing the location of the cesspool, you should consider some rules:

  • the design of the pit should be round, this allows it to withstand loads from the soil much better, reducing the likelihood of depressurization and collapse of the walls of the pit;
  • The location of the pit on the site must be chosen below the residential building; it will be easier to organize a slope from sewer pipes;
  • The volume is calculated as follows: for one person half or more of a cubic meter of the volume of the pit. In practice, a cesspool is built from three cubes. Why is that? Because the tank of a sewer truck has a volume of exactly 3 cubic meters. Therefore, it is better to make the volume the same as that of a vacuum cleaner than to order it repeatedly.

What materials should I use to build a cesspool?

A multifaceted question, since there are a lot of materials for arranging a cesspool:

  • One of the irrational options is the construction of a cesspool without lining. Such a pit will quickly silt up, the walls will fall off, and the useful volume of the pit will decrease;
  • cesspool using tires - the average service life of this design is about 30 years, cannot be cleaned, and has a small filtration area. Which leads to rapid siltation and the filtration process stops;
  • use of wooden formwork - the service life of this structure largely depends on the type of wood used; the use of valuable wood is not advisable. The service life of such a cesspool is 5-7 years;
  • pit of brickwork– the brick gradually turns into clay during contact with water;
  • pit of metal formwork– service life from 5 to 20 years, depends on the properties, as well as on the surface treatment of the material. Expensive metal increases the service life;
  • a pit made of polymer formwork - or just a septic tank. Is an achievement innovative technologies, is very popular.

The most common option for arranging a cesspool, of course, is. Is the most the best option for a cesspool, even in terms of price/quality ratio.

A cesspool made of reinforced concrete rings has many advantages, for example, over brickwork:

  • easy installation, less costs time;
  • sealing is less labor-intensive due to the small number of joints;
  • concrete is the most durable, concrete is resistant to the aggressive effects of the contents of the cesspool;
  • the likelihood of siltation of protrusions and crevices is reduced, since the rings have smooth and round walls.

The top of the cesspool must be covered concrete slab. For convenient access to the inside of the pit during pumping, a hatch is installed on the slab. It may also be needed in the event of any emergency.

One thing - a large amount of heat and various gases will be released from the pit. Therefore, you need to think through a small hole in the floor slab and organize ventilation - piece sewer pipe, protruding from the surface of the earth by half a meter.

Construction of a cesspool– a serious and responsible process, adhering to proven technology, if you have the desire, you can do everything yourself.


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