The combination of turquoise and brown in the interior. Turquoise living room - stylish and fresh interior

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Do you sincerely believe that like is drawn to like? Not necessary when it comes to color scheme internal finishing. For several years now, turquoise has remained in the top five trending universal shades for the home. interior. Another fashion whim or a truly worthwhile find that goes with everything? Let's try to figure it out together.

The nature of turquoise and interiors

Turquoise is a symbol of love of life and energy; it finds its niche in any style from classic to high-tech. Why is this color so easy to find? mutual language with world and design variations?

The versatility of turquoise is explained by the nature of its birth; it is not a pure color in itself; if you look at it in detail, it is a mixture of many parts of the color spectrum. The basis is blue and yellow, the fusion of which gives turquoise and the play of its shades; as soon as you add a little more of one or the other, turquoise reacts sensitively to changes. That's why we can often confuse it and call it sea green or even blue, but "some strange blue." Our eyes perceive the affinity of this color with green in different ways, sometimes calling it “almost emerald” or “bottle” if the shade is dark turquoise. This is a changeable color that can give incredible sensations if you find the right approach to it.

What turquoise can give in the interior

  1. Optical illusion of coolness and cleanliness.
  2. Psychologists claim that it has a positive effect on the psyche - it gives better concentration to achieve goals or promotes a better feeling of solitude. The main thing is to successfully play with the shades.
  3. It gives a feeling of the proximity of natural bodies of water, to which city dwellers are so often drawn, but due to the heavy workload they cannot go to them as much as they would like.
  4. The color fits organically into all types of rooms - neither a turquoise bedroom, nor a living room or children's room, nor a turquoise kitchen or bathroom is striking in beauty and does not irritate the eye.

Turquoise rooms best help their owners escape from the tenacious clutches of urbanization and feel themselves in quieter places, close to nature. Now let’s look at what colors go well with turquoise.

With green, blue and cyan

There is a lot of debate about the compatibility of these colors, but no matter what anyone claims, we have one indisputable argument - our own eyes, which are able to see and let us understand that shades of the same range smoothly flowing into each other are an interesting find. The main thing is not to combine turquoise, green and blue of the same saturation level, but to give one of them a clear leading position.

The symbiosis of these tones is suitable for:

  1. Bedrooms - a large and bright room looks advantageous if turquoise takes the role of the “queen”, and green and blue faithfully serve as her pages, highlighting her greatness. The main thing is that the ruling color in the bedroom should be soft and non-aggressive. We’ll leave special richness for the living room.
  2. Living room - here turquoise can either boldly become the “highlight of the program”, showing its nature in very bright forms, or serve as a moderate background for others and give the reins to blue and green. This is a matter of taste and interior design ideas, sometimes turquoise color serves best as an accent, if there is a large niche in the room, you can additionally decorate it with pieces of furniture or curtains, rugs and other small items of the same range. A large turquoise sofa looks especially beautiful as a focal point.
  3. Children's room - for our children this can be a godsend. Oddly enough, a turquoise room corrects your attitude towards life in a positive direction, giving an influx of energy, but at the same time promotes good sleep. Options can be different - from the domains of a merman to a fairy forest or a turquoise kingdom. If parents have doubts about painting the entire walls, you can focus on small details or interior items - wallpaper with turquoise stripes, put a turquoise chest of drawers, table lamp etc.
  4. The bathroom is a complete flight of fantasy, but with an emphasis on relaxation; after all, the bathroom is a place where we not only carry out hygiene procedures, but also relax after working days.
  5. Turquoise and cool sea or gentle mint overflows will create the atmosphere of the real kingdom of Ondine. Their natural purity and freshness will make it easier for the hostess to create invaluable comfort.

    With black and brown

    Turquoise and yellow. When heard, this combination always evokes skeptical exclamations, but if you approach the design competently, you can get original solutions. The main thing here is that both tones should not be very saturated, almost pastel, and turquoise should predominate. Yellow can only serve as a splash.

    Turquoise and gold. These motifs have long been actively used in the creation of palace interiors; state and ballrooms often shone with turquoise and gold. Today they are replaced by living rooms and corridors, and this combination is often used for the bedroom. Golden patterns on turquoise fabric create a feeling expensive material, at the same time, without weighing down the space and without visually reducing the dimensions of the rooms. This is a cheerful classic.

    Turquoise and red. This is the boundary of youth and growing up, or the same theme of water - after all, beautiful corals grow in the sea. The main thing is that there is a little red, and it is discreet even in accents - not a completely red pillow, but a turquoise pillowcase with burgundy flowers, not a scarlet lampshade, but a different shade of turquoise or green with red patterns, etc.

    The unity of turquoise and nature is best represented by oriental and country style. The first will be distinguished by the predominance of turquoise in huge quantities, diluted with embroidery, pillows, flying canopies and expensive pieces of carved wooden furniture. The second style will remind us of the years spent with our grandmothers, everything will be sweet and simple, and turquoise will serve not as a basis, but as accents: a bedspread on an old metal bed, a tablecloth hanging from a heavy oak table, a curtain fluttering on a formal window with wooden platbands, removable textile seat on bent chairs, etc.

    Turquoise is a color that appeals to most people. Today this is one of the interior trends, which is not surprising, because turquoise is very versatile. It feels great in both modern and vintage interiors. But its main advantage is its excellent compatibility. The versatility and adaptability of turquoise is largely due to its duality. After all, it combines two colors: green and blue. Depending on which component is dominant, turquoise is closer to blue or aquamarine.

    Let's talk about the combination of turquoise in more detail. What combinations are possible? What is their character? Which scheme to choose for a particular project?

    What to combine turquoise color with in the interior?

    The table below contains a list of possible companions for turquoise and the main characteristics of these color combinations.

    Partner color Combination characteristics Combination application
    Spring green (lime, lemon, pistachio, mint, etc.) Cool, calm, calming, airy, watery Recommended for bedrooms as it creates a relaxing atmosphere. Suitable for interiors with marine motifs
    Blue Cold, fresh, airy, watery, heavenly Used for interior decoration in nautical style. Suitable for the bedroom if you need to bring a noticeable coolness to it
    Violet Colorful, bright, spectacular, dramatic, fantasy, magical, obsessive Used to create a spectacular, mysterious, fantasy atmosphere. In large quantities it can be tiring. Most often used in living rooms and children's rooms, as well as in interiors with Arabic motifs
    Pastel purple(lilac, lavender) Light, spring, vintage, cheerful, pleasant The combination is relevant for creating modern, laconic and minimalist interiors with a feminine character and for decorating rooms in a vintage style
    Yellow (including yellow-green shades) Summer, moderately warm, bright, joyful, naive The combination is perfect for creating cheerful, optimistic interiors: living rooms, kitchens, etc. Popular for finishing and decorating children's rooms
    Peach Delicate, soft, feminine, “velvet” Interiors made in this color scheme, caress with comfort. They usually look very feminine
    Orange Bright, energetic, cheerful, invigorating, tonic The color scheme is typical for children's rooms. Often used to decorate cheerful living rooms
    Coral Summer, beach, sea, vintage, feminine and turquoise are combined to decorate rooms with marine, beach, and tropical themes. This color pair is also relevant for retro style. In modern interiors, these colors usually act as accents.
    Grey Cool, serene, soothing, elegant, moderately austere A fashionable combination actively used in the design of modern interiors with a bias towards minimalism
    White Clean, cool, fresh, winter The combination is in demand for modern interiors in the minimalist style and for vintage kitchens
    Brown (chocolate) Beautiful, bright, spectacular, vintage A universal combination that is equally successful in both vintage and modern interiors
    Beige and light brown Calm, powdery, cozy Another universal one color scheme. Simple and not as impressive as many of the previous ones, but safe

    Color combinations can be divided into 4 groups: 1). similar; 2). additional; 3). intermediate; 4). combinations with neutral and conditionally neutral colors.

    “Similar” scheme is a combination of colors that are located close to each other on the color wheel. Such combinations are the most restrained and calm. This makes them a win-win. For turquoise, similar colors are green and blue. By combining them, we do not risk anything - the interior in any case will neither scream nor be colorful.

    Combination of turquoise and green

    Combination of turquoise and blue

    Combination "additional" - this is a union of colors located on different halves of the color wheel. Such combinations are bright, active, catchy, stimulating. That's why they are dangerous. When working with pairs of complementary colors, you need to be careful not to oversaturate the interior with the energy of the colors. Of the colors presented in the table above, complementary to turquoise are coral, orange, peach.

    What to combine turquoise color with in the interior? With orange, coral, peach

    Intermediate combination - this is the convergence of colors located relatively close to each other. Such, for example, is the combination of turquoise with yellow and purple. Such pairs are overly bright and colorful. A reasonable dosage is required.

    The combination of turquoise with purple and lilac

    Combination of turquoise and yellow

    Pairing with neutral and conditionally neutral tones (white, grey, beige, black) works flawlessly. There are no risks here.

    Combination of turquoise with gray, white, beige, brown

    The interior palette may include not two, but three, four or more colors. If desired, you can combine any three or four colors from the table above. All of them are quite compatible with each other. For example, in one room you can use turquoise, lemon, coral, and beige at once.

    Most people like to add soft, warm colors to the interior of their home. Thanks to calm shades, the house becomes cozy, you feel comfortable and relax in it.

    When you enter a house from the threshold, you feel its whole atmosphere, so it is recommended to decorate pastel colors namely the living room.

    Make a room in turquoise tones within the power of the bravest individuals.

    If you are indifferent to such shades, try using this color in minimal quantities, for example, decor, dishes, textiles.

    Creative individuals, as well as connoisseurs of cool shades, will like it maximum amount turquoise color in the living room.

    More recently, this color only decorated the bathroom, because it combines with the color of water, coolness, and freshness.

    Designers do not stand still, every year additions are made to the design of premises, projects are created with more and more innovations and rare styles.

    What does the color turquoise mean?

    In the living room, where turquoise color predominates, or in other words, it is called the color of sea wave, it always exudes freshness, neatness, and comfort.

    People, being in such a space, receive more positivity and peace. Turquoise color relaxes, takes you far to old Provence.

    The shade of turquoise appeared thanks to a successful mixture of green and blue tones.

    In the interior of the living room, designers introduce such a shade in noble tones, muffle its brightness, the color becomes calm, and at the same time radiates bright colors.

    How to apply turquoise color in the living room?

    Like sea ​​shade can be in any design. In the living room, you can safely invent and combine various shades of blue and turquoise.

    For a spacious living room, it would be successful to apply turquoise color to the walls, while it is better to install furniture in cream tones.

    The floor also needs a play of turquoise colors. A rug with a variety of cool tones will work well.

    You can always throw blue pillows on light furniture, preferably in combination with a light turquoise color.

    Painting the ceiling in a room turquoise is not bad, but it will significantly reduce their height. If the walls are decorated in a monochromatic turquoise color, then it is advisable to complement them with light columns. This will make the room more cheerful and bright.

    The turquoise color itself is quite dark, so designers recommend combining it with a light tone.

    All shades of white, gray, and creamy tones look in harmony with turquoise.

    The turquoise color came to us from old France, where the shade could be found in every home. Previously, this complex, deep shade of turquoise was used throughout the house, not just in the living room.

    Ideal combinations of turquoise

    Turquoise is used in all styles; it cannot be said that the color is characteristic only of the High-Tech or Provence style. This shade is called a universal color for its harmonious combination with all shades.

    Turquoise looks great, made in a soft tone, as if unobtrusively showing its superiority of color. If you choose the right color, you can beautifully decorate even the most dark room in the house, although designers do not recommend doing this.

    If there is little light in the living room, then it is not recommended to paint the walls turquoise; they should be made in a creamy tone, but the sea color should be on textiles, furniture, and decor.

    In the case of a large, bright living room, everything is different; turquoise walls will look luxurious, the room will gain status, and it will have a clear style.

    It is important to remember that the sea shade can be slightly lightened by diluting it with light paint.

    If your living room works experienced designer, then he will definitely give you several shades of turquoise to choose from, from dark to light.

    In a living room with light walls, floors, and a white ceiling, turquoise-colored furniture will look beautiful; here you can use the entire palette of turquoise, from the darkest to the lightest shades.

    Using furniture in this tone will create the right balance between colors in the room.

    Turquoise goes perfectly with white in almost any solution. Bright room, in which the turquoise color is clearly indicated, is considered stylish and contrasting.

    It has become fashionable to combine turquoise color in the living room with a chocolate shade. The non-standard approach, however, looks noble in all types of premises.

    If a similar color scheme is used in the living room, it is better to leave the walls and ceiling light, preferably white.

    Combination of turquoise and purple will take you away to classic style. This color scheme loved by older Italians, and purple is used exclusively in decoration, the basis is turquoise.

    Conduct experiments with turquoise color, get extraordinary solutions, perhaps you will be the one who will create a special style for your home and become an example to follow.

    Photo of a turquoise living room

    The turquoise color in the living room interior looks bright and fresh, so living rooms in turquoise tones and other shades blue color so popular. Many colors are perceived by people as not being what they are. For example, for many, cherry and scarlet shades remain red, and raspberry remains pink. Similar associations arise with the color turquoise. This shade is considered midway between green and blue. It is the turquoise color that is considered the personification of nature. Many people prefer turquoise, as it resembles the vast expanses of the sea. Can you create a unique living room interior in turquoise? Let's study the basic rules and recommendations for color combinations

    Turquoise sofa against a gray wall in the living room interior

    What does the turquoise color mean in the living room interior?

    The turquoise color in the living room represents the spirit of purity and positive mood. Turquoise was created by merging two natural colors - blue and green. If you look at the sea on a sunny day, you will see that it is turquoise shade.

    Turquoise curtains in the living room interior

    Many cultures revere the color turquoise. He personifies:

    • compassion;
    • faith;
    • Love;
    • healing.

    If you look at finished interior living room in turquoise tones, you can see that it is shrouded in nobility and romance.

    Turquoise walls and accessories in the living room interior

    As a rule, turquoise color is preferred by successful and confident people. Most often, in their home, the living room is made in this color scheme. Dark or lighter shades are allowed.

    Modern interior living room in turquoise tones

    Psychologists advise using turquoise in the living room interior. It helps to cope with panic fear that grips a person for no reason.

    Turquoise carpet and chairs in the living room interior

    Psychology of living room interior in turquoise color

    In every home, the living room is considered the main room. Friends gather here, holidays and simple family evenings take place. And a more successful shade than turquoise cannot be found. The room will definitely become the coziest, most comfortable, stylish, fashionable and hospitable.

    Stylish living room in turquoise tones

    The originality of the living room can be emphasized by turquoise furniture and other accessories. And if you want to achieve a brighter emotional background, then feel free to paint the walls in the main color. And remember that the influence of turquoise color on a person is incredibly great.

    Chocolate sofa against the background of a white and turquoise wall in the living room interior

    If you like to frequently relax by the sea, then the turquoise color will constantly remind you of your vacation, reminding you of positive emotions.

    Bright accessories for the living room in turquoise color

    A turquoise living room will always have a relaxing atmosphere, but at the same time you won’t just sit in the room. It will stimulate creativity. Among the turquoise walls and accessories, you will forget about impending fatigue and aggression.

    Combination of turquoise color with other shades in the living room interior

    Turquoise goes well with many shades, but there is a certain group of colors that are considered the most suitable:

    1. Turquoise and white in the living room. This tandem is ideal for decorating living rooms in classic style. To keep this color scheme from looking too cold, add green or yellow.
    2. Silver and gold + turquoise in the living room. These shades will add luxury to the room. The room will be modern, but without much royal chic. You can use these colors in accessories.
    3. Orange and turquoise in the living room. You can dilute the turquoise stiffness with the help of such a joyful color. This color can be used for upholstery of upholstered furniture.
    4. Chocolate shade + turquoise. This color is best for decorating walls and upholstered furniture. With this color combination it is better to use white accessories.
    5. Gray and turquoise in the living room. This color scheme is suitable for living rooms with windows facing south. The interior of the living room will become noble and elegant.
    6. Black and turquoise in the living room. To make your interior stylish, be sure to use this color tandem. Place black accessories in the living room: vases; candlesticks; small carpet; coffee table.
    7. Purple color + turquoise. It's good for turquoise room as an additional shade.
    8. Pink and turquoise in the living room. But to set off a little bright turquoise and make the interior more spring-like, this color will help. The main thing is that everything needs moderation, otherwise you will end up with a “Barbie” house.

    How to use turquoise color in the living room interior

    Turquoise color has several shades that can be used in the interior of a living room of any style and direction. If you decide to use turquoise as the main color of the room, you will get a dominant room in which carefreeness and lightness will rule.

    Turquoise wall with turquoise pillows in the living room

    If you decide to use turquoise color only in accessories, then it is better to combine them with the warm main tone of the room. In this case, you need to choose the right turquoise shade, the main tone of the room, the location of accessories and furniture, as well as Special attention pay attention to the texture of surfaces. It is worth familiarizing yourself with the design of the main surfaces of the living room in turquoise.

    Modern living room in light turquoise color scheme

    Turquoise walls in the living room interior

    This option is suitable for those who decide to radically change the color tone of the living room. You can choose wallpaper or paint for the walls. This will help to significantly freshen up the room, but there should be good and bright lighting.

    Turquoise walls light shade in the living room interior

    If the living room windows face north, then it is better to avoid painting the walls turquoise. Otherwise, the room will become a gloomy dungeon, from which you are unlikely to be delighted.

    Modular wall in the living room with turquoise facades

    If the option of decorating the walls in turquoise color suits you, then ideal solution There will be wallpaper of the appropriate tone with silver inserts.

    Snow-white upholstered furniture with turquoise pillows

    A dark chocolate shade will help dilute the turquoise color of the walls. But you shouldn’t overuse it, as it can visually reduce the area of ​​the room.

    Bright turquoise accessories in the living room interior

    Turquoise floor color in the living room interior

    It is worth mentioning one point right away. If your living room already has turquoise walls, then the floors cannot be the same color. If the room is oversaturated, you will get the opposite adverse psychological effect. You will cease to adequately perceive the surrounding space. In the worst cases, you will feel like the room has no dimensions.

    Bright turquoise wall in the living room interior

    To avoid such troubles, the floor covering is allowed in the following shades:

    • grey;
    • sand;
    • coral;
    • brown.

    If you really want the floor to be turquoise, then you can lay carpet covering of blue color with turquoise ornament.

    Sofa and light turquoise curtains in the living room interior

    Best with turquoise walls combines snow-white flooring. But it is considered the most impractical, although beautiful. This option is not suitable for families with children and pets.

    Sand furniture combined with a turquoise ceiling and curtains in the living room

    You can try to do everything the other way around - white walls and turquoise floors. But at the same time, the room should be decorated with bright accessories and upholstered furniture in warm colors.

    Delicate design of a modern living room with turquoise blackout curtains

    Turquoise ceiling in the living room interior

    Decorating the ceiling is a very important matter, so we advise you to familiarize yourself with some design recommendations:

    1. Don’t forget that the ceiling contains everything artificial lighting rooms. Everything must be correctly located and have high performance. It will depend on the lighting appearance the entire living room interior.
    2. The ceiling plays an important role in the interior design of a room, so its color and texture are important. The ceiling can visually expand or narrow the room.
    3. Do you want to truly decorate your interior? Make it in the living room suspended ceiling turquoise color with backlighting around the edges and photo printing in the middle. This will give the room a special charm and sophistication. But at the same time the walls must be white. And as a main accent, hang turquoise curtains.
    4. Another good option for decorating the ceiling is luminous stretch fabric turquoise color. Such a ceiling will spark wild imagination.

    Furniture in the living room interior in turquoise tones

    It is not at all necessary to make the walls, ceiling or floor turquoise. To achieve the desired effect, it is enough to purchase bright upholstered furniture in a turquoise shade. Another good one design solution is to paint the TV niche turquoise. Can be ordered by individual order modular wall, the main elements of which will be made in the desired color.

    Turquoise accessories in the living room interior

    In addition to the basic elements of turquoise color, it is necessary to use accessories in the interior. They will give the room some zest. The following items can be used as accessories:

    • figurines and paintings;
    • caskets;
    • curtains and tulle;
    • carpets;
    • vases;
    • chandeliers, floor lamps, wall and table lamps.

    Living room in rich turquoise shades

    Don't be afraid, you won't get an abundance of turquoise in the interior. If the color scheme goes out of style, you can easily replace all the accessories with new ones without affecting the basic design of the room.

    Using different shades of turquoise, you will get a unique living room interior. Its special versatility will manifest itself when placing accents in the room.

    Word " turquoise" comes from the name gemstone“turquoise”, symbolizing two elements - air and water, and is not only a symbol of beauty, wealth and luxury, but also freshness, lightness and purity. Despite the fact that turquoise is a cool color, it can make almost any room more sunny and bright. It is not for nothing that turquoise is so often used to decorate bathrooms - rooms that are most often deprived of natural light.

    However, do not forget that the same shade of turquoise in different rooms may look different depending on the chosen lighting system and other colors and shades present in it. Let's look at examples, How does turquoise combine with other colors?, what the result is and what impact it has on interior design.

    Let's start with such a common classic color combination as turquoise and brown, in which there are two natural shades(the color of the sky, water and tree) emphasize and complement each other well. This combination will be an excellent solution for the kitchen, dining room, bedroom and living room. IN in this case Brown color often presented in natural wooden furniture or high-quality wall decoration.

    Turquoise and cream (beige)- a pastel color combination that is ideal for gentle and dreamy natures. Very often to create such interiors they use light turquoise color, because it is he who sets the soft, soothing tone. However, bright turquoise color can also be combined with cream and light beige shades, but only in moderation. For example, you can decorate only one wall in bright turquoise, and the rest in pastel colors. It is also better to choose furniture in neutral colors so that the interior does not turn out too provocative and tacky.

    Turquoise and white- a light, airy ensemble that creates the impression of freshness and coolness. Particularly good are the combinations of blurred turquoise and white, which can be used in absolutely any living space - living rooms, bedrooms, children's rooms, kitchens, dining rooms and even home offices. However, bright turquoise also goes well with white, which emphasizes turquoise, making it even brighter, richer and more refined.

    A very interesting and positive color duet is created by turquoise and yellow color- two more natural colors that harmonize perfectly with each other. Moreover, this harmony is not built on combination, but on contrast. Turquoise and yellow are two contrasting, opposite colors (cold and warm), perfectly shading each other, and thereby emphasizing their best advantages.

    The combination has almost the same effect turquoise and red with the only exception that red is more aggressive than yellow, so it must be used more carefully.

    Gives softer and more delicate combinations turquoise and pink color - a great option for decorating the room of little girls, teenage girls, girls and young women. Less often such color combinations can be found in living rooms, kitchens and bathrooms.

    The perfect combination gives turquoise and purple(lilac, lilac) color, as well as turquoise and green color. Depending on the chosen tonality, such combinations can be either calm and neutral, or bright, and even provocative.


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