We build a garage from foam blocks with our own hands: possibilities and features of the material. Stages and rules for building a garage from foam blocks with your own hands, materials and projects to build a large garage from foam blocks

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Having a car or planning to buy one, you need to take care of the garage. If there is a desire to make this room individual and convenient for a specific owner, then it is better not to buy, but to build it yourself. Foam blocks are the simplest and convenient option in order to quickly and efficiently erect walls and build a garage on your own.


When any owner gets a car, the first thing they think about is where to park it. Leave the car on outdoors undesirable and also risky. Weather events will significantly damage the appearance of the machine and reduce its service life; in addition, the risk of theft or other injuries at the hands of vandals increases. To avoid all this, you need to buy or build a garage.

The purchase simplifies the task for the car owner, since apart from finance, it does not require any other significant investments. But to get a garage that will meet all the requirements of a particular person, the easiest way is to build it. To make this process go quickly enough, you can build it from foam blocks, which are several times larger than bricks, so the work proceeds at a much faster pace.

For such a garage you cannot do without a foundation, which is poured taking into account the soil, on which the building will be located. It is necessary to initially calculate the dimensions of the garage in order to properly pour the foundation. The garage itself can be built-in, that is, it can be part of the building, attached when it is added to an already finished building. More convenient separately standing house for a car that is being built in the available free space.

The location relative to the ground can also be different - the garage is located on its surface, it can be half buried in the ground if the soil is dry and strong, or completely placed under the ground if there is very little space for a garage and several objects need to be placed in one area.

In order for the garage to fit a car and have space to store various things, it is recommended that the width of the building be at least four meters and the length at least six. If the soil is strong and dry, then it is easy to build an inspection hole, but for soil with groundwater nearby it is better not to do such a construction.

Foam blocks are quite light for their size and very durable, so working with them is convenient and pleasant. Such elements are connected using a special glue, which fixes the blocks well without letting cold or heat in, creating optimal conditions for car storage. The length of the foam block is 60 centimeters, the width and height are 30 and 20 centimeters, respectively. It is important to note the good external characteristics of the material, which practically does not require external finishing and can be suitable without it at all.


Once the decision has been made to build a garage, the first thing you need to think about is creating a project. You can do this type of work yourself or use the services of a specialist. Depending on the availability of the territory, you can plan the size of the future building and adjacent buildings, if they are needed.

If a family has two drivers and two cars, then a corresponding garage is built. A building for 2 cars should be spacious so that cars can fit freely under one roof and there is space for storing equipment, tires and other small items. When there is catastrophically not enough space for one car, you can do two-story garage, where a car will be located on the first floor, and a full-fledged workshop will be located on the second. With the second floor, it becomes possible to equip not only a work area, but also a place for a hobby, for some it is music, for others collecting, and so on.

The most successful garage sizes are 6 by 4., where it is possible to install the car, and supplement the building with various household items and equip work area. If you want to make not only a comfortable garage, but also a beautiful one, it can be equipped with an attic, where you can carry out some of the work or have the opportunity to rest after repair work. For those who like to take a steam bath, an appropriate extension can be arranged. The bathhouse can be part of the garage, but in this case it is important to isolate both rooms as much as possible so that water and moisture from one do not enter the second.

Having planned an inspection hole, it is important that its depth is maintained within the established standards and is no more than two meters. When planning the construction of a garage, it is necessary to calculate the amount of materials that will be needed for the work. If the length of the building is six meters, then 10 foam blocks will be required for one row. The number of them in height is also calculated.

Once the issue with the walls is resolved, you can move on to the roof. It can be single-pitched, built with a slope in one direction, or have standard view roof of a residential building, but not very high from the ceiling of the garage. It is worth paying attention to the material with which it will be covered. For this you can use slate, tiles, metal tiles or corrugated sheets. Each of the above options has its own advantages and disadvantages, but the first thing you should pay attention to is the presence of any materials with which you can perform a number of works.


In order to build a good and quality garage, you need to decide on the material from which it is best built. Foam blocks have several varieties, so it is important to know the difference between them in order to make the right choice.

There are blocks of:

  • Aerated concrete– made from quartz sand, cement, pore-forming substance (aluminum powder or powder), chemical additives. The dry mixture must be diluted with water, after which the chemical reactions and the solution is ready for final processing in an autoclave or drying chamber. The aerated block has its advantages - it has regular boundaries and a smooth surface, it is easy to work with, drill, grind, high vapor permeability helps to quickly remove vapors from the room and maintain an optimal microclimate inside.

  • Foam block slab consists of sand, water, cement and a special foaming agent. Distinctive feature are closed pores that are filled with gas, which helps with water resistance and thermal conductivity.

  • Expanded clay concrete blocks belong to lightweight materials. To create them, cement, sand and expanded clay are mixed, resulting in spherical granules. Among the main properties of expanded clay blocks, low vapor permeability can be noted, low price, greater mass than in previous versions, highest coefficient thermal conductivity, uneven surface of the material. To build from this material you will need both internal and external finishing blocks.

  • cinder block get from granite screenings and crushed stone, sand or river gravel, in addition, other materials that are no longer suitable for use can be used, such as broken brick, glass or concrete products. There is a certain dependence that regulates the density of this material, and it depends on the size of the cinder block particles, which affects both its strength and strength.

  • Gas silicate blocks superior to all others in terms of strength and external characteristics. To make gas silicate blocks you need to use quartz sand, lime and cement. The foaming procedure occurs due to chemical substances. They are frost-resistant, fire-resistant, strong and come in a wide variety of shapes.

In order to do reliable foundation, good master You can’t do without using FBS, on which sand blocks will be placed.

The use of aerated concrete structures allows you to quickly and efficiently build reliable design. The use of concrete blocks saves time due to their significant dimensions compared to conventional bricks.

Choosing a foundation

When planning to build a garage, the first thing you need to do is take care of the foundation. Its choice will be made depending on the soil on which it will be built. If the soil is dense and groundwater flows below two meters, then for the foundation it will be enough to make a frame with a depth of forty centimeters for a one-story building and seventy centimeters for a two-story place for a car and a workshop. In this case, it is possible to make an inspection hole, since the soil allows it.

If the soil is heaving, then it is best to completely fill the platform on which the garage will be built, and then begin construction. An inspection hole is impossible under these conditions. If you want to make a basement on unstable ground, you need to dig a deep hole and make a strip or pile foundation.

Once the type of foundation has been determined, you need to mark its location. Pegs or corners are dug into the corners and a rope is pulled. When this type of work is completed, it is necessary to check the evenness of the corners, and if everything is normal, you can dig a trench; if not, the stakes are rearranged until the corners are even.

The trench is dug eighty centimeters or a meter deep. The width of the foundation should be ten or fifteen centimeters larger than the garage. Sand is poured into the bottom of the trench in a layer of 15 centimeters and compacted. Next comes a 10-centimeter layer of crushed stone, which is also compacted. Next, you need to make formwork from boards, into which a frame of reinforcement is placed, welded according to the measurements of the finished trenches.

The frame is made so that the cells have a height and width of ten centimeters. After this, concrete is prepared from cement and sand in a ratio of 1 to 3. In addition, 4 or 5 parts are filled with gravel or crushed stone, and water is also used. Each opening is filled in turn until partially dry within three or five days. Once all sides have been poured, the entire foundation is leveled and left to dry for three to five weeks.

When the foundation is ready, they move on to strengthening the basement or inspection hole, if it is supposed to be in construction. Only after complete completion of all this work can you begin to build walls from foam blocks, moving towards the desired goal.

How to calculate the quantity?

Building a garage requires a certain amount of materials, which can be approximately calculated in order to have an idea of ​​how much you will need to buy and how much it will cost. To calculate the number of foam blocks, you first need to think about the appearance of the garage, whether there will be windows in it and how many, what size the gate will be.

Once all the data has been received, you can calculate the number of blocks for each wall. Since the dimensions of this material are standard, this will not be difficult to do. The next step is to find the material whose cost will be optimal. This applies to concrete, sand, and all other materials. Every owner is interested in building quality premises at a minimum cost.

In order to calculate the number of cubes of concrete that will be needed to pour a particular type of foundation, there are special calculators. By entering the parameters of the future foundation, you can easily calculate the amount necessary materials for its construction.

Knowing required amount of this or that material, you can purchase it and carry out the work. The process of building a garage is quite lengthy, so you can safely divide it into stages and use finances in accordance with them. This planning will allow you to purchase what you need, but at the same time be able to raise funds for other materials that will be needed in the next stage. Thus, in the absence of money for the entire garage at once, having correctly calculated the amount of concrete, sand, crushed stone or foam blocks themselves, you can gradually continue working.

For big ones construction companies Entire programs have been developed to calculate the costs for each section of work. This helps to create an estimate, order the first necessary materials and begin the construction process. An ordinary person does not need to use any programs, especially since they are paid and cost a lot; it is only important to break the construction into stages and systematically buy what is needed at a specific stage.


In order to build a garage with your own hands, you need to know the order of the work. Phased planning and construction of the structure in accordance with the rules and regulations will allow achieving good result as soon as possible.

The step-by-step instructions are a list of actions that will help systematize the work and make it relatively easy and at the same time high-quality. So, construction begins with the site being marked with pegs, thereby determining the future foundation. It is necessary to inspect the area for obstacles that may interfere with free entry and exit from the garage.

The next step will be to determine the type of soil and select the foundation. For heaving areas, the entire floor must be filled in completely; building a basement and inspection hole will be impossible. For dense soil with deep groundwater, you can do strip foundation, where both a basement and an inspection hole are appropriate. They are also laid at this stage.

Next, swing gates are installed on spacer pins; they serve as a guide and will be an element that cannot be adjusted after the walls are built, so they need to be installed level and their functionality checked.

When this stage is done, you need to move on to waterproofing under the base of the walls, which is made from roll materials. Only after this stage does the construction of the walls begin. It is correct to start raising walls from a corner. The first row is laid on a cement-sand mortar. Next, a special glue solution, the blocks shift by one third of their length.

Once the height of the walls has reached the end of the gate, you need to install a concrete lintel beam directly above the opening. If the roof is planned to be pitched, then it is best to lower it on the side farthest from the gate. If a hood is not installed in the garage, then small holes need to be made at the bottom and top of the wall so that air can circulate in the room.

The construction of the walls ends with the creation of a solid reinforced belt on which beams for the ceiling will be laid. They must be laid out at intervals of 80 centimeters, and the ends of the beams must be extended twenty centimeters beyond the wall. Tongue and groove boards are laid on the lower edges of the beams, which will form the ceiling. It is on this surface that the waterproofing will be laid.

It is best to use corrugated sheeting for the roof because of its lightness and strength. You can cover the beams with slate, if available. The work is carried out from the back wall to the gate and ends with the formation of the visor. When all the work is completed, the process of insulation with expanded clay, slag or glass wool and screeding of the walls begins.

Construction of a garage from foam blocks with your own hands

Choosing material for building a garage is a responsible task. It is important to ensure reliable vehicle protection, structural stability and long service life. Along with aerated concrete blocks, brick and wood, foam concrete is widely used, allowing you to quickly and inexpensively build a garage from foam blocks with your own hands. Let's consider the features of the technology, the specifics of design and the algorithm for determining the need for material.

How to build a garage from foam blocks with your own hands

Foam blocks are used for this purpose due to the following advantages:

  • low price level. The low cost estimate for construction allows developers with limited financial resources to carry out construction using foam concrete blocks;

The construction of a garage cannot be approached according to the residual principle: “made from what was there”

  • insignificant mass of blocks with increased dimensions. The low weight of the products allows you to reduce the load on the base and use a strip foundation for the construction of a two-story garage with an attic;
  • increased strength characteristics. An increased safety margin allows for the stability of buildings, including larger sizes (6 by 6) designed for 2 cars;
  • reduced thermal conductivity. When using foam concrete to build a garage, there will be no problems with maintaining comfortable temperature, since the blocks retain heat well;
  • ease of masonry. It’s not difficult to build a garage yourself or attach a car storage room to an existing building, given that when we build, we don’t need special lifting equipment.

Attention! When giving preference to foam concrete for the construction of a garage building, do not forget that the structure of the material and the thickness of the walls do not allow the blocks to “breathe”. To remove the condensate that forms and reduce the humidity level, it is necessary to install supply and exhaust ventilation equipped with an electric fan.

Having studied the characteristics of foam blocks, it is necessary to correctly carry out a set of preparatory work:

  • carry out engineering and geodetic surveys to determine the level of groundwater, freezing depth and soil characteristics;

IN last years building a garage from foam blocks has become extremely popular among car owners

  • decide which design option to choose - two-story with an attic, for 2 cars measuring 7 by 6 or for one car with an increased size (6x4);
  • develop a project that takes into account the structural features, connection of electrical energy and water supply systems;
  • determine the best way to lay foam blocks, calculate the need for building materials, and become familiar with construction technology in detail;
  • calculate the volume of the estimate for the construction of the building, taking into account design features garage and shipping costs building materials to a garage cooperative or to the country.

Important! The official document allowing the construction of a building to begin is a building permit, which must be issued in advance.

Let us consider in detail the technology for constructing a garage structure from foam blocks with our own hands. It is important to figure out how to fold the walls to ensure their stability. Carry out construction activities following the sequence of operations:

  • Mark the building area using twine and wooden pegs. Check for the presence of right angles by taking measurements of the diagonals, the difference in size should not exceed 1 cm. Be guided by the dimensions indicated in the project. Pay special attention to the absence of obstacles that would impede the free opening of the gates of the future building.

Building a garage from foam blocks with your own hands begins with laying the foundation

  • Prepare the foundation of the garage, depending on the soil characteristics. It can be used as the foundation of a building located on heaving soil. slab foundation, buried below the freezing level. In this case, the arrangement of an inspection hole or basement. On dense soil, the stability of the building will be ensured by a strip foundation.
  • Waterproof the base of the structure. Walls are protected from moisture using roofing felt, which is laid on the surface of the foundation. Secure fastening The waterproofing layer is provided by coating the surface of the base and roofing felt with bitumen mastic.
  • Install exit gates, the reliable fixation of which will be ensured during the construction of walls. Attach embedded elements around the perimeter of the gate frame, which will ensure the immobility of the structure in the foam block masonry. Cover the gate with primer to protect the metal from corrosion.
  • Build walls. Start laying from the corners of the building, ensuring that the foam blocks are displaced by 30-50% of the length. Carefully coat the joints with special glue or cement mortar. Control the horizontalness of the masonry using building level. Reinforce the masonry with reinforcement every three rows. Provide openings for laying ventilation lines.
  • Build an armored belt around the perimeter of the walls, designed to distribute forces evenly. The reinforcement contour is poured with concrete mortar into an installed formwork 30 cm high, in which a frame made of steel reinforcement is placed.
  • Build an inspection hole, concrete the floor, and fill the inclined blind area along the outer perimeter of the building with concrete. Please note the need for construction drainage system with nearby groundwater. Fill the floor with concrete grade M150.

Beginners most often use ordinary cement-sand mortar for masonry.

Attention! At the stage of purchasing the material, pay attention to the absence of cracks, chips and the flatness of the surface of the products. Minimum thickness joints are achieved using a special glue that reduces heat loss by reducing the thickness of the “cold bridges”.

Having completed the construction of the garage box, proceed to the final stage of construction activities - arranging the truss structure and installing the roof.

Construction of the garage roof is the final stage of work

Possible various options garage roof structures:

  • pitched roof. Is the most common option. It is done by concreting cross beams or installing a reinforced concrete slab followed by covering the surface with waterproofing material;
  • double-slope tent-type structure. Formed by laying wooden beams ceilings to which the rafter structure is fixed. The trusses installed along the cord are fastened with lathing and covered with metal tiles or ordinary slate;

Laying on the walls wooden beams ceilings, rafter legs are attached to them attic structure

  • attic roof. It allows rational use of the available space and is widely used in garage cooperatives, where the standard room area is clearly not enough. Additionally insulates the room, which can be used year-round.

Let's consider the common construction technology pitched roof:

  1. Cut I-beams whose length exceeds the width of the building by 40–50 cm.
  2. Install and secure steel I-beams across the garage walls at 0.8 m intervals.
  3. Fix boards 4 cm thick inside the garage at the bottom of the beams.
  4. Place rolled roofing felt on top of the boards, bent along the edges of the future ceiling by 10–15 cm.
  5. Sprinkle expanded clay or other insulating material onto the roofing material.
  6. Concrete a screed on top of the insulation concrete mortar, ensuring a thickness of 4–6 cm.
  7. After the concrete has hardened, treat the surface with bitumen mastic and thoroughly waterproof it with roofing felt.

Attention! Ensure that the beam structure extends evenly beyond the contour of the garage walls by 20–25 cm. This will protect the walls from the negative effects of precipitation.

Development of a garage project made of foam blocks

Construction activities are based on the design results. The project provides full information about the design of the building and the type of foundation used, taking into account the characteristics of the soil and groundwater level.

In preparation for construction, the purpose of the building is determined: a garage for one or two cars, with or without a specially equipped place for things

results Vote

Where would you prefer to live: in a private house or apartment?


Where would you prefer to live: in a private house or apartment?


A different approach to the design stage is possible:

  • individual development of a project using special software or by developing a basic drawing or sketch. Allows you to get the job done without financial investment;
  • attracting design organizations that will develop detailed documentation and take into account all the nuances. The work is performed under a contract and requires financing;
  • usage standard development, which is easy to independently adapt to individual requirements for the construction of a garage space.

A standard project contains the following information:

  • peculiarities appearance the buildings;
  • type of facade decoration;
  • dimensions and number of floors of the building;
  • internal layout;
  • materials used for construction.

Regardless of whether a two-story building for 1 car is being built or a large garage for 2 cars is being built, it is important to pay attention to the following points:

  • the presence of an inspection hole that allows servicing the vehicle;

In the case of self-construction of the building, a drawing diagram indicating the elements and dimensions will also be suitable.

  • arrangement of the basement to ensure the safety of the crop and conservation;
  • the need to install shelving, workbenches, and create additional work areas.

Attention! The 18 square meter garage, with an internal height of up to 3 m, provides ample storage space passenger car and allows you to install workbenches for minor repair work.

How many foam blocks are needed for a garage - calculation algorithm

Using a calculator, it is easy to calculate the number of foam blocks required for the construction of a garage space. For its construction, standard blocks with dimensions of 60x30x20 cm are used. Depending on the position of the block during laying, a wall thickness of 20 or 30 cm can be achieved. The calculation algorithm is quite simple:

  1. The number of blocks in square meter masonry
  2. The resulting value is multiplied by the surface area of ​​the walls, excluding openings.

The result obtained is the total need for foam blocks.

Attention! Specialized sites on construction topics allow you to calculate online, using a built-in calculator, how many foam blocks are needed for construction.

The number of foam blocks for construction, respectively, is equal to: number of blocks in 1 row x number of rows = 37 x 10 = 370 blocks

How to make a foundation for a garage from foam blocks with your own hands

Developers are interested in what kind of foundation is needed for a garage made of lightweight foam blocks. Depending on the soil characteristics, two options are possible:

  • tape A light foundation with a depth of 50–70 cm and a width of 30–40 cm is made on stable soils that are not prone to frost heaving, with a groundwater level deeper than 2.5 m;
  • slab A solid foundation slab, reinforced with steel rods, ensures the stability of the garage space, moving together with the building on heaving soil.

Important! By giving preference to a monolithic slab, you exclude the possibility of constructing a basement and inspection pit. For their arrangement would be better suited tape base or combined option strip foundation with pile supports.

Let's look at how to fill a strip foundation:

  1. Dig a trench with the designed dimensions.
  2. Fill the bottom of the trench with gravel and sand and compact it.
  3. Install panel formwork.
  4. Assemble and install a reinforcement cage inside the pit.
  5. Concrete the foundation and thoroughly compact it with an internal vibrator.

Attention! The walls can be laid after 4 weeks, when the final hardening of the concrete is completed.

Building a garage space from foam blocks with your own hands will significantly reduce costs. Experience gained from self-construction garage, will always come in handy. It is quite possible that he will bring his dream of building his own home closer.

On the site: Author and editor of articles on the website website
Education and work experience: Higher technical education. 12 years of experience in various industries and construction sites, 8 of which were abroad.
Other skills and abilities: Has the 4th group of electrical safety clearance. Perform calculations using large data sets.
Current employment: For the last 4 years he has been acting as an independent consultant in a number of construction companies.

Building a garage with your own hands is easier than building a residential building. It is necessary to draw up a competent project, select basic materials and calculate an estimate. You just need to find a balance between low cost and reliability of construction, which is why many car owners select foam blocks for such tasks. It’s quite easy to work with them yourself, but if you don’t have experience, it’s better to hire contractors.

A typical project usually includes standard items:

  • The foundation is of a suitable type (contractors prefer to pour slab foundations).
  • Construction of a box from wall blocks 600x300x200 mm using special glue and masonry reinforcement in every third or fourth row.
  • A single or gable roof without insulation, but with a mandatory vapor barrier and Ondulin coating.

Cladding, windows and doors, and gates are usually selected and calculated separately after design. The blocks and the purchase of other materials according to this list will require about 9,000-10,000 rubles, calculated per 1 m2 of garage area. Contractor services will cost another 6,000-8,000 per square meter. On average, you will have to pay from 15,000 to 18,000 rubles per sq. m. meter of construction.

Any company is ready to expand the basic package of services for turnkey construction at the request of the customer (for a fee). Usually this includes the construction of foam concrete partitions, an attic, the construction of an inspection pit or cellar, etc. But due to additional items in the estimate, the total amount increases significantly.

Companies often offer all sorts of “goodies” for standard turnkey buildings, such as replacing the original list of materials with more expensive options. This concerns roofing: instead of soft Ondulin, you can choose a metal profile (which will increase the cost of the project by about 700 rubles/m2) or tiles - here the upper limit is already blurred, but on average the difference in the estimate will be 2,000-2,500 rubles/m2. If you are immediately building a house from foam blocks with a garage, it is advisable to make the roof on combined objects from identical or at least compatible products.

Improvement and addition roofing structure also paid separately. You can order the filing of overhangs (1000 rubles/m2) and the design of a storm drain - another plus 15,000-20,000 for a complete set.

What affects the price and how to reduce costs?

You can save big only on the most consumable items – materials. It is enough to track the seasonality of prices and purchase everything you need in the winter, when they decline. During this period, suppliers do not offer a wide range of foam blocks, but usually this is not required.

Cost of finishing works and insulation

Relatively inexpensive services are provided for finishing a finished garage made of foam concrete. But due to the impressive list of works, all of them together can result in a considerable sum, which will increase construction costs by up to 20-30%:

  • The cheapest cladding interior walls will cost 600 rubles per square surface, ceiling - 700.
  • Rough flooring wooden floor– 800-850 rub/m2.
  • Covering the outside with siding costs about 1,500 rubles per m2; facing with decorative bricks will cost 2,700-4,300 rubles for the same amount of work.
  • You can also order additional insulation mineral wool so that the car remains in the winter normal conditions. This is approximately 550-600 rubles per 1 m2 of floor and another 650-700 rubles/m2 for external walls made of foam blocks.

You can avoid expensive exterior finishing, but you can avoid masonry external influence protection is still necessary. Here, ordinary plaster with an additional waterproof coating (for example, acrylic) will suffice.

Foam concrete blocks have good thermal insulation characteristics - choosing this material for walls initially allows you to save on lining the building with a layer of mineral wool or polystyrene foam. Of course, if the region has harsh winters, and the garage itself is planned to be heated, it will still have to be insulated. But the consumption of insulation for masonry will be significantly lower. And if construction is carried out far from a residential building and a bathhouse, you can replace expensive basalt wool in the project with a more affordable PSB.

Large garage with an attic made of foam blocks requires the use of expensive and durable autoclaved stones. But if this is a one-story building, it is enough to choose materials produced using standard technology with natural drying. Save 10-15% on their purchase.

How to reduce the cost of foundation and flooring?

In a foam concrete building important role The type of foundation plays a role, but it is selected after examining the soil. If the soil on the site is sufficiently stable, and the project does not include a basement under the garage, a shallow strip foundation will suffice. At high level occurrence of hot water, moving or heaving soil, it makes sense to choose a pile-grillage structure or a monolithic slab. The first option is more affordable, the second will be more expensive, but will not allow soil movements to destroy fragile foam concrete blocks.

The foundation must meet the conditions in a particular area, but there is no need for an excessive margin of safety. From finishing or pouring the floor cement screed You can refuse, as well as expensive thermal insulation, replacing it with a thick expanded clay cushion. After this, it will be enough to make a dense backfill of fine gravel mixture and, to be safe, spill it liquid solution cement.

If you are not a car mechanic and don’t spend the whole weekend under the car, making an inspection hole is pointless - it will only increase the cost of the foam block project. The presence of a basement should also be questioned. It is necessary only for avid gardeners who feed from the ground and store supplies in large volumes.

Block cost

The amount of foam block for building a garage depends on the size of the object and the thickness of the walls. The latter is determined by the climatic conditions in the region and the need for thermal protection.

Anyone who has at least basic knowledge in the field of building construction can build a garage from foam blocks with their own hands. Foam blocks are great option to solve such a problem. With a minimum of material costs, the result is a durable and reliable shelter for your car.

In a garage made of foam blocks it will be reliably protected from negative impacts environment, and you will have the opportunity to carry out technical inspections and repairs in comfortable conditions. In this article we will look at the features of building a garage from foam blocks with your own hands.

One of the cheapest ways to build a garage is to use foam blocks yourself. Foam blocks have the following properties:

  • Economical. As we have already said, the cost of foam blocks is one of the lowest among materials suitable for building a garage;
  • Ease. This material is relatively light in weight, which makes construction from it simple, convenient and low-cost. The construction of foam blocks does not require a strong foundation;
  • High strength. Despite their light weight, foam blocks have sufficient strength so that a garage built from them copes with its functions perfectly;
  • Low thermal conductivity. A garage made of foam blocks, built with your own hands, will create good conditions both for the car and for its owner. After all, it will retain heat well. Often such buildings are not even insulated additionally;
  • Easy to install. Low weight greatly facilitates the construction process. This does not require heavy equipment and many workers.

The excellent properties of foam blocks are due to the composition and production technology of this material. Its structure is porous, but the air bubbles inside the material do not interact with each other. This provides very low level absorption, which aerated concrete does not have. Due to this, the thermal insulation, frost resistance and sound insulation indicators of foam blocks are higher than those of aerated concrete. Therefore, it can be used even in places where the humidity level is quite high.

There is one more advantage, because of which it is worth constructing a garage from foam blocks with your own hands: foam blocks do not need exterior decoration. Aerated concrete, on the contrary, cannot be left open, since it is not resistant to moisture and may crack as a result of its penetration. Foam blocks are not in danger of such a problem.

As you can see, foam blocks are an excellent choice for a building such as a garage.

To build a garage, blocks with dimensions of 600x300x200 mm are usually used. This allows you to choose required thickness walls - 200 or 300 mm. If you are building an unheated garage, then 200 mm for the walls is quite enough. If the building is heated, then the thickness of the walls is determined by the climate.

  • Determine the length of the perimeter: (5+6)*2=22;
  • Determine the number of blocks: 22/0.6=36.6;
  • We calculate the required number of rows. Divide the height of the garage by the height of the block: 3/0.3=10 rows;
  • Now you can easily calculate how many blocks are needed for the entire garage: 37*10=370 pieces.

When calculating, do not forget to take into account gates and windows, if they are implied. If the wall thickness is 200 mm, then about 6 blocks are needed per 1 m² of masonry. Based total area openings, you can calculate how many blocks will be extra. On standard gate and windows must be subtracted by 40-50 blocks. In total, for a garage of this size you will need about 300-320 blocks. This diagram allows you to easily calculate the required amount of material for a garage of any size.

Important! Please note that foam blocks are fragile, so damage may occur during transportation and work. It's also worth taking the seams into account. Therefore, it is better to purchase material with a margin of about 5%.

Once you have decided what kind of foam block garage you want to build with your own hands, you can proceed directly to the implementation of your idea. The basis of any successful construction is a well-designed project.


Future construction requires careful planning. The project is the basis correct calculations and financial savings.

A garage project can be developed using computer programs or by contacting professionals from design organizations. But this type of work can be done independently. This will allow you to take into account all your wishes and implement the project exactly the way you want.

Before designing, it is necessary to resolve such important issues as:

  • Do you need an inspection hole?
  • Do you need a basement?
  • Will inventory, equipment, etc. be stored in the garage?
  • Is there a work area in the garage?

Answering these questions will help you create a project that fully meets your needs. Also, based on the project, you can select optimal type foundation, determine the necessary construction parameters. Standard, most popular garages made of foam blocks usually have dimensions of 3x3x6. Ready options standard projects you can always find it on the Internet on specialized sites.


Important element during construction - this is a foundation for a garage made of foam blocks with your own hands. Foam blocks, as mentioned above, are relatively light in weight. Therefore, they do not require a strong foundation. But its creation still needs to be given maximum attention, because the strength, reliability and durability of the future building depend on its quality.

Work on the foundation begins with markings. To complete this, you will need pegs that need to be driven into the places where the corners of the future garage made of foam blocks will be located. Then the pegs must be connected with twine. The angle between the ropes must be strictly 90º. And also the markings must fully comply with the dimensions determined by the project.

After you have marked the area, evaluate the possibility of opening future gates. There should be no obstacles where the gate will open.

If the marking is successful, then you can proceed directly to the construction of the foundation.

It is important to choose the type of this element wisely. It is determined, in addition to the weight of the materials, also by the properties of the soil. If it is dense enough, and groundwater lies at a depth of more than 2 meters, then it is enough to build a 0.5 m deep one. If the soil is heaving, then it is worth making monolithic foundation.

Important! If you are planning to build a garage from foam blocks with your own hands inspection hole, then a monolithic foundation is no longer necessary. In this case, you need to make a deep tape or tape.

Let's consider the technology for creating a 0.8 m strip foundation:

  • According to the markings, it is necessary to dig a trench 800 mm deep and 350 mm wide;
  • Level and compact the bottom;
  • Build a cushion of gravel and sand. Compact;
  • Install formwork and reinforcement frame;
  • After this, you can pour the solution.

The foundation must gain sufficient strength. This usually takes about a month. If your future garage has a viewing hole, then this time can be spent on creating it.

Next stage construction - walls. They should be erected only after the foundation is solid. The work is carried out in the following order:

  • The first blocks are placed in the corners;
  • A rope is pulled between them;
  • Next, the laying is carried out along the rope. The seams are laid with a special reinforcing mesh. Each next row is laid out so that the middle of the block falls on the seam between the two lower blocks. The blocks are installed with the long side along the wall;
  • On required height the top beam of the gate is built into the seams;
  • At the level of the floor beam, masonry is carried out without moving the blocks.

Important! If the roof of your future garage made of foam blocks is single-pitched, then when erecting the walls it is necessary to slope it towards the rear wall, calculating a slope of 5 cm per 1 linear meter.

The slope is performed by trimming the foam blocks. If it is planned, then you need to think in advance about how the gables will be closed. This can be masonry made of foam blocks or lining.

Most often, a simple garage is covered concrete wall. But when we talk about a garage made of foam blocks with our own hands, this option disappears, since the foam blocks may not withstand the weight of such a structure. A pitched roof is chosen more often when planning to build a garage from foam blocks with your own hands. Projects made from foam blocks can also have a gable roof.

Let's consider the technology of constructing a pitched roof:

  • Beams that are 200-250 mm longer than the walls are installed across the roof every 800 mm and embedded in the walls;
  • 40 mm boards are tightly laid out from below;
  • Roofing felt is laid on the boards with a hem of 10 cm along the edge;
  • Thermal insulation is laid on the roofing felt. It can be slag or expanded clay;
  • A cement-sand screed is applied to the insulation thin layer up to 3 mi;
  • After the screed has dried, it must be treated with liquid bitumen mastic;
  • Then, across the building using the fusing method, it is necessary to spread the roofing material from the bottom point upward. The canvases are laid overlapping.

This way you will get a reliable and strong roof. All that remains is to make the visor. You can make it yourself from a corner or buy a ready-made one.


It is necessary to think about the construction of gates before erecting walls. Reliable gates must be embedded in the masonry. Can be used different designs gate when we build a garage from foam blocks with our own hands. Videos about foam blocks most often offer the option of installing conventional swing gates. This option is optimal if you want to build an inexpensive and reliable garage. We bring to your attention instructions for installing such gates:

  • Place a layer of waterproofing on the foundation before installing the gate. Roofing felt is well suited for this purpose;
  • Make a gate frame and weld to it on each side 4 pieces of reinforcement with a diameter of 12 mm and a length of 40 cm. Place the pieces of reinforcement on the frame so that they coincide with the seams of the foam blocks;
  • Before installing the gate frame, paint and prime it;
  • Install the gate, checking the level and plumb line. During installation, you can secure the gate using wooden blocks.

Reliable gates need solid foundation. Therefore, it is necessary to make a beam above the gate. It should be 200 mm longer than the gate on each side.

Important! If your project involves a second floor, then an armored belt must be erected along the entire perimeter of the building to hold the floor slabs.


Insulation of the garage must be done wisely. The temperature difference between inside and outside should ideally not exceed 5ºC so that the car does not become covered with condensation. Therefore, it is very important to think about ventilation and perform insulation from the outside. The most popular materials for garage insulation are:

  • Styrofoam;
  • Mineral wool;
  • Glass wool.

They are light, cheap, and easy to use. The best option considered basalt mineral wool, which provides excellent sound and thermal insulation characteristics the buildings. But the simplest and most affordable insulation option is foam insulation. It works like this:

  • A wooden plank is attached to the bottom with dowels, on which the first row of slabs is laid;
  • The adhesive is applied around the entire perimeter of the slab using a notched trowel. Placement is done in a checkerboard pattern;
  • The plates must be pressed tightly. After the glue has dried, the insulation is additionally secured with plastic dowels.
  • The foam must be protected from water. Therefore, it is covered with a layer of plaster with a reinforced layer. To do this, the slabs are covered with a thick layer of glue, into which they are covered in overlapping strips. reinforced mesh;
  • After the glue has dried, plaster and facade paint are applied to the surface.

Now you know how to build a garage from foam blocks with your own hands. Foam blocks can be purchased at a low price, but their cost will be about 30% of the cost of the entire construction. About how much it will cost self-construction garage made of foam blocks, we will tell you further.

If you want to save money, then you should build a garage from foam blocks with your own hands. The price of foam blocks is one of the most affordable among materials suitable for such a task. In addition, due to the light weight of foam blocks, significant savings are created on the foundation. And its cost usually accounts for a third of all construction costs. You also don’t have to hire specialists and heavy equipment. In order to answer the question “How much does it cost to build a garage from foam blocks with your own hands?” you need to know all the construction conditions, namely:

  • The construction area, which determines the required type of foundation;
  • Features of the project;
  • Availability of inspection hole;
  • The need for insulation, etc.

Each project can have a lot of such nuances, and all of them directly affect the prices for building a garage from foam blocks with your own hands. Videos and instructions will not give you an exact answer to the question about the cost of such construction. But approximate guidelines can still be named.

So, you will need:

  • Foam blocks. The price of wall foam blocks is approximately 2400-2900 rubles per m³. If you are planning partitions and compartments inside the garage, then you will also need partition blocks, the price of which is 2750-2850 per m³. It is also worth considering the cost of delivery, if necessary, as well as the breakdown of material during transportation and performance of work.
  • Other materials: cement - about 200 rubles per 50 kg, sand - about 180 rubles per m³, gravel, crushed stone - about 1150, 1190 rubles per m³, timber - from 14 rubles per linear meter.

“Do-it-yourself garage made of foam blocks” - a video of this nature is often watched by those who want to save money, we bring to your attention several points that will help solve this problem:

  • Buy materials during the season of reduced prices. There are significant discounts on most building materials in winter;
  • Avoid concrete floors. In the garage it is quite possible to do without concrete base. Compacted soil covered with expanded clay is quite enough for such a construction;
  • Make an economical cladding. It is enough to simply plaster a garage made of foam blocks to provide protection from moisture;
  • Avoid the inspection hole. IN modern conditions it is needed by a few car owners who are truly professional car repairers.
  • Save as much on your foundation as the soil will allow. If possible, choose a foundation on piles or pillars.

We hope that the given tips for building a garage from foam blocks with your own hands will help you build a high-quality, reliable and convenient garage with minimal costs!

It just so happens that the garage is often used not only as a shelter for a car, but also becomes a kind of “men's club”.

Here you can put your favorite car in order, discuss pressing problems with friends, and, if necessary, spend the night.

We are no longer talking about such an important function of this building as storing household items and conservation.

The construction of a garage cannot be approached according to the residual principle: “made from what was there.” Only a competent project and correct use materials will make it a versatile and durable structure.

In recent years, building a garage from foam blocks has become extremely popular among car owners. We will consider this particular design option, starting from the foundation to the roof.

Why foam blocks?

The answer is simple - it is a warm, inexpensive and easy to style material. The cost is on average 35-40% lower than the price of red brick, and the speed of laying them is 3-4 times higher. The light weight of the material provides significant savings when laying the foundation. Low thermal conductivity allows you to build a warm room in which it will not be cold even with minimal heating.

Good vapor permeability prevents moist air from stagnating in the garage, saving the car body from its main enemy - corrosion. Sufficiently high strength (35-50 kg/cm2) ensures reliability of the walls not only in a one-story building, but also in a two-story building with an attic room.


Building a garage from foam blocks with your own hands begins with laying the foundation.

There are two economical options here:

  • Lightweight pile-strip foundation.

If your garage will not stand on problematic soils (swampy and heaving soils), then there is no point in spending money on a deep foundation. 50-60 cm of penetration into the ground, filling the bottom of the trench with a 20-centimeter sand cushion (with layer-by-layer compaction) and installation reinforcement cage. That's all you need to do before laying concrete.

If the soil is dense enough and the walls of the trench do not crumble, you can pour concrete “by surprise” without formwork. It will only be needed above “zero” to fill a low grillage (20-30 cm).

A trench for a shallow strip foundation (an option with installing formwork in the ground) needs to be dug 20-30 cm wider than the thickness of the foam block wall. This will create an additional “buffer zone” on the sides of the grillage, which will compensate for the pressure of the frozen soil.

Having poured concrete into the formwork, we give it time to gain strength (1-2 weeks), after which we waterproof it. To do this, the easiest way is to buy a bucket of cold water and coat the grillage on three sides (on the sides and top). A simplified option is to lay 1-2 layers of roofing material on top. The foam block does not absorb water very actively (closed cell structure). However, waterproofing the grillage and concrete floor in the garage is a must.

The second foundation option (pile-strip) is a little more complicated than the first, but it is suitable for construction on heaving soils. Having dug a trench under a shallow foundation, wells are drilled in it along the perimeter with a depth exceeding the mark of seasonal soil freezing. For such work, manual or. The diameter of the wells is at least 1/3 of the grillage width.

In each hole (they are made in all corners, and under the walls they are drilled in increments of 1-1.2 meters) they put roofing material rolled into a pipe or cuttings of asbestos-cement pipes. Then 2-3 reinforcing bars are lowered into the holes so that their ends extend into the future concrete grillage.

After this, work is carried out by analogy with the first option. A sand cushion is poured in layers, formwork and reinforcement are installed and concrete is poured.

Wall masonry

It is better to choose foam blocks for the garage with a density of 600-800 kg/m3 (structural and thermal insulation). They are quite warm and durable. We do not need a lower density, since such material is too fragile.

For masonry, you can buy a foam block (20x30x60 cm). If you want to make the walls warmer, then purchase material measuring 30x40x60 cm. The thickness of the walls can be increased by laying blocks with the wide side down (thickness 30-40 cm).

Beginners most often use ordinary cement-sand mortar for masonry. More experienced builders prefer perlite - optimal material to obtain a “warm seam”.

It is not too expensive and makes the masonry mass equally warm, without cold bridges through the seams. A solution with perlite insulation is prepared in the following proportion:

  • 1 part perlite;
  • 1 part cement;
  • 2 parts sand.

Water is added in small portions as the mixture is kneaded until a masonry consistency is reached (thick sour cream). If you cannot find pure perlite, then buy a dry mortar mixture of “thermoshov”.

Even if you have made the surface of the foundation fairly flat, you still need to lay the first row of foam blocks on a layer of mortar 2-3 cm thick. This will allow the block to “find” its place and eliminate the risk of cracks from point loads.

When working with foam concrete, one should not forget about its fragility, so after 2-3 rows you need to lay a reinforcing mesh made of galvanized steel or plastic.

Having marked a place for the gate, you need to install it on the foundation, check horizontality, verticality and secure it with temporary struts.

Dressing sutures – required element technologies. It is especially important for foam blocks. Their dimensions are much larger standard brick, therefore, without overlapping the seams in adjacent rows and at the corners of the masonry, the wall mass will not be strong and monolithic.

Having driven the walls under the ceiling, take a break for a couple of days so that the solution gains strength. After this, work is carried out depending on what the garage will be covered with.

If you are building a two-story garage or decide to cover a one-story reinforced concrete panels, then along the top row of the masonry you need to make a reinforced concrete belt 15-20 cm high. It will protect the fragile foam blocks from being crushed by heavy panels and give the structure spatial rigidity.


Everything is relatively simple here. Removing 15-20 cm natural soil and having leveled the base, it is covered with sand and compacted with a tamper. After this, lay a thick plastic film, bringing its edges 15-20 cm onto the foundation to cut off ground moisture.

For reinforcement use conventional masonry mesh(cell 10x10 cm). To create a protective layer of concrete, crushed stone is placed under it. Having poured the first “rough” layer (5-10 cm) and leveled it, the screed is given several days to gain strength. After this, wooden beacon slats are placed on the concrete with a step equal to the width of the “trowel”, the finishing screed is poured and carefully leveled.


There are three possible design options:

  1. Shed roof on wooden beams;
  2. Gable hip roof;
  3. Mansard type roof.

If the garage will be used not only for storing a car, but also as a workshop, it is better to go with the third option. not much more expensive than low pitched roof, but it is more profitable from the point of view of ease of use. This is especially true for cooperative garages, where the standard dimensions of 3.5x6 meters are clearly not enough to equip a workshop. In addition, a warm garage with an attic can be used all year round.

Having laid wooden floor beams on the walls, the rafter legs of the attic structure are attached to them. Installation begins with end walls(back and front). Having assembled the two outer trusses, a beacon cord is pulled between them and the remaining structures are installed. After this, the sheathing is filled and slate or metal tiles are laid.

If you are happy with a cold garage, then construction can be completed by lining the ceiling with plywood, edged or tongue-and-groove boards. If we are talking about a warm room, then the roof will have to be given more attention. You need to lay ecowool or rolled mineral wool in the ceiling on the vapor barrier layer (layer of at least 10 cm). The attic walls will also have to be insulated with one of the specified materials, laying it in the space between rafter legs and covering it from the inside with a vapor barrier film.

Calculation of the amount of materials for a garage made of blocks

A set of materials for a garage with a height of 2.5 and a plan size of 6x3.5 meters includes:

  • Sand (for backfilling the foundation pad and floor);
  • Concrete for the foundation, monolithic belt and floor;
  • Ruberoid or cold bitumen mastic for waterproofing;
  • Masonry mortar;
  • Fittings;
  • Foam blocks;
  • Masonry mesh;
  • Edged boards (ceiling, floor and roof sheathing);
  • Beams for floors and rafters;
  • Insulation;
  • Metal tiles;
  • Vapor barrier;
  • Fasteners;
  • Gates.

You can calculate the number of foam blocks for a garage by determining the perimeter of the foundation and multiplying it by the thickness and height of the wall. From the obtained value we subtract the area of ​​the gate multiplied by the thickness of the wall.

In our case, the calculations will look like this:

Garage perimeter = 6x2+3.5x2 = 19 meters x 2.5 meters (wall height) x 0.3 (wall thickness) = 14.25 m3 of foam blocks. From the resulting volume, you need to subtract the volume of the gate 2.5 x 2.0 meters x 0.3 m = 1.5 m3. We get 14.25-1.5 = 12.75 m3.

Now we divide this volume by the volume of one block - 0.036 m3 and we get 354 pieces. We give a 15% reserve for waste during cutting and transportation 354x1.15 = 407 pieces. Now we just have to determine how much it costs to build a garage from foam blocks, taking into account the current prices of materials (including delivery to the site).

  • We will need 3.8 m3 of sand (filling the foundation cushion) + filling the floor 2.4 m3 = 6.2 m3x800 rubles/m3 = 4960 rubles.
  • Concrete M 200 (5.5 m3 at 3500 rub./m3) = 19,250 rub.)
  • Cold bitumen mastic (2 buckets of 18 kg each) – 740 rub.
  • Mortar M100 (consumption = 0.23 m3 per 1 cubic meter of masonry) x 12.75 m3 x 2,400 rub./m3 = 7,038 rub.
  • Reinforcement 14 mm – 4,100 rub.
  • Masonry mesh 100x100x3mm (2 rolls of 15 m2) = 6,800 rub.
  • Foam blocks 20x30x60 cm (407 pieces at a price of 150 rubles/piece) = 61,050 rubles.
  • Edged board 2.1 m3 x 5000 rub./m3 = 10,500 rub.
  • Beams for floors and rafters 1.26 m3 x 5,000 rub./m3 = 6,000 rub.
  • Roll insulation for ceilings (mineral wool 10 cm) 1.62 m3x4300 RUR/m3 = 6,966 RUR.
  • Vapor barrier 1 roll = RUB 1,350.
  • Metal tile 54 m2 x 290 rub./m2 = 15,660 rub.
  • Fasteners 4 kg x 125 rub./kg = 500 rub.
  • Gates (insulated with a wicket) – RUB 34,000.

In total, the estimated cost of construction is equal to 178,914 rubles.


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