Accurate horoscope for the year Libra woman.

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Libra will enjoy life and have fun to the fullest, celebrating the winter ball dedicated to saying goodbye to the hectic Monkey. The mistress of 2017 will not want to part with charming Libra, and every day in January she will arrange fun and entertainment for them. But on January 28, 2017, the Red Fire Cockerel will timidly knock on the door and hint to the Monkey that it is time and honor to know.

charming Libra should not be sad and worry about the fact that the Monkey will disappear over the horizon and leave them without his care - while running away, she left the symbol of 2017, the Cockerel, a note with recommendations about what Libra likes and doesn’t like, and what exactly Venus’s wards suitable for happiness.

In 2017, the Fiery Red Rooster will get down to business from the first day of his reign, and already at the beginning of February Libra will notice that they are under reliable protection noble and so generous bird.

The financial situation in 2016 was not bad, and in 2017 Libra will not have problems with finances at all - you can start doing charity work, such expenses will not be noticeable. Just don’t give away your money left and right, help those who really need your support.

At the beginning of spring 2017, restless Libra will find themselves in creative activity– sedentary work will be left behind, and you will delight others with your masterpieces. Any person with even a little knowledge of art will pay a tidy sum for your creations. Go ahead, conquer the world with your skills and talents and put money from sales into your wallet.

In the spring, Libra’s personal life will delight - the Fire Rooster has already made an agreement with Cupid, so the cheerful boy is waiting for you, sitting on the nearest tree. There will be many meetings, but you will feel your soul mate instantly, like an arrow prick. Don’t delay getting married – the Year of the Rooster is ideal for starting a family.

For Libras who are proud of the stamp in their passport, the Red Rooster will give you many surprises - from March to May you can expect visits from distant relatives and meetings with old friends. Your children in the spring of 2017 will also delight you - their successes and achievements will pleasantly surprise you.
Plan a summer vacation, an unforgettable trip awaits you. And it doesn’t matter where in the world you bought tickets - both in Paris and Sakhalin you will have a great time relaxing and unwinding. But you should prepare for the fact that the management will not want to let you go, and will stand on the platform for a long time, waving a handkerchief wet from tears after you - bring magnets and souvenirs to the manager, he will be delighted and this will definitely affect your promotion.

Aries great time for Libra. You will shine everywhere, be it in politics or in culture - the main thing is to trust your intuition and choose. The Fire Rooster will tell you in any case, and believe the horoscope - all the doors have long been wide open, and helpful doormen and crowds of smiling staff with bouquets in their hands are already waiting for you.

In November 2017, you need to prepare for some misunderstandings in communication with your superiors, no wonder, because the manager has already stopped sleeping for fear that you can calmly remove him from his position. Reassure your boss and explain that if you want to take the director's chair, you will do it with ease, but not at your current job.

In December 2017, summing up the results - Libra will rejoice at the results they achieved in 2017. Financial Savings will be great, you can even go to an exotic country for the New Year, and you can safely take all your relatives and friends with you, which they will only be happy about.

Everything will be fine in your personal life, your household will be incredibly happy with everything you say and do, even neighbors and friends will consult with you on every minor matter, and shout compliments and good wishes. See you off Fire Rooster in an original way- decorate the yard, take the table outside, and have a great party with your family and beloved neighbors.

Love horoscope for Libra for 2017

In the year of the Rooster, Libra will be the most charming sign of the zodiac. Feel free to use your charm, just don’t forget to plug your ears and close the windows tightly at night - after all, serenades from fans will quite often disturb your sleep.

Many fabulous dates and meetings await you. The Rooster is for your romances, and will do everything to make you feel comfortable. Try to refrain from relationships with married partners - you will only waste your nerves, both for yourself and your lover. You will have more than enough single fans - so hurry to the beauty salon and impress your fans with a new look.

In the year of the Libra Rooster, many surprises await you in the second decade; some will receive marriage proposals from fairly respectable fans. You shouldn’t agree quickly, break down a little - your coldness will make your future partner worry and he will move mountains and get the moon for you, so make more original wishes.

Libra 3rd decade (October 14 - October 23). In 2017 you will want adventure, so the Cockerel will help you find variety in life. The owner of the year has already agreed with several of your fans - they are already poring over poems in your honor and coming up with romantic surprises. Just don’t be scared if fans come to visit you in a crowd at the same time - improvise and don’t allow a fight.

Business horoscope for Libra for 2017

In 2017, Libra will be able to break through in areas where others fail. Your interest in everything unusual will help you achieve financial success– just learn to count money!!!

Libra 1st decade (September 24 - October 3). It's time to try yourself in the role of a boss - Cockerel has just found a couple of reputable places for you. But do not forget that being a leader is not only respect and prestige, but also a frequent headache and increased responsibility. Ready? – then go ahead, and don’t forget to bring your friends, they will be a great support group.

Libra 2nd decade (October 4 - October 13). Although money will not worry you much in 2017, there will still be enough of it, or rather, a lot. You will attract enough investment capital to feel like a kind of padishah - and the worship and respect of the local rich is guaranteed to you. You shouldn’t be surprised when a crowd of respectable guys with fans in their hands jumps out from around the corner one day.

You will have great success in your creativity. Hurry to the art supply store, or to the “Everything for Creativity” salon. Draw, embroider, weave baskets - everything you do will definitely be in demand and needed. It’s worth starting to look for premises with cheaper rent, and Cockerel will definitely bring you a crowd of buyers and connoisseurs of your creativity.

Family horoscope for Libra for 2017

The time has come to try on the role of the head of the family - you will like it. Household members will be happy to shift some of the responsibilities onto you, just make sure that your beloved relatives do not sit comfortably on your neck.

Libra 1st decade (September 24 - October 3). In the year of the Rooster, you will have a desire to make the atmosphere in your home even more comfortable and harmonious. Sign up, for example, for a cooking course - pamper your family with pies and homemade dumplings. You can update your apartment - who said that purple walls make you sad?! Experiment, try, and your family will be happy to join you. Suddenly a family business related to design.

Libra 2nd decade (October 4 - October 13). Try to leave work problems at home, because it already seems to your relatives that your manager has become a full-fledged member of the family, so often do you start talking about him. In the Year of the Rooster, it is useful for the whole family to get out into nature, outside the city - your favorite dacha awaits you every weekend, and even weeding the garden beds will not be a burden for you. Fantasize - come up with holidays for your household, as there will be plenty for a family celebration.

Libra 3rd decade (October 14 - October 23). Show your tender feelings on the street, in a crowd, etc. - the household will like it. Don’t be afraid to overpraise your children, because who else but you will say that they are the smartest and most beautiful in the world. In the Year of the Rooster, it also wouldn’t hurt to show more care to older relatives - buy your grandma and grandpa vouchers to a sanatorium, let them take a break from the hustle and bustle of home and at the same time improve their health, because you can afford it.

Health horoscope for Libra for 2017

There are no special problems with your health in the Year of the Rooster, but sometimes it is useful to remember past ailments, even if they do not bother you. Don't be lazy to get examined.

Libra 1st decade (September 24 - October 3). You should not trust an article from the Internet and do not mislead yourself about this or that disease - your local doctor knows more than thousands of your friends and Internet users. In 2017, Libra benefits from frequent outdoor recreation - why take pills for depression if you can just take a walk in the forest, or sit with friends on the river bank?

Libra 2nd decade (October 4 - October 13). In 2017, the Rooster will appreciate the efforts of those Libra who will seriously take care of their figure. All diets will be effective. Just don’t forget about moderation - you don’t need to torture yourself, in a couple of weeks you will become the ideal of beauty.

Libra 3rd decade (October 14 - October 23). In the year of the Red Rooster, you can expect frequent colds, but forewarned is forearmed - just dress for the weather and don’t forget about vitamins. Then any flu and cold will be nothing to you - you won’t even have to swallow pills. Remember about useful additives for tea - prepare rose hips, and it won’t hurt to dry raspberry and currant leaves.

Children's horoscope for Libra for 2017

This year, more than ever, you will be purposeful and focused on success. You will discover a hitherto unknown source of inspiration and creativity. This year will also give limitless possibilities to expand connections: most likely, you will meet new business partners, cooperation with whom will be reliable and very productive.

In 2017, any movement will be crowned with success: from a short trip at sea to a global change of place of residence. Also, do not miss the opportunity to improve your level of education: acquiring new knowledge will be easy and pleasant; in the future this will also affect your social status.

Mid-January is a favorable period for work. Solve business issues, plan, make connections - everything will work out. February will become even more stressful, but if you find the strength to organize yourself and be diligent, you will spend this month easily and productively. In March, try to listen to yourself - your hidden talents and capabilities will appear at this time and will help you solve important problems. April will be the most successful month of the year: love, work, communication, hobbies - luck will smile in every aspect of life.

Peak awaits you in May professional activity, which, however, will subside by the beginning of summer. In June, you will find a lot of things to do at work, but also a lot of fuss and romance outside of it. This magical period, promoting a wide variety of changes in life, will last until the end of August. From the end of August until your birthday, try not to start any projects, avoid getting noticed by your superiors, and generally reduce your work activity to a minimum (within reasonable limits, of course). Postpone business negotiations and important projects until December: November can bring conflicts and misunderstandings, but in December everything will get better. New Year You will find yourself in harmony with yourself.

Libra Women

They are distinguished by a combination of captivating femininity and a strong, almost masculine character. Be careful in communicating with loved ones, make concessions more often, as conflicts are possible in the first half of the year.

The success of Libra in 2017 depends entirely on themselves. Fate will present them with many chances to improve their well-being; they just need not to miss them. Having grabbed hold of a project, you need to invest every effort in its implementation, show determination and independence.

In 2017, the Stars will give almost all Libras the opportunity to switch to new level his personal development. This is especially true for the strong half of the representatives of the sign, who will be faced with the need to solve some problems, and there will be several ways to overcome them. The stars claim that Libra can handle any task, especially if they are faced with it for the first time.

Using their intellectual capital, they will easily grab ideas in the air and immediately bring them to life. This will knock the rest of the zodiac signs off their feet. Many will be drawn to Libra, since their strong energy leaves no one indifferent. This best time gather like-minded people around you and realize yourself in one area. The stars do not recommend spreading yourself thin.

Libra love horoscope for 2017

The high energy of Libra is more than enough not only for business, but also for personal life. Attention to opposite sex, and this interest will, of course, be mutual. The stars, however, advise not to indulge in fleeting hobbies, since in 2017 the likelihood of meeting your soulmate increases. And in pursuit of light flirting, you may not notice and miss a person close to your heart. Having missed their chance, Libra will not become happier; intrigues and romances will not bring as much pleasure as a real relationship would give.
Single Libras will have to fight for their love if they feel that this is really the person for them. They will face either a rival or a potential partner’s reluctance to make contact. This will affect Libra's mood, which will change several times a day. If you still managed to win the favor of the opposite party, it is better to organize the wedding in the first half of the year, since from July until the end of the year the chances of starting a strong family decrease. Libra, already twisted family nest, you should avoid affairs on the side. A couple of trips “to the left” may still go unnoticed. But the next affair will be followed by major quarrels that can lead to divorce.

Business horoscope

This year Libra is destined for the role of a leader, an ideological inspirer.
They will be the ones who will give impetus to ideas and gather like-minded people around them to implement new projects. Success is guaranteed to them both in long-standing affairs and in a completely new line of business. You just need to clearly plan your action plan, taking into account your leading role in it. You also need to listen to your inner voice, which will tell you many correct answers. Working under Libra will be pleasant and easy. People will appreciate their business sense and ability to organize the process.

Libra health in 2017

The stars recommend Libra to be careful in the first quarter of the year, especially when handling sharp objects and on the roads. Various injuries may occur. Always busy with either work or personal affairs, Libra may also catch a cold that they do not want to notice.

The horoscope advises not to endure the disease on your feet and spend a couple of days in a warm bed. Otherwise, nothing threatens Libra’s health. They feel great and spare no effort and money to maintain their health. It's better to spend your long-awaited vacation near the water. Swimming in sea ​​water, sunbathing they'll calm you down on the shore nervous system, will give a charge of positive energy. It is possible that during a holiday abroad, Libra will meet new system health improvement that they will stick to for the rest of their lives.

What awaits Libra men in 2017

Strong representatives of the sign will face hard work. They will literally burn out at work. Many will take up the implementation major project, which will throw them from one extreme to another, causing either intense interest or irresistible anger.

An outburst of emotions can be avoided, the Stars suggest. You just need to select a good team and distribute responsibilities. Having shouldered all the responsibility, a man may not be able to stand it and give up. As soon as work issues stop occupying everyone's mind free time Libra, they will meet their love. Most likely this will happen at the very beginning of summer. Single men will finally find the one they have dreamed of all their lives. It’s better not to delay with a marriage proposal, the Stars whisper, otherwise the chosen one may lose interest in you.
Exciting feelings can take over married men. This will torment them. The horoscope suggests that the issue will be resolved by itself. Libra will give their loved ones expensive surprises. There will be enough funds for this. There will be enough money for larger purchases, like country cottage. This is an investment worth considering.

Libra woman and her horoscope for 2017

Ladies born under the sign of Libra can safely forget about problems and live for their own pleasure. They will have the opportunity to significantly improve their well-being, which has greatly deteriorated in previous years. And there will be no end to the cavaliers. Men will be mesmerized by the charm of Libra. The opposite sex will be ready to solve any issues of their chosen ones, be it material or minor everyday problems. This will relax the ladies, allow them to abstract from business and fully express their femininity. Many people are thinking about marriage. Already married women You should be more careful with courtship from men, so as not to offend your spouses.

2017 for representatives of the Libra sign will be a great time to sort out their current and upcoming affairs and draw conclusions. This year it will be possible to resolve issues that have been tormenting us for a long time. In the first half of the year, Libra will find the ability to analyze very useful. You may have to work hard to correct the mistakes of the past and deal with the consequences to which they led.

The horoscope for 2017 for Libra promises many difficulties and questions that seem insoluble at first glance. In order to overcome difficulties and get out of the current difficult situation with dignity, people air sign you'll have to put in some effort. This suggests that there are very significant costs of energy potential.

This year there is no need to create big illusions. This time does not promise to please with too many positive moments and unexpected gifts of fate. But this is a great time to finally understand yourself. It will be possible to thoroughly analyze the moments that cause negative emotions and oppress. If you try to think carefully about your life, then perhaps the long-awaited harmony with yourself and with others will come. In order to achieve success you need to resort to constant reflection. In addition, Libra's intuition will work very well during this period. You just need to listen carefully to your inner voice, which can give useful advice at the right moment. Libra will be able to use their intuition not only for their own purposes, but also to help others, giving away very valuable advice. However, you should be careful in your own statements so as not to impose your opinion.

2017 will be rich in various fateful signs. They can manifest themselves in prophetic dreams or signs, which would do well to be taken seriously. Perhaps situations will occur that will serve as some warning against danger. They can be seen in the example of loved ones.

The stars warn that this year there is a risk of various injuries, so you need to comply with all conditions to avoid obviously dangerous activities. If Libra decides to carry out repairs, you must follow all safety rules.

This year may become a year of rebirth for representatives of the Libra sign. Therefore, at this time you should not try to achieve great success or set global goals for yourself. This can only bring unnecessary hassle and problems. It is better to postpone the start of something new to a more favorable period, because this year all endeavors will end in failure. You should behave in such a way that your strength is not wasted, but rather accumulated. It’s good to use this time to plan your future, you can put your thoughts in order and finish all the things that have been put off for so long “for later.”

Libra in 2017, especially in the first half of the year, may experience a decline vitality and the predominance of minor mood. There is no need to surrender yourself to the power of this state; besides, there will be plenty of strength to cope with it. To restore your strength, you will need to devote as much time as possible to rest. You should not neglect your desire to spend several days in nature, or, if such an opportunity is not available, you can devote at least one day to yourself, spending time completely carefree and doing only your favorite things.

In short, this year is not suitable for dramatic changes, so it will be ideal for taking an interesting trip or channeling your energy into a romantic relationship.

Horoscope for a Libra man

The Libra man can be quite successful this year, but only if he makes an effort to achieve his goal. Even if Libra’s heart chooses an unfree woman, this fact should not stop him, because happiness can be found even in the context of a struggle with life's difficulties. A man of this zodiac sign may have a desire to change his place of residence, for example, move from a metropolis to a quieter place or purchase small house in the village. This idea can be implemented at the end of the year.

Horoscope for Libra woman

The Libra woman will experience some dissatisfaction related to the dynamics of events taking place this year. To experience the least discomfort in these conditions, you need to show gentleness and become more flexible, as well as give up your integrity and listen more often to the wishes of others. This approach to business will help to avoid many unpleasant situations, and also not to waste your money in vain. mental strength. At the beginning of the year, the stars advise beautiful representatives of this sign to undergo a full medical examination to identify dangerous diseases.


What people born under the influence of an air sign should think about is stability in relationships. Everything acquired at the moment needs to be supported and strengthened. You need to carefully preserve your love and under no circumstances give in to the desire to enter into a short-term, frivolous relationship. This year it will be possible to do everything to ensure that the partner begins to trust more than before, especially for those relationships that are in Lately cannot be called stable. Libra must prove itself with the best side and evoke a desire to trust and open your soul. This can be achieved through actions. All these efforts will be duly appreciated.

This year, joint travel will be more opportune than ever. All circumstances will be in favor of this, and such a trip can give a lot of pleasant impressions. This time will be memorable, because fate is preparing a lot of surprises. But you should also not forget about your desires. If you want something for a very long time, you need to do it without putting it off. The same goes for shopping.

However, you shouldn’t indulge in entertainment alone too often either, because your loved one can be seriously offended and draw the wrong conclusions about the distribution of attention between him and his friends. Because of this, disagreements may arise, which may shake the trust that has just been established. To avoid this, you need to strictly fulfill your promises, which may not be fulfilled due to simple forgetfulness. This will have a detrimental effect on relationships with loved ones. Here you certainly cannot argue with the statement that it is easier to keep a promise than to then spend a lot of time on rehabilitation in the eyes of loved ones. It is very important to remember to follow family rules and fulfill your responsibilities. The right approach this will have a beneficial effect on relationships with loved ones, and otherwise, it will aggravate them.

If representatives of this sign have children, you need to pay attention Special attention organizing their rest and free time. Even if it seems that they do not need parental control at all, you still need to show interest and take direct part in this. This can have a very big impact and guide the child in the right direction. It would be good to show interest in your son or daughter’s hobbies and hobbies, and if you have ideas about this, you can unobtrusively offer to bring them to life.


The horoscope for 2017 for Libra prohibits setting difficult goals. This time can be used to build on your existing career success. In the first six months, Libra may be subjected to tests of endurance by fate. You will need to take the right position and not rush between energy and the desire to move forward by leaps and bounds, and the understanding that now is not the best time to start a new business. Any manifestation of initiative at work may be met negatively, which will lead to unnecessary results. But in the second half of the year it will be much easier for Libra. Their communication skills will help them make new pleasant acquaintances and enlist the support of colleagues. From the beginning of autumn, you can gradually begin to promote your ideas, and starting from winter, Libra can count on positive changes in the work sphere.


Representatives of this zodiac sign must monitor their health very carefully and avoid situations in which they can get injured. Mars has a very strong influence on health. It is also worth paying attention to the condition of the teeth and oral cavity. Especially for those people who have dental problems. It would be a good idea to get examined by an ophthalmologist; there is a possibility of increased eye pressure.

Eastern horoscope

Rat-Libra(1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008)

This year will be favorable for revealing your creative potential and realizing hard work. This can have a positive impact on Libra's success, as well as on the money sphere.

Ox-Libra(1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009)

This sign will be able to strengthen old connections, as well as make new useful acquaintances. By the way, among your new friends there may be those who will be indispensable at the right time.

Tiger-Libra(1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010)

Now is a great time to step back from important matters and think about yourself. The stars also advise you to seriously think about having a child or taking your relationship to a new level.

Rabbit-Libra(1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011)

It would do well for rabbits to start fighting bad habits, and also start leading healthy image life. If desired, this can be achieved quite easily.

Dragon-Libra(1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012)

Lonely Dragons will definitely meet their love; there is a high probability that this will happen on vacation. Married people should make every effort to maintain the relationship because there is a risk of divorce.

Snake-Libra(1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013)

Those born in the year of the Snake will be able to achieve a lot thanks to their assertiveness and abilities. During this period, you need to rely solely on your own strength. It will be good to work alone.

Horse-Libra(1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014)

Libra Horses will face separation from loved ones, as well as disagreements with loved ones. But not everything is so sad, because already in the second half of the year, Libra will understand how important these connections really are for them and will make every effort to make peace.

Goat-Libra(1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015)

An important rule of the year for those born in the year of the Goat is to finish what they start. Otherwise, they will face inevitable losses and disappointments. It is very important to strengthen your love relationship.

Monkey-Libra(1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004)

You need to keep your secrets very carefully in order to personal information did not become public knowledge. Otherwise, you can fall very low in the eyes of others.

Rooster-Libra(1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005)

Incredible insight will help you successfully resolve all work issues, win important cases, and also turn the current situation to your advantage. In such conditions it is very easy to be the first.

Dog-Libra(1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006)

Perhaps Libra will face Difficult choice between advantageous offer which will help solve financial issue and the interests of loved ones. You need to choose the second one.

Pig-Libra(1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007)

Those born in the year of the Pig need to think about their diet, as there is a risk of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as food poisoning.

2017, the year of the Red Rooster, a connoisseur of stability and well-being, is not the best time to introduce changes in life, so Libra should postpone their plans and ideas, which involve drastic changes, for a more favorable period. This year will pass very calmly and measuredly. During this period, representatives of this zodiac sign will be able to strengthen their authority in society, gain respect from others, and also consolidate the result that was achieved last year. In the first half of the year, it will be extremely difficult for Libra to refrain from impulsive and ill-considered actions, since energy will be in full swing, but they will still be able to curb their ambitions and their tempers, thanks to which the Rooster will reward them with stability and harmony in all areas of life. Libras need to more carefully control their emotions and feelings so as not to flare up, offend anyone, or make things worse difficult situation. The best and most useful directions in which Libra can direct their restless energy are travel, tourism, creativity, getting another higher education, studying foreign languages or hobby. But with a change of job, place of residence, and similar decisions, it’s worth holding off.

Love horoscope for 2017 Libra

In love and relationships with a loved one, representatives of this sign will experience bright and pleasant moments, many unpredictable events and unforgettable impressions. But even here, impulsive and spontaneous Libra needs to curb their temper and excessive emotionality. Starting a new relationship will not be any problem for Libra, but it is unlikely that it will have a continuation or a happy ending. To avoid these troubles, the stars warn representatives of this sign not to make hasty conclusions and not to force events, so that later your new chosen one does not disappear without a trace. By maintaining restraint and insight, Libra has every chance of creating strong and long-lasting relationships built on love and mutual understanding between partners. Otherwise, in their personal lives, representatives of this constellation can only count on short-term amorous affairs. Also in 2017, against the backdrop of their impulsiveness and emotionality, Libra runs the risk of falling in love, which will completely disarm them in front of the subject of their adoration. But this is more good than bad, since Libra will then become pliable and calmer.

Horoscope for 2017 Libra (family)

The Red Rooster values ​​family relationships and everything connected with them very highly, so most representatives of this sign will always put family first. By nature, Libras are careerists who are ready to sit in front of the monitor all day long, bringing the author’s project to fruition in the hope of fame, success and recognition. Therefore, their relatives very rarely see them, and if they do, they are unlikely to be able to communicate properly. IN family relationships The situation in 2017 will be twofold. On the one hand, Libra’s restlessness and hot temper can lead to quarrels and disagreements, and on the other hand, Libra will begin to surprise their household members with their regular surprises, which will win their gratitude and affection. Libras know how to make a real holiday out of gray everyday life, so their family members are unlikely to be bored. And life will become diverse and multifaceted, and, consequently, more rich and vibrant. Libras are optimists who infect everyone around them with their radiant mood. Therefore, you should not skimp on a smile or a kind word, which can bring the disadvantaged back to life. Thanks to this characteristic feature you can make the world around you better, kinder and brighter.

Horoscope for 2017 Libra (business)

The Red Rooster, who will patronize throughout 2017, does not like the desperate and self-confident too much, so Libra is better off sticking to the tactics of humility and submission if they want to not only consolidate the results achieved, but also achieve something. Professional area Libra's life will be somewhat of a roller coaster ride with steep ups and downs unless Libra gives up all their grandiose plans and starts doing what needs to be done. This is not about giving up your ideas completely, no. It is better for you to take care of current affairs now, in your free time from work - developing a plan, methods and strategies for implementing these ideas. This year you have every chance to meet the right people and enlist their support and help, as well as expand your knowledge base in this area and develop skills. And by carefully preparing now, you will do your job much better in the future than now, on emotions. Otherwise, big undertakings threaten to end in failure, and the whole idea will collapse completely. There is no need to rush anywhere if you want to get the desired result.

Horoscope for 2017 Libra (finance)

Libras have always been able to solve their problems financial difficulties and questions, thanks to which they almost never had the problem of lack of money. And in 2017 they will also be completely financially secure. But a stormy and very eventful personal life will present many options on where to spend your hard-earned money. Libras are quite generous, so they will spend most of their money on satisfying the desires and needs of their family and friends, as well as on themselves, to whom they are also unable to refuse anything. On the one hand, it would seem, ignorance and wastefulness, and on the other hand, life is short, so why not enjoy it to the fullest, if financial capabilities allow? Like this financial policy leads the representatives of this sign. And here it is very difficult for them to contradict anything. Due to their restlessness, Libras often travel, expanding their horizons and knowledge, so it is possible that they will direct most of their funds in this direction, which is very useful. Both pleasant and useful. A stable income, hard work and innovative thinking give Libra complete financial freedom and independence, which is still worth cherishing.

Horoscope for 2017 Libra (health)

Libras are great travelers, seekers of adventure and new experiences, so it is very important for them to take care of their musculoskeletal system, avoiding traumatic situations and other risks. As for general well-being, Libra has nothing to complain about. They often have quite good health and a strengthened immune system. Only now they may experience some kind of psychological discomfort when there is more than enough energy, but there seems to be nowhere to release it. But if Libra tries to curb their ambitions, they will very quickly adapt to new conditions in which they will feel quite calm and comfortable. Libras are quite active and dynamic, so an inactive lifestyle is unlikely to threaten them, but fatigue is quite possible. Try, no matter how active your lifestyle is, to relax more in peace and quiet. These could be meditation sessions, massages, yoga classes, or just reading your favorite book. You can also just relax and listen to pleasant, calm music, which will help bring order to your thoughts and take control of your emotions and feelings.

Attention, the above horoscope for 2017 of the Red Rooster describes only the general trends inherent in the owners of the zodiac sign Libra in the new year 2017. Due to your uniqueness, general horoscope for 2017 for the sign of Libra may not reflect real events. An accurate astrological prediction can only be obtained by drawing up a personal horoscope for the upcoming 2017. Get accurate personal horoscope, you can click on the link below.

Accurate personal horoscope for 2017 for the Rooster sign for Libra:


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