What is the difference between foam concrete and aerated concrete. What is lighter than aerated concrete block or foam block - which is better for building a house and what is the difference, how aerated concrete differs from foam concrete

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In the segment of cellular concrete, two popular materials compete - foam concrete and aerated concrete. When planning the construction of a house, cottage, garage or bathhouse, each owner tries to take into account all the nuances and predict various situations, estimate the cost, in general, create the most realistic plan possible before starting work.

The first and most important task is the choice of material for load-bearing walls. What is better to build a house from, foam block or gas block? Each of them has its own positive and negative reviews.

Cellular concrete is a group building materials made from concrete and various additives that give it a porous structure. The most famous representatives of this species are and.

At first glance, these are identical materials. However, there are also differences that shape distinctive properties, which are the stumbling block between supporters and opponents of these materials.

To draw an objective conclusion and right choice We suggest you familiarize yourself with the difference between a gas block and a foam block - a comparison of characteristics, properties and price. To do this, we will study all the stages life cycle of these wall materials, starting from technological process production, ending with decorative finishing, i.e. Let's conduct a full comparative analysis.

Comparison of which is better: foam blocks or gas blocks

1. Production of foam concrete and aerated concrete

Comparison within the framework of manufacturing technology (production)


Both materials are produced by mixing concrete with materials that give it a porous structure.

But, in the production of foam concrete, such a material (foaming agent, plasticizer) is wood saponified resin (WRS), and aerated concrete is pulverized aluminum.

Cellular concrete began to be used in construction relatively recently, although the technology for its production has been known for more than 100 years.

If earlier the production of such materials was expensive and their price was high, now there are modern technologies and materials to make aerated concrete or foam concrete an affordable material.

Modern construction cellular concretes differ in their production technology and their different characteristics, so the question often arises, what foam concrete is better or aerated concrete

If we compare these two materials, they differ in their structure and therefore have different characteristics. If you decide to choose aerated blocks, then lime, water, sand, and cement are used to make them.

One of the main elements is lime, and in order to form pores, aluminum powder is added to the composition during production. The structure of such a material is uniform in all directions.

Fig.1 Appearance of gas blocks

The technology for producing foam concrete is different, although lime, water and cement are also used for its production.

The difference is that in the first case, sand is used, and in the second, production waste is slag. Foaming agents are used to form pores.

Based on the characteristics of the technology and the variability of raw materials, a difference in the structure of the material is obtained. The price of foam concrete is cheaper and here it’s up to you to decide which is better, a foam block or a gas block.

If we compare manufacturing technology, it will also be different. Foam concrete is a solution that hardens under natural conditions due to the fact that chemical substances. After the solution is mixed, it is poured into molds in which it hardens and acquires its characteristics.

The porous structure of foam concrete ensures its light weight, low thermal conductivity, high strength, good sound insulation qualities and long service life.

When deciding whether to choose aerated concrete or foam concrete, one must take into account the fact that the production of foam concrete is very simple and therefore it is often made by non-professionals. The result is a building material of poor quality and it is impossible to compare it with what is made using the technology, since its characteristics will be much worse, although the price is cheaper.

Fig.2 Appearance of foam blocks

The production of aerated concrete is different in that it requires special equipment, the cost of which is high, and it is impossible to make such a building material at home.

Therefore, if you decide to choose one material or another, you should only purchase one that is made in accordance with the developed technologies.

During the production of aerated concrete, as a result of adding aluminum powder between it and the other components, a chemical reaction occurs with the release of gas, which is why pores are formed. After pouring, the material is allowed to harden completely, and then cut to the specified size. The finished blocks are placed in an autoclave to remove moisture from them.

As you can see, a comparison between aerated concrete and foam concrete shows that it is easier to produce foam concrete, but if you do not adhere to the technology, its quality and characteristics will suffer greatly.

Depending on the required characteristics of the building material, you need to decide whether to purchase aerated concrete or foam concrete.

Scope and cost

The structure of the aerated block is constant and uniform. This material practically does not shrink, has very low thermal conductivity, high fire and frost resistance. These qualities make it possible to choose aerated concrete for the construction of both load-bearing walls and partitions.

If we compare between a material that dried in an autoclave and one that was dried under natural conditions, then the strength indicators of the latter will be worse, and it will turn out to be more dense, therefore its thermal conductivity is higher, in addition, it will have deviations in the linear dimensions of the blocks.

Foam concrete can be used in the construction of buildings whose height is no more than 3 floors. The characteristics of the blocks will depend on its density, the quality of the slag used and the ratio of the components.

Table 1. Cost of materials:

The cost will depend not only on the size of the blocks, but also on its density. As you can see, there is not much difference and therefore, when deciding which material is better to choose, you should be guided not by its value, but by other characteristics that are necessary in your case. The cost of laying one block will be in the range of 50-70 rubles.

Comparison of other indicators

Another difference between aerated concrete and foam concrete is that the foam block does not have packaging, and aerated concrete is securely packaged, which facilitates its transportation and eliminates the possibility of damage during delivery and unloading.

Dimensional accuracy greatly facilitates the laying process, and also allows you to save on mortar, which reduces the cost of construction, and aerated concrete wins in this regard.

If we talk about moisture-proof properties, then both materials absorb moisture, this is explained by the presence of pores, therefore, after the construction of the building, in both cases it is necessary to provide additional protection.

The density of foam concrete is usually higher, so it is stronger, but it has higher thermal conductivity. But the strength will largely depend on the quality and brand of cement used.

Foam concrete can only be laid on a mortar, while special glue can be used for laying aerated concrete blocks. Although the cost of glue is more expensive, less of it is required and, as a result, less money is spent.

Since the seams when laid with glue turn out minimum thickness, then the thermal conductivity of the wall will not increase, since large seams are cold bridges and worsen the characteristics of the building.

It is impossible to say unequivocally which material is better; it all depends on your capabilities and the requirements that you place on your home.

Foam blocks are suitable for construction small houses, sheds or garage. The quality of an autoclaved aerated block is much higher and if you want to build modern house, which will have high levels of heat and sound insulation, it is better to buy gas blocks.

Foam block and gas block are the most popular materials today that are used to build warm, cozy and durable houses. In order to figure out whether a foam block or a gas block is better, let’s outline their advantages and disadvantages.

Chemical composition and production technology

Both aerated concrete and foam concrete are essentially artificial stone made from cellular concrete. Both wall materials are made from environmentally friendly and safe raw materials. But for the manufacture of cellular blocks, different components and production technologies are used, due to which each of the wall materials forms its own special porous structure and obtains its characteristic properties.

Gray foam blocks, with smooth surface. In the process of their production, the method of mechanical mixing of a cement-sand mixture (lime, water, cement, blast furnace slag and other industrial waste) with the addition of a foaming agent is used. The solution is poured into containers, after which it hardens naturally.

have White color, relief and rough surface. They are made through a chemical reaction and then further processed to increase strength in an autoclave. The solution contains cement, quartz sand, water, pure lime and aluminum powder, which are mixed at a certain level of humidity and maintained at high temperatures.

Due to the complex and lengthy production process, aerated concrete blocks are usually manufactured in large factories using expensive equipment. While the production of foam concrete blocks is somewhat simpler and more economical - they are often produced in an artisanal way and have an appropriate level of quality.

Comparing the characteristics of materials

1. Product geometry

The foam block is much inferior to the gas block in terms of appearance and in terms of geometry quality:

    the error of aerated concrete products is no more than 1 mm;

    foam blocks have an error of about 3 mm.

The geometry of aerated concrete blocks is close to ideal, which simplifies their installation and makes the process faster. If the error is high for masonry, you can only use concrete mortar, and this in turn entails higher financial expenses and temporary losses during construction.

2. Heat and sound insulation properties

Both types of blocks have excellent frost resistance and have good sound insulation, resistant to rotting and fungus formation. But with equal densities, aerated concrete blocks, due to their more porous structure and production method, are somewhat warmer than foam concrete blocks. In addition, their ideal geometry allows for high-quality adjustment of the masonry, removing “cold bridges” and ensuring absolute solidity of the structure.

3. Hygroscopicity indicators

The porosity of aerated concrete blocks is open, while that of foam concrete blocks is closed, which directly affects the water absorption of these materials.

Important! Since aerated concrete blocks are prone to absorbing moisture, upon completion of construction it is necessary to exterior decoration building.

4. Weight

Both wall materials They are distinguished by their large dimensions and at the same time low weight, which greatly facilitates the process of transportation and laying. A standard foam concrete product with dimensions 200x300x600mm weighs 25 kg, while the most popular aerated concrete block with dimensions 250x300x650mm weighs 24 kg. Thus, in favor of the latter, there is, although insignificant, a difference in weight.

5. Strength characteristics

The highest strength indicators are demonstrated by autoclaved aerated concrete blocks, which can be used in low-rise construction for installation external walls up to 3 floors, and without limiting the number of floors when filling the frame, as well as load-bearing and non-load-bearing internal partitions

Foam block disadvantages and advantages:

Simple production method and low cost;

An inexpensive cement composition is used for installation;

Non-ideal geometry of products greatly reduces the convenience of masonry;

High consumption cement mortar;

Reinforcement of all structures is required.

Gas block advantages and disadvantages:

High quality factory production;

Excellent mechanical strength characteristics;

Resistance to external loads, does not crumble during loading and unloading operations;

Simple and quick installation due to minimal error and smooth edges around the entire perimeter;

Suitable for single- and multi-storey buildings using a stiffening belt for the construction of load-bearing walls, for the construction of partitions and filling frames in monolithic buildings;

Partial reinforcement is required only in the ceilings of windows and doorways in multi-storey buildings, during construction one-story houses can be built without reinforcement;

High hygroscopicity;

Placed primarily on construction adhesive;

Cost and reviews

In general, construction is much more profitable in monetary terms than building with bricks. Firstly, the blocks are light in weight, which means there is no need to build a strong foundation for the building. Secondly, blocks made of cellular concrete are quite large in size, which allows you to save on the amount of glue or cement, speeding up the construction process. And their tall thermal insulation properties allows you to reduce the financial costs of purchasing additional materials for insulation.

If we compare the prices of foam blocks and gas blocks, the former will cost somewhat less, since it is easier to produce and is often made in a semi-industrial or artisanal way, which directly affects its quality. You can buy a cheap foam block and buy a fake, which will crack over time.

The costs of the material are more than offset by durability - a structure made from factory-made gas silicate blocks will be more durable and will last for decades. In addition, you will be able to additionally save on transportation costs, because upon delivery gas silicate blocks do not break, unlike foam concrete ones.

It is easier for novice craftsmen to work with foam blocks when building low buildings and using cement mortar rather than glue. Professionals who use for styling adhesive compositions, they unequivocally assure: in terms of dimensional accuracy, gas blocks certainly take the lead; otherwise, in practice, the performance of both materials is almost identical, and the final cost is compensated by the low consumption of glue.

An aerated block or a foam block is chosen based on the fact that these are similar building materials and they belong to lightweight concrete; they differ from each other only in the way air cells are formed in the block itself.

Layout of the foam block device.

Air bubbles in the foam block are formed by foam, which is mixed with concrete. The result, after the concrete has dried, is a block of the appropriate size, the foam in which has frozen in the form of air bubbles. This block is durable, light and warm. The foam block cells have a structure closed type, that is, when hardening, air bubbles envelop the concrete. As a result, all bubbles are enclosed in concrete. You can buy foam blocks on the website mi-2.ru.

Gas block and foam block are porous materials that absorb moisture, but this happens when completely immersed in water. If you simply leave them outside, moisture absorption will not be critical; in this case, comparing aerated concrete blocks and foam blocks will lead to the same result. The most important thing during construction is proper organization drainage system, do not allow water to stagnate in the area of ​​the base and foundation.

To create air bubbles in the gas block, aluminum chips are used, which, when heated, reacts with oxygen and releases gas. The result is aerated concrete. In aerated concrete, the cells are of an open type, that is, air bubbles interact with each other. As a rule, gas blocks are produced industrially, they are dried in an autoclave. To form a block, string cutting is used, which can provide the correct shape, which makes the laying of blocks high-quality and speeds up the process.

The density of the foam block is 600-700 kg/m3, and the density of the gas block is 400-500 kg/m3. Therefore, the foam block will be stronger.

The statement that the strength of a block depends on its density is absolutely true. But we must remember that a significant role in the strength of the block is played by good quality cement. If cement with an admixture of slag or low grade is used (using cement grade 400 instead of 500), this will affect the quality. Moreover, in the private production of foam blocks there is no way to check the quality of concrete, and large factories producing aerated concrete must check the quality of cement in the factory laboratory.

Ecology and economy

Foam block is an environmentally friendly material.

Aerated concrete contains aluminum, which has harmful properties to health, and foam block is an environmentally friendly material.

During production, aluminum chips are introduced into aerated concrete in a ratio of 400 g/m3. This is necessary for the formation of air bubbles; particles of aluminum powder react with the hydroxo groups of the solution, converting aluminum oxide into oxygen. The released oxygen swells the gas mass almost twice in volume, and no metallic aluminum remains in the composition of aerated concrete.

Aerated concrete contains aluminum oxide; it gets there with cement and other components of the aerated block. If we compare the aluminum content in a regular brick, it has up to 400 kg of oxide, which is found in simple clay, and in a foam block the aluminum oxide content is 50 kg. Therefore, there is no point in worrying about the fact that the gas block contains aluminum.

The cement mortar for foam blocks is usually applied in a layer of 1 cm, and the masonry for high-precision gas blocks is 2 mm thick. The difference in the volume of material can be 5-6 times. Accordingly, you will need 6 times less glue for the gas block. And it is only 2 times more expensive than cement mortar. If you consider that a foam block is cheaper than a gas block, then laying it with glue is not more expensive, and even a little cheaper than laying it with cement mortar.

There are two types of technology for the production of cellular concrete: non-autoclave and autoclave.

What is made using an autoclave is called aerated concrete. The porosity of this material is formed due to a chemical reaction. It consists of lime, cement and aluminum powder.

A foam block (non-autoclave block) consists of the same components as concrete (sand, cement, water), plus a foaming agent.


These materials are manufactured according to the same DSTU or GOST, since they have similar technical and physical characteristics.

Production of concrete blocks

Table of production of aerated concrete blocks.

Large enterprises produce aerated concrete, taking into account the complex process of its production.

Foam concrete is easier to manufacture, therefore Lately portable equipment for its production appeared. Since the cost of such equipment is low, people who are far from the basic concepts of strength, density and thermal conductivity began to manufacture this material. This pretty much ruined the reputation of the foam block. But this is an excellent material that has certain advantages and is not much inferior to aerated block in its properties.

When purchasing a foam block, you must contact serious manufacturers who have been present on the market for many years, have a quality certificate, conduct laboratory tests, follow technology and work with cement grades of at least M500.

Gas blocks are distinguished by more exact dimensions, and most carefully comply with technological requirements, since they produce it in the factory. Foam concrete is often produced directly on construction sites, where it is difficult to comply with impeccable technological requirements.

Due to the difference in production technology, foam concrete and aerated concrete are frost-resistant and absorb moisture differently. Aerated blocks absorb water more easily, and, naturally, their frost resistance is lower. Both foam block and gas block need protective and decorative finishing siding or facing bricks, thanks to which this problem is reduced to zero.

Comparison of foam concrete and aerated concrete

Table of characteristics of aerated concrete and foam concrete.

It can be noted that the gas block, compared to the foam block, has a more “strict” geometry (permissible deviations). This eliminates problems when laying gas blocks using cement-adhesive mortars. Consequently, it reduces cracks and gaps between blocks, and therefore “cold bridges” are minimal.

Aerated concrete is aerated concrete cut into pieces. And aerated concrete is a porous, artificially created stone obtained by hardening the mixture in an autoclave. The mixture consists of a hydraulic binder, a finely dispersed silica component, a blowing agent and water. It differs from other building materials in its extreme strength and lightness.

If you wish, you can make gas blocks yourself. Equipment for this production is sold freely and almost everywhere.

First of all, foam blocks and gas blocks differ in production technology.

Lime, cement and sand are dosed and mixed in a special mixer, then water and aluminum powder are added to them. Then the mixture is poured into a mold and left for several hours. During this time, a chemical reaction occurs in the mixture, during which carbon dioxide is released.

Due to the interaction of aluminum with water, pores appear in the material and, consequently, the total volume increases. At this time, the material “sets” or gains its initial strength.

After “setting”, a kind of half-raw mass is formed. Blocks are cut from it using a special installation. The remaining excess mass is collected and sent back to production. Sliced ​​aerated blocks are fed into autoclave units and steamed for several hours at 180 °C and a pressure of 11.5 atmospheres. During the chemical and physical processes that occur during steaming, gas blocks gain 100% strength. In the final phase, aerated blocks are placed on pallets and packed in plastic to prevent moisture from entering.

Foam concrete production

Foam concrete production diagram.

Cement and sand are poured into an industrial mixer, then water is added. The mass of each ingredient is determined by preliminary weighing. Depending on the proportions of cement and sand, the strength grade for future blocks is set: D400-D800, D1000. The higher the grade of the block, the stronger, stronger and heavier it is. The resulting solution is stirred until a homogeneous concrete solution is formed. Then foam is added to the industrial mixer where the solution was mixed. And then the concrete solution mixed with foam is poured into molds.

After pouring, foam concrete is left to stand for 4 hours, during which time initial setting occurs. Then the blocks are loaded onto pallets and sent for further drying. Under natural atmospheric conditions, foam concrete blocks dry for 2-3 weeks. During this period, foam concrete blocks are purchased performance, required for laying floors and walls. Foam concrete achieves the bulk of its strength over the next 6 months.

The minimum set of equipment for the production of foam blocks includes:

  • installation for the production of foam concrete;
  • foam generator, foam mixer;
  • pumps and compressor equipment;
  • molds for making foam blocks.

If we compare high-quality aerated concrete blocks and foam blocks, aerated concrete has one advantage: at an early stage, with the same density, it is stronger, but inferior to foam concrete in all other parameters. If you choose aerated concrete, then you need to take into account that it has maximum strength at the time of manufacture, and then there is a slow decrease in this indicator.

In concrete, strength gains occur over decades. That is, at the time of production, foam concrete or concrete products have the lowest strength, which will further increase.

Foam block or gas block

Foam concrete differs from aerated concrete in its closed porosity structure; air bubbles are separated from each other inside the material. In aerated concrete, air bubbles communicate with each other, therefore, having the same density, foam concrete floats in water, and aerated concrete sinks. Thus, due to the lack of water absorption, foam concrete has high frost-resistant and heat-protective characteristics. Thanks to these qualities, it is worth choosing foam concrete for use in places with high humidity and at hot-cold junctions, where condensation forms. Aerated concrete blocks It is unacceptable to use in such places. To do this you need to use special technologies and high-quality performance of such work.

Foam concrete is an environmentally friendly material. This is another advantage over aerated concrete. The main material used in the production of aerated concrete is quicklime(aggressive, chemically active substance). When it reacts with aluminum powder, it releases gas, which, in turn, forms gas bubbles in the structure of aerated concrete.

If the technology is strictly followed, quicklime enters into a chemical reaction and is “quenched.” This is virtually impossible to achieve in production, so aerated concrete always contains unreacted lime. The consequences of this are most clearly seen in low-quality bricks, in the production of which lime is used. The surface of such a brick is covered with small chips and gouges, with small white dots, the cause of which is lime. When exposed to moisture, it is extinguished, releases heat, increases in size and destroys the brick. Processes similar to this also take place inside the material. This is not possible with foam concrete, since it does not contain quicklime.

Advantages of foam block

  1. Heat. Due to high thermal resistance a building made of foam blocks is warmer. During operation, this allows you to reduce heating costs by 20-30%.
  2. Microclimate. The foam block prevents significant heat loss in winter. Foam concrete blocks are not afraid of dampness and allow you to avoid high temperature in summer and adjust indoor air humidity by releasing and absorbing moisture. This helps create a positive microclimate.
  3. Quick installation. The low density and lightness of foam blocks, the impressive size of the blocks in comparison with bricks make it possible to increase the speed of masonry several times. Ease of processing foam blocks and their finishing, the ability to make holes, channels for pipes and electrical wiring. The elementary nature of laying foam blocks.
  4. Soundproofing. Foam concrete has high ability sound absorption. Buildings made of foam blocks are provided with current sound insulation requirements.
  5. Environmental friendliness. When using foam blocks, no toxic substances are released and in terms of their environmental friendliness they are second only to wood.
  6. Beauty. Due to their ease of processing, foam blocks can be used to make corners, arches and pyramids of various shapes.
  7. Economical. The high accuracy of the geometric dimensions of foam blocks makes it possible to lay foam blocks with glue, to prevent “cold bridges” in the wall and to significantly reduce the thickness of the outer and interior plaster. Compared to standard heavy concrete, the weight of foam blocks is 10-87% lower. A significant reduction in weight leads to significant savings on the foundation.
  8. Fire safety. Foam blocks prevent the spread of fire and have the first degree of fire resistance. Therefore, foam blocks are suitable for use in the construction of fire-resistant structures. Under the influence of intense heat, such as blowtorch, the surface of the concrete does not explode or split, as happens with heavy concrete. Therefore, the fittings are protected for more long term from heating. Tests have shown that foam blocks 150 mm thick protect against fire for 4 hours.
  9. Transportation. The favorable ratio of foam block volume, weight and packaging makes building structure convenient for transportation.

Concrete strength ratio table.

When a steam-forming component is added, a reaction occurs that is accompanied by the release of gas, causing the mixture to become porous, resulting in the formation of cellular aerated concrete. There is another method in which foaming agents are added and concrete mixture foamed mechanically.

Foam block is an almost ageless and virtually eternal material that is not afraid of the effects of time. It does not rot and has the strength of stone. High compressive strength allows the use of foam blocks in the construction of products with low volumetric weight, and this increases the thermal resistance of walls made of foam blocks.

Comparison table of the main physical and technical indicators.

According to their intended purpose, aerated concrete and foam concrete are classified as structural and thermal insulation materials. Hardening of the blocks occurs under natural conditions. Foam blocks are recommended for laying internal and external walls, installing partitions in buildings with relative humidity air no more than 75%. Blocks for wet walls should not be used in basements, as well as in places where the concrete may be heavily moistened or there is an aggressive environment, without the use of water-repellent coatings. It is recommended to use blocks for self-supporting and load-bearing walls in buildings with a height of up to three floors, but not more than twelve meters. Number of floors of buildings in which infill blocks are used curtain walls or frames, is not limited.

Foam block or gas block are building materials with low density, which determines lighter walls compared to brickwork. This reduces the load on the foundation and reduces labor costs, predetermining the low cost of the construction project.

Concrete, brick and wood are the most popular building materials. In the construction of houses, aerated concrete (foam concrete) blocks, which combine best properties these materials.

So, after comparing foam concrete and aerated concrete, we can come to the conclusion that each of them is good in certain conditions.

Building blocks made from subtypes of cellular concrete - gas and foam concrete - have been successfully competing with such construction monsters as concrete, brick and wood for several decades. It is precisely thanks to its physical and operational characteristics, consisting of both advantages and disadvantages, large companies and private developers have still not finally decided what is better than foam or aerated concrete, although in many ways they are similar.

The strength of these masonry products is inferior to similar parameters of brick and concrete, but in terms of thermal conductivity they have no equal, and for low-rise construction, choosing foam concrete or aerated concrete is preferable and more economical than building a house from hard stone materials. An important role when choosing cellular concrete is played by the low weight of block products, which makes it possible to facilitate the construction of the foundation - both foam concrete and aerated concrete have a porous structure. The combination of low cost, efficiency, high energy saving and sufficient strength - these are the pillars on which the popularity of such modern building materials, like aerated concrete or foam blocks.

Aerated concrete - properties and qualities

Load-bearing and non-load-bearing walls are erected from aerated concrete blocks, panels and slabs, internal partitions and auxiliary architectural structures. Solution for making building elements prepared from high grade Portland cement (not lower than M 300), lime, purified fine sand, blast furnace or coal slag, and other industrial waste.

The gas-forming substance is aluminum powder, which, when reacting with lime and adding water, begins to foam, releasing hydrogen. Hydrogen bubbles do not have time to completely leave the solution, since the reaction occurs under the influence of high temperature, and the remaining hydrogen forms the cellular structure of aerated concrete, suitable for construction.

To better understand the differences between foam and aerated concrete, you need to familiarize yourself with the technology of their production. It is impossible to produce high-quality gas blocks using a homemade method due to certain difficult conditions occurring during the formation of blocks in an autoclave.

Advantages of aerated concrete:

  1. Environmental friendliness of materials for the production of building elements from aerated concrete;
  2. Easy, affordable and simple mechanical processing due to the low density coefficient - gas blocks and slabs can be sawed with a regular hacksaw, drilled, chiselled, etc.;
  3. The strength coefficient allows you to compare aerated concrete with low-quality concrete, so architects recommend building low-rise buildings from aerated blocks - the strength is sufficient, and the heat capacity is much higher than that of brick or other artificial stone. Moreover, an autoclaved aerated concrete element is much stronger than a good foam concrete block;
  4. The low weight of the products is a consequence of the low density and many air pores that provide the heat capacity of the material. Aerated concrete is seven times lighter than brick, so transportation, laying and storage is much easier, and the ability to lighten the foundation structure completely outweighs the choice in favor of aerated bricks;
  5. Heat, noise and waterproofing. Energy saving is the most influential property of aerated concrete when choosing the main material for building a house, and the difference between it and concrete (brick, natural stone) is quite significant. High thermal impermeability is achieved by the presence of air pores and the presence of natural substances in the molding sand. These same parameters enhance sound insulation properties, and low moisture permeability is ensured by the presence of aluminum in the blocks.


Porosity is a plus, but in certain cases it can play a bad role, for example:

  1. Moisture in the form of condensation accumulating from the atmosphere. Condensation quickly accumulates in the pores, spreading along the walls. Therefore, without additional waterproofing in regions with high level Average annual precipitation is indispensable. And therefore, any construction made of aerated blocks requires waterproof finishing of facades, and sometimes protection interior walls from excess moisture. Compared to foam concrete, the pores in aerated concrete are less isolated from each other and interact more with any liquids;
  2. Porosity is a direct path to the appearance of microcracks. This can happen during subtle seasonal movements of the soil, when the house shrinks, or when the foundation is washed away by groundwater.

Optimal use of gas-block structures and structures - in low-rise construction during the construction of internal load-bearing and non-load-bearing walls, interior partitions, complex architectural elements (arches, niches), as well as increased thermal insulation of premises. Block products are used for walls and partitions, panel products are used to create a heat-insulating layer between walls and partitions and the room itself.

Foam concrete - properties and qualities

As a product of modern construction technologies, both foam concrete and aerated concrete are very similar to each other and are subtypes of lightweight cellular concrete. The composition of the solutions is very similar, but the methods for processing the working mixture are quite different. The main difference is that foam concrete is produced using a mechanical process (in a pressure unit using a foam generator), while aerated concrete is produced using an autoclave chemical method.

Advantages of foam concrete:

  1. With an average strength of foam concrete, working in acceptable SNiP conditions, retains the specified properties for a very long time. Very often, builders call foam blocks eternal;
  2. High energy saving rates: while retaining heat well, foam blocks can accumulate it. That is, a house made of foam concrete will be warm in winter, and moderately cool in summer. Foam block walls are capable of good air permeability - “breathing”, like walls made of logs or timber, thanks to this, the rooms always maintain a comfortable microclimate with an optimal level of humidity for humans;
  3. It is very simple to install foam concrete or aerated concrete - blocks are made with special system tongue and groove, and it is quite difficult to lay out the wall unevenly along these guides. In terms of density and specific gravity, both foam concrete and aerated concrete are also similar. Both products have regular geometric shapes that facilitate transportation, lifting to heights and laying blocks into the structure. Mechanical restoration hand tools allows you to form geometrically complex and even curved structures in walls and interior floors;
  4. Cost-effectiveness that affects the overall cost of building a house. Precise and fast wall laying means savings on the consumption of building materials and labor costs, low weight means minimizing transportation costs. Components of natural origin are cheap to produce;
  5. First class fire resistance means that a 150 mm thick foam block can withstand open flames and high temperatures for up to 240 minutes.


  1. Both foam blocks and aerated concrete products quickly absorb atmospheric moisture, shortening the service life of the building by reducing the reliability of the building material;
  2. The strength of foam materials depends on the brand, but is always lower than the strength of concrete or brick;
  3. Simple manufacturing technology gives rise to a lot of fakes that are visually impossible to distinguish from a quality product. Certification documents can also be effectively forged, and unscrupulous businessmen take advantage of this. Therefore, it is recommended to buy foam blocks from trusted manufacturers;

A generalized answer to the question of which is better: foam blocks or aerated concrete products, there is only one answer - foam concrete structures are used in construction in a wider range of possibilities, including the construction of external walls with a sufficient degree of strength. Aerated concrete is used in more specialized architectural structures, but with greater responsibility for its characteristics.

It is blocks, and not panels or slabs, that are in greater demand, since they are used to build walls in low-rise and multi-storey buildings, and from foam blocks you can build partitions inside the house. Frequent use of foam materials for decorative and complex architectural design justified by the ease of their mechanical processing.

Foam concrete in the form of a solution is used for pouring flat roofs, floor screeds, for thermal insulation of any engineering communications etc. Foam concrete of high strength grades can withstand weight loads well and works as a foundation for low-rise buildings built from lightweight materials.

All types of cellular concrete, including foam concrete and aerated concrete, in many special cases can replace brick structures, most often internal. When choosing building materials for your home, remember: aerated concrete is stronger, and foam concrete has a wider area of ​​use; the surface of the foam concrete product does not have pores open to moisture, which provides increased thermal insulation. Foam concrete is cheaper to produce.

Who is better foam concrete and aerated concrete updated: January 16, 2017 by: Artyom


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