Bathrooms in your own home. A bathroom in a private house - what should it be like? (95 design photos)

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Wood is not a moisture-resistant and very durable building material; it shrinks significantly. All this must be taken into account when arranging a bathroom in a wooden house. We'll tell you what problems usually arise and how to solve them.

Problems that can be solved during the construction phase

Most types of wood do not tolerate prolonged contact with moisture, which is main problem when creating a bathroom in wooden house. Until recently, this feature of lumber made the construction of wet rooms a headache for developers and owners of such buildings. Now, using modern wood impregnations and materials that protect wood from penetration of moisture into its structure, it is possible to significantly increase the resistance of lumber to the effects of water and water vapor.

The second issue that needs to be resolved is the creation of a floor base that would have sufficient strength to hold massive plumbing fixtures and would be suitable for laying tiles or porcelain tiles - materials most suitable for forming a finishing surface. floor surface in rooms with high humidity. The traditional approach used in ordinary buildings, which consists in installing concrete screed- For wooden structure not really. Firstly, this is a significant load on the wooden building structure, and secondly, to make concrete base on the base is technically difficult. Fortunately, technologies have now emerged that make it possible to make reliable bathroom floors in wooden houses without the use of heavy concrete.

You can reduce the effect of moisture on wood not only by protecting wooden parts, but also by reducing the content of water vapor. This is done thanks to the installation of an effective supply and exhaust ventilation system, which must be taken into account when designing a building and at the stage of its construction. Conventional passive ventilation may not be sufficient to maintain the required humidity levels that are comfortable for long-term use. wooden structures.

The remaining finishing activities will not cause any particular difficulties, since they will be similar to the finishing of wet rooms in a building built from conventional building materials.

How best to create a floor base - modern technologies

The first thing to consider when designing a floor base is the load on load-bearing beams. You need to decide in advance where bulky plumbing fixtures will be installed and add additional stiffeners in these areas. When calculating the expected load on wooden beams The ceiling takes into account not only the bath’s own weight, for example, but also the water filling it.

Second important point What you need to worry about before installing a floor in a bathroom in a wooden house is the correct installation of sewer and water communications. It takes into account the fact that wooden houses, even built from modern high-quality lumber, cause significant shrinkage. Therefore, priority is given to elastic pipes (metal-plastic and cross-linked polyethylene) and their sufficiently flexible fixation to building structures when installing communications (special clips are used to allow the pipes to move).

Now about the floors themselves. You can create a base for laying tiles not only using cement-containing mortars (concrete, cement-sand mixtures, packaged levelers). Nowadays, durable moisture-resistant boards are successfully used for these purposes, including in wet rooms. These include some types of plywood (FSB, FOF) and OSB boards. Flooring made from these materials, produced over load-bearing beams, creates a durable, smooth and moisture-resistant surface suitable for laying ceramic floor tiles.

Mounting plates can be sewn on top of the ceiling if they are installed level, but usually logs are installed that are perpendicular to the main load-bearing bars. This is done to level the floor surface of the bathroom with the floors. adjacent rooms. As logs, you can use beams made of ordinary wood, pre-treated antiseptic impregnations And waterproofing materials, but it is better to use laminated veneer lumber, which is resistant to deformation, has increased strength and a smooth surface. When installing joists, the thickness of the sheathing slabs and the tile adhesive plus tile (ceramic granite) complex is taken into account in order to reach the level with other floors in the house without the formation of thresholds.

In addition to the main longitudinal logs, before covering them with slabs, transverse bars are installed at the same level as the main ones. These structural elements are needed for joining fragments of OSB or plywood, and also as a basis for fixing plumbing fixtures. The slabs that form the base of the floor are attracted to load-bearing beams with self-tapping screws in increments of about 15 cm. The seams between the fragments of the plates are sealed with silicone or liquid glass. Such a base (when using moisture-resistant types of plywood and OSB) does not require additional waterproofing. Properly laid floor tiles By sealing the seams with moisture-resistant tile grout, it itself creates a reliable moisture-proof barrier.

When sealing seams between tiles In damp rooms it is necessary to use silicone-based grout. Purchasing material for shaping tile joints, pay attention to the manufacturers’ recommendations and the composition of the grout, which is always indicated on the packaging.

Finishing the wooden walls and ceiling - possible options

When choosing how to decorate your bathroom, you can choose the following options:

  • cover the entire surface of the walls with plasterboard using the created frame, forming a false wall for laying tiles;
  • create a base for tiles only up to a certain level, most susceptible to direct moisture, leaving the top of the wall for finishing wooden clapboard;
  • cover the walls with decorative plastic panels over the constructed sheathing (economy option).

The first technology involves creating a frame from a galvanized metal profile (or prepared wooden slats) with the structure sheathed in moisture-resistant gypsum plasterboard. The created surface of the false wall is an ideal basis for subsequent finishing of the bathroom in a wooden house with tiles. The technology using the created lathing allows you to solve the problem of hidden installation of communications (including electrical) and creates a ventilation space between the base surface wooden walls and drywall. The final tiling of the created surface creates a continuous a reliable barrier to allow moisture to enter the space between the sheathing and the wooden wall.

For those who want to preserve elements in the interior of the room wood finishing, the second option is more acceptable, when a moisture-resistant barrier is created at the bottom by tiling the wall, while the top of the wall is finished wooden materials. The height of the tiled protective panel is usually made within 1.5–1.7 m, above which the wall is sheathed with wooden paneling or left without additional finishing if the inner surface of the wall meets aesthetic requirements. To reduce the susceptibility of wood to water vapor (direct contact with water on the top of the bathroom wall rarely occurs), the surface is treated protective impregnations and is opened with several layers of varnish, which additionally protects wooden parts finishing from moisture.

The option of covering walls with plastic panels is more relevant for old wooden houses with a small budget designed for arranging a bathroom. The technology involves wood processing protective compounds, after which the sheathing is created. After laying pipe communications and electrical wires, which are placed in flexible cable channels, the created structure is sheathed with decorative polymer panels. Plastic surface good because it is easy to care for and the material is resistant to damage by microorganisms. The disadvantage is the low strength of the panels and the same aesthetic appeal. But how a budget option For finishing in wet rooms, covering the frame with plastic panels is quite acceptable.

Finishing the ceiling in a bathroom located in a wooden house is practically no different from finishing the ceiling in other rooms. Creation technology ceiling structure can be very different - from cladding with wooden materials to hanging or stretch ceiling. When effective ventilation is installed, the influence of moisture on the ceiling surface is minimal, so there are no restrictions in the choice of finishes.

A bathroom in a private house is practically no different from the same room in apartments in multi-storey buildings. At the same time, in the conditions of your home, you can plan the bathroom so that it meets all your requirements.

Owners of their own houses have the opportunity to build a reception room water procedures, based on your financial capabilities and personal wishes. Owners of apartments in high-rise buildings, where the geometric dimensions of bathrooms are strictly standardized, do not have such a chance. If you are building a house from scratch, you can place the bathroom in it anywhere in the home, allocating as many square meters as you like.

If you plan to enter an already in use residential building, it is recommended to place the bathroom in strictly designated areas:

  • In houses 15–30 years old - in a built-in car garage or basement level, attic or second floor, in the place where the bathroom was designed by the builders.
  • In buildings older than 30 years - in the corridor, next to the kitchen, on closed veranda, attic, on a free area, “hidden” between floors under the stairs.

Placing a bathroom in a private building

You can build a room for receiving water procedures from almost any materials, from concrete and foam blocks to wood and brick. The main thing here is to correctly and rationally plan the bathroom, making it impeccably comfortable to use. This is easy to achieve if you follow the following tips professionals:

  • be sure to equip the bathroom in a private home with reliable sources of hot and cold water, an effective ventilation system and a sewer drain;
  • carry out high-quality insulation of the bathroom;
  • equip the bathroom with lighting sources and modern ergonomic plumbing fixtures;
  • leave at least 80–100 cm of free space in front of the font or shower stall;
  • install the sink in the bathroom at a height of about 80 cm;
  • properly arrange the floor in the bathroom and insulate it;
  • finish the room special materials with good resistance to temperature changes and high humidity.

Country private houses are rarely connected to centralized water supply and wastewater disposal systems. For this reason, concerns about the arrangement of water supply and sewerage fall entirely on the shoulders of the home owner.

The water supply can be established from a well or a well available on suburban area. There shouldn't be any special problems. There are many options now pumping stations– compact mechanisms operating in automatic mode. You need to choose such a device, install it once and no longer worry about the lack of water in the bathroom. The pump itself will pump out water and then supply it to the house. The problem with heating water is also easily solved.

Install electric water heater or gas boiler. It’s even better to spend money and purchase a dual-circuit heating unit. It will provide you with hot water supply and heat your home to comfortable temperature even in the harshest winters.

Double-circuit heating unit

The next step is the construction of an autonomous wastewater disposal system. There are two here standard options. You can equip your plot of land regular drain hole or spend money on construction effective septic tank, which will filter the effluent. can be built with your own hands without any problems. Moreover, you will not spend much time on this event.

Be sure to take care of arranging a high-quality country home. Without it, there will be constant dampness in the room, which will ultimately lead to the formation of mold and mildew. Ventilation can be forced or natural. The cost of their arrangement varies.

Making natural ventilation with your own hands is as easy as shelling pears. All you need to do is punch a hole under the bathroom ceiling (the cross-section of such a “hole” is within 9–14 cm). Through it, air saturated with moisture will escape from the room to the outside. Another hole is made nearby. It is needed for the fence fresh air. It is advisable to mount a special diffuser on the second hole, which will regulate the volume of air entering the bathroom.

Similarly, you can do forced ventilation. But in in this case will have to purchase additionally exhaust fan. This increases the cost of creating a ventilation system. It is better to entrust the installation of the exhaust unit to specialists. They will tell you which fan is suitable for your home, and will also quickly and efficiently install everything necessary equipment.

Modern thermal insulation products allow you to achieve an ideal microclimate in the room for water procedures. You can insulate your bathroom using the following materials:

  1. Mineral wool. A proven thermal insulator that prevents the risk of condensation on the ceiling and walls of the bathroom. Mineral wool is hygroscopic. Therefore, it must be protected from moisture with a vapor and waterproofing layer. Experts advise using cotton wool in the form of mats (slabs). Such products have high rigidity, and most importantly, they are much easier to install with your own hands than cheaper mineral wool in rolls. Note! Areas where cotton mats will come into contact with heating equipment must be shielded. Aluminum foil is most often used for these purposes.
  2. Cork thermal insulator. Any home craftsman can use it to insulate a bathroom. Cork products are simply glued to the ceiling and wall surfaces. Important nuance. Thermal protection of bathrooms is possible with cork products treated with a special wax-based impregnation. It increases the water-repellent characteristics of the thermal insulator.
  3. Foam sheets. Inexpensive and available material. It makes it possible to insulate rooms for water procedures in a private house with minimal costs financial resources. True, its installation is quite labor-intensive and requires special care from the performer. To insulate walls and ceilings with foam plastic sheets, you will need to carefully prepare the surfaces (clean them, make them as even as possible, prime them). Another difficulty is the fragility of the material. If you are careless, the foam breaks. So be prepared for meticulous work.

Modern thermal insulation products

You can also insulate your bathroom with the most modern thermal protectant – liquid polyurethane foam. It is characterized by high moisture and fire resistance, sound and heat insulation, excellent vapor permeability and strength. Polyurethane foam is sprayed using special equipment.

Flooring in rooms with high humidity should be as moisture resistant as possible and truly high-quality. Most often, the bathroom floor is made of ceramic tiles. Moreover, in this case, special ceramics with a rough surface and great thickness are used.

The tiled floor can withstand severe mechanical loads, it has an anti-slip effect, which is very important. And the appearance of such a coating can be safely called ideal. Modern technologies make it possible to arrange even wooden floor in the bathroom. Although such coating is still used quite rarely. But an elegant and beautiful floor made of artificial or natural granite and marble can be seen in many country cottages and private houses.

Tiled floor in the bathroom

Also finishing floor bases made with the following materials:

  • laminate;
  • parquet board;
  • linoleum;
  • glass and mosaic elements;
  • porcelain stoneware

The bathroom floor needs proper insulation. Its thermal protection is carried out by polystyrene foam and polyurethane foam materials. Polystyrene foam and other traditional thermal insulators that we discussed above are not used. Expanded polystyrene has high thermal insulation properties and sufficient rigidity. But it must be installed in a thick layer (5–8 cm), which is irrational and economically unprofitable. But polyurethane foam insulation is laid on the floor in a layer of no more than 2 cm. At the same time, it acts as a membrane with steam-conducting capabilities.

An excellent, but objectively expensive solution is to insulate bathrooms with a heated floor system. It is characterized by a high heating potential due to a relatively large heating area. Thanks to this, the room is heated without the need to create elevated temperatures.

Bathing areas in a private home can be decorated in different ways. Give vent to your imagination. Turn an ordinary bathroom into a chic room where you can relieve the stress that has accumulated during the day, relax and feel all the charm of our fast-paced life.

Decorating a bathing area in a private home

Pay special attention to the choice color palette furnished premises. Orange, yellow, peach and silver shades can energize you. But copper, golden and soft green colors act on nervous system calming person. Last tip. Finishing materials to create unique design The bathroom needs to be chosen wisely. Buy products that are not afraid of chemically active compounds and reagents, high humidity and temperature. And then the bathroom will be long time delight you with its beauty and functionality.

It is difficult to imagine a modern home without such familiar amenities as a bathroom and toilet. It doesn’t matter whether the bathroom is located in a private house outside the city or in an apartment, in any case, the creation of its design must be approached responsibly. Well-chosen colors and thoughtful interior will provide a relaxing atmosphere where it is pleasant to find yourself after a hard day. Of considerable importance is also correct selection materials, as they must be resistant to moisture. In today's article we will learn how to do Beautiful design bathroom in a private house, and also look at interesting options design in the photo selection below.

Bathroom in a private house - room layout

The big advantage of a private house, compared to an apartment, is that it is possible to set the dimensions of the bathroom yourself, as well as locate it in any part of the house. This significant advantage allows you to implement the most daring design solutions and equip the bathroom with additional accessories.

Depending on whether you're building a home from scratch, or simply want to renovate your existing bathroom, the amount and scope of prep work required will vary.

During new construction, even at the stage of creating a design project, it is worth deciding on the location of the bathroom. This is necessary in order to immediately carry out the necessary communications during the construction process, such as water supply and sewerage, as well as perform waterproofing. On next stage During construction, a ventilation system is created. Provided that the exhaust system is done correctly, this approach will allow you to relatively quickly eliminate unpleasant odors, will reduce humidity and minimize the destructive effect of moisture on the finishing of the room. When the above steps have been completely completed, then proceed to decorative finishing premises. Often, a bathroom in a private home has a fairly large area, which provides the opportunity for creativity in planning and decorating the room.

If you are planning to renovate your existing bathroom, this will require significantly less effort and investment. Basic preparatory actions include dismantling old plumbing equipment, as well as finishing the floor, walls and ceiling. To better navigate modern trends design, we suggest looking at the photos of bathrooms in private houses presented below.

Installing a window in a bathroom in a private house

The main advantage of installing a window in the bathroom is considered additional opportunity ventilation of the room. Even if there is exhaust system, open window will help you get rid of steam much faster after taking a bath. Another advantage is the increase in the level of natural illumination, which allows you to save money on lighting during daylight hours. In addition, a window sill is often mounted under the window, on which several decorative elements can be placed. If your house is located in a picturesque location, then another pleasant bonus will be a beautiful view from the window. See how the bathroom windows in a private house are originally integrated into its design in the photo selection below.

Beautiful design of bathrooms in private homes: photos of finishing ideas

Before proceeding with the actual finishing of the bathroom, it is necessary to insulate the walls and floor. These actions will help avoid the formation of large amounts of condensation, and therefore mold and mildew in the future.

Since the bathroom in a private house is a “wet” room, the most moisture-resistant materials that exist today should be used for its decoration. a large number of. All these materials have their advantages and disadvantages, and naturally differ in price. If you are wondering how to make a bathroom in a private home fashionable and modern, then you need to know which finishing materials are the most popular today.

Ceramic tiles for bathroom

This material is recognized as the most popular today because it has many positive characteristics. This is excellent moisture resistance, resistance to damage, as well as a huge variety of color and texture solutions. All these advantages allow you to create interiors in almost any style, it all depends only on your imagination and financial capabilities.

Plastic panels for bathroom

Plastic panels are the cheapest way to finish a bathroom, which is perfect for a summer house. The advantage of this finish can be called big choice colors and sizes. The main disadvantage is that the panels are easy to damage.

Painting walls

By painting walls it is easy to create very original design by combining different shades or using special stencils for decoration. Before painting, the walls must be plastered and primed. Only after preparation, special moisture-resistant paint is applied to the walls.

Natural wood

Bathroom finishing natural wood will make it stylish and very cozy. For such finishing, you need to use only moisture-resistant wood species, and also treat them additionally by special means for protection against moisture.

Wallpaper in the bathroom

To decorate the bathroom, you can also use special moisture-resistant wallpaper. However, in places where there is direct exposure to water, it is better to combine it with another, more moisture-resistant material, such as ceramic tiles.

The bathroom in a residential area usually occupies the smallest area.

And, if in an apartment it is given a clearly defined space, then in a private house you can arrange it in accordance with your tastes and wishes.

The bathroom in the house performs a large number of functions: taking water procedures in the shower, relaxing in a foamy bath, washing household items, drying, putting your appearance in order before starting a new day or at the end of it.

Therefore, you need to thoughtfully approach the layout and arrangement of a bathroom in a private house.

If you are building a new house, then you can make a bathroom in a private house almost anywhere and from any material.

Having looked through the catalog with photos of bathrooms in a private house, you will find the best option for you, both with material point both visually and aesthetically.

First of all, this room should be:

  • equipped with very reliable cold water supply systems, heating it to a hot state, sewer system, ventilation;
  • comfortable for visits, consider good insulation;
  • illuminated by dim lamps;
  • equipped with reliable plumbing;
  • spacious for movement, leave about 1 m of free space to the washbasin or bathtub;
  • finished with materials that are resistant to humidity and temperature changes.

Since the house is private, all work on connecting to centralized system Sewerage and water supply is carried out by the owner at his own expense.

But you can drill a well on the site, install an electric pump, and there will be no problems with the supply and drainage of water in the bathroom.

Pay great attention to wastewater disposal. Of course, it is cheaper to build a regular drain pit. But, if funds allow, it is better to purchase a good septic tank for water filtration.


You cannot do without solving problems with ventilation in the bathroom in a private house.

Every owner dreams of having a fresh air, there were no various harmful fungi and molds present inside.

Installation supply and exhaust system ventilation is simply necessary when arranging a bathroom in a private house.

Exhaust hood in a bathroom in a private house can be natural or forced.

Forced - this is powered by an electric fan that pumps in clean air or pushes out dirty exhaust air.

Natural exhaust hood works on the principle of temperature differences between indoors and outdoors.

For especially economical owners, you can install a recuperator, that is, a device for removing exhaust air from the room, drawing in fresh air from the street, and even equipped with a heat exchanger.

With this installation you will “kill two birds with one stone”: you will ventilate the room and heat it.


Various materials are used to insulate bathroom walls.


The simplest and inexpensive option. Working with it requires precise calculations and accuracy in the processing process.


It is enough to simply use this material by gluing it to the walls and ceiling. But it must be treated with wax-based impregnation.

Mineral wool

It is a long-proven hygroscopic material. It is more convenient to use mineral wool slabs rather than its rolled version. It blocks condensation from appearing on the walls and ceiling of the bathroom.

Liquid polyurethane foam

This is a modern material, it is resistant to moisture, fire, sound and heat insulation. But to use it you need to involve specialists with equipment.

Bathroom floor

The bathroom floor in a private home needs a thoughtful solution. Of course, it must be moisture-resistant, non-slip and warm.

The most commonly used covering is tiles made of natural stone or ceramics. But the tiles must be thick and rough.

For these purposes, they also use linoleum (a very budget option, but it is short-lived), waterproof laminate, and cork.

For lovers of beauty and zest, you can use glass or mosaic.

Bathroom decoration

The design of a bathroom in a private house allows the owners’ imagination to flourish wildly. This room can become not only a multifunctional room, but simply delight the eyes of visitors.

First of all, the bathroom should be more or less spacious, and for this everything extra items must be removed.

Various photos of a bathroom in a private house will help you choose the color scheme to decorate your room. The most neutral color for walls is white.

Against its background, a beautiful washbasin and various accessories stand out very favorably. Good combinations for the bathroom white with blue, cyan, sunny yellow, green, gray.

To increase the space in the design of a bathroom in a private house, it is good to use a small washbasin in the corner, a sit-down bathtub or shower stall, or a compact washing machine.

It is better to use a sliding door. Will increase your space greatly beautiful mirror on the wall.

Lighting near the mirror or bathroom shelves will fill the entire space with additional light.

If the wall of the house allows, then the best option there will be a bathroom with a window in a private house. You can also cut a window in the ceiling.

Always use this feature in any room to improve lighting.

Photo of a bathroom in a private house

Suburban construction is becoming more and more popular today. A house outside the city is no longer that unprepossessing dacha made from scrap materials as we might have imagined a country house to be not so long ago. Vacation home, even the simplest one, made of wood, today claims to be interesting design, strength and reliability. It is used, as a rule, for permanent residence and, as a result, has everything necessary for a comfortable stay and amenities. The main such amenities are communications, the presence of which can be called the basic requirement of the civilized world. It is communications (hot and cold water, shower and toilet in the house) provide the appropriate level of comfort, in no way inferior to what we are used to seeing in city apartments.

  • when constructing a building of several floors, plan the placement of bathrooms on top of each other;
  • Place even bathrooms and toilets that are not combined nearby;
  • it is better to place the toilet, shower, bathroom and kitchen across the wall from each other, and not in different parts at home (it’s easier to lay a pipe through the wall than to pull it to another part of the house, so you save a significant portion of the funds).

You can also save on arranging a comfortable bathroom or toilet by using the so-called second grade of sinks or. This is sanitary ceramics, which during production received some defects in the form of chips, etc. Often such defects are located in completely invisible places, but these items will no longer be sold. As a rule, in factories such plumbing equipment is thrown away.

If you agree with the manufacturer, you can get even elite plumbing fixtures with minor defects invisible to the eye for free. This will allow you to save significantly on bathroom equipment.

Basic rules for arranging a bathroom in a private house

Bathroom- an important part of the living space. Not only safety, but also the comfort of living in the house depends on the quality of bathroom design.

There are several basic rules for arranging a bathroom in a wooden house:

  • waterproofing the room is a prerequisite;
  • treating walls with waterproofing and antifungal solution;
  • use of quality durable materials (ceramic tile, laminate, parquet board, etc.);
  • restrained color scheme;
  • and the ceiling in one color scheme with .

Main features of a bathroom in the house

A bathroom in a wooden house can be decorated in any style and using even the most modern materials. Wood is most often used in bathroom decoration, plastic panels or ceramic tiles. Let's consider the main features of the decoration and design of a bathroom in a wooden house using these materials.

Wood in the bathroom

Quite often you can find an option when the bathroom is decorated in the same style as the rest of the rooms in the house using finishing materials made of wood.

Wood is great environmentally friendly material, which can be successfully used in the decoration of any premises.

However, before using in the bathroom, wooden elements require special preparation and processing. Finishing materials from natural wood that are decided to be used in the bathroom are first well sanded, processed and thoroughly impregnated with a moisture-resistant composition.

Plastic panels are also a fairly popular material for decorating a bathroom with your own hands.

They have a number of advantages:

  • ease of installation;
  • practicality and durability;
  • ease of care;
  • various designs and colors;
  • the ability to choose finishes to match the color of plumbing fixtures and furniture;
  • good compatibility with tiles in the case of combined decoration of the room.

Plastic panels can be installed on wood or directly on walls. If mounted directly to the wall, some space should be provided between the panels and the wall to allow ventilation.

Ceramic tile design

Ceramic tiles, although quite expensive material, however, it is quite popular and is very often used in the decoration of bathrooms both in apartments and in private houses.

The main advantages of ceramics are its excellent moisture resistance, interesting design, durability and good compatibility with other types of finishes.

Ceramic tiles allow you to create a unique bathroom style. It can only be partially laid on the walls and floors that are most exposed to moisture.

As you can see, each of the proposed materials has its own advantages. However, no matter what finishing option is chosen, all wooden surfaces, even if you plan to cover them with plastic or ceramics, should be treated with a composition against moisture and fungus.

Some of the design options bathroom can be seen in the photo:

Bathroom in the attic Wood finishing Clay bath Designer mosaic bathtub in the house

Bathroom in the house, attention to the floor

The bathroom is most susceptible to moisture. That is why such close attention is paid to the finishing of bathroom floors. Indeed, in addition to its aesthetic function, it is also designed to protect the entire structure of the house, the lower beams and the foundation, from the penetration of dampness.

To decorate the bathroom floor, you can use materials such as ceramic tiles or mosaics, wood, etc.

Before using data decorative materials double waterproofing is carried out. Further finishing is carried out in accordance with the technology adopted for each of these materials.

Thus, ceramic tiles require the organization of a strong, fixed base. Such a base can serve as a concrete-cement screed, on which the ceramics will subsequently be laid. It should be remembered that when organizing such a screed (even in a small room), the load on load-bearing houses, and the floor level rises slightly.

Wooden bathroom floors are best made from wood species that are least susceptible to moisture. In first place here is a teak board, followed by. You can use thermowood - a material that has undergone additional factory processing, thanks to which it becomes resistant to moisture, mold and mildew. When laying wooden floors It is not necessary to make a screed at the base, the main thing is to take care of the lower layers of the wooden structures of the house.

When laying linoleum, you should also not neglect waterproofing, and join the sheets themselves using hot welding.

Waterproofing the floor, highlights

Even the most beautiful and tidy bathroom will not last long if the floor is not properly waterproofed.

After all, any materials can deteriorate when exposed to moisture, and wood is very, very susceptible to the destructive effects of moisture.
There are several waterproofing options, which we will discuss below.

So, the first option is cast waterproofing. Already from the name it is clear that this type waterproofing is done by pouring the surface with liquid mixtures.

Impregnation is also quite effective wooden surfaces special water-repellent compounds.

One way is adhesive waterproofing, which is carried out using a special roll material. These materials are rolled out on the surface and, if necessary, glued together using hot welding.

Coating waterproofing is carried out using compositions based on or a polymer mixture. These compounds should only be applied to dry wood, since otherwise the rotting process will occur directly under the lubricant.


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