Options for arranging a garage. How to arrange a garage inside: layout, finishing, storage systems

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Today we will discuss a very broad topic: how to arrange the inside of a garage with your own hands? Many car enthusiasts think about this question, since such a room is used not only to store a car, but also serves as a workshop for many men. I want to make it efficient and comfortable workplace without spending a lot of money and effort.

And it’s not strange that the question of arranging a garage is raised so often, because for a real car enthusiast, the garage is a second home, many spend their time there free time. And only reasonable equipment of your garage will make it possible to use it 100%, despite the fact that the garage is usually small in size.

Exactly correct location shelves and racks will allow you to work freely without constraining yourself. To do this, you must carefully examine the garage room and identify the so-called extra areas (those that you rarely walk near). If you install shelves in such places, you will rationally use free space. How to arrange a garage yourself without much waste? You will learn this from this article.

How to plan all areas of the garage during construction

It’s easiest for those who are thinking about arranging a garage before it’s built. Then you can take into account the size of the car and the tables located, as well as other things.

When designing, you can take into account the locations different zones and control their size so that everything works out perfectly and the car fits with all the planned objects. If you have not yet built a garage, but are just thinking about it, you can think about a two-story building. After all, then the workshop can be made upstairs, and the car will stand in free space without any problems.

But what should those who do not build a garage themselves, but bought a ready-made one, do? Setting up a garage in this case will be a little more difficult. But don’t despair, with perseverance and a responsible approach you can overcome any problem.

Before you start emptying your garage of things, carefully consider the location of the car and individual parts; it is best to sketch out a plan on a piece of paper. In order to visually evaluate the garage, get rid of everything unnecessary, then you won’t miss anything and it will be easier to navigate the space. Then you need to take into account the amount of space so that your car can drive in and out without problems and wasting time on unnecessary maneuvering. Also take a closer look at the type of gate; you may need to change them, or change them altogether. If your plans include insulating the walls of the garage, then a few centimeters should be allocated for insulating material.

Be sure to think about protection from thieves and a heating method, this is very important, because in the garage there may be excess humidity, which in turn will lead to fungus.

Basic requirement: order in the garage

Our garages contain not only the car, but also spare parts and tools, as well as winter or summer pairs of tires. If all these necessary things are lying around, then you will definitely not have a productive and free garage.

Internal order not only attracts people, it is useful for those who work in the garage. Clients will be happy.

Now, we will list the advantages that come with tidy garages:

  • having provided for everything and thought about a specific place for each part, you can save space for other things or simply move freely around areas of the garage;
  • when repairing a car, it will be easier to concentrate during the work process;
  • you will save time, because if the garage is a mess, it is very difficult to find the right part or tool.

What you need to consider when arranging a garage-workshop

How to properly arrange a garage to create not just a storage place, but a workshop?

  1. The first thing you need to think about is purchasing boxes for storing bolts and other small parts that are easy to lose in the garage. But don't buy one or two boxes, in fact there are many tools that require separate place, not a wall holder.
  2. Next, make or purchase stands with built-in holders. But there is more cheap option: to avoid extra costs, order a wooden stand, and you can nail homemade holders onto it.
  3. Don't forget about the shelves, they are very easy to keep organized. Also remember about budget options, because you can restore old table with built-in shelves, to do this, remove the old coating and apply varnish.
  4. Many garages have a workbench, and you need enough space for it. It is very important to install shelves next to it, then when working you will not have to walk across the entire garage for the necessary tools.

Many garages don't have room for enough shelves, which can cause problems. But how to make a workshop in a small garage? So that the shelves don't take yours required space, you can get by with hooks. You need to install hooks on the walls.

What you need to know when arranging an inspection pit

First, think about whether you need an inspection hole at all. If you have an expensive car, then you probably go for a service. And not everyone can understand cars well. This is a question of necessity, not a beautiful appearance in the workshop.

But still, if you decide that you need an inspection hole, we will help you with the construction.

Where to begin? We all know that construction of any structure does not begin until its dimensions are marked out. Such actions are very necessary, because we will be building a pit in a finished garage. This, in turn, is difficult to do; construction will need to be done in a limited space.

Take this seriously, because if you don’t get the size right, there can be two extremes:

  1. If the hole is too large, parking will be difficult. Every time you worry that the car might fall into a hole.
  2. If you make it too small inspection hole, it will be inconvenient to carry out renovation work.

Determine the size based on the design of the room and the dimensions of your car. But it is possible to make a hole based on standard or generally accepted dimensions.

The width of the standard pit is 70 cm. This is enough for the sedan class, especially for Zhiguli. If you have freight car, you need to throw 10-15 centimeters. Leave about 20 centimeters for maneuvering.

Determine the length of the garage pit based on your personal requirements for the car; however, making it less than two meters does not seem logical.

Now you can see a photo that will help you navigate.

It is impossible to say the exact depth of standard pits, because it depends on your height. If your head rests on the bottom, it will be inconvenient or even impossible to carry out repair work. Therefore, find out the clearance height of your car (clearance is the height from the ground to the threshold) and calculate that when standing in a hole, there is 20-25 cm from head to bottom.

Note! It's better to make the hole a little deeper than too small. In any case, you can substitute a stool, but you won’t be able to shorten your legs.

Now that you have calculated the size of the inspection hole, you can begin excavation. You can do this yourself. Concerning concrete works, then the situation is more complicated. This video will help you simplify the task.

How to make a cozy garage

Since a man spends a lot of time in the garage, comfort is necessary. Then the work will go more quickly and with joy, because physical work- this is the basis for joy. When you see the result, you want to continue.

To do this, you don’t need to forget about the little things that many people don’t notice, but they are the ones who make it cozy. This could be a painting or a figurine made from scrap materials, or even better, from spare parts. The photo shown below confirms that cozy garage better than usual.

But what should be mandatory? Now some little things and details will be listed:

A little advice. Label storage boxes for small parts and tools. Then it will be much easier to find the object you need.


For many people, heating is very important. In winter, when most garages have high humidity, it will be difficult to work with. So think about heating.

Those who are not particularly bothered by the cold prefer insulating the walls and ceiling in the garage. Then the temperature will not drop below zero. But there are people who are not used to working at low temperatures. What should they do? There are several solutions:

Many are inclined to another option, since electricity is expensive, and firewood can be bought cheaply.

Bottom line

Setting up a garage with your own hands is not easy, but if you approach such work responsibly, the result will justify this small expenditure of money and energy. Various videos on the Internet, they will help you in your work, don’t be lazy to look for answers to your questions. An equipped garage will contribute to the speed of work.

Unlike the weaker sex, who are prone to cosmetic ordering and aesthetics in the arrangement of things, men structure the surrounding space in accordance with internal logic. Male order- is the creation of a universal working environment where nothing distracts from productive activities.

Features of vision allow men to isolate only small area review, so to speed up the search for the right thing, motor memory and space optimization are activated.

Interesting: Psychologists characterize male vision as "tunnel", tuned to single distant objects, and female - as "panoramic", immediately covering everything that comes into view. Therefore, women find it easier to search for individual items than men.

What is stored in the garage?

There are no motorists for whom a garage is only a place to park a vehicle. In the garage Necessarily will find shelter necessary for the operation of the car items And equipment:

Of course, life will force you to bring your bike or skis into the garage, but if think over its layout even before construction, then in the garage box you can find a storage place for them, and for the cellar, and for the inspection hole.

On the right side of the garage wall should be stored fire extinguisher, sand reserve And shovel. A washbasin and a hanger for work clothes would be appropriate in the garage.

How to arrange the inside of a garage with your own hands: space optimization

How to do it right arrange a garage and where to start? Optimization workspace begins with assessing the free volume of the garage.

For your information: A standard garage is 3 x 6 with a height of just over 2 meters. It's good if possible increase width by 1 meter. For freedom of manipulation, it is important to have 1 meter of free space from each side of the car to the wall or rack.

On next stage worth considering:

  • which under no circumstances should be stored in a garage;
  • what will be in demand most often:
  • what tools can be grouped into sets according to their intended purpose;
  • what items or equipment have multifunctional uses;
  • How is the garage supposed to be cleaned?

Cleaning the garage will not be a problem if you install shelving and a workbench on legs 15 cm from the floor, which can be reasonably done using the technology of polymer self-leveling floors with a slight slope towards the gate. In this case, all cleaning will be reduced for floor cleaning stream from a hose.

Watch a video on how to arrange the inside of a garage:

The most efficient storage system - using the ceiling and walls

To ensure order in the garage and create compact and easy-to-access storage areas, the following are suitable:

  • shelving (made of wood or duralumin corner) located along one or two walls of the room;
  • rails on the walls made of steel tubes and slats for hanging tools and organizers;
  • typesetting panel with holders;
  • galvanized mesh stretched over the wall as the basis for hanging tools;
  • stand-box for tools;
  • component boxes;
  • hooks on the walls for large equipment, hooks for hanging pockets and shelves for small items, made from plastic packaging of used liquids;
  • metal mesh hanging containers for paint or fertilizers;
  • a cord stretched or secured with loops on the wall for storing tubes and slats;
  • hanging cases from packaging or plumbing pipes large diameter;
  • plastic containers for storage under the ceiling;
  • hanging shelves above the car for infrequently used items (consumable lumber, garden tools, skis);
  • sheet building material is placed vertically along the walls with fixation.

You can see how to effectively hang tools and equipment for your garage in specialized stores.

How to arrange the inside of a garage with your own hands - photo:

The workbench as a center of worker enthusiasm

It's rare that a man doesn't dream of workbench, and if the size of the garage space allows, without a doubt, the dream will come true. You can buy a workbench or make it yourself, but at the same time respect following rules:

  • it should be compact and not clutter up the space;
  • universal in use;
  • reliable and stable, quite heavy;
  • have a functionally developed space under the countertop;
  • match the owner’s height (level work surface in the middle of the palms);
  • have no contact with the system wall storage above the table (to avoid transmission of vibration when working on a workbench);
  • the body of the workbench made of wood requires fire-resistant impregnation;
  • strengthen the wooden tabletop metal sheet(S=5mm);
  • a metal workbench is made from pipes or a corner;
  • a large number of drilled holes on the legs will allow you to diversify the shelf system and drawers under the tabletop;
  • the table surface is zoned by placing a vice, sandpaper or drilling machine in the working area;
  • the sides along the edge protect against falling tools or small parts;
  • the depth of the table is not made more than 70 cm, so as not to create effort when stretching your hand to the far edge;
  • sockets are installed in close proximity, with neat wiring that should not dangle under your feet;
  • in the workplace at the workbench they create sufficient artificial lighting, although natural is preferable in the garage.

Important: When designing a garage, a place for a workbench is chosen so that you can work on it regardless of the presence of a car.

When using a workbench periodically for minor car repair work, it is enough to purchased in a retail chain:

  • mobile workbench with folding tabletop;
  • single portable work desk;
  • mobile workbench on wheels;
  • folding wall workbench.

Wide use of workbench for different purposes bad for car storage: abrasive dust, caustic dirt are deposited on paint coating and in the salon.

Requirements for racks and shelves

If you are thinking about what to do in the garage with your own hands, then this is of course racks. They differ from shelves in their mobility. Their horizontal structures, leaning on the racks, move easily in space.

The shelves are individually attached to the wall and have a much lower load-bearing capacity.

Therefore, it is preferable for garages racks, capable of bearing a significant load, especially if the racks are fixed against the walls for reliability.

For the supporting frame of the rack, use rolled metal(40x20mm) or bar(50x50mm), and shelves(stationary or removable) made from OSB, plywood(12mm) or set of slats. Combined shelving designs are common, including elements made of plastic. The metal is treated with an anti-corrosion agent, and the wood with an antiseptic. To strengthen multi-sectional racks, channels are used.

By type, this storage method is divided into:

  • stationary rack (optimal for a garage);
  • mobile storage structures;
  • suspended structures for storage made of galvanized metal;
  • universal prefabricated (purchased) racking equipment.

Shelves in racks should not bend under the load that will be stored on them.

For all sorts of small things (drills, keys, screwdrivers, hand tool and so on.) in a convenient way storage are open or closed (locker type) stands above the workbench. Between screws that are not screwed in completely, you can place everything that requires always at hand.

Such a stand can be protected from dust and fumes by a single or double door, inner side which will also be a storage place.

main idea garage space optimization- 100% use for storing the entire space, all surfaces of the room, including the walls and ceiling of the garage.

Without what can a garage not be convenient for self-service?

If practice and skills allow you to do without constantly visiting a service station, then the motorist needs inspection hole. It is laid down during the creation process project documentation . To implement the idea, it is important to know the depth of the groundwater, and deal with its arrangement during the construction of the garage.

The dimensions of the pit are determined depending on the size of the car’s wheelbase and the height of the car owner. With a width of 80 cm, its depth will be equal to the height of the owner + 20 cm. The length is determined based on from the length of the car+ 1 meter (for freedom of access). The inspection hole should be located exactly in the middle permanent parking of the car.

The floor and walls of the pit are laid out roll bitumen sealant, bottom reinforce. The recess itself is concreted or lined with hardened brick (1 brick or ½), while small areas are left in the walls. niches for tools, install waterproof lamps and sockets for electrical equipment (wires must be placed in corrugated protection).

The edges of the pit are edged metal corner . In the absence of a car, a pit cover a shield made from boards.

Electrical wiring in the inspection pit must be done in compliance with all norms and rules, preferably professional.

Another option how to equip a garage with your own hands- photo:

If you decide to place a vegetable storage...

The cellar, like the inspection hole, is laid at the very beginning of construction garage. Its installation is possible if the groundwater allows you to dig a hole up to 3 meters deep under the garage floor. It is important:

  • create a rainwater drainage system;
  • install around the perimeter of the building drainage system;
  • waterproof walls;
  • pour hot bitumen onto the crushed stone-sand cushion, raising it along the wall by 1 meter;
  • concrete the floor;
  • lay out the walls with bricks;
  • treat the walls with sealant from the inside;
  • provide ventilation (natural - from the supply and exhaust pipe, or forced);
  • dry the cellar;
  • insulate walls and ceiling;
  • cover the underground monolithic slab with a hole for a manhole, which will become the floor in the garage;
  • a sealed hatch is installed on the hole;
  • do interior decoration;
  • install a sliding or removable staircase.

Reference: Arranging a cellar in compliance with all requirements for its functionality and safety is an expensive undertaking. It will pay off only if there is a real need to preserve the harvest in large quantities.

Now you know how to equip a garage with your own hands. Depending on your goals, a garage can be a vehicle storage facility, a convenient craftsman’s workplace, and a vegetable storage facility at the same time. The main thing is that it contains order And your corner for every thing you need.

The garage should not only be a safe and reliable shelter for the car, but also a place in which the car owner would enjoy spending time and, most importantly, conveniently perform various kinds work related to vehicle maintenance and more. The interior arrangement of a garage requires a responsible, competent and balanced approach. Therefore, before taking on such work, be sure to read the proposed instructions.

Work on the internal arrangement of a private garage begins with drawing up detailed plan. From the very beginning, you need to organize the work, clearly dividing it into successive stages. The plan will allow you to avoid many inconveniences, imagine in advance what the garage will look like after completing the interior work, and calculate the approximate costs of the work.

If you wish, you can make a plan not on paper, but using a special software for computer. Modern applications give ample opportunities design and visualization. You will be able to immediately see how the room will look after finishing and arrangement work is completed.

The drawings are drawn up in the following order:

  • the contours of the garage walls are drawn. Choose a convenient scale and indicate the main dimensions each wall;
  • being thought through interior layout. Mark the parking area, various work areas, storage areas for various accessories, etc.;
  • zoning is in progress internal space garage and a kind of design project is created. Think about which places are best for installing a workbench, shelving, sink, etc. necessary accessories, which will be discussed below.

When designing a garage, focus primarily on your needs. Do everything in a way that is convenient for you. The main thing is that the result is a cozy environment conducive to productive work.

Pay special attention to the color scheme. The garage space does not have to be gray and nondescript. The best option is a light, cheerful color scheme using warm, unobtrusive undertones.

There are many design techniques, allowing you to visually enlarge the space and hide various imperfections. For the rest, be guided by your individual preferences.

Selection of materials for interior decoration

First of all, materials for the interior decoration of a garage should be practical. Color and price are secondary issues. The finish should be beautiful, non-marking, easy to clean and safe.

Among the main requirements for internal finishing materials for the garage you need to note:

  • non-flammability. Select materials that do not support combustion and do not emit toxic substances when heated;
  • resistance to aggressive effects of various chemicals;
  • resistance to all kinds of mechanical influences;
  • ease of care;
  • resistance to various contaminants.

When choosing between color and ease of use, focus on the second indicator. Wear resistance, long service life and whenever possible environmental Safety- all this should be present in the characteristics of finishing materials.

In a relationship color range be guided by your taste, because you will have to work in this garage and you should be comfortable in it.

What equipment must be present in the garage?

If a basic wheel change can be done using a jack and a set simple tools, then for more serious work the garage must be equipped with special equipment.

Thanks to this device, you can organize your workspace as conveniently as possible. The workbench is more convenient and easiest to assemble from wood. On work area It is recommended to lay and secure a sheet of metal to protect the wood from rapid deterioration.

If possible, build a two or even three level workbench. This setup will allow you to place maximum amount necessary things.

Car repairs often require the use of welding machine. For a garage, it will be enough to buy a simple carbon dioxide model that works using wire. Also good option is a unit with tungsten electrodes for operation in protective gas.

Water-oil separator spruce

With this device you can purify the air from various impurities in the form of water, oil and other elements. The water-oil separator provides invaluable assistance when painting a car. Thanks to this device, the most uniform distribution of the coloring composition will be ensured.

Of course, it is impossible to equip a full-fledged car wash in a private garage, but basic amenities can be created. All you have to do is bring it to the garage water pipe or at least a hose and organize the drainage of used water into the sewer.

Basic engineering systems

When decorating the interior of a garage Special attention need to be given engineering systems such as drainage and moisture insulation. In the absence of the mentioned systems, the air in the garage will always have high humidity that's not in the best possible way will affect the condition of the car and, in general, everything that is in the room.

Work on the engineering arrangement of the garage begins with the installation of a drain. To do this, it is enough to secure the gutter in such a way that all possible moisture does not flow down the walls of the garage, but is drained through the gutter.

Install air vents at the bottom of the garage door and at the bottom ventilation pipe. Install protective grilles on the ventilation openings. For a small garage this will be enough. If your garage has a large area, consider installing special fans to ensure maximum efficiency air exchange.

Arrangement of the entrance

At this point, you need to focus on the floor level. If the floor is above ground level, make a concrete blind area. If the floor is below ground level, organize a drainage system to remove moisture.

The most optimal and popular option for arranging the entrance is based on creating a floor with a slope of about 15-20 degrees. The resulting design will be comfortable, safe, efficient and functional. You will be able to drive into the garage normally, and thanks to the slope, the risk of icing will be eliminated.

The most important work on the interior arrangement of the garage

To make full use of the garage, it must be equipped with a comfortable and well-finished inspection pit.

First stage. Insulate the inspection hole. Special effort and no care is required when finishing this object. It is enough to attach polystyrene foam to the walls of the pit using special glue.

Second phase. Install portable lights for maximum comfortable work in the inspection hole.

Third stage. Make a ventilation hole at the bottom of the inspection hole.

Fourth stage. Install the cover according to the dimensions of the inspection hole. It is best to install the cover so that its top edge is flush with the floor surface.

If you have a cellar, pay attention to its arrangement.

First step. Make holes in the basement walls for ventilation.

Second step. Treat the cellar walls with lime.

Third step. Install comfortable staircase with a slight slope to descend into the cellar.

Work on the interior arrangement of the garage requires mandatory thermal insulation. Mineral wool or polystyrene foam is usually used for insulation.

First step. Attach a frame made of wooden blocks to the insulated surfaces. Attach the frame elements in increments of 1-1.5 cm smaller than the width of the insulation boards.

Second step. Cover the frame vapor barrier film and secure it with a staple gun.

Third step. Place the insulation in the space between the frame bars.

Fourth step. Cover with a thermal insulation layer plastic film and secure it with a staple gun.

Fifth step. Cover the insulated surfaces with the selected finishing material.

For finishing the ceiling it is most convenient to use a lining or plastic panels. More a budget option– plastering. The walls can be plastered and painted, sheathed with siding, all kinds of wood panels, drywall, etc.

You can simply align it using concrete screed and treated with special protective impregnations. If desired and available funds, you can lay ceramic tiles or even equip a modern filling structure. At this point, be guided by your own preferences.

After insulation, proceed to work on electrifying the garage. The main thing is to provide uniform lighting of sufficient power. Think about where the outlets should be. There should be at least two lamps in the garage: a common lamp and one above the workbench. It is also advisable to install a separate lamp where the car hood is usually located.

For convenient storage For a variety of accessories, install several or at least one cabinet in the garage. However, there is not always enough space and money to install a full-fledged cabinet system. A more budget-friendly and ergonomic option for solving the problem of storing various accessories is to install functional racks and wall shelves.

Any location is suitable for installing racks and shelves. The most important thing is that the furniture does not interfere with your ability to work normally in the garage and move around the room. The only thing important requirement– distance between the car and hanging shelf should be at least 90-100 cm.

At the end, all that remains is to equip the garage with small pieces of furniture such as chairs and various accessories at your discretion.

Thus, interior design Although the garage is a fairly simple task, its implementation must be approached with maximum responsibility and knowledge of the matter. Follow the recommendations received, and your garage will become the most convenient and beautiful.

Good luck!

Video - Do-it-yourself arrangement of the garage inside

With your own hands, analyze three factors:

  • which breakdowns your car was repaired at a service station, but you could fix it yourself if you had access to the appropriate conditions;
  • how often should you use it? tool and what kind of repairs are underway or planned in the house - this is necessary for the most accurate workspace for a workbench, machines, etc.;
  • burial level groundwater. For obvious reasons, it is better not to start digging a viewing hole or a place for a basement without asking your neighbors, or, even better, involving experts.

Can arrange a garage with your own hands. How? See below.

Do-it-yourself garage arrangement inside - photo:

Inventory of internal space

It is divided into 3 subspecies: walls, ceiling and itself inside garage space. Organization of space in the garage is very important. There is one rule common to all garages - for maximum effect fill in vertically.

That is, you should have maximum placement of racks, rails, cabinets, etc. along the walls and ceiling, so that the central space is as large as possible. free.

How to equip a garage with your own hands? Arranging a workplace in the garage begins with choosing a location. It is recommended to place the “working corner” on the wall opposite the entrance.

Although, if you use them often, you can place them near the left wall if you are right-handed, and near the right wall if you are left-handed. Crafting table You can order it or make it yourself.

To do this homemade devices use for garage profile pipe or tree.

IMPORTANT! The workbench should be according to your height and firmly fixed to the base. Those. when they work on it, it should be motionless.

To arrange a small garage, it is advisable to do tool shield. It can be placed above the workbench. Firstly, it will provide significant space savings.

And secondly, when working, everything you need will be at your fingertips.

Shield You can place it all over the wall, but only on the condition that you don’t have many other things that need garage storage.

To store tools you need to make a device for the garage with your own hands. You will find photos and how to take them in.

Co rack it will be a little more difficult. It can be made from a profile, but for greater reliability it is still recommended to use a corner. To make it normal rack, minimum welding skills required.

Often racks they cook right in the garage, but it may turn out that they are “not allowed to travel” (or rather, not allowed to travel), and if the garage or house with a garage has to be sold, then they will be taken away racks It won’t work without cutting them first. Consider the possibility of disassembling them and moving them outside the premises.

Often such structures turn out to be non-demountable. There are tips to make them with bolts, but this is not entirely reliable - there is a high risk of distortions. As a compromise, it is proposed to make the side walls welded, and the corners that form the shelves - bolted. This will enable them disassembly/assembly in case of movement.

Another option for storing tools is cabinets And lockers. They protect it from dust, moisture and dampness, but they also take up space. Therefore, in small garages, if possible, it is better to refuse them.

If you are a fisherman, then you definitely need to store it somewhere. PVC boat . To do this, you can make a device for the garage with your own hands. Read more about it in. If you want to do useful homemade products for a garage with your own hands, then read the article about mobile alarms.

You will learn about the design inside, outside and how to arrange a garage with your own hands (photo).

Major large equipment

Concealment is desirable in the garage. But if this is not possible, for example, the garage is not lined with metal, then open wiring must be laid in a corrugated hose or plastic box. In both the first and second cases, it is highly desirable to make a ground loop.

Ventilation and heating

It can be done outside or inside, if the area allows.

Walls and entry group should not allow the cold to pass through, only in this case can you move on to options.

The most common and relatively inexpensive are and.

But be extremely careful if they are made in a makeshift way. All flammable items and liquids must be removed to safe places.

Water () types of heating are also among the safest, but also the most expensive.

Now you know how equip a garage with your own hands. As you can see, there are a lot of ideas for arranging a garage. The main thing is to choose something for yourself.

Remember, for maximum effective organization space, without overpaying for unnecessary functions, build infrastructure only for those needs that arise most often. Remember that the distance from the car to workbenches, racks, etc. there must be not less than a meter.

If you are the owner of a car and like to always keep it in order, then you simply need a garage. After all, for a responsible car owner, car care can take several hours a day, and all this time you will be under open air not very convenient, especially if the weather is not very good. Moreover, the garage is not only a room for repairing and keeping the car clean, but also a place that allows you to store a large number of tools and things that are rarely used in the main house. If your long-standing dream is a comfortable and beautiful arrangement garage inside with your own hands, then our article is just for you!

How to arrange the inside of a garage with your own hands: photos and useful tips

It's no secret that for many males, a garage is not only a workshop and tool storage, but also soulful place, where you can be alone with yourself, listen to your favorite music while doing minor car repairs, and just sit in the evening with friends in a pleasant company. That is why it is so important for a man that the arrangement of the garage is comfortable, and that the interior is beautiful and pleasing to the eye. And the best part is that all the finishing of the garage inside will be done by yourself! After all, this is both a reason for pride and great savings. And so as not to forget anything when arranging and decorating the garage, we will consider in this article the most important aspects and show you a few photos of the most successful interior designs.


Before you begin selecting a design and finishing, you need to study several important factors, such as:

Material selection

To do the finishing yourself you need follow the basic rules, which are presented to the materials. Namely:

  • maximum ease of care;
  • absolute non-flammability;
  • resistance to pollution of any kind, be it chemical or mechanical;
  • environmental cleanliness;
  • wear resistance.

If the garage is important to you not only as a place for car repairs, but also as a place to relax and meet with friends, then you will have to fork out for beautiful and functional materials. There are several ways to decorate a garage interior. We will focus on the most popular ones and those that meet the maximum number of requirements.

Plaster. Quite a budget option that will allow you not only to level the walls, but also, if desired, to give them a decorative relief. To avoid cracking, it is necessary to cover it with a layer of special paint.

Lining. It is very convenient for insulating a room, since it is easy to hide any insulating material. The most fireproof and waterproof material from which lining can be made is polyvinyl chloride. But this option has a significant disadvantage - fragility. Any blow, especially with something sharp and heavy, will certainly lead to damage to it, and as a result, replacement of the socket.

Ceramic tile. Laying tiles is a more expensive and energy-intensive process. But it is very easy to wash and will last you at least ten years. Moreover, it is fireproof, as it does not burn at all, which is very important when working with flammable liquids and materials.

It is very important to think through floor material, as it must withstand the heavy weight of the machine, shelving and accidentally dropped tools. Fire safety and water resistance are also one of the main requirements. The most common option is reinforced mesh, poured with concrete. This floor will withstand any spilled liquid, heavy loads and meets all safety standards. For more beautiful view you can use self-leveling floors. Be sure to consider a drainage system to avoid the accumulation of liquid and subsequent mold.

To maintain order when storing and using tools and materials the best solution will construction of racks and shelves. Today, construction supermarkets offer a wide range of ready-made shelving, but their price and size may not always satisfy you. That's why excellent option will make them with your own hands, besides it is not so difficult. First, determine the number and size of all your tools, as well as things that are simply stored in the garage. Make the necessary markings and begin building the shelving.

For ease of cleaning, the bottom shelf is mounted no lower than twenty centimeters from the floor. It is better to perforate all shelves - this will make it easier to keep them in order and prevent them from rotting or rusting. The base of the rack is made of metal profile, and the shelves are made of treated boards or plywood. If there is not enough space for large quantity racks and shelves are very often used mounting hooks. Tool shields are very convenient to use. This option is especially good for placing garden supplies, stepladders, sports equipment and other frequently used items.

When arranging a garage space an important aspect is ventilation. Its task is to clean the air from toxic and unpleasant fumes of various automobile fluids and exhaust gases. It can be either natural - holes near the gate at a height of about twenty centimeters from the top, or forced - installation of special fans connected to the exhaust pipe.

Interior design selection

It’s great if you can afford a large space for a garage, but it also happens that there is very little space, but it should have very wide functionality. But in both cases, you want to see not just a gray concrete floor and plain plastered walls, but cozy corner , where you can happily spend time doing repairs or other things.

That is why you need to equip your garage with all your heart and imagination. And if you don’t have many ideas of your own, then in this section we invite you to draw inspiration from photos of garages of various sizes. Check out the interior design using a few photos as examples and you will probably come up with dozens of ideas in your head on how to make your garage cozy with your own hands.


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