Magnificent Mediterranean style in the interior. Mediterranean style in the interior - what is important to remember Mediterranean style of room design

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From the name of this style it is clear that the interior will contain elements that are associated with the sea, sun and vegetation. An interior in this style creates an atmosphere of peace and tranquility. The design of houses in the Mediterranean style originated in the West: Greece, Italy, Turkey, Egypt and other countries. The main feature of this style is simplicity in the interior. All elements combine creativity, comfort and practicality.

Features of the Mediterranean style

Handmade furniture is very suitable. Most often it is made from bog oak or pine. Many people use painted furniture to match the color of this style. The color palette is different in different countries. For example, in Greece these are cool shades (white, all shades of blue and emerald). In Italy, they prefer warm shades (yellow, red-pink, cream, terracotta, ocher yellow and brick).

In the Greek style, the ceilings and walls are painted in White color, despite this, the finish looks rough. Therefore, this option is suitable for uneven walls, and this will save money on leveling and effort. In the Italian style, wall decoration combines several textures. For example, mosaic tiles, decorative plaster, wall painting and imitation frescoes. In a Mediterranean interior, flooring is used to a minimum. Main material- These are tiles in warm colors. Images of ancient Greek scenes from marble mosaics add sophistication to the floor. Reed or seaweed mats can be laid on the tiles. They are quite durable and create an atmosphere of closeness to nature. It is worth remembering that our climate is not suitable for such floors, so it is better to take care of installing a heated floor in advance. Can be used instead of tiles wooden floors. It is necessary to take into account that the wood texture does not catch the eye and is not the center among other interior details.

Mediterranean style bedroom decor

In a traditional Greek bedroom, everything should be kept to a minimum. From furniture, everything you need is a bed, a bedside table, a linen closet and a small sideboard. To diversify the interior a little, you can use textiles: snow-white bed sheets, colorful rugs, bedspreads and blankets, as well as linen curtains to match the color of the walls. In the Greek bedroom, the furniture is mainly in light colors, woven from reed or pine. Chests of drawers, a linen closet, armchairs and a table should be the same.

In the Italian style, the furniture is made of black metal. Curved legs on the dressing table, symmetrical patterns on the headboard and wicker seats on wrought iron chairs are all in style Italian bedroom. The only wooden item in the bedroom is a wardrobe in dark colors.

Living room decoration in Mediterranean style

The living room is intended for relaxing with the whole family or with friends. In Mediterranean countries, such meetings are accompanied by a meal, so the living room is usually connected to the dining room. The main item in such a room is the table. Remember that in the Greek style, armchairs and chairs are wicker or wooden, while in the Italian style, the furniture is forged with wooden seats.

A prerequisite for a living room is a large number seats: armchairs, chairs and several sofas. The set will be complemented by a coffee table, shelves and bookshelves, which are made of bog oak or pine. Perfect for storing family items bookcase with interesting forged patterns.

In a Mediterranean bath, the ceiling and walls are tiled, it is advisable to use cladding various colors. For example, the walls should be covered with azure-colored mosaics, and the floors with terracotta tiles. All plumbing in the bathroom is wall-mounted and has hidden communications. This is quite practical: it is much easier to clean when the floors are free, and it also creates visual effect spacious room. Furniture is selected according to the same principle: closed or open shelves, wall cabinets, towel holders, and hooks on doors and walls are used for clothes. There is practically no textiles, the only thing is waffle towels, which are well suited for the Mediterranean style.

The bath is illuminated using ceiling lamps, which have elongated matte glass shades. It is recommended to place them so that light falls only on those areas where they are needed: above the sink, bathtub and near the mirror. And let the remaining corners remain in twilight and coolness.

Mediterranean style kitchen design

In all Mediterranean countries, the kitchen is the heart of the home. Mediterranean people take their cooking very seriously, so the kitchen must be spacious and carefully planned. The basis of the interior is archaic simplicity. All furniture should be antique:

  • stand-alone cabinets and cupboards with an aging effect;
  • black forged chairs and tables;
  • old wicker chairs, baskets and boxes.

Typically, Mediterranean cuisine is combined with a dining room. The main piece of the kitchen set is a large table. It should be in the center and work zone hides under a spacious niche. Appliances looks inconspicuous and simple. Even though the furniture appears rustic, it should attract attention. Lighting in the kitchen should be natural, so the windows should be large. In the evening, the kitchen is illuminated by a simple chandelier. When choosing a Mediterranean interior, you need to remember that any direction is simplicity and conciseness. To paint the floor, walls and ceiling, choose only three primary colors. For a more complex design, use mixing and overlaying similar shades on top of each other. But the classic style always remains the spirit of country with its unpretentiousness and simplicity. In order for an apartment or house to be completely in the spirit of the Mediterranean, you need to choose the right furniture in all rooms. It should be easily combined into a single whole: either forged, as in Italy, or wicker, as in Greece.

Interior design consists of many factors. A Mediterranean-style living room clearly demonstrates how historical heritage, regional geographic features and bold improvisations of designers create bright and elegant interiors.

The Mediterranean style has several origins. This is the influence ancient culture, and features of the culture and decorative arts of Greece, Spain, northern Africa, Italy and France. An amazing fusion of traditions of great countries and eras, flavored with maritime romance, has formed a captivating style that can create charming and very pleasant interiors.

Characteristic features of the Mediterranean style:

  • conciseness;
  • simplicity of shapes and lines;
  • harmony;
  • use of natural materials;
  • freshness and naturalness of flowers;
  • abundance of plants;
  • comfort;
  • practicality;
  • functionality.

Interiors decorated in this style are distinguished by lightness and simplicity, lack of luxury and pretentiousness. At the same time, the atmosphere he created wonderfully conveys the romance and mystery of the southern night, the fresh breath of the sea.

Attention! Also important advantages of the Mediterranean style are the relatively low monetary costs of its creation and ease of finishing.

There are several regional variations of the style, but Greek and Italian are considered classic.

Greek Mediterranean style

This version of the Mediterranean style is characterized by:

  • cold colors. Blue, indigo, bright white, yellow, turquoise, emerald and other colors and shades predominate, conveying the splendor of the Mediterranean Sea and the white walls of Greek cities. The combination of white and blue is reminiscent of the national flag of Greece;
  • accessories in rich terracotta color;
  • plain (usually white) walls and ceiling with a deliberately rough texture;
  • wicker and wooden furniture;
  • abundance of light.

Italian Mediterranean style

Unlike Greek, Italian style is warmer. Its color scheme is dominated by all shades of brown and golden colors. Other colors include:

  • green;
  • olive;
  • pink;
  • cream;
  • yellow;
  • brick;
  • terracotta.

The furniture is more massive, with forged elements. Mosaics, frescoes on the walls, bright ceramic tiles, and imitation brickwork are used to decorate the premises. An abundance of light and free space are also desirable.

Living room design features

The living room is not only a place where guests are received. This is first of all living room, where the whole family gathers, where they can have a good time and watch TV. The living room should be comfortable and aesthetically attractive.

Plays an important role in this comfortable furniture, most often soft. Most suitable option– cabinet, changing shape and having built-in elements, furniture. This makes it not only convenient, but also functional, which is especially important in small spaces.

The interior design of the living room is also interesting because the room can have several zones and guises: living room-bedroom, living room-office, living room-dining room, living room-game room. Again, furniture plays a big role in the zoning of the room, as well as the correct organized lighting. Zones are created by properly arranged furniture, open or diagonal layouts.

Any living room should have:

  • three-seater and two-seater soft sofas;
  • soft chairs;
  • coffee tables;
  • shelves or cabinets with books;
  • TV table.

But, of course, each interior style has its own nuances.

Mediterranean style in the living room interior

The joyful Mediterranean style appeals to many people. Indeed, how nice it is to find yourself in interiors that are reminiscent of the sunny southern region in the cold, dank season, warming with their entire appearance.

A Mediterranean-style living room (photos clearly demonstrate this) combines all the advantages of this “hot” style and the warmth of family and friendly communication. Let's consider the basic rules for creating the interior of such a living room.

Mediterranean interior is not necessarily a spacious room, so even a small apartment can be decorated in this style


The main materials for decorating a living room in a Mediterranean style are stone (tiles) and wood. Forged and textile products are used to create interesting accents.

The big advantage of this style is that when finishing surfaces, they do not need to be specially leveled. On the contrary, roughness and unevenness of walls and ceilings are welcome.

The ceiling should be plain, preferably white, with wooden beams. If it is not possible to use natural beams, then you can glue their polyurethane imitation to the ceiling.

Wooden beams are a classic technique for decorating the ceiling in a Mediterranean interior.

The floor can be covered with ceramic tiles, wooden boards, or, in order to save money, use high-quality laminate, linoleum with the texture of wood or tiles. Interesting solution– a coating that imitates a wooden deck. The floor can be covered with mats made from natural materials.

The decoration of the walls is quite varied. It can be:

  • rough textured plaster;
  • patterned tiles;
  • imitation of frescoes with Mediterranean themes;
  • wallpaper in light colors;
  • wooden panels.

The main thing is that all the details of the decor are consistent with each other and form a stylistic unity.

Color spectrum

The interior of a living room in a Mediterranean style is decorated using:

  • white;
  • blue;
  • green;
  • white;
  • olive;
  • terracotta;
  • pink;
  • blue;
  • yellow;
  • beige and other colors.

Mediterranean style uses natural rich colors for interior decoration - blue and azure, turquoise, olive, yellow and sand

Thanks to these shades and their combinations, a Mediterranean-style living room becomes the embodiment of freshness and naturalness, the soft warmth of the southern seaside region. Should be considered the following nuances: if the room faces the sunny side, you can give preference to cold tones. If there is not enough natural light, then it is better to choose a palette of warm shades.

Furniture and other interior and decor items

Italians, Greeks and other Mediterranean peoples are very hospitable. And how can you do without a long and delicious meal together? No wonder that important role In the interior of the Mediterranean-style living room, there is a table that serves as a dining table. Essentially, the living room becomes the dining room.

Important! The living room should have a lot of seating: several sofas, armchairs and chairs.

Furniture in the Greek version of the style is lighter, wooden or wicker. It can be made of bog oak or cheaper wood species in warm shades. Wicker furniture can be made of rattan or willow wicker. A comfortable rocking chair looks good in the living room.

Heavy furniture with forged elements traditionally correlates with the Italian style and looks harmonious in a spacious room.

In addition to sofas and armchairs, the living room must have coffee tables, bookcases, and bookcases with interesting forged patterns.

A distinctive feature of the Mediterranean style is open shelves on which painted ceramic tableware, flowers, books and other accessories.

Another feature of the style is the absence of curtains on the windows. Instead, lightweight shutters that allow light to pass through are used. You can also hang wooden and bamboo blinds or Roman blinds made from light natural fabrics on the windows.

The uniqueness of the style is well conveyed by the following interior and decor items:

  • various accessories on a marine theme - ship models, anchors, Lifebuoy, shells, hemp;
  • paintings depicting the sea, sailboats, etc.;
  • aquarium;
  • natural textiles (servant, linen) with marine motifs.

Thematic accessories will help to complement the interior, for Greek style these could be, for example, decorative items depicting scenes from the myths of Ancient Greece

A living room interior in this style is impossible without abundant vegetation. It can be:

  • palm trees in large tubs;
  • lemons;
  • oranges;
  • grape;
  • exotic flowers, etc.

Ideally, the room should turn into a small garden, in which fountains and other pleasant accessories are quite appropriate.

Advice! Mediterranean style does not tolerate artificial lighting and darkness, therefore it is desirable that the room decorated in this style faces the sunny side.

During repairs, it is very important to choose correct design so that it pleases the owner and makes him happy to be in the room. The wrong style can ruin good layout and make the interior tasteless and even dull.

Everyone, of course, has different tastes, and it is impossible to say for sure what design should be used in the interior. Therefore, we suggest considering various options registration If you are a cheerful person, love free space and a lot of light, you should definitely pay attention to the Mediterranean style in the interior.

The main feature is simplicity and lightness. Rooms in this style are spacious and bright, they do not have complex ideas, bulky furniture or heavy colors. They are literally saturated with the sun, salty air and greenery of the coastal countries of Greece and Spain - the ancestors of this trend. The basic concept of brevity and convenience can be seen in everything: furnishings, colors, decorations.

There are two main directions, Greek and Spanish, depending on the ancestral country. They support the general idea and concept, but differ significantly from each other.

Currents of Greece

This type is distinguished by the use of cold, clear tones. Often the basis is white, the whole spectrum of blue and dark blue, bright yellow, lemon. It is characterized by their alternation in a certain order. The basis is two colors. The combination of white and blue is especially important. For the Greek Mediterranean trend, the use of blue and white stripes in the interior is symbolic, since it is also an ornament of the main asset of the country - the flag. This combination is also associated with vests, which brings it closer to the sea.

What about furnishings? In this image, the main emphasis is on simplicity, convenience and a large number of free space. Therefore, furniture is selected to the maximum simple design, as it should serve comfort.

Distinctive feature is paying attention to details. “Greece” is characterized by inclusions of bright pink or red decorations. For example, gifts of flora or a cushion of this in such colors act as bright accents. There are also black details. This could be ceramic dishes, a frame or other accessories.

For the bathroom you should choose ceramic tiles in green or blue tones. A lot of open space indoors and floral ornaments are welcome.

Overall, the Greek touches in the interior make the room feel fresh, spacious and bright, and all the little details are designed to serve for comfort.

Bright room design in Mediterranean style

Apartment interior in Mediterranean style

Modern Mediterranean style room design

Trends in Italy

The Italian Mediterranean style is somewhat different from its Greek counterpart. It uses only warm colors, designed to create comfort and a gentle atmosphere in the room. All shades of brown, gold, olive, yellow, orange are welcome. A distinctive feature is brickwork, which, combined with a gentle background, creates a special coziness. This element is reminiscent of a loft style, also characterized by simplicity. However, the first one has more sophistication. Often a fireplace is installed with brickwork, which gives the apartment special warmth and creates comfort.

As in the previous one, it welcomes the presence large quantity textiles Only in this case we see something else color scheme. White or olive pillows with gold, black or yellow patterns are suitable.

Furniture in this subspecies is often purchased forged or carved with patterns and interesting design. Handmade is encouraged. Various details - mosaics, paintings, all kinds of accessories, candlesticks, figurines - are also made using handmade techniques. Despite the fact that some elements are massive, they do not make the image heavy, and even impart a special aristocracy, which is combined with the simplicity of the rest of the design.

Also a special touch are big windows. This makes the room as bright as possible and visually expands it. They are often framed with carved frames and large wooden window sills.

Interesting! In Italian design, it is imperative to use windows even in the bathroom, or to imitate a window opening.

It features a combination of a large number of details, and warm shades create an incredibly cozy atmosphere. Despite the large number of different combinations, it is still distinguished by its simplicity and comfort, fulfilling the basic conditions of the Mediterranean style in general.

Mediterranean style in the interior of the room

Chic apartment design in Mediterranean style

We decorate different parts of the house

The Mediterranean interior of each room, while supporting the general idea, will still be different and have its own characteristics. You can keep the apartment completely in one of the types. However, if you have not yet decided where you want to go, to “refined Italy” or “spacious and fresh Greece”, you can combine them. Using elements from different trends within one room will be somewhat inappropriate, but you can easily create a unique design by choosing different types of style for each room.

How to proceed? By following simple instructions, you can easily determine what you need to use and what actions to take to create the design of your dreams.

  • First, decide what you would like the room to be like: spacious and bright, or dark and cozy.
  • Next, select a color palette (decide what type it corresponds to).
  • Choose furniture (more massive, or simple and comfortable).

This data will help you decide which option to choose. Next, we move directly to the arrangement of various spaces.

Bright room design in Mediterranean style

Apartment interior in Mediterranean style

Modern Mediterranean style room design


A warm background is suitable for decorating a bedroom, which means it would be more appropriate to resort to the Italian style. Soft shades promote relaxation and good rest.

Be careful! Don't use too much brown. It is considered depressive and, in excess, negatively affects the psychological state.

The obligatory background in the Mediterranean style is white. In the bedroom it can be combined with beige, peach and other pastel colors.

A good addition would be details in black paint (figurines, photo frames, etc.). The design will be emphasized by a massive carved bed.

Living room

If the living room is small light shades it will be visually expanded. In this case, it is better to give preference to the Greek direction, and carry it out in accordance with all the rules of the Mediterranean theme.

Furniture should be as simple and comfortable as possible, but at the same time delicate and elegant. A white carved table and chairs work well. The image will be complemented by a sofa of the same color with many accessories (it is better to take the entire spectrum of blue as a basis). The walls can be made in soft blue shades, decorated with marine or floral patterns. All that remains is to focus on some bright red or pink details (ornament on the wall, flowers, etc.), and the delicate, spacious and elegant living room of your dreams is ready.

Mediterranean style in the interior of the room

Chic apartment design in Mediterranean style

If you want to make it warm, cozy, and gather in the evenings with your family by the fireplace, use Italian trends in the interior of the living room. In this case, you need to choose a massive carved sofa, and also decorate it with a large number of pillows in olive, gold, and brown colors.

Brickwork or its imitation is suitable for finishing the wall. IN this wall then place the fireplace. On the mantelpiece, place various decorative items of your choice that contain the color black.

A good addition would be a wide window sill, equipped as a sofa with beautiful pillows. The window opening should also be lined with decorative bricks in accordance with the wall. Such a room will be very cozy and create a warm atmosphere.


A bathroom with Mediterranean motifs will be spacious, bright and at the same time delicate. good foundation will be green or blue tiles with floral patterns. It will be complemented by a large bathtub, which is usually installed in the center. It is better to make the sink in the shape of a bowl made of granite or natural stone.

Bright room design in Mediterranean style

Apartment interior in Mediterranean style

Modern Mediterranean style room design


Italian style is perfect for the kitchen. It is made in a warm manner, which has a beneficial effect on appetite.

Important! It is believed that cold colors, especially blue, discourage appetite, so it is not recommended to make a kitchen in these colors, which is typical for the Greek design.

The kitchen set should be chosen in beige, yellow, and peach. It is better to choose darker shades of the proposed colors. You can choose kitchen set with a worn effect, which will give it an antique, sophisticated look.

There can be a lot of little things in the kitchen that will highlight this direction well. It could be various kinds decorative dishes, jars, handmade candy bowls.

Mediterranean style in the interior of the room

Chic apartment design in Mediterranean style


When choosing options for a loggia, you first need to decide what function it will perform. If it is intended for warm friendly or romantic gatherings, it is better to give preference to the Italian style.

In this case, you can choose a low sofa in brown, handmade wicker rocking chairs a tone or several lighter. Decorate all the furniture with pillows. Arrange lighting to create a romantic atmosphere. It should be soft light; you can choose candle-shaped light bulbs. Cozy interior ready for pleasant gatherings.

If the loggia has a beautiful, fresh view from the window and is intended for daytime relaxation, you can use the Greek design. To do this, you need to choose not very dark shades of green, blue, light blue, etc. For furniture, choose a white ottoman or swing, in which it will be comfortable to sleep, relax, and even work.

Bright room design in Mediterranean style

Apartment interior in Mediterranean style

Modern Mediterranean style room design

You can decorate such an interior with an abundance of pillows and various accessories in the Mediterranean style (a decorative anchor or steering wheel). Complement the image with a bright accent such as a basket with red flowers, and a bright, spacious loggia is ready.

And a prerequisite for each room is the presence of large windows. Even in the bathroom you need to make an imitation of a window, or build a real one, and choose curtains for it.

Mediterranean style in the interior of the room

Chic apartment design in Mediterranean style

main idea

The considered types of the Mediterranean direction are very different, however, they are imbued with a common idea. When arranging your space, you can combine different ideas, apply parts different types, embody everything that comes to mind, but respecting the main idea of ​​the flow. Here are its main principles:

  • simplicity and ease in everything;
  • using a large amount of textiles (pillows, bedspreads);
  • emphasis on little things that are made in a contrasting tone with the main color;
  • availability of handmade items;
  • big windows;
  • Lots of free, uncluttered space.

By keeping these basic rules in mind and adhering to them, as well as using the tips and examples outlined above, you will be able to create the room of your dreams using the Mediterranean style in the interior.

The Mediterranean style originated in the countries north of the Mediterranean Sea - Greece, Spain, Italy, Turkey - and brought together the abundance of colors and tastes of the southern coast of Europe. And even the difference in the mentality of the regions is not a hindrance to him at all.

Features of the Mediterranean style

A big feature of the style is the harmonious borrowing of nature in the house: a lot of wood, organic fabrics, fresh and bright natural colors. Terracotta tiles, stucco figurines, wooden beams– just a few things that make the atmosphere so cozy. Let's take a closer look at the details?

Let's start with the structure of the house: ceilings, floors and walls

White textured walls with huge windows - required condition Mediterranean home. They are rarely even - most often they are plastered and covered with several layers of paint. They can be decorated with mosaics or natural materials - stone or wood.

A separate type of art is ceilings. Carved, irregularly shaped, domed, with wooden beams. The more unusual the better:

Large patterned windows are sometimes left on the ceilings.

If your budget allows, use natural floors. The rooms are often parquet, and in common areas– stone, classic terracotta color. In some places there are bright hand-painted tiles. Arabesque and Moroccan patterns are popular.

Color spectrum

Be inspired by nature, imitate its natural shades. Do you want bright ones: blue sky in spring, dark green ocean, tender May greens, red poppies, warm yellow forget-me-nots. Do you want gentle, muted ones: terracotta clay, lavender fields, rusty earthy shades. Take as a basis White background, dilute it with painted wood - it’s more harmonious.


There are different types of furniture in the Mediterranean style, but most often it is heavy, durable, made of dark wood, and huge in a rustic way. In some places it is shabby, in others it is roughly put together, in others it is extremely elegant: many objects are decorated with carvings and inlaid mosaics. There are covers and many colored pillows on the sofas and armchairs. Wicker furniture is sometimes found.


The most frequent guests are bright colored pillows on dark furniture and carpets on a cold floor. Patterns strongly depend on the region - in Greece they prefer simple fabrics without patterns, in Spain you can find Moroccan motifs.

Curtains are optional, but if you want, light and modest fabrics give the interior an airiness, enjoying every ray of sunshine.


Mediterranean style is a story about textures. Plaster and several layers of paint on the walls, warm and soft textiles, bronze and iron lamps, durable wooden furniture and beams on the ceiling. But the whole soul is in the tiles. It can be found in furniture, decorative inserts on the floor, and even in frames on the walls.

Varieties of Mediterranean style

No matter how much there is in common between the regions, the style still varies greatly depending on the country. How? Let's talk.

Greek style

The calmest image of all. White walls and white wood floors with wrought iron accents and of blue color any shade. Greek motifs in textures and fabrics, majestic columns and arches, modern furniture.

Italian style

Italian Mediterranean design is close to Tuscan - carefree, slightly chaotic, especially highlighting the colors and textures found in the surrounding landscape. Cast iron pieces, natural colors - orange, red, yellow, lots of earth and beige, along with wood floors and furniture, textured walls.

Spanish version

Moroccan furniture, vibrant textures and mosaic murals with blues, yellows and deep reds. Mosaics are found in mirror frames, tabletops, accessories - lamps, ceramics, vases. Terracotta floors, accent patterns.

Style features in different rooms


A kitchen is needed to welcome guests - a comfortable spacious room with a huge table for 10-12 people for all friends and neighbors. The decoration is simple, as everywhere else, nothing pretentious, bright, or conspicuous. The exception is the kitchen apron; it can be as bright as you like. Accessories include useful utensils, copper utensils, braids of garlic, peppers and onions, a lot of dried and fresh flowers.

Living room

In this style, living rooms are often connected to the kitchen, dining room and… garden. IN original houses in southern Europe, large windows and doors occupy all the walls. The rooms are comfortable cushioned furniture, a fireplace is often found. The objects are stocky, stable, with plenty of space between them. Practical accessories - frames, lamps, vases, books and of course flowers.


The bedroom should have a lot of light - large windows, light curtains. A massive comfortable bed (sometimes with a canopy), white walls, always natural materials. Even in a small bedroom there are bedside tables and wardrobes for clothes.


In the toilet rooms there are windows that span a whole wall and everything around is made of natural materials. Fresh flowers are very popular, as are spacious bathrooms. There is stone or plaster on the walls, stone tiles on the floor. The walls and ceiling can be decorated with tiles with ancient Roman or Greek patterns.

Well, that's all, do you remember what the Mediterranean style is?

Let's repeat:

Natural colors;

Natural materials;

Creative ceilings;

No rectangular doors or windows;

Light curtains and soft rugs;

Tile, tile, tile;

Plaster on the wall.

And if you want more details, write to us at or take the light test – our test of preferences in the interior.

Mediterranean style in the interior is a design whose feature is the simple and romantic aesthetics of warm European countries: light, “earth” and “sea” shades in the interior, as well as extensive use of natural materials such as ceramics, wood, wrought iron and cotton. The design combines conciseness, simplicity and convenience. Therefore, there is a place for it in any house or apartment. If you want to fill your home with the sunny romance of Spain, the abundance of warm colors of Italy, the sea freshness of Greece and the spices of Morocco, a Mediterranean-style interior will certainly be the embodiment of all of the above.

The friendly daily lifestyle of the south coast residents is reflected in the “relaxed” design: from garden furniture and furniture with a rustic touch (inspired by Greece) to wooden, forged and stone elements decor (originating in Italy). Each country in this region has its own shades, fabrics and textures in design, but common features still much more. Let's look at them.

Mediterranean style in apartment design: distinctive features

  • This design direction strives to flowers, inspired by sunny nature. The key to recreating this style is correct selection colors for walls, floors, furniture and fabrics. Look for inspiration in the blue, turquoise, lavender shades of the sea, lush flowering plants, the warm sands of the coast, as well as the coolness of the cloudy sky. If you don’t like cold shades, give preference to terracotta, olive, red, pink and deep yellow “sunny” colors.
  • Finishing, furniture and accessories must be made exclusively from natural and reliable materials: wood, wrought iron, glass, stone. Their natural, cool tones need to be diluted with bright textiles: pillows, rugs and bedding.
  • Mediterranean style interior design allows floor from ceramic tiles, which can be “insulated” with a soft rug. It is also possible to cover it with wood laminate or rough bleached wooden boards.
  • To dilute the heaviness of furniture, preference is given to curtains made of light, airy fabric. A neat pattern is acceptable on curtains. It is strictly forbidden to use curtains with lambrequins, tassels and drapery. A forged cornice will become a discreet decoration.
  • Ceiling must be tall. The optimal color palette consists of matte sand, beige, and milky shades. In the original, the ceilings are decorated with massive wooden beams.
  • Wallpaper and wall paneling are not typical for houses on the south coast. Walls It is enough to plaster and paint it in a light shade.
  • Choosing accessories, you should remember that they must be functional, otherwise you risk burdening the interior with unnecessary details. A Mediterranean-style apartment does not tolerate excess. The hallmark of this style is its unpretentious beauty, functionality and conciseness. Remember that pretentiousness and luxury are completely alien to him.
  • A creative approach to home decoration can be expressed using detailed texture walls and furniture upholstery. Finding materials with which you can implement this idea is not difficult. Available for sale wide choose sets of paints and applications.
  • Mediterranean style apartment design looks more complete if it contains mosaic elements. To do this you will need small or chipped ceramic tiles or a set of mirrors. You can find mosaics inside and outside the house, as well as in the kitchen, pool area and hallway. If you want to add a little playfulness to the room, then you can use it in any corner of your apartment or house. For example, when decorating an apron in the kitchen.

Mediterranean style kitchen: what to consider when decorating

The kitchen or kitchen-living room in this interior is a delicious cocktail of cultural traditions southern countries. Do you want to embody the idea of ​​comfort, hospitality and convenience? The Mediterranean kitchen style will provide you with functional variety. A design can include many elements. But this does not mean that the room should be oversaturated with details. Choose any combination: from sunny colors to muted sand shades. Everything is limited only by your imagination and budget.


  1. Big dinner table for 4-6 people for a comfortable meal.
  2. Kitchen set. Choose headsets from natural wood with inserts made of ceramics, glass and metal fittings.
  3. Chairs. You can choose a set wooden chairs with wide backs or graceful metal frames and soft seats. Chairs upholstered in cotton or linen checkered fabric will look harmonious.
  4. Closet. The interior of a Mediterranean-style kitchen allows for a laconic cabinet model with open shelves filled with beautiful accessories (bright kitchen utensils or decorative plates).
  5. Tabletop. Opt for countertops made of natural stone, ceramic tiles, or a combination of both.
  6. Washing. A large bronze-colored ceramic sink will perfectly complement your kitchen interior.


Wallpaper and panels in the kitchen are rare in this design. As a rule, walls are faced with tiles or stone. Mediterranean style tiles can be laid out as mosaics. As for the choice of colors, the most common are rich shades of yellow, soft cream, sand, as well as various splashes of “sunny” colors. The kitchen design can also be decorated with various warm colors, which makes it even more cozy in winter time of the year.


As for the floor, it is often covered with ceramic tiles in a color scheme that harmonizes with the walls and ceiling. If you find the ceramic floor cold, place a soft rug.


A popular element of ceiling decor are massive wooden beams in gray and dark brown. They are ideal for a spacious kitchen. In an apartment, it would be best to paint the ceiling with matte beige paint.

The Mediterranean style kitchen design includes a large dining area. At the same time, the cooking zone and dinner Zone can be divided by additional work surface or a bar counter.

Mediterranean style bedroom: main motives

Are you starting to decorate your bedroom in a Mediterranean style? First, decide which country you want to follow. Colorful Spanish or blue and white Greek? Or maybe a more restrained Italian? Here are some of the most popular options.

Italian Mediterranean

This style is characterized by rough, rustic motifs. Old world charm is achieved through dark floors, luxurious heavy furniture and wooden beamed ceilings. A bold combination of bright orange and red is often used when choosing bedding. Earthy and neutral finish colors serve as a backdrop for bright accessories. Mediterranean style in a bedroom interior can also include the texture of Venetian plaster.

Greek Mediterranean

The Greek influence in the interior can be easily distinguished by the deep blue and turquoise tones, which convey the colors of the sea. This marine color palette is often combined with snow-white plaster and whitewashed floors. White walls complement the authentic Greek patterns on the ceiling and bedding. This choice can safely be called both traditional and modern.

Universal design

Mediterranean bedroom design is ideal for such a space due to its warm and attractive decor, which combines classic, modern and non-traditional options. Thus, a richly decorated bed with four turrets looks luxurious when combined with modern table lamps, bedding and delicate window curtains.

Mediterranean style living room and its features


First of all, you should choose the right palette, but first decide which trend will be decisive. If you choose Italian, then give preference to earth tones: from gray, sand to yellow and terracotta. In the case of the Greek direction, perfect choice will become white, blue, olive and light terracotta color.


Regardless of the stylistic direction of the living room, make a choice in favor wooden items furniture. To convey the richness of Italian aesthetics, purchase furniture with elegant wrought iron elements. The living room interior usually includes a low sofa, a pair of armchairs, coffee table, bookshelf or rack. In addition, you can put a chest of drawers. For decoration, add lamps and high chairs.

Fill the living room with simple “rustic” wooden furniture- quite in the Greek spirit. Wicker chairs and poufs with cotton covers and capes are also acceptable. In this case, the furniture should be arranged so that there is enough space for comfortable movement.


As in the bedroom, the floor is usually laid with ceramic tiles, natural stone, painted wooden boards or laminate with an untreated surface.

Walls and ceiling

To meet the style requirements in the living room interior, any wall treatment should be excluded, except for relief plaster and painting in a matte shade. Rough wooden beams on the ceiling are a characteristic decorative element original design, – choose to match the window and doorways. A chandelier with forged parts should only be purchased if it is being recreated. Italian style in the living room.


Finished with repair work? It's time to start decorating. It will create coziness in your living room. Therefore, feel free to buy decorative ceramics: pots, decorative plates, amphorae. Forged copper candlesticks and lamps will add a special cozy charm to your living room. Don't forget also about bright sofa cushions and soft rugs.

Mediterranean-style bathroom: design specifics

A Southern style bathroom is very easy to recognize thanks to its original decor. At the same time, it is advisable to refuse massive bath. Replace it with a shower stall or a neat round-shaped bathtub.

Natural materials are used here in everything from finishing materials to bath accessories. The bathroom interior will be ideally complemented by plant decorations, as well as an antique mirror or amphora. The walls and ceiling can be decorated with stripes in an antique or Roman style.

For walls, it is recommended to use tiles in colors traditional for this design solution. Flooring(made of wood or ceramic tiles) it is advisable to equip it with heating. The ideal bathroom combines naturalness and elegance with a minimum amount of decor.

Mediterranean style house: outside view

The classic charm and beauty of the Mediterranean coastline cannot be better conveyed by any other design. This solution is one of the most popular all over the world. The question is, how can you successfully convey his idea in your home?

If your house is still under construction, then it is best to choose an arched form of windows and doors. With this solution you will be able to achieve a smooth transition between indoors and exterior. After all, the interior of a Mediterranean-style house is closely related to its exterior.

Particular attention should be paid to the porch, stairs, gazebos and patios, the presence of which is mandatory. You can start with an elegant wrought iron fence or add a fountain or pool to the exterior. Also residents southern regions Forged elements are widely used in the exterior design of the house, in such a way that they echo the same elements inside the house. Do not forget that the Mediterranean style of the house is rich in greenery. With such a southern design solution in the exterior, you can easily create the atmosphere of a house on the coast.

We offer you a virtual tour of two beautiful villas, decorated in Mediterranean style:


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