Types of glass concrete. Liquid glass for waterproofing concrete. Is it possible to add broken glass to concrete?

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What is glass concrete?

Traditionally, concrete is used as the main building material. We are used to this, and not always by design new project, we study modern developments. Concrete is familiar and accessible. But there are situations in which it is worth paying attention to new products in the construction industry. These rightfully include glass concrete (glass-filled composite), the distinctive feature of which is increased tensile strength. This makes concrete structures much stronger. But to figure out which glass concrete option you should choose, check out distinctive features each type.


Depending on the form in which the composition is modified by glass, glass concrete can be of the following types:

  • glass reinforced concrete;
  • composition with the addition of liquid glass;

Glass concrete is a very flexible, elastic and high-strength material, which, while remaining concrete, is nevertheless unusually light

  • glass concrete with fiber;
  • translucent array with optical fiber;
  • composition with broken glass;
  • a solution where glass is used as a binding element.


Due to the use of special fillers, glass concrete is superior to traditional concrete. Main advantages:

  • Reduced weight, since the main fillers - cement, fiberglass, sand - are mixed in equal proportions.
  • Increased strength, since the glass-filled composite is characterized by increased resistance to deformation, and the impact resistance parameters are fifteen times higher than the characteristics concrete mortar.
  • Expanded scope of use and wide range of products made from concrete with glass filler.
  • A significant number of possible additives that have a diverse effect on the characteristics.

Glass reinforced composition

Concrete, fiberglass reinforced, in fact, similar to reinforced concrete. It uses instead of metal. Based on this difference, the advantages are clearly visible:

  • increased thermal insulation;

An alternative to concrete is glass concrete, which has greater strength, frost resistance and thermal conductivity.

  • light weight. The use of composite concrete significantly reduces the load on the foundation;
  • at negative temperatures does not freeze, which makes construction work easier in winter;
  • affordable price.

Concrete with liquid glass

When conducting construction in regions with low groundwater, it is recommended to use a composition with the addition of liquid glass for pouring foundations. Antiseptic properties silicate glass allow use in the construction of wells, swimming pools and other artificial reservoirs. High heat resistance makes possible use when installing stoves and fireplaces.

Liquid glass is used in two versions:

  • The most efficient method is to dilute the glass with water, and then ready solution mix with concrete. If undiluted glass is introduced, it causes cracks to appear on the top layer.
  • In the second option, glass is used as a primer. It is applied to ready block. If you apply another one on top thin layer cement with glass, the product will be reliably protected from moisture.

When preparing such a concrete mixture, keep in mind that it hardens quite quickly. Prepare the solution in small portions so you can use it without waste.

A property common to all glass concrete is concrete, in which both component added glass in different types

Composite with fiber

Fiber is alkali-resistant fiber. An additive to concrete increases strength characteristics and provides decorative properties.

Depending on the type and amount of additives, the properties of glass fiber reinforced concrete change, but remain unchanged:

  • moisture resistance;
  • increased impact strength;
  • frost resistance;
  • light weight;
  • resistance to chemical reagents.

Concrete composition with optical fibers (litracon)

The main ingredients and fillers of the array are optical fibers made of glass of increased length. When forming the composition, the fibers chaotically reinforce the block, and after cleaning the ends, they allow light to pass through unhindered. The ability of an array to transmit light depends on the concentration of fibers and the degree of color rendering of the material.

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Where would you prefer to live: in a private house or apartment?


The material has an increased price, but work is underway to reduce it. The use of litracon in private settings is limited to the decorative functions of the composite, and not to its use as a building material.

Liquid sodium silicate (less commonly potassium) glass is added to concrete to increase resistance to moisture and high temperatures and has antiseptic properties.

Concrete filled with broken glass

Glass concrete of this type provides the opportunity to achieve savings on the use of glass fillers. Traditionally used crushed stone and sand in glass-filled composites are replaced by broken glass. Glass production waste in the form of containers, balls, tubes, and ampoules is used as filler.

Strength characteristics finished material do not differ from concrete in which crushed stone is used. At the same time, the mass of the finished product is significantly reduced, and traditional crushed stone can be completely replaced with glass filler.

Composition with a binder - glass

Scope of application of this material- industry. Produced industrially, it is resistant to aggressive acids and has a negative reaction to aggressive alkalis. The stages of industrial production include:

  • Sorting of glass mass.
  • Particle crushing.
  • Glass crushing.
  • Division into factions.

The coarse filler is elements larger than 5 millimeters, and the rest, smaller ones, can be used instead of sand. If you have a thin glass fraction, you can prepare such a filling yourself.

Glass concrete is widely used and, due to its properties, is in great demand for the production of finishing panels, gratings, fences, walls, partitions

Astringent properties are provided by the introduction of a catalyst, since glass powder when mixed with water does not provide astringent characteristics. The manufacturing technology involves dissolving cullet with alkali - soda ash. During the reaction, the resulting silicon acids are gradually transformed into a gel, which holds the filler together and hardens. The result is a durable conglomerate with acid-resistant properties and increased strength.

IN Lately The demand for glass fiber reinforced concrete, products from which are now widely used in construction as various architectural elements of buildings (for example, facade decoration), is constantly growing. In addition, it has proven itself to be an excellent material for fencing around country house. Since ordering such a fence in construction company quite expensive, let's talk about how to make a fence from glass fiber reinforced concrete yourself.

Features of glass fiber reinforced concrete

The difference between glass fiber-reinforced concrete and ordinary fiber-reinforced concrete is that during its production, fiberglass fibers are added to the concrete matrix (fine-grained concrete), which perform a reinforcing function. The fibers are evenly distributed throughout the entire volume of concrete in the product or concentrated in certain areas of it. This provides material properties such as:

  • High reliability. Due to the presence of glass fiber in it, glass fiber reinforced concrete is not afraid of compression and even strong impacts (impact strength is 5 times higher than that of ordinary concrete). It is resistant to bending and stretching, which is superior to that of concrete products 15 times. This material is not characterized by the appearance of shrinkage microcracks in large quantities. Its advantages also include high wear resistance and corrosion resistance.
  • Waterproof. The moisture resistance of the material allows it to be used outside the home, for example, for production cladding panels, intended for the reconstruction of old buildings, fences and even roofs.

  • Resistance in chemically aggressive environments, as well as to exposure low temperatures and underground vibrations.
  • Good fire protection and soundproofing properties, which make glass fiber concrete one of the safest building materials. Therefore, its scope of application is not only private construction, but also drainage systems located on expressways, road tunnels and overpasses.
  • Optimal strength to weight ratio. The thickness of glass fiber reinforced concrete ranges from 6 to 30 mm, so their mass is not that significant. This makes it possible to reduce the cost of transportation and installation of glass fiber concrete products, as well as to use this material in the construction of the frame and foundation of a building, since it does not create additional load on floors and load-bearing structures.
  • Plastic. A distinctive feature of glass fiber reinforced concrete is its ability to accept almost any the required form, so the material can safely be called an architect’s dream.
  • Environmental friendliness. The material contains only substances that are absolutely safe for human health, such as cement, sand, fiberglass and water. Content chemical additives will be minimal here.
  • Aesthetic appeal, which allows the use of glass fiber reinforced concrete products for decorative purposes.

All this determines the almost complete absence of serious competitors for glass fiber reinforced concrete in the manufacture of fences, parts for facades, fences for loggias, permanent formwork. This material is also common in industrial construction, where they are used in the production of drainage trays and sewer collectors, sanitary cabin blocks, pipes, waterproofing coatings, as well as in the construction of noise barriers and bridges and in landscape architecture.

Characteristics of glass fiber reinforced concrete manufacturers

In order for fences made of glass fiber reinforced concrete to last as long as possible, it is necessary to be very careful in choosing its manufacturer. Today on the market there are a large number of companies that manufacture and sell this material. Let's highlight the largest of them:

  • NP "Union of Glass Fiber Concrete Manufacturers PROFIBRO" (Russia). It unites several enterprises (PSK-Partner, OrtOst-Fasad (Moscow), Ecodeco (Krasnodar), AFB-Aspect (Odessa, Ukraine)) and was founded in 2012. The glass fiber reinforced concrete produced by this union of companies is characterized by a high degree of adhesion to conventional types of concrete, excellent tensile strength both with respect to impact, bending, tension and compression. The material is not afraid of frost and can withstand 300 cycles of transition from low to high temperatures. It can easily be given the most different shape, turning it into a magnificent element of building decor. Price square meter glass fiber reinforced concrete ranges from 25 to 35 dollars.
  • "Rococo" (Russia). The production of glass fiber reinforced concrete is the main activity of this company. Here they not only obtain the material itself, but also make products from it. The enterprise operates a workshop for processing glass fiber reinforced concrete elements, sculpture and molding workshops. Used in production innovative technologies, such as premixing and pneumatic spraying, therefore Rococo glass fiber reinforced concrete is characterized by greater mechanical strength (10-12 times), ductility (2.5-3 times) and tensile strength compared to traditional reinforced concrete. The company specializes in selling facade slabs, slabs for cladding plinths, fences, permanent formwork, plumbing elements (drainage systems, gutters). Since the company sells mainly finished products, the price for them varies over a very wide range and depends on the costs of manufacturing the mold and model, processing finished products, its hydrophobization and painting.

  • "Ronson" (Russia). The company has been operating on the market for more than 20 years and includes its own workshop for the production of glass fiber concrete and products made from it. The know-how of this enterprise is a complete exception from technological process manual labor. A significant part of the operations is performed on CNC machines, the accuracy of which reaches 0.05 mm. That's why building elements made of glass fiber reinforced concrete "Ronson" have such excellent characteristics as significant wall thickness of the product (from 15 to 50 mm), good frost resistance (the material can withstand over 150 cycles of changing seasons), water resistance class W20, low thermal conductivity of up to 0.65 W/ cm2. In addition, the material can be used even in aggressive acidic environments.
  • "Decorclassic" (Russia). The company's product range is impressive in its diversity: the consumer is offered cornices, moldings, friezes, 3D panels, rosettes, columns and pilasters made of glass fiber reinforced concrete. All of them stand out with almost perfect forms and are able to reproduce a surface with any texture. Products are painted in all shades color range, are lightweight and not prone to cracking. The final cost of the product is determined by its size and the complexity of the modeling and molding work.
  • "House Gut" (Russia). The main activity of the enterprise is the production of decor from glass fiber reinforced concrete by spraying or casting. That's why distinctive features This product is lightweight, durable, geometrically accurate in shape, and lacks shrinkage during installation. However, preference is given to the production of products whose size does not exceed one meter.

How to install a fiberglass concrete fence

Even if the owner of a private house is not attracted to the slightly pretentious decoration of the facade with glass fiber reinforced concrete products, it is nevertheless worth thinking about how to make a fence from this material yourself. Such fences are very easy to install, since they consist of individual blocks that are light in weight. In addition, their durability is almost unaffected by negative natural conditions such as heavy rains and snowfalls.

To install the fence, we will need the glass fiber concrete blocks themselves, metal reinforcement, horizontal string, cement mortar, level, drill, and decorative paint. It is necessary to perform the following sequence of operations:

  • Decide on the height of the structure and mark the points where the fence posts will be mounted.
  • Dig a trench and lower it into the prepared recesses metal fittings with a diameter of at least 10 mm. The distance between future pillars should be approximately one meter.
  • Fill the base with concrete, wait until it hardens, and place a string in the trench, which is usually steel pipe With rectangular cross-section 20x40 mm. It is connected to the fittings either by welding, or using bolts, screws or special brackets.
  • “String” the first hollow block of glass fiber reinforced concrete onto the reinforcement - the base pedestal. Before doing this, holes should be drilled in it.

  • Completely fill the first block with cement mortar and insert into its holes metal pin with a diameter of at least 10-18 mm for connection with other parts of the fence. Its length must exceed the length of the block by at least 15-20 cm. The pins are installed in all blocks that make up vertical pillars. It is recommended to drill holes for them in each structural element.
  • Now align the GRC blocks vertically until you reach the desired fence post height. Fill each block completely with cement mortar, preferably with reinforcement. The next stage installation must be accompanied by a thorough check of the verticality and horizontality of the already installed blocks.
  • When all the pillars are assembled, it is the turn of the horizontal fence panels, which are secured using the pins described above and protruding beyond the vertical posts.
  • At the end, we finish the fence: we paint it with special paint for concrete surfaces.

Decorative functions of glass concrete fencing

Glass fiber reinforced concrete is characterized by a high degree of decorativeness, so it opens up unlimited possibilities for expressing the personal preferences of the home owner. This material allows you not only to quickly and easily make a fence with your own hands, but also to reflect the individuality of a separate home. Fiberglass concrete fences can be painted, so they can be repainted every year, changing the finish to suit your mood.

A characteristic feature of glass fiber reinforced concrete is that it is often used to imitate other Construction Materials, including brick, wood, marble, granite and many others. The “highlight” of such a fence is the ability to make it double-sided: on the one hand, it imitates the texture of marble, on the other, wood. Or for front side Embossed glass fiber reinforced concrete slabs are used for fences, and flat slabs are used for the back. Caps for fence posts that have a round or square shape are very popular.

Fences made of glass fiber reinforced concrete often look monumental if solid and wide panels of glass fiber reinforced concrete panels were used for them. But in order for the fence to look more elegant, they should be replaced with narrower horizontal panels or purchased glass fiber reinforced concrete blocks, according to appearance reminiscent of brickwork. To order, it is quite possible to purchase slabs with a variety of patterns or even sculptural compositions, turning the fence into a real work of art.

Since fences are collapsible structures, their height varies depending on functional purpose. Along the perimeter personal plot It’s better to install a tall, monumental, even a little pompous fence. But if the area around the house is significant, small fences made of such material will give it a special charm, separating, for example, the garden from utility rooms. Sometimes only fence posts are made from glass fiber reinforced concrete, and instead of horizontal panels a forged lattice is installed. If you suddenly get tired of the look of the fence, its elements are literally changed in a couple of hours to ones more suitable in type or size, giving an absolutely the new kind throughout the country house.

) is one of the modern universal building materials. For designers and architects, glass concrete provides almost unlimited creative possibilities.

Glass concrete has established itself as an excellent product that has made a great contribution to the aesthetics, technology and economics of the construction industry. Essentially, glass concrete is a collective name for a group of materials that can be used to create various designs. Glass concrete has been used in global construction practice since 1969 and has been successfully used all over the world since then. Over the past years, it has significantly expanded the scope of its application and has significantly improved. Glass concrete structures are widely used in Japan. South-East Asia, countries of the Arab East, USA, Europe. In Russia, the scale of its production and use is much smaller compared to other countries. The reason for the creation of this material was the need to improve conventional concrete.

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Classification of glass concrete

  • Glass-reinforced concrete: lightweight, elastic (compared to metal), with low thermal conductivity.
  • Concrete with the addition of liquid glass: hardens quickly, has good protection from moisture.
  • Glass-filled concrete with fiber (glass fiber reinforced concrete): resistant to corrosion, frost-resistant.
  • Fiberglass concrete (translucent, with optical fiber): expensive, used in decorative structures.
  • Glass-filled concrete with broken glass: reduces construction costs and weight of the structure.
  • Glass concrete with glass in the form binder: acid resistant.

Application area

Glass concrete is widely used and, due to its properties, is in great demand for the production of finishing panels, gratings, fences, walls, partitions, ceilings, decor, complex architectural or transparent roofs, pipes, noise barriers, cornices, tiles, cladding and many other products. Having mastered the technology of making glass concrete with your own hands, you can significantly save on construction and create unique design of your home.

The topic of waste disposal is very relevant today, and I want to draw attention to glass containers. Its share in city landfills, as well as in spontaneous landfills in forests, is very significant. This is due to the basic lack of information among the population about the benefits of adding broken glass to concrete solutions. It has been scientifically proven that the addition of broken glass significantly increases the strength of concrete.

So, it took us at least a thousand bottles to concrete the roof of the garage. They picked them up right on the street. If summer residents knew about the benefits of broken glass, the percentage of bottles in trash bins would be significantly reduced.

Adding broken glass creates reliable waterproofing and extends the service life of concrete. But you need to take precautions when breaking bottles. You need to wear safety glasses and beat in a container, for example, in a bucket. It is most convenient to crush glass between two bricks.

Please pay attention to this issue. You just need to inform the population, talk to them, explain the inadmissibility of throwing away, for example, batteries with food waste, etc. It's all about competent organization.

Tatiana Lanskaya

Northern summer resident:I have never heard of a roof being concreted this way, but everything related to the foundation, steps, garden homemade tiles etc. quite fair. Here is some collected life experience so far:

1. "From personal experience I know that any glass container and even broken glass can be used in the manufacture of floors on the ground. To do this, dig a special hole no more than 20 centimeters deep. Then it is covered with any glass. In this case, all the broken glass acts as filler. The floor itself is laid on top of the glass. Do not forget that in this case, glass containers can become the most reliable protection against various living creatures, for example, from moles. Empty bottles can replace even the most high-quality insulation. Earlier during construction country houses used only empty bottles. They were laid in continuous layers under the floor. They were also used when laying out a concrete blind area."

2. "The only, somewhat acceptable and in a safe way the use of broken glass in construction, I would say its use in the drainage layer under the foundations. That is, you can pour pre-crushed glass along with sand and crushed stone into a cushion for pouring the foundation. Why is it undesirable to use it as a filler in concrete solutions (instead of crushed stone)? Because glass, unlike crushed stone, is smooth, therefore, its adhesion to the cement-sand mixture will be insufficient. Thus, the resulting concrete will be weaker than that made from pure crushed stone."

3. “You can recycle cullet, using it for laying a foundation, using binding materials, in the form of a solution with the addition of 1 part of M400 cement, 2 portions of sand and one part of cullet. The bottles must be carefully broken so that their fragments, such as the neck, do not remain intact ", which may not be filled with solution, so reliable foundation strength will not be achieved. And from whole bottles, having foamed each neck, you can build a fence. So, there is no need to throw away such an economical and environmentally friendly building material."

4. “We also found a lot of glass containers at our dacha. When we were installing a bathhouse, a neighbor advised us to line the underground floor under the bathhouse with empty glass bottles, having previously dug a hole in the shape of a cone. Place the bottles with their necks down along the slopes of this cone, simply sinking them into the ground. What does such a device provide: firstly, water flows down and does not accumulate under the floor, as a result - wooden floor is less susceptible to rotting, and secondly, the glass heats up when we heat the bathhouse, and retains heat for a long time - the floors in the bathhouse become warmer."

5. “Indeed, glass containers are quite often used in construction if they are available. If you have the desire and a sufficient amount of time and, probably most importantly, patience, then it can be mixed with screenings and poured into concrete. The most important thing is that the glass containers must first be crushed very well. The non-crushed option is not very suitable for use in concrete a good option. For grinding, as an option, you can use a concrete mixer filled with water so that when turning, glass fragments do not fly out of it.”

Forum of the site zelenopol.net

The construction industry uses concrete mixtures that, after hardening, have increased strength. To perform special tasks, various additives are added to concrete to change its characteristics. One of the common components is liquid glass for concrete. It reduces the hardening time of the concrete mixture, increases the resistance of the monolith to moisture, acids, and elevated temperatures. It is important to mix concrete and glass correctly to ensure the required material performance is achieved. Let's take a closer look at this additive.

Why add liquid glass to concrete?

Getting to know the material

Many people have heard that the construction industry uses an additive called liquid glass. However, not everyone has an idea of ​​what it is. The ingredient in question is potassium and sodium silicates dissolved in water, derived from silica. Almost everyone has encountered an aqueous solution of silicates when using silicate glue for household purposes. The material is visually perceived as a viscous liquid with a whitish-yellow tint. Let us dwell on the manufacturing technology, according to which the material is classified by type.

General classification

Modern technology makes it possible to obtain the additive various methods. The component can be produced by high-temperature processing of silicon raw materials together with an aqueous solution of sodium hydroxide. The equipment allows you to obtain an ingredient with specified properties by sintering soda with quartz particles. You can also use the method of mixing silicon dioxide with an alkali solution.

Depending on the manufacturing features, two types of ingredients are obtained:

  • sodium mixture, characterized by increased adhesion, adhesive properties, resistance to atmospheric factors;
  • potassium composition, characterized by accelerated drying, as well as good resistance to elevated temperatures.

The performance characteristics of both types of materials are identical, but the sodium composition has a lower price.

Additive to concrete - sodium liquid glass

Why add liquid glass to concrete?

The use of a silicate solution introduced into the concrete mixture at the preparation stage, as well as external treatment concrete surface changes the properties of concrete.

After liquid glass is introduced, concrete acquires additional characteristics:

  • resistance to moisture penetration. Due to its increased water resistance, a monolith modified with a special additive is in demand for foundations and underground structures;
  • resistance to elevated temperatures. This allows the use of modified cement composition for the manufacture of fireplaces and the construction of stoves, the masonry of which is exposed to open fire;
  • the ability to harden in a limited time. With an increased concentration of sodium silicate in the working solution, the concrete mixture hardens at an accelerated rate, which is important for sealing various cavities;
  • resistance to acids. The introduction of a silicate solution into a concrete composition increases resistance to aggressive environments, which is important for the use of concrete in the chemical industry.

To ensure the required characteristics, when mixing concrete with liquid glass, the proportions must be strictly observed.

Liquid glass in concrete - pros and cons

Just like all building materials, the additive has its advantages and disadvantages.

What does liquid glass give when added to concrete?

Advantages of the additive:

  • low price of building materials;
  • low additive consumption;
  • resistance to atmospheric factors;
  • durability protective film;
  • ease of use when introduced into concrete and surface application;
  • good adhesion to mineral bases.

In addition, the silicate component has:

  • increased hydrophobizing properties. As a result of creating a waterproof layer, moisture absorption is difficult;
  • high antiseptic characteristics. The additive prevents the development of bacteria and impedes the growth of microorganisms;
  • antistatic properties. The characteristics of the silicate additive prevent the accumulation of static electricity;
  • ability to seal cracks on the surface. This ensures the array is moisture-proof;
  • resistance to open fire, acids, and elevated temperatures. The processed material retains its structure and properties.

Along with advantages, there are weaknesses:

  • accelerated crystallization of the modified composition when carrying out measures for waterproofing foundations;
  • impossibility of use for treating the surfaces of buildings made of brick;
  • insufficiently high strength properties of the protective film, which is destroyed under mechanical stress.

Among insulating materials liquid glass for concrete is released

Despite its shortcomings, the additive is widely used professional builders, private developers, home craftsmen to solve an expanded range of problems.

Application of liquid glass in concrete - areas of use

Workers in the construction and repair industries actively use silicate solutions based on sodium and potassium. They increase the performance characteristics of the monolith, which allows it to be used for various purposes.

Areas of application of silicate modifier:

  • sealing cracks and cavities through which moisture penetrates;
  • external finishing of building walls to increase their moisture resistance;
  • waterproofing of basement masonry;
  • moisture protection basements, hydraulic facilities;
  • cooking special compounds for priming concrete surfaces;
  • construction of foundations for installation of heating equipment;
  • production at industrial enterprises special types concrete;
  • construction of foundations for various objects;
  • protection of the walls of residential and utility rooms from the development of mold and fungal colonies;
  • processing of joints and internal surfaces of well rings.

Liquid glass sold in plastic canisters

In terms of its characteristics, the component has practically no analogues when performing work related to waterproofing and impregnation. Properties silicate material allow us to provide reliable protection concrete structures from moisture, elevated temperatures, and aggressive environments.

How much liquid glass to add to concrete - proven recipes

Let's consider how much of the silicate component should be poured into the concrete mixture to perform various tasks.

For the preparation of modified cement mortars and concrete, use the following recommendations:

  • masonry mixture for the construction of fireplaces and stoves is prepared from Portland cement and fine sand, maintaining a ratio of one to three. IN sand-cement mixture you should fill in 18–20% of the glass from the total volume of mixed components, then add water. All that remains is to mix everything thoroughly until smooth, and the finished solution can be used;
  • to prepare a concrete base with moisture-resistant properties, fire-resistant characteristics and intended for domestic use, the concentration of the additive should not exceed one tenth of the total mass. This composition can also be used to waterproof home pools;
  • To waterproof the joints of well rings and treat the internal surface, a composition consisting of Portland cement, glass, and sifted sand is prepared. It is very important to maintain proportions by adding ingredients in equal proportions. By gradually adding water, you need to achieve a creamy consistency.

Provided the proportions are observed, the concrete solution acquires the required properties.

Liquid glass as an additive for concrete

We pour liquid glass correctly - the additive to concrete does not tolerate mistakes

Situations arise when the introduction of glass does not bring the expected result. This is due to the lack practical experience, non-compliance with proportions.

  • It is prohibited to introduce a silicate additive into the prepared concrete solution. You must first mix the ingredients, then dilute the glass with water. Then you need to gradually pour in the solution, mixing thoroughly;
  • control the percentage of added components, do not exceed the proportions tested in practice. This ensures that the required performance properties of concrete are obtained.

Remember that an increased concentration of silicate filler, as well as a decreased one, negatively affects the properties of concrete.

Adding liquid glass to concrete - operating rules

To ensure the required effect from using the additive, it is necessary to study the rules for working with silicate additives, as well as prepare the necessary tools.

Waterproofing with liquid glass

For surface treatment of the concrete mass you will need:

  • wide roller to speed up the application of the protective composition;
  • brush for processing silicate mixture small areas and corner areas;
  • metal brush for preparing the surface to be treated;
  • a spray gun that allows you to apply material when performing work on an industrial scale;
  • container for mixing ingredients and preparing special mortars;
  • protective gloves protecting skin covering from contact with the silicate component.

General operating rules provide:

  1. Thorough cleaning of the treated surface from contaminants of organic and inorganic origin.
  2. Sealing deep cracks and leveling the surface using concrete putty.
  3. Layer-by-layer application of material using a wide roller, brush or industrial spray gun.

When the coating is applied in two layers, it penetrates 1.5–2 mm deep into the array. The modifying composition does not contain harmful components, however, you should wash the skin with water if the silicate solution gets on its surface. After completing the work, it is necessary to inspect and clean the tool from any remaining silicate mixture.

You can introduce the additive into the concrete solution at the preparation stage. To do this, you need to gradually add liquid glass for concrete to the concrete mixer or container. The instructions for use must be followed to ensure the required concrete characteristics.

How to cover a concrete floor with liquid glass

To prepare modified concrete composition You will need the following tools:

  • a special attachment for the drill that increases the efficiency of mixing the components;
  • a container for mixing components using a nozzle or a small-sized concrete mixer;
  • Personal protective equipment that protects the skin and mucous membrane from getting the additive.

The algorithm for preparing a modified concrete composition involves the following operations:

  1. Dosing of ingredients in the required proportions.
  2. Adding an aqueous solution of a special additive to the concrete mixture.
  3. Preparation of the concrete mixture according to the recipe.
  4. Thoroughly mix the components until a homogeneous consistency.

When pouring liquid glass into concrete yourself, the proportions must be strictly observed. Exceeding the amount specified in the recipe will cause accelerated drying concrete with cracks. Adding a reduced volume of liquid glass to concrete will not provide the required performance characteristics.


To ensure the required performance characteristics of concrete, when pouring liquid glass, follow the proportions for concrete. Guided by the recommendations of professionals and following a recipe proven in practice, it is possible to ensure the necessary working properties of the monolith. Due to the low cost of the silicate additive, the cost of the concrete solution increases extremely slightly, and performance allow the use of modified concrete to solve a wide range of construction problems. Consulting professionals will help you avoid mistakes.


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