Vyatrovich doesn’t understand. So what was it really Nazi Germany or the Nazi invaders"

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So Nazi Germany or German- fascist invaders?

The question is not idle, as it may seem - if anyone remembers, in the USSR they always clearly indicated who we were fighting with - the Nazi invaders, while in the West, “Nazi Germany” was firmly attached. And now, first liberals, and then other unscrupulous citizens have picked up this phrase!
What is the point there or is it just a disregard for the meaning of terms/play on words?
Let me explain, because... Most people don’t know what it means - here it is:

Nazism = National Socialism, the first half is understandable, but the West INITIALLY focused its (and its “public opinion”) attention on the second part - on socialism, which, as it was said in the Stalinist constitution of 1937, was built in our country, “in basically." Those. a brick of identity between Russia/USSR and Germany of that time was immediately laid - this attitude is exploited, propagandized and promoted by liberal Russophobes and other bastards even now, very intensively and not without success!
What really happened?
Everything is very simple - before coming to power, Hitler reached an agreement with the bourgeoisie (otherwise he would not have passed the “democratic elections”) and the Nazi activists were simply killed in June 1934 during the “Night of the Long Knives.” And then he turned to typical fascist capitalism - as in Italy, but with the preservation of social rhetoric and props. This was perfectly seen and understood in the USSR, which is why, by the way, M. Romm made the film “Ordinary Fascism”, and not Nazism - he understood perfectly well what was what...
And the Nazi state was built with success in China (they generally loved borrowing from the Germans), although it is an unstable system and will inevitably fall into capitalism (of course, it will not return to socialism - this is not an Asian element), with all its charms - or rather, already practically fell over.
Yes, and in Little Russia now there is not even fascism and, naturally, not Nazism - both require the presence of a nation, but there is none there - Russians make up the overwhelming majority of the population. But the Russophobic elite, which seized power there with Western help, is stubbornly jumping in the direction of fascism...
Therefore, there is an attempt to build a totalitarian aggressive proto-fascist regime based on the seizure of power by the stolen pseudo-“elite” (or those wishing to become one of them), temporarily relying on Bandera’s zombies (“infantry” - football fans) and all-out support for the barbaric West.
By the way, the West itself organically integrated many elements of fascism into its social system- this was necessary for the fight/competition with the USSR - otherwise they would not have survived even with our ideological impasse - and so-called. The “middle class” is a purely fascist invention - it was he who allowed them to survive the end crisis. 60s (together with a number of other measures, including economic ones, but I wrote about this separately)...

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Under the general editorship of A.S. Chuyanov, Chairman of the Stalingrad Regional Commission for Assistance to the Work of the Extraordinary State Commission to establish and investigate the atrocities of the Nazi invaders and their accomplices and the damage they caused to citizens, collective farms, public organizations, state enterprises and institutions of the USSR

Submitted for typesetting on December 29, 1944, signed for printing on January 8, 1945, circulation 10,000 copies.
Art. N.-Chirskaya, printing house of the newspaper “Collective Farmer of the Don”

This collection of documents about the atrocities of the Nazi invaders is published by the Stalingrad Regional Commission for Assistance to the Work of the Extraordinary State Commission.
The collection includes only part of the acts.
Published documents - acts, testimonies of victims and eyewitnesses - tell about heinous crimes committed by the Nazis and their accomplices in the temporarily occupied areas of the Stalingrad region and in the occupied quarters and districts of Stalingrad in 1942. Each act exposes and accuses the Nazis as being deprived of honor and conscience, having lost their human appearance, and having reached a complete moral decline. The collection as a whole is an incriminating document against the criminal Hitler clique and Hitler's Nazi army.
The purpose of publishing this book of documents is to bring to the attention of the broad masses of working people the facts of the bloody atrocities of the Nazi invaders, to make known to all the people the fascist predatory policy of enslavement and extermination of the peoples of the USSR.
The documentary material presented in the collection is divided into chapters.
IN first chapter documents are provided testifying to the monstrously criminal attitude of the German government and military command towards Soviet prisoners of war. The invaders, contrary to all international laws, generally accepted military traditions, contrary to all human morality, subjected Soviet prisoners of war to painful torture, torture, executions, and mass murder. A brutal regime was created in the prisoner of war camps, leading prisoners to exhaustion and death.
Documents published in second chapter, talk about the unheard-of cruel attitude of Hitler’s executioners towards Soviet children, whose mass murder was prescribed by the Nazi command and authorities as one of many measures to combat the partisan movement and as a means of exterminating the Soviet people.
IN third chapter documents have been collected that fully reveal the vile policy of the German government and military command towards the civilian Soviet population of temporarily occupied areas. Robbery, arbitrariness, murder of civilians - this is the notorious fascist “new order” brought by the Nazis to the occupied lands.
IN chapter four documents are presented about the deportation of many thousands of civilian Soviet population to the deep German rear for German penal servitude.
At the Battle of Stalingrad, the Nazi invaders received due retribution for their crimes; hundreds of thousands of them found their grave under the walls of the Volga stronghold.
The defeat of the Germans at Stalingrad was only the beginning of the Soviet people's reckoning with Hitler's criminals.
Sacred hatred of the enemy multiplies the forces of the advancing Red Army. Terrible retribution awaits the Nazis; they will pay a hundredfold for the blood, tears, suffering and torment of the Soviet people.

Publishing house
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“Hitler’s scoundrels made it a rule to torture Soviet prisoners of war, kill them in the hundreds, and condemn thousands of them to starvation. They rape and kill civilian population occupied territories of our country, men and women, children and old people, our brothers and sisters. They set out to enslave or exterminate the population of Ukraine, Belarus, the Baltic states, Moldova, Crimea, and the Caucasus. Only low people and scoundrels, deprived of honor and fallen to the state of animals, can afford such outrages against innocent unarmed people. But that's not all. They covered Europe with gallows and concentration camps. They introduced a vile “hostage system.” They shoot and hang innocent citizens taken “on bail” because some German animal was prevented from raping women or robbing ordinary people. They turned Europe into a prison of nations. And they call it “the new order in Europe.” We know the culprits of these outrages, the builders of the “new order in Europe”, all these newly minted governors-general and simply governors, commandants and subcommandants. Their names are known to tens of thousands of tortured people. Let these executioners know that they cannot escape responsibility for their crimes and cannot escape the punishing hand of the tortured peoples.”
"About the Great Patriotic War Soviet Union»,
3rd edition, 1943, pp. 71-72


“The Soviet Government continues to receive new materials and reports that the Nazi invaders are carrying out widespread robbery and direct extermination of the Soviet population, not stopping at any crimes, at any cruelty and violence in the territories that they temporarily occupied or still continue occupy. The Soviet Government has already stated that these atrocities are not random excesses of individual undisciplined military units, individual German officers and soldiers. At present, the Soviet Government has documents recently captured from the headquarters of the defeated German units, from which it is clear that the bloody crimes and atrocities committed by the Nazi army are committed in accordance with carefully drawn up and detailed plans of the German government and orders of the German command.
These plans and orders of the German imperialist invaders provide for:
general robbery the population of our country, both in cities and villages, with the seizure and export to Germany of the personal property of Soviet citizens and the property of the Soviet state;
complete destruction cities and villages from which the Nazis were forced to retreat under the attacks of the armed forces of the Soviet Union;
land grab , transferred by the Soviet state for the eternal and free use of collective farms - into the hands of the German occupiers and the establishment of German “managers” and German landowners on the occupied land;
slave labor and bondage for our workers and peasants under the domination of the German imperialist invaders;
forcible removal to Germany for forced labor of several million Soviet citizens - urban and rural residents, with their illegal inclusion in the category of “prisoners of war”;
liquidation of Russian national culture and national cultures of peoples the Soviet Union with the forced Germanization of Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Lithuanians, Latvians, Estonians and other peoples of the USSR;
extermination of the Soviet population , prisoners of war and partisans through bloody violence, torture, executions and massacres of Soviet citizens, regardless of their nationality, social status, gender and age.
With these villainous plans, Nazi hordes invaded our country. These predatory Hitler plans were reflected in countless orders of the German military command.
The active Red Army, in fierce battles liberating Soviet cities and villages, districts and regions step by step, has revealed a truly indescribable picture of the methodical and unheard-of cruel implementation by the German fascist army of the above-mentioned criminal plans of Hitler-Goering and other rulers of present-day Germany who climbed into power.”
(From the note of the People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs, Comrade V.M. MOLOTOV, dated April 27, 1942)

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Chapter first


“In an effort to mass exterminate Soviet prisoners of war, the German authorities and the German government established a brutal regime in the camps for Soviet prisoners of war... Captured Red Army soldiers are tortured with hot irons, their eyes are gouged out, their legs, arms, ears, noses are cut off, their fingers are cut off, their bellies are ripped open , tied to tanks and torn to pieces... Fascist-German officers and soldiers commit similar fanaticism and shameful crimes along the entire length of the front, wherever they appear and wherever soldiers and commanders of the Red Army fall into their hands.”

ACT (1)
about the monstrous crimes of the Nazis in the farmsteadTwisting
We, the undersigned, have drawn up this act about the following: after the liberation of the Vertyachiy farmstead in the Stalingrad region by units of the Red Army, we inspected the German camp of Soviet prisoners of war. Under the straw in the barracks, as well as in other places in the camp, we found 87 corpses of Red Army soldiers and commanders. More than ten corpses were so mutilated that they lost their human appearance. Many soldiers tortured by the Germans had their stomachs ripped open, their eyes gouged out, and their ears and noses cut off.
We have established that the Germans forced prisoners to work 14 hours a day on the construction of defensive structures. During the day they were given half a liter of boiling water, in the evening 3-4 tablespoons of steamed rye and a piece of dead horse meat. The wounded and sick were not given food at all.
Almost all prisoners suffered from dysentery. The Germans beat the weak and sick with sticks. A few days before the start of the offensive Soviet troops The Germans completely stopped feeding all the prisoners and doomed them to starvation. Of the 89 Soviet prisoners of war who were in the camp on the Vertyachiy farm, 87 people died of starvation, were tortured and shot.
This is what they sign: senior military paramedic Ryabov, captain Roshchin, captain Kalashnikov, senior lieutenant Shtapoprud, lieutenant Nelin, foreman Baranov, quartermaster technician of the second rank Kaplun, Red Army soldier Andreev, residents of the Vertyachey farm Plotnikov, Kanzhigolev, Starikova
November 30, 1942, Vertyachiy farmstead

ACT (2)
About the unheard of atrocities of the German occupiers againstSovietprisoners of war in camp No. 205
January 23, 1943, the undersigned - guard captain Voronov Alexey Borisovich, captains Sviridenko Pavel Nazarovich and Votinov Alexey Petrovich, special military correspondent of Sofinformburo Ponomarev Georgy Alexandrovich, writer Maksimov Georgy Mikhailovich, lieutenants Pascal Vasily Petrovich and Fridlyandsky Alexander Potapovich, guard senior sergeant Tikhomirov Konstantin Mikhailovich , Red Army guard Aleksey Mikhailovich Zhuravlev, third-rank military doctor, former prisoner of war of camp No. 205 Vladimir Ivanovich Desyaterik, Yakov Ivanovich Mogilin, member of the Peschany village council, Maria Vasilievna Kudinova, an employee of the Stalingrad Tractor Plant, drew up this act on the following:

  1. After the liberation of the village of Alekseevka, Gorodishchensky district, on January 22 by units of the Red Army, a prisoner of war camp was discovered in its vicinity, designated by the German command under No. 205. Here, behind barbed wire, in dark and cramped pits dug in the open steppe, by the time the Soviet troops arrived, 950 prisoners of war were kept, some of whom were civilians of the city of Stalingrad. The overwhelming majority of prisoners were so weak from hunger, beatings, exhaustion, and backbreaking work that they were unable to move without assistance.
  2. Throughout the camp, in front of the barbed wire and at the entrances to the holes where the prisoners lived, more than 1,500 uncleaned corpses lay scattered. Many corpses were discovered with ripped open bellies, severed limbs, broken skulls, and without heads. In addition, 59 human heads without bodies were found in different places; the faces of the dead were so disfigured that it was impossible to identify them.
  3. 3 were found 50-100 meters from the camp large pits, hastily covered with earth and covered with snow, full of corpses. The number of those killed in these pits, according to eyewitnesses, exceeds 2,500.
  4. It was established from a survey and documents that the number of prisoners in the camp reached 6,000 people, while the composition of the prisoners changed until the end of November, that is, until the German group was encircled at Stalingrad by the Red Army. So, in October, 4,000 citizens of Stalingrad passed through the camp, the vast majority of whom were sent to forced labor in Germany. Among the civilians in the camp, there were many citizens with children.
  5. The entire camp regime was designed for the systematic extermination of prisoners of war and Soviet civilians. Every day at 5:30 a.m., all prisoners were driven out to dig trenches and dugouts, collect grass from under the snow for horses, and dig graves. Those who did not comply with the norms, fell behind the ranks and complained about bad condition health were beaten with sticks and shot. They killed prisoners every day and without any reason. German bandits shot Ivan Serkin “for rudeness when addressing a German,” on January 12, 1943, 10 people were shot “for disorder in the ranks,” and on January 5, general executions began in connection with an attempt by several prisoners to escape from the camp. Every day 5-8 people with gunshot wounds, and the dead were left to lie in place for several days. The prisoners suffered especially a lot of abuse during the hours of food distribution. Loud conversation, lateness in formation, any remark provoked cruel reprisals from the guards. The carpenter Gabriel was killed in the ranks with a butt for asking for more stew. The sentries opened fire on anyone who approached the barbed wire. Staff sergeant Blumstock from the security company of the 205th camp constantly mocked the prisoners. For fun, he shot into a crowd of unarmed people. At the same time, he aimed at the stomach and watched the suffering of the dying. Blumstock openly stated: “If the Russians come to the camp, they will not find a single living prisoner here.” German officers kept special dogs in the camp, “for fun” they poisoned prisoners with them, watching this spectacle with pleasure. Every day, dozens of people were taken for interrogation to the Abwehr (Gestapo department), subjected to brutal beatings there, and many did not return from interrogation.
  6. From September to January, prisoners received bread only four times (50-75 grams per person); daily food was stew made from dead horse meat, given out in half a liter. It was prepared at the rate of 50 grams of meat per person per day. And if they were fueled with wheat, then the latter was dispensed from 5 to 20 grams per person. There was absolutely no water in the camp. In the fall, before the snow fell, there was no rain at all, and people were thirsty, many drank their own urine. Since the beginning of December, food distribution has stopped altogether. Instead of soup, they gave out half a liter of water. Those prisoners who were still able to go to work picked up expensive dead horse meat and ate it raw. Because of hunger, people went crazy. In September, 30-40 people died from hunger per day, and in December, 130-145. Many prisoners were so hungry that when our soldiers gave some of them food on January 23, they died after two or three pieces of bread. In total, up to 4,500 people in the camp died from hunger, exhaustion and disease, and the rest were so weakened that they could barely crawl out of the pits on all fours or could not get out at all.
  7. The holes dug in the ground could accommodate 25-30 people. The German command drove 120-160 people into these holes. People could only sleep sitting or squatting, and sometimes even standing. The bodies of the dead remained among people. Those weakened by hunger fell and died in crowded conditions, squeezed on all sides by their neighbors. Many were frostbitten.
  8. All prisoners of war, from whom the Germans did not have time to take away their warm uniforms, boots and overcoats on the battlefield, were robbed in the camp, while the Nazi bandits took everything they liked from the personal belongings of soldiers and civilians, and the warm clothes were handed over to the quartermaster. .
  9. There was no medical assistance in the camp. Medical personnel from Soviet prisoners had no medical supplies for this. The entire “medical unit” was only given 5 bandages once. To end up in the “medical unit” while sick, wounded or beaten during interrogation meant death for sure. The sick, like other prisoners, did not receive water; lice ate both the sick and the healthy. The mass disease of dysentery did not stop, all appeals medical personnel from among the prisoners, the camp commander remained unattended.
  10. Many of our Red Army soldiers who were captured several months ago look like old men, and those of them who visited other German camps claim that similar atrocities are being committed against Soviet people in all camps. The direct executors of the criminal will of the fascist German military and political leadership in the camp were: Chief Lieutenant Mazantin, Chief Tsalmeister Libazakh, Chief Tsalmeister Reberkh, head of the camp security Captain Frishter, Major Yauch and Colonel-Commandant of the camp, whose name cannot be established locally managed. These officers of the German army cynically declared that the Russians were an inferior race, half-humans who should be exterminated, and if they died in the camp and at work, this should be so. These officers of the German army are guilty of the barbaric destruction of defenseless people and must suffer a well-deserved punishment for this.
The act was signed by: all of the above persons

ACT (3)
November 23, 1943, we, the undersigned - senior lieutenant T.L. Grechishnikov, lieutenant V.I. Bogdanov, senior lieutenant A.V. Chaikin, lieutenant S.K. Tereshin, major A.A. Novikov. -- drew up a report on the abuses committed by the German-Romanian occupiers against the wounded and heroically killed 27 soldiers and commanders.
On this day, when our troops occupied the front line of the enemy defense, which is 5-6 kilometers southwest of the village of Ya., 27 corpses of soldiers and commanders were discovered in the area of ​​one height. Upon examination, it was established that the German executioners mocked the seriously wounded Red Army soldiers and mutilated the corpses of the dead. All 27 soldiers and commanders were stabbed with bayonets, their heads were smashed with rifle butts, and their hands were mutilated.
For example, the corpse of senior lieutenant F.L. Saenko, a regiment agitator, was identified only by his clothes. His head, face and body were almost completely covered with bayonet wounds. The left side and lower abdomen of Lieutenant Alekseev, commander of a rifle company, were bayoneted and his skull was broken. Eleven corpses were so mutilated that they could not be identified at all.
There was not a single corpse without traces of abuse by the Romanian-German executioners. The executioners removed the shoes from all the killed commanders and soldiers, and from many their tunics, trousers and overcoats. All valuables - watches, money, etc. - were stolen by Romanian-German robbers.
This act was signed by: all of the above persons

The entire book can be downloaded

Do not think that the criminal behavior of the Germans was only in the Stalingrad region. What we see from this book was typical of the German army throughout the occupied territory of the USSR, and in Belarus and Ukraine, also adjusted for the fight against the partisan movement - that is, an even more cruel attitude towards civilians. An example of this is the tragedy in Khatyn.

The publication of these materials in 1945 probably raised questions, because it was already obvious who the Nazis were and why they attacked our country... But today, 70 years later, for many everything is not so clear! Ukraine and the Baltic states have taken an official course towards justifying the crimes of the fascists and their accomplices. Instead of German Nazism and Italian fascism for last decades many others appeared. Many have forgotten that the ideology of racial exclusivity and racial superiority is godless, because it contradicts the foundations of religion as such and therefore it is doomed, without regard to what kind of fascism it is - Russian, Caucasian, Islamic, Jewish... Politicians and public figures should especially remember this!

Read also materials on this topic on the website



In pursuance of the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated November 2, 1942, the Extraordinary State Commission took into account the damage caused by the Nazi invaders to citizens, collective farms, public organizations, state enterprises and institutions of the USSR, and established that on the territory of the Soviet Union, which was subject to occupation, the enemy caused enormous damage to the national economy and population.

The German armies and occupation authorities, carrying out the directives of the criminal Hitlerite government and the high military command, destroyed and plundered the Soviet cities and villages they had captured, industrial enterprises and collective farms, destroyed art monuments, destroyed, plundered and exported to Germany equipment, supplies of raw materials, materials and finished products, artistic and historical values, carried out a general robbery of the urban and rural population.

Before the war, 88 million people lived on the territory of the Soviet Union that was subject to occupation, the gross output industrial products amounted to 46 billion rubles (at constant state prices of 1926-27), there were 109 million heads of livestock, including 31 million heads of cattle and 12 million horses, 71 million hectares of agricultural crops, 122 thousand kilometers of railway track.

The Nazi invaders completely or partially destroyed and burned 1,710 cities and more than 70 thousand villages, burned and destroyed over 6 million buildings and deprived about 25 million people of their homes. Among the destroyed and most affected cities are the largest industrial and cultural centers: Stalingrad, Sevastopol, Leningrad, Kiev, Minsk, Odessa, Smolensk, Novgorod, Pskov, Orel, Kharkov, Voronezh, Rostov-on-Don and many others.

The Nazi invaders destroyed 31,850 industrial enterprises, which employed about 4 million workers; 239 thousand electric motors and 175 thousand metal-cutting machines were destroyed or taken away.

65 thousand kilometers of railway tracks, 4,100 railway stations, 36 thousand postal and telegraph institutions, telephone exchanges and other communications enterprises were destroyed.

40 thousand hospitals and other medical institutions, 84 thousand schools, technical schools, higher educational institutions, research institutes, 43 thousand public libraries were destroyed or destroyed.

They destroyed and plundered 98 thousand collective farms, 1,876 state farms and 2,890 machine and tractor stations; 7 million horses, 17 million heads of cattle, 20 million heads of pigs, 27 million sheep and goats, 110 million heads of poultry were slaughtered, taken away or driven to Germany.

The criminal actions of the German military and civil authorities have been irrefutably proven and described in those millions of reports of damage caused by the Nazi invaders to citizens, collective farms, public organizations, state enterprises and institutions, which have already been submitted to the Extraordinary State Commission. A huge number of representatives of the Soviet public were involved in drawing up acts and establishing the damage caused by the Nazi invaders. More than 7 million workers, collective farmers, engineers, technicians, people of science and other public figures took part in the work of drawing up the acts.

Based on these acts, the Extraordinary State Commission determined the damage caused to the national economy of the USSR and individual rural and urban residents in the amount of 679 billion rubles in 1941 state prices, of which:

1. State enterprises and institutions - 287 billion rubles

2. Collective farms - 181 -"- -"-

3. Rural and urban residents - 192 -"- -"-

4. Cooperative, trade union and other public organizations - 19 -"- -"-

The damage is distributed among the Union republics as follows:

1. Russian SFSR - 249 billion rubles

2. Ukrainian SSR - 285 -"- -"-

3. Byelorussian SSR - 75 -"- -"-

4. Latvian SSR - 20 -"- -"-

5. Lithuanian SSR - 17 -"- -"-

6. Estonian SSR - 16 -"- -"-

7. Moldavian SSR - 11 -"- -"-

8. Karelo-Finnish SSR - 6 -"- -"-

The given figures do not exhaust all the damage caused by the Nazi invaders to the Soviet Union. They cover only losses from direct destruction of property of citizens, collective farms, public organizations, state enterprises and institutions.

The amount of damage does not include losses such as a decrease in national income from the cessation or reduction of the work of state enterprises, collective farms and citizens, the cost of food and supplies confiscated by the German occupation forces, military expenses of the USSR, as well as losses from a slowdown in the pace of the overall economic development of the country as a result of actions enemy during 1941-1945.

The amount of damage does not include the invaluable losses of our people, which are associated with the death of millions of Soviet people exterminated by the Nazi invaders on the Soviet territory temporarily occupied by them.

Destruction of industry, transport and communications

Even before the start of the war, the Hitler government and the German General Staff developed detailed plan attack and defeat of the Soviet Union, as well as the organized robbery of its national economy.

In the secret German document “Directives for the management of the economy in the newly occupied eastern regions” (Berlin, June 1941), signed by the “Reichsmarshal of the German Empire” Goering, detailed instructions were given to the German army and the German economic institutions on the procedure for the systematic theft of property of the Soviet Union and the export to Germany of industrial equipment, raw materials, finished products and semi-finished products.

These notorious “directives” were subsequently supplemented and clarified by numerous instructions and orders from various government and military authorities. As an example, we can cite the following order from the same Goering:

Reichsmarshal of the German Empire

Authorized by the four-year plan.

Headquarters for economic management in the East.

U.R. 110(83).


Leipzigerstrasse 3.

The economic headquarters of the East (Wirtschaftstab OST) is responsible to me for the seizure and removal of reserves of raw materials from areas with military authorities. Also in areas with civilian authorities (as I already ordered in my order of June 18, 1941 U.R.-11604).

3. ...I appoint Lieutenant General Witting as inspector general for the seizure and use of raw materials in the occupied Eastern regions.

The scope of activity of the Inspector General extends to all occupied regions of the Soviet Union, regardless of whether military or civilian authorities exist there...

(Signature) Goering

The implementation of this criminal plan to rob the national economy of the Soviet Union by the Hitlerite government was entrusted to the Reich Minister of the SS (Hitler's storm troops), to the imperial ministers and representatives of German companies, to whom various kinds of economic groups, technical battalions, economic headquarters and economic inspections were subordinated. German companies were especially active in stealing the property of the Soviet Union: Friedrich Krupp & Co., Hermann Goering, Siemens Schukkort, Vostok Mining and Metallurgical Society, Joint-Stock Company group “North”, “Heinrich Lanz”, “Landmaschinenbauindustri”, “I.G. Farbenindustri" and many others.

In an effort to fully implement their criminal plan to rob the industry of the Soviet Union, the Nazi government and military command did not hesitate to mercilessly destroy mines, oil wells, factories, machinery and all industrial equipment in cases where German troops were forced to retreat under the attacks of the Red Army and did not have the opportunity to take this equipment with them from the territory they were leaving. The destruction and destruction of factories, machines, machine tools, mines and oil wells in such cases took on a massive scale and caused enormous losses to the Soviet national economy. From such criminal activities of the Nazi hordes, the following branches of Soviet industry suffered the greatest losses:

Coal industry . In the Donetsk and Moscow region coal basins, the Nazi invaders destroyed 1,135 mines, which employed 337 thousand workers and produced over 100 million tons of coal per year. They plundered and took to Germany: 2,400 mining electric locomotives and motor locomotives, 2,700 cutters, 15 thousand jackhammers, 5 thousand pumps, 2,800 compressors and fans, 160 thousand trolleys; destroyed and looted power plants serving coal mines.

Oil industry . Nazi Germany attached exceptional importance to the seizure of the oil regions of the Soviet Union. The above-quoted “Directives for the management of the economy in the newly occupied eastern regions” stated:

"3. b) In industrial raw materials, the main product is oil. Among activities not related to food supply, all issues related to the production and export of oil should in all cases come first.”

In pursuance of these instructions, the German armies made every effort to capture the oil-bearing regions of the Caucasus.

At the same time, in all cases when the German fascist occupiers failed to gain a foothold in the oil areas they captured and when they were forced to leave these areas, they did not stop at destroying and destroying oil wells, equipment, workshops, warehouses, etc.

In the oil fields of Grozny and the Krasnodar region, the Nazi invaders, using aerial bombing and other means, destroyed and destroyed over 3 thousand oil wells with production of up to 5 million tons of oil per year.

They blew up in Grozny an atmospheric-vacuum unit with an annual capacity of 660 thousand tons of oil products and a cracking unit with an annual processing of 227 thousand tons of oil, as well as the Odessa and Kharkov cracking plants; destroyed the Krasnodar oil refinery; they disabled the Grozny-Trudovaya kerosene pipeline and destroyed metal tanks with a capacity of over 2 million cubic meters at 720 oil bases.

Power plants . During the occupation and especially during their retreat, the Germans destroyed the powerful power systems of the Dnieper, Donbass, Leningrad, Kharkov, Krasnodar Territory, Kiev, Voronezh, Crimea, the Belarusian SSR and the Kola Peninsula, and the most valuable equipment of power plants was taken to Germany.

They blew up, burned and partially destroyed 61 largest and a large number of small power plants, with a total capacity of about 5 million kilowatts, disabled about 10 thousand kilometers of main high-voltage power lines, destroyed more than 12 thousand buildings of power plants and substations and took 14 thousand to Germany steam boilers, 1,400 turbines, 11,300 electric generators.

Ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy . The Nazi invaders completely or partially destroyed 37 iron and steel factories, which employed 168 thousand people. These plants annually produced 11 million tons of cast iron, 10 million tons of steel, and 8 million tons of rolled products. The Germans destroyed and partially destroyed 62 blast furnaces, 213 open-hearth furnaces, 248 rolling mills, 4,740 coke ovens with an annual capacity of 19 million tons of coke. They destroyed 29 refractory factories and 18 ore enterprises with an annual production of over 20 million tons of iron ore. Among the destroyed factories are: Zaporizhstal with 12 thousand workers, Mariupol plant with 26 thousand workers, Azovstal with 9 thousand workers, Makeyevsky Kirov plant with 18 thousand workers, Red October with 13 thousand workers, Krivoy Rog coke plant with 2 thousand workers, Mariupol coke plant with 3 thousand workers, Semiluksky refractory with 2 thousand workers, Chasov-Yarsky refractory with 6 thousand workers.

The Nazi invaders destroyed and disabled 12 largest non-ferrous metallurgy enterprises, including: Dnieper - aluminum, magnesium and electrode plants, Tikhvin - alumina plant and bauxite mines.

Chemical industry . The Germans destroyed 66 nitrogen-fertilizer and chemical plants that produced chemical products and fertilizers for agriculture, as well as plants for the production of rubber, rubber and asbestos products, including: Stalinogorsk and Rubezhansky chemical plants, Konstantinovsky, Perekopsky, Saki and Kharkov chemical plants ; Dneprodzerzhinsky, Gorlovsky, Lisichansky, Stalinsky nitrogen fertilizer plants; Odessa, Vinnitsa superphosphate plants.

Mechanical engineering . The Nazi invaders caused enormous damage to the engineering industry.

They destroyed 749 factories heavy and medium engineering , which employed 919 thousand workers, engineers, technicians and employees. The largest factories were especially affected: Kramatorsk with 25 thousand workers, Voroshilovgrad with 23 thousand workers, Bezhetsky with 20 thousand workers, Kharkov with 5 thousand workers, Taganrog with 4 thousand workers, Lyudinovsky with 6 thousand workers, Leningrad “Russian Diesel” with 3 thousand workers .

The Nazis caused great damage to enterprises producing tractors, cars, railway cars, motorcycles, and bicycles. They completely destroyed 21 and partially destroyed 27 such factories, in particular, they turned the largest Stalingrad and Kharkov tractor factories into a pile of ruins; destroyed the Kharkov, Gomel, Rostov bearing repair plants; Kalininsky, Kryukovsky and Bezhetsky carriage-building plants with a total annual production of 23 thousand freight cars; destroyed the Lodeinopolsky and Velsky trailer plants, the Kharkov bicycle and Leningrad motorcycle plants.

The Nazi invaders destroyed 64 machine tool and abrasive plants, including: Kharkov, Kramatorsk, Krasnodar, Kiev, Odessa, Minsk, Leningrad and others.

They completely destroyed 169 factories agricultural, chemical, woodworking and paper-making machinery and among them are factories: named after the Comintern, “Red Aksai”, “Rostselmash”, “Kommunar”, “Bolshevik”, “Red Star”, “Sickle and Hammer”, “October Revolution”.

Factories electrical industry , which produced electric generators, electric motors, transformers, electric locomotives and other equipment, the Germans caused great damage. They destroyed 41 plants, including: Kharkov Electromechanical Plant (KEMZ) and Leningrad plants - Elektrosila, Elektroprovod, Krasnaya Zarya.

From mechanical engineering factories, German firms exported to Germany: 47 thousand sets of lifting equipment, 34 thousand mechanically driven hammers, presses and other forging and foundry equipment.

Forestry and paper industry . The Nazi invaders destroyed a large number of logging enterprises with an annual productivity of 64 million cubic meters timber, 260 sawmills and woodworking enterprises with a capacity of 12 million cubic meters of lumber per year, 28 plywood factories with the production of 380 thousand cubic meters of plywood per year.

They also destroyed 14 match factories with an annual output of about 4 million boxes of matches and 77 paper and pulp mills with an annual output of 300 thousand tons of paper.

Textile and light industry . In the textile and light industry, the occupiers destroyed 120 cotton fabric factories, 75 knitting textile factories, 69 linen factories, 125 hemp and jute factories, 36 wool factories, 12 fur factories, 8 artificial fiber factories, 160 enterprises in the leather and footwear industry, and over 100 glass factories.

As a result of the destruction, the textile industry lost 3 million spindles and over 45 thousand looms.

Food and meat and dairy industry . In the food and meat and dairy industries, the Nazi invaders completely destroyed and destroyed 204 sugar factories, 649 distilleries, 47 canning factories, 29 fat-and-oil factories, 43 tobacco factories and fermentation factories, 157 bakeries, 4,490 meat-and-sausage, cheese-dairy and butter-making enterprises.

Industry building materials . In the construction materials industry, the Nazi invaders destroyed 409 enterprises. Including the largest cement plants: Enakievo, Krichevsky, Bryansk and Novorossiysk - “Proletary” and “October” - were completely destroyed.

Transport . During the occupation of part of the territory of the Soviet Union and especially during their retreat, the Nazi invaders caused great damage to the railways, water and river transport .

Using special bomb-destroying machines, they disabled 26 and partially damaged 8 main lines. railways, destroyed 65 thousand kilometers of railway track and 500 thousand wire-kilometers of automatic blocking and railway communication lines. They blew up 13 thousand railway bridges with a total length of about 300 kilometers, 4,100 stations, 1,200 pumping stations, 1 600 water towers, 3,200 water columns. They destroyed 317 locomotive depots and 129 locomotive and car repair plants, as well as railway engineering factories.

They destroyed, damaged and took away 15,800 steam and motor locomotives and 428 thousand carriages.

Enemies caused great damage to structures, enterprises, institutions and ships maritime transport Arctic Ocean, White, Baltic, Black and Caspian Seas. They sank and partially damaged over 1,400 passenger, cargo and special ships.

The seaports equipped with advanced technology - Sevastopol, Mariupol, Kerch, Novorossiysk, Odessa, Nikolaevsky, Leningrad, Murmansk, Lepaia, Tallinn and others - were severely damaged.

The occupiers sank and captured 4,280 passenger, cargo and tugboats river transport and technical service and auxiliary fleet, 4,029 non-self-propelled vessels; destroyed 479 port facilities, including the Leningrad, Stalingrad, and Kiev ports; construction of the White Sea-Baltic Canal and the Moscow-Volga Canal; 89 shipyards, mechanical plants and enterprises.

Retreating under the onslaught of the Red Army, German troops blew up and destroyed 91 thousand km highways and 90 thousand road bridges with a total length of 930 kilometers.

Destruction of collective farms, state farms and machine and tractor stations

The Nazi invaders, according to a pre-developed plan, carried out a policy of destroying collective farms, state farms and machine and tractor stations in the occupied territory of the Soviet Union.

To manage agriculture in the so-called “eastern regions,” the German government created special departments, the leadership of which was entrusted to the Reich Minister of Agriculture Darre, the Reich Commissioner Erich Koch, and the Reich Commissioner “Ostland” Lohse.

Hitler's Minister of Agriculture Darre declared with cynical frankness:

“In the entire eastern space, only Germans have the right to be owners of large estates. A country inhabited by an alien race must become a country of slaves, agricultural servants and industrial workers."

On the occupied territory of the USSR, the German invaders took away land transferred by the Soviet state for eternal and free use to collective farms or that belonged to state farms, and distributed it to German generals and officers, landowners and kulaks.

So, for example, the state farm "Metallist" of the Amvrosievsky district of the Stalin region was transferred to the commandants Bosse and Gamblokh, the stud farm No. 72 of the Olyksky district of the Volyn region was transferred to Baron von Pepke and Richard Timler, the state farm named after Frunze in the Chistyakovsky district of the Stalin region was transferred to the commandants Baer, ​​Aigof and Zelda, collective farms named after Ilyich and named after the Political Department with all buildings, livestock and equipment were transferred to commandants Welke and Krayer. The number of such examples can be increased many times over.

Based on the “Land Law”, issued at the end of February 1942 by the Imperial Minister of the Occupied Eastern Regions Alfred Rosenberg, the Nazi invaders, instead of collective farms in the occupied territory, began to create so-called “community farms”, which were the most convenient form for robbing peasants. In “communal farms” they introduced serf labor, forcing collective farmers to work for free for the German masters. For refusal or absence from work, the Germans declared everyone a criminal against the German state and subjected to beatings, imprisonment or execution.

Collective farm peasants resisted the implementation of this fascist “land reform”. In response, the German invaders burned out entire villages, destroyed crops, carried out bloody reprisals against the population on a wide scale, and exterminated innocent Soviet people.

For example, in the Pskov region, German soldiers rounded up the residents of the villages of Zamoshye, Krasukha, Chukhonskiye Zakhodtsy, Laneva Gora, Golovanovo, closed the doors and burned the houses along with the people. They shot those who tried to jump out of the fire with machine guns. This is how 350 people died, including women, children and old people. In a similar way, over 500 villages and hamlets were destroyed in the Pskov region.

In the Kalinin region, the Nazis burned and destroyed all settlements in the Mitkovsky, Korostelsky, Kryatinsky, Antonovsky, Ramensky, Zelenichensky, Pavlovsky, Grishensky village councils of the Rzhevsky district. In the Emelyanovsky district they burned about 80 percent of the houses, in the Turginovsky district 60 percent of the houses. In the Pogorelsky district, out of 7 thousand houses that belonged to collective farmers, more than 5 thousand houses were burned.

By burning villages and hamlets, the German fascists carried out a general robbery of the citizens of these villages. They brutally killed peasants who resisted the robbery.

In the village of Eremkino, Vysokovsky district, collective farmer Perlova tried to hide her last cow from the Nazis. The angry Nazis gouged out Perlova's eyes, cut off her nose, and chopped off her hands.

In the Rogachevsky district of the same region there is not a single village, not a single settlement left where the occupiers did not rob collective farmers and brutally punish them. Some villages were completely destroyed. So, the villages were plundered and burned to the ground: Selets, Faleevo, Mortkovo, Tolchkovo.

In the Kamenets-Podolsk region, the German invaders burned 33 villages and 530 settlements. In 1,600 collective farms they destroyed more than 16 thousand collective farm buildings; 170 thousand heads of cattle, 235 thousand pigs, 158 thousand sheep and goats, 687 thousand heads of various birds, 198 thousand horses were slaughtered or driven to Germany, 142 thousand tons of grain and flour were taken from collective farms.

In the Kursk region, the Germans destroyed 5,220 collective farms; they burned and destroyed 80 thousand buildings; they selected 280 thousand heads of cattle, 320 thousand horses, 250 thousand pigs, 420 thousand sheep and goats, and slaughtered 1,300 thousand heads of various poultry.

On the collective farm named after Budyonny, Stavropol Territory, the Nazi invaders destroyed and damaged all agricultural buildings and structures, looted or broke agricultural equipment, and destroyed crops. They stole 160 horses, 200 heads of cattle, 270 pigs from the collective farm, destroyed 16 hectares of mulberry plantations, 5 hectares of orchards and 12 hectares of vineyards, causing damage to the collective farm in the amount of 15 million rubles.

The occupiers caused damage in the amount of 18 million rubles to the collective farm “For Peace and Labor” in the Krasnodar Territory. They destroyed and destroyed 70 buildings on the collective farm, stole 70 heads of cattle, 340 pigs, 240 horses, took away and took away 2 thousand tons of grain, 140 tons of sunflowers, etc.

On the collective farm "For Tempos" in the Stalin region, by order of the commandant of the city Liman Pekka, the German officer Schwartz, who headed special squad, took from the collective farm 450 heads of cattle, 205 pigs, 350 sheep, 208 horses.

In October 1943, before the Germans retreated under the pressure of the Red Army, an SS detachment, by order of the German agricultural commandant Gannenkampf, set fire to all the buildings of the Ilyich collective farm in the Kiev region and destroyed stocks of agricultural products, livestock, and agricultural tools, causing damage to the collective farm in the amount of over 4 million rubles.

In the Mogilev region of the Byelorussian SSR, the Nazi invaders destroyed 2,100 collective farms and destroyed about 40 thousand buildings on them.

In the Zhitomir region, the occupiers took from 1,920 collective farms over 240 thousand heads of cattle, 195 thousand horses, 200 thousand pigs, 230 thousand sheep and goats, 460 thousand heads of various poultry, 55 thousand tons of grain; destroyed and destroyed over 20 thousand collective farm buildings.

The Nazi invaders carried out similar destruction and robberies of collective farms everywhere in the occupied territory of the USSR. They destroyed buildings, burned and poisoned crops, cut down gardens; They robbed and took away livestock, food supplies and all other collective farm property to Germany.

The Nazi invaders caused enormous damage to the state farms of the USSR. They removed stocks of agricultural products from them and destroyed outbuildings and other state farm buildings.

During the occupation of part of the territory of the Soviet Union, the grain state farm "Giant" suffered especially Rostov region, which had 28 thousand hectares of harvesting area and widely developed livestock farming.

The Germans caused great damage to the seed-growing state farm "Kuban", Krasnodar Territory, with a harvest area of ​​10 thousand hectares.

As a result of the German occupation, stud farm No. 62 in the Poltava region lost its breeding stock of Russian-American trotters. Before the war, this stud farm had 670 breeding horses. The Germans did the same with other tribal state farms.

In the grain and livestock state farms, the Germans exterminated or stole more than 180 thousand heads of cattle, 290 thousand pigs, 680 thousand sheep, 57 thousand horses, and destroyed more than one million two hundred thousand hectares of crops of all crops.

While destroying collective and state farms, the Nazi invaders also destroyed their technical base - machine and tractor stations.

In the occupied regions of the RSFSR, they destroyed over 1,000 machine and tractor stations, destroyed or removed from them 46 thousand tractors, 18 thousand combines, 23 thousand seeders. In Ukraine, the Germans destroyed, destroyed and burned 1,300 machine and tractor stations and removed 56 thousand tractors and 24 thousand combines from them. In the Byelorussian SSR they completely destroyed 316 machine and tractor stations, from which they took 8 thousand tractors, one thousand combines and other machines and agricultural implements to Germany.

In the Latvian, Lithuanian, and Estonian republics, the German invaders completely destroyed all machine and tractor stations.

In all collective farms, state farms and machine-tractor stations, the occupiers destroyed, captured and took to Germany 137 thousand tractors, 49 thousand combines, about 4 million rogues, harrows and other tillage agricultural implements, 265 thousand sowing and planting machines and 885 thousand harvesting and sorting machines. cars

By destroying collective farms, state farms and machine and tractor stations, the Nazis also destroyed the scientific and production base of agriculture. They completely destroyed 137 agricultural research institutes; destroyed 176 poultry hatchery stations and 14 breeding stations that supplied collective farms with high-quality seeds for agricultural crops.

Destruction of schools, scientific institutions and health care facilities

The Nazi invaders caused enormous damage to the cultural institutions of the Soviet people. They destroyed schools, higher education institutions, scientific institutes, libraries, hospitals, sanatoriums, and rest homes.

In the territory of the Soviet Union, which was subject to German occupation, by the beginning of 1941 there were 82 thousand primary and secondary schools with 15 million students. All secondary schools had libraries containing from 2 to 25 thousand volumes of books each, some equipped physical, chemical, biological and other classrooms. To accommodate children living far away, many secondary schools had dormitories.

The Nazi invaders burned, destroyed and looted these schools with all their property and equipment. Millions of Soviet children were forced to stop studying, and after the expulsion of the occupiers, resume it in unsuitable schools deprived necessary equipment, books and visual aids.

The Nazi invaders completely or partially destroyed 334 higher educational institutions, where 233 thousand students studied; and the equipment of laboratories and offices, unique exhibits of university and institute collections and libraries were taken to Germany.

As a result of the destruction, Kiev State University was severely damaged, where educational and scientific equipment, hundreds of laboratories and valuable collections were destroyed.

At Leningrad University, the main building, as well as the buildings of the physical and chemical institutes, were damaged by artillery shelling.

Great damage was caused to medical higher education institutions. In Leningrad, the famous Pavlov Medical Institute and the Institute for Advanced Medical Studies named after S.M. were damaged by enemy shelling. Kirov, in Ukraine the first and second Kharkov, Kiev, Dnepropetrovsk and Stalin medical institutes. At the Voronezh Medical Institute, 22 buildings were destroyed, at the Smolensk Medical Institute, 17 buildings were destroyed.

The occupiers destroyed and robbed 137 pedagogical and teacher institutes - in Pskov, Novgorod, Smolensk, Feodosia, Orel, Rostov-on-Don, Simferopol, Kharkov, Kiev, Voroshilovgrad, Minsk, Mogilev, Gomel and other cities.

They took out historical and archival materials and ancient manuscripts from special libraries; over 100 million volumes of books were plundered and destroyed in public libraries.

The Nazi invaders deliberately destroyed scientific institutions, burned and plundered laboratories, libraries, and stole valuable property and equipment. In total, they destroyed 605 research institutes.

During the siege of Leningrad, aerial bombing and artillery shelling destroyed 8 buildings of scientific institutions and 32 greenhouses of the Botanical Garden of the Academy of Sciences with a rare collection of tropical and subtropical plants.

The Germans destroyed the Main Astronomical Observatory in Pulkovo near Leningrad. It was equipped with the rarest instruments made by outstanding world and Soviet craftsmen. The observatory housed a first-class solar telescope originally designed by Stalin Prize laureate I. Ponomarev.

In Crimea, the Nazi invaders destroyed the Simeiz Astronomical Observatory, founded in 1908, and its equipment - a 40-inch large reflecting telescope, measuring instruments, a library containing over 9 thousand negatives with photographs of the sky and spectra of stars - was taken to Germany.

The Germans caused enormous damage to medical institutions in the USSR. They destroyed and looted 6 thousand hospitals, 33 thousand clinics, dispensaries and outpatient clinics, 976 sanatoriums, 656 rest homes. They also destroyed 60 factories and factories of the chemical-pharmaceutical and medical-instrumental industries, and among them: the Vitebsk spectacle factory, the Poltava thermometer factory, the Kharkov, Kiev and Odessa chemical-pharmaceutical and other factories.

Numerous sanatorium and resort institutions of the all-Union health resort on the southern coast of Crimea, on the Caucasian Mineral Waters, in Odessa and other places where several million workers were treated and rested annually were especially damaged by the criminal actions of the fascists and were turned into ruins.

In Sevastopol, the Germans destroyed the Sechenov Research Institute, which was an all-Union center for the development and application of physical treatment methods in resort practice.

In the premises of the All-Union Pioneer Camp "Artek", beloved by Soviet children, the Germans destroyed the main building, the Eagle's Nest dacha, the palace in Suuk-Su and many other buildings.

They cut down forests and parks in Crimea, grown near sanatoriums and on Ai-Petrinskaya Yayla, and also destroyed nurseries with planting material for forestry and cultural work.

Destruction of museums and historical monuments

The Nazi invaders destroyed 427 museums in the occupied territory out of a total of 992 museums in the Soviet Union, including: in the Russian SFSR - 173, in the Ukrainian SSR - 151, in the Byelorussian SSR - 26, in the Lithuanian SSR - 15, in Estonian SSR - 26, Latvian SSR - 30, Karelo-Finnish SSR - 2 and Moldavian SSR - 4 museums.

The richest museums of Smolensk, Stalingrad, Leningrad, Novgorod, Poltava, Chernigov and other cities were destroyed.

In the Khersoies Historical and Archaeological Museum, the German invaders destroyed over 150 thousand objects and collections that covered the history of the peoples of the Black Sea region.

In the port of Kerch, the Germans destroyed the panorama “Storm of Perekop”, made by Soviet artists. Great damage was caused to the famous panorama “Defense of Sevastopol” by Academician Roubaud. In the Stalingrad Art Gallery they destroyed all the exhibits - works by Repin, Shishkin, Aivazovsky, Serov, Makovsky, Ivanov and others. All the art museums of Crimea were damaged, the collections of the Bakhchisaray Palace Museum were looted, including the Great Koran of the Bakhchisaray Khan Mosque with many ornamental decorations.

The Nazi invaders caused great damage to the former royal palaces in Pushkin, Pavlovsk, Gatchina, converted after the October Socialist Revolution and museums. From these palace-museums they disappeared into Germany: sets of antique artistic Russian and French furniture, valuable books from palace libraries, objects of fine art, artistic porcelain and other exhibits.

The Germans treated the cultural monuments most dear to the Soviet people with particular hatred.

They desecrated the Pushkin Nature Reserve and the estate in Mikhailovskoye, where the great poet wrote “Eugene Onegin”, “Gypsies”, “Boris Godunov”; burned the house-museum and destroyed the grave of A.S. Pushkin in the Svyatogorsk Monastery, centuries-old trees in the park were cut down. The poet's furniture, household items and library were taken to Germany.

The Germans showed the same barbarity in relation to the Yasnaya Polyana nature reserve, where the brilliant Russian writer L.N. was born, lived and worked. Tolstoy. Having occupied Yasnaya Polyana on October 30, 1941, they destroyed, vandalized and set fire to it. The rarest manuscripts, books and paintings were torn up, thrown away or destroyed, and the writer’s grave was desecrated. The house was heated with furniture and books. In response to protests from museum employees against these atrocities, the German officer Schwartz declared: “We will burn everything connected with the name of your Tolstoy.”

In Klin, the Nazi invaders destroyed the house of the brilliant Russian composer P.I. Tchaikovsky, in which he created the world famous operas “Eugene Onegin”, “ Queen of Spades"and many other famous musical works. In the museum building itself, German officers and soldiers set up a garage for motorcycles and heated this garage with sheet music, books, furniture and other exhibits located in the museum.

The Germans also destroyed the museum of the peasant poet S.D. Drozhzhina - in the village of Zavidovo, museum national poet I.S. Nikitin - in Voronezh and the museum of the famous Polish poet Adam Mickiewicz - in Novogrudok, Belarusian SSR. In Alagir, they burned the materials of the Ossetian folk singer Kosta Khetagurov.

The Nazi invaders destroyed 44 thousand theater buildings, clubs, and red corners. As a result of air raids and artillery shelling, the following were damaged: in Leningrad - the Academic Opera and Ballet Theater named after S.M. Kirov, Academic Theater named after A.S. Pushkin and the Maly Opera House; in Moscow - the State Academic Bolshoi Theater and the Vakhtangov Theater. The Germans set fire to the theaters of the Estonian SSR, destroyed the Red Army Drama Theater and the Theater for Young Spectators in Kyiv. Gorky, and also destroyed city theaters in Petrozavodsk, Novgorod, Makeevka. They took out costumes, sheet music, props and libraries from the Smolensk and Odessa theaters.

Destruction and robbery of monasteries, churches, churches, synagogues and other religious institutions

During Patriotic War The Nazi invaders destroyed and damaged 1,670 churches, 237 Roman Catholic churches, 69 chapels, 532 synagogues and 258 other buildings belonging to religious institutions in the territory of the USSR under occupation.

They destroyed in Chernigov: the ancient Boris and Gleb Cathedral, built at the beginning of the 12th century, the Church of Paraskeva-Pyatnitsa-on-Torg - the most valuable monument of Russian architecture of the 12th century, and the cathedral of the Polotsk St. Euphrosyne Monastery, built in 1160.

In Novgorod, the Nazi invaders destroyed Antoniev, Khutynsky, Zverin, Derevyanitsky and other ancient monasteries; an artistic monument - the famous Church of the Savior Pereditsa, built in the 12th century, was turned into ruins; buildings of the Novgorod Kremlin were damaged, including: the Church of St. Andrew Stratelates, the Church of the Intercession, the belfry of the St. Sophia Cathedral built in the 14th-16th centuries. In the vicinity of Novgorod, the Cyril Monastery Cathedral and the Church of St. Nicholas “on Lipka” were destroyed by enemy shelling. The Annunciation “on the Settlement”, the Savior “on Kovalevo”, the Assumption “on the Bolotovoe Field”, Michael the Archangel in the Skovorodinsky Monastery, St. Andrei "on Sitka" - all buildings of the 12th-14th centuries.

The Assumption Church has been turned into piles of bricks Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, built in 1073, and with it 8 monastery buildings.

By destroying monasteries, temples, mosques and synagogues and plundering their utensils, the German invaders mocked the religious feelings of people. Soldiers and officers came to churches in hats, smoked here, put on church vestments, kept horses and dogs in churches, and made sleeping bunks from icons.

Destruction of cultural and everyday institutions, public organizations and cooperations

In consumer and industrial cooperation, in trade unions and in other public organizations, the German invaders destroyed enterprises, shops and shops, clubs, stadiums, rest houses, and sanatoriums on the territory of the USSR, which was subject to occupation.

They destroyed over 87 thousand buildings for economic purposes from cooperative, trade union and other public organizations, including: 27 thousand shops, shops and stalls, 26 thousand warehouses and trading bases, 10 thousand residential buildings and 1,839 cultural buildings institutions. They dragged to Germany 700 steam boilers, 636 locomotives, 16 thousand electric motors, 12 thousand metal-cutting, 9 thousand woodworking and 8 thousand weaving looms, 7 thousand cars, 70 thousand sewing and special machines, about 8 million volumes of books, and also took away a lot of livestock , shoes, fabrics and other material assets. As a result, over 40 percent of the entire trade network of consumer cooperatives of the USSR was destroyed and over 17 thousand consumer societies and 1,600 district unions were liquidated. From the possessions of trade unions, the German invaders completely destroyed 120 sanatoriums and 150 rest homes, which annually served more than 3 million workers, engineers and employees. Of this total, in Crimea they destroyed 59 sanatoriums and holiday homes with 11,900 beds, in Caucasian Mineralnye Vody - 32 sanatoriums and holiday homes with 5,400 beds, in Leningrad region- 33 sanatoriums and holiday homes for 7,700 beds, in Ukraine - 88 sanatoriums and holiday homes for 18,700 beds.

Such well-known sanatoriums and rest homes suffered from the destruction: the Mountain sanatorium for the treatment of tuberculosis “Dolossy” in Simeiz, the Institute of Physical Methods of Treatment in Feodosia, the Alushta Rest House, the Odessa Neurosomatic Sanatorium, the Pushkin Tuberculosis Sanatorium in Leningrad and many others.

The Nazi invaders destroyed the buildings of 46 pioneer camps and children's health institutions owned by trade unions.

They destroyed 189 clubs and palaces of culture, including: in Leningrad - the Teacher's House of the Trade Union of Primary and Secondary School Workers; in the city of Krasny Luch - the Palace of Culture of the Trade Union of Coal Industry Workers of Donbass, simultaneously serving 4,000 people; in Rostov-on-Don - the Palace of Culture of the Union of Railway Workers of the South for 3 thousand people; palaces of culture and clubs in Stalingrad, Kramatorsk, Stalino, Gorlovka, Yenakiev, Kharkov and many other places.

Massive robbery of Soviet citizens by the Germans

In all republics, territories and regions of the Soviet Union that were subject to occupation, the Nazi invaders plundered rural and urban population, took away property, valuables, clothing, household items, imposed fines, taxes, and indemnities on civilians.

The widespread robbery of the population was part of the overall well-thought-out program of the Hitler government - to ruin the Soviet country, undermine its well-being, and turn Soviet citizens into beggars.

A secret instruction of the German command dated July 17, 1941, discovered during the destruction of the headquarters of the 68th German division, indicated the need to “instill in every officer and soldier of the German army a sense of personal material interest in the war”...

The German government deliberately unleashed the most base and brutal instincts among the officers and soldiers of the German army.

The Extraordinary State Commission has at its disposal a huge amount of materials and documents that expose the Nazi invaders as robbers and barbarians who plundered the property of not only state, collective farm and public organizations, but also the personal property of collective farmers, workers, intellectuals and employees.

In the Smolensk region, the occupiers took from the urban and rural population 136 thousand heads of cattle, 107 thousand pigs, 240 thousand sheep and goats, 180 thousand tons of grain products, about 400 thousand tons of potatoes and vegetables that personally belonged to them. The fascist invaders burned 129 thousand in 2,265 villages and hamlets residential buildings and 278 thousand outbuildings that were the personal property of citizens.

In the Oryol region, the Nazis burned and destroyed 173 thousand houses and 197 thousand outbuildings of citizens. They took from the population 15 thousand horses, 200 thousand heads of cattle, 112 thousand pigs, 312 thousand sheep and goats, about 3 million poultry, 96 thousand tons of grain, 14 thousand tons of flour, 133 thousand tons of potatoes.

In 10 districts of the Leningrad region alone, the Nazis destroyed 25,600 houses that belonged to workers, collective farmers and employees. All personal property of residents in these areas was plundered by the Germans.

In the Demyansky and Lychkovsky regions, they took from the population 4,800 pairs of felt boots, 2,900 fur coats and short fur coats, 23 thousand sheepskins, 40 thousand kilograms of wool.

In the Dnepropetrovsk region, German invaders took from citizens 137 thousand heads of cattle, 3 thousand horses, 67 thousand pigs, 16 thousand sheep and goats, over a million heads of various poultry, 36 thousand tons of grain and flour, 35 thousand tons of potatoes. and vegetables; burned and destroyed 57 thousand residential buildings and 33 thousand outbuildings.

In the Sumy region, the Nazis burned and destroyed 130 thousand residential and outbuildings that belonged to citizens; They took from them 106 thousand heads of cattle, 5 thousand horses, 29 thousand sheep and goats, 52 thousand pigs, 67 thousand tons of grain and flour, 47 thousand tons of potatoes.

Conducting an organized robbery of workers, collective farmers and employees in the Chernigov region, a German punitive detachment surrounded the village of Zagrebalnaya Sloboda on April 18, 1943 and opened machine-gun fire. The residents, leaving all their property, fled into the forest, after which their property was completely plundered and the village was burned.

In this way, the Germans destroyed the villages of Bobrovitsa and Yartsevo, the regional center of Kryukovka, the workers' village of Alekseevka, the villages of Eleno, Kuvechino, Kezary, Peski, Klubovka and others near the city of Chernigov. They burned 30 thousand residential buildings and 70 thousand outbuildings from citizens here, took away 140 thousand heads of cattle, 790 thousand heads of poultry, destroyed gardens with 330 thousand fruit trees.

The German invaders took away 70 thousand heads of cattle, 17 thousand horses, 51 thousand pigs, 148 thousand sheep and goats, 178 thousand tons of grain and flour from the citizens of the Polotsk region. They burned 94 thousand of their houses and outbuildings; gardens with 36 thousand perennial trees were destroyed. Only a few of the victims managed to save their household property, personal items and clothing.

In the Vitebsk region, the Germans took from citizens 109 thousand heads of cattle, 189 thousand sheep and goats, 820 thousand heads of various poultry, 39 thousand tons of grain, 156 thousand tons of potatoes and vegetables.

The Nazi invaders took away from the peasants of the Latvian, Lithuanian and Estonian Soviet republics the land that the Soviet government had endowed them with, and handed it over to the German barons and kulaks.

"All belonging agriculture live and dead inventory passes into the use of the old owners or respectively appointed managers, who are responsible for the entire management of the farm.”

Under the pretext of carrying out this order, the Nazis drove the working peasantry of the Baltic states off the land, took away their agricultural implements and equipment, and even took away the forest harvested by the peasants for the construction of residential buildings. In the Latvian SSR, the German invaders took away 600 thousand hectares of land, all livestock and agricultural equipment from former farm laborers, landless and land-poor peasants, for the purchase of which the Latvian Soviet government gave them a loan in the amount of 27 million rubles.

The Germans took away 320 thousand pieces of agricultural equipment and implements, about 2 million heads of livestock from Latvian peasants and took them to Germany; destroyed 500 thousand fruit trees, took away, plundered or exported over 9 million tons of agricultural products.

The German invaders took 620 thousand heads of cattle, 220 thousand horses, 770 thousand pigs, 270 thousand sheep and goats, 760 thousand tons of grain, 485 thousand tons of other agricultural products from Lithuanian citizens.

For the purpose of robbery and bloody reprisals against the population, the fascist invaders carried out punitive raids on villages and villages.

In September 1942, officers and soldiers of the 15th police regiment on the territory of the Belarusian SSR robbed and shot all the inhabitants of the villages of Borisovka, Borok and Zablochye, after which the villages were burned to the ground.

The company commander of this regiment, Lieutenant Müller, after the destruction of the village of Borki, reported to his superiors with exceptional cynicism:

“...the confiscation of grain and equipment occurred, apart from the shift in time, systematically. The number of carts turned out to be sufficient, since the amount of grain was small and the place where the unthreshed grain was stored was not far away.

The cattle drivers gathered quickly; they worked deftly and diligently. It turned out to be unfavorable that no preparations had been made on the Mokrana estate, so that great difficulties were encountered with feeding and milking the cattle. The question should be discussed whether it would not be advisable in the future to make the necessary preparations in advance under some other pretext.

Household utensils and agricultural implements were taken away along with carts of bread.

Here is a numerical summary of the executions. 705 people were shot: 203 men, 372 women, 130 children.

The number of collected livestock can only be determined approximately, since no records were taken at the place of arrival: 45 horses, 250 cattle, 65 calves, 450 pigs and piglets and 308 sheep.

During the operations in Borki, 786 rifle cartridges and 2,496 machine gun cartridges were consumed.

Chief Lieutenant and Acting Company Commander Muller ».

There were many such brutal German robbers as this Muller on German-occupied Soviet soil.

The German occupiers plundered the inhabitants of Soviet cities everywhere and without limit.

In Kyiv on October 6, 1942, Obersturmbannführer Spatzel ordered the population to hand over all gold, silver, and all valuables. Not counting on the population’s voluntary compliance with this order, the Nazis divided the city into so-called “combat zones”, from which all residents were evicted, and wholesale looting was carried out in abandoned houses.

After occupying the city of Artemovsk, Stalin Region, German soldiers and officers broke into citizens' houses, carried out searches and robberies, taking away all property from the population.

In Novorossiysk, the occupiers took away from citizens under the threat of execution. warm clothes, linen, bedding, watches, carpets, paintings, valuable furniture. The Nazis sent the stolen property to Germany.

In Stalingrad, on the orders of the head of the commandant's office, Major General Hening Paul, German soldiers and officers broke into the basements in which civilians were sheltering from bombing and took away all their valuables.

In Kislovodsk in August 1942, military commandant Paul and Gestapo chief Velden demanded that the Jewish population of the city hand over all valuables. In pursuance of this order, 100 thousand rubles in money, 530 pieces of gold and silver rings, cigarette cases and watches, 105 dozen silver spoons, 230 pairs of shoes, in addition, a large number of coats, suits, and carpets were deposited with the German commandant's office. The Germans took all this, after which all the Jews were shot.

The German invaders carried out the robbery of the Soviet population throughout the entire territory of the Soviet Union that was subject to occupation.

The Extraordinary State Commission took into account the damage caused by the occupation authorities to Soviet citizens and found that the Nazi invaders burned and destroyed about 4 million residential buildings that were the personal property of collective farmers, workers and employees, confiscated 1.5 million horses, 9 million heads of cattle, 12 million pigs, 13 million sheep and goats, and also took away a huge amount of all household property.

The German occupiers, guilty of organizing and carrying out on the territory of the Soviet Union the destruction of cities and villages, factories and factories, collective and state farms and the robbery of personal property of citizens, must bear full responsibility for their criminal acts, and the damage caused by the Nazi invaders to the national economy of the USSR and Soviet citizens must be compensated by Germany.


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