Growing petunia seedlings with your own hands. The secrets of long and abundant flowering of petunia When to open petunia after germination

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Petunia is very popular not only because of its attractive appearance, but also of great species diversity, unpretentiousness and the ability to form beautiful flower arrangements with other plants. It also looks beautiful on the lawn.

Among the existing varieties, the hanging varieties have a particularly attractive appearance, which are often used to decorate gazebos, terraces and balconies. As the main method of propagation use seed sowing. Therefore, if you want to grow a beautiful plant, you should start by growing seedlings. But things are not so simple here. Experienced flower growers know about some important nuances, which help them achieve success in this activity with less effort.

Choosing seeds

When you decide for yourself what type of petunia you are going to grow, you can go to the store to buy seeds. However, when choosing seeds, you need to take into account certain points that may subsequently affect the quality of adult plants.


The seeds are very small and look like poppy seeds. When you come to the store, they may offer you two types. Regular ones are sold in packaged form. But along with them you can buy panned ones, which placed in a soluble shell.

Simple ones are extremely difficult to deal with due to their small size, so during sowing you will have a difficult time distributing them evenly on the soil surface. Therefore, after the emergence of seedlings, you cannot avoid such an unpleasant procedure as thinning. If you want to save yourself from this, then it is better to immediately purchase panned ones. However, it must be taken into account that at the landing stage they will need a lot of moisture, since without it the shell will not be able to dissolve, and the seeds will not germinate.

Landing in the ground

It's time to find out when is the best time to plant flower seedlings. To do this, you need to consider what goals you want to achieve and in what conditions you will grow it.

Usually petunia begins to bloom after two to three months from the moment of emergence. Therefore, taking this point into account, you need to calculate the planting time. But keep in mind that if you want to sow seeds earlier than traditional dates, you will have to additionally illuminate the seedlings. If you are able to fulfill this condition, you can plan to sow in February. If providing additional lighting for young seedlings is a problem for you, then it is best to wait until March. When you decide to grow hanging species, keep in mind that they grow extremely slowly, so this is what you need to plant first. And it’s better if you germinate the future flower first.


By selecting approximate dates, you can start practicing preparing soil and pots for seedlings.

You can grow seedlings in containers made of any material, the main thing is that they are deep enough - at least 10 cm. Make sure that they contain drainage holes, since stagnation of water will be very destructive for seedlings. To save money, you can use disposable plastic food containers with lids for these purposes. You can create drainage holes in them using an awl. Thanks to the lid, which can be replaced with regular film, you can maintain the greenhouse effect inside. Good idea- carry out sowing in special cassettes for seedlings, providing small cells.

Keep in mind that seedlings will grow best in soil with a neutral or slightly acidic reaction. To grow it, you can use a ready-made store-bought mixture or prepare your own planting soil. To do this you will need the following components:

  • leaf (or turf) soil;
  • sand;
  • humus;
  • peat;
  • coconut substrate.

To normalize the acidity level of the soil, you can add a small amount of wood ash or lime. A soil mixture that has a loose, permeable and not very nutritious structure will be considered optimal. She will provide optimal conditions for the development of the root system of seedlings.

When the soil mixture is ready, it must be sifted through a sieve and then disinfected. To do this, pour boiling water over the soil or you can let it stand for several minutes in the microwave. After this, they take containers and lay drainage at the bottom, for which you can use crushed red brick or expanded clay. They begin to pour the soil mixture onto it. Be sure to compact the soil and water thoroughly. The amount of soil in the cups should be enough so that at least 2 cm remains from the surface to the top of the container. It is within this space that the seeds will germinate under a closed lid.

When using regular seeds to grow petunia seedlings, it is recommended to first mix with dry sand, because this will make it easier for you to place them on the surface. But you can do it differently: an ordinary toothpick can help you in this matter. To do this, you need to moisten its end a little and touch the seeds, after which, using another toothpick, the caught seeds are dropped into the right place.

You can also sow flower seedlings using snow. First, a little snow is laid out on the surface of the soil, and then seeds are placed on it. You will easily see them because they will be clearly visible against a white background. The snow will melt pretty soon, and then the future plant with melt water will end up on the ground.

With coated seeds proceed as follows: you need to take tweezers and move them to the selected place. For this adhere to a 3 x 3 cm planting pattern. If you decide to use a cassette to grow seedlings, then you only need to place one seed in one cell. This way you will save yourself from unnecessary picking and keep the roots of the seedlings intact.

After finishing sowing, be sure to spray the beds with water. It is not advisable to carry out manipulations to bury seeds in the soil. Although, according to some gardeners, it is useful to sprinkle them with a small layer of sand or light soil.

After this, the container must be covered with glass, film or a lid and moved to a bright, warm place, where it is necessary to maintain the temperature within 20-25 degrees. At the same time, additional illumination can be carried out.

When growing seedlings, care must be taken to ensure that no condensation accumulated inside. Seedlings need to be watered with a spray bottle when the need arises. At first, you can water with a very weak solution of manganese.

Proper care

Usually the seeds begin to germinate within five days from the moment of sowing. If this happens, then you can congratulate you, because you have successfully completed the most difficult stage. After all, as many gardeners know, the main difficulties in growing petunia seedlings are associated with low germination. And while the sprouts are sprouting, there will be no need for ventilation.

At this stage you can limit yourself removing accumulated condensate. Subsequently, you can begin to ventilate, ensuring fresh air enters the container. A clue that it is time to completely remove the lid will be when the sprouts are freed from their seed coats.

  • At the first signs of germination, the container must be placed in a very bright place, where it will be protected from direct sunlight. The temperature should be maintained at no higher than +18 degrees. In such conditions, it will be possible to avoid stretching the seedlings and make them stronger;
  • Watering seedlings is carried out based on the condition of the soil. It is necessary not to make a mistake not only with the frequency of watering, but also with the amount of water, in order to prevent both drying out and waterlogging of the soil. An imbalance in any direction can lead to the death of seedlings;
  • Also at this time you can begin to supplement the seedlings with illumination. For this purpose, phytolamps are used, although if they are not available, they can be replaced with energy-saving and fluorescent lamps. They must be used with caution, placing them at a safe distance, otherwise the plants may get burned from the bright light. The lighting should be sufficiently abundant. Therefore, you need to turn on the lamps early in the morning and leave them until the evening. During cloudy periods, additional illumination can be carried out throughout the day. For young seedlings, it is recommended to carry out additional illumination for at least 16 hours a day. If the plants lack light, they will begin to stretch and become weak.

In the first weeks, young seedlings grow extremely slowly. After all, at this time they spend most of their energy on the formation of the root mass. Therefore, you will have to wait and continue caring for them as usual.

Picking petunia and further care

Usually, within 1-1.5 months from the moment of sowing the seeds, the first two true leaves form in the seedlings. Their appearance makes it clear that the time has come for a pick.

This will require more nutrient soil mixture, which you need to fill small cups, having previously made drainage holes in them. For picking seedlings that were grown in a common container, you can also use special cassettes.

Before the weather becomes favorable outside for transplanting to permanent place, you may have to carry out more than one pick. Therefore, you need to watch the plants very carefully so as not to miss the moment when root system will take up all the space of the earth in the cup. This will give you a hint that you need to pick the plants into larger containers.

An excellent alternative to conventional pick containers are peat cups, since in the spring the seedlings can be transplanted directly with them to a permanent place. This way you can keep their roots intact.


The flower is valued by many gardeners, primarily because of its attractive appearance, which is why many regularly find a place for it on the site. Although I myself the growing process is not so simple, as it might seem at first glance. After all, before petunia begins to bloom, you will have to grow seedlings, and this is a rather difficult stage. Considering that the seeds have a low germination percentage, it is very important to select the right variety and prepare properly for sowing.

It is no less carefully necessary to care for young seedlings, since the grower is required to obtain strong seedlings at this stage, and this is a guarantee that after transplantation into open ground the plants will quickly take root and begin to bloom.

Today I propose to consider a topic such as growing petunia. I know firsthand that many people are unable to grow it at home for seedlings. And they plant it this way and that way, but it doesn’t germinate and that’s it. This is especially true for varietal plants, which are not sold so cheaply, and there are only a maximum of 10 pieces per package.

And buy it already ready seedlings for planting it in the garden, oh, it’s not cheap. One bush can cost 25 or 35 rubles, and even more, depending on the variety. I would like to buy it in different types, varieties and colors; plant it in a flowerbed, in flowerpots, and in pots... No amount of money is enough to buy everything. Therefore, it is better to learn how to plant it with seeds yourself.

The popularity of this plant is simply colossal. No matter who you visit in the summer, everyone can boast about their plants. And their appearance is simply amazing. From the simplest - pink and white modest flowers to huge terry buds rich in color.

How beautiful does it look on a balcony or window sill in a city apartment?! You look and get great aesthetic pleasure.

IN Lately In all cities, great attention is paid to improvement. They plant a lot of trees, shrubs, and of course flowers. And beautiful petunias can be found in every flowerbed, in every flowerpot. By mid-summer they grow and bloom so much that they look simply magnificent. They are fragrant with their delicate, subtle aroma and invariably attract the eye. And thus they will bloom and delight us until the frosts.

So today we will talk about planting this most popular plant. After all, in fact, planting seeds is not at all difficult. There are just a few little secrets, which will be discussed below.

This annual plant, whose homeland is South America. Where it was discovered by the Swedish botanist Lamarck. The name comes from the Brazilian word "petun", which means "tobacco". It belongs to the nightshade family. The plant came to Europe in early XIX century, where it began to be successfully cultivated. And a hundred years ago the first hybrids of the variety began to appear.

The plant has the appearance of a creeping or erect bush, with a height of 20 to 70 cm.

Its root system is taprooted and weakly branched. That is, the roots do not go very deep into the ground.

The most remarkable things about the plant are, of course, beautiful flowers. In petunia they are single, funnel-shaped, expanding upward in the form of a bell. Located in the axils of the leaves. They can be either completely simple or terry with a wavy or fringed edge.

Flowers, as a rule, have a delicate delicate aroma.

Their coloring is full of variety. Among them there are both plain and multi-colored, including with different edging. It is very difficult to describe the beauty of this plant and its flowers. Of course, it’s better to see it with your own eyes. It is no coincidence that this type of garden flowers so attracts the attention of all gardeners and flower growers.

The fruit of the plant has the form of a capsule, which can contain up to 300 very small seeds.

Varieties and varieties

All petunias are divided into multi-flowered and large-flowered.

The first of them bloom earlier and have many flowers on one bush with a diameter of about 5 cm. As a rule, there are a lot of them, and flowering continues until late autumn. Plants are not afraid of light frosts and are resistant to rain. They are not whimsical or capricious.

The latter have fewer flowers, but the flower itself is much larger. These plants are more whimsical; they do not like rain, which damages the delicate petals. Therefore, they are usually grown on terraces and balconies.

Also, all petunias differ in bush, ampelous and cascading.

  • Among the bush representatives you can find both small compact varieties and long shrubs. The size of the flowers of the former reaches 4 - 5 cm, while in the latter they can be up to 15 cm in diameter, which is simply amazing.

They have the shape of a bush and are usually planted in a flower bed.

The most popular varieties are “Milliflora”, with flower sizes up to 4 cm; “Multiflora” – with flowers up to 7 cm; and “Grandiflora” - with flowers up to 15 cm.

  • Ampel varieties also called “creeping”. They grow not up, but down. As a rule, their shoots are very long. And therefore they are ideal for insertion into hanging planters, or containers. Although, they can often be found in flower beds. They love the sun very much and bloom well under its rays.

There are quite a few varieties in this category, but the most popular variety is “Easy Wave”. It is very easy to grow and care for. The lashes can reach up to 1 meter in length, and the flowers themselves have a variety of colors and bloom well until frost.

Petunia "Easy Wave" has many hybrid varieties.

Equally popular and popular among the people are varieties such as Surfinia. This plant is perfectly adapted to unfavorable weather conditions. It develops very quickly and grows beautifully. Its lashes grow up to 70 cm in length. The flowers have a rich color scheme. The plant also loves sunny places, but in extreme cases it can grow in partial shade.

  • Cascading petunias also have fairly long shoots that grow not only downward, but also sideways and upward. Therefore, they are very popular in landscape design.

One of our favorite varieties to grow is the Picotee variety. The bushes grow up to 25 cm in length and have many large, bright flowers with white edges on the petals. She is not afraid of rain and has long time flowering.

The next variety to pay attention to is "Polaris". The flowers are also amazingly beautiful, and have contrasting white stripes on the petals. This annual is not afraid of bad weather, and is equally resistant to frost, rain and wind. It grows quite quickly and reaches a length of 30 cm. It blooms long and richly.

And so, bush varieties are better suited for flower beds, and ampelous and cascading varieties are better suited for vases and flowerpots. However, for planting plants on a balcony or loggia, preference is given to cascading varieties.

What is the difference between cascading petunia and hanging petunia?

Sometimes not everyone can understand what is the difference between hanging and cascading varieties. Let's look at this in even more detail.

Cascade varieties differ from hanging varieties primarily in that their shoots are longer and curly. At the same time, the plants grow not only downwards, like hanging ones, but also upwards and to the sides. That is, they require more space and pot space to grow and develop.

It is better to grow such plants in hanging pots, where growth in all directions will be ensured.

Pay attention to the variety "Jokonda" (Gioconda). Mature plant has shoots up to 1 meter in length, while its height reaches 20 cm, which is not small at all. At the same time, the flowers have a rich palette of colors - purple, pink, scarlet, red, orange...

Another variety is also very good and is often grown in flower beds. The stems of the plant are very long, creeping, and they also grow in all directions and upwards. This allows you to fill the space in the garden bed up to 2 square meters. meters. And if such a plant is regularly fed, then the number of flowers and the time of their flowering will simply amaze you. This variety is called “Taifun” (Typhoon). Apparently the name for it was not chosen by chance.

And so, we got a little acquainted with the overview, varieties and varieties of petunias. All this will help you decide on the choice of variety and correct landing and further cultivation.

How to properly grow seedlings from seeds

Not everyone grows petunia on their own due to the fact that they do not want to bother too much with the seedlings. And some because attempts to do this always turned out to be unsuccessful. Therefore, they prefer to buy ready-made seedlings in the store. But as mentioned above, when the planting season begins, the price of this plant is very, very high.

That's why favorite plant They buy it, but in very small quantities. Having planted it in a flowerpot or two, they always think about having even more such flowerpots!

But the landing process is not at all complicated. You could even say it's lightweight. Therefore it is better to grow planting material on one's own. And even those varieties that you want. And not those that were grown on a mass scale.

The only thing that should always be taken into account when planting these garden flowers is that the seeds take a long time to germinate, just as the seedlings grow and become stronger. Therefore, in order to see plants in flowers already in June, seeds should be planted for seedlings at the end of January, and in the southern regions at the end of February.

Let's look at how to do this step by step.

When to plant seeds for seedlings according to the lunar calendar

For all gardeners and gardeners the best leadership for planting certain plants is moon calendar. After all, everyone already knows that favorable landing days depend on one phase or another of the moon.

And if we are guided by the lunar calendar, then everyone should also know that neither sowing nor planting should be done on the days of the full moon. And in 2019 they fall on January 6, February 5, March 6 and April 5. And also you shouldn’t do this during the new moon, which in 2019 falls on January 21 (which is too early for planting in any case), as well as February 19, March 21 and April 19.

The lunar calendar advises us to start planting

    • February 7, 8, 16, 17, 20, 21, 24, 25
    • March 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 23, 24
    • April 7, 8, 11, 12, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 29, 30

In April, although it is already somewhat late for planting seeds, it is still the time for picking and replanting.

By the way, on the days of the full moon and new moon it is also not recommended to do other work with seedlings, and even water them.

Of course, this information is only recommended. And everyone decides for themselves the timing of planting. To check how the lunar calendar works, you can plant several trial options. Record the time of planting, and subsequently monitor how certain specimens develop.

Preparing seeds for sowing

1. The first thing you need to think about before planting any plants is the soil. For our today's “beauty”, neutral or slightly acidic soil is best suited.

For this, many people take ordinary garden soil, treat it with a solution of potassium permanganate and mix it with special soil for seedlings purchased at the store. At the same time there is special mixtures for flowers. Universal mixtures that are used for planting vegetable and berry crops are also suitable.

You can also prepare soil from one part of turf soil from the garden, one part of sand and two parts of humus and peat.

2. The next thing you need to think about is preparing containers for planting. There are several options for this.

  • You can use a special plastic box with lid, used for growing seedlings. Someone plants it in a regular plastic cake box. In this case, you need to provide cover for the box to create greenhouse effect. At first, you can cover the box ordinary glass or a plastic bag.

In this way, you can plant not particularly demanding plants with good germination.

  • For more gentle creatures, there is another way of sowing - in peat tablets. The method is excellent, with 100% germination.

3. Seed preparation. Currently, seeds are mostly sold in granules. These are very convenient to plant at a certain, specified distance. Their only drawback is that there are quite a few of them in one package sold. Especially for varietal plants.

And many people collect the seeds themselves. From those boxes that can be found in abundance on flower bushes. They are very small. There are about 3000 - 5000 thousand pieces in one gram. And it is clear that it will be more difficult to sow such ones. Or rather, sowing them is not so difficult, but then you will have to work hard when picking.

It is best to mix such seeds with sand before planting. Therefore, prepare it in advance too.

Features of sowing seeds for seedlings in plastic boxes

And so we have the land ready and the containers ready for planting. What to do next?

1. The day before planting, fill the planting container with a mixture of soil. Water it generously with some fungicide to disinfect and prevent root rot and blackleg disease. At home, a solution of potassium permanganate is usually diluted and treated with it.

2. The next day, thoroughly loosen the soil. It should be damp. Take out some of the soil and compact the rest using a ruler, carefully trimming all the edges and the entire surface.

3. Then add the soil that was taken out of the box. Some particularly pedantic gardeners prefer to sift it further.

The sifted layer should be at least 2, but not more than 4 cm.

It also needs to be leveled and lightly compacted with a ruler. This is necessary so that the seeds lie flat on the surface and also germinate evenly.

The thing is that petunia seeds are not buried in the ground, but sown on the surface. Therefore, when planting, there should be no voids or cavities in the soil where the seed could fall and fail. If it gets underground, it is unlikely to germinate.

4. When the ground is prepared, seeds are scattered into it in an even layer. In this case, they can first be poured into a sheet of paper folded in half and sprinkled from it in small portions.

In order for the shell to dissolve faster, it must be sprayed with water. room temperature from a spray bottle. In this case, a stream of water will not only melt the shell, but also lightly press the seeds in the soil.

5. Also in a great way is planting seeds in the snow. That is, you need to lay a fairly thick layer of snow on top of the soil, about 5 centimeters thick. Then scatter the seeds directly on the snow. This method has a number of undoubted advantages:

  • In the snow, the accuracy of the layout is better visible. And you can add it somewhere if there are not enough seeds in some part
  • While the snow melts, it will completely dissolve the shell in which the seeds are placed
  • the snow will lightly crush the seeds and press them into the soil exactly as needed

6. At first, the greenhouse effect is important. Therefore, be sure to cover the planting container with a lid, glass or bag.

7. Then place the containers in a warm, well-lit place. In winter there is little light, and in this case special lamps are used for lighting. Every day, morning and evening, the lid must be opened to allow air access and ventilate the containers.

The ideal temperature for seed germination is 24 - 25 degrees. In about a week, shoots should appear.

If cold temperatures are expected at night, place additional insulation between the window and the box.

8. When shoots appear, the lid will need to be removed more often, first removing it for 20 minutes, then 30, and so on. The temperature regime can also be reduced. During the day up to 20 degrees, and at night up to 16.

9. When the seedlings grow to 1 cm in height, the lid can be removed completely.

10. It is better to water the soil at first, and then the seedlings from a spray bottle, or through a tray. Or you can water along the walls of the box. You cannot overwater seedlings.

11. One to two weeks after germination, the first fertilizing can be done. To do this, it is enough to spray them with a very weak solution of potassium permanganate. And after 3-4 true leaves appear, you can feed the plants with a solution of “Kristalon”. To do this, it must be diluted in a bucket of water in the amount of one tablespoon. The solution must be poured into the soil in the amount required for irrigation.

How to plant plants in peat tablets

Varietal terry petunias can be planted very conveniently and quickly in peat tablets. The method is of course more expensive, but in this case the germination rate tends to 100%. I use this method to germinate expensive seeds.

To do this, we need the peat tablets themselves and a convenient container where we will prepare them for planting. For tablets, you can buy a special mini greenhouse, or you can use a regular cake box. Or any other plastic container, where these tablets can be installed and soaked.

1. To begin, the tablets should be placed in a prepared container.

2. Then fill them with water. At first, the rather flat tablets will begin to grow in height, taking on the appearance of a kind of small pot. On the outside, each of them is covered with a shell that will prevent it from growing in breadth. Subsequently, this shell can be removed. This is done when picking to allow the roots to grow unhindered in all directions.

In principle, the shell can be left, especially if the roots have already grown out. And do the transplant right with her. It is very thin and has the appearance of a mesh. And in no way will it interfere with root growth.

The tablet should grow up three times. As water is absorbed, it can be added, giving them the opportunity to continue to grow.

3. When the tablets have reached the right size, get the seeds. They are usually found in cones and are covered with a special soluble shell, which is said to contain necessary complex microfertilizers. After opening one of them, prepare a toothpick. We will plant seeds for her. Pour them into a small saucer.

4. Dip a toothpick in water, then pick up one of the seeds and place it directly in the center. There is no need to press down or cover it with soil. It should be clearly visible and under no circumstances buried. Thus lay out all the seeds.

5. In the first week, the seeds do not need to be watered. Our improvised pots are quite saturated with moisture. You just need to create a greenhouse effect, and to do this you need to cover the box with a lid. She should be in this state all this time. Moisture will form under the surface of the lid, then drops will fall down, and this watering should be quite enough.

6. Place the mini greenhouse in a warm, well-lit place. The ideal temperature would be 24 degrees.

7. In the morning and evening, the greenhouse must be opened briefly, for 2 - 3 minutes, for ventilation. After 4 - 5 days, provided that it is warm enough, the first shoots may appear. And after 7 - 8 days they should all appear. This is provided that you purchased good seeds.

8. After a week, you can carry out the first watering by adding a little warm water into the pallet. Then keep the seedlings covered for another week. At the same time, when ventilating, see if the soil becomes dry, then you can add water to the pan again, or spray the soil with a spray bottle.

9. After two weeks, the sprouts have already grown and stretched out. It's time to remove the top cover. Then grow the same as ordinary seedlings until picking.

Video on how to plant petunia in a “snail”

Since we have already talked to you about in different ways planting petunia, then you cannot miss such a new and interesting way, like landing in a “snail”. No, of course, we will not literally plant in a snail, this is just what the method is called. By the way, it is also used when planting lobelia, other flowers with small seeds and remontant strawberries.

Therefore, perhaps this method will interest you too.

I myself have never planted plants this way. But I watched the germination in the video. Basically, it's pretty good.

Please note that Epin is used for germination. Apparently it contributes to such good germination.

Whether you will plant this way or not, I don’t know. But as a method, it will probably be interesting for you. In any case, take note of it.

Caring for seedlings before planting in open ground

And so, the seeds were planted, and they are already beginning to germinate. Now it is important to preserve them and grow them to a state and time when we can transplant them into the ground.

Until this time, they should be looked after, fed, properly watered, fertilized and pruned. And also fight diseases if they appear. This will be discussed in the next article.

Right at the beginning of the article I will touch on the topic of watering. As has already been said more than once today, you should avoid overwatering. Also, tender and small leaves in the growth phase also do not like excess water and it is not recommended to water it on the leaves.

Therefore, even small seedlings are watered in several interesting ways.

  • through the pallet
  • along the very edge of the landing tank
  • using a syringe without a needle
  • rubber bulb, directly deepening it into the soil

That is, any method is good, as long as it does not affect the leaves.

How and when to pick plants

Petunia, like other plants, is picked. That is, they are transplanted into larger containers, each plant in a separate pot.

Although, if you immediately planted them in separate cups, then picking is not necessary. But for the most part, it is not possible to plant everything at once in separate containers, so such plants grow all together. And when they have 2 - 3 pairs of true leaves, it’s time to replant them.

For picking, you need to prepare separate small cups. It is necessary to make holes in the bottom so that there is no stagnation of water. They need to be filled with the same soil in which the seeds were sown. Using an old screwdriver handle or a small stick, make a hole in the center of the pot with soil where we will transplant the seedlings.

On the eve of transplanting, all seedlings should be watered to make them easier to remove from the soil during transplantation and to avoid damaging the roots.

First of all, we plant strong and large seedlings in prepared glasses. To do this, carefully remove them from general box, lightly shake off excess soil. During this, all the roots are slightly straightened and lowered down. And in this form we lower them into the hole of the glass prepared in advance.

There is no need to deepen the plant. Just like compacting. In the first case, you can damage the roots and disrupt the usual “standard of life” of the plant. Secondly, oxygen access to the roots will cease.

Weak plants are usually discarded. Their development has already slowed down, and they are unlikely to catch up with their more successful and stronger brothers.

After transplanting, we forget to water the plants.

It is better to feed the seedlings 7 - 10 days after picking. It is better to fertilize with a preparation to strengthen and grow roots.

Do I need to pinch and trim plants?

To form beautiful bush a method called pinching is used. When and how is it used?

When the main shoot of a seedling grows very quickly and does not allow side shoots to develop, then the main stem of the plant is pinched to ensure uniform development. They remove two, three, or even four leaves in the place where the so-called “growth point” is located. It is either pinched by hand or cut with scissors.

As a result of this procedure, new shoots will form from the axil of each leaf. The side shoots that have already appeared will also grow more actively. Subsequently, each of them can also be pinched. In this case, the formed bush will not look like a long single lash, but will turn out lush. And the main bonus will be that there will be many more flowers on it.

The plant can also be pruned. It is needed when one or several of the side shoots are ahead of the others in growth. This happens when the plant does not have enough sunlight, and only the shoot that receives it the most grows. In this case, they are simply cut off and aligned with the rest, counting approximately by the number of leaves.

However, pinching is not always necessary. If the plant is formed evenly, and along with the main shoot, the side shoots also develop well, then in this case, let the plant continue to grow on its own.

Timing and feeding of plants

When we planted the seedlings and each plant acquired its own home, we can think about real feeding. During this period, leaf growth is especially important. Through them, more sunlight enters the plant itself and the roots, and with it more useful substances are carried.

Therefore, at this stage, of course, vitamins and nitrogenous fertilizers are needed, as well as small additions of phosphorus and potassium. If you visit any store from the “Garden” category, you can find a huge number of drugs needed in this area. You can purchase a complex fertilizer such as Florin and water the plants with it according to the instructions on the package, namely 1 ml per 1 liter of water.

Or use drugs such as “Uniflor”, “Ideal”, etc. And if you don’t find either one or the other, then seek help from a sales consultant who will advise you the right fertilizer in this class.

Plants should be watered moderately. We remember that excessive watering can lead to seedling disease.

After a week, dilute the solution again, but in an even lower concentration, and spray the plants with it from above.

When the leaves begin to grow, it is worth feeding the roots. And for this we will already need phosphate fertilizers. And potassium is responsible for flowering, therefore, when the flower enters the flowering phase, it is necessary to fertilize it using it.

Agricola or Kemira Lux, or other similar fertilizers, of which sufficient quantities are currently sold, are suitable for this.

Plant diseases and their control

If you properly prepared the soil and also properly cared for the seedlings, then they will grow and gain strength day by day, delighting you with their green appearance. But if something is missed somewhere, then the plants may get sick.

The most common disease is a fungus called blackleg. When the plant has not yet become strong, has begun to grow and itself has a thin long stem and not very developed upper leaves, then it is very vulnerable to such a disease. It looks like the stem at the base of the ground begins to rot, and then the plant simply falls.

This disease is often caused by excessive watering and high humidity. When a plant receives little light and heat under such conditions.

Or when the ground was simply not treated with potassium permanganate or another fungicide before planting.

In case of infection, diseased plants must be removed immediately so that infection does not occur to others. And also spill the soil with a strong solution of potassium permanganate, or a 40% formaldehyde solution. There is also a method in which sand heated in a frying pan and sifted is sprinkled around the roots.

Another common problem is chlorosis, or iron deficiency. It consists in the fact that the leaves begin to turn yellow. All of them, or partially, can turn yellow. Iron-containing preparations, such as Ferovit, containing iron chelate, will help cope with this problem.

It can also settle on seedlings spider mite. In this case, cobwebs appear on the plants, and the plant itself begins to slowly wither. Drugs such as Actellik, Neoron or Fitoverm will help get rid of ticks.

And sometimes amateur gardeners themselves make such stupid mistakes that lead to plant disease. For example, they water them with leftover tea, or “meat” or “milk” water.

Thus, mold appears on the soil, which prevents the sprouts from developing normally and leads to their death. And if you water before the seedlings appear, you may never see them.

When and how to plant petunia in open ground

So, our plants have already become quite large, and some of them have even bloomed, which is incredibly pleasing. And there are more and more warm and fine days outside. So it's time to think about bringing them to the Fresh air and gradually prepare for planting in open ground.

But first, the pots of seedlings can be transferred to a greenhouse or hotbed. Depending on the weather, this can be done as early as May. And in warm areas even in April.

If the nights are still cold, then the plants can be covered with covering material at night, making something like a small greenhouse in a greenhouse. Remove the material during the day. In this way we will harden our plants a little. Two weeks after the night shelters, you no longer have to worry about the seedlings, they have already adapted and now will not freeze.

Watering and fertilizing during this period is carried out in the same way as during housekeeping.

When the time comes to plant plants in open ground, it is better to do this in the evening. It is not so hot at night, and during this time the plant will be able to recover slightly and gain strength.

Plants should be planted to a depth of at least 10 cm. If you plant small-flowered plants, then the distance between plants should be 18 - 20 cm. If you plant large-flowered varieties petunias, then the distance should be slightly increased, namely, plant seedlings at a distance of 23 - 25 cm from each other. Hanging varieties are planted at a distance of 28 - 30 cm.

The timing of planting seedlings directly depends on the climate zone where you live. In the southern regions of our country it is planted starting in April. And where it is cooler, you can plant it in the middle or even the end of May.

Before planting, it is necessary to dig up or loosen the soil, add organic fertilizer and water the soil well. Try not to damage the roots and place them in the hole so that they do not stick out to the sides or up. Do this carefully and with great love and caring for the plant.

Petunia is so beautiful and delicate plant, which you want to take care of and want to admire. This is what we basically do when we grow bushes from the smallest seed to a fragrant large bush strewn with flowers.

And she tries to give us the best that she has. And it pleases us with its magnificent flowers all summer and part of autumn.

And I hope that thanks to today’s article you will find answers to all questions related to planting seeds and caring for the sprouts of this the most beautiful plant. And you will grow many plants that will delight you too.

Excellent plantings and a whole sea of ​​beautiful flowers!

Picking is the process of transplanting young seedlings from small to large containers. In this case, you need to take a new soil mixture for replanting. True, some gardeners believe that picking is undesirable, since this event can be stressful for the plants, which is why they will begin to grow more slowly. Is this true or not? Let's figure it out.

Petunia seedlings in cups

Most often, seeds are planted in small pots or cups. As seedlings develop, the root system becomes larger and lacks space. Also in the ground end nutrients, which are extremely necessary for seedlings. As a result, the seedlings stop growing and may become sick. To prevent such Negative consequences growing in a small container, it is advisable to plant seedlings - by increasing the area of ​​the planting box, you will contribute to the development of a powerful root system.

Of course, you can immediately plant the seeds in big pot, but also in in this case The seedlings will grow quite slowly. The reason is simple - excess moisture in the soil, which will impede the access of oxygen to the roots of the plant. Also, picking will allow you to achieve the following results:

  • Good development of the root system due to the formation of powerful lateral roots, which will make the plant more resistant to diseases and adverse weather conditions.
  • During the picking, you can choose the most powerful seedlings.
  • If the seedlings begin to outgrow and become lethargic, by replanting you can stop the growth of green mass for a while, allowing the root system to develop.
  • If the seedlings are sick, you can try to save healthy seedlings by transplanting them into new soil.

When can you pick? Just pay attention to the seedlings - after the first two true leaves appear, you can start working.

In the last few years, peat tablets have become one of the popular materials for peppers, petunias and other plants. Tablets are pressed peat that expands in size when it comes into contact with moisture. It is much more convenient to plant granulated or pelleted seeds in such a substrate. Optimal size tablets – 4 cm in diameter.

Petunia seedlings in peat pots

With this sowing option, traditional picking is, in principle, not necessary, however, after the first 2-3 true leaves appear (usually a month after sowing the seeds), the plant still needs to be replanted.

How to carry out the work? First prepare disposable cups or small pots, fill them with loose and nutritious soil, which will allow root seedlings to quickly develop and take root. After this, make a depression in the center of the pot slightly larger than the size of the tablet. Moisten it, place it in the ground and sprinkle with earth to completely hide the substrate. Finally, water the seedlings well and place the pots in a sunny place.

If you sow petunia seeds in seedling boxes, picking is usually done after the second pair of leaves appears on the seedlings. You need to do the following:

  1. Prepare a separate glass or pot for each seedling.
  2. Fill the containers with loose, nutritious soil.
  3. Make a small indentation in the top layer using a pencil.

After you moisten the prepared soil mixture, you can pick the seedlings. To reduce the risk of damage to the root system, you should use tweezers, especially if the seedlings are too dense.

Picking petunia seedlings

We “lift” the wet soil a little using a wooden spatula, pick up the seedling with tweezers and carefully transfer it to a new pot. We place the seedlings in the hole, cover them with soil, compact the soil around the stem and water the soil. We repeat such manipulations with each seedling. Picking seedlings is very simple; you just need to act carefully, because the slightest sudden movement can lead to injury to the roots of the petunias.

Helpful tips for picking correctly:

  • Seedlings should not be planted in the soil above their growth point, which may stop the development of petunias.
  • We told you when you need to pick - you shouldn’t put off the work, because the older the shoot, the more difficult it is for it to take root in a new place.
  • Before replanting, treat the roots of the plants with a weak solution of potassium permanganate (only 1 g of product per 1 liter of water). This event will help seedlings cope with bacteria and make them more resistant to diseases.

After transplantation, it is necessary to provide the seedlings with proper care. It consists of a number of simple activities:

  • Watering. Petunia seedlings need regular watering, especially in the hot season. But you shouldn’t carry out the work too often - this can lead to rotting of the root system.
  • Every two weeks it is worth feeding the seedlings with mineral fertilizers. The first feeding is carried out after the appearance of the first 4 true leaves. You can use fertilizers containing potassium and nitrogen.
  • Providing warm temperature – at +20–22 °C. Petunias also need good lighting, so pots with seedlings should be placed on the windowsill.
  • Hardening. After picking, after 3-4 days, it is advisable to start hardening the plants, first opening the window, and then taking the seedlings out onto the balcony.

If the temperature outside has dropped, it is advisable to remove the seedlings from the balcony. Petunia is a heat-loving plant, and temperatures below +16 °C can kill seedlings. But you also need to remember that too high temperatures may have a negative impact on the seedlings - they will take root very slowly.

High-quality petunia seeds germinate easily and quickly. They are so microscopic that they have to be sown on the surface without covering them with soil. In the presence of heat and moisture, sprouts appear after 5-7 days and stretch with thin hairs towards the light. Often, already at this stage, the gardener faces obstacles and problems. Seedlings may suddenly fall over, affected by blackleg, or seedlings may dry out due to insufficient moisture. How to provide petunias with gentle care at this stage?

Before sowing petunias, you need to decide on the choice of seeds and timing. For beginners, it is better to give preference to coated seeds or seeds in granules. They are more convenient to deal with. The germination rate of granulated seeds is better, but the price is higher.

Petunia has a long growing season, so it is sown early for seedlings. Before planting in the ground, the seedlings will spend 2 months or more on the windowsill. This indicator depends on the variety and growing conditions.

On a note! The earliest sowing is done at the end of February, but these seedlings will need lighting. If this is not possible, sow petunia in mid-March.

To obtain strong seedlings, you need to choose the right planting container and soil. In the form of containers, it is better to use a wide plastic container of medium depth. In such a container it is easier to achieve the greenhouse effect. Can be adapted for planting plastic container with lid for food products.

Soil for planting can be bought at the store, or you can make it yourself. For soil mixture you will need:

  • 1 tsp turf soil;
  • 1 tsp leaf soil;
  • 1 tsp lowland peat;
  • 1 hour humus;
  • 0.5 tsp coarse sand.

The soil for petunia seedlings should be fine-grained; all large particles should be crushed or removed. You can sift the soil through a sieve. Before laying the soil, fine expanded clay is poured onto the bottom, which will serve as a drainage layer.

You can grow petunia seedlings in peat tablets, which are placed in a common container. The container is pre-treated with a solution of potassium permanganate for disinfection.

The height of the soil layer should be 6 cm, leaving 2-3 cm to the edge of the container. When sowing ordinary seeds, to facilitate the procedure, they are mixed with dry sand. Instead of sand, you can use snow mass. When the snow melts, it will pull the seeds to the desired depth, but will not allow them to sink too deeply. With this method, there is no need to additionally moisten the soil.

The seeds that were mixed with sand are evenly distributed over the surface of the soil and lightly moistened with a spray bottle. There is no need to sprinkle anything on top of the crops. You can also sow petunia using a moistened toothpick.

A seed sticks to it, which is transferred to the ground, after which it is shaken off with a second toothpick, which is not wetted. After sowing, the container is closed with a lid or film and transferred to a room with a temperature of 20-22°C.

When seedlings appear, the seedlings require careful handling. Petunia seedlings are too fragile and tender. To obtain strong, viable bushes, you will have to devote enough time and care to the sprouts.

The soil should not dry out even for a short time. But stagnation of moisture should also not be allowed. An imbalance in one direction or another can easily lead to the death of seedlings.

The seedlings are watered for the first time as soon as sprouts appear above the ground. In the future, the frequency of watering depends on a number of conditions (soil composition, room temperature, soil volume).

While the seedlings are very thin experienced flower growers It is recommended to water them with a syringe with a needle, introducing moisture into upper layer soil. This method helps protect seedlings from blackleg and allows you to more accurately regulate the amount of moisture introduced.

To prevent fungus, you can alternate watering with plain water and a weak solution of potassium permanganate. As soon as the plants become a little older, you can water them through a tray. In this case, the roots will retract themselves required amount moisture, excess water will need to be removed.

If the film is removed too early, thin sprouts can easily die, because their roots have not yet developed. It is difficult for plants to independently maintain the level of moisture necessary for their development. Greenhouse conditions help keep this figure within normal limits.

Accustom seedlings to open air premises are needed gradually. At first, the shelter is only opened slightly for 5-10 minutes for ventilation. It is advisable to do this several times a day.

Condensation on the film or lid is removed daily. This is done until the seedlings become stronger and at least 2-3 pairs of true leaves are formed.

For several days before finally removing the cover, leave the plants without it for 2-3 hours, and then remove the film completely. This will help the petunia adapt more easily to lower humidity conditions.

Petunia seedlings develop slowly. Their growth largely depends on light and temperature. Daylight hours must be maintained at 14-16 hours. This can be achieved by using fluorescent light sources or phytolamps for additional lighting. Such lamps have good light output and are economical to use.

On a note! With a lack of light, young seedlings begin to bend towards the window. In this case, the box with seedlings must be turned over, placing its other side towards the light.

Seeds should germinate at a temperature of 22-25°C. It is this regime that will allow you to get friendly shoots within five days. After sprouts appear, these numbers are reduced.

During the day, seedlings need a temperature of about 20°C, and at night it is lowered to 16°C, which can be easily achieved by slightly opening the window. It is this technique, combined with additional lighting, that will prevent the seedlings from stretching.

Experts recommend picking technology, in which seedlings are transplanted twice. It is not advisable to immediately plant seedlings in large containers. The volume of the cup should be proportionate to the root system. For the first time, you can plant petunia in yogurt cups or the smallest pots.

Fresh soil should be sufficiently fertile. Each seedling is carefully lifted from below and transferred using tweezers into a separate container. Shortly before picking, the seedlings are lightly watered so that the soil is moderately moist and does not fall off the roots.

There is no need to compact the soil after replanting, since the roots of petunias are still too fragile and easily damaged. Picked seedlings are watered with warm, settled water at the root.

There is no need to do this earlier. In phase active growth seedlings are fed every 2 weeks. As the first feeding, you can spray the sprouts with a solution of potassium permanganate, energen or phytosporin - this will help maintain the health and immunity of the seedlings.

You don’t need to fertilize petunia any more before picking. Only in exceptional cases (and in cases of signs of chlorosis) can nitrogen or complex mineral fertilizer be applied.

1-1.5 weeks after picking, feed with calcium nitrate, spending 1 tsp. drug per liter of water. After another week, one of the following drugs is added:

  • "Uniflor Micro";
  • "Uniflor growth";
  • "Plantafol";
  • "Effecton";
  • "Crystalon";
  • "Kemira".

Follow the dosage of fertilizers exactly. An excess of minerals is just as harmful as a deficiency. To make the plants plump, spray the young shoots with a solution ammonium nitrate saturated with nitrogen.

In May, already strong bushes are fertilized with nitroammophoska to continue development, dissolving 20 g of the drug in 10 liters of water. Monophosphate, added shortly after picking, will promote active budding; petunias are very fond of this fertilizer. inkstone used if the seedlings show yellow spots.

Expensive, rare varieties of petunias are usually grown in peat tablets, which are a pity to lose. Maintenance when sowing seeds in this way is reduced to a minimum. Before planting, tablets measuring 3x4 cm are poured hot water and let them swell.

After cooling, a depression is made in the center of each tablet into which the seed is placed. If the seeds are not granulated, they are transferred to the tablet with tweezers or a damp toothpick.

Such seedlings no longer need to be planted; watering with this method of cultivation is also simplified. Water is poured into the tray of the container with the tablets as soon as they begin to dry out and decrease in size. Otherwise, caring for seedlings is no different from ordinary activities for growing seedlings.

After sowing into tablets, petunia also requires shelter, as well as compliance with light and temperature regime. Transplant seedlings in tablets as soon as roots appear.

Those who have been growing petunias for a long time have accumulated some secrets that are useful for every gardener to know:

  1. Not all petunias can be propagated by seed. Terry varieties and surfinias do not produce seeds; they can only be propagated by cuttings. To do this, shoots with two internodes are rooted, tearing off their buds and some leaves.
  2. To protect plants from fungal diseases, treat the soil with any fungicide before planting.
  3. It is absolutely unacceptable to water young petunia seedlings from a watering can. Watering is done with a fine spray; it will not cause the seedlings to fall. Later, it is best to water the plants through a tray.
  4. When outside the window bright sun, postpone watering until evening. Petunia grows intensively at night and it is at night that it actively consumes moisture. During the day, the soil can dry out quickly.
  5. Some have gotten used to growing petunia seedlings in soil with hydrogel, previously soaked in a fertilizer solution. In this case, the plants are not only protected from drying out of the soil, but also receive additional nutrition.
  6. After watering, lightly loosen the soil. This will help provide the roots with enough oxygen.
  7. If the root system of grown seedlings in a small container has completely entwined earthen lump, provide each plant with a 2 liter pot. In such a container, the seedlings will develop freely before being planted in open ground.
  8. To make the bushes lush, they are used to stimulate the growth of side shoots. Most new varieties do not need pinching; their branching is genetically determined.
  9. Petunia is afraid of frost, so you can plant it in a flowerbed only if you are completely sure that there will be no return frosts.
  10. For growing in the ground, choose bush varieties,

Petunia has risen, what to do next: video with Yulia Minyaeva

The petunias have risen. What to do? First care for young seedlings of petunias and lobelias: video

To grow a beautiful petunia, you will have to invest a lot of work, but gardeners who are passionate about their favorite hobby are not frightened by difficulties, but on the contrary, they cause excitement. But how much joy you will experience looking at the abundantly blooming, fragrant petunia bushes, which you can admire until frost.


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