Growing arugula in the country. Arugula: agricultural technology for growing and the best varieties How to plant arugula in the garden

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Arugula has several other names, some of which you have definitely heard: mustard salad, Indian or arugula). It is a salad plant that belongs to the cabbage family, and was brought to our territory from the Mediterranean countries.

Divided by two types: annual and perennial. Popular about the type. It can reach a height of approximately 80 centimeters. She is characterized by flowers yellow color. The seeds ripen in special long pods. Only one copy contains at least 25 seeds! They are the basis for creating mustard. If you are not afraid to start growing arugula, then you should read our article, which can answer all your questions.

Short story arugula

It has been known since ancient times; arugula was added to food as a piquant spice. At first, residents of France and England knew about it, but decades later its popularity spread to other countries, thus captivating the whole world.

The plant has an unsurpassed aroma that cannot even be compared with anything. It goes well with various vegetables, and is also used as a complement to meat dishes. The seeds can be put into winter pickles, they will give them a more unusual taste. As for the rhizome, it has been used for many years in traditional medicine recipes.

How to properly grow arugula in the garden

In order for the plant to take root and not die on your site, you should provide it with a large area with neutral soil, also soil will do with a low alkali content. You can make less acidic soil using lime, and this is necessary, because lettuce will not grow in acidic soil. Arugula is grown in two ways: using seedlings and seeds. To obtain a rich harvest and for the plants to develop quickly, it is recommended to use the seedling method. With its help, you will also reduce your waste on seed material.

Arugula is often planted in March-April. The plant will take root faster if there was a pumpkin or beans growing on the site before it. To plant arugula you can use peat cups. Plant 4 seeds in one pot and cover them with a 1 centimeter layer of soil.

They should hatch in a week first shoots. There is no need to pick seedlings. Once the arugula has finally gotten stronger, it can be planted in the ground outside. Seedlings are grown separately (2 pieces each). To do this, cut a plastic pot or glass (depending on what the seeds were germinated in) in half. They just do it very carefully so that the lump of earth and the future are not damaged. root system.

Arugula is one of those species that can easily withstand frost down to -8 degrees. However, it is better not to rely on this property, but to immediately prepare small greenhouses from plastic containers cut in half. Cover the plant if frost is predicted. During the day, the mini-greenhouse is removed, even if the temperature does not exceed 0 degrees.

How to care for arugula seedlings

Arugula cannot be called an unpretentious plant. She, like other representatives of the cabbage family, needs careful care, which consists of regular watering, weeding and loosening the soil.

1. You cannot feed the plant with various fertilizers. It easily absorbs harmful microelements.

2. To improve the taste of the plant, it is necessary to plant seedlings at a distance of 25 cm.

3. A suitable area for growing arugula is the most illuminated area.

4. To produce juicy, sweet leaves, seedlings should be watered once every two days.

5. Excellent temperature – 18 degrees above zero.

6. The first harvest is harvested when the arugula reaches 12 cm in height.

How to grow arugula at home

This question is especially of interest to those who are the happy owners of an apartment, and not own home. After all, growing arugula at home also deserves special attention. If you provide quality care to the plant, you will get excellent harvest. The first thing you must remember is that the plant loves light, so it should have enough sunlight.

Arugula is planted in the form of seeds in the ground in which the vegetables grew. Grow arugula at home seedling method. A short amount of time after germination, the seedlings are transplanted into separate containers. You can plant 2 copies of the plant in one pot, the main thing is that the distance between them is at least 25 centimeters.

Note! Leaves that have bloomed lose their taste, so they are immediately torn off and new leaves await the appearance. Arugula, which has been given proper care, will grow all year, delighting your entire family with its harvest.

Growing arugula in a greenhouse

Many summer residents and gardeners have learned to plant arugula in a greenhouse. And this is not surprising, because this event is not difficult. Before planting, the soil is carefully dug up. Then ridges are formed at a distance of 25 cm. The soil is watered abundantly. Fertilizers are not applied. Seeds are planted at a distance of 35 cm, then they are sprinkled with soil and covered plastic film. After a week, the film is removed. Subsequent care consists of high-quality watering.

Arugula is one of the plants that is resistant to diseases and pest attacks. This can be explained by the large number of essential oils that repel pests.

The only thing that can infect the plant is fungal infections; to prevent them, you need to carefully inspect the arugula.

The resulting harvest can be stored 7 days in a cold place , before storage it is sprayed with water.

Arugula is a very popular salad plant these days, with a spicy, spicy taste and slight sourness. Its advantages include not only a pleasant aroma with hints of nuts, pepper and mustard, but also a rich composition of vitamins and microelements. This “green pharmacy” is quite easy to grow yourself, after being armed with some knowledge.

Arugula is a herbaceous plant from 40 to 60 cm in height with a branched stem and pinnately dissected leaves. In addition to the above name, there are others in the specialized literature - Caterpillar sativum, Indau sativum, Eruka sativum. This plant belongs to the cabbage family. The inflorescence in the form of a rare brush is the same in color as that of close relatives - radish, radish, daikon.

Flowering occurs in late May or early June. Continues for a month. The seeds, ranging in size from 1 to 3 mm, are formed inside the fruit pod, characteristic of the entire family. One pod can contain up to 30 light brown seeds. The structure of the root is taproot.

There are few varieties of arugula. They differ in terms of ripening.

Early ripening: “Rocket”, “Olivetta”, “Poker”, “Spartak”, “Victoria”, “Taganskaya Semko”. Ripening period is 20-25 days. Productivity is within -1.3-1.5 kg/m2.

Mid-season: “Sicily”, “Wonder”, “Cupid’s Arrows”, “Solitaire”, “Emerald”, “Corsica”, “Grace”. Full maturation of deciduous rosettes occurs approximately on the 35th day. Varieties of this group are distinguished by a richer taste and a relatively long shelf life. Average yield is higher than early ripening varieties– 2-2.5 kg/m2

The arugula variety “Solitaire” deserves special attention, which can be grown as a two-year crop. In the first year, the leaves will reach full maturity on the 35-40th day, and after wintering they will begin to grow with the onset of the first warmth. Arugula leaves are often used fresh, so it is important to consider that the younger they are, the more tender and pleasant the taste.

When preparing dishes, arugula is torn by hand; when it comes into contact with a knife, the leaves darken. With age, the leaves become coarser, acquire sharpness and bitterness. The seeds are also used in food as a seasoning for preservation. They can easily replace mustard seeds as they contain a large amount of mustard oil.

Video “Useful properties”

From the video you will learn about beneficial features spicy herbs.

Growing in open ground

Growing arugula is not difficult, given its unpretentiousness. One of important points is the choice of site for planting. The soil should be neutral with a weak alkaline reaction. Arugula will not grow in acidic soils. But it will give a good harvest on limed soil with a high calcium content.

The culture is light-loving, but feels very good in the lacy shade of tall plants or when partial protection from the hot midday rays. In the dense shade, arugula will grow stunted, and the taste will leave much to be desired.

For a good and healthy harvest, it is very important to choose the right predecessors, because on our plots we grow many plants of the cabbage family, which also share common diseases and pests. Therefore, you should not plant arugula after cabbage, radishes, radishes, daikon, and turnips. It is best to use beds where carrots, pumpkins, potatoes, legumes and tomatoes used to grow.

Arugula is a frost-resistant crop and can withstand temperatures as low as -7 degrees. But if this period is quite long, the plant is inhibited and leaf growth stops. Seeds are sown in open ground at the end of March - beginning of April. Planting depth is 1.5 cm. The grooves are placed every 40 cm. The distance between the seeds is 15-20 cm. If the forecast promises frost, and the seedlings are already turning green, you can cover them overnight with caps from plastic bottles cut in half. To get a conveyor belt of greens, you can plant arugula throughout the summer, in last time seeds are sown in open ground in the first ten days of August.

To get early greenery, you can plant arugula seedlings. In this case, seed sowing begins in early March. You will need a box at least 10 cm deep and soil. The latter can be taken from the bed where further growth is expected. The seeds, previously disinfected for 2 hours in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, are placed in a box filled with soil and sprinkled with a layer of 1-1.5 cm.

Picking for seedlings is not necessary, so the seeds should be placed at a distance of 10 cm from each other. The box is installed in a warm, well-lit place. The emergence of seedlings should be expected already on the 5th day. Care includes regular watering and loosening.

Planting care

Along with high nutritional value, unpretentiousness is a valuable quality that salad has. Arugula has simple planting and care, which can be described in two words - watering and loosening. Fertilizing this plant is strictly prohibited due to its tendency to accumulate nitrates.

If the plants in a row are planted densely, then they need to be broken through, leaving 30 cm between neighbors. Seedlings are also planted at the same distance. You need to water frequently - once every two days. If there is a lack of moisture, the leaves will become bitter. You can start harvesting when the bushes grow to 10 cm.

Growing at home

In winter, it is easy to grow this greenery even on a windowsill. It is better to take the pot deeper than for seedlings. Ten centimeters is the minimum required depth. The distance between the seeds also needs to be increased to 15-20 cm. The rest of the process is the same as in the case of growing seedlings. The range of acceptable temperatures is quite wide - from 10 to 25 degrees. Therefore, you can even place a pot with a plant on an insulated balcony.
The main thing is that the plant receives maximum amount sun rays. Care is the same as in the garden - frequent, abundant watering and loosening. It is better to remove the resulting flowers so that the leaves do not age longer. At proper care the plant will delight you for a month and a half.

Growing in a greenhouse

And in a greenhouse, arugula will not cause much trouble. Considering the fast ripening period and fairly high price, this crop can bring good profits. Plant arugula in shadow side greenhouses so that tender leaves do not get sunburn. Since every centimeter of space in a greenhouse is precious, its plantings can be combined with cucumbers, tomatoes and peppers.

Pest Control

Arugula has few pests; most cannot tolerate the essential oils in which it is so rich. There are several main enemies - cruciferous flea beetle and cabbage moth. For the first, dusting with red pepper, tobacco dust or wood ash will help. Treating cabbage moths with infusions of wormwood, potato or tomato tops will help.

IN hot weather With high humidity crops can be affected by fungal diseases - peronospora and fusarium. They appear as dark spots on the leaves and stems. Treatment is useless, since fungicides cannot be used.

Plants must be removed. Prevention consists of proper crop rotation, timely thinning and weed control.

Video “Growing”

From the video you will learn step by step instructions on growing arugula.

Italians and French eat a lot of greens, so greens take pride of place on their table. green grass- arugula. Its taste is special - with a slight degree of spiciness, the taste of nuts and the aroma of mustard. For many residents of other countries, arugula is a valuable nutritious product, which is also inaccessible, since the cost of salad is an order of magnitude higher than classic parsley or dill. If you try, you can grow this spicy herb on your own plot. Let's learn about the intricacies of growing and caring for arugula.

If you consider the cost of arugula as a valuable nutritious product with a lot of vitamins, you may be very surprised. So, Austrians have to pay about 1.5 euros for a bunch of greens. Arugula costs almost the same in Italian markets. This spicy herb has many names, you can even get confused and not immediately understand what spice we are talking about. The list is impressive: arugula is called overseas, party, indau, vizikaria and rocket salad. It turns out that these names were invented for a reason, in different countries grow their own variety of herbs. Only 2 remain popular - these are the varieties “Rococo” and “Poker”, which are distinguished by large juicy dissected leaves and a special nutty taste. There are several other popular varieties of arugula, such as Euphoria and Rocket. The leaves of these varieties are not as fragrant because they grow more in wildlife like a weed. But even this does not prevent the use of grass for cooking.

The homeland of arugula is the southern part of Europe. The French and Italians especially value this spicy herb; they add it to various dishes: they prepare pasta, sauces, fresh salads, add it to pickles and pizza.

Useful properties of arugula

Arugula is especially valued for its unique, unusual taste. The leaves of the plant are added to fresh salads; they add juiciness and juiciness to the dish. light aroma. If you regularly eat arugula, you can strengthen your immune system, normalize metabolic processes in the body, and even increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood. In addition, the grass contains a lot nutrients, vitamins and minerals that have a general strengthening effect on the entire body. It’s not for nothing that the Italians and French love to add arugula to many dishes - after all, this spice is considered an aphrodisiac, prolongs youth, removes toxins and prevents the development of cancer cells. In addition, by regularly eating arugula leaves, you can stop the process of salt deposition in the body, get rid of bad cholesterol and even improve your mood.

Growing arugula

It is not at all necessary to buy salad in supermarkets, because you can grow arugula yourself on your own summer cottage. By the way, when the season for collecting fresh leaves comes to an end, you can dry the herb and then use it in crushed form, adding it as a spice to any dishes. In addition, crushed arugula helps get rid of dry cough and is used as a mild natural diuretic. You need to take 1 tbsp. dry raw materials and pour a glass of boiling water. After this, the broth is poured into a glass container, closed tightly with a lid and infused for 20 minutes. The strained broth can be drunk immediately, three times a day before meals.

Since ancient times, people have used dry arugula seeds as a spice to give dishes a special smell; they added salad seeds and pickles.

Arugula is easy to grow yourself; the plant is unpretentious if you follow the rules for planting seeds and prepare the soil. So, arugula can be grown in a greenhouse from seeds or purchased ready seedlings and plant in the ground. It grows in any soil, but to get tasty spicy greens, you need to enrich the soil with nutrients.

How to grow arugula

Many gardeners wonder why arugula grown in garden beds has a completely different taste than store-bought ones?

We share the secrets of growing arugula from seeds:

  1. To plant green lettuce, you need to choose a well-lit place on the site.
  2. Arugula grows well at temperatures from +18 o C.
  3. The plant loves coolness and moisture, and when it gets too hot, it becomes covered with abundant flowers.
  4. After planting, we do not ignore the basic rule of growing any garden crops– weed control. From time to time it is necessary to weed the bed where arugula grows.
  5. Timely watering and loosening the soil is the key to a good harvest.
  6. Pests rarely attack arugula, but butterfly larvae can eat tasty, juicy leaves, so damaged leaves need to be torn off so that the larvae do not spread further throughout the area.
  7. Lettuce easily accumulates nitrates, so it is undesirable to heavily fertilize the soil, even with organic fertilizers.
  8. Arugula will also grow in the shade, only the leaves will not be as dark green and tasty.
  9. We provide regular watering to the plant so that the arugula is suitable for consumption. If there is little moisture in the soil, the leaves become bitter and rough. They cannot be eaten fresh, only for adding to pickles.

Grows well herb on neutral and slightly alkaline soils. If the soil is acidic, the plant may not take root. This does not mean that you need to give up growing arugula on such soils; it is enough to add a little lime to the soil or restore the acid-base balance of the soil with special fertilizers.

If you plant the seeds in the soil to a depth of half a centimeter, then you can get good harvest. Moreover, it is advisable to plant the plant seeds in peat tablets in advance. For each small pot you will need from 2 to 4 seeds.

Seedlings should be planted in open ground directly in a cup. If several sprouts grow in one peat glass, you can separate them with scissors by cutting the cups into pieces. We plant in open ground together with a container - this will be a natural fertilizer for the soil.

The earliest dates for planting arugula are at the end of March or the first week of April. At this time, there may be frost on the ground surface. To prevent plants from dying, you can cover them plastic cups or adapt used plastic bottles. Plants need to be covered only at night, and unprotected during the day so that arugula gradually adapts to the cold. In general, it is believed that seedlings can withstand light frosts, down to -5 o C, when the sprouts are already strong and well rooted.

We follow the landing rules:

  1. We sow arugula in rows so that there is a distance of approximately 30 cm between them.
  2. The seed sowing depth is 1-1.5 cm. It is best to use a sickle tape for planting arugula, since the seeds are very small.
  3. If you are used to sowing seeds in a standard way, then after germination it is necessary to thin out the sprouts in order to maintain a distance of 6-8 cm between plants. Then you can count not only on a rich harvest, but also on the special taste of arugula - nutty, with a hint of spice.
  4. On the 5th day after planting, we expect the first shoots to appear. Externally, arugula looks like a radish. Special care during this period it will not be required, only timely watering (if the soil is dry), thinning, loosening the soil and weed control.
  5. As soon as the plant gets a little stronger and the first 2 leaves appear on the sprouts, you can start thinning.
  6. Remember that arugula loves a lot of light and moisture, then the leaves will be tender and tasty. If there is intense heat and the plant lacks moisture, then it begins to bloom. During this active growth period, the leaves lose their nutritional value and become bitter.
  7. Good precursors for growing lettuce are pumpkin, potatoes, tomatoes and legumes. If last year you had a good potato harvest, then this spring you can plant arugula on your plot - the result will pleasantly surprise you. It’s just important not to ignore the basic rule of care: weed control and timely watering.
  8. You need to water the arugula correctly: organize drip irrigation or using the flooding method when the hose lies on the ground. This way you will protect fragile plants from death.
  9. Next time you can sow arugula in this place only after 3-4 years.
  10. In hot weather, it is better not to plant arugula, as the leaves will not be as tasty and juicy - all the plant’s energies are directed towards flowering. If you have no choice, but really want to try growing arugula yourself, then choose a place in the shade for planting in the summer.

Growing arugula lettuce is not difficult. 3-4 weeks after planting, the plant begins to ripen, during which time we begin harvesting. We carefully pick off the lower juicy dark green leaves with our hands or cut off with a knife. They are very fragile, so you need to pick the lettuce very carefully so as not to damage the next crop of young leaves.

Rules for caring for arugula and harvesting

As mentioned earlier, the plant loves moisture very much, so do not forget to provide regular watering. When arugula receives enough light and moisture, the leaves develop a delicate flavor.

Fertilizing is allowed, but only very carefully, since lettuce takes a lot of nutrients from the soil. So, you can feed young plants with nitrogen, chicken droppings or mullein solution (1:1, 1:10 and 1:15). Fresh manure should not be added to the soil, as this will cause the leaves to accumulate nitrates.

Arugula ripens from the moment the seeds are planted, after 3-5 weeks. To constantly eat fresh arugula leaves, you need to sow new seeds every 2 weeks. As soon as the plant shoots out its arrows and enters the flowering stage, it is necessary to cut or pull out the bushes; you can leave only a few to collect seeds for the next planting.

It is undesirable to delay harvesting, as the leaves overgrow and become bitter, and the taste of such a salad deteriorates. It is necessary to cut the leaves regularly to constantly renew the bush and obtain tender leaves.

Arugula is preferably used fresh for food, adding to salads, savory pastries, soups, sauces and other dishes.

You can store fresh arugula leaves in the refrigerator. plastic bag or in foil for no more than 3 days.

How to grow arugula on a windowsill

Arugula is one of the few green plants that does not pose any particular problems when growing. You can do it yourself all year round sow arugula: in summer at a summer cottage, in winter - in a pot on the windowsill. The main thing that a plant needs to provide for full growth is a lot of light.

You can see a lot of arugula seeds on sale. You need to know that an adapted annual lettuce variety, Poker, is suitable for growing at home. It gives a good harvest already on the 20th day after planting the seeds.

Rules for growing arugula in pots:

  • for planting spicy herbs, you can purchase special boxes for seedlings, sow seeds in pots, or even use milk or juice cartons;
  • It is advisable to purchase ready-made soil in a specialized store, or mix part of the store-bought soil with soil brought from the garden;
  • the optimal temperature for growing lettuce is +18 o C;
  • Arugula loves a lot of light, so you need to place the boxes with seeds on the sunny side;
  • seeds do not need to be soaked before planting;
  • We do not bury the seeds too deeply into the soil; we cover the top with a thin layer of earth. You can cover the box with film for several days until the first shoots appear;
  • As moisture is absorbed, we provide watering to the plants. We water only with a spray bottle so as not to damage the young shoots;
  • The seeds can be planted on a tape or sown in the traditional way. In a week you can expect the first shoots. After 10 days, you can begin thinning the seedlings. It is advisable that a distance of at least 5 cm be maintained between plants;
  • within a month, ensuring timely watering, you can begin harvesting the first harvest.

This is what a week old seedling looks like:

We need to be patient a little for the plant to get stronger, and only after a month do we cut off the first young leaves. See how arugula grows in a regular cup. You can also plant seeds this way, but it is best for the plant to develop fully. To do this, you need to ensure soil drainage.

You can learn more about the benefits of arugula from this video:

70% plant food and 30% animal food - the proportion of products developed by nutritionists, necessary for a person. Plant foods include vegetables, fruits and, of course, greens. Its chemical composition represents a wealth of valuable vitamins and microelements. Arugula is a new, but already firmly established type of greenery. Many people buy it, and some, having land, want to grow. To do this, it is important to understand the rules of planting and care, although arugula is open ground unpretentious.

This type of greenery is quite an interesting plant. Presented in two types of salad:

  • garden arugula, another designation for indau sowing, or eruka;
  • wild arugula, another designation for two-row thin-leaved.

These types of greens have an original flavor, providing ready-made dishes with a delicate nutty taste with a mustard tint. Reproduction occurs through planting seeds.

Arugula is considered a type of salad; it belongs to the Brassica family, genus Indau. Previously considered a weed, it became popular after Mediterranean cuisine took hold in Europe.

There are many varieties of arugula; before planting, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with their characteristics:

  1. Cupid's arrows. Greens are characterized by an average ripening period; the growing season lasts 35-38 days. The plant grows up to 30 cm, the leaves are narrow and oblong. Externally similar to dandelion, it constantly produces a good harvest.
  2. A curiosity. The growing season of greenery is 27-30 days, it grows up to 20 cm in height, has an erect stem, and blooms in small inflorescences that have a creamy tint. Greens have a sweetish taste, no bitterness.
  3. Poker - has an early ripening period, the growing season lasts 22-25 days. It is characterized by green leaves of a rich shade, relatively large in size, one rosette has about 25 pieces. The greens grow up to 20 cm in height. They have a sweetish taste with some bitterness. Seeds remain viable for up to 4 years.
  4. Olivetta. An early ripening type, the growing season lasts 20-22 days, the height does not exceed 17-20 cm. This perennial variety, has slightly rounded leaves. Excellent yield, excellent taste characteristics, there is some nutty flavor and a slight piquant bitterness.

The nuances of growing arugula

  • in open ground: by sowing seeds or seedlings;
  • V greenhouse conditions: sowing seeds or seedlings;
  • at home: in a suitable container on the windowsill.

TO important conditions A good harvest of greens includes a suitable planting location, type of soil, watering, care and timely harvesting. To constantly have fresh greens, sowing is carried out at intervals of two weeks.

Selecting quality seeds

The subspecies is determined visually by the type of seeds. The double-row plant has small, more poppy-like seeds (up to 1.3 mm). The seeds of the Indau species are larger, about 2-3 mm in size.

Which neighbors can you plant with?

It is recommended to plant arugula next to corn, beans and cucumbers climbing on trellises. They provide light shade for her. Goes well with dill, carrots, onions, rosemary, and potatoes. But you shouldn’t plant arugula near strawberries.

Growing arugula in open ground

Arugula is unpretentious; it can be grown without problems in the countryside and garden in open ground. Growth technology includes following the methods of soil preparation, sowing, caring for greenery and timely watering. One of the conditions for a high-quality harvest is the choice of a site for planting. This type of greenery is planted in open ground in seedlings and without seedlings.

Good and bad predecessors

It is recommended to plant greens on pieces of land where tomatoes, carrots, pumpkins, potatoes and legumes previously grew. They are good predecessors. But after cabbage, radish, rutabaga, turnips and horseradish, it is recommended to sow after 3 years due to the presence of similar diseases.

Sowing dates and soil requirements

To grow this plant in open ground, appropriate planting dates have been determined. This period extends from late April to mid-August.

Worth remembering! The earth should warm up to +10...+13 o C. When sowing in cold soil, germination processes slow down.

The plant prefers warmth, although it copes well with cold and can withstand even short frosts down to -5 o C. To constantly obtain fresh greens throughout the summer, it is recommended to sow seeds continuously throughout the season at intervals of 2 weeks. The most delicious and especially useful leaves aged from 25 to 45 days. In warm latitudes, autumn harvesting is allowed from September to mid-November.

In the south and mid-latitudes, planting begins in the second half of April; in Siberia, in the Moscow region, it is recommended to use cultivation in greenhouse conditions or by seedlings. For seedlings, it is recommended to sow seeds in the last days of March or early April.

The seeds do not require pre-treatment because they have good germination. Seedlings are grown in special boxes, glasses or ordinary pots.

Arugula can be sown before winter, and then you can harvest early greens. Sowing is carried out with the onset of stable cold temperatures without prolonged warming, they will provoke swelling, and the seeds will germinate, resulting in the death of the crop. Sowing is carried out approximately in October-November.

  • lighting is preferably moderate, ideal if at noon the greenery is in the shade;
  • predominantly neutral, alkaline or slightly acidic soils, it dies on acidic soils, and if the bushes have taken root, they will produce poor-quality seedlings.

Greenery growing on sunny area, goes into the arrow, becomes hard, with a bitter aftertaste, and in the dark area it loses its color and aroma.

Preparations before landing

Before sowing it is necessary to make preparatory work: loosen the soil and level it. If the soil is very acidic, it is necessary to carry out liming; for this you need to add crushed chalk, lime or dolomite flour. The concentration is selected based on the condition of the soil, about 25-55 kg per hundred square meters.

If liming was carried out in the fall, spring period Before sowing, 35-38 g/sq.m. is added to the ground. m azofoski or "Kemira". If the soil has been thoroughly fertilized in previous years, there is no need to fertilize this plant. When the soil needs nutrition, it is recommended to introduce 35-45 g per m 2 of urea or the corresponding amount of nitrophoska when digging.

Sowing seeds

To sow arugula seeds, preliminary preparation not required, seeds have good germination. Sprouts will appear on the 6th day after sowing.

Sowing is done in prepared holes up to 15-20 mm deep. The gap between the rows is 25-35 cm, it is recommended to leave 5 cm between the holes. 2-3 seeds are planted in each hole.

When two leaves have strengthened on the sprouted shoots, the shoots need to be planted in separate containers, and the stronger shoots are subsequently transplanted into open area together with a lump of soil so as not to injure the roots.

Caring for arugula

When the shoots sprout, they need to be thinned out; for this, a gap of 5 cm is left between them, and then at the next thinning - 10 cm. Greens that grow too thickly lose their taste.

The optimal temperature is +15…+18 ºС. Can withstand short frosts. If a prolonged cold snap is expected, it is recommended to construct protection from plastic film.

After watering, the soil is mulched; such actions help preserve moisture and keep the greenery from being contaminated by the soil. Mulched with grass cuttings or humus. The thickness of the mulch is increased by a couple of centimeters each time. It is distributed under the bushes so that the leaves do not lie on the ground.

Organization of irrigation

The plant prefers moist soil. Watering is carried out three times a week. In stable heat, it is recommended to do it daily.

If there is not enough moisture, the plant will become bitter, lose its stalk and become unfit for consumption. Arugula prefers humidity, but when watering it is unacceptable to let it stagnate. upper levels soil.

Weeding and loosening the soil

For good growth, loose soil is necessary; accordingly, after watering (you can do it every other time), it is recommended to fluff up the plot of land. At the same time, weeding is also done.

If weeds are not removed, they thicken the crops and provoke the occurrence of fungal diseases. The presence of weeds also affects the taste of greens.

Plant nutrition

The land for sowing is well fertilized. Then, during the growth period, one or two additional feedings are carried out. The use of complex mineral preparations is not recommended, since short period During growth, the toxins collected in the plant will not disintegrate.

Diseases and pests of arugula

Arugula is classified as an early ripening plant; therefore, chemical treatment is not carried out.

However, protection against fungal infections is necessary; these diseases develop mainly in moist soil. If the roots are affected, the stem part will begin to wither. The roots themselves are covered with small bubbles of a brownish hue. When these signs appear, it is necessary to remove the affected sprout and treat the soil with antifungal drugs.

The formation of brown spots on greenery indicates a disease with peronosporosis, and yellowed leaves indicate damage by fusarium.

Changes in the color of leaves, the formation of spots, lethargy of greenery, or if there are holes in the leaf part, all this indicates disease or the presence of pests. To prevent such phenomena, prevention is carried out:

  • thorough soil preparation;
  • it is recommended to sprinkle the soil with wood ash;
  • accounting of predecessor plants;
  • weed removal;
  • use of quality seeds.

When signs of fungal and bacterial diseases appear, the use of biofungicides is allowed. Processing is carried out in accordance with the instructions. In case of large-scale damage, it is better to remove and destroy arugula.

The plant exudes a lot of essential oils, their smell frightens pests. Although the greenery of arugula attracts cabbage caterpillars, cabbage moths and other lepidopterans, it also attracts slugs. Arugula greens can also be damaged by the cruciferous flea beetle; they also eat radishes and other types of greens. When covering tender crops with lutrasil, harmful insects will be forced to look for other food.

Sprinkling soil and plants with tobacco dust or fine, pre-sifted ash works effectively. Spraying with infusions of herbs, in particular wormwood, is not recommended. If left on the greens, the solution will impart an undesirable flavor to them.

During the growth period of arugula, slugs and caterpillars, if there are not many of them, are removed by hand. You can treat the plant with a bioinsecticide, in accordance with the recommendations.

Harvesting and storage

Experienced gardeners know that if you let arugula sit too long, the leaves will become hard and have a bitter taste. It is important to collect greens from the garden on time. The first indicator of maturity is that the length of the leaves should be at least 10 cm.

Important to remember! The taste properties of greens decrease after the appearance of the flower-bearing arrow.

Large rosettes need to be cut off at the root, the rest of the bushes partially. The leaves are used to prepare fresh salads. In a cold and dark place, the greens are stored, packed in cling film, for several days.

If you follow the simple recommended growing rules, arugula greens will delight you for a long time, throughout the favorable growing time. And if you master the technology of planting and care at home, you will have greens in your diet all year round.

Most often this plant is called arugula. It is also known as arugula, indau, eruka, gulavnik, caterpillar, roshen lettuce. In Rus', it was called caterpillar and was considered a weed, suitable only for birds and animals. Arugula is the Italian name for this multifaceted plant native to the Western Mediterranean.

Biological features

Arugula, or Eruca sativa (Erucavesicariassp. sativa), belongs to the cruciferous family and is a close relative of cabbage, radish, mustard, horseradish and other plants. Depending on the variety, it can be annual or biennial.

The height of its slightly pubescent, straight stem is from 30 to 60 cm. The leaves can be large, lyre-shaped in cultivated varieties, and narrow, oblong, openwork in wild varieties. The lower leaves form a rosette.

Arugula blooms in white-purple or yellow which is pollinated by insects. It is famous as a good honey plant. Flowering of different varieties of eruka occurs in May-July.

Its small brown seeds are collected in an oblong pod. They ripen quickly - within a month. This usually happens in early summer. And then they can already be sown.

Eruka is not picky about soils. Its main drawback is that it quickly runs wild. In ancient times, the Greeks and ancient Romans grew arugula as a vegetable salad crop and used it as a spice. Arugula has a peculiar spicy aroma, and its slightly hot taste has mustard-nut notes.

Useful properties and nutritional value

The benefits of arugula can hardly be overestimated. It contains alkaloids, flavonoids, vitamins C, B. It is rich in iodine, iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium. It also contains apple and citric acid, mustard oil, steroids. Its use in medicine is very extensive:

  • Prevention of vitamin deficiency, treatment of scurvy.
  • Improving digestion, treating gastritis, peptic ulcers.
  • An infusion from it has a mild diuretic effect. To prepare it, pour 2 tablespoons of the herb into a glass of boiling water, leave for a couple of hours and drink this remedy throughout the day.
  • The juice of the plant treats many skin diseases, removes calluses and bruises.
  • Thanks to the contents of eruka dietary fiber cholesterol levels in the blood decrease.
  • It plays a big role in the prevention of cancer.
  • The herb is useful for men who have specific problems.

Arugula is not indicated for pregnant and lactating women, or people with allergies, as it is rich in phytoncides.

The nutritional value of arugula is also undeniable. Two types of plants are used in cooking: cultivated (sown) and wild (wild rocket). The latter is more common in Russia than sowing.

Juicy endau leaves, which have a delicate aroma and a slightly pungent taste with sourness, go well with spinach and various types of salad. They can be added to soup, used in salads and cold appetizers.

This amazing leafy vegetable fits well into vegetable stew recipes and serves as an excellent addition and decoration for sandwiches. Added to cottage cheese or to our popular boiled potatoes, it gives these ordinary dishes a touch of sophistication.

Side dishes for meat and fish containing arugula are served in the best restaurants in many countries. In Italy they like to add it to pizza, risotto and pasta sauces.

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The best varieties

Cultivated varieties of arugula are divided into annual and biennial (Solitaire). The roots of the latter withstand winter well, and in early spring juicy greens emerge from them. Annual varieties are divided into early, from which harvesting can begin within three weeks after the first leaves appear, and mid-season, lagging behind. early varieties only mature for a couple of weeks.

Variety name Classification by ripening time Short description Height, cm Growing season, days Usage
curiosity Mid-season Leaf – lyre-shaped, flower – cream, weight – 18-20g 18-20 22-25 Salads, side dishes for meat and fish dishes
Cupid's arrows Leaf – long narrow, flower – light yellow, weight – 15-20g 20-30 35-38 Salads, sauces, side dishes, soups
Olivetta Early It has juicy leaves with a nutty-mustard taste; rich in carotene, essential oils, vitamins 15-20 20-25 Salads, spicy side dishes for meat and fish, sandwiches
Rocket Leaf – pinnately dissected, dark green, nutty-mustard flavor 15-20 20-25 Salads, side dishes, seasonings. Good honey plant
Victoria Greens – plentiful, delicate in taste, rich in vitamins 15-20 20-25 Salads, side dishes for meat and fish. Dietary product
Poker Leaf – large, green, sweetish with a mustard flavor, flower – pale cream, weight – 20g 18-20 22-28 Salads
Solitaire Mid-season Leaf – medium, dissected, with cuts along the edges, lyre-shaped, nut-mustard flavor, weight – 20-45g 18-20 35-45 Salads
Spartacus Early Dietary variety with a spicy taste. Grown year-round, rich in essential oils and vitamins 19-22 20-25 days “Men’s” salads, side dishes, prophylactic against vitamin deficiency

Currently, several varieties of arugula are especially popular, which are perfectly adapted for growing in the climatic and soil conditions of our country.

Variety name Ripening period Socket Leaves Productivity
"Poker" Height up to 15-20 cm Juicy, with a pronounced nutty-mustard taste 1.05-1.35 kg/m2
"Rococo" Early ripening plant, 22-24 days Semi-raised type, height 12-18 cm Medium size, green, smooth, lobed, jagged edges 1.5-1.6 kg/m2
"Corsica" Cold resistant, rapid growth Smooth, green, notched, with a spicy taste and pronounced aroma 2.4-2.5 kg/m2
"Rocket" Early ripening plant, 22-24 days Semi-spreading type, diameter 15-18 cm Pinnately dissected, dark green, 15-20 cm high, nutty-mustard pungent taste 1.45-1.60 kg/m2
"Solitaire" Early ripening plant, 26-28 days Semi-raised type, diameter 15-18 cm, height 18-20 cm Medium, lyre-shaped, smooth, with cuts along the edges 1.45-1.60 kg/m2
"Sacramento" Early ripening plant, 22-24 days Weighing at least 16.5-20.5 g Medium, strongly dissected, smooth, lyre-shaped 1.3-1.4 kg/m2

Landing Features

Arugula – quite unpretentious plant, it grows even where the sun is not always there. True, in dense shade the plant shrinks and grows wild. But arugula has its own characteristics that you need to know and take into account when planting it:

  1. Soil requirements. Grows on any soil that needs to be loosened. But it is preferable to plant arugula on slightly acidic or pre-limed soils, where there is enough calcium for its development. Liming is carried out before planting, using lime or dolomite flour, ground chalk and other means. Their doses depend on the acidity level of the soil and amount to 25-60 kg per hundred square meters.
  2. Crop rotation. It is best to alternate planting arugula in an area with potatoes, pumpkins, legumes, tomatoes or carrots. It is not recommended to plant them after relatives in the family - cabbage, radish, horseradish and others - earlier than three years later.

Timing and technology for planting a house

To grow high-quality vitamin green crops in room or balcony conditions, It is very important to follow the sowing rules:

  • Ideal for arugula ready-made soils having a neutral or slightly alkaline reaction;
  • green culture is unpretentious and grows well, so carry out preliminary germination no seed material required;
  • in prepared planting containers it is recommended to make a thin layer of drainage, and fill the prepared soil substrate on top;

  • before sowing it is necessary to compact slightly soil mixture and moisten it abundantly;
  • the depth of the planting holes should be no more than 0.8-0.9 cm, and the distance between them should be at least 15-20 cm.

You need to put a couple of seeds in each hole, and after germination, the weaker seedling is removed. Arugula crops should not be covered, as germination requires temperature regime at 16-18°C, at which seedlings appear in about five to six days.

Arugula is grown in open ground and in greenhouses (greenhouses).

Greenhouse cultivation

In protected ground it can be grown all year round. It is important that the temperature in the greenhouse does not fall below 16 degrees, and artificial lighting already emerged plants with a lack of sunny days.

Before sowing in a greenhouse, you need to prepare the soil as follows:

  • loosening to a depth of 18 cm to completely clear it of weeds and remnants of previous plants;
  • additional plowing after 2 weeks. This is necessary for the thorough removal of weeds, which as a result fall into the deep layers of the earth, where they will subsequently form humus;
  • harrowing, which helps moisture retain in the soil.

Seeds are sown in beds, which are placed at a distance of 35-40 cm from each other. Planting holes should be no more than 2 cm deep. 2-3 seeds can be placed in them. Between the holes you need to retreat 8 cm. Young shoots are thinned out after about a week.

Cultivation in open ground

Seeds are sown in open ground from mid-spring until almost the end of summer with an interval of 2 weeks. In hot weather, in order to get a good harvest, you need to choose a site with moderate shade for sowing. After all, he doesn’t like arugula too much bright sun.

The sowing scheme for open ground is not too different from sowing in a greenhouse:

  • seed placement depth – 1.5 cm;
  • there should be 40 cm between rows;
  • the interval between neighboring plants is 5 cm.

If the seedlings turn out to be thickened, then during the period when two leaves appear, they should be thinned out.

Growing seedlings

In this case, the seeds are sown to a depth of 1 cm in a glass (3-4 seeds each) or a pot, where 30-35 pieces are placed. After a few days, shoots appear. Grown seedlings are planted in the ground along with a lump of earth. The air temperature at this time should be at least 9 degrees. If frosts are expected, young plants are covered with plastic containers at night, removing them in the morning.

Arugula on the windowsill

When growing plants on a windowsill or balcony in boxes, you need to allocate an area of ​​30 by 15 cm for each bush. The depth of the box should not be less than 10 cm.

Plant care

In eruka, they mainly use its green leaves, which must be picked off as soon as they grow to 10 cm. Thanks to this, the greenery is constantly renewed. If you let it grow larger, it becomes rough and tasteless. The appearance of new succulent leaves is promoted by regular and abundant watering, especially in the heat. If you don't do this, they will become very bitter.

Watering is carried out by spraying using sprinklers. Long-term watering of row spacing using a hose placed on the ground is also considered acceptable. These events are held in the morning or evening hours when there is no heat. The soil between the plants is regularly “fluffed” for better penetration of moisture and air.

In addition, the seedlings are fertilized twice. To do this, you need nitrogen fertilizers (10 g per bucket of water), fermented chicken or cow droppings, diluted 10-15 times. Fertilizing is carried out in conjunction with watering the plants. Considering that the ripening period of arugula is short, fertilizing with manure and other mineral fertilizers do not do it during the period of its growth. Otherwise, the leaves will accumulate toxic substances.

Arugula: beneficial properties (video)

Use in cooking

Arugula is used in appetizers, salads, sauces, vegetable dishes, soups, side dishes, etc.

Arugula salad

Set of products: lightly salted fish - 100 grams, one tomato, red onion, a handful of arugula, a spoonful of vegetable oil, vinegar, salt and sugar (for marinade). First, marinate the onions for about ten minutes. Then lay out in layers:

  • arugula;
  • tomatoes, cut into slices or rings;
  • onion rings are placed on them;
  • V last resort lay out slices of fish;
  • All this is poured with marinade.

Arugula pasta

For it you will need 80 grams of arugula, a handful of nuts, 20 g of grated hard cheese, olive oil, clove of garlic.

Arugula, cheese and nuts are crushed in a blender. Then the mixture is salted, peppered and sprinkled with oil.

Arugula Pie

Set of products: shortbread dough - 250 g, 2 eggs, 100 g each of cream, mozzarella, smoked brisket and hard cheese, 2 tomatoes, mustard, ground pepper, nutmeg.

Cooking technology:

  • The dough is laid out in a mold lined with parchment paper, it is pierced with a fork and smeared with mustard;
  • chopped brisket, tomatoes, mozzarella, arugula are used as filling;
  • it is sprinkled with grated cheese, pepper and nutmeg;
  • The pie is finished with a layer of creamed eggs;
  • it is baked for 40 minutes at a temperature of 210 degrees.

Protection from diseases and pests

Name Signs Durability Fighting methods
Cabbage moth Eaten leaves High Digging the soil, collecting pupae. Treatment with infusions of wormwood, potato and tomato tops, karbofos.
Cruciferous flea beetles Leaf damage High Traps, digging the soil, spraying with trichlorometaphos-3 emulsion.
Fungus Perono-spora parasitica Dark brown spots on leaves Average Crop rotation, soil preparation, weed control
Fungus Fikarium oxisporum Chlorosis of leaves - turn yellow, dark stripes appear Average

Arugula, indau, eruka are the same plant. It has long been known in many countries where it is widely used in folk medicine, cooking, cosmetology. It is easy to grow; you can even do it on a windowsill. The leafy vegetable grows quickly; in the garden plot you can get several harvests per season. And in the greenhouse, eruka is grown almost all year round. Having met this amazing healing plant, you won't be able to refuse it.

Arugula recipes (video)


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