Ceiling height in office space according to standards. What is the standard ceiling height in an apartment - norms and standards for different types of buildings

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When building a private house, the owner must be guided not only by his preferences, but also comply with current standards. This is especially true for the height of premises for various purposes. The height of the ceilings is also important in apartments, because it affects the comfort of living and opportunities in design rooms. IN different eras construction regulations were different. Indicators also differ depending on the purpose of the room. We will tell you what the optimal ceiling height is in a private house or apartment, and we will also describe what determines and what the height of the bathhouse should be from floor to ceiling.

As for the height of ceilings in an apartment, these standards are regulated by a document called SNiP, in particular its series 01/31/2003. You can read more about this indicator in paragraph 5.8 of this document.

It states that the minimum height of a room or ancillary space is determined depending on:

  • its type and purpose;
  • construction region.

Important! Standards for the height of premises exist to ensure optimal natural air circulation in housing and a favorable microclimate.

To find out which climatic region a particular place belongs to, just refer to SNiP number 23-01-99. The entire territory of our country is divided into climatic regions, taking into account the average monthly temperature, air humidity and the direction of the prevailing winds. The territory of the Russian Federation is divided into 4 climatic regions. All of them are further divided into 16 districts. Zone IA is considered the coldest.

Depending on the climatic region, the following room height standards apply:

  1. In territories belonging to zones IA, ІБ, ІГ, ІД, as well as VA, the minimum permissible height from floor to ceiling is 2700 mm.
  2. In all other zones, the norm is 2500 mm.

Norms for residential premises

Today, new apartments with high ceilings are not often found. This is explained by the fact that at the moment there are standards in force according to which the optimal distance from the ceiling surface to the finished floor in an apartment is taken to be 2400-2800 mm. It is prohibited to design apartments with a height of less than 2.4 m. A lower value will not only adversely affect the microclimate in the room, but will also not allow a person to feel comfortable in a low room.

These standards do not apply to construction individual houses. If desired, the owner of such a building can arrange rooms with a height of 3000-3500 mm. But in pursuit of comfortable room Don't forget that tall rooms take longer to heat up and require significant heating costs.

Today the following standards for the height of residential premises are in force:

  • children's room, bedroom, living room and office - at least 2500 mm;
  • kitchen – also no less than 250 cm;
  • if mezzanines are installed in the corridor or hallway, then underneath them the optimal distance from the floor to the ceiling surface is 2100 mm;
  • the height of the ceilings in a private house with an attic can be reduced in a room with pitched roof doubled (that is, the junction of the wall and the sloping ceiling should be at least 1.4 m-1.6 m from the floor).

The maximum maximum value for this parameter in private buildings is not specified. Most often, rooms in houses are made no higher than 3200 mm, and in buildings of the last century - 4000 mm.

Standards for non-residential premises

When designing non-residential premises are guided by the following standards for this indicator:

  • public buildings and sanatoriums - not lower than 3000 mm;
  • auxiliary premises and corridors - at least 1900 mm;
  • production shops and dry cleaners - at least 3600 mm;
  • the height of the technical floors depends on the people passing there engineering communications, but must not be lower than 1600 mm;
  • Preschools, schools, medical institutions - at least 3000 mm;
  • offices, shopping centers and administrative institutions - at least 3 meters.

Standard ceiling height in houses

Apartment buildings built in a certain era have different height parameters for the premises. Moreover, the difference depends on the purpose of the structure and the time of its construction. Apartments built in different parts of our country are characterized by the same dimensions.


Such apartments belong to the old housing stock and are characterized by impressive sizes. This era is characterized by a lack of savings on space and materials, because there was no mass construction of housing. The distance from the ceiling surface to the floor in such apartments is 3300-3600 mm. On the ceiling there is often decor in the form of stucco molding and decorative cornices.

Advice! To adjust the parameters of high “Stalin” buildings, suspended or suspended ceilings are installed. As for painting, wallpapering or whitewashing, they are inappropriate in such apartments.


During the reign of Khrushchev, the task was to provide housing for every family. Since the project implementation time and costs were quite limited, small-sized apartments were designed. On average, the distance from floor to ceiling was 2480-2600 mm, but in northern latitudes built apartments with a height of at least 2700 mm.

Important! The ceiling surface in Khrushchev is not decorated with suspended structures, which steal valuable centimeters. For visual expansion spaces it is recommended to use light glossy Decoration Materials.


Houses built during the time of Brezhnev are distinguished by improved sizes, because after the massive construction of “Khrushchev’s” small-sized apartments, the time has come to think about the comfort of housing. The apartments are spacious, each room has a separate entrance, the kitchen is quite spacious, the hallway has built-in cabinets and mezzanines. As for the height, in Brezhnevkas this parameter is 2600-2700 mm.

Block and panel houses

Active construction of panel and block houses began in Khrushchev's times. The distance from the ceiling to the floor in the first panels built was 2500 mm. At the same time, the layout of small-sized Khrushchev buildings was completely preserved.

In the 80s they began to build new block and panel apartment buildings with improved layout. Here the height of the rooms is in the range of 2650-2750 mm. The layout of the apartments was radically different from Khrushchev’s buildings, and the height of the building exceeded 5 floors.


There are no exact standards regarding height outbuildings. Facilities for utility purposes may differ in this parameter depending on the region of construction and the purpose of the premises. The shed for storing utensils and tools is made 1900 mm high. If it is necessary to store large items, the distance is increased to 2000-2200 mm.

Ceiling heights for auxiliary premises

Every apartment has auxiliary premises. These are places where a person does not reside constantly, that is, does not sleep, cook or eat. When designing them, they are also guided by certain standards.


In apartments and private houses, the bathroom is located under the same ceiling as the living rooms, so the height of the room is directly related to the standard height of the rest of the apartment or house. If the bathroom area is small, and the distance from floor to ceiling is significant, then the room seems disproportionate and uncomfortable. To correct this drawback, suspended or suspended ceilings are installed in the bathroom at the required distance from the floor.


Do you want to know the exact ceiling height in the bathhouse, the standard is 2300 mm. Typically, this is the parameter that is observed when constructing a one-story detached building. A ceiling height in a bathhouse of less than 2200 mm is unacceptable because it leads to poor circulation of heated air.

Attention! More precisely, the distance from the floor to the ceiling in the bathhouse is determined taking into account the number of shelves and the total number of rows.

However, if the bathhouse is made very high, then the room will take a very long time to warm up to required temperature. Another disadvantage of a bath that is too high lies in the significant costs of raw materials or electricity for heating.

How to calculate ceiling height

For self-determination optimal distance from the ceiling surface to the clean floor in the room, adhere to the following rules:

  1. For living rooms and other premises of permanent residence, this parameter is selected taking into account the height of the tallest member of the household. A height reserve of 1 m is added to his height. A reserve of free space above human height is needed to protect against inhalation of dusty and very dry air that circulates a meter from the ceiling.
  2. When determining the height of rooms, do not forget to take into account heating costs. A tall room takes longer to heat up and requires high costs for heating the coolant.

Interesting fact! When the floor height increases by 30 cm, the cubic capacity of the house increases by 30 m³. As a result for the device autonomous heating you will need powerful, expensive equipment.

  1. In multi-storey private houses, a significant distance from floor to ceiling requires the construction of a large staircase that takes up a lot of usable space. To save space, you can make a steeper staircase, but it is not safe to move along it.
  2. When calculating this parameter, take into account the area of ​​individual rooms. So, high ceiling in a small room it looks disproportionate and causes an unpleasant feeling in the people who are there. A ceiling surface that is too low in a spacious room makes it visually even lower.

When is it permissible not to comply with the rules?

During construction individual house You may not comply with current height regulations. However, do not forget that this often leads to undesirable consequences in the form high expenses on materials and heating of the house or unfavorable microclimate in the housing.

During construction apartment buildings and public buildings, designers and builders are required to comply with current regulations regarding the height of premises.

With the help of light and color you can visually increase or decrease the space

Height ceilings - current question, since not only the possibility of implementing design projects, but also the comfort of the room as a whole depends on this value. On average, this parameter ranges from 2.4–3.2 meters. The minimum ceiling height is determined by SNiP as 2.5 m. Such ceilings are typical for Khrushchev-era buildings. In new buildings their minimum height is 2.6 meters. And in luxury houses it can be more than 3 m.

Standards and Practices

Although standard height ceilings of 2.5 meters are practically never found in new houses; this does not mean that after purchasing an apartment in a new building, a happy new resident will not receive rooms with low, oppressive ceilings. If the quality of construction leaves much to be desired, the ceiling surface will inevitably require additional leveling, which can significantly reduce the space. Therefore the standard and practical conditions in a number of new buildings there are different concepts.


Not a single regulatory document or standard establishes the only correct parameter. SNiP specifies only the minimum ceiling height. Below this parameter, construction is unacceptable. SNiP makes the following recommendations:

  • IN living rooms and kitchens, the lower figure is 2.5 m. For climatic regions 1A, 1B, 1G, 1D and 4A - 2.7 m.
  • In corridors and halls, the ceiling height must be at least 2.1 m, which is determined by the safety requirements for the movement of people.
  • Attics and rooms with inclined enclosing structures are allowed to be built with a height less than the standard one. The standard in this case determines the percentage of room space with low and standard ceilings. Ceilings with a lower height should occupy no more than half of the room.
  • The height of the lowest part of the attic ceiling cannot be less than 1.3 meters if the slope is 30°. When the slope increases to 45°, the distance from floor to ceiling is not standardized by SNiP.
  • For public buildings, SNiP sets a standard of 3 m.
  • Residential premises located in public buildings, are equipped in accordance with the recommendations developed for apartments.

Ergonomic issues

If minimum distance from floor to ceiling is determined by SNiP, then ergonomics is involved in the development of optimal parameters. The tasks of this science include calculating the room parameters that will allow a person to feel as comfortable as possible. It's no secret that a room with a low ceiling can feel pressured. It will be uncomfortable high room small area. Here a person feels as if in a well.

A comfortable room must meet the following ergonomic requirements:

  • Sufficient quantity natural light.
  • Sufficient amount of fresh air.
  • Optimal humidity conditions.

Compliance with these requirements largely depends on the size of the room and the height of its ceilings. The optimal ceiling height was first substantiated by Dürer. Further research was carried out by the German architect Ernst Neufert, who developed modules with ideal parameters. These and other studies were subsequently taken as the basis for SNiP standards.

Ceiling design

Ceiling lighting

The design of the ceilings in the room determines not only the stylistic direction of its design, but also the atmosphere of coziness and comfort. In the store you can find a lot of finishing materials for ceiling surfaces.

The specific choice of finishing option will largely be determined by such a parameter as the height of the ceilings.

Ceiling tiles

Ceiling tiles are well suited for rooms with low ceilings. It is distinguished by a variety of designs, excellent performance characteristics and practically does not hide the space of the room. The advantages of this material include ease of installation.

This type of ceiling decoration becomes an excellent alternative to modern options.

However, tiling may have several “surprises” that are not always pleasant. Tiles are not able to hide significant surface irregularities. In addition, when large differences its sticker will cause many difficulties, and it is almost impossible to guarantee quality in such conditions. There will always be a possibility that the tile will simply peel off.

An uneven ceiling can be pre-leveled, but in this case the tile loses its main advantage as a finishing material for a room with a low ceiling. The leveling layer will “eat” those very carefully stored centimeters of space.

Suspended structures

Hanging structures are a modern way to transform a room and make the design of the room unique. They allow you to do without preliminary preparation base surface. Installation of suspended ceiling structures of any type is carried out on profiles, so they reduce the height of the ceiling. Suspended structures can have any configuration and several levels. In the space hidden by them you can hide communications and lighting fixtures.

It is generally accepted that for a room with low ceilings it is better not to use hanging options. However, this is not entirely true. A single-level design with the minimum possible distance from the base surface to the profile allows you to diversify the design of the room, making it stylish and beautiful.

If the room has high ceiling heights, absolutely any design idea can be realized. Suspended structures allow you to create any shapes and configurations, including very complex ones. This design move allows you to solve many everyday problems - increase the sound insulation of a room, zone it, hide communications, “play” with lighting.

Tensile structures

White and black with backlight

Tensile structures are ideal for large spacious rooms. This finishing method is the best in today ceiling design. The canvases are distinguished by a variety of textures and colors. Any pattern can be applied to their surface. Multi-level design tensile structures has no restrictions except the designer’s imagination. The height of the ceilings in the room is the most important parameter for choosing such structures. For rooms with low ceilings, they need to be used with care. Would be appropriate here single-level ceilings, located approximately 5–10 cm from the base.

If the height of the ceilings allows, you can diversify the interior as you like. Three- and four-level designs with complex configurations look good in large rooms and living rooms. Arched and tent structures They allow not only to hide any unsightly communications, but also give the room an unforgettable atmosphere, a very special flavor.

Color solutions

The ideal ceiling design is not only right choice finishing material, but also a well-chosen color scheme. Modern finishing materials are very diverse color solutions and textures. The same option used in different rooms, can give a completely different effect.

The design is most often used in light colors - white or pastel shades. Its advantage is the ability to visually expand the space if the ceiling height is low. White ceiling surfaces allow you to use almost any color in the interior. This is an ideal solution for decorating a room in a classic style. The embodiment of a non-standard design idea in the interior may require the design of the shelf surface in different shades.

Eaves lighting

When choosing a color, you should be guided by the following rules:

  • The lower the height of the ceiling, the lighter its surface should be. It is advisable to make the floor as dark as possible, and choose the color of the walls in the range between these color schemes. This solution will allow you to visually expand the space.
  • With disproportionately high ceilings, their color should be dark, even black. Otherwise, you get the feeling of a deep stone well, which is uncomfortable to be in.
  • Warm shades look best in dark rooms, and cool shades look best in light rooms.


Ceiling height is a parameter that affects not only the cost of housing or its maintenance, but also the well-being of the person in the room. It provides coziness, comfort and a pleasant atmosphere. The same parameter will be decisive when choosing interior design solutions.

Height standard ceiling- this is the parameter that affects comfort and contributes to the embodiment of the most daring design ideas. Different types of premises have their own rules. These values ​​are indicated in special documents, for example SNiP.

Ergonomics of living space

This science develops the optimal ceiling height to make you feel most comfortable in a room.

To create comfortable conditions, builders need to meet certain ergonomic conditions:

  • provide sufficient natural light;
  • create an environment with optimal humidity and oxygen levels.

The indicators will vary depending on the area and purpose of the rooms, but the height of the standard ceiling in the room will help achieve all this.

Ceiling heights in current practice

IN individual construction They can make any ceilings for you that you wish, but in an apartment building the standard ceiling height will not be lower than 2.5 meters, since it is believed that lower ceilings will put pressure on the residents.

At the same time, the standard ceiling height in an apartment is unlikely to be more than 3.2 meters, because this is not economically viable for builders.


Current standards do not establish a standard ceiling height that must be observed. The current SNiPs indicate only the minimum height of ceilings, below which construction is prohibited.

For example, the standard ceiling height in residential premises cannot be lower than 2.5 meters, and for offices this value increases to 3 meters. The standard height will already be 3.2 meters.

Individual construction

As mentioned above, in a private house they will give you any distance from the floor to the ceiling that you like, but you still shouldn’t make them too high. The standard ceiling height in a house is the same as in an apartment. In addition, by planning too high ceilings, you will increase the cost of electricity and heating such rooms, so carefully weigh all the pros and cons when deciding on the numbers.

Stalin's apartments

The so-called Stalin buildings had very high ceilings, from 3 to 4 meters. In addition to high ceilings, there were wide corridors, large rooms and windows that fully met ergonomic conditions.

Such apartments are still in great demand and are quite expensive, despite the fact that they have outdated communications. Most of them do not have an elevator or garbage chute.

Brezhnev apartments

The height of the standard ceiling in such an apartment is usually no more than 2.7 meters, but despite this, they are considered apartments with an improved layout. Unfortunately, they can only be called such in comparison with the “Khrushchevs”.


The ceiling height in such apartments usually does not exceed 2.5 meters. It seems to meet the standards, but in combination with small rooms and cramped corridors, the impression of a closed space is created.

Panel houses

Depending on the year of construction, the standard ceiling height can vary from 2.5 to 2.7 meters. In older houses, the ceilings sometimes do not even reach 2.5 meters, their height is only 2.48 meters.

New buildings

All more people are inclined to purchase apartments in new buildings. One of the reasons for this is that the standard ceiling height in new buildings is at least 2.7 meters, which means it provides a wide range for implementing design ideas. In luxury apartments, the ceiling may be more than 3 meters from the floor, but the cost of such apartments is quite high.

We are planning renovations in an apartment with a low ceiling

When starting a global renovation, you will need to know what the standard ceiling height is in your apartment. You will need this indicator in order to properly plan your future interior. After all, even by laying laminate flooring and making suspended ceilings, you will significantly reduce the distance from the floor. At first glance, a few centimeters may not matter, but if your ceilings are already low, you should fight for every extra millimeter.

Unfortunately, if the ceiling in your apartment does not exceed 2.5 meters, you will most likely have to abandon those made of plasterboard, since such a ceiling can “steal” more than 10 cm of height. For the same reason, they are not suitable

Stretch ceiling

Although such a ceiling is mounted at a certain distance, this value usually does not exceed a few centimeters, which is the width of the profile. And if you consider that with the help of modern suspended ceilings it is possible to create multi-level structures that are in no way inferior to suspended ceilings, then it becomes clear that this solution is more preferable for apartments with low ceilings.

Visually increasing the height of the ceiling

If you are not satisfied with the height of the standard ceiling, you can use a trick and try to visually increase this figure. You can do this in several ways, listed below.

Optical illusion:

  1. Gloss. Such a surface reflects light well, which means it visually enlarges the room and gives some depth.
  2. Levels. This method must be used carefully, because in reality your ceilings will become even lower by a couple of cm, but the visual effect will be amazing.
  3. Color. When using this technique, paint the walls and ceiling in the same tone, preferably light.
  4. Furniture. This method involves choosing furniture to match the entire room or, conversely, with dark lower and light ones. upper cabinets, matching the color of the walls and ceiling.
  5. Vertical stripes. Probably everyone knows about this. It should only be added that frequent bright stripes can have the opposite effect, so use this pattern with caution.

Play of light:

Windows and doors

Having done high doors almost to the ceiling and by “extending” the windows vertically, you will achieve a stunning effect, and in addition, improve the ventilation of the room.

Distracting attention:

  1. Game of colors. Using this technique, they make the floor and ceiling light at relatively dark walls. You can focus on one of the walls by decorating it with a beautiful panel or photo wallpaper.
  2. Combined finish. This technique can only be used in small rooms, for example in kitchens or bathrooms. With this method, the lower and upper parts of the walls are finished different materials, as an option - tiles and wallpaper. Keep in mind that in large rooms they will have the opposite effect.

Renovation of an apartment with a high ceiling

A high ceiling gives you a chance to realize everything, even your wildest fantasies. Previously, the happy owners of such apartments installed mezzanines under the ceiling, and in those apartments where the ceilings exceeded 4 meters, they even created an additional one where a children’s room or study was successfully located. However, such techniques are still used today.

You can raise a children's bed right up to the ceiling, making it comfortable beautiful staircase. Few children will refuse such a cozy “own little world” that Alice had in the film “Guest from the Future.”

In addition, high ceilings allow you to zone the room, raising the floor, and use large hanging lamps in the interior.

Why is a high ceiling inconvenient?

Is a high ceiling always a good thing? Let's see what shortcomings are hidden behind it:

As you can see, ceiling height plays an important role, so when choosing your future home, be sure to pay attention to this indicator. Of course, in a private house you can raise the ceiling yourself, but it will be quite expensive and will require a lot of time and effort. In an apartment you will have to live “with what you have.” As practice shows, when inspecting an apartment, we practically do not pay attention to the ceiling; the most we pay attention to is its appearance. But it turns out that this is fundamentally wrong. The height of the ceilings in the apartment determines not only the possibilities of decorating the apartment, but also our well-being, how comfortable we will be in our home.

/ Standard ceiling height - what is it?

Standard ceiling height - what is it?

Not only the convenience of placing cornices or curtains, but also the comfort of being in the room depends on how high the ceilings are in your home. If the ceiling is low, it will visually “put pressure” on the people in the room, and if it is too high, it will create a feeling of emptiness. However, there is a certain standard minimum ceiling height at which the room is quite comfortable.

What does this parameter affect?

As already mentioned, comfort is very much related to the size of the walls. But besides this, this parameter also affects other areas. For example, in rooms whose ceilings are lower than two and a half meters above the floor, it will be very difficult to create a harmonious multi-level ceiling structure.

Even choosing furniture for such a low room will not be easy. It is difficult to place paintings or photographs on the walls, not to mention shelves or mezzanines. All these factors together influenced the choice of the minimum vertical dimensions of buildings and houses under construction.

In modern buildings, the standard ceiling height in any apartment cannot be less than 250 centimeters. This is the minimum limit, but far from maximum figure. There are buildings in which there are more than three meters from the floor to the ceiling and this will also not be the maximum value. Some developers offer apartments in which this distance can exceed 4 meters, although such housing will be incredibly expensive.

Vertical dimensions in new buildings and old houses

For modern buildings under construction, special regulatory documents are provided, according to which the minimum limits for the vertical parameters of apartments are set at 250 centimeters. That is, you cannot build below the apartment. The maximum limit is not regulated, but the average vertical wall size is from 2.6 to 3.2 meters.

Panel houses

This concept includes not only modern buildings, but also those built during the times of Brezhnev or Khrushchev. Such houses also have names corresponding to the era - “Brezhnevka” and “Khrushchevka”. Fundamentally, they are not too different from each other in terms of size, except that the area of ​​the apartments built during the Brezhnev era is slightly larger.

The standard ceiling height in a panel house built under Khrushchev is two and a half meters. These dimensions are due to savings building materials and the speed of construction of houses in that era.

Under Brezhnev, comfort took on a more important position and the walls grew to 270 centimeters. It has become much more comfortable and convenient. This parameter is considered optimal to this day. In modern buildings, ceilings do not fall below 260 centimeters and are rarely raised above 280. By standards, the average size of residential premises in most modern panel houses is 2.7 meters.


A separate story is the house built during the reign of Stalin. Back then, materials were not saved as much and the dimensions of the apartments were much larger. The walls could be 3, or even 3.5 meters above the floor.

The area of ​​the premises was suitable for both sizes together, creating a fairly harmonious combination. Often, the surface of the ceiling in such houses was decorated with stucco, giving the rooms solidity and style.

Private properties

In buildings made according to an individual project, you can vary all the parameters as desired by the future owner. However, even here they try not to deviate from certain canons. All the same parameters, fitting between 2.5 meters minimum and up to 3.2 meters maximum. The standard ceiling height in a private house, unless it is built according to a too elaborate design, is about three meters.

This is the most comfortable height and ensures relative ease of construction. At a height of three meters you can already afford to build any ceiling structure or place a beautiful large chandelier. At the same time, maintaining such a ceiling will not be difficult.

Other buildings

Regarding other buildings, such as a bathhouse or a garage, there are no particularly strict limits. Here, everyone is accustomed to being guided by convenience and practicality. For example, in a bathhouse, there is no need to install high ceilings - it will take longer to warm up such a room, and the ease of use will not increase too noticeably.

In garages there is also no need for large distances from the floor to the ceiling. For a standard passenger car, two meters is more than enough. If you need to put something larger in the garage, for example, a jeep or crossover, then the walls will have to “grow” up to three meters. So you can open the trunk without fear of hitting something, and wipe the roof if necessary.

The ceiling height is quite important parameter, which must be taken into account both when choosing an apartment and when arranging it. So, when installing various ceiling structures, it is necessary to take into account the height of the future ceiling - after completion of the work it should not be less than the minimum. This article will look at the standard floor-to-ceiling height in different rooms.

Standard ceiling heights

The main regulatory document regulating the height of ceilings in apartment buildings is SNiP 31-01-2003, according to which the parameter in question depends on:

  • Climatic conditions in a particular area;
  • Purpose and type of room.

Climatic region is a parameter that takes into account the average temperature profile for each month, as well as the level of humidity and wind direction. According to SNiP 01/23/99, there are four districts divided into 16 zones. The zones are arranged in descending order - the higher the category, the milder the climate in this zone.

According to the standard, in the warmest zones the ceiling must be at a height of at least 2.7 meters, and for other areas the minimum ceiling height is 2.5 meters. These parameters are not formed out of the blue – complex calculations show that ensuring a normal microclimate and air exchange in rooms is possible only if the actual parameters correspond to the nominal ones.

In rooms located in the attic, the ceiling can be lowered, but the amount of reduction is also regulated - the ceiling level can deviate from the standards only over half the area of ​​the room. In passage rooms (for example, corridors), the ceiling height according to GOST can be reduced to 2.1 m - this figure will be quite sufficient for the normal movement of people.

Maximum ceiling height regulatory documents is not specified, but in practice the ceiling is rarely raised above 3.2 meters. In buildings old building The dimensions of the rooms can be increased, as a result of which the ceiling height can exceed 4 meters.

When arranging your home yourself, you need to choose the ceiling height taking into account the parameters described above and the area of ​​the premises. For example, for small and narrow rooms it is not recommended to use high ceilings - they will create a rather unpleasant feeling. In large rooms this rule works reverse side– optimal for a large hall ceiling will do over 3 meters high.

Standards for ceiling heights in different types of houses

The minimum ceiling height of a residential premises in typical multi-storey buildings is regulated by relevant standards, and the values ​​​​described are always linked to the type of building and the period in which it was built. Thanks to these standards, in houses located in the most different regions, the ceiling height is practically the same. It is worth taking a closer look at the standards for different types typical buildings.

"Stalin" and older houses

Older buildings traditionally did not skimp on space, so the area and height of each individual room was quite large. The thing is that the historical period in which such houses were built was not characterized by the desire to provide all families with at least a small apartment.

The ceiling height standards in Stalin buildings vary from 3.3 to 3.6 m, while the ceilings themselves are usually decorated with various decorative elements- for example, stucco or cornices. When installing suspended ceilings in such apartments, it is necessary due to large quantity finishing to thoroughly reduce their level.

Certain difficulties also arise due to the fact that for the manufacture of floors in old houses they were often used wooden elements, and the wiring was laid externally - repairing the ceiling in such conditions is not very easy, so you have to invest much more money in repairs.

However, an increased amount of free space has its advantages - in a tall room with a large area, you can arrange any style, and it will look quite appropriate. Great option, for example, there will be a multi-level suspended ceiling, decorated with a variety of decorative elements.

Suspended ceilings of any configuration are generally very suitable for rooms with a high ceiling height - the availability of space allows you to painlessly reduce the volume of the room. Finishing itself base ceiling in such rooms there will be bad decision– existing floors usually have a lot of “congenital” defects, which are very difficult to hide.


During the reign of Khrushchev in construction industry major changes have occurred. Thus, the main task set for the developers was to provide all families with their own housing. Of course, with such introductory housing, it was necessary to seriously reduce the housing, and the result of the design work was “Khrushchev” - apartments with a very modest area and minimal ceiling height.

IN classic apartments During the period under review, the ceiling was at a distance of 2.5 m from the floor level. Separate apartments located on the ground or top floor, could have ceilings 0.1 m higher than the designated indicator. In the northern regions, the height from floor to ceiling in an apartment could reach 2.7 m.

For the manufacture of interfloor ceilings in the “Khrushchev” buildings, panels made of reinforced concrete were used, which are convenient in construction, quite reliable in operation and can be faced without problems. Accordingly, finishing ceilings usually came down to processing the joints in the slabs and applying whitewash.

Stretch ceilings, despite the reduction in ceiling height (even the most simple designs“eat up” about 5 cm), are used in “Khrushchev” buildings quite often. Rack or plasterboard structures much less common - they require much more space to install. There is no need to talk about multi-level structures - they are completely inappropriate in such conditions.

By installing a suspended ceiling, you can try to compensate for the loss of free space by visually expanding the room. To achieve this effect, you need to choose colors and textures very wisely. ceiling structure. As lighting fixtures it is better to use spotlights - installation large chandeliers in “Khrushchev” buildings it is completely impractical.


After some time, when Brezhnev came to power, with him came the desire of people to live in a more comfortable conditions. This desire is reflected in state building regulations. Thus, the standard ceiling height in an apartment has increased to 2.6-2.7 m, and the rooms themselves have become larger. Besides, standard projects were complemented by separate hallways, as well as built-in closets and mezzanines. There were no other differences from the apartments of the Khrushchev era - all the same brick walls, panel ceilings, simplified layout and complete absence of any decoration.

Brezhnevkas are quite convenient in terms of repair. The ceilings in such apartments are simple and fairly even, which allows you to use any available materials and solutions. The difference between the base ceiling and the minimum possible is about 15 cm - and this distance is quite enough for both simple finishing and for arranging suspended structures.

Buildings made of panels and blocks

Initially panel houses were built under Khrushchev. The standard configuration of such houses assumed that they would have five floors, and they would be built in the southern regions. Ceiling height standard in panel houses was about 2.5 meters, and the walls were built of brick. By and large, these buildings were very similar to typical “Khrushchev” buildings - free space little, and there is not enough natural light even on sunny days.

Renovation of houses made of panels and blocks occurred already in the 80s. The new buildings had an increased number of floors, large area rooms and high ceilings - their minimum height was 2.65 m, and in some cases reached 2.75 m. Even with a superficial examination, we can safely say that such apartments were much more convenient.

This convenience was evident not only during the operation of the apartments, but also during renovations. Thus, finishing the ceiling was extremely simple - initially the surface of the floors was flat, so it could be arranged in any way. The high ceilings typical of such apartments made it possible to use suspended and suspended ceiling structures.

The most noticeable disadvantage of panel houses is low level sound and noise insulation. That is why during repairs you always have to use quality materials, allowing to reduce the noise level entering the apartment from the outside.

Modern apartments

Today, apartments and premises in multi-storey buildings have the most different layouts, and during the construction process they are used modern technologies. Due to this, a fairly wide variability in the dimensions of the premises is ensured - for example, the height of the ceilings in the office can completely “float” depending on the purpose of a particular room. Diversity allows you to choose apartments in a wide range of prices - with a minimum budget you will have to choose among economy-class apartments, and the ability to invest more money allows you to purchase housing that will have a larger area and a high degree of comfort.

The difference between cheap and expensive apartments is obvious:

  1. When building small apartments and studios, the priority goal is the minimum cost of finished housing. One of the ways to save on materials is to limit the height of the ceiling, so the standard ceiling height in new buildings is usually the minimum allowable 2.7 m. The ceiling itself in such conditions lends itself to any finishing work - the only limitation is multi-level suspended structures, which are undesirable to install in small rooms. The optimal solution There will be the use of finishing materials that allow you to visually expand the space.
  2. For the construction of expensive apartments they are usually used individual projects, and the ceiling height in new buildings can vary from 2.8 to 3.2 m. The purchase of luxury housing usually indicates good financial capabilities of the buyer, therefore all repairs and Finishing work in this case, they are entrusted to the appropriate specialists. A competent designer will calculate the optimal ceiling height for a specific project, which will fit perfectly into the planned style.

Private houses

In the case of private houses, everything is somewhat different than with apartments. When building apartment buildings, developers have to take into account the fact that there will be many apartments in one building, and each of them needs to be made quite comfortable - i.e. certain restrictions are introduced. For private houses, such restrictions are irrelevant - the dimensions of the premises are practically independent of external factors.

For a comfortable stay in a private house, you need to raise the ceiling to a level of about 2.9-3.2 m. Of course, these figures can be increased even more, but this is impractical - the free space will not be in demand, and heating costs due to the increase the volume of the room will increase. In warm regions this point can be ignored, but for middle zone and northern regions, it is more than relevant.

The selection of finishing materials for the ceiling directly depends on how the floors were formed:

  • In case of wooden beams Tensile and suspended structures are best suited, as well as wood cladding and materials that allow the beams to remain visible;
  • For reinforced concrete floors Absolutely all finishing materials are suitable.

Ceiling height calculation

It’s worth noting right away that the height of the ceiling in a living space and its decoration are two closely related parameters, and each of them depends on the other. For this reason, before calculating the height of the ceiling, you need to decide what finishing materials will be used in the structure. Knowing this parameter will significantly simplify the calculation of the ceiling height, especially if systems consisting of several levels will be mounted on it.

The standard ceiling height in an apartment is a fairly clear parameter, and for each existing types housing it was described above. But, in addition to this parameter, there is also an optimal ceiling height, which always exceeds the standard or coincides with it. Calculation optimal height aims to ensure that each room is as comfortable as possible and looks harmonious.

When choosing the optimal ceiling height, it is worth considering the following number of factors:

  1. In residential premises and kitchens, the minimum height of ceilings in an apartment after all work must exceed the height of the tallest family member by 1 m. This indicator was not derived by chance - studies have shown that the highest content of various harmful impurities of household origin is observed at this height. To eliminate the impact of these impurities on the body, you need to raise the ceiling level in accordance with the specified rule.
  2. Making ceilings that are too high is not practical from an economic point of view. For example, if in a building with an area of ​​100 m2 the ceiling is raised by 30 cm, then the total volume of the house will be increased by 30 m3 - and this volume will not be useful, and a considerable amount will be spent on heating it.
  3. In multi-storey private houses, high ceilings are not recommended. Firstly, this will lead to an increase in the cost of heating and the cost of building a house. Secondly, if there are two or more floors, it is necessary to equip a staircase - and if the ceiling is too high, it will be located at a large angle, and because of this it will not be possible to walk comfortably on it. To make a large and spacious room, it would be better to plan the house so that there is no ceiling above this room at all.
  4. In non-residential and utility premises, a high ceiling is completely unnecessary. In the pantry, small corridor or garage, the ceiling height may be below the minimum. Typically, for such premises, values ​​of 2.2-2.5 meters are used. In bathhouses and saunas, the ceiling rarely rises above 2.2-2.3 m - when this value increases, it becomes much more difficult to heat the room.
  5. There is a direct relationship between the area of ​​​​the room and the height of the ceiling in it - than bigger room, the better the high ceiling will look in it. To ensure that the ceiling height in the apartment corresponds to the area of ​​the premises, you can use different ways finishing that changes the height of the structure - for example, hanging or stretch ceilings. Such systems, among other things, also allow you to hide all communications.


The minimum height of a living space is determined by standard values, but even within their limits, the height of the finished ceiling structure can vary significantly. In the case of apartments, you won’t be able to change the ceiling height, so you’ll have to work with the existing values. Private homes give you much more freedom, especially when it comes to building a home from scratch.


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