Indoor yucca - care at home. Yucca: growing at home Care for yucca during flowering

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Yucca grows well not only at home, but also in open ground flower beds. Most often, garden false palm is grown in Ukraine, the Caucasus and southern regions our country, where the soil and climatic conditions are most suitable for the cultivation of heat-loving exotics. Few flower growers know which varieties and species, due to their botanical characteristics, are suitable for outdoor cultivation, which is why choosing a variety for decorating a flower bed and planting under open air you need to approach it very carefully and responsibly.

Characteristics of garden yucca

A significant part of yucca species grow in natural conditions in America and Mexico. Some species are also found in southern Europe. Beautiful and unpretentious, tree-like and evergreen outdoor false palms come in several types, but they all have some general characteristics. A perennial ornamental plant, depending on its species characteristics, its appearance may resemble a tree or shrub.

The average height of the tree-like stem part can vary from several centimeters to several meters. The trunk can be either straight or have branches. The foliage is lanceolate-linear or xiphoid, collected at the end of the stem in a fairly dense bunch. The plant blooms in summer period. Large flowers, white coloring, bell-shaped, collected in multi-flowered and rather long paniculate inflorescences. After flowering, the flower transforms into a round, dry or fleshy fruit, represented by a multi-seeded capsule with a black seed material.

Species diversity

The Yucca genus includes about fifty species, but only a few of them are suitable for outdoor cultivation. The false palm is decorative, and at the flowering stage the garden crop takes on a very exotic appearance. For cultivation in open ground flowerbeds in temperate climatic conditions, blue-gray plants are also suitable, as they tolerate temperature drops down to minus 18-20°C.

Perennial evergreen shrub Yucca filamentous has linear-lanceolate, flat, basal, growing from a rosette, blue-green foliage. The length of the leaves varies between 30-90 cm with a width of 2-4 cm. The apex of the leaves is sharply pointed, soft or hard. Threads hang along the edges of the foliage. The inflorescence is represented by a panicle consisting of creamy white or yellowish-white drooping flowers.

Yucca glauca

Yucca gray or "Candle of the Lord" is a perennial, evergreen, monoecious, stemless or small woody stem plant. The foliage is linear, bluish-green, 40-70 cm long, 0.8-1.2 cm wide, with sparse and thin, curled threads at the edges. The peduncle is racemose and tall. The inflorescence is branched, collected from bell-shaped, white, greenish-white or yellowish flowers.

Exotic appearance garden evergreen, can easily withstand short drops in temperature down to minus 28-30 o C even without shelter protection. Root system buried type, therefore it freezes extremely rarely, but in regions with long and harsh winters, the ornamental crop needs dry air shelter. Improper protective measures are the main cause of damping off or death of tropical plants.

Yucca gray is one of the extremely life-loving plants, and is able to grow well even on sandy soils and without additional irrigation measures. This garden plant is quite aggressive in nature, so removing weeds when growing in flower beds is practically not required. The crop blooms at the age of four, and the flowers remain decorative for about a month. Yucca is best propagated by numerous lateral offspring, since seed material is almost never formed, and using store-bought seeds for sowing allows you to get the first flowering only after a few years.

Others are grown as container or pot plants placed outdoors in the summer. Garden varieties and varieties are perfect for landscaping the most arid and rocky-sandy garden areas.

Features of the development of garden yucca (video)

Rules and terms of landing

Garden yucca is planted in spring. summer time , when daytime temperatures reach 20-22 o C. Only in this case does the plant form a good root system, and the ornamental crop goes into winter as prepared as possible. To grow an outdoor ornamental plant, you need to select an open area well lit by sunlight, represented by well-drained soil with an acidity of pH 7.5.

The dimensions of the pre-prepared planting hole should be approximately twice the volume of the root system of the false palm tree. The planting area should be thoroughly watered and mulched with hay or sawdust, which will reduce moisture evaporation. In order not to dig up heat-loving varieties on winter period, such varieties of yucca are planted in special planting containers.

Features of outdoor care

Caring for garden yucca is not at all difficult. Standard care for outdoor false palm trees includes watering and fertilizing, removing weeds, loosening, preventing diseases and pests, and protecting from frost.

Optimal growing conditions

Despite the fact that the false palm belongs to the category of tropical plants, the impact on aboveground part direct sun rays over a long period of time can sharply reduce the decorative qualities of foliage. It is optimal to grow in well-lit and sun-warmed areas with some shading at midday.

Site selection and soil preparation

The decorative outdoor plant grows quite well on almost any type of soil, but in order to get the most attractive plant, it is recommended to plant it on sufficiently loose soils that do not retain water, with a sufficient content of coarse sand. The site must be well drained. When planting, you can use black soil, as well as calcareous, sandy or clay-rocky soil. Among other things, experienced gardeners recommend pre-planting deep digging with the removal of all weeds and the application of complete complex fertilizers.

Watering and fertilizing

To improve the decorative qualities of an outdoor plant, it is important to provide the yucca with proper irrigation and fertilizing measures. Under natural conditions, the false palm easily tolerates dry periods, and an excess of moisture can cause irreparable damage to the root system of the plant.

Irrigation measures are necessary when the top layer of soil dries out completely. You need to spray the foliage of garden yucca in the morning or at evening hours, after sunset. IN spring period, at the stage of active growth, the false palm tree needs to be fed with compost, liquid humus, mineral fertilizers for succulent plants. Top dressing can also be foliar.

Yucca: growing (video)

Reproduction and transplantation

Garden yucca can remain decorative for twenty years, but the plant needs timely replanting:

  • if the false palm has grown and numerous shoots have appeared, but they need to be separated and replanted, and the garden crop needs to be replanted;
  • the root system can be buried 60-70 cm, so to reduce the risk of damage to the roots you need to dig deep enough;
  • replanting garden yucca can be done not only in spring, but also in the last ten days of summer;
  • Flowering of the false palm after transplantation occurs in about a year.

Garden yucca reproduces by seeds and vegetatively. In our country, propagation is used by bush division and stem cuttings.

Use in garden decoration

When using garden yucca in landscape design, it is very important to take into account the botanical characteristics of the crop and follow the basic rules for combining false palms with other ornamental plants. Outdoor false palm is great for decorating rock gardens and border decoration garden paths, rocky gravel or sandy landscape areas.

Long-blooming yucca with bluish-green foliage and white leaf edges is an elegant decoration for monochrome areas. The plant is suitable for single and group plantings. In flower arrangements, yucca is best complemented with low-growing crops with bright or pastel blooms.

In the spring, in order to form a branching plant, it is recommended to cut off the apical part. The cuts must be treated with garden pitch or crushed coal. R the result of such measures is the formation of stem shoots from awakening buds.

Why garden yucca does not bloom

Many experienced amateur flower growers know that room conditions Yucca almost never blooms. However, when creating comfortable growing conditions for an outdoor ornamental crop that are as close to natural as possible, the garden false palm blooms with very beautiful and fragrant bell-shaped panicle inflorescences.

The absence of flowering may indicate gross violations of cultivation technology or improper care of the plant. Among other things, the period of entry into the flowering phase may depend on the characteristics of the variety. Some species bloom already in the first year after planting, and perhaps flowering in the fourth or even fifth year of life. It should be remembered that a plant that is in good conditions, does not freeze in winter and does not suffer from waterlogging, blooms annually and very profusely.

Feeding yucca (video)

Growing garden yucca is a fascinating and not at all difficult activity. To get a long-lasting and highly decorative street crop, it is enough to carry out proper care in a timely manner and do not forget about regular prevention of diseases and pests.

May 14 2018

Yucca - home care

A houseplant called Yucca is very popular among gardeners. This one is evergreen beautiful flower It looks noble both in a city apartment and in a reputable office; there is no shame in giving it as a gift. An adult plant evokes admiring glances and a desire to have such a flower at home. If you have this exotic, or are thinking about purchasing it, our article will help you with advice on how best to care for this southern beauty. Let's say right away that special knowledge and you don’t need any special requirements for comfortable maintenance and care of Yucca at home.

Yucca is indigenous to Central America and its arid regions. Visually, it is similar to a Palm tree, especially in its natural habitat, when the leaves from the lower tiers dry out and fall off, the trunk becomes lignified and only a bunch of hard leaves remains at the top. But this is not Palma.

There is some confusion regarding the classification of Yucca. At first, Yucca was classified as a member of the Liliaceae family, then to the Agave family, and now to the Asparagus family. Moreover, Yucca is now simultaneously on the list of representatives of both. In general, there is complete confusion. In addition to Palma, it is also often confused with other indoor flowers similar to Palma - Dracaena and Cordyline. An experienced florist will not be mistaken; he will immediately see the difference. But for beginners, this similarity is a little confusing.

Large specimen of Yucca

In nature, Yucca grows as a fully or partially leafy large shrub from two to eight meters in height. Indoor species grow up to a meter or two. Its tree-like stem is topped with green or bluish dense leaves, sticking out in different directions or slightly drooping, pointed lanceolate or xiphoid in shape. The length of such a leaf can reach up to a meter, although indoor specimens have leaves no more than 50 cm in length. There are stemless species of Yucca, the crown of which consists of one or several rosettes.

Yucca blooms amazingly beautifully, throwing out powerful vertical peduncles, abundantly strewn with buds. Large flowers, up to 8 cm long, resemble cup-shaped bells. Flowers most often white, but in nature there are creamy-greenish, yellowish or pinkish tones. The fruits are of no interest; they look like dry boxes. True, some species have juicy edible fruits. But unfortunately, not every gardener gets to see Yucca blooming at home. It grows quite quickly. From a small plant it can turn into a large bush or tree in a few years. What should be done to make the plant feel “at home” and at the same time maintain its compact decorative form and acceptable dimensions for your room? Let's try to figure this out.

Types and varieties

There are over thirty different species of Yucca. They differ mainly in leaves and sizes. Some species have lanceolate leaves, while others have sword-shaped leaves. In addition, the edges of the leaf blades in some species are covered with long, stiff hairs, in others - with spines, and in others they are smooth. U indoor varieties Yucca leaves, in addition to the usual green leaves, have variegated leaves with bright white or yellow stripes. The most popular types: filamentous, ivory, gray, glorious and aloel.

At home, mainly two types are grown - ivory and aloe vera. Less often - filamentous and blue. We are sure that all types of this plant will decorate your home. Let's get to know them better.

Yucca elephantipes

It is named so because of the wide, massive base of the stem, which appears in Yucca in old age, which resembles the foot of an African elephant. This species of Yucca is very unpretentious to living conditions. It grows slowly. It is accustomed to the arid climate of a city apartment, is undemanding to the soil composition and does not take up much space in the room. In addition, you can plant other Yucca plants in a wide pot. indoor flowers, resistant to dry soil, for example, or. Against the background of Yucca, pots with, Spathiphyllum, and Benjamin ficus look great. or also decorate this floral arrangement.

In the south of Russia, in Crimea and the Caucasus, it grows in open ground and does not require shelter for the winter. IN middle lane In Russia it is grown under cover. Sometimes grown at home. This almost stemless plant grows as a shrub with beautiful bluish-green leaves, which have characteristic white or yellow stripes. The length of the leaves reaches 70 cm, width – up to 4 cm. The apex is pointed. The edges of the leaves are slightly drooping and contain numerous twisted white threads. The root system is well developed. The peduncle is very large, rising above the rosette to a height of up to one meter. Yucca blooms with drooping yellowish-white flowers up to 8 cm in length.

This species is less common in indoor floriculture. It is more demanding in terms of content and takes up more space. It grows slowly, but over time, expanding, mature plant takes the shape of a ball with wide leathery leaves. In the summer, Yucca Marginata blooms. On an inflorescence up to 45 cm long, many bell-shaped flowers of a creamy white color with a light purple tint are formed.

Yucca glauca

This type of Yucca has a greatly shortened stem. It does not grow higher than two meters in height. The bluish-green leaves are collected in dense rosettes about 90 cm wide. They are leathery, fibrous, up to 60 cm in length. At the edges they are white or gray with flaking fibers. In summer, it forms a paniculate inflorescence up to one meter in height, on which many small creamy-white flowers with a greenish or brown tint appear.

Caring for Yucca at home

The presented types of Yucca will fit perfectly into the interior of your apartment, will green it, and will not require much sacrifice and time from you. Just follow the basic rules for growing it, which we will now introduce you to.

Lighting and location of the pot

Light-loving Yuccas are best placed on flower stands near eastern or western window sills in an apartment. The place should be sunny, well lit throughout the day - the growth, development and appearance of your flower will depend on this. For this reason, you should not place the pot on the floor - there will not be enough light. It is necessary that the stand for it be flush with the window sill.

If you place a pot with a flower near the southern windows, then at midday you will have to protect the Yucca from direct rays of the sun with light curtains or blinds so that its leaves do not get sunburned.

If the window sills in your apartment are wide and the Yucca bushes are still young, then you can easily keep them on the windowsill. Just make sure that in the summer the sun does not burn them, and in the winter the leaves do not touch the cold glass.

In winter, the plant will lack natural light from any window. You will have to take care of this in advance and purchase a fluorescent lamp or phytolamp to turn it on if necessary at a distance of 50–60 cm from the flower in order to artificially extend the daylight hours for Yucca to 12 hours a day.

Ventilation of the room in autumn-winter is also necessary for the flower, but do not forget that drafts are contraindicated for it.


The temperature of the flower should be kept around 22–26 degrees. Suits him quite well normal temperature city ​​apartments in which the flower develops well and looks healthy. In winter, it is advisable to lower the temperature to 16–20 degrees. During the heating season, Yucca begins to suffer from hot air. Its leaves begin to stretch out, thin out, and turgor weakens. Try to reduce the temperature in the room by ventilation or using split systems. Cover batteries using improvised means. Avoid sudden temperature changes.

Sometimes the owner opens the windows for ventilation in winter and forgets to take Yucca into the next room. A short time is enough to destroy the plant and then for a long time regret it. The lower temperature limit in winter for indoor Yucca is 8 degrees. heat.


Yucca does not require high ambient humidity. The humidity of our city apartments suits it - 40–50%. If the humidity is even lower and the temperature is high, for example, during the heating season, we recommend spraying the surrounding air and the leaves of the flower with boiled or well-settled water at room temperature. Just make sure that the wet leaves of the flower are not exposed to sunlight through the window glass - the plant can get burned and lose its decorative appearance.

To keep the leaves clean and improve their respiration during the hot season, the crown should be wiped with a damp cloth. A flower with wet leaves cannot be placed in the sun - it will get burned. Therefore, it is advisable to carry out this procedure in the evening so that the crown dries out overnight.


There is no single rule for watering Yucca. The amount and frequency of watering depend on the time of year, humidity indoors or outdoors (depending on where the flower is located), the size of the flower and its pot. For example, a young plant, just bought in a store and transplanted into new pot, should be moistened a little almost every day, and an adult flower growing in a huge pot can be watered once every two to three weeks. Let's give general recommendations on this occasion.

In summer, watering should be plentiful, but not frequent. Wait until the top layer of soil 4–7 cm deep dries out, only then water again. Use only settled or boiled water room temperature. If the air temperature is about 20–22 degrees, water no more than once a week. In autumn-winter, watering is reduced. One watering every 10–14 days may be sufficient. The cooler the air in the room becomes, the less often you should water the flower. If the temperature remains at 18 degrees for a long time, one watering every 3 weeks is sufficient.

It has been noticed that it is enough to pour 1 liter of water into a 5 liter pot. Yucca tolerates dry soil more easily than overwatering. At any time of the year, do not allow excess water to stagnate in the pan, so as not to provoke rotting of the Yucca root system. If brown spots appear on the leaves and they begin to curl, it means that the roots have begun to rot due to waterlogging of the substrate. In addition, waterlogged soil often causes the plant to be attacked by all sorts of pests.

If the top layer of the substrate remains wet for several days after watering, the substrate may have become very hardened and does not allow water to pass to the roots inside the pot. In this case, you urgently need to loosen the soil with some available tool, or at least a fork.

Or perhaps the humidity level in your apartment has increased significantly. The soil began to dry more slowly. By maintaining the usual watering regime, you risk ruining the root system of the plant.

In hot weather, it is advisable to arrange a shower for Yucca. Wash its leaves well to remove dust, but make sure that water does not get on the substrate (cover the soil with polyethylene while bathing). After your shower, place the pot in a place where there are no drafts or direct sunlight. When the leaves are dry, you can take the flower to its place.


Feeding Yucca is a necessary condition its successful cultivation from April to August. Foliar fertilizing with minerals has an advantage liquid formulations. Just dilute them with twice as much water as indicated in the instructions for the drug. Spray with the preparation bottom sides leaves - Yucca responds well to this. Foliar feeding is combined with regular watering of the flower. Purchase liquid mineral fertilizers for blooming indoor flowers in special stores. During the period of active growth, feed Yucca once every 2 weeks. During illness, after transplantation and in autumn-winter, the flower is not fed.

If, when replanting the plant, you used special balanced soil for Palms or Dracaenas, then Yucca will have enough nutrition for a long time, and you will not have to feed it until the next season.

The soil

Yucca prefers light, loose, but quite nutritious substrates, in which leaf, turf soil, peat, humus and coarse sand are found in equal proportions. You can use ready-made soil mixtures. By suitable for the composition soil for Palms or Dracaena with a neutral or slightly acidic environment. Or you can prepare the soil yourself. In any case, we recommend disinfecting the substrate before use in any way - calcining or freezing it to prevent the presence of infection and insects.


After purchasing Yucca, do not immediately place it in the prepared place - give it a little time to acclimatize to new living conditions away from other flowers. Transplant the flower into a new pot larger than the transport container. Prepare a new substrate as well. Be sure to place a good layer of drainage on the bottom of the pot - expanded clay or crushed stone, at least 5 cm. Replant the flower using the transshipment method. Do not deepen the stem too much. Immersion to a depth greater than 3 cm is fraught with rotting of the trunk and death of the Yucca. After transplanting, water the plant and place it separately from the others for a couple of weeks to monitor it. Do not place the pot in the sun, in a draft, or in a room that is too hot. After the expiration date, a healthy-looking Yucca can be moved to its planned location.

A planned transplant of Yucca into another, larger pot is carried out for young specimens once a year, for more mature ones - once every two to four years, with partial replacement of the old soil with new one. There are no special restrictions on the time of transplantation, but it is still better to replant it in the spring. The reason for the transplant may be that the Yucca root system has grown throughout the pot. When removing a flower from an old one and placing it in a new pot, try not to damage the root system. Otherwise, the flower may get sick, and the adaptation process will take a long time, if not worse.

Try to ensure that the new substrate with which you fill the voids in the pot is of the same composition as the previous one, then the adaptation time will pass faster. Another condition: within a month, the transplanted flower cannot be fed, cut or cut! Let him adapt to the new living conditions in peace.

Large flowers are not very stable. Therefore, it is planted in a large pot. To prevent acidification of the soil, rippers are added to it - vermiculite, perlite or expanded clay chips in a ratio of 5 to 1.

If the plant is too large and you do not want it to grow further, use an old pot when replanting, and trim the root system of the flower by a quarter with a clean tool. Treat the cut areas with crushed charcoal, possibly charcoal, or activated charcoal. In an old, but cleaned and disinfected pot, pour 5 cm of new drainage and part of the new soil. The flower is installed and its roots are covered with substrate. There should be fresh soil on both the top and sides of the pot. After transplanting, do not water the Yucca for a couple of days, and then begin to carefully moisten the substrate in portions, waiting for its surface to dry.

It is problematic to replant an adult plant that has reached monumental size. Usually they are content with annually replacing the old soil from the top of the pot with new soil.

How to prune Yucca

Rest period

Yucca does not have a pronounced period of rest. It needs good lighting and moderate temperatures all year round. environment, in moderate watering. If you take it out into an unheated room in the winter, keep in mind that the temperature is below 8 degrees. heat is critical for her.


We introduced you to different types of evergreen beauty Yucca, as well as the rules for caring for it at home. According to Feng Shui, Yucca is a symbol of fresh air, purity and perfection. She does not tolerate clutter either in the house, or in the office, or in her head. It is placed near the workplace of a person who often conducts business negotiations and signs important papers. We are sure that you will like this flower.

This message has no labels

Yucca garden is a close relative of the popular indoor plant. But if in potted culture its unusual, stylized “palm tree” shape is valuable, the street counterpart is interesting for its chic inflorescences up to one and a half meters long and half a meter in diameter. A fascinating sight!

Previously, it was cultivated mainly in the south, but now it can be found in the gardens of the middle zone, where it forms truly “heavenly thickets.” We decided to figure out how difficult it is to care for a resident of semi-deserts, how to help her adapt to the Russian climate and preserve her in the conditions of a frosty winter.

Each yucca inflorescence contains 200–250 bells, which remain decorative for 1.5–2 months

Yucca garden: subtleties of planting and care

Garden yucca is often called a tropical plant. This is not entirely true. Its habitat is the semi-desert regions of North and Central America with long hot and dry summers and cool winters. This affected the structure and cyclical development of the plant.

The types of yucca we cultivate as outdoors are an evergreen perennial with a short, loose stem and a cluster of tough, sword-shaped leaves. They are designed to accumulate and retain moisture (trunk) and prevent its evaporation (leaves). The rhizome is thick and branched, going to great depths. This is also an indicator of adaptation to drought conditions.

Despite the “evergreen”, garden flowers are characterized by cyclical development with a pronounced dormant period, which occurs in the cold season. It is these features that make it possible to grow yucca in gardens. temperate climate. Subject to certain nuances of agricultural technology, of course.

Growing conditions

First, let's try to create conditions for the flower that are close to the natural environment.

  1. Location: in the sun. If you have a flower bed in full sun where no other flowers want to grow, it may be suitable for yucca. Being a succulent, the plant can easily withstand temperatures up to +35°C and dry air, in which 5-6 times more moisture evaporates than it receives. And, conversely, in the shade the yucca will not reveal its potential, and there may be problems with flowering.
  2. The soil is light, crumbly, well drained. The best option is sandy loam. Clay soils require loosening with river sand and peat chips. The plant does not tolerate stagnant moisture, so if groundwater is close, it is best to artificially raise the flower bed.
  3. A place protected from the wind. Yucca does not like drafts, especially in winter. Although its flower stalks are strong, they can break under the weight of the flowers in windy weather.

Planting in open ground

Let's consider the features of growing garden yucca, starting with planting a young seedling and ending with caring for an adult perennial. (We omit the technology of growing from seeds, since garden centers most often sell seedlings, rooted cuttings or cuttings with a piece of rhizome).

It is best to plant yucca in the garden in the spring, so that the plant goes into winter fully strengthened and hardened. This is done no earlier than May, when the night temperature exceeds 10°C.

Select a sunny place for planting in advance, prepare a planting hole 50–60 cm deep. If necessary, drainage from small stones, crushed stone, or pieces of brick is laid at the bottom. Sprinkle it with a layer of fertile soil generously seasoned with wood ash.

If the soil in the garden is light and fertile, use it. If it is heavy and poor, prepare a substrate from turf soil, well-rotted compost, and sand.

A seedling is placed on the prepared “cushion” and covered with prepared soil. The root collar is brought level with the soil surface.

After planting, water the hole and mulch the top with dry soil. The seedling is pressed well around the stem.

Care after landing

How to care for a seedling after planting? Very simple.

  • As necessary, loosen and clear the root zone of weeds.
  • During dry periods, water occasionally.
  • Regularly inspect for pests (possible aphid infestation).

An adult plant is hardy, tenacious and unpretentious. In the middle zone, the moisture that falls with rain and morning dew is sufficient for it. Even if “overboard” is more than +30° C, do not rush to grab the watering can. Let the yucca pretend that it is in its native Mexico.

In drier steppe regions - in the Donbass, in Rostov region, Krasnodar region– watering is needed, but not too frequent and abundant.

In the spring, the perennial freed from shelter is fed with a complex of complete fertilizers (30–40 g/m²) or an organic solution ( chicken manure– 1:20, mullein – 1:10). If the bush has been mulched with humus since the fall, no additional feeding is needed.

Please note that with proper care, yucca can grow in one place without replanting for up to 20 years. Depending on the species, it forms lush rosettes or “trees” resembling a palm tree.

Formation of an adult perennial

Yucca, cultivated in open ground, most often grows in bushes consisting of several rosettes of large sword-shaped leaves. Over time, the mother plant becomes overgrown with root suckers. The bush is thickening, which is not in the best possible way affects his condition.

  • The feeding area decreases, the plant becomes smaller and weaker.
  • The air permeability of the soil in the area of ​​the roots deteriorates, and they can rot.
  • Its decorative value is reduced.
  • Weak specimens do not have enough strength to flower.

Every year the bushes must be thinned out, leaving the largest, strongest rosettes, usually 3–5 per 1 m². Often, after flowering, the mother plant dries out. It's okay, this is typical for agave plants. Leave a young bush instead.

Some people thin out the yucca in the fall, while others leave this work until the spring. In our opinion, the second option is preferable. Firstly, it is easier for a thickened bush to overwinter. Secondly, during spring thinning, excess rosettes can be used for propagation, but in the fall they will most likely have to be thrown away.

Garden yucca does not bloom immediately after planting, but in the second, third, sometimes fourth year. Its peduncle is strong, woody, rises 1.5–2 m, forms a branched panicle consisting of hundreds of white, greenish, cream bells. After flowering, it must be cut with pruning shears or cut down with a hacksaw. It won't work any other way. There is no point in collecting seeds; it is easier to propagate the flower by root suckers.

In addition, in spring and autumn it is necessary to clean the base of the bush from old, damaged, dried leaves. Over time, you can get an interesting palm-shaped stem, which will only add decorativeness to the yucca.

Yucca care in winter

Taking care of yucca in winter requires special attention. As experience shows, winter hardiness garden varieties perennial is quite tall. It can withstand frosts of up to 25° C without shelter, however, provided that they are short-lived.

The vitality of the plant is admirable. It may freeze, but not die. Most often, the flower bud suffers - in this case, the yucca will not bloom, and the frozen leaves will be restored during May-June. But even if the bush freezes completely, with a high probability during the summer it will produce young shoots from underground stolons.

Plants are prepared for winter in the fall, approximately at the end of October. Regardless of the thickness and design of the shelter, rosettes of evergreen leaves are collected in bunches at the top and tied with twine.

Why do this? The bunch is an additional protection for the apical bud, which is thus partially covered by leaves. In addition, tied foliage will not be damaged by snowfall.

In the southern regions, in most cases this is enough for the plant to winter safely in the open ground. In colder climates, it is recommended to cover the flower more securely.

Options for wintering yucca in open ground

How and with what to cover perennials for the winter?

  1. Wrap the rosettes tied in a bundle on top (on the cone) with a mat, a reed blanket, or lutrasil. Tie the cone at the top with twine, and press down with stones around the perimeter at the bottom. Air cover will protect from excess moisture and scorching wind.
  2. Cover the bush with a wooden box, wrap it with lutrasil or spunbond on top, cover it with spruce branches or cover it with dry leaves.
  3. Instead of a wooden box, you can use a frame structure.

Do not use polyethylene for covering. Condensation forms on the sealed material, which is harmful to the plant.

Varieties of garden yucca: brief description, photo

More than 30 species of yucca are known in botany. Among them there are giants that grow over 10 m in height, and small herbaceous perennials. Almost all of them are heat-loving plants, unsuitable for growing in a temperate climate zone. There are only a few types of garden yucca, adapted to the conditions of the middle zone - they are presented in the photo below along with a brief description.

Yucca filamentosa

This is the most common in garden culture a species on the basis of which several interesting hybrids have been created.

It has practically no stem - the rosette is formed at the soil level and consists of large, hard leaves up to 70 cm high, crowned with a sharp thorn. In adult leaves, thin strong threads peel off along the edges - from a distance it seems that the bush is braided with a cobweb. Hence the species name. It blooms with lush creamy-white inflorescences, each bell is 7–8 cm long.

In the photo - Yu. filamentosa (filamentosa)

Based on this species, several variegated (variegated) hybrids have been created.

  • Bright Edge is a fast-growing variety with lush blue-green foliage edged with yellow. Peduncle up to 100 cm with large white bells.
  • Color Guard is a 70 cm tall plant with variegated foliage combining dove-green, yellow and white stripes. Flowers are creamy white.
  • Gold Heart is a compact (45 cm tall), frost-resistant yucca with bluish-green leaves on the edge and yellow-white leaves in the middle. In autumn the white color turns pinkish. The flowers are white with a delicate pink tint.

In variegated forms, foliage of unusual color is of decorative value.

Yucca gray

This species is similar in appearance to filamentous yucca. It is distinguished by narrower (1.5 cm wide), needle-like leaves and faded, not even green, but bluish foliage.

The plant produces strong, tall peduncles, densely covered with large drooping bells of yellowish-white or greenish-white color. Due to the appearance of the inflorescences, this variety is popularly called the “Candle of the Lord.” Blooms in the second half of summer.

Garden yucca is a frost-resistant perennial that can tolerate up to 25° minus without shelter. With shelter for the winter, it can be grown not only in the middle zone, but also in Siberia, Altai, and Kamchatka.

Gray yucca expels peduncle
In the photo - blue yucca candle inflorescences

In the south of Russia, in addition to these species, you can grow Yu. aloelia and Yu. glorious in the garden. Outwardly, they are similar to the varieties described above, but are more heat-loving.

Video about growing garden yucca:

Yucca garden has served as a decoration for gardens and parks for more than 100 years; during flowering, this plant attracts the eyes of passers-by, striking with its splendor. Yucca filamentosa - everyone is familiar with this plant, because yucca fiber is still added to cotton fabric for the production of jeans. Thanks to this, jeans can be worn forever - they are highly durable. This article contains everything about growing and propagating the crop, caring for garden yucca, assortment of species and varieties.

Amazing white bells rise on a meter-long peduncle.

Yuccas are evergreen plants with a tree-like stem, united in a separate genus Yucca, which in turn is included in the Agave family.

In nature, yucca can be found in the south of North America, Mexico and Central America. About 20 species of plants are known, some of which can withstand wintering in open ground when planted in a subtropical climate zone. In Russia, garden yucca is widely used for landscaping areas in resort areas of the Black Sea coast; they adapt perfectly to urban conditions, serve as an ideal decoration for rocky hills, and are grown as solitary plants.

Most often, garden yucca is grown in city parks, which forms a dense rosette of hard leaves growing in a spiral on a shortened stem. The characteristic color of the leaves is green with a bluish coating over the entire area of ​​the leaf blade.

During flowering, the inconspicuous bush acquires extraordinary attractiveness - tall peduncles (more than 100 cm) rise from the center of the rosette, which are densely covered with large milky-white bells. The flowers are quite large, their length is 7 cm, width - 5 cm. During flowering, garden yucca is unusually attractive to insects - the graceful bells are visited by bees and bumblebees.

Types and varieties

Yucca filamentosa has white curled hairs along the edges of the leaves.

All species can be divided into plants for indoor and open ground cultivation. The primacy among open ground cultivars undoubtedly belongs to the species - garden yucca.

Yucca filamentosa is another popular plant that has virtually no stem. Yu. filamentous has sharp, dense leaves with a bluish coating, along the edges of which there are thin, strong white threads. Large flowers are yellow-cream, collected in paniculate inflorescences.

Yucca gloriosa - a plant common in the USA, this variety has bluish leaves with jagged edges of the leaf blade and a sharp thorn at the top of the leaf. The stem is very strong and tree-like. Yucca gloriousa blooms with decorative inflorescences consisting of many bell-shaped flowers of a purple hue.

Yucca treculeana - this variety of yucca is usually grown indoors. The tree-like stem is covered with rosettes of dense leaves, painted in green-blue tones. The leaves are hard, in adulthood the leaves can reach more than 1 m. Yucca treculeana blooms with rare bell-shaped flowers of cream color.

There are several more in nature popular types: Yucca aloelifolia, radiata, glaucous, beak-shaped, Schotta, short-leaved, turned-leaved, ivory, southern, Whippla. All varieties are characterized by powerful, durable trunks (reduced in some species), hard leaves and paniculate inflorescences of bell-shaped flowers.

Growing in the garden

Planting a plant requires a lot of free space.

Two types can be planted in open ground: garden yucca and filamentous yucca. It is not recommended to replant yucca in open ground immediately after purchase; it is best to gradually adapt the plant to local conditions, taking it out into the garden for hardening for 1-2 weeks.


To grow yucca in the garden, select an open, sunny place; it is very important that the soil is dry and that groundwater does not wash away the roots of the planted plant.

It is important to ensure that young yuccas do not shade tall trees or bushes, because in the shade the plants stretch out, their leaves turn pale and thin, and the rosettes take on a sloppy shape. Planting yucca correctly, fulfilling all the requirements of agricultural technology, is the key to the successful development of the plant in the garden.

Planting holes for young garden yuccas are provided with top side dimensions of 50x50 cm. Adult yuccas are planted in planting holes with top dimensions ranging from 70 cm to 1 m. A drainage layer consisting of gravel or crushed stone must be laid at the bottom of the holes. The pit is filled with a soil mixture of sand and chernozem with the addition of lime, rocky debris, and ash.

After planting, the plants need to be watered thoroughly. When transplanted, adult heavy yuccas can take a long time to take root in a new place; the plants should be looked after especially carefully.

You cannot plant yucca in open ground if there is a threat of morning frosts - the plant is transplanted only in the warm season.

How to plant yucca on alpine slide? To begin with, it is worth noting that the size of the plant planted in a rocky garden should not be too large. It is important to maintain a harmonious ratio of all plants in the rock garden.


Planting plants in the garden.

Caring for garden yucca consists of regular watering, and it is very important not to overwater the plant, which can get sick when the roots receive excess moisture. Watering is repeated only if the top layer of soil has dried thoroughly.

If weeds appear around the yucca, it is worth weeding them out in a timely manner, without allowing the seeds to ripen.

On especially hot summer days, you can spray the plants on the leaves.

How to properly care for garden yucca in winter? This question is of great concern to beginners and experienced flower growers. street flower It is imperative to cover it for the winter, even if the planted specimen has been growing in one place for many years. There are several ways to make a winter shelter for yucca:

  1. In late autumn, cover the yucca bush with a wooden box, on top of which insulating materials are laid (old roofing felt, non-woven fabric will do). A layer of soil is poured on top of the roofing felt, which will protect the plant from exposure to low temperatures.
  2. The second way to protect yucca from frost is to bend the lower leaves of the plant to the ground. The upper leaves are collected in a bunch, tying them tightly with twine. The prepared bush is covered with dry fallen leaves, on top of which boards are laid. Then the plant is covered with film on top.


Reproduction by dividing the bush.

Reproduction is performed in several ways:

  • Planting by seeds - it is best to plant fresh seeds using individual containers. The seeds are quite large, reaching up to 1 m in diameter. The soil for seed germination is made up of leaf, turf soil and coarse sand, taken in equal parts. Seedlings appear within a month; young specimens begin to bloom for the first time in the third year.
  • Cuttings from apical shoots - for propagation using this method, it is necessary to cut off the apical shoots. It is worth drying the cuts for some time, after which the cuttings are planted in perlite or vermiculite. Rooting is carried out in a moist substrate.
  • Cuttings in parts of the stem - the mature stem is cut off just above the root collar. The cutting is placed horizontally in a container with perlite or coarse sand, lightly sprinkling the trunk with substrate. Rooting is carried out indoors or in a greenhouse. After new shoots appear, the trunk is divided into parts, each of which must have a sprout and roots.
  • Dividing a bush - plant propagation by dividing a bush is the most common way to obtain new specimens. The side shoots are carefully separated from the mother bush in the spring, making sure to preserve part of the root system on each rosette. The cuttings are planted in the garden, and at first the plants are shaded from the sun.

Young yucca plants grown independently take root better in the garden plot.

Sometimes yucca planted in open ground refuses to bloom. The plant develops well, produces annual growth, but does not bloom. Why doesn't yucca bloom? What agrotechnical measures need to be carried out to stimulate flowering?

To make an adult yucca bloom, you should not cut off the lower leaves, even if they have lost their decorative effect.

Some plants are effective individual characteristics bloom at a later date than other specimens planted in the garden. Incorporating double superphosphate into the soil in the fall will help stimulate the formation of yucca buds. The long-acting fertilizer dissolves slowly, and the plant roots absorb the nutritional composition. By spring, plants accumulate a sufficient amount nutrients, which stimulate the appearance of flower buds.

Pests and diseases

A diseased plant specimen.

Dry hot weather on the leaves of the yucca you can see spider mite, which can be gotten rid of using special insecticides. In the southern regions, scale insects can settle on the leaves; the fight against this pest can take quite a long period; during treatment, it is necessary to spill the soil under the bushes with preparations against the pest. On the leaves, the scale insects are first removed manually, trying to break the hard cover, and then treated with insecticides.

For the plant, the most dangerous pathogenic infections are necrosis and cercosporiosis of leaves, as well as gray rot. Bacterial rot and fungal infections threaten weakened specimens that are not properly cared for. proper care. You can get rid of diseases using fungicides.

The yucca flower (Yucca) is often found in modern offices and apartments. It has endurance and is not picky about growing conditions. You can find out comprehensive information about growing yucca and caring for the plant at home and in the garden in the material provided. Species presented home flower yuccas, which will add greenery to the apartment and at the same time will feel great as a container crop in the garden in the summer. It is worth ensuring that the growing conditions for yucca meet the botanical requirements of this crop. If you follow this rule, then growing yucca at home will become a simple and fun process. When propagating this crop, slight difficulties may arise when trying to propagate by seed. Cuttings take root well in sand and special soil. How to prune the plant and prepare cuttings for planting is described further on the page.

What yucca looks like and how it blooms: photo and description of the plant

Family: Agave.

Homeland - North and Central America, India. The houseplant yucca in its appearance strongly resembles a miniature palm tree. Description of the yucca plant: a tree-like plant with a thickened trunk. The leaves are hard, sword-shaped, glaucous, green or variegated, similar to the leaves of cordyline or dracaena, up to 50-100 cm long, collected in a bunch on the branches of the trunk or at the top. There are also stemless species. The crown consists of several or one rosette of leaves. If you don't know what yucca looks like, pay attention to the photo below:

Depending on the species, the height of the plant is up to 1 m. In natural habitats it reaches a height of up to 1.8 m. The flowers are predominantly white, bell-shaped, up to 8 cm long, collected in a panicle inflorescence. In nature, there are other color options for this representative of the flora - creamy-greenish or yellowish tones. The plant is characterized by numerous flowers; one yucca can have about 300 flowers. In indoor conditions, Yucca blooms extremely rarely. Notice how the yucca blooms in these photos:

Fetus- a dry box or a juicy fruit, and in some varieties it is even edible. It is unpretentious in cultivation and reproduces easily. The plant blooms in summer.

Types and varieties of indoor yucca: photos, names and descriptions of house plants

About 40 species of this attractive evergreen plant of the Agave family are known. The most famous and popular varieties of this plant are:

Yucca aloefolia ‘Marginata’ (Y. aloifolia ‘Marginata’)- unbranched trunk, leaves with denticles along the edge.

This species is native to the arid regions of North and Central America, Jamaica, and Bermuda. Marginata grows rather slowly and over time takes the form of a spherical compact bush. Its height does not exceed 8 m. With the arrival of summer, the plant develops an inflorescence up to 45 cm long, on which there are many bell-shaped flowers. They reach a length of up to 3 cm, the color is creamy white with a light purple tint. Pay attention to this variety of yucca, in the photo below:

Yucca Whippla (Yuccawhipplei). This variety grows in the Northwestern regions of Mexico, Arizona, and California.

It is one of the slow-growing, compact representatives of this plant genus. It is characterized by a shortened stem, hard fibrous leaves, collected in rosettes more than 1 m in diameter. The color of the leaves is grayish-green, they reach a length of up to 90 cm, and are distinguished by jagged edges with a prickly thorn at the end. In the summer, a peduncle up to 2 m long grows, on which there are many bell-shaped flowers up to 3.5 cm long. Yuccawhipplei flowers have a delicate pleasant aroma, have a creamy white color with a light purple tint. The variety blooms only once, after which it dies completely. At the same time, many new shoots are formed at the base of the plant.

Yucca shortifolia (Y. brevifolia). A well-known variety under other names is Yucca tree (Yuccaarborescens) and Yucca giant.

It has the appearance of a large tree, the height of which reaches up to 4-9 m. The trunk is repeatedly branched, up to 50 cm in diameter. The leaves are densely located on the trunk, hard and short - 15-30 cm in length and up to 1.5 cm in width in the middle , brownish at the edges and pale green at the base. The peduncle of this variety is short, the color of the flowers is pale yellow.

Yucca coracata (Yuccarostrata). This representative of plants of the Agave family has the appearance of a tree that reaches a height of up to 3 m.

Trunk exotic wood thick with a branched crown. It bears many leathery, thin and elongated leaves. They are quite narrow - at the widest point the width of the leaves is no more than 1 cm. On a long peduncle there is an inflorescence-panicle with white flowers.

Yucca radiata (Yuccaradiosa). A tree that in its natural habitat reaches a height of 5-7 m.

Characterized by the presence of numerous leaves densely located on the trunk. The length of the leaves reaches 45-60 cm, while the width is very narrow - up to 1 cm. The leaves narrow towards the base, have a sharp apex, the edges are white, dense, narrow, covered with many thin “threads”. The peduncle reaches a height of up to 2 m, at the top of which there is a branched inflorescence with numerous flowers.

Yucca filamentosa (Y. filamentosa). This variety is native to eastern North America.

This is an almost stemless plant that grows in width thanks to root shoots. The root system is well developed, it penetrates deep into the soil. Yucca radiata (Yuccaradiosa) is one of the most frost-resistant varieties, can withstand temperatures down to -20 degrees. The leaves are bluish-green in color, grow up to 70 cm in length, up to 4 cm in width, have a pointed top with slightly drooping edges, on which there are numerous twisted white threads. The peduncle of Yuccaradiosa is up to 2 m in height. The plant blooms with drooping yellowish-white flowers up to 8 cm in length. The fruit looks like a round capsule up to 5 cm in diameter.

Yucca elephant (Yuccaelephantipes)- the base of the trunk is tuberous-thickened.

This variety is native to Central America. The name of the species comes from two roots “elephas” - elephant and “pes” - leg. This name was given to the plant for a reason; the fact is that in old age the trunk really becomes like a huge elephant’s leg. The species grows and develops slowly, usually turning into a large lush bush or a tree up to 8-10 m in height. The stem is tree-like, multi-branched, at its top there are rosettes with hard and fibrous leaves of light green color, 50-100 cm long. Yuccaelephantipes blooms in the summer, during this period the plant forms a meter-long peduncle, on which there are many hemispherical flowers up to 5 cm long. You can see this type of yucca plant in this photo:

Yucca gray (Yuccaglauca). This variety of yucca grows in the western regions of America.

It is an evergreen plant with a greatly shortened stem; Yuccaglauca reaches a height of up to 2 m. The leaves of the variety are leathery, fibrous, collected in dense rosettes about 90 cm wide. The leaves are bluish-green, their length is approximately 60 cm, with white or white edges. gray with flaking fibers. With the arrival of summer, the plant forms a paniculate inflorescence up to 1 m in length, on which there are many small creamy-white flowers with a brownish or greenish light tint.

This photo shows all types of yucca and their names:

In culture, the most common variety is considered "Variegata", characterized by leaves with a yellowish border.

To the number indoor species Yucca belongs Yuccaelephantipes (ivory). Housewives often plant it in the same container with indoor plants resistant to dry soil.

When composing floral compositions, domestic species of yucca will look great against the background of a Dollar or Money Tree.

Caring for a yucca palm when growing at home

A bright, sunny room is required. The choice of a pot for growing and caring for a yucca palm at home must be taken seriously; the growth, development and appearance of the flower will depend on this. Experienced gardeners recommend placing the pot with the plant in a sunny, well-lit place throughout the day. The most optimal place for yucca to grow in the house is window sills or special floor stands on the east or west side of the house.

If it is not possible to place the yucca in the east or west of the room, you can place it in the southern part of the room, but then in the summer the windows must be shaded to protect the flower from direct sunlight. Only diffuse sunlight should fall on the plant, otherwise sunburn will form.

In summer, it is advisable to take it out into the garden, onto the balcony or terrace. In winter, Yucca may experience a lack of natural light. To compensate for the lack of light, fluorescent lamps should be placed next to the plants at a distance of approximately 50-60 cm.

In winter, can be kept in cool rooms, optimal temperature air in the autumn-winter period – 10-14 °C. Sometimes, with the onset of the heating season, problems may arise with the plant. Flower growers often notice that yucca leaves become elongated, become very thin, and turgor weakens. To avoid such problems, use air conditioning to lower the room temperature whenever possible or open windows. It is advisable that the temperature does not exceed 18-22 °C, only in this way the plant will develop well and have a healthy appearance.

For good growing conditions for yucca high humidity not required, the best option is moderate humidity - 40-50%. If the air humidity is lower, the plant will feel comfortable even in such growing conditions, but it is necessary to regularly spray the leaves with boiled and well-settled water.

How to care for indoor yucca: how to water and feed the plant

When caring for indoor yucca at home it is important to provide the plant. Water this summer indoor flower it is necessary generously, but after the top layer of soil - 4-5 cm - dries completely. It is important not to allow water to stagnate at the level earthen coma, all excess liquid should be poured out of the pan each time after watering.

How to water yucca at home in the summer? In the summer, the yucca can be periodically watered from the shower, but it is important during this procedure not to allow water to get on the substrate. To do this, you can wrap the pot with polyethylene.

When growing yucca at home in the autumn-winter period, the frequency of watering should be reduced to once every 10-14 days. The plant tolerates drought much better, but overwatering can cause rotting of the root system. Too high soil moisture also often causes the development of many diseases and plant damage by pests.

Among the recommendations on how to care for yucca at home, specialists in the field of floriculture assign a special role in the good development and growth of this species to fertilizing. You can feed the flower with universal mineral fertilizers, which are sold in flower shops, or you can prepare them yourself. As a fertilizer for garden yucca, you can use a mixture of horse or cow manure along with leaf humus.

In spring and summer, plants need to be fed once every few weeks. It is not recommended to fertilize in winter and autumn.

How to properly transplant yucca at home

A drainage layer consisting of gravel or crushed stone should be placed at the bottom of each pot. For planting young plants, prepare the soil from the following mixture:

  • turf land;
  • leaf soil;
  • coarse sand;

All these components are taken in a ratio of 2: 2: 2. The prepared containers are filled with this soil mixture. Immediately after planting, young yuccas are well watered so that they take root faster.

How to care for yucca in the garden: planting and care in open ground

Caring for a yucca flower in open ground should begin with choosing a place to plant the plant. A sunny, dry place would be an excellent choice; you should not plant this garden flower in areas where moisture stagnates.

It is important to pay attention that nearby shrubs and trees do not shade the yucca, since with a lack of sunlight it becomes elongated, its leaves turn pale and thin. Novice gardeners often do not know how to properly transplant yucca so that it takes root well. When planting several plants in one area, the distance between them along the top of the soil should be 50x50 cm. When transplanting adult plants, the distance between them should be at least 70-100 cm on all sides. You should not plant and care for yucca in open ground during periods when there is a possibility of morning frosts, otherwise they will die. They can only be replanted in the warm season.

Caring for garden yucca in winter

For many gardeners, especially beginners, the question of caring for garden yucca in winter is pressing. With the arrival of cold weather, garden plants should be protected from frost. You can do this in the following ways:

  1. At the end of autumn with the arrival of the first frosts garden bush covered with a wooden box. On top it is covered with insulating materials, for example, old roofing felt or non-woven fabric. A layer of soil is poured on top of these materials.
  2. The lower leaves of the plant are bent to the ground, and the upper ones are collected in a bunch and tied tightly together. In this state, the adult specimen is covered with fallen leaves, and boards are carefully laid on top to cover plastic film.

How to trim yucca at home (with video)

Using a procedure such as pruning, you can significantly improve the appearance of the plant. If you do not yet know how to prune yucca at home, it will be useful for you to familiarize yourself with the features of pruning.

It is advisable to prune plants whose height is 60-70 cm and diameter is about 6 cm. Pruning should be carried out in early spring - in March-April. A few weeks before such care, the yucca needs to be watered abundantly.

For pruning, you can use only sterile instruments; a sharp knife treated on all sides with alcohol is suitable. When the tools are ready, start cutting, following this pattern:

  1. Select the cutting location, 7-8 cm from the bottom of the leaves.
  2. Grab them with your hand and make an even cut in one sharp movement.
  3. Carefully treat the cut area with powdered activated carbon.

A few weeks after this procedure, new buds form in the upper part of the pruned plant - usually from 2 to 5. If the thickness of the trunk in diameter is less than 5 cm, it is recommended to leave only two buds and cut off the rest. If the trunk thickness is about 6-8 cm, you can leave 4 buds and cut off the fifth, new tops with leaves will soon grow from them.

You can see the rules and methods for trimming yucca in the video below:

How to propagate yucca at home using cuttings and stem sections

There are several ways to propagate yucca at home. This species reproduces ornamental plants cuttings and suckers formed at the base of the trunk or at its top.


Having an indoor yucca flower in their home, when caring for it at home, many gardeners propagate it by cuttings. This method of propagation is usually carried out during the period of pruning the plant in order to increase its aesthetic properties.

Having chosen this method of propagation, you should cut off the top with a sharp knife, and sprinkle the cut area with crushed activated carbon. Such actions, in addition to allowing you to increase the number of yuccas in the garden or in the house, contribute to the formation of more lush bushes.

A few hours after treating the cutting with activated carbon, it can be planted in clean and well-moistened sand. After 2-3 weeks, roots will appear on the cutting, after which it can be transplanted into the prepared substrate.

Reproduction by trunk segments

In the summer, several pieces of 20-30 cm in size need to be cut or sawed off on the side of the trunk. The cut points on the mother plant and sections should be treated with ash or activated carbon.

Small containers are filled with a mixture of peat and river sand, it is moistened and sections are planted, cutting deep into the soil at the cutting point. The top of the container is covered with plastic film or glass, creating Greenhouse effect. The air temperature inside the container should not fall below 20-25 °C. In order for the cuttings to take root faster, the soil must be ventilated daily by lifting the film or glass. The substrate must be watered regularly, and after a month roots will appear on the sections. After the root system has formed, they can be planted in a permanent place.

How the yucca palm tree propagates at home by seeds

How does yucca propagate at home from seeds? Yucca seeds are sown in soil mixture prepared from leaf soil, turf soil and sand, taken in equal parts. The container with seeds is covered with glass on top, which is lifted daily for a while to ventilate the substrate.

In about a month, with this care, the first shoots will appear. After the sprouts appear from under the soil, the glass is removed, and a month later the plants are planted in pots with the prepared soil mixture.

Yucca pests and methods of controlling them


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