Yellow flowering bushes. Garden shrubs (38 photos) - types, care and compatibility with trees

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It is hard to imagine modern garden without landscaping elements such as ornamental shrubs, which add bright touches to the motley palette of plant compositions. Ornamental shrubs for the garden act as spectacular tapeworms, decorating open areas, hedges along paths, or serve as a backdrop for variegated plants. flower arrangements. Their presence transforms the appearance of any garden and makes it more elegant and festive.

In order for a beautiful shrub to fit organically into an existing landscape, a number of basic criteria should be taken into account when choosing a plant.

Criterion #1 - decorativeness of the culture

Attractiveness is one of the key criteria for choosing a plant. Today in the gardening market you can find more than one hundred different types of shrubs that have unusual shape and the color of the foliage and elegant flowers rich shades emitting a wonderful aroma. If it is a flowering shrub, then it is desirable that it pleases continuous flowering throughout the season. Also interesting are decorative leafy varieties that change color over time.

When planning to decorate a suburban area with plants, any owner wants to create a picturesque ensemble in which all the elements harmoniously complement each other

Criterion #2 - plant height

When selecting shrubs, you should take into account the compositional structure of the garden. On a site with a small area, it is better to plant the most compact varieties with a dense, non-spreading crown (for example: columnar junipers). When planning to plant a shrub as a free-growing hedge, you can opt for crops that are prone to rapid growth. Particular attention should be paid to the shape of the crown so that it looks attractive not only in the summer with a “cap” of foliage, but also in the winter.

Criterion #3 - growing features

When choosing a plant, you should take into account the characteristics of the climatic zone in which it grows. Some varieties feel comfortable in semi-shaded areas of the garden, while others can be decorative only in well-lit areas. It is better for beginning gardeners to give preference to varieties that do not require special care and conditions for cultivation.

Spectacular flowering shrubs

The undisputed favorite among beautifully flowering ornamental shrubs for the garden is the rose. Park varieties of roses are easy to care for and have excellent winter hardiness.

The only drawback of park varieties is that they bloom only once a season, but during the flowering period they look simply stunning and at the same time exude a delicate, enchanting aroma. The most decorative varieties are: “Ritausma” with double soft pink flowers, “Shevchenko rose” with dark red flowers, Hansa with large red-pink flowers.

Beloved by many gardeners, jasmine today decorates many suburban areas. Jasmine blooms are irresistible: snow-white flowers blooming on the branches in early summer create the feeling that there has been a snowfall in the garden. In landscape design, jasmine is used to create flowering alleys and hedges. The shrub is shade-tolerant, but blooms more profusely in the sun. Read more about varieties, planting and care.

An elegant shrub dotted with thousands of cream-colored flowers spreading throughout the entire area pleasant aroma, decorates the main entrances and recreation areas in summer cottages

Jasmines with an architectural crown shape are especially impressive (“Virginal” with a dense vertical crown and “Pyramidal” with a clear, wide-pyramidal crown).

The winter-hardy shrub bladdercarp is unusually impressive, forming pretty openwork hemispheres of soft pink and white inflorescences

The fruits of the vesicular carp look very interesting, they are original leathery leaflets of a slightly swollen shape, which, as they ripen, change their color from green, and later yellow to deep red. Among the decorative varieties, the most widespread are: “Diabolo” - a branchy beauty with dark burgundy foliage, “Summer Vine” - compact with red foliage and white-pink inflorescences, “Copertinna” - with orange foliage, turning into a red palette closer to summer.

Lushly blooming rhododendrons, adorned with a scattering of miniature flowers in the summer, which are later replaced by bright berries, make excellent candidates for a place in the garden.

Medium-sized rhododendron shrubs often act as group plantings against the backdrop of an emerald lawn or coniferous plantings. The varieties are particularly decorative: “Alfred” - evergreen with a pyramidal crown dotted with purple-red flowers, “Blue Peter” with a spreading crown decorated with lavender blue flowers and “Violetta” with flowers of dark purple shades.

Derain is also very popular among gardeners. A tall three-meter shrub is formed from flexible, erect coral-red branches, the shoots of which are often covered with a bluish coating. From May to September, the turf is decorated with inflorescences in the form of umbrellas and panicles, collected from miniature white flowers. Preserves the decorativeness of the shrub and autumn period when its foliage turns bronze-crimson shades. The shrub is also unusually spectacular in the winter months: bare dark cherry shoots stand out as a bright contrast against the background white snow and evergreen conifers.

The plant is decorated with miniature, wrinkled, egg-shaped leaves, colored in summer green color, but closer to acquiring violet-red shades

Derain looks equally beautiful both in single specimens and in group plantings. It tolerates cutting well and quickly produces multiple shoots. Among the ornamental plant varieties, the most interesting are: “Gold Star” - leaves with a yellow pattern, “Rubra” with bright autumn leaf color, “Cherokee Princess” with a slender crown.

Attractive decorative foliage plants

Decorative deciduous shrubs are a real boon for the garden: they are good from spring to late autumn. Such shrubs are interesting primarily because of their original foliage shape, painted in bright, unusual shades.

Evergreen barberry has beautiful foliage in unusual purple and burgundy shades, effectively combined with coral-colored berries.

This fastidious shrub looks great in hedges and single plantings. Barberry is famous for its autumn attire, when fiery red, purple and ruby ​​colors blaze on the branches. In landscaping, the most widespread barberry varieties are Siebold, Juliana and Thunberg.

The tree-like hazel plant, known to many gardeners for its delicious nuts, is also widely used for landscaping.

Against the background of lush greenery, the forms of common hazel look impressive: golden-edged, dark purple and white-variegated. Tall shrubs tolerate slight shading, but prefer well-lit areas.

If we consider evergreen varieties of shrubs, then boxwoods and hollies are famous for their greatest decorative properties. Graceful lines and clear contours of boxwood make the appearance of the garden strict and at the same time elegant.

Mahonia holly, decorated with dark green leaves with spiky-toothed edges, can be a bright decoration of the site.

In the winter months, the green foliage of Mahonia turns burgundy and bronze, acting as a bright accent against the background of a snow-white carpet.

When creating a picturesque landscape, it is important to correctly combine plants. And then it's beautiful flowering shrubs will please bright colors in the warm season, and evergreens and decorative foliage will saturate the garden with cheerful shades in the winter months.

Speaking about frost-resistant trees and shrubs, summer residents from different regions think in different categories. For some, those ornamental shrubs that can survive cold temperatures of -15 °C are considered winter-hardy. For others, cold-resistant trees are those that can easily withstand air temperatures within -50 °C. To avoid purchasing crops that are known to be unstable, first find out about their ability to withstand winter cold.

So, when planting plants in the garden, it is necessary to take into account their relationship to minimum temperatures, which they are able to endure and under which their qualities will not decrease. This article provides photos, names and descriptions of three main groups of trees and shrubs depending on their frost resistance.

The most cold-resistant trees (up to -35...-50 °C)

The most cold-resistant trees, capable of withstanding temperatures down to -35...-50 °C, include downy birch, common spruce, Siberian larch and common juniper.

Birch is fluffy.

Birch prefers a humid climate and damp soils. Good lighting is also important for her. Birch trees are planted in the garden for landscaping recreation areas. Downy birch is considered the most frost-resistant tree. They are transplanting her in early spring, since in the fall the percentage of plantings that die is high. The roots of the tree are shallow, so during drought it needs to be watered.

Common spruce.

Norway spruce can withstand the most very coldy, but in the spring it should be covered to avoid burns. Growing this frost-resistant tree requires cool and damp place, but in the future it feels equally good in the sun, in partial shade, and even in strong shade.

The soil must be drained as this tree is sensitive to dense soil and can even be knocked down by a strong gust of wind. It’s better not to replant spruce trees, as they don’t like it. The tree will not grow on land with a high groundwater level.

In garden plots, spruce trees perform decorative functions; they can be trimmed and used to create hedges. If the summer turns out to be dry, it is recommended to water the tree once a week, but it is not necessary to feed it, only basic fertilizers can be used when planting. Tree trunk circles with peat.

Siberian larch.

This is a light-loving and frost-resistant species. In addition, larch is resistant to drought, wind, and undemanding to humidity. Mineral fertilizers are applied in the spring. If the summer is dry, you should water the tree weekly.

Young plantings do not like the proximity of weeds. In addition, the soil around young larches should be loosened regularly.

Peat and sawdust can be used as mulch.

Common juniper.

This plant is slow growing and produces blue or black fruit. It is better to plant it in a sunny place, as it thins out in the shade. This perennial, which tolerates both high and low temperatures, is not afraid of drought and is not demanding on soil fertility.

In dry summers, this one of the most frost-resistant trees can be watered only a few times per season. But near the metropolis, juniper grows poorly, as it is extremely sensitive to air purity.

In a garden plot, the plant can be used as a hedge or tapeworm. Juniper is also planted as an obstacle to the spread of soil erosion.

The soil around young plantings must be loosened. Peat, wood chips or sawdust are used as mulch (layer 5-8 cm). Timely removal of dry branches is necessary. For the winter, the juniper does not need to be covered, but it is better to bandage it, as it may suffer from the weight of the snow.

Decorative frost-resistant shrubs for the garden (up to -35...-50 °C): photo names and descriptions

Decorative frost-resistant shrubs that can winter at temperatures down to -35...-50 °C include hawthorn, elderberry, and oleaster.

Blood red hawthorn, or Siberian hawthorn.

Refers to unpretentious and frost-resistant shrubs. It is best to plant in the light; in the shade it does not bloom and bear fruit as intensively. Adapts to any well-drained and fertile soil. If there is lime in the soil, it will have a positive effect on the plant. But even on poor and acidic soils, hawthorn easily adapts. If you use it as a hedge, you should plant the bushes at intervals of 1-1.5 m.

During drought, this decorative frost-resistant shrub is watered twice a month. In spring and autumn, loosening should be carried out and the tree trunk should be freed from weeds. Hawthorn is mulched with peat in a layer 3 cm thick. Fertilizer is applied once a year - before flowering. Dry and diseased branches should be pruned in a timely manner, and the plant should be covered with dry leaves for the winter. Much attention should be paid to pruning the bush, since the hawthorn branches grow haphazardly and the crown is often too thick. Usually a 4-trunk bush is formed.

Red elderberry.

It has a lush crown and great winter hardiness. It may not bloom every year, but only after warm winters. These winter-hardy shrubs can be planted in both sun and shade. The soil can be any, but the plant adapts better to fertile and moderately moist soils and does not tolerate saline and calcareous soils. The shrub itself enriches the soil with nitrogen. When planting in a prepared hole, it is necessary to add 50 g of phosphorus and 30-50 g of potassium fertilizers and 8 kg of humus.

Requires timely pruning; in the first year, only the two most powerful shoots should be left. Then you need to form a multi-stemmed bush. Anti-aging pruning is carried out once every 5 years. The tops of the shoots are shortened to a bud, which is directed outward, and the side shoots are cut to 2-3 buds.

Silver goof.

This prickly decorative frost-resistant shrub for the garden with silvery leaves on both sides grows slowly. Elf is planted in bright areas, as it does not tolerate shading well. Despite the heat-loving plant, the plant is highly frost-resistant. Even after severe freezing, the bush is completely restored. The soil must be well drained.

It can grow on both acidified and alkaline soils, and enriches poor soils with nitrogen. The plant is fertilized annually. In spring, dry branches are pruned. In the 15th year, anti-aging pruning is carried out. The plant is drought-resistant, but in dry summers it should still be watered and mulched after watering. The tree trunk area should be loosened and weeds removed. In autumn, you can cover the plant with brushwood and tie the branches with twine. But covering material should be abandoned.

These photos show frost-resistant ones for the dacha, the names of which are given above:

Winter-hardy trees (up to -25…-35 °C)

Winter-hardy trees that can withstand frosts down to -25...-35 °C are willow, linden and rowan.

White willow.

The tree is unpretentious and can grow in both sun and partial shade. It is frost and wind resistant. Willow is long-lived and can live up to 100 years. Easily propagated by cuttings and does not require care. The plant is moisture-loving and in dry summers requires abundant watering and spraying. Young plantings should be regularly loosened and peat added as mulch. Mostly too long and dry branches are pruned.

Small-leaved linden.

It is characterized by increased shade tolerance, so linden can be planted in shady areas. The soil must be well drained. It also prefers fertile substrates and does not tolerate soil salinity, but reacts positively to some lime content in the soil. The root system should not be compacted, as the tree is sensitive to this. In general, linden does not require special care and is a frost-resistant plant.

In dry times, the linden tree should be watered. Seedlings up to 2 years old must be fed with nitrogen. The first pruning is carried out a year after planting and shortened by 1/3 in order for side shoots to form.

Mountain ash.

Only neutral soil is suitable for growing rowan. This decorative frost-resistant tree does not tolerate saline and highly alkaline soils. In principle, rowan is unpretentious, but a moist, fertile, light, well-drained substrate is more suitable for its normal growth and development. It does not take root well in waterlogged and swampy areas, but it also suffers no less from drought. Seedlings can be planted both in the sun and in the shade. has high winter hardiness. Care consists of regularly loosening the soil, watering, pruning dry and diseased branches, and removing overgrowth. If the rowan crown is thickened, it should be thinned out. Mineral fertilizers are applied in the 3rd year of the tree’s life.

The most frost-resistant fruit trees (up to -25...-35 °C)

The most frost-resistant fruit trees, wintering at temperatures down to -25...-35 ° C, include Siberian cherries and some varieties of plums.

Cherry of Siberian selection.


Generous, Altai large;

Altai swallow, Maksimovskaya;

Metelitsa, Ob;


Depending on the cherry variety, the height of the tree can reach from 2 to 6 m. The root lies at a depth of up to 2 m. Cherry can withstand frost, but it is preferable to plant varieties of Siberian selection on the site, since they are more winter-hardy. This crop is grown on light fertile loose soils. Cherries are heat-loving plants and do not tolerate cold drafts, so you should choose windproof places for planting. On a slope, the optimal landing site will be its upper part.

The tree trunk needs regular weeding, as the plant does not tolerate competition for water well. You should regularly loosen and dig up the soil in the fall. The digging depth at the trunk is 8 cm, and behind the crown - 20 cm. Also, do not forget about mulching - the tree responds well to it.

It should be systematic, but without waterlogging. It is necessary to pour up to 60 liters per 1 m2 of area after flowering, during fruit growth and in autumn. In dry summers, cherries are watered every 2 weeks. Fertilizing needs to be done infrequently, but regularly. Mineral fertilizers are applied in the spring after flowering, and organic fertilizers are applied every 3 years in the fall. Formative pruning is carried out in early spring, and sanitary pruning is carried out in summer.



Timiryazevskaya, Tula black;

Ussuriyskaya, Altai Anniversary;

Pineapple, Hungarian Moscow;

Hybrid cherry plum Russian plum.

Plum can withstand frosts down to -35 °C; these varieties are particularly winter-hardy. Fertilizers should be applied to the hole when planting, and within 2-3 years the plant will consume these nutrients. Then you need to add organic and mineral fertilizers to the tree trunk circle. Plum needs regular loosening of the soil and destruction of weeds.

Fertilizers should be applied according to the schedule. Nitrogen is added in early spring and after flowering to promote tree growth. In the second half of the growing season, it is the turn of phosphorus-potassium and nitrogen-potassium fertilizers, necessary for the accumulation of nutrients. In autumn, phosphorus-potassium and organic fertilizers under digging.

It is important to promptly remove root shoots from plum trees. It can appear within a radius of 3 m from the tree and cause a lot of inconvenience. Root shoots are removed up to 5 times per summer period, otherwise the plum will be weakened and its yield will decrease. When fighting shoots, it is necessary to tear them off directly from the root itself.

To do this, you can even dig upper layer soil.

Plum fruits should be thinned out so that there are no differences in the tree’s yield. If you find that there are too many ovaries on the plant, you need to thin them out before the fruits begin to appear. Then the yield of the current year will be higher, and the nutrients will be preserved for the next harvest. If this is not done, the fruits will be small, and in addition, the branches may break under their weight. First of all, diseased and damaged fruits are removed, then the rest are thinned out so that there is about 7 cm of free space between them.

Sometimes it is necessary to strengthen plum branches with supports. Between the support and the branch it is necessary to lay soft material so that the delicate bark does not get damaged.

Other winter-hardy fruit trees (up to -25...-35 °C)

There are other winter-hardy fruit trees that are not afraid of frost down to -25...-35 ° C - these are apple trees and some varieties of pears.

Apple trees.

Summer varieties:

Moscow Grushovka, Terentyevna, or Sweet Anise.

Autumn varieties:

Borovinka, Bashkir handsome man;

Akayevskaya beauty, Glory to the winners.

Winter varieties:

Zarya Alatau, Antonovka vulgare;

Anise grey.

The apple tree is frost-resistant and produces a bountiful harvest, and caring for it does not take much time and effort. First of all, it is necessary to promptly remove and thin out the ovaries and fruits.

If you don't leave enough room for the fruit to grow and develop, it will grow underdeveloped or not ripen on time. In addition, an overloaded tree will reduce its yield next year.

Thinning is carried out as follows. After the ovaries have formed, the central fruit is removed from each bunch. As a rule, this fruit will be inferior in quality to all others or have irregular shape. Diseased fruits are also removed. Particularly overloaded trees should be thinned to one fruit in each bunch. Make sure that the distance between them is at least 10 cm. If, even after thinning, the load on the branches remains large, it is necessary to support them.

Pear Bere winter Michurina.

This variety was bred by crossing the Ussuri wild pear and the French Bere variety. Seedlings can be planted from April to September.

Winter Bere pear is different high yield, average winter hardiness, but it is planted not because of these advantages, but because of the good keeping quality of the fruits. The fruits can be stored until March! The disadvantage of this variety is the late onset of fruiting. The harvest is usually harvested in early September.

The pear is undemanding to moisture; its roots lie deep, which allows it to obtain water itself. Only young seedlings are watered in dry summers. The tree is susceptible to scab, moniliosis, and cytosporosis. You also need to save it from the codling moth, apple blossom beetle and copperhead.

The pear needs to be trimmed and the crown thinned out so that each leaf gets light. Usually, all branches that grow inside the crown are removed. The lower branches are not pruned; when gardeners do this, they make a common mistake, since they believe that fruits do not grow on them anyway. But even if this happens, it is only because the tree was not pruned correctly and the lower branches were in the shade.

Pear is a light-loving plant; it will not bloom in the shade. Also, you should not plant a tree near the house, it will not bear fruit there.

Winter-hardy flowering perennial shrubs (up to -25...-35 °C): photos, names and descriptions

Winter-hardy flowering perennial shrubs that can withstand frosts down to -25...-35 °C are viburnum and lilac.

Viburnum common.

Propagated by cuttings, layering or shoots. Before planting, the soil is loosened, cleared of weeds and fertilized with peat, humus and sawdust. Pruning of this ornamental flowering frost-resistant shrub is carried out only sanitary - old and dry shoots are pruned, and in the spring the top of the bush, as it is very fond of the pest - the viburnum leaf beetle, which lays its eggs on the shoots. In autumn, the soil around the bush needs to be dug up. Every 2 years the plant is fertilized with organic fertilizers. In spring, mineral fertilizers are applied.

Common lilac.

It does not require special care, it is winter-hardy and undemanding to watering and soil. But special attention must be paid to pruning the bush.

Old bushes need to be rejuvenated. In early spring they are sawed off at soil level. Young shoots are formed from the shoots, which will replace the main bush. If skeletal branches age, they must be replaced gradually, 1-2 shoots per year. At the same time, it will remain beautiful shape bush.

We should not forget about sanitary pruning of these beautiful frost-resistant shrubs. Shoots that are dry and diseased are cut out in early summer after flowering. At the same time, the crown is thinned out - shoots that cross and rub against each other are removed, small and unvaluable branches are cut out. The shoots are also removed from the root.

In order to regulate flowering, it is necessary to prune before the growing season begins. This is done to ensure that flowering does not weaken over the years. Bushes with a large number of plump and round buds are greatly thinned out and perennial and annual shoots are removed.

Panicles that have already faded this year are cut off. This stimulates the formation of next year's flower buds. They leave small stumps and do not touch the leaves. It is not true that the more you break a lilac, the more it will blooms better. Under no circumstances should you break anything. Only proper pruning promotes uniform and lush flowering.

Here you can see photos of flowering winter-hardy perennial shrubs, the names of which are given in this section of the article:

Other winter-hardy ornamental shrubs (up to -25...-35 °C)

Also winter-hardy ornamental shrubs that can survive cold temperatures down to -25...-35 °C include honeysuckle and serviceberry.

Tatarian honeysuckle.

Requires special attention in the first year after planting. Seedlings need to be watered during drought. The roots of honeysuckle run close to the surface of the earth, so you should not loosen it too intensively. Mulch the tree trunk circles with humus and sawdust. In this case, you don’t have to loosen the soil; just scatter the mulch around the bush. In summer, this frost-resistant shrub, grown in the country, can be fed with nitrogen, and in the fall - with potassium and phosphorus fertilizers.

This crop requires mandatory pruning and shaping. The first pruning is carried out after planting. Only 3-5 strong shoots are left and all weak and dry shoots are cut out. Strong shoots are shortened by 1/3 of their length. In the future, you need to cut out only dry and diseased branches. At the age of 7, the yield of honeysuckle decreases, and it is necessary to thin out the crown every 2-3 years, removing branches that are more than a year old.

A very old bush can be rejuvenated. To do this, you need to cut it down to the ground, water it and feed it with manure and nettle infusion. Trimmed bushes grow back quickly and bear fruit better than before.


In the first year after planting it grows slowly. In order to increase the growth rate, the bush is fed with ammonium nitrate at the rate of 50 g per 1 bucket of water or with slurry, a solution of bird droppings, which are watered on the bush strips. Autumn feeding consists of 100 g of superphosphate and 50 g of potassium salt per bush. If the plant is well moistened and fed, then already in the third year the shoots grow by 40-60 cm per year. If growth remains weak, fertilizing is repeated. The length of the growth indicates the future harvest, so pay close attention to this.

In the 5-6th year of life, you can feed this winter-hardy perennial shrub with organic fertilizer - 2-3 buckets of humus per bush. You can also use mineral fertilizers - ammonium nitrate(0.5 kg per bush), potassium salt (0.5 kg) and superphosphate (1 kg).

Irga is easy and simple to care for. In the first 8-10 years, only sanitary pruning. And in the 10th year, rejuvenation is carried out - old branches that thicken the crown are removed, shoots that are too long are shortened. The root shoots are also pruned or replanted, as they can even bear fruit.

The harvest takes place in July. It is extremely important to protect the berries from bird attack. To do this, repellent objects are hung on the bush or the bush itself is wrapped in gauze, which is removed when picking berries.

Moderately frost-resistant trees (up to -15… -25 °C)

Moderately frost-resistant trees that successfully winter at temperatures down to -15... -25 °C are acacia, beech, hornbeam, horse chestnut and many others.

White acacia, or Robinia.

Acacia is planted in the ground in the spring, before the buds open. It is not worth planting a tree deep. The ideal soil for seedlings is a mixture of sand and compost with the addition of dolomite flour, ash or crushed limestone, i.e. any alkaline substance. The soil should be loose and in no case clayey. The older the acacia, the better it tolerates winter and air pollution. The tree grows well both in the shade and in the sun, but does not tolerate stagnation of water in the soil and enriches poor substrates with nitrogen. It is highly drought and wind resistant. In the garden plot it should be planted away from fruit trees, otherwise it will suppress them with its branched root system.

This tree grows in partial shade and sun. It is wind-resistant and tolerates frost, but in areas with harsh climates it should be closed for the winter. Beech does not tolerate drought well; if the summer is dry, it should be watered. The tree grows well in any fertile soil from slightly acidic to alkaline and from fresh to moist, but prefers loamy substrates and is sensitive to salinity and pollution. Beech needs fertilizer and responds positively to liming if the soil is acidic.

In a summer cottage, this tree is often used as a tapeworm. It has a spreading crown, so you can organize a recreation area under it.


Shade-tolerant, grows in shade and sun. Prefers fertile soils ranging from dry to moist. Does not tolerate flooding and salinization of areas, and is also sensitive to soil compaction. It is characterized by winter hardiness and wind resistance. In dry summers, the hornbeam needs to be watered. Does not like wetlands and lowlands. At the dacha, hornbeam is used as a hedge and solitary plantings.

Horse chestnut.

It loves the sun and plenty of watering, but it is better to plant the tree in partial shade, as the scorching sun can burn its leaves. Despite this, chestnut easily adapts to any conditions. Fruits appear on the tree in the first summer. The soil for chestnut should be fertile and have a neutral pH level, well drained. However, if these conditions do not exist, the chestnut will adapt to both poor lands and drought. Fertilizing should be done with phosphorus and nitrogen fertilizers, and fungicides can also be used.

Field maple.

Maple has a deep and dense root system, so the tree easily adapts to environmental conditions and is wind-resistant. It grows well in the sun, but is also highly shade-tolerant and frost-resistant. does not like compacted and heavy soils, waterlogging, clay and acidic substrates. However, it is sensitive to drought and requires watering in dry summers - up to 15 liters per plant weekly. If there is enough precipitation, you can reduce watering to once a month.

Fertilize the maple during planting, then mulch with peat. It is necessary to weed the tree trunk and loosen it. Field maple needs periodic pruning; dry and diseased branches are removed. In winter, you don’t have to cover the plant. Young seedlings are covered with dry branches and leaves. After frost, the tree crown recovers.

Sophora japonica.

This tree is easy to grow. It is drought-resistant and shade-tolerant, although it prefers sunny areas protected from the wind. Almost any soil is suitable for growing, even slightly saline soil. winter-hardy, can withstand temperatures down to -20 °C. Propagated by seeds and cuttings.

Yew berry.

Yew is unpretentious and grows on any soil, although loamy fertile soil is preferable. It tolerates winter better on sandy and poor soils. Grows well in shade and sun. Resistant to low temperatures.

Young seedlings need to be covered for the winter. Water the yew as needed, only during drought. Young plantings need to be mulched and loosened.

Dry branches need to be pruned in a timely manner. Propagation is carried out by cuttings and seeds.

Yew often suffers from damage by yew gall midge and yew false scale. The plant needs to be treated with pest control drugs without waiting for them to appear.

Mulberries are white and black.

The tree needs watering during drought. You should also periodically rid the tree trunk of weeds and loosen the soil. In the 4-5th year of life, you should form the crown of the plant, which can be anything depending on your desire. If you do not want the mulberry to grow tall, you need to pinch the top. Dried parts of the tree should be removed. Mulberry tolerates any weather, winter-hardy. It gains strength for wintering during the period of intensive growth, so fertilizing the soil is important, but this should be done only in the first half of summer.

Mulberry copes well with long-term low temperatures. Only young plants should be covered, which, among other things, suffer from loss of moisture in winter.

Look at how moderately frost-resistant ornamental shrubs look in the photo, the names and descriptions of which are given above:

Moderately frost-resistant beautiful perennial shrubs for gardens in the Moscow region

If you are choosing beautiful frost-resistant shrubs for the Moscow region, where winter temperatures do not exceed -25 ° C, pay attention to cherry laurel, privet and mock orange.

Laurel cherry.

This winter-hardy shrub is given this name because its leaves simultaneously resemble laurel and cherry leaves. prefers loamy, calcareous and sandy soils. It grows well in shade and partial shade, but in the sun the development of the plant slows down. Cherry laurel needs to be watered during times of drought. For the winter, the shrub needs to be covered. This frost-resistant shrub, grown in the Moscow region, is propagated by cuttings, seeds and grafting. Seeds can be sown in the winter, and seedlings can be sown in the spring.

Common privet.

Grows in both sun and partial shade. The soil should not be too acidic, but in general the plant has no complaints about the quality of the substrate. The shrub is drought-resistant. unpretentious, but for the winter it is necessary to cover the plant or bend it to the ground. Even after freezing, the bush is easily restored. It is necessary to prune diseased and dry branches in the spring, as well as thin out bushes. In order to form a hedge of these frost-resistant shrubs, privet in the garden is pruned in late spring and August. They do not feed it too often, once every 2 years.


This frost-resistant shrub is often mistakenly called jasmine. To grow mock orange, you need sun or partial shade. It is winter-hardy and grows well in moist, fertile and well-drained soils. Reacts poorly to stagnant water and high groundwater levels. Basic care involves removing diseased and old branches. It is necessary to regularly apply mineral and organic fertilizers. During drought, watering is required. During the summer, it is enough to loosen the soil around the mock orange only twice.

See what these decorative frost-resistant shrubs for the garden look like in these photos:

Beautifully flowering moderately frost-resistant ornamental shrubs

Japanese quince, spirea and rose hips deserve special attention as beautifully flowering, moderately frost-resistant ornamental shrubs that can withstand cold temperatures down to -25 °C.


Quince needs sun or partial shade. But in the shade the bush grows poorly. In addition, it is sensitive to wind, so it must be planted in a protected location. The soil for good growth and development requires dry or moderately moist, loamy or soddy-podzolic, well-drained and fertile.

Quince is a winter-hardy plant, but it must be planted where snow accumulates. In frosty weather, the ends of the shoots may freeze. If there is little snow on the site, the bushes must be additionally covered with it.

Notice how beautiful the decorative frost-resistant shrubs are in these photos:

In the spring, after flowering, it is necessary to apply fertilizers - phosphorus and potassium. In summer, quince is watered once a month. There is no need to frequently loosen the soil; this is done only after weeding the weeds in the tree trunk circle. Pruning is carried out in the spring - frozen branches are removed, and the thickened crown is thinned out. Quince has deep roots, so only young plants can be replanted.


An unpretentious plant. It is undemanding to soil, light-loving (although it can grow in partial shade) and frost-resistant. This frost-resistant flowering shrub grows quickly. It is necessary to regularly prune spirea, as well as carry out anti-aging pruning. If the bush produces inflorescences on the shoots of the current year, pruning is carried out in early spring, and if the inflorescences appear on the shoots of last year, it is worth doing this after flowering. Feeding is carried out in mid-June. Watering is only necessary during drought.

Rose hip.

This unpretentious shrub, which does not require special care. practically not susceptible to diseases and pests. There is no need to remove faded flowers, and in the fall rose hips attract birds to the garden with their bright berries. This winter-hardy flowering shrub is pruned at the very beginning of spring. At the same time, too old branches are removed, and the height of pruning depends on the climate of your region. If winters are harsh, do not prune the rose hips too much.

Rose hips reproduce by root shoots and seeds. You can try burying the berries of the bush, while they are not yet wrinkled, in pots with moist soil and leaving them outside for the winter. In the spring, the berries are dug up, the seeds are separated from the shell and grown in a greenhouse.

Many trees and shrubs are able to spend the winter on our sites, and they are not afraid of frost and wind. It is only important to know the features of caring for them - and your garden will always delight you with flowering plants, most of which bring fruits and berries to their owners.

This selection of photos shows flowering winter-hardy shrubs, the names and descriptions of which you read in this article:

For people who want to have a beautiful and well-kept garden, with a little effort and spending a little time and energy, we can definitely recommend shrubs that bloom all summer, especially winter-hardy varieties that will delight the eye for many years. In addition to decorative qualities, they have many other advantages - they grow quickly, and their maintenance and care do not take much time. Planted in in the right place, they can grow on it for many years, creating a stunning look. In this case, you should choose plants with different times flowering to decorative look maintained throughout the warm period of the year.

Winter-hardy shrubs that bloom all summer - how to choose

Shrubs are good decision for people who have little time to deal with the garden. The bushes usually have showy flowers and are very effective element landscape design, showing off beautiful flowers and exuding delicate aromas in the garden throughout the warm period.

The position of shrubs in the garden is very important. For example, a single bush against a lawn creates an unmistakable effect. Most rosette shrubs bloom in spring, but there are also varieties blooming in summer and in autumn. There are shrubs that bloom all summer, winter-hardy, which have beautiful decorative flowers. Below we will look at which shrubs, winter-hardy perennials that bloom all summer, are the most common and popular.

Very often in our gardens we find mock orange, a shrub from the hydrangea family. Sometimes it is called jasmine. They love it for its decorative appearance and the absence of any problems associated with growing and caring for it. Interesting visual qualities produces both a bush that grows very widely and vigorously, as well as its white, delicate and fragrant flowers.

It is an ideal shrub for beginning gardeners, especially in areas with fertile soil. All it needs is a little moisture and sun. It tolerates temperatures below zero quite well, so there is no need for special protection in winter. Maintenance includes regular pruning.

This is a small, evergreen shrub that grows in both good light and shade, but blooms profusely in the sun. The plant is suitable for flower carpets. It spreads easily and has creeping stems with shiny leaves. The only requirement relates to the substrate - it grows best in moist soils.

The flowers are small blue and bloom in April and May, but single flowers may appear throughout the summer. There are also varieties with white or purple flowers, some with an intense scent. This is a frost-resistant shrub that can be grown by beginning gardeners.

The varieties with decoratively colored leaves throughout the season look especially interesting. Depending on the variety, the leaves can be red, rose-red, orange-red, golden green or light green.

Barberry is frost-resistant and undemanding, so it is easy to grow. IN cold winter doesn't freeze. In addition, it reproduces very easily, including by sowing seeds. The shrub blooms in spring and summer, then produces beautiful fruits.

This is a shrub with a large number of varieties, including frost-resistant varieties. It is easier to grow common lilac, which can be up to 3 m tall and has fairly strong shoots. It blooms from mid-May and everyone knows its smell. Lilac can grow in poor to medium moist soils and is resistant to frost and drought. It is better to plant it in a sunny place, because only then it blooms vigorously. Lilac blooms different colors- from white to lilac, pale lilac, bluish and dark purple. Lilac is very resistant to frost and drought.

It often grows in wildlife, but it can also be grown as an ornamental plant. This is a large shrub up to 3-6 m high. It blooms in June, emitting a characteristic smell. The flowers are small, creamy white, collected in inflorescences. This plant is undemanding, grows well in the sun and shade, and is resistant to pest attacks.

This is a shrub up to 2 m high, blooming in August-September. It has a large cone-shaped inflorescence with white flowers. Barren, as they fade, the flowers turn pink and then reddish. Hydrangea paniculata tolerates cold winters much better than other hydrangeas. It also has lower soil and moisture requirements.

It is also called “Wedding Wreath” and is an ornamental plant of the rose family. Height 1.5-1.8 m. The bush is quite wide. It blooms with small white flowers, abundantly, the bush looks like snow-covered. The leaves are small, light green, elliptical. Flowering in April, May and summer, depending on the variety. The shrub is very easy to grow, it is resistant to frost, although it can freeze a little in very harsh winters, and has low soil requirements.

Spiraea tolerates drought and is resistant to polluted air. It does not require frequent feeding and watering, and protection for the winter. The shrub can grow in partial shade, but blooms profusely in the sun. Thanks to the ease of growing and beautiful appearance these popular plants are often planted in gardens and parks. You can plant them along the side of your home, on your lawn, or along a fence to form a hedge.

- These are poisonous evergreen (deciduous) shrubs. Height: 0.5-2 m. Blooms in May and June. To create the most optimal conditions For the development of rhododendrons, it is important to provide them with a substrate of the appropriate environment. Too high soil pH can be adjusted by adding, for example, peat.

Rhododendrons bloom in the spring, buds are set the previous autumn, it is very important to protect them from frost in late autumn. These plants, as a rule, are not pruned, and any reduction of shoots is carried out in the summer (after flowering). During flowering, you should regularly break off faded flowers so that they do not produce seeds, this way you can strengthen the plant.

This fast growing shrub, which sheds its leaves in winter. The inflorescence is usually conical in shape, consisting of small, numerous fragrant flowers that attract butterflies, which is why the plant is also called a butterfly bush. Flowers come in all shades: purple, pink, white, red and yellow. The leaves are long (10-20 cm) and narrow, have a pale green color. The height and width are usually 1.5-3 m. The maximum height is 5 m. The fruit is a dry bag. Not very hardy and requires pruning and covering in winter. Sometimes they are affected by aphids and caterpillars that feed on leaves.

Deutzia is a shrub from the hydrangea family. Grows well in well-drained soils in sunny to semi-sunny locations. Quite resistant to drought and frost. After planting, you need to remove too weak stems and shorten the remaining ones by one third of the length, always by a pair of opposite buds. After planting, flowering will become more abundant in the second year. In subsequent years, we prune the plants after flowering, removing branches that have flowered and stems that are too weak. The plant can serve as a background for other, more ornamental shrubs and other species grown in the garden.

The bushes are characterized by beautiful elongated foliage, notched, and covered with hairs. Numerous flowers are collected in loose panicles; the color of the flowers is mainly white, but we can also find pink varieties. Blooms in May-June. The height depends on the variety and ranges from 1 to 2.5 meters. The autumn leaves are yellowish, but the bush is not very showy.

Bladderwort belongs to plants that do not shed their leaves in winter. Its flowers are small, white with shades of pink, and bloom profusely in early summer. The leaves are yellow-green, ovate. The plant loves wet acidic soils, and fully sunlit positions. Grows quickly and needs pruning in the fall. In spring, it is not recommended to prune the bush, because it loses a lot of sap. Resistant to all diseases and pests. Decorative, effectively forms a background for other plants. The shrub is completely resistant to drought, moisture and frost. This is a great accent in the garden.

By combining the above and other winter-hardy shrubs that bloom all summer, of which there are quite a lot of species, you can ensure lush flowering and wonderful aromas in your garden throughout the warm period. Winter-hardy shrubs can grow for many years in one place; you do not need to replant them, you just need to weed, apply fertilizer and do timely pruning if required.

Landscaping a summer cottage is a creative and exciting process; at the initial stage of garden planning, summer residents determine what bushes and trees they will plant. If the area is completely empty, then fast growing trees and shrubs for the dacha will create in a short time beautiful landscape. If time is of the essence, then you can choose crops growing for a long time, and enjoy their transformation from year to year.

Types of shrubs

When thinking about which shrubs to plant in your dacha, pay attention to their classification, this will greatly facilitate your choice. Whether you only need ornamental bushes or want to get a variety of fruits from them, it depends on which type you should give your preference.

Appearance and agrotechnical characteristics allow seedlings to be divided into three main types, which we will discuss in the following sections.

The price of seedlings for self-growing is significantly lower than the cost of already grown shrubs.

Beautiful flowering shrubs

The absolute favorites in decorating garden plots are plants that are distinguished by their unique flowering. The most beautiful bushes amaze the imagination with inflorescences of bizarre shapes and a wide range of shades.

By planting them with different flowering periods, which will replace each other, you can achieve the effect of an “ever-blooming” garden. Flowering shrubs are perfectly complemented by compositions coniferous plants, as well as any ornamental bushes.

The most spectacular flowering species:

  • Dogwood. It begins to delight with its color in early spring. He is unpretentious to the soil, like many shade-tolerant plants, feels good in unlit areas.
  • Rhododendron. It blooms in April and has soft lilac flowers. To achieve the most magnificent flowering, plant the plant in partial shade and fertilize with humus.
  • Forsythia. It blooms even before the foliage appears. After the bush fades, it continues to delight the eye with its decorative effect.

  • Japanese quince. Pleases the eye with orange flowers. It grows well in illuminated areas and is most often used to create hedges with your own hands.
  • Buddleya. The branches of the plant are densely covered with pinkish flowers. One of individual characteristics This shrub is considered to have an incredible aroma that can attract many butterflies. This bush is capable of reaching a height of three meters in literally 2-3 years and has a long period flowering.
  • Chubushnik. The most beautiful of all shrubs. It has large snow-white flowers with a stunning aroma; it can be used to easily create green hedges.

Fruit bushes

This species can also play the role of ornamental plants, but their undeniable advantage is that they are able to bring us fresh berries. Therefore, it can be rightly noted that these are the most useful shrubs in the country. However, it should be noted that they require more care.

Below are a few plants of this species:

  • Currant . There are white, red and black currant fruits. Some of its varieties can bear fruit for up to 18 years in a row. Do not forget that it is necessary to protect the bushes from drafts and excess moisture.
  • Gooseberry. It bears fruit for up to 25 years, but is not very frost-resistant, so it needs insulation for the winter.

  • Raspberries . It grows well in the sun, is resistant to cold, but requires fertilized soil and moisture.
  • Blackberry. Similar in characteristics to raspberries, but more sensitive to frost.

If you decide to plant fruit and berry bushes on your plot, it is better to do this in the fall, then in the summer you can get the first small harvest.

Decorative garden shrubs

Ornamental plants add elegance to the design of the site, and it doesn’t matter which ones need to be decorated country houses— they will be made from block containers, or built from brick or wood. The wide color palette and texture of these bushes can create bright accents and decorate individual elements your garden, divide the area into zones.

Unpretentious in care, they are quite easy to grow if you follow a few rules when planting them:

  • Do not plant this type of plants too closely together.

For your information!
There are simple instructions for calculating the distance between bushes - the distance is equal to twice the height of an adult bush.

  • Plant at a sufficient distance from fences and buildings.
  • Plants with burgundy leaves need sunlight; in the shade they become faded in color.
  • When replanting, to avoid damaging the roots, dig a hole wider and deeper.
  • Fertilize the soil.
  • Hydrangea. Its inflorescences are large balls of pink, lilac, milky or blue colors. All varieties of hydrangea are shade-loving and prefer moist soil.

  • Weigela. Can be planted on any soil; both shade and sunny areas are suitable. Mature plant reaches a height of 2 meters, blooms from the second year. It has flowers of bright pink color.
  • Barberry. Excellent as a hedge, the color of the foliage depends on the abundance of sun and can vary from red to purple. Regular pruning gives the bush a neat and noble appearance.
  • Boxwood. Ideal for those who like to create shapes from plants various forms. It has low-growing varieties bushes. Heat-loving, but feels good in the shade. It is characterized by rapid growth and an unusual smell.

  • Deren. A very unpretentious shrub that easily takes root in any soil. Tolerates both shade and sun. It has purple foliage and blooms twice a year.
  • Deytsia. On sunny area reaches two meters in height, has beautiful white or pink flowers. Not picky about soil.
  • Spirea. Used as a hedge. Has inflorescences of red, white or pink flowers. It especially attracts attention in the autumn, when its leaves paint the bush in different colors.
  • Forsythia. One of the earliest shrubs to bloom in spring. Requires regular fertilization and watering, like other moisture-loving trees and bushes.

We recommend!
The site may require special gardening equipment, such as an electric lawn mower.
The lack of electricity on the site makes it impossible to use it, but there is an excellent solution - short-term rental of a diesel generator for a summer cottage.


The choice of plants for your summer cottage can be limited only by your own fantasies and desires; you can always find some affordable analogue of an expensive shrub. And don't forget about a little trick unscrupulous sellers– when buying seedlings, you do not receive any guarantee that you are purchasing exactly the desired plant.

In the video presented in this article you will find Additional information on this topic.

The article presents the 10 best winter-hardy shrubs that bloom all summer.
Also in the article you will find a description and care of flowering shrubs.

10 best winter-hardy shrubs that bloom all summer

(lat.Philadelphus) - a plant that most people know as “jasmine” - is
one of the most common and winter-hardy flowering shrubs for central Russia.
Mock orange has an incredible number of varieties, differing in different heights of the bush, size of flowers and shade of leaves.

Of the more compact varieties, the “Pearl” variety should be highlighted: the maximum height of the bush is about one and a half meters, the flowers are large, double.
Bushes of the "Snowstorm" variety reach two meters in height, and the flowers are smaller, but numerous,
it seems as if the bush is covered with snow. “Blizzard” can bloom for up to twenty days.

Flowering time: June—July (depending on the variety). Height: 1.5-2 meters.
Care: regular removal of old shoots (over two years); after flowering, removing damaged ones,
shoots directed inwards; monthly feeding with humus or mineral fertilizer.

Lilac(lat.Syrínga) is an extremely common winter-hardy shrub in Russian gardens and without proper control and pruning it often grows to the size of trees.
To prevent this from happening and for the lilac to remain a profusely flowering and well-formed shrub, it requires regular pruning.
In early spring, when buds have appeared on the bush and future flowering branches are visible, identify a dozen strong shoots on the bush,
which will determine the shape of the bush, cut off all the rest.

In this case, it is better to shorten some external shoots to the border of the main branches.
Among the white-flowering varieties, the terry lilac variety "Alice Harding" is recommended,
Of the varieties with blue flowers, the variety ‘Condorcet’ blooms most profusely and unpretentiously.

Of the classic purple varieties, the variety “Paul Thirion” (* “Paul Thirion”) blooms most luxuriantly.
All listed varieties are winter-hardy, flowering and decorative.

Flowering time: June. Height: 1.5-3 meters.
Care: after flowering, removal of damaged shoots directed inward; spring three-time feeding with solution bird droppings at intervals of three weeks.

(lat.Chaenomeles japonica) is conditionally winter-hardy: this means that a harsh winter can damage the plant.
Those shoots that are above the snow level may freeze, and the plant will not bloom magnificently.
The decorative effect of the shrub is given not only by its beautiful flowering, but also by its flexibility to be pruned.

Every spring, sanitary pruning is required: all dry, lifeless shoots are cut off, including those damaged by frost.
The shaped formation of a bush can begin at the age of five, mercilessly removing shoots creeping along the ground and vertical or going deep into the bush.

But in no case should you cut off the horizontal shoots that form the “cap” of the bush.

After removing all unnecessary shoots, the remaining ones will be filled with more energy.
Upon reaching ten years of age, the Japanese quince bush is rejuvenated: the bush must be thinned out, reducing the number of branches to the ten strongest.

Flowering time: May, early June. Height: up to 1 meter.
Care: For more luxuriant flowering, the soil at the roots is loosened to a depth of 10 cm and the root area is mulched.

(lat. Spiraea) is a very attractive, profusely flowering shrub, extremely low maintenance.
There are two main varieties of spirea - spring-blooming and summer-blooming.
Spring-blooming spireas usually have numerous white flowers, under the weight of which the bush takes on a cascading shape.
All spring-blooming spirea undergo shoot pruning after flowering.

In May it blooms. Thunberg, in June - p. Arguta and s. Van Gutta.
Summer-blooming spirea have pink flowers, and their flowering usually begins in July.
Of the relatively miniature spireas, it is recommended to pay attention to varieties with. Japanese "Golden Princess" and "Shirobana" - their height is no more than 70 cm.
S. blooms for the longest time (from July to October). Billard, but such a shrub reaches a height of up to two and a half meters.

Flowering time: May-October (depending on the variety).
Height: 0.5 - 2.5 meters.
Care: the plant does well without fertilizers, only pruning is required; Spring-blooming spireas are pruned only for sanitary purposes after flowering.
Summer-blooming spireas are pruned from below in early spring from the fifth year of life.

(lat. Buddleja) deserves special attention for its flowering time alone.
There are not so many winter-hardy shrubs that bloom in autumn.
Although buddleia is heat-loving, it needs proper preparation for winter (hilling up, insulating roots, covering with spruce branches)
is able to survive the average winter and delight the eye next year with its flowering.

Flowering time: July—October. Height: 0.5 - 3 meters.
Care: sanitary pruning is necessary; reddened branches are removed; Curly haircut possible; for stimulation
growth - mineral fertilizers monthly; if the height of the bush has reached the desired level, it is enough to stop feeding; pay attention to preparing for winter.


Hydrangea(lat. Hydrangea) is more like a small tree, but it can also be formed into a shrub.
The easiest to care for and winter-hardy shrub is the Tree hydrangea (Hydrangea arborescens), one of its popular varieties is “Annabelle”.
She also responds very positively to pruning.

In the fall, after flowering ends, all non-lignified branches and all thin shoots are cut off.

In the spring, with the beginning of spring work, fresh shoots are shortened to the outermost bud.
Other types of hydrangeas are no less popular - large-leaved, paniculate and petiolate.

Flowering time: Aug. Sept. Height: up to 2 meters.
Care: mandatory pruning; fertilizing with a special fertilizer for hydrangeas containing iron and magnesium.

(lat. Potentilla) is also known as " Kuril tea", this is a widespread plant.
All types of cinquefoil bush ( Potentilla fruticosa) are winter-hardy and not whimsical, so the choice depends entirely on color preferences.
For yellow-orange flowering, varieties “ Dakota sunrise», « Goldfinger», « Goldstar»,« Katherine Dykes» .
Of the white-flowering cinquefoils, one can note the varieties " Beani" And " Abbotswood", from pink - " Pink beauty».

Flowering time: May-August. Height: up to 1.5 meters.
Care: ensure good drainage in the soil; spring feeding mineral fertilizers;
in spring, shoots are shortened by about one-third of their length; In summer, regular pruning of weak shoots and faded inflorescences.

(lat. Rhododendron) - one of the most popular winter-hardy flowering shrubs,
but at the same time one of the most complex and so that rhododendron decorates the garden with its lush blooms as far as possible,
it is necessary to follow the secrets of its cultivation.

Rhododendrons have three varieties: evergreen, wintering (semi-evergreen) and deciduous.
When choosing a shrub for the garden middle zone Russia should focus on deciduous forms.
The most winter-hardy varieties are:

  1. "Lemon Lights"
  2. "Mandarin Lights"

If you still take a chance and try to grow evergreen rhododendrons in the garden, then it is better to choose the hybrid “Mikkeli”
Finnish selection, which has proven itself well in Lately.
Growing conditions vary depending on the variety, but the correct position is guaranteed.
there will be light partial shade during the hot part of the day (for example, shade from trees or gazebos) and protection from the wind (for example, a fence or wall of a house).

Flowering time: June July. Height: up to 3 meters.
Care: careful feeding after two years of age with slightly nitrogenous
fertilizers without calcium content; Organic acid can be added to the water for regular watering (1g/3l of water),
can be watered with rainwater heated in the sun; the ground around the bush must be mulched with peat and weeds must be removed manually;
removing dried inflorescences; It is better to cover it for the winter.

(lat.Calluna) is a low, creeping, winter-hardy shrub that usually blooms in late summer and early autumn.
The key to success in growing heather in the garden is the right soil.
Heather is a forest plant, which means it needs forest conditions: peat, sand, pine needles, sawdust.
Moreover, it is not enough to add a mixture of the above materials to regular garden soil,
The usual soil in the garden in the heather area must be completely replaced with one that suits it.
After replacing the soil, it must be moistened with a solution of apple cider vinegar and water (100g/10l of water).
The most promising varieties are:

  1. "Allegro"
  2. "Mullion"
  3. "Alba Plena"

Flowering time: July—October. Height: half a meter.
Care: watering with oxidized water once a week; fertilizing in the spring with dry mineral fertilizers, scattering at the roots and mulching with bark.
Weeding out weeds as they appear.
Shrub pruning is carried out in early spring if it is necessary to give the future bush a special shape.
Although the heather itself spreads very decoratively; shelter for the winter with spruce paws.

Rose wrinkled (winter-hardy)

(lat.Rosa rugosa) is a wild winter-hardy flowering shrub, better known as “rose hips”.
This rose is unpretentious to soils, but prefers sunny places.
The two oldest varieties are popular:

  • snow-white terry "White Grootendorst"
  • burgundy-raspberry “Grootendorst Supreme”.

There are also hybrid varieties: yellow rose varieties:

  1. "Agnes"
  2. "Hansa" purple
  3. "Abelzieds" delicate pink flowers.

Flowering time: June July. Height: up to 2.5m.
Care: young plant It is necessary to water once a week, and after the age of three, watering is necessary only during the driest periods.
Feeding with organic matter and mineral fertilizers is extremely rare, no more than once a year in early autumn and only after two years of age.

To maintain decorativeness and abundant flowering, regular pruning is necessary from the third year after planting.

It is necessary to remove all weak branches, and pinch the tops of the remaining shoots to create a lushabout the bush; does not need shelter for the winter.

Frost-resistant flowering shrubs.Video

10 shade-loving flowering shrubs for the garden

A shady corner of the garden looks sad, overgrown with plants withering without sun.
But sometimes this is where you want to put a sun lounger and hide from the scorching rays of the sun.
These shade-tolerant shrubs will help you easily solve the problem:

Azalea is a beautiful flowering shrub that does not like bright sun.
It blooms in May, the abundance of flowers is impressive.
Quite demanding in care.

Privet is a beautiful, deciduous shrub.
Blooms in mid-summer.
Flower raceme paniculate, white, with rich aroma. Good haircut.
In the first years it grows very quickly.
Grows on any type of soil.
Requires shelter in winter with insufficient snow cover.

Thunberg's barberry is very ornamental shrub, thanks to the leaves,
which change color throughout the summer.
In late autumn, the red-violet leaves fall.
Thorns grow on the trunk and branches.


Euonymus is a shrub with a beautiful openwork crown.
Blooms in spring, flowers are not impressive.
In September, the leaves change color, and in almost a week the bush blooms with all the colors of the rainbow.
Each leaf is painted in several colors.
And even after the leaves fall, until the very frost, euonymus delights the eye with the colorful fruits that look like earrings.

Mahonia holly - evergreen shrub with glossy,
leathery, dark green leaves.
In spring it blooms with yellow flowers.
By autumn the leaves turn bronze.
Grows up to 1 meter.
Tolerates frosts well.

Rhododendron is one of the most beautiful deciduous flowering shrubs.
Low, about 60 cm.
Flowering begins in spring, along with the appearance of leaves.
Fragrant white star-shaped flowers with a barely noticeable pink tint are collected in brushes.
Beautiful green leaves turn sunny yellow in autumn.
Not afraid of frost.

Snowberry is an unpretentious shrub with thin graceful branches. Blooms all summer.
Looks spectacular in the fall, strewn with large berries, most often white or pinkish in color.

Chubushnik - more often it is called garden jasmine for its white flowers, fragrant with an incredible aroma.
Most varieties and hybrids tolerate frost well and are unpretentious to the soil.

By choosing shade-loving shrubs, you can easily transform a shaded area of ​​the garden into a comfortable relaxation area.

Shade-tolerant trees and shrubs


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