Zoning the room into a living room and a bedroom. Principles of zoning a common room into a bedroom and a living room Zoning a living room with a sofa

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By zoning a room, you can increase the functionality of the space, make it more comfortable and beautiful. The delimitation of the room creates several functional zones that differ from each other.

When working with an area, the main goal is to create comfort, as well as to arrange private areas (as is the case with studio apartments, for example). Individual zones optically correct the room, increasing or narrowing its space.

In order for the room to become practical and cozy, you need to correctly use the available elements and design technologies. Here's how to zone a room with your own hands, without involving specialists:

You can start zoning the room as soon as all the recommendations are taken into account. The process begins with drawing up a preliminary drawing. They are made by hand or using a program.
First, all windows and doors are marked on the drawing, then large furniture, then tables and chests of drawers, smaller cabinets, and after that the details are drawn.

Advice! If the furniture will be used to divide the space, you can contact a salon that offers designer services. The specialist will give advice on improving the initial concept.

The plan should clearly indicate the types of partitions or arches used (consider their thickness, as well as the position when using transformable partitions).
Using computer program for design, you can look at the sketch from all sides, evaluate the height of the elements, and consider the nuances of the decor. The programs are also attractive because they can be used to assess the level of lighting using a particular type of chandelier. Using a computer it is easy to create the simplest zoning of any room.

Methods for zoning a room

When delimiting space in a room, various decorative and functional details are used. Preference is given to practical elements, especially if they are furnishing a small room.

The best way to properly divide areas is to use useful large-sized items: sofas, shelving, cabinets. You can also use more recent ideas - various partitions.

Dividing space with furniture

An interesting solution is to install a dressing table with a large mirror in which the opposite wall will be reflected. With its help, the space expands and creates 2 zones perfectly separated from each other.

The TV stand can be placed in the middle of the room if it has brackets. Then the screen can be easily rotated in different directions. In this case, the sofa will stand in the opposite direction from the bed.
Another way is to install shelving and sofas with their ends facing each other. On one side there will be a place for relaxation, and on the other - a bedroom or dining room, depending on the chosen space. A good option for zoning a rectangular room.

Important! When using furniture as parts to divide a room, you can save a lot. Designer partitions and various curtains in small apartments take up too much space

It’s good to use a corner sofa to divide the space, and if you put a screen or partition along the side dividing the room, it will work beautiful interior without being “weighted down” by massive shelving and stationary walls.

You can use low chests of drawers or end-to-end cabinets, with vases or other decorative items placed on top of them. The zoning of a square room should be thought out so that the details do not divide the room into too elongated rectangles.

Zoning a room with additional structures

In addition to the standard options - wardrobes, cabinets, sofas - for zoning the room, more interesting designs are chosen that give a certain style. They take up little space and emphasize the concept of the room more than they have practical properties:

If you add light and finishing materials that differ from each other to the objective division of space, you can turn one room into zones that are completely different in style and practicality.

Zoning with light

Light is the best way to emphasize the interior design of a room and create laconic zoning.

Advice! If you plan to provide lighting in the living room combined with the bedroom, you can place continuously adjustable spotlights along the edges. Make a bright source of light in the area of ​​the sofa or desk, and soft floor lamps or lamps next to the bed.

When placing lighting in a room, you need to remember some rules, especially when it comes to the bedroom-living room:

Modern design solutions- This is spot lighting for the floor or walls, which looks good in the bedroom. In the recreation area, when decorating large rooms, dim light sources are also used: sconces, floor lamps with canopies, LED chandeliers with step adjustment.

Decorative zoning using finishing materials

Finishing materials are perfect for renovations with subsequent zoning of space. Use parts to decorate the floor, walls and ceiling:

Wallpaper zoning comes in two types: vertical and horizontal.

Advice! Use carpets, both wall and floor, for small areas. They will create comfort and highlight functional space.

When dividing space horizontally, wallpaper is chosen in 2 tones - lighter and darker, and a dark version is glued underneath. However, the horizontal zoning method is more practical and looks better.

When zoning a small room they use less details and large elements. You cannot install cabinets, racks and other wide objects across the room. It is advisable to choose subtle details with a minimum of design solutions (drawings, textures, different shades, dark colors).

The main goal when arranging small functional areas in a small room is to save space:

  • use narrow wall shelves that use a minimum of space and are convenient for storing various things;
  • instead of TV stands, choose flat panels with wall mounting - this will help solve the problem of large bedside tables and modular walls;
  • use transformable furniture – The best decision for small rooms. This category includes beds built into a closet, transformable ottomans and tables.

Modern furniture offers many solutions for zoning small spaces.

Living and dining room

You can connect the reception area with the dining room in a small studio or in a huge penthouse. This is a convenient solution that helps create a special atmosphere that is different from being in a regular kitchen.

The easiest way to divide space is to use rectangular table. In small apartments, this approach will be ideal, since no additional furniture will be required for zoning. Here are some tips for choosing a table:

The table is placed so that it is as close as possible to the kitchen if it is in the dining area. The dining area should not be located in the center; it is best to place it close to the kitchen area.

How to choose furniture

Chairs and tables should match both the design of the living room and the interior dining area. If the general direction of design is minimalism, then the furniture should be like that. Without decorative elements and an abundance of flowers.

Choice of colors

When arranging a living-dining room, it is necessary to choose an adequate combination of colors. If it’s difficult to decide on a combination of shades, pay attention to the classic tandems:

These solutions look organic in almost any design. However, in the kitchen you should give preference to restrained tones, exclude Orange color causing a strong appetite.

Advice! The colors of finishing materials can be neutral - beige or white, and zoning is arranged using textiles, carpets, and furniture.

You can divide zones more fundamentally: by different wall materials or by changing the level and texture of the ceiling. Used for zoning and different lighting. In the dining area it can be spotty, muted, and in the living room it can be bright, created with the help of chandeliers and hanging lamps.

Appropriate to use various finishes floors, as well as partitions: wooden, glass, plastic. Partitions can be stationary, sliding or mobile.

Living room and bedroom

You need to start zoning a room into a bedroom and a living room by planning the arrangement of furniture. Then they think about ways to light the room and use tricks to expand the space.

Advice! If there is a lot of large furniture in a small room, then it becomes uncomfortable. Try to use a minimum of cabinets and cabinets. No chairs needed.

Sliding doors are a compact solution for dividing space. You can use a wardrobe if the room is not too small. If you add mirrors to the sliding elements, they will significantly expand the space.

The sofa, which turns the room into a living room, can transform into a comfortable bed in the evening. In this case, zoning the room into a bedroom and living room will not be necessary; it will be enough to separate the recreation area from the workplace.

Decorative partitions separating the bedroom from the living room can be replaced with a functional shelving unit.

Advantages of room zoning

Proper zoning of a living room combined with a bedroom, dining room or children's room makes the space more functional. Among the advantages are:

When creating a zoning project, you can choose the most convenient options for each family member: a small technical corner for your son, furnished in a loft style, or an eastern recreation area for your mother.

Interesting design solutions for room zoning

Unusual ideas for interior design and room decoration can be gleaned from unusual sources. They create unique solutions:

There are many options for zoning space. The main thing to remember is that there should be details in moderation. If you carefully approach the development of the primary project, you can avoid any mistakes and oversaturation when implementing the idea.

The living room and bedroom located in one room will solve the problem of lack of living space in small apartments. Thanks to successful zoning, in a single room there will be a cozy seating area that can be hidden during the daytime, and a comfortable area for receiving guests. This design technique is also used in the arrangement of modern studio apartments.

The living room and bedroom perform functions that contradict each other. One of them is intended for gatherings with friends, spending free time during the day and evening, watching movies, reading and relaxing. The other zone is used exclusively for sleeping, mainly at night. Therefore, it is important to zoning the bedroom and living room so that the zones look harmonious.

The choice of the most suitable zoning method largely depends on the shape and size of the room. In large rooms, space can be divided using partitions made of different materials and having different designs.

For small rooms, the construction of bulky stationary structures is completely unacceptable. You can separate the living area from the bedroom in a one-room apartment with furniture, curtains or light sliding partitions.

Where to begin

When zoning a room, it is necessary to take into account the subtleties and features of the interior design of both zones. Following the designers’ recommendations, the living room and bedroom will turn out to be truly comfortable and cozy.

The main nuances of the room layout:

  1. First, you should decide on the size and location of each zone, taking into account the shape and area of ​​the room.
  2. Zones should be decorated in the same style. The use of finishes that match in color and texture, furniture of the same design, similar textiles and decor will allow you to combine both zones.
  3. The sleeping area should not be a walk-through area; it should be located away from the entrance to the room.
  4. The living room should be well lit, so it is recommended to install several light sources in different parts of it.
  5. Don't clutter the space with too much furniture.

Bedroom layout in a one-room apartment

To plan the living room and bedroom in a one-room apartment, you can choose one of the most popular methods.

The first option is to place the sleeping area near the window. It's great for narrow rooms, as well as for owners who prefer to fall asleep and wake up by the window.

The second way is to create a sleeping area in a remote, secluded part of the room. This will create an intimate atmosphere in the bedroom, conducive to a restful and healthy sleep.

Rest zone

Successful zoning of a bedroom depends not only on its placement in the room, but also on filling it with the necessary pieces of furniture.

To arrange a recreation area you will need a minimum amount of furniture. Her main item is, of course, the bed. It is advisable to place bedside tables near the bed, which will serve for storing various small items, placing table lamps and other decorative items.

Guest area

The guest area should be comfortable, cozy and suitable for daytime relaxation for the whole family. Regardless of the chosen style and design of the room, it needs to be filled with everything necessary. Comfortable sofas, armchairs, coffee table, TV, shelving, various modular storage systems - this is the usual filling of the living area. Of course, do not forget about the beautiful decor of this part of the room.

Common methods of zoning a bedroom-living room

Designers use various ways zoning a room into a bedroom and a living room, which allows you not only to divide, but also to visually expand its space.

The most popular methods are:

  • construction of permanent or plasterboard partitions different heights, width and shape;
  • joining a loggia to the room, in which the sleeping area is usually arranged;
  • installation sliding partitions;
  • zoning with furniture;
  • separation by curtains, screens and blinds;
  • visual zoning of the bedroom using finishes of different types, textures and colors;
  • installation of transformable beds, which are hidden in a closet or podium during the daytime.

We described the second method in detail in the article: ““.
The choice of one method or another depends on the shape and size of the room, the financial capabilities and taste preferences of its owners. Let's consider these options in more detail.

Using partitions

Partitions dividing a room into zones can be solid, plasterboard or glass.

The construction of a capital partition is quite labor-intensive process, requiring prior approval from licensing authorities. Therefore, it is better to give preference to plasterboard structures. They can be high, low, different shapes, with niches or through “windows” in which they will look great decorative vases, figurines, photographs and flowers in beautiful pots. In addition, arranging niches will improve the lighting of the room.

Translucent partitions made of impact-resistant glass or plastic will fit perfectly into the interior of the bedroom-living room. Stained glass painting, various images and ornaments can be applied to their surface. Such a partition will clearly demarcate the zones and will look very light and attractive.

Zoning with sliding doors

Sliding partitions and doors will fit perfectly into the design of the living room and bedroom. These lightweight structures can consist of several panels made of different materials: wood, bamboo, plastic, glass in a metal frame. Using sliding doors, you can completely separate zones from each other. When the panels are moved apart, the room will become a single space.

Zoning with furniture

Dividing a room into zones using furniture is the easiest and most affordable way. As a partition, you can use high shelving, a wardrobe and even corner sofas with high backs.

A wide shelving unit without a back wall will not only separate the living room from the bedroom in a one-room apartment, but will also become convenient system storage You can use two narrow shelves, placing them on opposite walls. The advantage of this zoning is that the furniture does not limit the penetration of daylight into the far part of the room.

Instead of shelving, you can use cabinets with hinged doors or sliding wardrobes. In narrow and long rooms, it is better to install a couple of cabinets opposite each other to ensure good lighting. For rooms of a different shape, one wide cabinet is perfect.

You can divide the room with a corner sofa, the side back of which will become a kind of partition. It is better to hang blinds, curtains made of fabric, threads or decorative beads above it.

Curtains and screen

Another simple way to zone a room is to use curtains and screens. Curtains should be harmoniously combined with the rest of the textiles in the interior. You can hang curtains made of various fabrics, beads, bugles or bamboo, with beautiful drapery, decorated with fringe and tassels. For maximum privacy, it is better to use dense, heavy fabrics. Lungs, air materials visually designate the bedroom area in the hall, maintaining the unity of the space.


In the bedroom combined with the living room, you can use vertical blinds to separate zones. This is a fairly simple and cheap way to zone a room.

Moved blinds provide privacy in the sleeping area. At any moment they can be moved apart and the space will become unified again. Modern technologies make it possible to apply any images, ornaments and designs to the canvas, which allows the blinds to successfully fit into the interior.

Zoning using finishing (ceiling, walls, floors)

One of the options for dividing a room is visual zoning. Its essence lies in the use of different materials, textures and shades in decoration, construction of ceiling structures and floor podiums of various shapes. Such design techniques suitable for combining a living room and a bedroom in small rooms and large studio apartments.

You can decorate the floor with different materials, for example, choose a soft carpet for the bedroom, and lay parquet, laminate or linoleum in the living room.

How to choose furniture for a bedroom combined with a living room

The stylish and sophisticated design of the living room combined with the bedroom implies the presence of furniture for various purposes.

The recreation area must have sleeping area. This could be a folding sofa or bed. You can install a stationary model of the required size, or give preference to a transforming bed. Vertical structures usually hidden in a niche or shaped like a cabinet. Horizontal beds slide into podiums.

Of course, you can't do without bedside tables or hanging shelves located at the head of the bed. In the presence of free space you can add a couple of armchairs or a rocking chair, a small table, a console with a mirror.

For the living area, you should choose a comfortable large sofa and armchairs. If desired, you can install a tall wardrobe for storing things. If you do not plan to install cabinets, it is worth installing various modular systems, shelving, cabinets for equipment, and wall shelves.

Lighting nuances

Light zoning of the bedroom and living room is used in combination with any other method of dividing space.

In the sleeping area it is better to use spot ceiling lighting. As an addition, you can install bedside lamps or place sconces on the wall at the head of the bed.

A beautiful one is perfect for lighting the living room. ceiling chandelier, in combination with spotlights or LED ceiling lighting. You can also place decorative floor lamps, a floor lamp, and table lamps in different parts of the area.

As you can see, the arrangement of the living room and bedroom in common space not that difficult. The main thing to remember is that the decoration, textiles and furniture of the guest and sleeping areas must be combined in style and color. In a harmonious and cozy space it will be pleasant and comfortable to relax, spend time with family and receive guests.

We hope that this article will help you arrange your living room and bedroom in one space. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments below. Our experts will definitely answer them.

In modern design, the option of a spacious apartment without division into zones: dining room, kitchen, bedroom or living room is a common occurrence. Therefore, it is important to be able to independently delimit the space of the room. The task is not easy, because the functionality, harmony and comfort of the living space depends on it. Zoning a room into a bedroom and a living room requires patience and careful preparation of the space.

Zoning a room into a bedroom and living room: features of dividing space

Not every person has the opportunity to purchase a spacious home with several rooms, where each family member has personal space and space. Therefore, small-sized single- or require competent planning, which will allow one room to realize several functions, for example, to serve as a living room combined with a bedroom.

Such a room has a number of disadvantages and advantages that affect design decoration rooms. The advantages of a combined bedroom and living room are the following characteristics:

  • the ability to create an original and unusual layout;
  • allocation of personal space even with a small square room;
  • practicality of the room.

The main disadvantage of such a room is the impossibility of soundproofing the bedroom area, as well as the lack of intimacy in this part of the room.

Connecting the private space of a bedroom with a public living room is not easy, but it is quite possible. In modern design, there are a huge number of different options to harmoniously combine the bedroom and living room in one room. In addition, clear planning and scrupulous execution of work will allow you to achieve the desired result. After all, in a small room (usually the area of ​​such a room is no more than 18 sq. m) it is necessary to place all important furniture and at the same time create comfort.

Quickly and easily organize separation studio apartment Movable partitions will help. This option has a number of advantages:

  • simplicity;
  • huge selection of partitions;
  • versatility;
  • mobility;
  • original and beautiful design.

In addition, such a partition is easy to create with your own hands, following step-by-step instructions. If the need arises, the screen can be folded and hidden in a closet. Such structures are often called false partitions, since they divide space, but do not separate zones from each other. Most often this design is inherent. As an example, we present to your attention a photo of the design of a living room bedroom using static partitions.

The most versatile and advantageous option for rooms with several windows on two walls is plasterboard. Thanks to this method, each zone will have natural lighting. This material very light, which means moving the screen will not be difficult. In addition, drywall is easy to cut to the right size or give it the desired shape, for example, round.

The craftsmen recommend supplementing the design with mirror and glass inserts. This solution will bring lightness to the interior of the bedroom-living room, and will also not prevent sunlight from entering the room. A plasterboard product can be covered with wallpaper or decorated to look like a brick. This will give the bedroom and living room a special charm.

An excellent option for zoning is to use a glass partition. Such a product will not change the perception of the free space of the room. Designs from more durable materials allow you to create niches and shelves for storing books or accessories. A plastic screens are able to complement any room design, since modern manufacturers provide wide choose products of various colors and shapes.

Helpful advice! When choosing a partition for zoning a room, it is necessary to take into account the placement of lighting fixtures. If the screen blocks the lamps, then it is recommended to consider the location of additional light sources. In some cases, craftsmen distribute lamps within the structure.

Living room and bedroom in one room: zoning by height

If the room has a high ceiling, then vertical zoning is best, that is, the sleeping place should be placed under the ceiling on the mezzanine.

Related article:

Tips for expanding space. How to choose the right colors, furniture and lighting. Kitchen and bathroom design. Studio apartment design. Choice of style.

Such an unusual solution is rarely used in the modern design of a bedroom and living room in one room, since it is the most expensive and difficult to implement. But such zoning has recently become more and more popular. All this thanks to a number of advantages:

  • this idea for the living room and bedroom does not require an additional compartment
  • partitions and screens;
  • the possibility of proper rest, even if other family members are awake in the living room area;
  • there is an opportunity to retire at any time;
  • increasing the usable area of ​​the room.

In addition, this method of dividing functional space allows you to apply creativity and design each zone in a unique way. different styles or flowers.

Helpful advice! When using a mezzanine to delimit functional areas, it is necessary to think through the lighting in detail. The light should turn off at several points at once so that you can control the lighting from above and below.

In a room with low ceilings, designers came up with a similar method: during the day the bed can be raised to the ceiling, and in the evening it can be lowered down using a special automatic mechanism. During the day, a work area is created in place of the bed. The disadvantage of this zoning option is its high cost.

You can visually separate functional zones using a small elevation of 10-20 cm. A false partition or canopy would be an excellent addition to the bed. You can install drawers into the design of the podium, which are perfect for storing various things. And the mattress can be placed directly on the podium, without using a bed frame. This will reduce the bulkiness and occupancy of the room.

Color zoning: photo of living room and bedroom in one room

Creating stylish design premises, first of all you need to pay attention to the chosen color scheme, because the shades must be in harmony with each other. In addition, a combination of different colors and finishing textures will help to effectively highlight areas of different functional purposes.

The essence of this approach is very simple: the living room and bedroom are decorated in different colors. But this task is quite difficult, since it is necessary to simultaneously achieve both the separation of zones and the harmony of shades of the entire room.

Most often, paint or wallpaper is used for this. Colors such as dark red, brown, blue and similar rich shades are extremely popular. To create an accent, it is recommended to paint one or two walls. Suitable for other walls light colors, namely: yellow, pink, blue, lavender, beige, light green and other shades of the pastel palette.

To ensure that each functional area of ​​the room is clearly separated, it is better to use colors from the same palette, but with different degrees of saturation, and you can also use contrasting options. Green and brown, blue and blue, white and red tones go well together.

Helpful advice!To make color zoning better perceived, it can be supplemented with partitions, shelving or an aquarium on a counter.

Since the room is divided into zones, it is better not to use too dark colors. Such shades will create the effect of visually reducing space.

If the room is decorated with wallpaper, then both the bedroom and the living room must adhere to uniform style. Classic ornaments do not combine with modern abstraction, but will harmonize perfectly with striped wallpaper. Designers do not recommend overloading the interior with patterned coverings, and it is better to leave one wall plain.

Also, color zoning can be organized using furniture of different tones. For example, you should choose a wardrobe, sofa and table in natural brown tones, and the bed should be decorated in a rich shade.

Options for placing furniture in the design of the living room-bedroom

First of all, you need to decide what furniture will be present in the design of the bedroom-living room. Most likely it will be standard set for the bedroom - a bed and bedside tables with lamps. Arranging a living room is not complete without a sofa with armchairs, large equipment, a wardrobe and a bookcase. Any of these pieces of furniture can be used as a partition between functional areas.

To visually zone a square room, you should use a bed with a high back. It is the back that will play the role of a screen. A good idea for the living room is to place the sofa directly opposite the bed. This solution is perfect for rooms of any shape and size. In addition, this will give you the opportunity to watch TV without getting out of bed.

You can also use a large wardrobe to create personal space in the sleeping area. designers advise placing the doors towards the bed. It is recommended to turn book racks in the other direction or make niches without a back wall. This will allow you to reach objects while in both functional zones. Examples of such design are clearly shown in the photo of the living room and bedroom.

Helpful advice! Use in the room plasterboard partition with niches - a stylish and cheap alternative to wooden cabinets.

You can use the shelf as a partition

You can visually divide the living room-bedroom into zones using a small table, which is preferably placed in the center of the room. Most often, in combined rooms there is rarely enough space for such an interior item, but for the design of a living room bedroom of 20 sq. m - that's a great idea.

By installing an aquarium, a tall vase with flowers or a large indoor plant in the room, you can creatively divide the space.

It is possible to prevent cluttering of the space of a combined room by including only the necessary pieces of furniture or using transformable furniture. Ideal for the design of a living room bedroom of 16 square meters. The following items are suitable:

  • wardrobe bed;
  • bed-mattress;
  • chair-bed.

The modern market provides a huge selection of furniture that will easily and harmoniously fit into the design of a living room of 16 square meters. m. For example, you can find an ottoman, a coffee table. Such furniture with one movement of the hand will transform a cozy living room into a comfortable bedroom. We should not forget that not a single sofa can fully replace a bed with an orthopedic mattress.

Curtains for zoning and design of a bedroom, living room - room 17 sq.m. m

Dividing the space of a room using curtains is the simplest and most popular way. After all, you can use anything, from thick fabrics to translucent ones. In addition, a combination of materials looks unusual and stylish, for example, heavy satin complemented with airy organza.

To make it look original and harmonious, it is important to choose the right fabric for curtains. You need to pay attention to the combination of colors. In addition, other materials can be used to make curtains, such as beads, glass beads, glass beads, bamboo, threads or ribbons. Such products will not fit into every interior, so it is important to think through your choice down to the smallest detail.

Helpful advice! Curtains that are located at different levels look unusual.

Tips for designing a bedroom living room 18 sq. m

The standard size of the premises, which are used to separate the bedroom and living room, is about 18 square meters. Photo of bedroom design for living room 18 sq. m is easy and simple to find, which means choosing an idea to your liking is quite simple.

All of the above zoning options are suitable for rooms of any size, but their implementation will require some effort. To avoid mistakes in design and create a truly comfortable place to relax, you need to take into account the following recommendations from experts:

  1. For the bedroom area, the far corner of the room is best suited. In this case, you can relax here peacefully, even if someone is in the living room, because the number of movements in this place will be reduced to a minimum.
  2. It is better to leave the only window in the room for the bedroom. This area needs natural light the most.
  3. It is recommended that the furniture be selected in the same style. If the design of the living room-bedroom is 18 sq. Since the same design is maintained, choosing the appropriate zoning option is much easier.
  4. Mirrors and glossy surfaces will help visually increase the space of individual zones.
  5. You should not use a huge number of accessories, otherwise the room will look cluttered and not entirely cozy.
  6. The room should be furnished to a minimum - only those interior items are used that are impossible to do without.
  7. It is necessary that each zone has its own lighting. If several people live in an apartment, then someone may be awake while others are sleeping.

By following these tips, anyone can create a stylish and harmonious design for a living room or bedroom of 18 square meters. m.

The design layout of a bedroom combined with a living room requires attention and careful study of all possible options. After all, it is necessary to take into account such parameters as the area of ​​the room, the size of the room, the height of the ceiling, the presence or absence of a balcony (or loggia), as well as personal preferences. The main thing is to remember that everyone can create their own cozy design living room 16 sq. m.

To make the stay of all family members comfortable, and to make the room divided into zones functional and cozy, first of all you need to look at examples of photos of room design. This will allow you to think through the appearance of the room down to the smallest detail and make every meter practical and comfortable for living. The decision to zone an apartment is the best way to improve your living conditions.

When planning the arrangement of your home, you need to delimit zones with different purposes. This is called “functional zoning” - a term familiar not only to professionals. Let's talk about techniques: what to share?

1. Stationary partitions

Francois Champseur. Folding doors filled with clear glass brand Pouenat - a conditional boundary between rooms. Black steel profile- expressive graphic accent. There are serving plates and design on the table. India Madavi.

Dreamdesign studio apartment. The hall and living room are separated by a copper screen, the numerous planes of which beautifully refract the light. It was made according to the sketches of the author of the project. On the floor, solid oak parquet is laid in a French herringbone pattern.

Fernanda Marquez. Project in Belgravia. The living room is separated from the dining room by a glass wall. Table by Z. Hadid (David Gill Gallery) and Bone Chaise by J. Laarman (Carpenters Workshop Gallery) - these light transparent things do not overload the interior.

The guest bedroom and bathroom are separated by a transparent partition.

YoDezeen in Kyiv. The bedroom is located in the same volume as the bathroom. They are separated by a partition decorated with cipollino marble. Separately free standing bath Falper, design. M. Schmidt. De Castelli copper elements.

Project by Alexandra Fedorova. The bathroom is separated from the bedroom by transparent smart glass, so that while lying in the water you can contemplate the fire in the fireplace. One flooring enhances the feeling of the integrity of the space.

Max Kasymov. Apartment in Moscow. 34 sq. m. A sliding door separates the bedroom area from the kitchen and dining room. Cabinet furniture and Wall panels made from MDF according to the sketches of Max Kasymov in his production. Elvis table, Cattelan Italia.

TS-Design: a conventional partition separates the hallway and creates intrigue, covering the room. Mirror surfaces complicate and expand the space. Poufs in antelope skin, Elkort, can be moved to the table or to the living area.

They are solid and unshakable. This is their advantage, but also a disadvantage: it is difficult to change something and get rid of them. Dividers do not have to reach the ceiling, extend from wall to wall, or be in a straight line. Some people believe that division into zones is only relevant in large rooms: it helps to organize the space so that it is not perceived as a showroom of a furniture store. We assure you that in small apartments zoning is even more important. His task is to rationally use the area, intelligently arrange furniture, create optimal routes, and most importantly, make sure that several people can be in the room, study different things, while feeling comfortable and not disturbing each other. In small spaces, when delimiting zones, you need to act especially delicately; high partitions are not suitable here; more subtle techniques are needed.

The owner of the house, Stephanie Kuta, combined the living room with the hallway. On the wall is a work by F. Hubert (Art Medioni gallery) and a portrait of M. Gandhi by Joseph (Galerie des Lices).

David Chipperfield designed two private villas on Lake Garda in Italy, included in the Villa Eden – Gardone resort. Bedroom. Behind a thin partition there is a washbasin and a shower stall.

David Chipperfield. In an extended interior, partitions separate one zone from another.

Elena Morozova and Natalya Sokhnyuk. Bedroom area - 40 sq. m. Lacquered perforated partitions divide it into two halves. There is a Presotto bed by the window, and an armchair in the sitting area. J.-M. Masso, Cassina. The rug from The Rug Company features P. Smith's famous "stripe".

Gérard Febvre created one of the bathrooms behind a partition and covered it with washable Kefia wallpaper from Wall & Decò with a houndstooth pattern - the same as in the adjoining bedroom. A line of wall cabinets combines two spaces.

Oleg Klodt: Architecture & Design. The living room is separated from the dining room by a partition in which a TV, audio system and bio-fireplace are mounted. On right - complex design made of panels with an included door to the bedroom. Finish: Bird's Eye Maple.

Project TS-Design. The double-sided structure hides a load-bearing metal column inside and is the dominant feature of the living room and a zoning element. The niche with the TV is framed by a strip of brass.

Neutral luxury by Kelly Hoppen. The decorator also uses a symmetrical composition characteristic of the classics in modern interiors.

Pavel Volovov. In the open space, Albed partitions highlight a glass cube in which an office, also known as a guest room, is arranged. The armchairs are vintage in Créations Métaphores fabric. Sofa Alfred, design. R. Lazzeroni, Flexform Mood.

Cabinet. Poltrona Frau armchair, Bonaldo sofa, Modulnova bookcase. Flos lamp. Wardrobe: author's design.

Country house from Inbamboo Design: the bedroom is zoned using a light wooden partition (production: Derevshik company). Meridiani table. Sofa Poliform. Library Porada.

2. Sliding partitions

Either there is a wall between the rooms, or there isn’t - both lovers of open spaces and their opponents are happy. You need to understand that “moving” walls do not replace real walls, sound insulation is not the same, so it is unreasonable to separate the home theater with them. But the kitchen from the living room is just right. Sliding partitions are made only to order, exactly to the size of the room. Most often they use colorless frosted glass. It looks light and fits into any interior... The partition has from one to five “leaves”, which are either suspended from the upper guide rails or rest on the lower ones (each system has its own pros and cons). Sliding doors are similar to partitions, but they have fixed dimensions, no more than two leaves and only one rail. You can make the doors or partitions “retract” into the depths of the wall. For this purpose, a false wall is built.

Irina Marchenkova and Maria Zemlyanykh: living room. Sofa, TV stand, partition, table - all according to the sketches of the authors of the project. There is a sconce on the wall, design. K. Wearstler for Visual Comfort. The rest of the light Arteriors.

Tatyana Smirnova: “Italian” apartment in Moscow. The partition separating the kitchen was made by Russian craftsmen. Decorative ceiling beams not only do they not reduce the height of the room, but even visually increase it.

House designed by Alexandra Fedorova. Transparent door creates a flowing space between the bedroom and bathroom. On the console custom made sculpture by T. Levko and painting by A. Kaplin.

Patricia Mogi Flor. Living room and dining room are separated sliding doors. Reversi sofas from Molteni&C. Bell glass tables, design. Sebastian Herkner, ClassiCon, Bishop tables, design. India Madavi. Chaise longue, design Le Corbusier, Cassina.

3. Difference in floor level

A very practical zoning technique. Because in the emerging elevation (podium) you can hide something that you don’t need to see (from communications to ski equipment). The higher the podium, the larger things can be placed inside. There is a limit to height, especially with low ceilings. But a small podium is also valuable: they make drawers. The podium also corrects the proportions of the room: it will visually shorten the elongated one if it is placed at the end. In a square one, it can be arranged diagonally.

H2A: penthouse on Frunzenskaya embankment. The podium creates additional storage space and hides the ventilation and air conditioning system. At first they planned to make fences, but the customer refused for the sake of beauty.

South African bureau SAOTA built Villa OVD 919. The dining table is surrounded by Cab chairs, designed by Mario Bellini for Cassina. In the foreground is Warren Platner's Knoll kit.

4. Ceiling level difference

Some rightly believe that it is better not to touch the ceiling at all. But still. If the height of the ceiling above us changes, it feels like we are moving from one space to another. In addition, different functions require different heights: where active communication occurs, the ceilings can be higher, where they sleep and relax, lower. However, if an architect imposes on you undulating ledges of an indescribable configuration, citing the “image of a space station,” be careful. These bells and whistles increase the work time and financial investments, and their beauty is questionable.

Amy Law. A huge open space, divided into several functional zones, is united by a large-scale wall relief. It was made from plaster by M. Hill. The curtains were created by guest textile specialist E. Bruce using Knoll Luxe fabric.

Vyacheslav Khomutov: apartment in London for a Russian customer. Hug Giorgetti armchair. The Rug Company rug designed by Sam Turner. Sofa, Omnia, design. Antonio Citterio, B&B Italia. Floor lamp Pipe Light-L, design. M. Castagna, Henge.

Project by Alexey Nikolashin. Open space living room-kitchen-dining room. Table and chairs, white sofa, chandelier - all Fendi Casa. Maxalto couch. Two Versace Home armchairs. Tables Meridiani, Fendi Casa. The TV is placed on a panel made of cipollino ondulato marble.

Project by Alexey Nikolashin. Open space living room-kitchen-dining room.

Irina Derkach. The five-meter height made it possible to create a cantilever floor and 100 sq. m add another 40. The Molteni&C library combines two levels. The Ruby Fires gel fireplace and Samsung TV are enclosed in a marble portal.

5. Different wall coverings

It is especially impressive when the coatings have different textures. For example, there is paper wallpaper throughout the room, and bamboo wallpaper in a cozy corner. True, as architect Natalya Astakhova said, “if two textures simply “meet” - this is not zoning, this is a hodgepodge, you need suitable furniture, lighting, etc.” The dining area is often highlighted: either stonework on the wall, or a large poster or photo wallpaper. Artificial stone is more practical than natural stone, but sometimes it looks very unnatural. It’s better not to place photo wallpapers in front of a window: they can glare. The difference in coatings also creates optical effects: you can correct the proportions of the room.

Project by Mike Shilov. A. Julien's photo looks impressive on Rubelli flock wallpaper. The dining area and kitchen are designed by R. Dordoni - for Minotti and Ernestomeda, respectively. Catellani & Smith silver leaf chandelier.

Katerina Lashmanova. The interior is full of interesting rhymes: the geometry of the Vanguard console is consistent with the lines wall panel, the shapes of the “golden” tables echo the pattern of the parquet. Sofas The Sofa & Chair. Lindsey Adelman chandelier.

The zoning of the space is created using a plywood portal. It separates the day area with breakfast table from the night area. Wall lamp, design. Serge Moulle. The window openings are accented with black.

6. Different floor coverings

The simplest example: in a recreation area with armchairs and sofas, they place soft carpet. Cozy and convenient: it can be easily removed or replaced with a new one. But the “carpet” from artistic parquet or an insert made of stone mosaics, which are sometimes used to accent the table area, are firmly laid and forever tie you to this furniture arrangement. If you like change, think... Any interruption of the floor visually reduces the space. A single coating increases it. On the other hand, there are practical reasons: it makes sense to lay tiles in the kitchen area. Trade-off: use different materials, but similar in color. A special problem is the joining of materials.

The wood-burning fireplace was custom-made by the Italian company Grilli Caminetti and lined with birch plywood. Kitchen area is allocated parquet board made from American Coswick walnut. Above the table: wall lamp 265, design. Paolo Rizzato, Flos.

Elzhbeta Chegarova (Interior Studio “Chegarova Design”). The kitchen has tiled floors. Flexform sofas and tables. Yellow Poliform armchair. Carpet cc-tapis. Light Moooi.

Interior studio "Chegarova-design". Kitchen Aster Cucine. Poliform chairs. Liebherr, Miele equipment. Home Concept chandelier.

Project by Natalia Maslova: living room. Floor: Ebony and Co parquet (American walnut). Carpet Kovër Büro.

7. Fabric curtain

This zoning technique is not used often. For some reason, it is believed that curtains and draperies, especially if they are not on the window, are feminine details that create a boudoir atmosphere. Use a translucent, plain, light-colored fabric, natural fiber rough texture, and not taffeta - then you definitely won’t get a boudoir. Translucent fabric is remarkable in that it insulates, but maintains the integrity of the space. There is no need to make the curtain stationary or nail it tightly. Hang the fabric on the curtain rod, like a curtain, positioning it on the ceiling where needed. The curtain successfully separates the sleeping area in the studio, the work area, and the dressing room in the bedroom. Perhaps, in the latter case, silk taffeta would be quite appropriate.

Project by Nika Vorotyntseva. The relief ornament on the walls and ceiling is an ironic interpretation of classic moldings. Draperies cover the TV and create coziness. The Creazioni nightstand refers to “pure” classics.

Petr Lukyanov and Kirill Ustinov (ANCconcept): project in London. To allow daylight to penetrate into the guest bedroom, the partition separating the bathtub is made of transparent glass, and is complemented with a thick curtain for ease of use.

8. Furniture

It's hard to overcome stereotypes and get her into the middle of the room. But a closet or a rack are essentially the same partitions, only more functional - they can store something. If the shelving is supposed to be placed parallel to the window, it is wiser to choose a through model to allow light to pass through. It is not recommended to place it directly opposite the entrance to the room: when the gaze rests on it, the integrity of the space is lost. For zoning, you can use low objects (example: a cabinet with dishes separates the dining area), and even sofas. But especially interesting solution: divide the room with a wardrobe that opens in both directions.

Make Interiors. Living room. The chest of drawers is made to order. Designers added stucco molding to the ceiling and walls, but guests are sure that it has always been here. “With the size and height of the ceiling in the living room, the designer must work especially carefully with scale.”

Make Interiors. Sofa Rolf Benz. Carpet Arte Espina. Eichholtz tables. Grey colour door leaf continued all the way to the cornice, which visually elongates it in height. Black curtains are a spectacular move.

Project by Yulia Atamanenko. Rugiano bed with leather headboard. The walls are veneered with Look’Likes wallpaper from Decospan and decorative paint by Baldini. Dedar curtains, JAB tulle.

Project by Yulia Atamanenko. In the bedroom there is a mini-office behind the head of the bed. Costantini Pietro table. Armchair i4 Mariani. Light: Flos, Terzani. Rack based on sketches by the studio “Atamanenko and Interiors”, implementation: Oldwood.

In-Deco studio: kitchen-living room. The carpet was brought from Italy and uses loose sari threads, creating a rare flair.

Bright accents - red bar stools, design. K. Grcic for Magis. Kitchen according to the sketches of the authors of the project.

9. Screen

A brilliantly simple technique, mobile and beautiful. The screen appeared in China in the 6th century and at first was only made of paper or silk. In the 8th century, she moved to Japan and came in handy there: she zoned houses. The screen is the predecessor of Japanese sliding partitions. The artist Sergei Maksyutin said well about this subject: “It gives a person freedom in planning his space depending on his mood and condition. The screen lives by the movement of a person: he can rearrange it, fold it, put it away and even hang it on the wall - each time the picture turns out completely different.”

Project Marcante Testa Architetti in Venice.

Harry Nureyev (Crosby Studios). A screen encloses the sleeping area. The arched ends of the screens, the rounded shapes of the furniture - all this counters the rigid structure of the loft.

Art Tree project. Especially for the project, Lumi designed an unusual partition - a walnut screen-blind.

10. Color

This is the first thing a person perceives when entering a room. The sharper the color contrast in different zones, the more obvious the boundary between them (at least visually). On the other hand, too obvious a contrast is tiring (one zone is in red, the other in green). Zoning with color requires special sensitivity. And don’t forget that optical problems can be solved this way. Warm red, terracotta, brown shades seem to bring objects closer, make them heavier, and the house more comfortable; light cold tones make objects move away.

11. Second level

Reconstruction of a farm designed by Paul Theis. The ceiling height is 12 m. There is a bedroom above the kitchen.

The value of an apartment is determined not by the area, but by the volume. High ceilings open up enormous resources - a spatial Klondike. The fifty-meter studio gained additional meters due to mezzanines above the bathroom and hallway: five-meter ceilings easily made this possible. Most often, a sleeping place is located on the mezzanine. There is no need to drag a bed in there; arrange your bedroom in the spirit of Japanese minimalism: a futon on rough wooden flooring. A bedroom on the mezzanine can be made at a much lower height. It is not necessary that you can stand there at full height. Children will especially like this zoning. Unless, of course, you are lucky with the ceiling height.

12. Light

Project by Mike Shilov. A chest of drawers from the B&B Italia factory in bronze lacquer finish is an experimental prototype that has not been put into production. Crystalplant table, design. K. Lust for MDF Italia and Vanity chairs, design. S. Giovannoni, Magis.

It is uninteresting and wrong when the entire room has uniform, monotonous lighting. And there is no need to strive for brightness; excessively bright light is just as tiring as dim light. The room should have lighter and darker areas; light is unthinkable without shadow. The lighting intensity of the area depends on the function. It is also important to know that light can be warm or cool - depending on the light source, it has a bluish, neutral white or yellowish tint. This is interesting to use when zoning, but your “freedom of creativity” is limited. Subdued yellowish light is comfortable for relaxation, but not suitable for work; in this case, white or blue light is more appropriate, which, in turn, is not suitable for the dining room. It’s a good idea to remember that a bluish glow will make the shades of blue in the interior brighter, while yellow will increase the brightness of reds and yellows. For us to feel comfortable, there must be spots of color around us. Highlight something you think is worthy, be it an interesting colored shelving unit, a mosaic panel, or a painting on the wall.

1962 Beverly Hills villa modernized by architect Dennis Gibbens and designer Jamie Bush. Brass stools Hez, design. brothers N. and S. Haas, R Gallery.


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