The avocado has sprouted, what next? Instructions for growing avocado from seed at home for beginners

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Instructions for growing avocado from seed.

Many of us prefer avocados. This fruit has an unusual oily taste, so it can be added to both salty and fruit salads. But what should he do with the seed, which makes up half the mass of the entire fruit? In this article we will tell you what to do with the seed and how to grow an avocado tree with its help.

When is the best time to germinate and plant an avocado seed in the ground: timing.

For these purposes, you need to purchase ripe fruit. Unripe fruits are not suitable, since you will not be able to grow a crop from such a seed. It is worth understanding that the thickness of the peel is quite decent, so you need to initially germinate it in order to then plant it in the soil.

Drop off times may vary. When it’s convenient for you, because at home the temperature conditions are almost always the same. As for seed germination, usually the sprout can be seen after 3 weeks or 3 months. Yes, indeed, the sprout takes a long time to germinate.

Sprout and plant an avocado seed

Which side should you plant an avocado seed on?

It is worth noting that it is not enough to simply immerse the seed in the ground and water it. Because the peel is quite strong and does not break easily. Therefore, the ideal option is to drill small holes in the bark, insert toothpicks into them, and immerse the avocado pit with the blunt side down. You can simply put a bone at the bottom of the glass and wait for it to hatch.

Avocados need to be planted in the soil with the blunt side down, this is where the sprout is located, which will quickly emerge and break through the shell of the pit.

How to germinate an avocado seed in a pot of soil: description

You can germinate an avocado seed not only with a glass of water, but also with soil.


  • To do this, you need to take soil that allows water to pass through well. It is best to use peat or turf.
  • Next, you need to moisten the soil well and bury the seed, but not completely. It is necessary that the third part of the bone looks out on the surface.
  • And it was not covered with earth. You need to water the soil once every 3-5 days. The germination process can take up to three months, so be patient and do not rush to throw away the seed.

What kind of water should you put the avocado seed in, which end?

There are three ways to germinate a plant.


  • To do this, you need to place the seed in a glass a third of the way, with the blunt side down, and wait for germination. Or in a hanging state, using a prick on a toothpick. You need to insert toothpicks shallowly into the crust and use these supports to place them on a glass of water.
  • The blunt side needs to be in the water. This way you can watch the roots appear. First, the top seed will begin to peel off, and then you will see the first roots.
  • Best used for germination clean water. Under no circumstances should it be boiled. Ideal option will become filtered water or melted water. It contains a minimum of bacteria. Therefore, such water will not rot and bloom.
  • You won't have to change the water very often. You need to lower the avocado into the water with the blunt end of the pit.

Avocado seed: how many days does it take to germinate?

Regarding the germination period, you need to be patient. Because some online publications write that the period is 4 weeks. But in practice, the seed can germinate after 3 months. It all depends on the density of the seed crust, as well as on the strength of the sprout and germination conditions.

Why the avocado seed does not germinate: reasons, what to do?

There are several reasons why an avocado seed does not germinate:

  • First of all, this is the wrong fruit. If you choose a green avocado, then nothing will work, because the seed is unripe.
  • Failure to comply with disembarkation rules. Perhaps the soil in which you planted the seed is dry or insufficiently supplied minerals. Perhaps it simply does not pass water well and the bone dries out.

An avocado seed has sprouted: what to do next, how to plant a sprouted avocado seed in the ground, save the seed when replanting, or remove it?

The sprouted seed is transplanted into a pot after the roots are 3 cm long. A sprout may also hatch.


  • For replanting, select a plastic pot with a large number of holes for water drainage. The soil is watered abundantly and the seed is immersed 1/3 of the way into the soil. There is no need to completely bury the bone; it will soon become some kind of decoration.
  • After planting the seed, you need to place the pot in a warm place and water it often. Typically, watering is carried out in a tray, that is, a container that is placed under the pot and through a hole in the pot, water is absorbed by the soil. The plant itself will take as much moisture as it needs.
  • Under no circumstances should you break off or remove the bone. This way you can damage the roots and sprout. The whole thing will go down the drain, the bone serves as a kind of decoration. Don't worry that it looks unsightly now.
  • After some time, it will turn from cracked and rough to smooth and beautiful, pink. Its size will increase, it will serve as a kind of decoration for the avocado tree.

Avocado tree from seed: care

Caring for the plant is quite simple. It does not need additional lighting. You just need to put it on a windowsill on the south side, where there is a lot of sun.


  • It is necessary to water frequently. The avocado is replanted when it grows to a level of 15 cm. Many people recommend cutting it off after the plant reaches this height. Leave only 8 cm of stem.
  • This will stimulate the plant's growth and make it appear bushier, as well as encourage additional side shoots to grow. In addition, it is necessary to sometimes spray the avocado leaves and water them with mineral fertilizers.
  • For planting it is best to use mixed loose soil or you can cook it yourself. By mixing one part peat, one part river sand, and one part of garden soil.

Avocado from the pit: will it bloom?

Avocados grown from seed at home rarely bloom and bear fruit. Because plants such as oranges, tangerines and persimmons need to be grafted. In almost 95-99% of cases, you will not get any flowers or fruits if you do not graft the plant. You can initially buy an already grafted plant.

Will an avocado from the seed bear fruit?

Usually an avocado tree is grown not for the purpose of obtaining fruits, but in order to admire ornamental plant. After all, this is a rather unusual culture that looks interesting and unusual.

What does an avocado tree look like at home: photo

The appearance of the tree directly depends on how to care for it. Therefore, if you spend little time on your tree, it will most likely wither and not grow. With constant good care you can get a healthy, strong tree that will decorate your windowsill. Below are photos that show what a home-grown avocado tree looks like.

You should not expect the tree to grow 2 m tall, as happens in nature. Because the conditions at home are different from those in the open ground. If you want to get an exotic plant, you can grow an avocado tree from a seed.

VIDEO: Avocado from the pit

People who have never experienced gardening will benefit from learning how to grow avocados. Because this can be done from a seed by collecting suitable planting material at home. Let's not delay, let's get started!

How to grow an avocado from a seed - characteristics of the tree

In a tree grown on our own, there are some peculiarities. We invite you to familiarize yourself with them.

1. If we consider the characteristics of specimens growing in nature, they reach 18 m or more in height. However, a tree grown at home does not exceed 3 m.

2. Before growing an avocado from a seed, you should know that fruits appear extremely rarely at home. To have fruits, you need to try very hard. Avocado usually acts as decoration.

3. If you are serious about getting a fruitful avocado, then you will have to wait about 3 years to see the first specimens. They will be delicious, not inferior to those on the shelves.

4. The plant is very convenient to keep at home, since it has the ability to enrich the air with oxygen. Also, beautiful aesthetic characteristics will add comfort to any home.

Conditions required for growing avocados

Below we will tell you how to grow an avocado from a seed. But first, familiarize yourself with the rules that should be followed at home.

1. The seedling actively grows in the spring, so this time is perfect for germinating the nucleolus. Prepare the material, the seed should be intact, and the fruit itself should be mature.

2. To assess whether an avocado is ripe, you need to start from the color of the peel. It is usually dark green. At the same time, the fruit itself is elastic, compacted, and quickly recovers when pressed.

3. The bone should easily move away from the soft part. Otherwise, you have a specimen that is not fully ripe. The bone itself is hardly larger in size than a quail egg.

4. If you still manage to take an unripe avocado, then let it get there. For this purpose, the fruit must be placed with bananas in a paper bag. Apples and tomatoes will do. These products emit ethylene, which promotes rapid ripening. It is enough just to keep the avocado for two days at a temperature of 20-22 degrees.

Stages of growing avocado from seed

There is a certain sequence for seed germination, stick to it.

1. At the initial stage, you need to get the bone. Cut through the soft part without damaging sowing seed. Remove it with a spoon, rinse without touching the brown shell.

2. Before growing an avocado from a seed, you should prepare the soil. At home, containers with drainage are used. The latter is expanded clay or gravel laid on the bottom.

4. After mixing, fill the pot with the mixture, but do not fill it to the top. It is enough to move 2 fingers away from the edges. The seed can now be germinated by choosing the appropriate method.

Ways to grow an avocado from a seed

There are only 2 methods - closed and open. Let's look at them in order, choose the best option for yourself.

No. 1. Closed

1. Select a pot, fill it with a moistened nutrient mixture (recipe described above). Make a hole in the middle, lower the bone into it with the blunt end exactly halfway, do not cover it with earth. The sharp section of the bone should be visible. Otherwise, the planting material will rot.

2. Now wait from 15 to 30 days. During this period, a sprout should appear from the sharp part. To achieve this result, the soil is constantly watered (moisture is retained, but there is no need to flood).

3. When the sprout hatches, it will begin to bloom leaves similar to bay leaves. It is at this moment that you should think about a larger container and transplant the tree into it.

No. 2. Open

Since it is quite possible to grow an avocado, the tropical fruit tree can be obtained from the seed. All you need to do is follow the recommendations at home.

1. Select a glass or other suitable container. Make several small punctures from different sides in the middle of the bone. Insert toothpicks into the prepared holes. They need to be deepened by a maximum of 4 mm.

2. The toothpicks will act as a support. The nucleolus should not be allowed to become completely covered with fluid. Only the lower part should be in the water. Place the pit into the cool liquid with the flattened end 1/3 of the way down.

3. As an alternative to water, you can use hydrogel. This composition perfectly retains moisture long time. Be sure to monitor the liquid level throughout the cultivation. Don't let it decrease.

4. You are allowed to transplant the seed into the ground as soon as you notice the appearance of the first root. Keep in mind that for an avocado to take root, the roots must grow by at least 3 cm. This may take up to 1.5 months.


Before growing an avocado from a seed, you need to know that it contains an enzyme in the form of persin. The problem is that at home you need to work with the seed using silicone gloves. Otherwise, you may develop an allergy or gastrointestinal disorder.

Avocado pit care

Avocados need not only cultivation, but also proper care. Follow the recommendations at home if you want to grow a full-fledged tree from a seed.

1. As soon as the soil begins to dry out, it needs to be moistened. Perform these actions systematically. Often, 1 watering is enough for 8-10 days. With the onset of cold weather, it is recommended to perform manipulations less frequently. Dry soil should stand for 2 days.

2. It is important to provide the plant with the required humidity level. This is done in several ways. Place the avocado pot with plants that produce a lot of moisture. Alternatively, spray the sprout with a spray bottle.

3. If it’s summer or the house is hot due to heating, it is recommended to place the pot with the seedling on a tray with wet sand. At the same time, maintain the room temperature at about 19 degrees. In winter - around 11 degrees.

4. Fertilize no more than 2 times every 4 weeks. Use a mixture that is intended for ornamental crops. If your tree's leaves suddenly turn yellow, you most likely water it often.

Avocado decoration

How to grow an avocado from a seed has become clear. Now at home it’s worth thinking about the unusual design of the tree.

1. If you plant several seedlings in a container, the stems will intertwine. As a result, the tree will become unusual and voluminous.

2. To ensure your avocado grows, replant it once a year. Carry out the procedure at the end of winter. During this period, the plant begins to actively grow. As soon as the tree reaches a height of 14-16 cm, it requires the first transplant.

3. To prevent the avocado from rising upward, the top should be pinched occasionally. Thanks to such actions, the growth of side shoots is accelerated. The crown becomes beautiful and voluminous.

4. In spring, when the tree’s growth is stimulated, it is recommended to carry out shaping pruning. The top shortens for the first time after the 10th leaf, and the side shoots - after the 5th.

In today's material you learned everything about how to grow an avocado from a seed. Agree, carrying out manipulations at home does not raise any additional questions. Even an amateur who is just trying his hand at being a gardener can handle planting.

Sooner or later, each of us decides to plant a tree. And the point is not only that this is one of the three things a man must do, but also that it is simply pleasant to watch how a sprout appears from a seed, how it grows and, after a certain time, becomes beautiful tree. In case you are not experienced gardener and previously they weren’t even kept in own hands any garden supplies, we advise you to start your experiments with avocados. If you don’t know how to properly grow an avocado from a seed and are worried that such an experiment will not give the desired result, then just read this article, because we will tell you how to plant a beautiful exotic plant in your home.

Avocado belongs to the laurel family and in natural conditions reaches a length of eighteen meters. At home, the tree will be significantly shorter in length, and it will not bear fruit, but despite this it looks very beautiful. In addition, this exotic fruit is completely unpretentious, and therefore a miracle is sure to happen.

To do this, you just need to buy the fruit you like in the store and you can safely get to work.

The only trick is that you should definitely take only ripe fruit, since nothing may grow from an unripe fruit.

Sprouting avocado seeds at home in water

To plant an avocado seed at home, you need to go through preparatory stage, that is, to germinate the seed. To do this, select a seed from a ripe, undamaged fruit and remove it. Be careful not to damage the seed when cutting the flesh. Do not make an incision deeper than 1 cm.

The seed is covered with a brown peel, which can be removed, but it is better to leave it, it will fall off on its own over time. Gently rinse the pit under warm running water to remove any remaining pulp.

There are 2 options for seed germination. You can just put the bone on the bottom plastic cup with a small amount of water so that half is above the water. But more often they still recommend the method using toothpicks. Insert 4 toothpicks into the bone no deeper than 5 mm and place on the surface of a glass of water. Only half of the bone should be under water, the blunt part should be in the water, and the sharp part should be above the water. Place the glass in a well-lit place and get ready to wait. Water needs to be added and changed periodically, as it becomes contaminated with dust and microorganisms.

Most likely you will have to wait a long time, from 3 weeks to 2 months. First, the brown peel will crack, and then a crack will appear on the seed itself, a root will appear, and then a sprout will appear in the upper part.

After the sprout appears, the seed can be planted in the ground, very carefully so as not to damage the root. The pot should immediately be medium in size. Soil can be purchased at any gardening store. Don't forget about drainage. Avocados do not tolerate drought, excess moisture or standing water. You need to plant with the blunt side down, so that the top of the seed with the sprout is not covered with soil. If the entire seed is covered, the sprout will begin to rot and you won’t get a tree. While the tree is small, it needs to be watered daily, but in small portions. It will give you a sign that you are overwatering: the leaves will turn brown.

Sprouting avocado seeds at home in the ground

Avocado seeds are also sprouted in the ground. This will require soil mixture from earth, humus, sand and peat. We take all components in equal parts and add 14 parts of lime. To prevent the water from stagnating, we make small holes in the bottom of the plastic container. The container will need to be small - only about 10 cm in depth and the same in diameter. At the bottom we make drainage from expanded clay or polystyrene foam. Now let's start planting the seed.

Only its half is immersed in the ground with the blunt tip down. The soil should always be moist, and then after certain time Avocado sprouts will appear.

Articles about indoor and ornamental plants

Replanting an avocado seed in the ground

Avocados don't like things that are too heavy, sour or clay soils, That's why simple earth With garden plot won't do. The soil mixture will have to be prepared as follows: It is necessary to take garden soil, peat, coarse sand, humus and a pinch of lime in equal proportions. Mix all components thoroughly. That's it, the soil mixture is ready. The same soil must be used if the seed is planted directly in the ground.

Since garden soil can be filled with harmful microbes, it is better to try to disinfect the prepared mixture by pouring boiling water over it the day before planting a seed or sprouted seed.

For planting, it is better to take a simple plastic pot, no more than 15 cm high. It is better to use a clay container in this case do not use, as the walls of such a pot may allow moisture to pass through, which is vital for the avocado. The bottom of the selected pot must allow water to pass through well and must also be equipped with drainage system, which can be made using special granules or conventional expanded clay.

The seed with the sprout does not need to be completely buried in the ground. You only need to dig it in a third. This must be done carefully so as not to damage the root system.

Features of caring for an avocado tree

Once the seedling has begun to grow, there will be no further problems with growing avocados; all the hardest things are left behind. When creating a tree good conditions it will quickly grow and develop, decorating the room with a lush crown.

Lighting. An adult plant will not need too much light; you can grow avocados in rooms facing north, east or west. From 12.00 to 16.00, be sure to shade from direct sunlight. In winter, it is advisable to provide additional lighting.

Air temperature. The plant is thermophilic and will feel good in the range from +14 °C to +21 °C. Critically low indicator - +10 °C.

Watering and air humidity. The plant should be watered frequently, but without allowing the pot to become damp. Upper layer The soil should always be slightly moist. Air humidity is required at least 65%; to create a suitable microclimate, frequent spraying and decorative containers with water placed near the avocado are suitable.

Fertilizer application. After the avocado seed is planted in the substrate, the seedling does not need additional nutrition. As it grows, after 4–6 months you can begin to add fertilizers to the soil. The procedure is carried out once a month, you can use any complex fertilizers intended for indoor floriculture.

Crown formation. To grow a beautiful tree with a lush crown, it is necessary to pinch it. It is recommended to do the first pinching of the main stem after the appearance of the 8th leaf. Next, form a crown from side branches. As soon as the 5th–7th leaf appears on the young shoot, it should be pinched. Optimal height avocado at home - about one and a half meters.

Transfer. Young specimens should be replanted annually in the spring, choosing spacious containers. Upon reaching the age of 3–4 years, the tree can be planted in a tub and not disturbed for 3 years.

Many people prefer to grow at home not ficuses or violets, but exotic plants that bear small fruits. Often found indoor lemons, pineapples, oranges, etc., but much less often - avocados from the laurel family! Not everyone will like this fruit, but if you like it, you will probably want to know how to grow an avocado from a seed at home. However, it is worth remembering that this plant can reach 18 meters in length, so it is worth growing it for transplanting into a garden, vegetable garden, or yard apartment building. But in an apartment or even on a balcony it will not be possible to grow a full-fledged plant; the leaves of the plant alone can reach 30-35 cm in length!

Trees of this family love shade, and away from direct sunlight they develop well, grow, strengthen and bear fruit. It is in the shadow that a correct and beautiful crown, however, if you want to get fruits, and not just grow a tree, you should choose a well-lit area. An avocado tree cannot do without sunlight to produce fruit. It is important to pay attention to the soil - it must be drained. In general, this plant tolerates even the alkaline reaction of the soil well, so there will be no problems with the selection of soil. The main thing is that the tree does not succumb to the pressure of water - this is harmful to the roots of the tree.

So, let's draw conclusions on how to grow an avocado yourself:

  1. We need a free plot of land, preferably on fresh air, no height limitation;
  2. Choose an area that is not under a canopy or in the shade constantly, but also out of direct sunlight - it can burn the crown of the tree. You should also not plant avocados where there are strong gusty winds;
  3. The soil can be any, but the main thing is deep drainage and a large number of humus in it;
  4. Do not plant avocados near water, because... the roots should not get wet;
  5. Try to maintain the usual climate for avocados on your plot or in an open-ground greenhouse - subtropical/tropical.

As a rule, the most successful experiments in growing avocado trees with fruits come from residents of the Black Sea coast, where the climate is closest to the plant’s native climate.

Growing avocados at home

Increasingly, people who do not have dacha plot or houses in the countryside, in the village, etc., they prefer to study agriculture at home. Thus, the popularity of the question of how to grow avocados at home is growing every year. Indeed, in order to consider a plant as an indoor one, it is important to have a good imagination, however modern society copes with it. Growing a tree at home is not as difficult as it might seem. The most important thing is to take the first step and plant the plant correctly. Let's look into this issue.

  1. Seeds. First of all, remember that to grow a plant like an avocado, you need to get a seed. Moreover, the seed is a seed, and not the usual small grain, as when planting tomatoes, for example;
  2. Preparation for landing. The process of preparing to plant a seed should not be overlooked. Here it is important to properly prepare the land, select an area in open ground, prepare suitable water for irrigation, and the seed itself needs to be processed;
  3. Replanting the seed in the ground. There are several various options how to get results. It’s up to you to decide which one to use; you can try several options at once to clearly see which one is most suitable for you personally;
  4. The appearance of a sprout. Don't worry if the sprout is slow to appear. For some, it appears within a week, while others wait for a month. If you do not want to wait a long time, then you may be interested in the option of purchasing an already sprouted sprout, which will need to be transplanted into a permanent pot;
  5. Growing a sprout. Here it is important to ensure regular watering, but you should not overwater the plant, because... excess liquid will be retained in the roots of the avocado, which will hinder the development of the tree best case scenario, and will die - at worst, starting from the root system;
  6. Transplanting a plant into open ground or in a larger pot. This is done only when the tree becomes large - about 40 cm in height. Thanks to replanting, the plant will be able to grow even more, create a beautiful dense crown and prepare for fruiting;
  7. Obtaining avocado fruits. This happens after 5-7 years of your efforts. Again, if you don’t like to wait that long, you can purchase a plant that is already bearing fruit.

Features of planting an avocado seed

There are 3 ways to grow an avocado plant. But each of them cannot do without a seed - a seed:

  • In open ground. To plant an avocado bone using the first method, you must first carefully remove the skin from the bone. Then you need to take a closer look at the seed - one side of which is wide, the other is narrow and cone-shaped. Planting the seed in the ground is done with the wide part down. However, you should not deepen the bone too much - 2 cm will be enough for the seed to germinate!
  • Open method. It is not similar to planting a seed in open ground; on the contrary, such a seed does not go deep into the ground, but is prepared practically in air and water. The avocado pit is not processed in advance, the shell is not cut off - this is important. Around the circumference of the seed in the area of ​​its middle, make small holes (3-4 pieces) at an angle of 90-120 degrees, for which use a small drill. The diameter of the holes is about 1.5-2 mm, i.e. they should contain either one match or a toothpick. Insert matches into the resulting holes, and place the resulting “structure” over a glass, where the matches will serve as a support for the seed. Pour water into the glass so that it covers the seed to the middle, i.e. just to the level of matches. If water evaporates or is absorbed, add it to the desired level. The seed is transplanted into a pot after the roots appear.
  • Grafting method. This option is often used in large gardens. To do this, take a root cutting of the plant, onto which an already grown avocado seedling is grafted, which can be purchased or grown using the 2 methods already listed. This way you will receive a grafted plant, which after 7-10 months can be transplanted into open ground or other permanent place. But the first fruits will appear much earlier - a couple of years after grafting!

At the same time, decide for yourself how to properly plant avocados from the above methods. Each of the options is good and gives good results if you strictly follow them and maintain the necessary climate for the sprouts.

The benefits of avocado for humans

You already know how you can grow an avocado from an avocado seed at home, but have you ever wondered what it is for? The fruits of the plant are most often used in cooking, and are also found as components in cosmetics. However, it is extremely important to know that the leaves and seeds of the fruit should not be eaten under any circumstances - they are toxic, because contain persin. This fungicidal toxin is dangerous not only for people, but also for animals, especially pets, so make sure that your pets do not try to chew the plant. The risk is:

  • Severe allergic reaction;
  • Malfunctions of the digestive system:
  • Manifestation of symptoms of poisoning.

But don’t be too scared, the pulp of the fruit is quite edible and has an unusual taste. At all, beneficial features Avocados are famous all over the world!

  1. Prevents and slows down aging of the skin and body,
  2. Protects against atherosclerosis,
  3. Relieves symptoms of menopause, premenopause,
  4. Improves the condition of blood vessels in the body,
  5. Is different protective properties from arrhythmia,
  6. Saturates the body with oxygen, etc.

In general, avocado fruits contain such useful material and elements like:

  • Antioxidant Glutathione,
  • Vitamin E, K, C, B6,
  • Vegetable fat,
  • Potassium,
  • Salts folic acid etc.

By eating just 100 grams of avocado pulp, you will get 160 kcal, not to mention the fact that this fruit can replace meat and eggs, which will make vegetarianism or fasting easier. Avocado oil is also extracted from the pulp of this fruit, which can be used both in cooking and as additives in cosmetical tools– ideal for healthy and youthful skin.

IN grocery stores all year round Tropical fruits are sold - avocados. In the center of each fruit there is a huge seed. Its weight can be equal to the weight of the pulp. If you are patient, you can grow an avocado from a seed, and if you are lucky, wait for the fruit.

When to expect the harvest

Avocado - fast growing evergreen tree. In nature, its height reaches 20 m. Avocado has a straight, unbranched trunk and elongated leaves, similar to laurel leaves, only longer - up to 35 cm.

On plantations, each plant produces 150-200 kg of fruit. In a room, an avocado will bear fruit only 20 years after sowing. Its height by this age can reach 2 meters.

To speed up fruiting, experts graft avocados onto seedlings grown on the Black Sea coast. Grafted plants bloom in the second or third year. Avocado flowers are small, yellow or green. The fruits ripen in 6-17 months. It depends on the variety.

Preparing the seed for planting

The best time to plant avocados is spring. At this time, the seed is as ready as possible for germination.

There are three types of avocados sold in stores:

  • Californian– a hazelnut-colored bone, shiny, as if covered with varnish;
  • Florida– the seed is covered with a white skin;
  • Pinkerton– the skin of the seed is light brown, rough, matte.

Seeds of all three types germinate well at home. The main thing is to extract the seed from the ripe fruit.

The ripeness of an avocado can be determined by its firmness. You need to press the pulp with your finger. In a ripe fruit, when pressed, a small dent forms, which quickly disappears. This avocado is suitable for germination.

The pulp can be eaten. Pay attention to the seed - it’s good if its skin is colored in the natural color - this means that the seed has formed and is able to germinate.

If you have several avocados at your disposal, you need to germinate the largest seed. The larger the bone, the more it contains nutrients and energy for growth.

Remove the skin from the stone and lower it into water until it reaches about halfway, with the blunt end down. To hold the seed vertically, drill three holes in its sides, no more than 5 mm deep, and insert toothpicks. Relying on them, the seed will be able to “hang” in the air above the glass, only half immersed in water. It is better to immediately add a tablet to the water activated carbon to prevent bacteria from appearing.

After 1-2 weeks, a reddish seedling will appear from the crack. It will immediately begin to grow rapidly, lengthening by 1 cm every day.

At first, avocados grow quickly. In 3 months, the seedling reaches a height of 0.5 m. After that, growth stops as the tree begins to grow roots and leaves.

At this point you can pinch it. Without pinching, it will quickly grow to the ceiling and die. After removing the top, side shoots will begin to grow. As a result, a low, but lush bush, suitable for keeping in a room.

Avocado care

Avocados come from the tropics and love moisture. Avocado leaves dry out in dry air, so they are regularly sprayed with a spray bottle - this will help exotic plant feel more comfortable.

The pot is kept in moderate light. Under straight lines sun rays the plant will get burned, the leaves will turn red and begin to dry out. At the same time, we must not allow the pot to be too dark place. If a tree quickly grows upward, most likely this is not due to an excess of fertilizers, but from a lack of light. Such a plant should be moved closer to the window, and the stem and fastest growing branches should be pinched.

Avocado can be shaped into any shape: a tree on a stem, a bush. Plant growers often use next appointment– several seeds are planted nearby, and when the seedlings begin to grow, they are braided into a braid – not very tight, so that the stems can thicken.


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