Home begonia: characteristics and growing conditions. Indoor begonia

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Begonia (lat. Begonia) – annual or perennial, belonging to the flowering department, dicotyledonous class, order Cucurbitaceae, family Begoniaceae, genus Begonia.

Begonia got its name in honor of Michel Begon, the governor of Haiti, organizer and sponsor scientific research flora of the Antilles in 1687.

Begonia: flower description, characteristics and photos. What does begonia look like?

Begonia growing different ways: in the form of grasses crawling along the ground, tall upright bushes or subshrubs. Well developed root system Begonias can be branched, fibrous or tuberous. Begonia, which has a root in the form of tubers, can be grown not only indoors, but also in the garden. Other types of begonia are grown only at home.

The begonia leaf has an asymmetrical shape. It can be whole or dissected into several lobules with wavy or jagged edges.

In most plants, the lower part of the leaf is painted in reddish, brown or dark purple colors, and the upper part can be either solid green or a variety of colors with geometric patterns, strokes and inclusions. In some species of begonias, the surface of the stems and leaves is covered with small fibers.

Begonia inflorescences consist of several small, medium or large flowers. The color of begonia can be plain red, pink, yellow, orange, white or with a border of various shades along the edges of the petals. The plant has a complex inflorescence - it consists of male and female flowers, over which, after pollination, a fruit is formed, which has the shape of a triangular box with small seeds inside.

Begonias bloom in summer and autumn, and indoor begonias can bloom until December.

Begonia: varieties, types, photos and names

The genus Begonia includes about 1600 species, but decorative purposes Only 125 of them and all sorts of hybrids are used. Still doesn't exist common system plant classifications, and in foreign and Russian-language sources they are completely different variants classifications.

Professor V.V. Vorontsov, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, identified the following conventional types of begonias:

  • decorative deciduous begonias;
  • bush begonias;
  • tuberous begonias;
  • beautiful flowering begonias.

Begonias deciduous (decorative deciduous)

Deciduous begonia does not have a common above-ground stem, and long, hairy leaves grow immediately from a branched root. This type of begonia amazes with the beauty of its leaves, which have a variety of shapes and colors. Leaf color can be green, red, silver, yellow, white or Brown. Leaves can be either plain or multi-colored, with various spots and edges.

Most known species and varieties of decorative deciduous begonias:

  • Royal begonia (begonia rex) (lat. Begonia rex)

A hybrid species with round or oval leaves 30 cm long with serrated edges. Their color varies from brown-pink to purple and violet. Begonia leaves are decorated with a white, silver or green border.

  • Begonia Metallica (metallic) (lat. Begonia metallica)

A plant with small (10-15 cm long) olive-green, pubescent, ovoid leaves, the edges of which are serrated. The upper part of the leaves of this species seems to be covered with metallic pollen.

  • Begonia tiger (Bauer's begonia) (lat.Begonia bowerae )

A plant with medium-sized green, serrated, heart-shaped leaves and an animalistic pattern in brown or dark gray.

  • Begonia Mason(lat. Begonia masoniana)

Deciduous begonia, which grows in New Guinea and is of particular value due to unusual design leaves resembling brown Maltese crosses. The length of the leaves can reach 20 cm; the leaves of old begonias acquire a characteristic silvery tint. The height of the plant usually does not exceed 20-35 cm. The flowers are medium-sized, light beige in color.

  • Begonia Cleopatra(lat. Begonia cleopatra)

A very different species decorative leaves, similar to maple leaves. Outer side leaves are colored intense green or olive color, the leaves below may be burgundy or bright red. Distinctive feature This type of begonia has elongated, fleshy leaf cuttings, densely covered with white or gray hairs. The height of the bush usually does not exceed 30 cm, in rare cases it reaches 50 cm. Cleopatra begonia blooms in January and February, then the plant throws out thin peduncles strewn with groups of white and pink flowers.

  • Begonia collarata, she's the same begonia cuff (lat.Begonia manicata )

A plant native to Mexico with a creeping stem and large, fuzzy, light green leaves up to 30 cm in diameter, growing on long cuttings. Begonia received its name due to the thick cuff of red fibers bordering the stalk just under the leaf. In winter, adult plants form about 5 flower stalks up to 60 cm long, decorated with an elegant brush of bright pink flowers.

  • Red leaf begonia(lat. Begonia erythrophylla)

A South American species characterized by short, fleshy stems and glossy, rounded leaves, green above and intense red below. The maximum height of a begonia bush is 35-40 cm. In mid-summer it blooms with medium-sized pinkish flowers.

Begonia bush

Bush begonia has densely growing, geniculate, branched stems that look like bamboo shoots. The plant is a bush with numerous side shoots. The leaves have a variety of shapes and colors. The flowers are beautiful and graceful. The root is thick and fleshy, not divided into parts. Bush begonia blooms all year round. Begonia varieties come in both annual and perennial varieties. The height of the bushes is from 10 cm to 2 meters.

Among representatives of this variety of begonias, they are very popular the following types:

  • Begonia coral (lat. Begonia corallina)

A plant with erect, bare stems reaching a length of 0.5-1 m. Front side The oblong, ovoid leaves are dark green in color with silver speckles, and the reverse is brownish-red in color. The dense inflorescences of coral begonia consist of simple small flowers.

  • Begonia fuchsia (lat. Begonia fuchsioides)

A plant with highly branching tall stems (up to 1 m) and large oval green leaves with a glossy surface. Rare hanging flowers of fuchsia begonia are painted in all shades of red.

Tuberous begonia has a tuberous rhizome, fleshy translucent stems up to 80 cm high, simple or double flowers similar to camellias or peonies. Flowers can be either small or large, single or in inflorescences, with a diameter of 3 to 20 cm. Plants are herbaceous, shrubby or ampelous. The leaves are heart-shaped, they can be either fluffy-matte or glossy, flat or corrugated. The color of the leaves contains all shades of green: from light to dark. The flowering of tuberous begonia is long and very beautiful, lasting from May to October.

Popular varieties of erect tuberous begonias:

  • Begonia Picoti Harlequin (Picotee Harlequin )

Semi-spreading plant no more than 0.25 m high with large (up to 12 cm in diameter) double flowers yellow color, which have a bright red border. The leaves are green, jagged.

  • Begonia Bud de Rose (Bouton de rose )

A low, compact bush with double flowers, similar to a rose, reaching 18 cm in size. Petals are white or soft Pink colour. The leaves of the begonia variety Bud de Rose are green, large, with a wavy edge.

  • Begonia Duck Red (Dark red )

A low-growing bush with semi-spreading stems and large, finely toothed green leaves. The double dark red flowers of this variety of begonias do not exceed 10 cm in diameter and resemble a peony.

  • Begonia Crispus Marginata (lat.Crispa marginata ) - a spreading plant with green leaves with a purple edge. Begonia height is 15 cm. The flower is delicate yellow or white with a red border and curly edges.

Ampelous varieties of tuberous begonia:

  • - a tuberous variety of begonia with long, cascading stems strewn with bright flowers on long flower shoots. The flowering period lasts from early spring to late autumn. One of the most popular varietal groups The “Chanson” series is considered to be a hanging begonia, striking in its variety of colors and shades. The following varieties of hanging begonias deserve attention:
    • Rocsana- flowers are large, double, orange;
    • Kristy- white, double flowers;
    • Girl- semi-double, pale pink flowers.

  • Begonia boliviana(lat. Begonia boliviensis) - a type of hanging begonia, the shoots of which first grow upward, and upon reaching a height of 30 cm, elegantly fall down in the form of a multi-tiered floral cascade. The following varieties of Bolivian begonia are especially popular:
    • Santa Cruz Sunset F1- a strong, spreading plant that forms drooping shoots, up to 40 cm long. From early summer to October it is covered with many red-orange, fuchsia-shaped flowers;
    • Copacabana F1- a hardy and unpretentious creeping plant, during the flowering period strewn with many bright red bell-shaped flowers;
    • Bossa NovaF1- a spreading plant with shoots up to 50 cm long, from spring to frost covered with fuchsia-shaped flowers of red, orange, pink or white.

Begonia blooming (beautifully flowering, decorative flowering)

This group includes begonias with very beautiful simple and double flowers of various colors. The most popular are the following types and varieties of begonias:

  • Begonia everblooming (lat. Begonia semperflorens)

Unites a wide group of varieties that have the remarkable property of blooming all summer, regardless of weather conditions.
The most famous varieties forever blooming begonia:

  • Baby Wing

Series of varieties powerful plants with green and bronze leaves and solid or variegated flowers different colors.

  • Ambassador

A series of begonia varieties with original green leaves bordered by a thin strip of red and with a wide variety of colors.

  • Cocktail

A profusely flowering low bush with brick-colored leaves and simple flowers of a characteristic begonia color.

  • Begonia Elatior (lat. Begonia elatior)

A hybrid variety from England, obtained by crossing tuberous begonia and socotrans begonia. Due to the ability of year-round flowering, this plant received the name winter begonia (lat. Begonia hiemalis). It is a compact bush, about 40 cm high, with a thick stem and bright, glossy leaves about 8 cm long, shaped like an asymmetrical heart with jagged edges. Numerous simple or double flowers form multi-tiered inflorescences growing on long stalks. Varieties of begonia Elatior, depending on the height of the bush, are divided into 3 types:

– tall (about 40 cm) (for example, varieties Louise, Renaissance, Schwabenland);

– medium (about 30 cm) (for example, varieties Kyoto, Annebell, Bellona);

– low-growing (not higher than 25 cm) (for example, varieties Scharlach, Lachsorange, Piccora)

  • Begonia Gloire de Lorraine(Begonia Gloire de L orraine)

Like begonia Elatior, it belongs to winter-flowering varieties. It was developed in France in 1891 by crossing Begonia socotrana and Begonia dregei. This rather spreading, low plant is distinguished by rounded glossy leaves of light green color with a red spot at the base. Begonia begins to bloom in the fall and continues throughout the winter. The simple flowers form drooping clusters of pink. The most popular varieties of the group:

Competitor- spreading, spectacular bush, strewn with intense pink flowers;

Marina- a low-growing plant with deep pink flowers growing on short flower shoots;

Rosemary- a variety of Swiss selection with many small, pink flowers.

Where does the begonia flower grow?

IN wildlife Begonia grows in moist forests of tropical latitudes and in high mountain regions. Most begonia species are found in Argentina and Brazil, Venezuela and Bolivia, Peru and Chile, India, Pakistan, the Malay Islands, Sri Lanka and the western part of the African continent. Despite suitable climatic conditions, the begonia flower does not grow in the vast expanses of Australia and the islands of Polynesia.

In indoor conditions, these flowers can grow all over the world, the main thing is to create the necessary microclimate for begonias.

Garden begonia: planting and care in open ground

In mid-latitudes, almost all types of begonias are grown indoors, with the exception of tuberous begonia, which can also be grown indoors. open ground.

Begonias are planted in the garden in early June, when the threat of frost disappears. For the plant you need to choose places that are slightly shaded or with diffuse solar lighting. Before planting begonia in open ground, the seedling is hardened off by placing it for a week in a well-lit room with an average daytime temperature of 23-27 0 C and a night temperature of 12-15 0 C.

The best soil for begonias is soil mixtures containing leaf soil, humus, peat and sand, combined in a ratio of 1:0.5:0.5:0.5. Drainage (expanded clay, fine crushed stone or coarse sand) is poured into the bottom of the hole. After which a mixture of peat and compost is added to it, which can be replaced with complex potassium-phosphorus fertilizers. Begonia planted in the garden needs to be watered and the soil around it sprinkled wood ash. To avoid hypothermia of the seedling at night, cover it with film or agrofibre.

Proper care of tuberous begonia in open ground is not particularly difficult. It is necessary to regularly loosen the soil around the flower, ensuring access of oxygen to the tubers. Garden begonia should be watered depending on the amount of precipitation, usually done once every 3 days. With the onset of a dry period, the frequency of watering increases followed by loosening the soil. Be careful when watering begonia: the plant feels comfortable when high humidity air, however, it absolutely cannot tolerate drops of water falling on the leaves, as this can lead to a disease such as gray rot.

Begonia in landscape design looks simply amazing and allows you to create magnificent flower beds that will delight you all summer long!

Begonia care in autumn

In the fall, after the leaves fall, the plant is prepared for winter:

  • stop watering the begonia;
  • in the first ten days of October, begonia tubers are removed from the ground;
  • the begonia stem is cut off, leaving a shoot of 3 cm;
  • tubers are dried at room temperature within 14 days;
  • Begonia tubers are placed in wooden box, covering them with sand;
  • Store the tubers in a room with a temperature not lower than 5-6 0 C.

When to dig up begonia?

There is no need to rush to dig up begonia for the winter immediately after the onset of cold weather. After all, in the fall the plant grows tubers especially intensively and accumulates in them nutrients, then the laying of future flower buds occurs. Begonia must be kept in the soil for as long as possible so that the above-ground part turns yellow and dries out. Then the entire supply of photosynthesis products from the leaves will inevitably “drain” to the tubers.

Garden begonia growing in a flowerbed is dug up with a pitchfork, it is carefully taken out with a lump of earth, and without removing aboveground part, lay out in a cool, dry room. After a month, dead stems and soil residues are completely removed. For storage, begonia tubers are placed in containers with dry sand or peat and sprayed with a spray bottle once a month.

Begonias growing in pots do not need to be dug up, but wait until the stems completely die and store them directly in the pot. In February-March, the begonia begins to be watered, and with the appearance of young shoots, it is transplanted into a new container.

Caring for begonia at home

The question of how to care for begonia at home interests many lovers of indoor plants. In fact, caring for indoor begonia is quite simple. This plant is light-loving, but does not like direct rays of the sun, so for its placement use window sills that face east, southeast, northwest or west. The main condition: that there are no drafts.

Most favorable temperature regime fluctuates from 22 to 25 0 C in summer and from 15 to 18 0 C in winter. The soil for domestic begonia is used the same as when growing begonia in the garden: leaf soil, humus, peat and sand in a ratio of 1:0.5:0.5:0.5.

Begonia in a pot should be watered in spring and summer with settled water, avoiding drying out and waterlogging of the earthen clod. In winter, watering deciduous and bush flowers is reduced to a minimum. Tuberous types of begonias stop moisturizing, they shed their leaves, after which all dried parts are removed from the plant, and the tubers wait out the cold in dry peat soil.

Feeding indoor begonia is important for the successful development of the plant, and nitrogen fertilizers that stimulate foliage growth are suitable for leafy species, and phosphorus-containing fertilizers are suitable for flowering ones.

Replanting begonias

Tuberous begonia species are transplanted into new pot and soil every spring, and varieties with branched or fibrous roots need this procedure when the pot becomes small. The plant is extracted from old container and immerse its roots in a solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) for disinfection. After removing the damaged parts, the plant is planted in a larger pot with fresh soil.

Begonia propagation, methods and photos

Spring is the best time to propagate begonias. Reproduction methods:

  • rooting cuttings with several (3-5) leaves;
  • dividing the bush into parts with separate roots;
  • cutting a large tuber into several parts with sprouts;
  • leaves, cutting large veins with reverse side sheet and immersing it cut side down in wet sand;
  • seedlings from seeds sprouted at the end of winter.

Propagation of begonias by cuttings

Cuttings are one of the most common methods of propagating begonias. Many amateur gardeners use it because it:

  • easy to perform;
  • gives quick results;
  • Suitable for all stem begonias;
  • retains all varietal characteristics.

To propagate begonia in this way, it is enough to use a sharp knife to cut cuttings at least 10 cm long. For this, you can use both the upper and middle parts of the stem. The main condition for a good cutting is the presence of at least two to three buds on it. After which all excess leaves are removed from it, leaving only one or two top ones. If the leaves are large, they are cut in half.

After completing the preparatory operations, you can begin to root the cuttings. Florists use two methods for this:

  • rooting in water;
  • rooting in the ground.

Cuttings that will be used for rooting in water do not need further processing. For material that will be germinated in the substrate, the sections must be sprinkled with wood ash and dried.

  • Rooting begonias in water

Begonia cuttings are placed in a container of water, the temperature of which should not differ from the temperature of the room where germination will take place. You can only use soft water, as hard or cold water may be detrimental to the future plant. The container with the cuttings is placed in a room with a temperature of 18-20 o C, well illuminated by indirect sunlight. It is advisable to use transparent containers to constantly monitor the condition of the cut. If signs of rotting of the begonia cuttings are noticed, the cut is renewed and a fresh portion of water is poured into the container. After roots about 1-2 cm long appear on the cuttings, it can be transplanted into a pre-prepared pot with suitable soil.

  • Rooting begonia in soil (substrate)

As a substrate used for rooting cuttings, it is advisable to use begonia soil purchased in specialized stores. However, you can use sand and peat mixed in a 3:1 ratio. For successful rooting, the room temperature should be in the range of 22-24 o C. The pot for germination should be chosen small in size so that the rooted plant not only grows, but also flowers abundantly.

Before planting in the ground, the lower cut of the cutting must be treated with preparations that stimulate root formation. The seedling is buried in a well-moistened substrate to the level of the leaves. After which the pot with the cutting is covered with a glass jar or plastic bottle. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that no part of the cutting touches the walls or lid.

The condensation that appears on the walls indicates the correct microclimate in a kind of greenhouse. To harden the plant, you need to remove the jar or bottle for a few minutes every day and ventilate the future begonia. When the first leaves appear, covering is no longer carried out.

Propagation of begonia by dividing the bush or rhizomes

Bush begonias with a well-developed branched root system can be propagated by dividing the bush or rhizomes. To do this, in the spring the plant is removed from the pot along with a lump of earth so as not to damage the roots. After that, old stems and peduncles, as well as large leaves, are removed from the begonia. The rhizomes are carefully freed from lumps of earth and, using a sharp knife, are divided into several parts. The main condition is the presence of a shoot or bud on each of them. The sections are immediately treated with wood ash. The separated parts are planted in pots with a substrate, for which you need to use special soil for begonias, purchased in flower shops. After abundant watering, the separated plants are placed in a room with good lighting (but not in direct sunlight) and a temperature of 20-25 o C.

Hybrid begonia Elatior Ceveca

All manipulations with the plant are desirable conduct in early spring when it is just beginning to grow. The fact is that planting and replanting slow down development for some time, because begonia experiences stress from changed conditions. It is important to take this into account when bringing a new plant from the store to your home or office. Store begonia was grown in greenhouse conditions with all the rules, and at home she is forced to adapt in a new way.


Soil is used slightly acidic or closer to neutral. It should be loose and fertile. Leaf soil and humus are taken and pre-disinfected. Sand is added to this mixture. It is also recommended to add perlite or vermiculite to improve the quality of the soil.


The container for deciduous begonias is wide, but not deep. Fine will fit plastic pots , it is easy to remove the plant from them when the need for replanting arises. Holes must be made at the bottom of the pot - this provides additional air access to the roots and the outflow of excess water.


For irrigation, water is settled or boiled. Water only when the top layer of earth has dried out. Experts also determine the need for watering by changes in the weight of the pot. You can gradually pour water from the pan until the top layer darkens.

In summer a frequent supply of moisture is required, in winter less often and always after the top layer of soil has dried to a depth of at least 1 cm.

Do not allow excess moisture; it is better to water begonia less.

Air humidity

Prefers moderate humidity. If the air is too dry, there is a high probability of manifestations of spider mites, and at high humidity - there is a risk of rotting roots and leaves.

It is not recommended to spray begonia. To increase air humidity, containers with water are placed next to the pot or the begonia is placed on a wide tray into which moistened expanded clay is poured.


Prefers moderate temperatures from 18 to 25 degrees. It is not advisable to place the plant next to cold drafts and radiators. In summer they are placed in a cool place.


Begonia loves light, but it must be diffused. Bright sun will burn the leaves and make them pale or increase the amount of green pigment, reducing the variegation. Lack of lighting will affect growth and reduce the variegation of foliage.

Begonias do not like sudden changes in location, however, in order for the foliage to grow evenly, the plant can be slowly rotated relative to the light source.


After transplantation, fertilizing begins no earlier than a month later. Alternate organic and mineral fertilizers, while using them once every two weeks. Stores sell special fertilizers labeled “Begonia,” but it is also acceptable to use universal fertilizers for decorative foliage plants, as well as for azaleas.


Usually pruned in the spring before or simultaneously with replanting. Remove old and elongated stems, leaving a small stump. Cuttings and leaves are allowed to take root.


Most types of domestic begonias are easy to propagate. Take a small cutting about 5 cm long and place it in a glass with clean water. Best time for this it is spring. Leaves are used instead of cuttings, they are cut off sharp knife, sections are disinfected charcoal. Reproduction is also possible in parts of the leaf blade, cutting it so that the central vein remains on each piece. After this, the pieces are laid on loose soil, sand or perlite, pressed against them, and covered with a bag or jar on top.

Cuttings are planted after rooting in small pots or plastic cups. You cannot immediately plant it in a large container - the soil in such a pot takes a long time to dry out, which can lead to the death of a young specimen.


Every spring, the soil is renewed and the plant is replanted. If it has grown greatly and the roots have become crowded, then take a pot a little wider than before. A layer of drainage is poured onto the bottom, why do they take expanded clay or brick chips. The roots are cleared of old soil, the plant is placed in a new pot and carefully sprinkled with soil, sometimes tapping the pot so that the soil lies evenly. After this, the begonia must be watered, and excess water is removed from the pan.


After 3-4 years, begonia loses its decorative qualities and the trunk becomes bare. Usually a radical pruning is performed or a new specimen is grown from leaves or cuttings.

Features of care in winter

In winter, most plants go into a dormant period. Watering is reduced.

The amount of light decreases in winter, so begonia is placed closer to the window or artificial lighting is added.

Protect the plant from exposure to cold air and radiators. Carefully monitor the watering regime, its excess will lead to rotting of the root system.

Diseases and pests

Too humid air and excess watering in winter period will lead to the appearance powdery mildew: plaque appears on the leaves and they die.

When the air is dry, the edges of the leaves dry out and turn brown. With a lack of lighting, the leaves stretch out, become small and pale.

IN summer time begonia can be attacked by aphids, which was accidentally brought in from the street. Spider mites are also likely to appear - they love dry air. To remove pests, use the drug Actellik, which is sprayed on the plant.

Begonia- This is an almost ideal plant to keep at home or in the office. It looks great in green corners and winter gardens.

Decorative leaf begonia purifies indoor air and helps fight dangerous bacteria.


Below you will see photos on how to care for decorative deciduous begonias at home:

An unpretentious plant, indoor begonia, enjoys particular beauty and fame. Few people can be indifferent to this flower. How to properly grow and care for indoor begonia, which exist popular types indoor begonia, how to prepare the soil and properly replant begonia can be found out by reading this text.

The Begonieceae family includes more than 800 plant species native to Southeast Asia, Brazil, Africa and the island of Madagascar. In nature, the size of a begonia plant varies from 5 cm to 3 meters.

The many forms and varieties of this flower are striking in their diversity. Flower growers know that this flower is known not only for its variety of varieties and species, but also for its growing conditions. grown both outdoors and at home. Indoors, as a rule, a hybrid type of indoor begonia is planted.

Types of indoor begonia are:

  1. decorative blooming, attracting the eye with the irresistible beauty of flowers;
  2. decorative deciduous, having a variety of leaf shapes and colors.

Popular types of flowers for indoor decorative-blooming begonias

Bushy begonias:

  • Coral begonia is a large plant with decorative leaves 10-15 cm long, having white spots and bright pink flowers;
  • Indoor begonia bright red – pretty big plant with shiny, smooth, ovoid leaves. Inflorescences of juicy red flowers have the shape of a panicle.
  • Indoor ever-flowering begonia is a low plant with round light green leaves, 5-6 cm long. Almost blooming whole year flowers are white, red and pink.

Tuberous begonias:

  • Begonia Elatior is a tall plant, bush-shaped up to 35 cm high, with decorative jagged green leaves and flowers of various colors reaching 4-5 cm in diameter. It blooms very luxuriantly and for a long time.
  • Begonia Lorrain - plant height reaches 50 cm. Exotic round, dark green leaves, up to 8 cm long. Flowers are pink, red and white.

Popular types of indoor decorative foliage begonia plants

  • royal begonia - has an unusually decorative coloring of leaves smoothly transitioning from red to dark brown. The length of the leaves reaches 30 cm. One of the most popular decorative deciduous begonias;
  • tiger begonia – up to 25 cm high, bush-like. The leaves are quite small, dark green, with spots of a light shade.

How to care for indoor begonia?

Caring for indoor begonia is not difficult. This plant is not a capricious plant, but still it also needs some care.

Begonia is a light-loving plant, but a direct hit sun rays It is contraindicated for it, as it leads to leaf burn.

The begonia should be placed close to the window, and if this is not possible, then provide it with shading.

Maximum comfortable temperature for begonia in summer it should not exceed 22-25 o C, and in winter - 15-18 o C.

Watering is of great importance for indoor begonias. This plant is not suitable for either dry soil or too wet soil. For example, in spring and summer, home begonia needs to be watered as often as possible, but without flooding it to prevent water stagnation. Determining the watering time is not difficult. It occurs when the soil dries to a depth of 1-2 cm. In addition, watering should be done with settled water.

Air humidity is of no small importance for home begonias. Since the homeland of this plant is the tropics and subtropics, it loves high humidity. While other plants can be provided with such a climate by spraying, this is contraindicated for begonias.

If begonia is sprayed, its leaves will become stained. But there is a way out. It is enough to place the flower pot on moss, damp peat, or place it in a shallow container with water.

Don't forget about feeding the plants. Begonia needs feeding 1-2 times a month. Fertilizers containing nitrogen are applied only to decorative deciduous species, since nitrogen promotes leaf growth but slows down flowering. But for decorative flowering plants, fertilizers containing phosphorus are suitable.

It should be added that indoor begonia gives preference fresh air, so the room in which it grows is periodically ventilated. It should not be forgotten that begonia is afraid of drafts, which can lead to its death.

You can’t take your eyes off the blooming begonia. She thanks him for taking care of her. Indoor begonia blooms for a long time, but not forever. Time passes, the flowers wither and fall off, the leaves fade and dry. It's time for peace and sleep. Now the begonia should be watered less frequently, and the air temperature should be cooler - up to 14-16 o C. We cut off all the dried parts of the plant and prepare for replanting.

How to properly replant indoor begonia?

You can prepare the soil for begonia yourself. This plant prefers a light substrate. It is prepared from a mixture of leaf and turf soil, rotted humus, sand and peat. It is important to pay attention to the fact that the leaf soil should be slightly more than half the total volume of the pot.

Indoor begonia does not require frequent replanting, but if the roots are already crowded, then replanting is necessary. Usually, begonia transplantation begins in March.

Carefully remove the flower from the pot, clean the roots from the old soil and place them for a while in a solution of potassium permanganate. Potassium permanganate helps protect roots from fungal diseases, to which indoor begonia is predisposed. Next, cut off all damaged roots and place them in a new container with soil.

When replanting a plant, do not fill the pot to the top. Soil is added later as the roots grow. After transplantation, indoor begonia requires increased attention and care. In the first month, you need to water more frequently and carefully protect from direct sunlight.

Diseases and pests of indoor begonia

The indoor begonia plant is not resistant to fungal diseases. If you notice that the plant is starting to get sick, you should remove the affected areas. Begonia can also be affected by pests. Her enemies are aphids and spider mite. At an early stage of the disease, it is recommended to rinse the plant in a soapy solution. And for serious treatment, it will be enough to treat it with a fungicidal preparation, in the manner indicated in the instructions for use.

Video: secrets of caring for begonia

In tropical and subtropical forests South-East Asia, South Africa, India and the Socotra Islands, Sri Lanka, Madagascar, is the birthplace of the begonia, known to all flower growers in the world, belonging to the genus of the Begoniaceae family.

It unites approximately 1000 species of annual and perennial plants, which have a wide variety of forms:

  • herbs;
  • shrubs;
  • creepers.

Although the vast majority of begonias (any species) prefer shaded places with sufficient humidity, representatives of its succulent species grow and reproduce at an altitude of 4000 m on the slopes of mountains with meager quantity moisture. Its species is also known to live on roots and old trees.

Begonia has its own amazing history.

Michel Begon, quartermaster French colonies in the Caribbean, famous for promoting the development of new plant crops in the Antilles, he organized an expedition of botanist Charles Plumier to study and collect plants growing on the islands. Returning, Plumier published “Description of the Plants of America with Their Drawings” and gave the name Michel Begon to one of the plants he discovered on the islands. It was since then that begonia, a perennial herbaceous plant, became known.

The amazing plant Begonia (lat.) has fantastic variety by the shapes of flowers and foliage frames, distinguished by their unusual coloring.

Begonia, whose species are diverse, consists of flowering and deciduous plants and is cultivated to decorate home interiors and landscapes. The main types of begonia used are: ever-flowering, bush and tuberous.

All types of this plant have a division for male and female gender. Thus, seeds are obtained as a result of pollination of a female plant by a male one. A small box contains very small seeds that the plant can use to reproduce. Pollination is carried out at home artificially using a soft brush.

General description

Begonia is perennial with different types of stems:

  • erect;
  • juicy with pronounced nodes;
  • lodging (with the same characteristics as the upright one).

The number of internodes on the stem is 10–12 (according to the number of leaves), and the roots are well branched or form tubers.

The inflorescence is a complex panicle. The lateral inflorescences grow constantly. They are formed in the axils of the leaves (5–6) and consist of 3–5 male and female flowers. The topmost flower is always male.

Begonia flowers have:

  • heterosexuality;
  • irregular shape (zygomorphic);
  • brightly colored perianth.

The male flower contains:

  • four round or elongated oval shape petal;
  • two sepals;
  • two membranous bracts of a rounded oval shape (slightly colored).

female flower looks like:

  • four or five petals;
  • calyx of three sepals two bracts.

The tuberous begonia species has large flower 5–15 cm in size.

The type of ever-flowering begonia, on the contrary, is characterized by the presence of small flowers from 2 cm to 3 cm.

Flowers have:

  • the lower ovary is three-lobed;
  • the pistil is surrounded by three pairs of fused stigma lobes. Their surface is covered with thin needle-shaped papillae.

Begonia has a fruit in the form of a three-lobed winged capsule that cracks on the sides. Inside there are very small seeds of orange-yellow color with cells. Fully ripened seeds contain an embryo for the continuation of the plant species.

Variety of species

Based general characteristics, the genus begonia, in addition to the colossal diversity of species, has about 2000 varieties. Appearance and the peculiarities of plant cultivation allow conditional identify five groups which are considered basic:

  • stem (reed);
  • bush;
  • tuberous;
  • ever-blooming;
  • rhizomatous.

Each type and variety of begonia has its own individual beauty. It is a pity that begonia was once supplanted by others indoor plants from our homes. However, everything in life is cyclical and the fashion for this type of flower is gradually returning wonderful varieties of begonia to apartments, balconies and garden beds.

Type of begonia like this diverse in its manifestations, that for the systematization of plants, among the 5 main groups there are conventionally distinguished:

  • decorative flowering;
  • decorative deciduous.

For home use, hybrid varieties of these groups are chosen.

Among deciduous decorative representatives The following are considered especially popular:

  • hybrid begonia diadema (the first specimens were found on the island of Java, 1882);
  • royal begonia (first discovered in 1856 at an auction of Asian orchids in London).

Rhizomatous begonias

Main hallmark of the entire group the stem is the rhizome. It is developed on the soil surface and only sometimes goes deeper. The shape of the rhizome among representatives of the group is very different. It can be long and branched, like the tuberculate begonia - Begonia pustulata, and perhaps thick and even fleshy in the royal begonia. The species Begonia Bowerae has a rhizome with short internodes.

All rhizomatous begonias have leaves of unusual beauty, and royal begonia is the most cultivated among decorative foliage plants.

  • shortened creeping stem;
  • The leaves are large, arranged asymmetrically on reddish cuttings. They, together with the petioles, are covered with long white hairs. The surface of the sheet is painted green color, its middle part is silvery iridescent white. A beautiful dark green or red-brown border frames the wonderful leaf.

Royal begonia cannot boast of its not so good decorative flowers. Her flower:

  • small;
  • white-pink color;
  • unisexual, collected in an inflorescence panicle. The flower appears in leaf axils in spring and summer.

The natural appearance of royal begonia has been practically lost in the process of breeding hybrid varieties. Now such varieties have leaves with fantastic beautiful patterns:

  • silvery spots on bronze-brown leaves;
  • a silver border runs along velvety crimson leaves;
  • The red and purple leaves have a metallic sheen.

Breeding work produces new hybrids that are better adapted to room conditions. Among them, the most notable are: Begonia cv. Benitochiba, cv. Little Brother Montgomery.

Begonia diadema at one time gave rise to hybrids with dissected leaves. Later, breeders developed a variety with interesting spirally twisted leaves: cv. Comtesse Louise d'Erdody.

Tuberous begonias for the garden

Type "tuberous begonia"- These are unpretentious plants that bloom wonderfully and do not require much care. Their elegant appearance will decorate both home interior, so garden flower bed. In early spring, the species begins to bloom, and it continues until the onset of cold weather. There are varieties that produce flowers throughout the year.

In order for begonia to please its blooming view must be observed simple rules when planting and caring for it.

  • Planting a plant in open ground At the beginning of June. Before planting, seedlings should grow to 10–12 cm. Begonia does not like bright sunlight, so choose a place for it that does not receive direct sunlight, but it will also be uncomfortable in deep shade. You will understand this by external signs:
    • drops leaves;
    • the stem stretches in length;
    • stops blooming.
    • Partial shade and moderate humidity are the best place for the life of tuberous begonia.
  • Before planting, be sure to drain the soil. Begonia prefers soils with good permeability to moisture and air. Heavy clay soils diluted with peat, sand or leaf soil. In poor or sandy soils it is necessary to add humus, peat and organic fertilizers.
  • Begonia high grades disembarks at a distance of 35 cm from each other. Smaller bushes can be planted at a distance of 25 cm. The type of hanging varieties is placed in containers at a distance of 10–15 cm.
  • It is necessary to care for plants regularly, watering and periodically loosening the soil. During hot periods, watering is done in the morning.
  • has a fragile stem Therefore, you need to take care to protect the plant from the wind. It is enough to carefully tie the flower to a peg, and it will not break in gusts of wind.

For decorating gardens, lawns, flower beds The following varieties of tuberous begonias are used.

Varieties: Diva; Kelbrutrot; Golden ball. They have a branching succulent stem. The leaves are green or red on top. Flowers range in size from 4 cm to 20 cm.

Flowering time: June - September.

Ever-flowering species that are tuberous in open ground complement very well.

Varieties: Firemeer, Olomouc. Their stems are highly branched and form compact bushes. The leaves have a smooth shiny surface. The leaf shape is simple. Flowers – double red, pink, white.

Flowering time: early summer - before frost.

Pendula. It is a subspecies of tuberous begonia.

Her hanging varieties: Margarita, Chanson;

Bush begonias

This view is very rarely seen in open ground. They are absolute inhabitants of window sills in apartments or other closed premises. Bush type begonia is represented by well-known species:

All of them have a geniculate stem with dense branching, very reminiscent of the stem of bamboo. Reproduction occurs by seeds or cuttings. The most commonly used method is propagation by apical shoots.

Type “hybrid indoor begonias” present:

  • "Rose" is a semi-spreading bush. Flowers – pink, double;
  • "Camellia flora" is a small bush. The leaves are colored bright green. The flowers are large, pink, edged with white;
  • “Salmon rose” is a spreading bush, dotted with double flowers of pink with a salmon tint;
  • "Helen Tartalin" - the bush has a compact size with snow-white flowers with a red border.

Caring for indoor begonia species

Begonia in landscape compositions

For decorating flower beds and creating landscape compositions most suitable species of begonia monthly. It is also worth paying attention to the appearance: beautiful and ever-blooming begonias.

The number of varieties in these groups is huge. Specimens with green and red-green leaves and amazing pink, white and red flowers are used to create fantastically fabulous flower beds, ridges and flower beds in different styles.

More often when designing the landscape use beautiful begonia and its varieties:

  • "Carmen" A plant 20 cm high with dark red leaves and bright pink flowers;
  • "White Pearl" Decorative green leaves and dazzling white flowers;
  • "Luminosa." Plant height is 20 cm. The color of the leaves is red with a brown tint. The flowers are carmine-red in color;
  • "Minion". The green leaves with a red tone and velvety red flowers are especially good.

They feel great in the open ground all varieties of ever-flowering begonia:

  • "Rosabella". The height of the plant is approximately 15 cm to 20 cm. The leaves are green-red and the flowers have a blood-red hue;
  • "Pink Queen" Plants in this series have flowers very similar to the full tea rose;
  • "Indian". The height reaches 20 cm. Dark red leaves complement the bright red flowers.

Beautiful varieties that always bloom and beautiful varieties Begonias are used to create ornamental, figured or carpet compositions. They are often used to decorate borders.

Planting is usually done sparsely. Maintain a distance of approximately 10 cm x 10 cm. It should be taken into account that in sunny areas the color of the leaves and flowers of begonias becomes more saturated.

She does not like excessive dampness, and does not tolerate the mildest frosts at all. For this reason, the plant cannot be left in open ground.

Container gardening

The view has proven itself well for decorating verandas, balconies, terraces and when designing patios. tuberous begonia in the form of hanging varieties.

Extreme sensitivity to low temperatures makes zinnias annual plants, which are usually grown through seedlings. But there is nothing complicated about sowing and growing young zinnias. It is hardy and does not require special care plants that are easy to grow from seeds. And if you also collect your own seeds, you will get one of the most “economical” summer seeds in your collection. Bright baskets of inflorescences color the garden with a special cheerful canvas.

Eggplants - tall, erect plants with wide, dark green leaves and large fruits - create a special mood in the garden beds. And in the kitchen they are a popular product for a wide variety of dishes: eggplants are fried, stewed and canned. Of course, grow decent harvest V middle lane and further north is not an easy task. But subject to agrotechnical cultivation rules, it is quite accessible even to beginners. Especially if you grow eggplants in a greenhouse.

Noble lush greenery, unpretentiousness, and the ability to purify the air from dust and pathogens make nephrolepis one of the most popular indoor ferns. There are many types of nephrolepis, but any of them can become a real decoration of the room, and it doesn’t matter if it’s an apartment, Vacation home or office. But only healthy, well-groomed plants can decorate a room, so creating suitable conditions and proper care- the main task of flower growers.

Experienced gardeners always have crystalline iron sulfate, or ferrous sulfate, in their garden medicine cabinet. Like many others chemicals, it has properties that protect garden and berry crops from numerous diseases and insect pests. In this article we will talk about the features of using iron sulfate to treat garden plants against diseases and pests and about other options for its use on the site.

Many people cannot imagine their diet without ripe, delicious tomatoes. Moreover, the variety of varieties allows you to choose the one that suits your taste the most. There are varieties that are called salad varieties, that is, they are best consumed in fresh. These include the Honey tomato, whose name speaks for itself. In 2007, the Honey variety was included in State Register RF. “Agrosuccess” offers seeds from the best breeders in the world that have undergone additional testing

Retaining walls are the main tool for working with complex terrain on a site. With their help, they not only create terraces or play with planes and alignment, but also emphasize the beauty of the rock garden landscape, the change in height, the style of the garden, and its character. Retaining walls allow play with raised and lowered areas and hidden areas. Modern dry or more solid walls help turn the disadvantages of the garden into its main advantages.

A salad with chicken breast and vegetables without mayonnaise can also be a light snack for festive table, and the main dish for those who are watching their figure or have decided to part with extra pounds. To make the chicken breast tender and juicy, first marinate it in spices and oil, and then quickly fry it in a very hot frying pan in vegetable oil. If you have a wok - great, if not, then an ordinary frying pan with non-stick coating will do.

There were times when the concepts of “garden tree”, “family tree”, “collection tree”, “multi tree” simply did not exist. And it was possible to see such a miracle only on the farm of the “Michurintsy” - people who were amazed by their neighbors, looking at their gardens. There, on one apple, pear or plum tree, not only varieties of different ripening periods, but also various colors and sizes ripened. Not many people despaired of such experiments, but only those who were not afraid of numerous trials and errors.

On the balcony, in the apartment, on summer cottage– enthusiastic people everywhere find a place for their favorites. It turns out that growing flowers is a very troublesome task and requires only endless patience, hard work and, of course, knowledge. Providing a variety of colors and healthy nutrition- only one, not the biggest, but a problem on the difficult, exciting path of a florist. One of the most responsible and complex work for caring for indoor plants is replanting them.

The unique combination of chrysanthemum-like flowers with fleshy original leaves attracts attention to aptenia. But its ability to grow tirelessly and vigorously, the dazzling colors of both greenery and flowers are its main advantages. And although the plant was long ago transferred to mesembryanthemums, apthenia still remains a special star. Hardy and unpretentious, but at the same time resembling a beautifully blooming star, it is rapidly gaining popularity.

Pollock fish soup is light, low-calorie and very healthy; it is suitable for a vegetarian menu (pescatarianism) and non-strict fasting. Pollock is one of the most common and affordable fish that can be found on the shelves of almost any store. This fish is from the cod family, the meat is dense and white. Pollock does not fall apart when cooked, there are not many bones in this fish, in a word, it is a suitable fish for both novice home cooks and experienced thrifty housewives.

The front garden is the face of the garden and its owner. Therefore, for these flower beds it is customary to choose plants that are decorative throughout the season. AND special attention In my opinion, front garden perennials that bloom in spring deserve it. Like primroses, they bring us special joy, because after a dull winter, more than ever, we want bright colors and flowers. In this article we suggest getting acquainted with the best decorative perennials, blooming in spring and do not require special care.

The climatic conditions of our country, unfortunately, are not suitable for growing many crops without seedlings. Healthy and strong seedlings are the key to a high-quality harvest, in turn, the quality of seedlings depends on several factors: Even healthy-looking seeds can be infected with pathogens that long time remain on the surface of the seed, and after sowing, getting into favorable conditions, are activated and affect young and immature plants

Our family loves tomatoes very much, so most of the garden beds are devoted to this particular crop. Every year we try to try new ones interesting varieties, and some of them take root and become loved. At the same time, over many years of gardening, we have already developed a set of favorite varieties that are required to be planted every season. We jokingly call such tomatoes varieties “ special purpose» - for fresh salads, juice, pickling and storage.

Coconut pie with cream - “kuchen”, or German coconut pie (Butter milch shnitten - soaked in milk). Without exaggeration I will say that this is incredible tasty pie- sweet, juicy and tender. It can be stored in the refrigerator for quite a long time; cakes with cream are prepared on the basis of this sponge cake in Germany. The recipe is from the “Guests on the doorstep!” category, since usually all the ingredients are in the refrigerator, and it takes less than an hour to prepare the dough and bake.

The snow has not yet completely melted, and the restless owners suburban areas They are already in a hurry to evaluate the scope of work in the garden. And there really is something to do here. And, perhaps, the most important thing you need to think about in early spring is how to protect your garden from diseases and pests. Experienced gardeners they know that these processes cannot be left to chance, and delays and delays in processing can significantly reduce the yield and quality of the fruit.


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