Business from scratch: shoe repair. Shoe repair as a business

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When a country experiences crisis phenomena, many find themselves unable to buy new shoes and go to workshops. The services of professional shoemakers are in demand in both large and small cities. This type of business is quite stable and can bring money to the owner all year round. This direction is also relevant because, according to statistics, every tenth pair of shoes requires repair in the first year of wear. The footwear industry is large and the demand for repairs will only increase. This business plan for a shoe repair shop will help you organize such a business yourself, get a quick payback and minimize investments.

Project Summary

The main goal of the project is to organize a workshop that will provide shoe repair services to the population. Success will depend on the efficiency and quality of work. We set ourselves the following tasks for the future:

  • Expand the list of services (repair of other leather and leatherette items).
  • Reach the breakeven point and expand the workshop over time (hire employees and reduce the amount of work you do yourself).

First, let’s choose the format in which the establishment will operate. There can be three of them: economy, medium and premium. The first one does not require large investments: there is one master (usually the owner himself), and the work takes place in a small kiosk. The medium format means several craftsmen, professional equipment and a wide range of services. The premium option is focused on servicing expensive brand shoes (yes, the rich sometimes repair them too). It is suitable for opening in areas of the city where wealthy people live.

This business plan for a shoe repair shop with calculations is focused on the medium format. The entrepreneur himself is a qualified craftsman with great experience similar work.


The first cost is registration individual enterprise. It is done independently, payment goes only towards the state duty.

You also need to select OKVED codes, which will tell the tax authority exactly what the company will do. In the case of a shoe workshop, you must indicate 95.23.

In addition, you will have to purchase and register a modern cash register.

The premises require permits from the fire service and Rospotrebnadzor. Everything will cost about 20 thousand rubles.

Renting premises

Basement and ground floors. Such rooms are inexpensive, and the noise produced during operation will not disturb the neighbors. 30 sq.m. is quite enough. m, on which all the equipment will be located and 2-3 shoemakers will be able to work. It is also worth providing a separate room for the receptionist. This employee will greet clients and offer services.

Renting the premises will cost approximately 10 thousand rubles per month. The place to choose is a walk-through one, where there is a large flow of people. The central part of the city and its busiest streets with a lot of pedestrians are ideal. Some workshops are located in large shopping centers, which is also excellent option. Shopping centers usually charge less rent for their sites compared to stand-alone standing buildings cities.

The premises may require small investment V redecorating. It will cost about 20 thousand rubles.

Purchase of equipment

To repair shoes quickly and well, an entrepreneur must take care of purchasing the necessary equipment and special shoemaking tools. This is perhaps the main expense item that is necessary to start your own business. The minimum set of equipment is as follows:

Name price, rub.
Hotplate for heating glue 1 000
Professional shoe paw 2 000
Sharpener 2 000
Drill 1 000
Processing machine 30 000
Sewing machine 5 000
Air compressor 15 000
Scorcher 2 000
Small shoemaker tools 5 000

In total, it turns out that the equipment will require an investment of 63 thousand rubles. It is best to buy tools and devices new, then they will last longer without repairs and maintenance.

Hiring staff

If an economy workshop located in a kiosk requires only one person, who is usually the entrepreneur himself, then a medium format will require at least 3 employees. These are shoemakers who will be involved in repairs and restoration, and a receiver.

It must be remembered that there are not so many professional and trained shoe repair specialists. They are taught only in some educational institutions. The majority of masters are self-taught.

To find a master, you should attract him with a worthy wages. You can also hire an apprentice for a lower salary, who will perform simple work and gain experience.

Let's consider the wage fund of each specialist of the establishment:

Profession name Monthly rate
Shoe repairman 25 000
Journeyman 15 000
Acceptance Wizard 12 000

Every month 55 thousand rubles will have to be allocated for salaries.

Advertising and Marketing

The main thing in this matter is right choice places with a lot of potential customers. Word of mouth is no less significant. People from neighboring areas will also travel to a qualified repairman.

Perhaps you should experiment with maintaining public pages on the social networks VKontakte and Instagram, but results are not guaranteed.

More expensive methods of offline promotion and the Internet will be ineffective.

Sample price list

The shoe workshop always offers a fairly large list of services. And the larger the workshop, the longer this list. We are considering an example that is suitable for a medium-sized establishment.

Necessary investments

Starting infusions

The cost of entering this business is low. In the table below we will clearly demonstrate what expenses will be needed to enter this business.

To enter into this activity you need to have an amount of 113.8 thousand rubles. The amount is small, so even a novice entrepreneur can find it to start this business.

Monthly payments

TO monthly payments relate:

Thus, we will need 85 thousand rubles per month.


If about 20 people visit the workshop every day, and average bill will be 200 rubles, then with 24 working days you can have about 100 thousand rubles per month. Obviously, the profitability is insufficient. That's why the best option the employer will combine one of the functions: either the main foreman or the receiving foreman.

In this case, you can count on an income of about 30-35 thousand rubles per month and a profitability of 35%.


In the shoe business, there are both downturns and upswings in demand of a seasonal nature, although, in general, customers will be there all year round. A slight decline is usually observed in summer period of the year. If materials are purchased abroad, then there is also the impact of currency fluctuations, which must be taken into account. It makes sense for a businessman to open such an establishment only if he knows at least a little about the shoe business. Because shoe repair has many small but important nuances, and if you don’t take them into account, then things won’t work. Despite the small profitability, the profit of the workshops is stable.

Shoe repair as a business is attractive due to its stable demand. It grew out of the traditional shoemaking craft due to increased labor productivity and the introduction of technologically advanced consumables.

And yet, in macroeconomic terms, the demand for its services is constant but inelastic. However, different categories population (this will be discussed below) use its services with varying intensity. Although it is not a highly profitable business, it is well structured. Various types workshops cover almost all city blocks.

You can register them as an individual entrepreneur or in the form of an LLC (which is less common). Licensing is not required for such activities. According to various sources, market capacity is determined by different figures. In particular, officially Russian market Shoe repair industry is estimated by experts at approximately $400 million per year. According to unofficial information, its turnover is one and a half to two times higher.

There is a positive trend: over the last decade and a half it has shown good dynamics, giving rise to new organizational forms.

Demand and cyclical wear of shoes

How to measure such an intangible category as the demand for shoe repair, which relates to a macroeconomic situation of pure competition?

However, this is worth doing, since opening a shoe repair shop without assessing the demand for it is at least reckless. Let's start from the statistics of the need for shoes to be repaired while they are worn.

It is typical that a small part of shoes require repairs already in the first year of their use by citizens (in our reasoning we are guided by well-known statistics). Every 10th pair of shoes produced in the CIS suffers from this to the same extent as imported economy class shoes. With expensive shoes, the situation is better; only one out of 30 pairs “gives up” in the first year of wearing them.

However, after 2 years of operation, the probability of minor shoe repairs (meaning both Russian and imported) will already be 20-30%. 2.5 years after purchasing shoes, more than 50% of their owners seek repairs.

In a word, the demand for shoe repair, like entropy in physics, objectively does not decrease. However, the shoemaker entrepreneur has yet to learn how to use this factor. This does not mean that upon entering the business, he will immediately receive a non-decreasing market situation. Because if there is a defect in his work, customer demand for his services will, of course, “fall below the waterline.”

Demand and social groups of the population

The main consumer of shoemakers' services is the middle class. These people, when buying shoes for themselves, are not subject to purely price competition. That is, they do not run around dubious retail outlets in search of what will be cheaper. They have a different selection criterion - price/quality ratio. The motivation for taking shoes in for repair is simple: if shoes costing $150 or more, if they are faulty, it is more profitable to repair them than to buy new ones.

Shoe repair as a business has not spared rich Russians. According to the same statistics, the common myth that wealthy people do not repair expensive shoes in principle, but immediately rush to buy a replacement, has nothing to do with the truth. Nothing of the kind, if the cost of shoes exceeds $500, then in 75% of cases its owners resort to high-tech elite repair services to eliminate defects received during use.

As you can see, shoes are repaired in different ways: artisanal, standard and elite. Moreover, each repair has its own market price. Accordingly, the shoe repair business plan will vary depending on the type of shoemaker, the range of services it provides, and the objective cost of client requests. The basics of business planning for the economical, medium and luxury shoemaker formats will be discussed below.

However, it should be recognized that some citizens stubbornly do not become clients of shoemaker entrepreneurs. No matter how shoemakers develop their business, such clients will not come to them. This is typical for citizens who prefer to wear economy class shoes costing about 300 rubles. It is basically unprofitable to repair it. After all, buying a new pair will cost them about the same price.

Forms of business and its profitability

As we have already had the opportunity to verify, modern renovation Shoes as a business has given rise to three forms of organizing workshops: traditional (economy class), medium type and elite format. This is not abstract information. Invariably, an entrepreneur who decides to enter the shoe business will be faced with a dilemma: what type of store should he open?

It is logical that the criterion for his choice will objectively be the amount of initial investment that he is ready to make as the founder of the business. $10 thousand will be required for the economy format, about $100 thousand for the medium format and, finally, more than $200 thousand for the premium format (luxury shoe repair).

If the economy level is in the field of crafts and provides only a subsistence level, then the next two already reach a certain level of profitability. Based on the most common average workshop format, it is able to demonstrate a profitability of 15%, which will ensure the return on the founder’s costs in 3 years.

Premium class has a small specific gravity in the Russian footwear market (less than 1%). However, if you manage to found such an enterprise, then 10% profitability will provide the entrepreneur with a return on investment in 5 years with the appropriate level of administration. The reason for the lag in profitability from the average type of workshop is obvious: to open a premium workshop, you should invest twice as much as in an average one. Elite craftsmen will have to support higher-order technologies than their mid-range counterparts.

Let’s skip the legal formalities, since this business is no different in terms of registration rules from any other. Moreover, at the moment there are several ways to register own business, which are accessible to everyone, even without the necessary experience. For example, register an individual entrepreneur, select a tax form and prepare Required documents you can do it in 15 minutes without leaving the Internet. Let's immediately move on to the technical details of organizing the case.

Despite the fact that “shoemaker” is an ancient profession that dates back centuries, it should not be considered obsolete. The services of people involved in this business are always in demand. Which results in a good and constant income. An additional advantage of this business is career. Initially, by repairing shoes, you can quickly accumulate the necessary amount to organize a workshop for individual tailoring of shoes, accessories and bags, thereby providing yourself with a wider range of clients.

Necessary equipment

The first thing you need to get started is a sewing machine. Experienced masters It is advised not to skimp on this, since the sewing machine is the face of the artisan. The same can be said about the rest of the equipment. Of course, at the start you can buy a used tool if you are good at it.

Besides sewing machine, you will need a multifunctional machine. It is necessary for any master, regardless of what craft he is engaged in.

You will also need accessories, repair kits, fasteners, in general, everything without which it will be impossible to complete the order. Here is a small list of the starting kit that any shoemaker should have:

  • Heel caps,
  • heels,
  • Leather in several colors, for repairing leather shoes,
  • Heel pads for women's shoes,
  • Universal rubber glue,
  • Paint for leather and fabric,
  • Shoe nails,
  • Strong threads
  • Arch supports,
  • soles,
  • Lightning.

It will also be nice if you take care of a high-quality hood and lamp in the workplace, since for full-fledged work good lighting and Fresh air. Liquid glue is quite toxic, so do not neglect the hood.

Set up two tables in your work area. This is necessary so that work can be done on one table, and on the other, inspect incoming shoes, fill out receipts and carry out other operations not directly related to direct repairs.

Choosing a room for shoe repair

There is no need to chase space in a shopping complex. This seems beneficial only at first glance. Yes, there is really a lot of turnover there, but it is worth remembering that people come there for new purchases, and not for repairing old shoes. The best you can expect is an instant repair for a loose heel or a loose zipper. That is, there will be a lot of orders, but they will be small and inexpensive. For those who are extremely strapped for money, such a business will be a good start, but in other cases it is better to look for something else.

Also, premises in a shopping complex are unprofitable due to their unjustified price. You will have to spend money not only on rent, but also on decoration, because... the premises located in the supermarket should look appropriate.

Bus stops and pavilions are also not the best solution. Firstly, it is cold there in winter and hot in summer. Secondly, in such a room you will be sorely short of space.

The best option for a workshop is a full-fledged room, for example, in an office center. It should have all amenities such as water supply, electricity supply and sewerage system. By setting up a workshop in it, you will be able to have not only convenient workplace, but also a comfortable relaxation area. Among other things, a stationary premises is convenient because you have a certain freedom, since you do not depend on any operating mode of the supermarket. A separate room will allow you to work as much as you want. When choosing a premises, do not forget that there is at least one parking space for clients near it. They will come to you by car, so you should take care of this.

Working with clients

You need a uniform. It may not be strange, but most clients evaluate a master by the way he is dressed. They are used to the fact that a person working profession must wear protective clothing.

Buy or order yourself high-quality workwear so that you won’t be ashamed to appear in it. You can sew the logo of your workshop onto the overalls. Having seen this approach to business, the client will not be afraid to entrust his shoes to the master.

Interpersonal relationships with the client. The advice here is very simple and banal. They are that you smile more often and are interested in the client’s opinion. It's no secret that any person enjoys being paid attention to.

Briefly explain all stages of your work, tell us why such a procedure is necessary, and offer several alternative solutions. Be friendly and attentive to the client, then he will definitely return to you.

How to attract your first clients?

The standard way to attract is stock. This is where almost any service business starts. By making even the smallest discount, you can attract your first customers.

There can be an endless number of stock options. For example, you can offer a 15% discount on shoe repairs every Monday. This method can be used both at opening and in the future.

Advertising. It would be nice if you order advertising in local media. The most effective way attracting customers is to buy advertising on a local radio station. TV can be immediately excluded, since advertising there costs a lot of money. Just don't forget to do advertising text memorable and unique to your target audience, for example, the phrase “shoe repair” will not characterize your uniqueness. The phrase “express shoe repair” already touches hidden chords with the target audience. But, it will not provide you with a constant flow of clients. The task of your advertising is to attract customers, regardless of their place of residence, that is, to force them to come to you even from the other end. So think about what you are strong at and do it competitive advantage. For example, the ad text “fast and high-quality repairs expensive leather shoes. guarantee for all types of work - 2 years" - will reflect all your best sides, will attract customers from all over the city, of course, if you can really quickly and efficiently repair leather shoes.

Don’t forget about posting regular advertisements, because this method still works to this day. Unsticking advertisements in your area, you will definitely interest local residents who live near your workshop. But, remember about the individuality of the text and the reach of the target audience.

Start-up capital

All shoe repair shops are divided into three classes: economy class, middle class and VIP class. Naturally, these options differ in the size of the investment.

We will consider only the middle class, since the economy class can only provide the most simple types service, and the VIP class requires large starting capital.

The middle class of workshops allows you to perform a fairly wide range of services. The income of such a workshop can vary from 5 to 10 thousand rubles per day. The middle class is distinguished by the fact that in the workshop, in addition to simple tools, there will be a sewing machine and a processing machine. Sewing machine will cost from 5 thousand rubles, and a processing machine from 40 thousand rubles. The total cost of all equipment will be about 150-200 thousand.

The demand for the services of shoemakers has been and will always be high. According to experts, already in the first season of wear, every tenth pair of shoes needs repairing. Every thirtieth is made of expensive materials, and therefore requires special care. Considering that the demand for shoes, including luxury ones, is constantly growing, the shoe repair business will always find its client.

Who wears shoes for repair and when?

For a long time there was an opinion that the shoe repair shop mainly catered to the middle class and below. They say that it is easier for the rich to buy new shoes than to repair old ones. But in fact, wealthy people seek repairs no less often than others. When buying luxury shoes, it is easier to pay for expensive repairs than to shell out another $400 for a new pair.

But cheap shoes are rarely repaired. In this case, it is much more reasonable to buy a new pair for 300 rubles than to pay 250 rubles. for repairs. Therefore, the main client of the workshops is the middle class and above.

It is believed that this is an off-season business - people always wear shoes to be repaired. But in practice, the shoe repair shop receives the most orders in the off-season, when people switch from one type of shoe to another.

Shoe workshop formats

Before drawing up a business plan for a workshop, you need to decide on its format. There is the following division of workshop levels:

  • cheap;
  • middle level;
  • elite format.

The biggest competition is in the cheap segment. There are many craftsmen who use a minimum of tools and the cheapest materials to carry out repairs. Naturally, the quality of work offered is appropriate. In order to start such a business, it is enough to include the purchase of special machine for 19 thousand rubles. and repair shoes at a kiosk on the street. But you need to understand that no matter how much you want, expensive shoes will not be brought here.

Medium format is considered ideal solution, since here you can repair various shoes. Purchased for work various instruments, materials different quality under different types shoes They tend to open such workshops in permanent premises.

The elite workshop format has its advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is the cost of services. To repair shoes here, you need to focus on a price of a thousand rubles and more. That’s why such workshops are located in prestigious areas, for example, in shopping centers. A significant disadvantage of such a business is an extremely narrow target audience and a large spending plan for expensive materials, equipment, work of craftsmen and rent. All this can increase the payback period of a business. Therefore, next we will consider how to open a mid-level shoe repair.

Brief opening plan

Having decided on the field of activity, you can draw up a business plan for opening a workshop. With its help, it is necessary to solve such basic issues.

Enterprise registration

First of all, you need to officially register your business. To do this, you need to register your activity as individual entrepreneur or entity. It doesn’t matter in principle which format you choose. If you open a small workshop on your own, you can register an individual entrepreneur - this will make it faster and easier to then maintain all the necessary reporting documentation. If you have a partner or are starting a large-scale project, it makes sense to register an LLC. But then before registering you need to create authorized capital. To register in tax office you need to choose the type of taxation. Most often, UTII or a simplified system is recommended.

Also, when registering, you must indicate OKVED codes. In the case of a shoe workshop, these will be:

  • 52.71 Repair of shoes and other leather goods;
  • 52.74 Repair of household products and personal items not included in other groups.

Since this type of service is usually paid for in cash on the spot, it is advisable to purchase a cash register or use strict reporting forms. Cash machine- this, of course, additional expenses. In addition, it must be registered with the tax office, which means additional time costs. Therefore, workshops often work with forms.

You also need to register with a number of funds and obtain permits from Rospotrebnadzor, the fire inspectorate and the SES.

Search for premises

Logically, to open such a business, you need to look for a place where there is a large flow of people every day. It is advisable that your workshop is located on the route of movement of potential clients from and to work. Many people recommend looking for a place near the metro. But in fact, the choice of location largely depends on which target audience you are targeting more. The metro, for example, is rarely used by those who move around the city by car. And these are mostly very solvent clients. Therefore, it is better to open your workshop in a residential area, where you are guaranteed to reach several categories of the population. True, you need to carefully check the area for the presence of competitors and try to place your point as far as possible from them.

If possible, it is advisable to divide the room into two zones. The main one should be allocated for working areas, and small area allocated for receiving clients. Today they pay attention to the level of service, so we must clearly respond to this market requirement.


The next item that your business plan should include is the purchase of the necessary equipment and tools. For a full-fledged workshop, it is necessary to purchase at least 30 items of various equipment. Moreover, it is advisable to buy imported equipment, since it can be used to carry out work of much better quality. This equipment is not cheap. For example, a German-made combine costs an average of 20-30 thousand euros. But experts recommend first purchasing a minimum set for carrying out typical work, and then gradually expand the arsenal of equipment and services offered.

You can save money by purchasing used equipment. Thus, a set of European used machines will cost 60 thousand dollars, and Russian ones - 10 thousand dollars. If you take a new imported one directly from the factory, you need to include at least 80 thousand dollars in the expenditure plan for this item.


In addition to equipment and tools, you need to draw up a plan for purchasing consumables. At a minimum this includes:

  • heels;
  • overlays;
  • heels;
  • adhesives;
  • leather.

Their purchase price directly depends on the quality. High-quality heels will cost 200-250 rubles. per pair, prevention stickers – 400-500 rubles. At the same time, you need to be ready to accept a non-standard order and have the necessary parts for it - people sometimes bring extremely non-standard shoes.

You can buy consumables both abroad and from domestic producers. It all depends on the desired quality of the product. You can save on purchases if you place orders for supplies out of season, when purchase prices are significantly reduced. In addition, if the level of your business format allows, you can find domestic analogues and purchase them significantly cheaper.


Particular attention should be paid to organizing the foreman’s workplace in accordance with safety requirements. Each work place must be located on an area of ​​at least 7 square meters. m. Also in the room, or better yet above each workplace, you need to install a powerful hood. There should be no dust, smell of glue or paint in the room. Every master should have work clothes, glasses, mask for different types works You also need to ensure that the master does not start work tired - this is extremely dangerous.

Other nuances

Think about your workshop schedule in advance. It is advisable to open from 7 am so that people going to work can bring their shoes for repairs. Work should be completed by 8:00 p.m. so that customers can pick up their shoes on the way home. It also makes sense to work on Saturdays and at least half of Sundays. Most people resolve everyday issues at this time.

Partnerships with other representatives of the service industry will help increase the work plan. For example, you can open an order collection point at a dry cleaner, laundry or sewing workshop. It will be convenient for customers to deliver all items at once, intermediaries will receive a percentage of orders, and you will expand your customer base.

Investments in opening

The financial plan will vary greatly depending on the size of the premises and the number of employees. To open a workshop of 20-30 sq. m. with two masters and one receptionist will need about 100 thousand dollars of investment. The bulk of these funds will be spent on purchasing the necessary equipment, consumables and paying for the rental of premises.

It is unlikely that you will be able to borrow this money from a bank. Startups are always associated with high financial risk, so banks can only accept such lending if you show good results over the course of six months or a year. financial results. Therefore, it makes sense to consider franchising options at the start.

Cost plan for the first year of the workshop

The calculations do not include rent, since its size varies greatly within the city and region. In addition, the conditional indicator is wages. More often it is formed on the basis of a percentage of completed orders. As a rule, in subsequent years the expense item is reduced by approximately four times and consists of:

  • rent;
  • wages;
  • utility costs;
  • procurement of consumables.

The payback of the project depends on the number of orders. As a rule, at first you can receive about six clients per day, and by the second year of work - up to 30. Accordingly, if the services of your workshop are promoted, you can receive at least 35 thousand dollars per year. The profitability of the business varies between 6% and 18%, and the term The average payback period is about three years.

Development prospects

The most common types of work in workshops are:

  • installation of heels;
  • installation of soles;
  • replacing zippers;
  • replacement of heels.

But a modern workshop, equipped necessary equipment, capable of performing up to 20 various types works, accepting 20-30 orders per day. Of course, until the client base has been developed, such indicators will not be seen, but we must strive for them.

First of all, you can take on complex orders that “handicraft” workshops refuse. Having the necessary equipment, you can carry out exclusive orders. By the way, for exclusivity, as well as for urgency, you can set a certain markup.

You can increase the flow of clients by expanding the range of related services. For example, if space allows, you can allocate space for minor repairs to clothing, leather goods, or household appliances. Or open a point to accept orders for such repairs. It makes sense to organize the sale of cosmetics for shoes, especially exclusive ones.

Marketing and advertising

It is important not only to open a workshop and offer quality services, but also to constantly expand the customer base, increasing the number of regular customers. Today the media are not used for these purposes, since they have lost their relevance in this sense. A significant part of customers come from the street, so it is important to make a beautiful and catchy sign. It also makes sense to distribute flyers and business cards near the workshop. Many people recommend giving orders to customers in branded packages: both the customer is pleased and you get some advertising.

It is also worth paying attention to the Internet. Today he is able to bring significant amount clients. It would be justified for a workshop to open its own website through which it can accept orders. At the same time, charge an additional fee for the services of a courier who comes to pick up the order and then takes it back to the client. However, in order for the site to give the proper return, you need to invest in its promotion, and this is about another $250 per month. It makes sense to place ads on free boards on the Internet, create your own groups in in social networks, as well as use discounts and promotions through special resources. These steps will help create a base of regular customers, provided, of course, high-quality execution works

During economic crisis people are not able to buy new shoes often, so they resort to the services of repair shops. The services of shoemakers are now in demand, and the services of good craftsmen are especially in great demand. Therefore, starting a shoe repair business is promising direction, in demand, which will bring payback in about 2-3 years.

  • First steps when opening a shoe workshop
  • What documents will be needed?
  • Choosing a location for a shoe repair shop
  • What else should you pay attention to?
  • How much money do you need to start a shoe repair business?
  • Setting up a workshop space
  • Selecting equipment and consumables
  • We create and promote a website
  • Operating expenses of a shoe workshop
  • Marketing and advertising
  • How much can you earn from shoe repair?
  • Which OKVED code must be specified for a shoe repair shop?
  • Which taxation system to choose for a shoe repair shop?
  • Do I need permission to open?
  • Business technology

First steps when opening a shoe workshop

So, let's open the Horseshoeing workshop. To conquer the market, we will offer our clients: express repair, stretching, dry cleaning, restoration and painting of shoes. To improve customer service, we will propose zoning the premises: one for the workshop itself, the second for the reception and delivery of shoes. The next feature will be the issuance of shoes in branded bags and with a guarantee, for example, for 2 weeks. The employee issuing and receiving shoes will work in a company suit and gloves of the appropriate color. This will increase the reputation of the workshop and will attract additional visitors.

What documents will be needed?

First, register as an individual entrepreneur. Next, we register with the tax office, pension fund and other authorities. It is also necessary to obtain permission from the SES, fire inspection and Rospotrebnadzor.

Choosing a location for a shoe repair shop

We are looking for premises. Of course, it would be good to open a workshop in the city center, where business centers are located and there is a large flow of people. But in most cases, the “bread spots” are already taken. Don’t be upset, you can get a stable income in another microdistrict if you find the right premises. You need to look for a place in a residential area where the main flows of people heading to the metro or to the main transport stops pass. The workshop may have next view: a free-standing kiosk or room located in the basement or on the 1st floor of the building. Consider the option of renting space in the building. The area of ​​such a room must be at least 30 sq.m.

What else should you pay attention to?

The operating mode is also important for the development of your clients. The shoe workshop should work at a time convenient for the client, for example from 8.00, when the customer can bring shoes for repair before work, and until 20.00, so that he can pick them up. Also, the workshop should work on weekends, for example on Saturday and the first half of Sunday, when clients resolve their everyday issues.

How much money do you need to start a shoe repair business?

Setting up a workshop space

The next stage is the arrangement of the premises. We do cosmetic repairs, change the electrical wiring diagram, purchase hoods, ceiling lamps. All this will require approximately 75,000 rubles.

Selecting equipment and consumables

We buy equipment, we try to purchase European equipment, it is of higher quality than domestic equipment. On initial stage you will need: shelves where shoes will be stored, 2 fans, special equipment. clothes, machines, sewing machines, drills, hand tools. We will spend approximately 200,000 rubles on this.

We purchase the consumables necessary for the work: locks, heels, preventive maintenance, heels, polyurethane, glue, paint, leather, etc. We will spend approximately 15,000 rubles on this.

We create and promote a website

There is also another expendable part - the website: you will need money to develop your business cards and support it throughout the year, it will cost 14,000 rubles.

Total: just over 300,000 rubles.

Operating expenses of a shoe workshop

We include rent as current expenses, which will be 18,750 rubles and communal payments, security alarm and Internet will be 7,500 rubles. Total: 26,250 rubles.

Salary of employees: the owner of the business and the second shoemaker will work in the shoe workshop; their salary will be 7,500 rubles each, their motivation depends on the number of works performed by each master. In addition to the craftsmen, there will be a shoe receiver (preferably one of the relatives, to reduce costs), who will simultaneously monitor the site, prepare reports to the fiscal authorities and clean the workshop. His salary will be 12,500 rubles. Total 27,500 rubles.

We set aside another 12,500 rubles for detergents, stationery, others Consumables.

Total: 66,250 rubles.

Marketing and advertising

We will sell services via the Internet and offer clients various promotions and discounts. For successful business development, it is not casual visitors that are important, but regular customers.

During holidays and vacations (winter and summer), in order to ensure that the business does not stand idle, it is recommended to offer clients related services: repairing bags, replacing zippers and buttons on leather products, and others. If the client wishes to receive express repairs, he will receive it within the agreed time frame, but for urgency he will have to pay 2 times more. In the future, you can offer customers online orders; shoes are delivered and taken away by a courier; their service is paid additionally. You also need to order branded packages, business cards and flyers. And the most important thing is to make a good sign.

Total: 25,000 rubles at the start and 12,500 rubles monthly.

How much can you earn from shoe repair?

If 10 clients visit the workshop every day with an average bill of 375 rubles, then you can receive an income of 112,500 rubles per month. We subtract current (66,250 rubles) and marketing (12,500 rubles) expenses from this amount and get 33,750 rubles. If we take into account start-up and marketing costs (25,000 rubles), the project will begin to pay off in 18-25 months.

Like any business, there are also risks here: currency fluctuations and a decrease in orders in summer and winter. You can protect yourself from a decrease in orders, for example, by repairing bags and leather goods. But from currency exchange rate fluctuations - no. Shoemakers are directly dependent on currency, as they buy consumables mainly abroad. Therefore, you need to reduce risks to a minimum: buy consumables during the off-season or when the national currency is strengthened.

Opening a shoe repair shop is necessary if the businessman understands how to repair shoes in general. Currently the lineup is constantly changing, and breakdowns change accordingly. To repair shoes, you need to apply all your knowledge; in general, you need to be a professional in your field. A shoemaker's workshop in our time will not be a loser; shoes will wear out, which means good craftsmen will always have work.

Which OKVED code must be specified for a shoe repair shop?

Any subject entrepreneurial activity regardless of its organizational and legal form, when submitting the necessary documents for registration, indicates the OKVED code of the type of activity that it intends to carry out. To repair shoes, go to Chapter S and here select code 95.23, which corresponds not only to the repair of shoes, but also to other products made of leather.

Which taxation system to choose for a shoe repair shop?

To pay taxes when providing the above service, select single tax on sane income. As alternative option a businessman has the opportunity to use a patent tax system or a simplified one. The latter allows you to choose one of two options for paying taxes:

  1. pay 6% tax on income;
  2. pay 15% of net profit, i.e. from the difference between total income and costs incurred. In this case, for payment you will need to provide documents that confirm the costs associated with the provision of shoe repair services.

Do I need permission to open?

Opening a shoe workshop will require the businessman to obtain certain permits. In particular, you will need to contact them:

  • Rospotrebnadzor;
  • sanitary and epidemiological station;
  • fire inspection.

Business technology

When choosing a place the best option the shoe workshop will be located in crowded places. These could be large retail facilities, not far from parks and squares, large enterprises, etc.

Advertising company. There is no need to minimize costs here. The number of customers will depend on how well and extensively the advertising of the new shoe repair shop is carried out. To do this, it is necessary to place advertisements at public transport stops, on the doors of entrances and retail facilities, in public transport, etc.

In addition, do not forget about outdoor advertising: signage, advertising invoicing, etc. The Internet will provide enormous assistance in advertising. It will allow you to express yourself to a huge number of interested clients. You can place an ad on various city sites, and if you expand your activities, you can create your own website where you can place all the necessary information.


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