How to paint a plasterboard structure. Painting drywall: choice of paint and procedure

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Painting plasterboard walls is the final stage of one of the popular methods of finishing them. This procedure requires some preparation.

It is necessary to process the working surfaces, assemble the tools and only then proceed directly to painting. All work can be easily done with your own hands and is accessible to beginners in the painting business.

Correct selection coloring material, compliance technological nuances- the key to obtaining a beautiful, high-quality result.

Choosing paint for plasterboard walls

Most often, water-soluble paints are used to cover gypsum boards.

The initial issue before starting painting work is the problem of choosing paint compositions. The assortment presented on the market offers a wide range to the consumer.

For painting drywall, enamels, water-based paints, and oil paints are used. The choice is determined by the purpose of the room. Brief characteristics compositions are given in the table.

Paint typeVarietiesPurpose, characteristics
oil - suitable for painting any type of premises;
- they are not afraid of high humidity;
- give a glossy shine to the surfaces covered with them;
- big choice colors and shades;
- economical consumption during use;
- due to the presence of harmful components in the composition, they are recommended only for non-residential premises, their work is carried out in well-ventilated rooms;
- become darker when dry;
water-based- silicone;
- acrylic;
- silicate;
- latex;
- suitable for all rooms;
- in rooms with a high moisture content in the air, acrylic compounds are used;
- originally - white;
- color diversity is achieved by adding special dyes (colors);
- main disadvantage - high consumption using;
- drying out - brightens;
enamels scope and main indicators correspond to oil compositions

The most popular (common in use) are water-soluble paints. At affordable price they have excellent quality. For painting plasterboard walls with your own hands, this is the most acceptable option.

Acrylic compounds harmless

Among water-based compositions Acrylic dyes are the leaders in use (due to their harmlessness and properties).

In rooms with a high level fire danger Fire retardant paint materials are used.

Light colors make the room brighter (due to increased ability to reflect light), matte colors hide minor defects.

Necessary tool

Rollers are used together with a brush

Before you paint plasterboard walls, you should decide on the required tool kit. You can choose to use rollers, brushes, or a spray gun. The last option is the fastest way to achieve results with high quality.

Rollers are used in conjunction with brushes. The latter differ in size (diameter), serve for corners, hard to reach places. Recommended for practical application their width is up to 10 cm.

Using a roller is the average performance option of the three proposed. For water-based compositions, foam rollers are used.

Optimal material option working attachment- natural pile, because it is suitable for any paint. Rollers with a pile length of up to 4 mm are well suited for glossy dyes, from 4 to 8 mm - matte, from 8 mm - to add texture.

For most work performed, a roller with a pile length of 4-8 mm with a working area length of 20 cm is suitable. In many cases, an extension handle is additionally required (eliminates the use of a stepladder).

DIY painting

Putty the seams and screw heads

Preparing walls made of plasterboard sheets for painting is a preliminary stage. The final result largely depends on its correct implementation. The main part of it is putty work. All operations should be performed in the following sequence:

  • priming walls special composition(for example, acrylic) using a roller with a foam working part, if necessary - with a brush;
  • when dry, putty the seams between the sheets and small recesses;
  • Reinforcing tape is applied to the raw seams and placed on top of it. thin layer putties;
  • The entire surface to be finished is covered with a spatula with the starting putty mixture, and after it has dried, with the finishing mixture;
  • waiting for complete drying;
  • sandpaper(or with a special grater) grinding of all working areas is carried out; the smoothness and evenness of the surface will depend on its thoroughness;
  • grinding in progress in small areas; its quality is checked by directing the light of a flashlight (light bulb) from different sides to the wall (all flaws are visible);
  • The final priming of the walls is performed twice;
  • final preparation check - painting small plot: if the result is satisfactory, everything is painted further; if not, the surface is processed further.

Then they move directly to painting operations. The paint is applied several times: the next one is applied to the dried previous layer.

This is necessary to even out the color and texture.

It is advisable to use a tray for the coloring material when using a roller and brush.

The order of actions is as follows:

Dyes on water based, oil and enamel paints are recommended to be applied in three layers. Then you will get a wall uniformly painted in the chosen color.

Ceiling structures, walls and partitions made of plasterboard can be painted - and this is exactly what will happen finishing. This process is not at all complicated, and in comparison with installing drywall, it is completely trivial. But it still requires some knowledge and skills.

It is customary to distinguish three types of paint that can ideally decorate drywall.

These include:

  • water-dispersed paint;
  • enamel alkyd paint;
  • water-based paint.

All types of paints do an excellent job, but the main selection criterion is the final desired result. If you are painting drywall in small room, it makes sense to make a glossy surface - paint the gypsum board using alkyd enamel.

If your goal is to create a matte surface, use water-based and water-dispersion paints.

As for the color, the color can be any, but remember - bright hues mask defects, dark colors- emphasize. If the plasterboard surface is perfectly flat, you can experiment with color; if there are any unevenness, it is better to turn to light colors.

Is it possible to paint drywall with enamel?

Not only is it possible, but it is necessary! Painting with this particular type of paint is considered one of the most preferred. The fact is that the enamel covers drywall very well and dries quite quickly. But enamel also has obvious “disadvantages”.

The paint is quite toxic, so it cannot be used in all rooms and not by everyone. Another reason for refusing this particular paint is that it is too high price. To be honest, the price of enamel is simply unreasonably high.

But still, for many, enamel is the best option. Painting drywall with this paint gives an excellent aesthetic result: it is a very durable paint that is not afraid of dampness.

Painting drywall with water-based paint

The water-based composition of the paint applies so easily to the surface and washes off the brush so well that even a debutante can use it in painting.

Main properties of water emulsion:

  • This paint creates a pleasant surface with a velvety texture;
  • Another undeniable “plus” of water-based emulsion is that it penetrates well into drywall and thoroughly covers it;
  • The paint forms a matte film with “breathing” pores that are invisible to the eye;
  • Water-based paint is environmentally friendly, preferable for finishing residential premises;
  • The color spectrum of paint is huge - colors can be combined;
  • In idle time white paint try adding any other color, you will get an original, uniform tone.

There are, of course, disadvantages to this paint. Firstly, she is afraid of dampness, and secondly, in order to paint drywall with water-based emulsion, a large amount of paint will be required. But its cost is low, so the second reason is not too significant.

Water-repellent paint for drywall

Water-repellent or water-dispersed paints for drywall have many admirers, thanks to the undoubted advantages of such paints.

Advantages of water-dispersion paint:

  • Dries very quickly;
  • Does not have an unpleasant odor;
  • The paint will not turn yellow over time even in the kitchen;
  • A surface painted with water-repellent paint can be washed up to two thousand times and only then begins to fade;
  • Painting with water-dispersion paint promises a long and durable surface color;
  • The paint is applied in three layers, the choice of colors is huge.

Painting with such paint today is also different in that many components are added by the creators to the paint. These are acrylic, silicate, and silicone additives that affect the effectiveness of paint for drywall surfaces.

Some nuances of coloring

It seemed that nothing was simpler than painting the surface. But to paint well – you also need to try.

Tips for painting drywall:

  • It is preferable to paint in three layers– the first and third vertically, the second – horizontally;
  • First of all corner areas are painted;
  • When dipping the roller the paint should be spread over the entire surface of the instrument;
  • When the dyeing process has started, do not take breaks - it is fraught with defects;
  • Coloring is done one side of the roller;
  • When dry certain areas of the surface, do not re-paint them - stains will appear.

By the way, you can’t change the roller during the painting process either.

Drywall is one of the most rewarding materials; it can be easily manipulated, including being painted well. When choosing paint, focus on the brand’s reputation and paint strictly according to technology. And then the surface will be ideal, beautiful and pleasing to the eye.

Fruitful work!

The process of painting drywall (video)

When carrying out renovations in your apartment significant amount owners prefer plasterboard structures. This technology makes it possible to obtain perfectly flat planes and create multi-level original compositions, place open lamps and hidden lighting points, giving the ceiling a truly unique design look.

However, all this will only be achieved if very careful preparatory and Painting works.Even minor defects and errors always become noticeable on the ceiling plane, including traces of high-quality painting. Materials must meet the highest standards high requirements, and the question is what paint paint plasterboard ceiling becomes one of the most important.

The variety of such materials in stores is very large, but you should not immediately buy the first paint you come across, focusing only on its price out of a desire to save money. You should go through a short educational program on the main characteristics and selection parameters.

Basic decorative and performance qualities of paints

An inexperienced buyer, going to the store to buy paint, often keeps in mind only its preferred color, forgetting or not knowing that this material is characterized by a number of other, no less important qualities.

  • You can still put decorative qualities in first place, since, in principle, this is the main function of paint in an apartment - giving ceiling with an aesthetic appearance.

It is clear that the classic, most common for the ceiling is White color, although even here the most possible different variants. The variety of shades produced by manufacturers is quite large, but most craftsmen still prefer to use the base color when producing the desired coloring as necessary using special color additives.

  • Depending on its component composition, the paint may have different degrees of glossiness of the surface it coats. So, there is a division into high-gloss, highly shiny paints, glossy, semi-matte and matte.

Gloss paint may seem more beneficial from the point of view of surface care - it is much easier to remove settled dust or random stains from it. She is more resilient for abrasion, for use detergents, that is, it is easier to wet clean. However, with all this, the glossy coating will certainly reveal all the flaws of both puttying and painting work - the play of reflected light will make even seemingly completely insignificant flaws noticeable.

Matt paint like no other it is suitable specifically for the ceiling surface. Such a coating will visually expand the room, well hide defects, and even small differences in level. But from the operational side, its performance is worse - dirty areas will be much more difficult to clean. However, in most cases for ceiling works Still, they choose the matte variety of paints.

— Semi-matte occupies a middle position, evenly combining the advantages and disadvantages of both paints.

  • The paint can be ordinary, “smooth”, or have textured inclusions that give the painted surface special decorative micro-relief properties. Usually, textured paint It is used quite rarely for ceilings; it is more suitable for walls.

  • Regardless of the degree of gloss, the paint may be washable, that is, resistant to repeated wet cleaning, or it may not meet such requirements. Of course, washable materials are much more expensive, and it is more profitable to use them in rooms where the ceiling area is small, but the concentration of possible fumes is maximum, for example, a kitchen or bathroom. Regular paints are not so expensive, and sometimes it is more economical to use them, occasionally carrying out a “refreshing” renovation.

  • An important parameter is the hiding power of the paint - its ability to impart the chosen shade to the surface even on a contrasting base. Covering power is determined by the number of layers applied, which will be sufficient for an absolutely even background.

For high-quality paints, a two-layer application may be sufficient, although in advertisements You can also find mention of one layer (masters treat this with skepticism). If you have no experience using unknown paint, it is better to purchase a small amount first and conduct an experiment on a small fragment of the ceiling surface or just a remaining piece of drywall - this way you can determine the required amount.

  • When performing painting work important factor becomes the consistency of the paint, its viscosity and adhesion to the surface being finished. Too much liquid paint will make it extremely difficult to work on the ceiling and will lead to a large number losses will not result in uniform application. On the other hand, it is difficult to work with an excessively viscous material, and the quality of painting will also be low. However, it is easy to bring thick paint to the required state with a solvent (often with ordinary water), but if the paint is purchased too thin, the situation is worse.
  • There is also the concept of thixotropy - usually this characteristic is indicated on paint cans that have this property. It consists of a change in density (liquefaction) with mechanical stirring and a rapid increase in viscosity at rest. Such paints give very little drip when applied, but their cost is quite high.

  • An essential criterion when choosing a material is its drying speed. This will determine the productivity of painting work - the shorter the period, the faster you can apply the next layer or move on to subsequent stages general finishing ceiling. Typically, the passport documentation for paint indicates its average drying time at normal conditions temperature and humidity in the room.
  • For plasterboard ceilings In the premises of an apartment, the ability of paint to “breathe”, that is, to carry out free vapor exchange, becomes extremely important. Otherwise, condensation will accumulate on the surface of the ceiling, which will lead to both untidy appearance and serious domestic inconveniences.
  • And finally, the coloring component itself, the solvent, and additional ingredients of the material must be absolutely safe for the health of people and animals and not pose any environmental threat. At the same time, the paint must prevent the emergence and spread of colonies of microorganisms (bacteria, mold, fungus). The painted ceiling must have pronounced fire-fighting properties.

Prices for paint for ceilings and walls

Ceiling and wall paint

What paint is best to use for a plasterboard ceiling?

Now it's worth considering existing paints from the standpoint of their chemical and component composition. There are quite a few varieties of them, and you need to know which ones to ignore when you arrive at the store, and which ones are quite suitable for use on plasterboard ceilings.

Oil paints

This type is perhaps the oldest of all the others. The solvent for such paints is mineral or vegetable oil(drying oil), which dries during the oxidation process from exposure to atmospheric oxygen, leaving a film coating.

Such materials have few advantages - they are cheap and have good covering ability. They take a very long time to dry, vapor permeability is very weak, under the influence of ultraviolet radiation the applied layer quickly deteriorates, and after a couple of years it usually begins to peel off, losing its attractive appearance.

At the same time, “renewing” the surface after oil paint is not easy - complete cleaning of the surface is required, since no other paint will lie on top of oil paint. The conclusion is categorical - this paint should not be used for plasterboard ceilings.

Alkyd paints

Largely in their own way performance qualities they are similar to oil ones. The main difference is the type of solvent used. Typically these are volatile organic compounds - turpentine, white spirit, gasoline and etc.. the composition also includes alkyd resins, coloring pigments and special additives that increase the plasticity of the material and speed up the drying process.

The painted surface receives a resistant film that can successfully withstand many external influences– changes in temperature, humidity, ultraviolet radiation. However, over time, fading and yellowing inevitably occur. Paint is to a certain extent vapor permeable, but still this indicator is far from ideal in residential conditions. In addition, the paint is unsafe in terms of flammability.

Alkyd paint- also not the best option for a plasterboard ceiling

Alkyd paints can be glossy (enamel) or matte, they lend themselves well to wet cleaning, are resistant to abrasion, and after complete hardening they become harmless to environment and man. However, they can be used on a plasterboard ceiling solely for reasons of cheapness and good coverage. Rather, they are well suited for painting wooden or metal parts and structures, both inside and outside the house, but for the ceiling it is better to purchase a more acceptable option.

Silicate paints

They belong to the category of mineral dyes created on the basis of silicate - “ liquid glass", sodium or potassium. This paint creates an extremely durable layer on the surface, which at the same time is distinguished by the most high vapor permeability compared to all other paintwork materials.

Silicate paints contain alkaline components, which makes them unsafe when carrying out painting work - it is imperative to use means to protect the skin and mucous membranes. After hardening, the composition becomes harmless.

Peculiarities chemical composition predetermines the use of exclusively alkaline pigments to impart shade, and this significantly limits the range of color options. However, since white is most often the optimal color for a plasterboard ceiling, this drawback is not significant.

Silicate paints are especially good for rooms with high humidity, and from-behind pronounced vapor permeability, and due to the antiseptic effect, no microflora colonies will ever appear on such a surface, even without the use of any special primers.

The disadvantages of this paint are also considerable. Firstly, weak elasticity - it is not able to cover small surface defects - even very thin cracks will stand out. Such paint will never fit well on a ceiling that was previously finished with organic-based synthetic compounds. It will also be impossible to use it when there are any polymer parts on the surface to be painted - it simply does not crystallize on them. And one more important warning - if the ceiling has ever been painted with silicate paint, attempts to repaint it with another material will be unsuccessful.

Water-soluble or emulsion paints

From everyone paint and varnish materials For interior painting work, water-soluble paints are the most acceptable option. As the name itself suggests, the solvent for them is ordinary water, in which all other components are in an emulsion or dispersed state:

  • Film-forming basis - connecting components various types, which, after water evaporates, create a tight-fitting layer on the surface with high adhesion that holds all other ingredients.
  • Pigments are special dyes that give the material the desired shade.
  • Fillers – significantly improve the physical and protective qualities of the paint layer. IN various types paints can use talc, marble or quartz dust, and other mineral or organic components.
  • Special additives – serve to optimize adhesion processes, uniform spreading of paint over the surface, evaporation of water and polymerization of binders.

Water-soluble paints are divided into several types:

1. On a polyvinyl acetate (PVA) basis. In common parlance they are most often called simply " water emulsion". They are among the most inexpensive of the water-soluble ones, which makes them very popular.

Water-based polyvinyl acetate based emulsion - low resistance to moisture and abrasion

The paint is practically odorless, has good adhesion, and is easily washed off from hands and tools. As a rule, it is presented for sale only in white, but it is very easy to pigmentation to the desired shade.

Water-based paint is absolutely harmless, non-toxic and does not emit any fumes even when thermal effects, therefore it is excellent for covering plasterboard ceilings in residential premises. Almost all other paintwork materials can easily be applied to it, that is, repainting the surface over time will not cause problems.

Main disadvantage water-based emulsions– poor resistance to abrasion and water, even after complete polymerization. Wet cleaning It is better not to expose such a ceiling - visible stains may form on it. For this reason, it is better to use it for ceilings only in rooms with normal level humidity.

2. Styrene-butadiene paints are somewhat similar to PVA, but differ favorably from them in their resistance to abrasive loads and good water resistance - it becomes possible to more thoroughly care for the ceiling surface. However, all these advantages are negated by the main disadvantage - such paint is extremely vulnerable to light - under the influence ultraviolet rays it quickly loses its original color.

Styrene butadiene paint - main drawback low UV resistance

Styrene-butadiene paint can be used for plasterboard ceilings, but only in those rooms where there is no direct light exposure - hallways, storage rooms, utility rooms, etc.

3. Latex water-dispersed paints contain as binder synthetic rubber resins (latex). They create a high-strength film on the surface that is very resistant to both water and mechanical stress. At the same time, the film is completely vapor-permeable, and condensation should not form on its surface, unless, of course, you “overdo it” with the number of layers applied. Light resistance is not bad, although it is inferior to acrylic paints and varnishes.

The covering power of latex paint is very decent, and even one applied layer can close cracks up to a millimeter wide, and two “applications” will be quite enough to create a smooth surface with some silky effect. For plasterboard ceiling - perfect solution, however, not the cheapest.

When working with latex paints should take measures for skin protection - after polymerization of the composition, it is very difficult to wipe off from hands.

4. Acrylic paints stand out from everyone else water-dispersed variety of shades - acrylate resins are not afraid of pigmentation. However, as already mentioned, a white shade is considered optimal for the ceiling - and in the acrylic version it is truly snow-white.

In terms of physical properties, they are practically not inferior to latex ones; they are not afraid of ultraviolet radiation at all. The canvas under a layer of such paint can be regularly wiped with a damp cloth without any damage to the surface. Their ability to tighten irregularities is somewhat worse - acrylic paint capable of completely closing the hair gap up to 0.5 mm. However, applying a second layer should completely smooth out such a defect.

Paint of this type is considered universal - it is suitable for all types of finishing interior works. It will also perform well on a plasterboard ceiling.

The most profitable solution both in price and quality - acrylic paint

The price for them is currently considered moderate, therefore, from the point of view of the “price - quality” criterion acrylic painting A plasterboard ceiling would probably be the best option.

5. And finally, silicone paints, which are considered the most modern, combining the advantages of all other varieties. They have a pronounced water-repellent effect, are practically not subject to contamination - settled dust does not adhere well to them. Caring for ceilings coated with silicone paint will not be difficult - they are extremely resistant to abrasion.

The hiding power of this paint is beyond praise; it can heal cracks even up to 2 mm wide. Despite the apparent density of the film being created, it has good vapor permeability, and the ceiling will remain “breathable”. The paint is completely harmless in both liquid and polymerized form. its application does not require any increased safety measures. In terms of durability of the coating while maintaining its original appearance, it is also the undisputed leader.

The most modern - silicone paint. Virtually no drawbacks, except for the very high price

The only serious drawback can be considered only high cost similar materials, so they are rarely used for painting large ceiling surfaces.

When choosing paint for a plasterboard ceiling, in addition to the type of paintwork and the listed qualities, you should also pay attention to the reputation of the manufacturer, giving preference to well-known brands that accompany their products with a proprietary quality guarantee. Unreasonable savings in this matter can be disastrous.

So, without any doubt, you can purchase paint from the Finnish company Tikkurila, German Caparol, JOBI or Dufa, Russian Eurolux or Admiral, British Dulux and Johnstone's, Polish Sniezka and a number of others. It is clear that the purchase should be made only in a specialized store, so that counterfeiting is excluded.

Video: advantages of acrylic water-based paint “Dulux”

And one more important note - do not forget to look at the expiration date of the product. Paint, of course, is not a food product, but exceeding its shelf life also affects its quality and suitability for use.

WITH Today you can increasingly see plasterboard structures. They are used to make both partitions and ceilings, as well as level the walls and often simply paint the drywall with your own hands with paint suitable for the chosen interior. This method of finishing is quite simple, convenient and widespread, by the way, in America, where many walls (partitions) are made of gypsum plasterboard. Painting drywall without putty yourself is inexpensive, reliable and practical.

In this article, we will look at how to paint drywall without puttying the entire coating, the nuances of preparing the base and how it should be mounted so that high-quality painting can be done. You can also → order installation of plasterboard (follow the link - in Moscow, prices are also for Moscow), if you are going to make partitions, ceilings, or carry out → (the link tells you how to level walls with plasterboard without a frame), if you have not already done so. And painting drywall is much easier and cheaper than any other surface, and then you will understand why, but the main difficulty lies precisely in the correct installation and preparation for painting drywall, say, with the same water-based paint, and the difficulty is not small.



High-quality installation of drywall is the key to high-quality painting

Requirements for installation of gypsum boards for high-quality painting

For high-quality painting, drywall must first be installed correctly and efficiently. It is desirable that the requirements of SNiP be observed, and if we deviate from them, then not by much and understanding where. In general, partitions and ceilings should be strong, and plasterboard sheets on the wall to be leveled must be firmly fixed to it. Why such requirements? So that the paint doesn't crack.

The disadvantage of plasterboard structures is that it noticeably transmits vibrations and if installed incorrectly, the plastered areas at the joints of gypsum board sheets may crack, which will ruin the entire finish. If you carry out the installation yourself, take into account all the nuances of installing gypsum boards, and there are many of them, or order installation from professionals.

Not only must the gypsum board be installed correctly, but also proper painting work must be carried out on it, including sealing the joints of the gypsum board sheets and putting them on.

Proper sealing of joints of gypsum board sheets is the key to high-quality painting

Joints of gypsum board sheets are a problem that many people encounter when painting. Nothing seems to be a sign of trouble, but literally after half a year, or even less, cracks will form on the already painted wall. These cracks form at the joints of sheets.

Let's find out why this happens and how to avoid it. The fact is that many craftsmen seal the joints of gypsum board sheets with a “serpyanka” mesh, which does not sufficiently reinforce the seam and the seams crack. To seal gypsum board seams, it is better to use paper tape, or even better, combine both serpyanka and tape, and also putty the entire drywall in two layers! But this is already a bit expensive, so we are considering an option without putty.

To seal gypsum board joints for painting, instead of “serpyanka”, it is better to use a special paper tape for gypsum board joints.

You can also stick sickle tape onto the joints under the wallpaper; you still can’t see under the wallpaper that cracks have appeared, and this won’t cause the wallpaper to tear, but you need to use tape when painting drywall.

Drywall has become such a popular material that it is used everywhere in construction and renovation. Therefore, questions of decor and surface design arise even at the stage of room design, and the most common question is whether it is possible to paint drywall and what paint to choose? After all, paint is considered a durable and moisture-resistant coating.

If you decide to paint drywall yourself, get ready for several stages of work: preparation work surface, choice of dye, coloring. Each process should be taken as seriously as possible so that the work performed brings the planned result.

Small parts and corners can be painted with a brush, the rest of the surface with a roller or spray gun

Which paint is better: pros and cons

Paint for drywall is selected depending on the purpose and conditions of further use of the surface to be painted. The aesthetic side also plays an important role, because the design of walls and ceilings is a significant part of the design. So, firstly, paint can be selected according to its texture:

  1. Glossy can visually expand the space. She is easy to care for. But painting must be done very carefully, since gloss can highlight even the most minor surface imperfections.
  2. Matte is most suitable for ceilings. It perfectly hides unevenness and defects, but caring for it is more problematic.
  3. Semi-matte combines all the pros and cons of the two previous types of paint.

Dyes for plasterboard walls or ceilings differ in composition and type of base. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Taking into account all the factors, you can easily decide which paint to paint the drywall surface in each specific case.


The best solution for drywall surfaces is water-based paint. Feature - it is produced mainly in white, but there are many special colors to give the desired shade.

Water emulsion has many advantages:

  • can be used on any surface;
  • environmentally friendly, since the basis is water;
  • allows you to create a matte and glossy surface;
  • has a relatively low cost;
  • with its help you can achieve different textures;
  • no need to use for dilution special solvents– just add water;
  • it is easy to apply and then wash off;
  • You can get a wide range of shades.

There are not so many disadvantages of water-based emulsion:

  • consumption is slightly higher than when using other types;
  • cannot be used in rooms with high humidity.

Attention! This paint, after painting and completely drying, has a much lighter shade than the original one. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct a test: apply a little paint to the drywall, wait 2-3 hours and you will see what tone you actually get. Add color if necessary.

Oil and enamel

Enamel and Oil paint identical to each other. They create glossy surfaces. When they paint a plasterboard ceiling or walls, a specific film is created that protects against high humidity.


  • economical consumption;
  • moisture resistance;
  • resistance to mechanical stress and aggressive environments;
  • lowest cost;
  • wide range of shades.


  • the composition contains chemical components, which is why this paint can only be used in rooms with frequent ventilation;
  • fragility (after 2-3 years it can peel off).


The acrylic substance is of the water-dispersion type. Feature – maximum snow-white shade. Contains acrylic resins, thanks to which the surface is not afraid of pigmentation. Painting plasterboard walls with acrylic is considered the same as with water-based emulsion, the optimal solution.

  • not afraid of moisture;
  • used for all types of premises;
  • durability and ease of care (can be washed with water);
  • the ability to make the surface glossy or matte;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • UV resistance;
  • tightening all irregularities and cracks.
  • the price is higher than that of water-based emulsion;
  • inability to create a textured pattern.


Alkyd paint is not very suitable for plasterboard ceilings and walls. It adheres better to wood and metal. It is permissible to use it only if you want to save money as much as possible.


  • education protective film against humidity;
  • dries quickly;
  • UV and steam resistant;
  • the surface can be either glossy or matte;
  • low cost.


  • susceptible to fading;
  • unsafe for health during application, as it releases volatile compounds;
  • combustible.


Silicate dyes have a white tint and are classified as mineral dyes. The base is a silicate substance, also called liquid glass.


  • strength of the surface formed;
  • vapor tightness;
  • durability.
  • harmful during dyeing;
  • inability to hide defects and joints;
  • limitation of the range of shades, since alkaline pigments are used.

Important! If you used silicate, then in the future it will be impossible to repaint the surface with other types of paint!

How to paint

Before you paint drywall, you need to prepare the surface and certain tools and materials.

Surface preparation

  1. Applying sickle tape to the seams and then filling with putty through the mesh cells using a spatula. A gypsum finishing or universal putty is used. Thanks to this reinforcement, cracks do not form at the joints.
  2. Puttying screw heads using the “crosswise” method. It is important to remove excess mixture. Another layer is applied longitudinally.
  3. Puttying the entire surface to achieve a perfectly even shape. You can apply one thick layer or 2 thin ones. For beginners, it is better to use the second option.
  4. When the putty dries, it needs to be sanded over the entire area. To do this, use a grinder or hand grater equipped with a sanding mesh. Please note that when performing this work, the light must fall on the surface obliquely. This will make defects more visible. The sanding mesh should be No. 80 for the initial sanding and No. 120 for the final sanding.
  5. Sweep the sanded surface or remove dust with a vacuum cleaner.
  6. Apply primer.

The surface can be sanded using a hand float or a special machine.

Attention! Wash the tools and containers thoroughly before each new batch of the mixture. The fact is that the dried solution crumbles and creates lumps that will subsequently remain on the drywall.

Painting tools

  1. The brush is designed for painting corners and hard-to-reach places.
  2. The surface of the drywall is covered with a roller. The size and pile of the roller should be medium.
  3. The spray gun can be used instead of a roller.
  4. The ditch is used to fill the paint and roll out the roller. It has a tray for the mixture and a rolling platform.

Painting technology

  1. Cover windows, openings, etc., so as not to get paint on them.
  2. Dilute the paint in the cuvette. Please note that if the room temperature is too high, you can add a little water (to the water-based emulsion), as the paint will dry out quickly.
  3. Dip the roller into the dye for a few minutes to completely saturate the pile.
  4. Transfer the roller with paint to the wave-shaped platform of the cuvette and distribute the coloring liquid evenly over the roller.
  5. Always start painting from the corners. In this case, a brush is used.
  6. And only after this the paint is applied to the entire surface using a roller or spray gun.

How to paint plasterboard ceilings and walls correctly:

  1. Using water-based paint 2 or 3 layers are applied. In the first case, they are initially applied horizontal lines, and then vertical. In the second, layers 1 and 3 are applied vertically, and the second – horizontally.
  2. If oily substances are used, you need to do 3 layers. First, zigzag lines with a paint roller, after which you need to make a thicker layer. Then the mixture is distributed evenly over the surface with a semi-dry tool.
  3. The paint is applied overlapping (the width of the overlap varies from 50 mm to 100).
  4. It is impossible for the joints of the strokes to coincide.
  5. For uniform distribution, you need to roll along one line 3-4 times.
  6. Once the solution has been rolled out onto the drywall, use a semi-dry roller to go over the painted area. This will distribute the mixture as evenly as possible.
  7. If the paint has already set in some area, do not apply a new coat over it. Each subsequent layer should be applied only after the previous one has dried completely.
  8. If you suddenly find an area with a large amount of mixture that has already set, do not try to distribute it. Wait until it dries completely, then carefully scrape off with sandpaper and apply a new layer.
  9. When painting a two-level plasterboard ceiling, the protruding surfaces of the levels are painted with a brush. But the best option will be the subsequent application of paint using a spray gun.

Look step by step video how to seal joints and fasteners:

Master class on surface filling:


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