What is not fashionable in the interior. Design trends: what's in and what's out of interior fashion

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© Design studio "25th floor"RIA Real Estate

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Fashion is an extremely relative concept, refracted in the focus of each person’s personal perception. What is fashionable for one is bad taste for another. But there are things that are definitely outdated and need to be replaced. The RIA Real Estate website found out which “fashionable” trends in apartment design it’s time to forget about and what to choose as an alternative.

Plasterboard and glossy stretch ceilings

"Complicated curly multi-level ceilings made of plasterboard in combination with glossy stretch ceilings - no, no, no! This is a really sore subject, often when discussing wishes, customers tell me for some reason exactly about them - we saw them among acquaintances, friends, or in pictures and we want it exactly that way, thereby immediately limiting possible options design,” complains Olga Chainikova, head of the “25th Floor” design studio. These are like rhinestones on a beautiful, laconic coat - a detail that can ruin the entire design. On top of everything else, in our standard panel houses the already low ceiling height, which needs to be visually increased, but not lowered, emphasizes the agency’s interlocutor. “Fortunately, in most cases I manage to discourage bad taste from customers and not ruin the apartment,” she rejoices.

Ceilings must be level, unless otherwise required by the tactical and technical characteristics of the object. They can be decorated beautifully ceiling cornices, moldings and rosettes, which will always look relevant, simple and stylish, the designer points out.

© Design studio "25th floor"

© Designer Natalya Naumova

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All furniture from one collection

Against glossy stretch ceiling Designer and head of the design bureau Natalya Naumova also comes out with a scattering of spotlights. She points out that spotlights should be made concisely, only where they are really needed.

The designer also recommends not to be afraid of “mismatched furniture.” "All the furniture in the apartment is from one collection - bad taste. It’s like wearing shoes and a handbag from the same collection and from the same designer,” says Naumova. Although, of course, you don’t just need to buy everything. The items should be united either by a style, say, Scandinavian, or by a color scheme like in the photo.

© Designer Natalya Naumova

© Designer Natalya Naumova

3 out of 12

Copies of paintings by famous artists

Naumova also protests against copies or reproductions of paintings by famous artists in the interior. “It’s better to buy a painting by a little-known master, but a real original one, or use a photograph,” she believes. By the way, abstract paintings will be an excellent decorative accent in the interior.

© Designer Natalya Naumova

© Designer Natalya NaumovaEverything is so "beige"

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Everything is so "beige"

Stop making the whole apartment “beige”, and also scrupulously select all the metal in the house (handles, faucets, chandeliers) in the same color, Naumova insists. Nowadays it is fashionable to combine different metals, she points out. Well, the designer advises lovers of calm shades to take a closer look at other calm color variations, and also not to be afraid of bright accents.

© Designer Natalya Naumova

© Designer Natalya Naumova

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Artificial materials in finishing

Use artificial materials in decoration or textile decor - bad taste. “This always makes the interior lifeless, glossy and vulgar,” explains Naumova.
It's better to spend money on a natural stone or tree. Let it be small area walls, but completely natural.

© Designer Natalya Naumova

© Designer Nadezhda Lashku

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Figured plasterboard walls

“Curly walls made of plasterboard or arches are more of a bad manners than a design highlight,” interior designer Nadezhda Lašku is convinced.

Drywall is not the only material with which you can model space. Wood, glass, even brick are much more interesting and stylish solutions.

© Designer Nadezhda Lashku

© Designer Nadezhda Lashku

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Metal docking thresholds

But the metal thresholds at the joints flooring materials, according to the agency’s interlocutor, this is generally an attempt to hide poor-quality cutting and joining of the material or poor-quality screed work.

"A modern alternative and solution to such joints is a cork expansion joint. It looks neat, stylish and emphasizes high quality works," says Lascu.

© Designer Nadezhda Lashku

Lonely chandelier

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Lonely chandelier

A lone overhead light source may not provide enough light - it is typically a fairly dim and unsuitable scenario for the room. If possible, lighting should be correctly distributed throughout the entire volume, says the head of the design studio." Cozy apartment"Natalia Preobrazhenskaya.

"Be sure to use all levels of lighting: additional light sources, sconces, floor, table lamps and even just candles, correctly distributed in volume, will invariably decorate your life,” she says.

© Design Studio "Cozy Apartment"

9 out of 12

Lambrequins and heavy fabrics on windows

“It’s time to get rid of massive heavy curtains in dirty brown tones, as well as any other excessively intrusive designs on the windows. No fashion, trend or style can justify multi-layered heavy disgrace!” - Preobrazhenskaya insists. Nowadays, you can choose organic textiles to suit any style in such a way as to decorate the space, make it lively and cozy. Textiles on windows should be “the simpler, the better.”

© Design Studio "Cozy Apartment"

© Design Studio "Cozy Apartment"Decorative plaster

Decorative plaster is extremely rare, and even then in a very well-developed and appropriate style, in the hands of a master of the highest class, it can sometimes (the phrase “sometimes can” is the key) look organic, says the head of the Cozy Apartment studio. But this is extremely rare. It's better to replace it good wallpaper with the right texture, she recommends.

If you have decided to renovate your home, or have decided to freshen things up a little - this information may be useful to you, because we will talk about fashion trends in the field of design and interior design in 2019.

Texture and texture

This season, various panels, textured fabrics, as well as elements with a fairly large textured pattern will be fashionable. Alternatively, a carpet, bedspreads and pillows will be an excellent highlight in the interior. A 3D panel option is also often used in the interior.

Copper and marble

Despite the fact that these materials have been trending for a long time, they will remain popular and in demand in 2019.
The ideal place for such materials is the bathroom and kitchen.

A universal option for beautiful design there will be white marble. But the elegant copper inserts will not leave you and your guests unnoticed. It looks very rich and majestic.

Color scheme in the interior

It has long been no secret that the atmosphere of a particular room will greatly depend on the color palette you choose.
From fashionable colors decisions in 2019, the following options will prevail:

Green color

This color is often used in interior design, because it has a beneficial effect on the mental state, the property of calming and extinguishing any negative emotions. This shade also promotes concentration and making important, thoughtful decisions.

The variety of shades of this color is very large. It may be from a gentle olive tone to deep emerald.
In addition to the background shade, you can additionally use green accessories. These can be curtains, pillows, tablecloths, bedspreads and any other textiles that will give your room an atmosphere of comfort and coziness.

Tropical prints

It is predicted that in 2019 everything related to tropical prints will be stylish and fashionable, including clothes, bags and home interior decoration.

You shouldn’t completely cover all the walls with tropical motifs. It will be enough for you to beat one of the walls on which attention is focused. Various themed accessories in the form of figurines and other similar decorative elements will help complement this print.

Using Neutral Colors

If bright shades or flashy prints are not your thing, you can always turn to classic options neutral tones that never go out of style.

In 2019, you have the opportunity to choose a color from beige, caramel, gray or white.

50 shades of grey

This color has been popular for several years, and accordingly, it is still one of the top ones, which is often used in interior design.
In fact, if you get down to it, grey colour has a lot of different shades, ranging from light tones to a dark graphite palette.

An interesting fact is that light tones of gray will help you make a space appear larger, so it is an ideal shade for rooms that have a small square footage.
It is important to know the fact that gray color can be combined with other shades without problems, so there are no problems with combinations different options will not arise.

Geometry in the interior

If solid colors do not suit you, you can always find some other alternatives, for example, use geometric figures in wallpaper or other interior details. It looks quite interesting and fascinating, especially if you approach the task correctly.

The role of light in the interior

Do not forget that no matter what color, pattern or texture you choose, you always need to think about the moment of proper lighting of the room.

In addition, here you can also get creative and make unusual colored balls under the ceiling, which will serve as lighting.

Styles and directions

One of the important tasks in the project fashionable interior The task will be to choose one style or another.
Some of the most current trends will be the following options:

  • Scandinavian.
  • The direction is minimalism.
  • High tech.
  • French design.
  • Retro.
  • Boho.
  • Cuban style.

As you can see, there is plenty to choose from, because the styles are completely different and each is interesting in its own way.

Interior of the premises

Each of the premises has its own characteristics, which will be reflected in the principles of the approach to interior design. Therefore, now we will consider options on how you can transform each of them in a stylish and fashionable way.


Trending 2019 experienced designers They recommend using bright colors and original stylistic solutions to create a unique, beautiful design for your kitchen. Some of the most popular colors will be red, blue, yellow or orange. In order not to oversaturate the rooms with bright colors, it is recommended to use them as zoning, shading one of the walls, and painting the others in classic shades of white, beige, gray or black.

One of the main conditions in the matter of planning will be the recommendation not to use ergonomic furniture and try to free up as much space as possible.
Still popular retro style, in which you can also decorate a kitchen area. It will be characterized by the use of vintage decorative elements and accessories, colorful fragments and ornaments, as well as bright dishes.

Likewise, high-tech style will remain trendy in 2019. It will be dominated by straight, clear lines, the presence of all kinds of original mechanisms in which various kitchen utensils can be stored. High-tech style is characterized by the use of minimal decor, but at the same time making the most free space. All Appliances usually hides in niches or cabinets, which provides the so-called “camouflage” from prying eyes.

Living room

One of the most basic principles of decorating a living room in 2019 will be absolute minimalism and the absence of many decorative items and accessories.

The furniture will be characterized by such a selection of items that will show all their elegance and chic in the interior of the room. The most ideal option there will be a purchase of furniture simple shapes, preferably in a Scandinavian style direction.
Great highlights of the interior will be small round table and several beautiful paintings on the wall.

It is important to take into account the fact that it is not recommended to oversaturate the interior with bright colors and complex decor. The rule that applies here is that the fewer things, the better.
Some of the fashionable colors for decorating the living room will be lemon, milky, white and light coffee. Materials made from cork, unpainted wood and masonry will go well with this range.


Speaking about the design of a bedroom in the 2019 trend, it can be noted that this is best done using minimalism and classics. Buy only the most necessary items that you cannot do without. This can be a built-in wardrobe, bedside table and dressing table. Beds with a soft headboard, made from such expensive materials like velvet, leather, corduroy or silk.
The current color for decorating a bedroom will be a yellow tint, which will fill the room with a feeling of warm sunshine and a charge of positive emotions.

It will be good if you do minimal landscaping in the room and place several pots of flowers on the windowsills. This will not only make your bedroom more comfortable, but will also beautifully decorate the interior of the room.

In conclusion, we can add that fashion trends 2019 presented wide choice various color schemes, unusual prints of tropical themes, as well as the possibility of using ordinary classic tones. Can choose different style designs ranging from minimalism to boho style and modern high-tech.

It is important to know that each room, be it a kitchen or a bedroom, has its own subtleties in design, so you should take the selection of colors and materials seriously. In addition to the basic design, you can always complement your interior with interesting accessories (pillows, rugs, curtains, bedspreads).

These shells are a real punishment. They can be washed even after each use. And wash not only inside the sink, but also under it, because... splashes flow down the walls. In addition, you will have to constantly monitor the water pressure, because if you turn it on harder, splashes will be everywhere. Small children will need to buy a special high chair, otherwise such a sink will be too high for them or it should be installed lower.

Freestanding clawfoot bathtubs

They look, of course, luxurious and elegant. But there are difficulties with installation, because such baths require large premises. Caring for them is even more difficult: a freestanding bathtub will most often have a glossy, non-porous surface that requires special means. In addition, due to the high sides, it will be uncomfortable to get out of such a bathtub. You will need to wash while sitting all the time, and if you want to take a shower, you will need a circular curtain to prevent wet puddles from forming on the bathroom floor.

Open shelves

Looking at photographs of interiors, we forget that before taking the perfect photo, the photographer or decorator changed the arrangement of objects 10 times to achieve the desired result. Therefore, when we see neatly and beautifully arranged dishes and cute accessories in the photo, we want to do the same at home. In fact, open shelves is a constant headache(especially if you live in a city where there is more dust). They need to be wiped constantly. And this means: remove the dishes, wash them too (they also become covered with dust), and then put them in their places. Yes, and a special surprise awaits those who decide to hang open shelves next to the stove. Then the surfaces and the dishes themselves will be covered not just with dust, but with a sticky and greasy layer of dust, which cannot be removed with an ordinary damp cloth.

Washing in front of the window

Perhaps every second housewife dreams of washing dishes while looking out the window. Every time you hear something like this: “I really want a sink in front of the window, it’s so nice to wash dishes and admire nature.” Yes, this is nice, just keep in mind that over time, and especially if the window is located close to the sink, you will not admire the marvelous landscape outside the window, but the drops and streaks left on the glass from washing those very dishes. They cannot be avoided, and you will start wiping your kitchen windows in just a couple of weeks. Alas.

Walls covered with slate paint

To paint walls slate paint, and then draw and write on them, is now very fashionable. Despite this, owners of interiors with such walls say that since they painted the wall with slate paint, they can no longer afford anything else. Why? Yes, because this type of paint is very difficult to repaint to a different shade. It's the same as trying to change your hair color from a burning brunette to a blonde. And to be completely honest, writing with chalk on such walls is not very convenient. Not at all like on school board, some dirty and unclear inscriptions are obtained.

Extended curtains

Yes, now they do just that: they allow the curtains to flow across the floor, making the canvas 20 or even 50 cm longer. And the curtains really look beautiful. But when it comes to cleaning, it’s not hard to guess how much dust and dirt will accumulate in these long hems. Well, what if there is a dog or a cat at home? Then there will also be balls of wool. So, be prepared to wash your extra-long curtains three times more often.


Fashion trends, like the heart of beauties, is prone to betrayal! To avoid giving your interior designer a heart attack, read this article about what style directions no longer in fashion.

Naturally, adapting to fashion trends every year and completely updating the appearance of the apartment every time is stupid. However, if you have started renovation and decoration, then you should definitely know what kind of interior is now considered tasteless. If you suddenly make a number of mistakes in the interior, you will only be able to correct them in a couple of years, and all this time you will have a tasteless design, writes liza.ua. So-so idea...

Old trends are gone, and they are replaced by simplicity and conciseness. Today the main thing in design is to choose quality materials and furniture, finished stylish design where everyone do plays important role. The era of glossy ceilings and furniture sets has long since sunk into oblivion, we think everyone already knows about this, so we won’t talk about them now.

Loft style

Whether this will surprise anyone or not, the long-loved brutal loft style is no longer considered a trend. Moreover, it is no longer in demand. The fact is that there was so much of this industrial-urban style that people simply got tired of it. It is worth paying tribute to this style - it lived brightly and was everywhere: in small apartments and big houses, in various cafes and restaurants, beauty salons and studios. The eye needs something new, not brick!

“Clean” styles

The popularity of the “clean” style is decreasing. And all because it is already gray and dull. Create an interior adhering to strict boundaries, be it neoclassical, minimalism or Scandinavian style, this is considered not modern. Many leading designers recommend mixing - adding, for example, more to Scandinavian interiors color range or a completely different style. Interesting now more interior with character - you want lively and contrasting stylistic solutions.

Style trends such as industrial and baroque are also considered anti-trend.


Lots of metal concrete ceilings, brick walls, as well as abundant stucco on the ceiling and walls, waves in all forms, arches, columns - all this boldly goes into the furnace of anti-trends of 2018! All these are outdated techniques in the interior of an apartment. Some characteristic elements of the industrial style continue to be at the peak of popularity, but are no longer used in the design of residential buildings.

Primitive hi-tech

If back in the 90s this style looked very advantageous against the backdrop of boring Soviet interiors, now it looks no less tasteless than them. This applies to classic high-tech (simple geometric shapes, often angular). And all because housing with rigid forms of furniture has become too boring and uncomfortable. Today, they are being replaced by softening, fancy forms, and furniture must be transformed. However, everything should be as practical and convenient as possible!

Flashy colors, chrome elements combined with budget faux leather furniture, ordinary geometric shapes in furniture and space - all this is considered an anti-trend for 2018.

Pastels, pale colors and simple bright colors

Down with pallor and transparent plastic furniture! In apartment design, many designers use pastel and light shades identified as anti-trends. Rich or muted complex shades remain pleasing to the eye. Interior design trends are moving away from light gray and beige colour, and they are replaced by brass and gold, lavender color, velvet.

Luxury in all its forms or vintage “queen’s boudoir”

Luxurious carved chairs, bedside tables, curtains with a lambrequin - all this is considered bad manners and has nothing to do with fashion trends.

Using many colors

One of the most important parts in the interior is the color combination! Sometimes they choose a lot of shades that are incompatible with each other. And this is a mistake. It is important to remember that color can influence the state of mind, mood and train of thought! Choose your favorite colors, consult with designers and approach this issue with caution. Eg: White color in the interior can fill you with energy and keep you on your toes. However, too much of it can lead to irritability and fatigue. Yellow color in the interior provokes brain activity and promotes creativity. Pink - calm and security.

Interior elements you should forget about

Several elements that can spoil the design

Transparent plastic furniture;
Sliding wardrobes with patterns on glass;
Bright and inappropriate photo wallpapers, prints on the walls;
Tiles with the same pattern (stamping). These are not only tiles with flowers and patterns, but also marble-like, concrete-like tiles with a repeating pattern;
Neon lighting and multi-level ceilings;
Bulky kitchen units;
Wallpaper with a glitter coating (when you pick up such a roll, put it back, cross yourself, and move on);
Cosmetics and souvenirs scattered around the house (various jars, cosmetics, gift sets, toys, letters on the walls, dishes and souvenirs).

Bright and colorful kitchen interior


In the process of decorating an apartment, the question often arises about what kind of interior is in fashion now, because everyone wants to be in trend and surprise guests with their refined and subtle taste. This year's interior season heralds the return of fashionable bright colors and combinations, original and completely new ideas for storing and zoning space, as well as upholstered furniture in which it will be very pleasant to even drown.

In the new year of 2018, there will be an increasing trend to accentuate the interior with bright accessories: lamps, watches and other small utensils. We can observe a gradual transition from pastel colors that were fashionable last year to bright and rich modern trends.

Such a transition can be explained by one of two reasons, or both are relevant at once:

  • This design fully expresses such a bright and rich rhythm of people’s lives today;
  • Designers are simply nostalgic for the bold and bright times eighties.

So, in order to understand what is in fashion now in 2018, you should know about the most trendy colors today:

  • Bright and explosive yellow always finds itself in the first positions of any chart. However, it is worth noting that it is not the classic yellow that is popular, but the most saturated one, like the minions in the cartoon! This interior novelty in no way forces you to completely change the color of your walls, floors or ceilings; it is enough to just improve the interior with a colorful sofa, a rich poster or an unusual coffee table. Elements like these will make you smile just by looking at them. It is also possible to use other shades of yellow, for example, mustard, lemon or canary;
  • Unaltered green color For several seasons now it has not gone out of fashion. However, this year, dark green shades are in no way inferior to more natural, natural ones: the colors of avocado, celery, sage - great options to decorate a stylish living room or kitchen! In order to make the interior as trendy as possible, consider combining green with cherry, matte blue, white, yellow, and berry purple. This color scheme expresses excellent health owners, which is relevant in any year and at any time;
  • Black is also coming into fashion this year to add a little drama to your interiors. Do not paint the walls black under any circumstances; it can only serve as an accent component. A massive black chandelier in the living room, or black floors in your snow-white bathroom will look great. Play with contrasts, don’t be afraid to experiment, but remember that the abundance of black visually conceals space;
  • Blue shades also do not leave the pedestal, and smoothly move from 2017 into 2018 trends. One shade of blue is especially popular - a mixture of green and gray. It looks unusual, and at the same time quite amazing. The shade is universal. They can be used to paint kitchen walls, creating a natural background to white. kitchen set from timber logs, as well as dining table with a glossy surface. Not only will it look great white tree, but also the natural natural color of the wood. An atmosphere of peace and tranquility is created. Also, this shade can be perfectly used in the dining room, shading it with a white ceiling and baseboards. Besides interior design, this shade of blue can be used to decorate the facade of a house. In combination with wooden board and with black forged lanterns an incredible picture will emerge;
  • The combination of blue and orange is very often used in the decoration of the living room, office, and rest room. They complement each other perfectly, as the cool blues offset the warm oranges. Too bright shades should not be used for wall decoration, but reserved for accents. An excellent choice would be to purchase bright upholstered furniture– poufs, sofas, chairs, armchairs;
  • Pink shades are also becoming more popular, while losing any gender reference. It will no longer be associated only with girls’ rooms and ladies’ boudoir; today it is a completely serious and strict shade. The walls of the living room can be painted in a slightly powdery pink, while complementing the interior with armchairs of the same shade, as well as a sofa in a brighter color. A light marble tabletop will look great with a pink base if they are carefully framed with a gold border. True luxury;
  • All shades of gold are also gaining popularity. A brass shade combined with a satin surface will look especially stunning. In this way, you can decorate all the accessories in the room, furniture or even walls - the look will be unsurpassed.

If you are lucky enough to purchase a spacious apartment without any fencing, then imagine that you have a blank canvas in front of you! You can show all your design abilities and skills, giving flight to your imagination and desires.

Kitchen-dining room in subdued colors

It doesn’t matter what interior style is in fashion now, it’s important how to correctly use the popular ones today decorative elements. So, which ones? existing options can it be allocated for fencing rooms? Let's look further.

Preferred colors and color combinations for soft decoration - these are also green, yellow and blue! The shape suggests a deep back and an incredibly comfortable seat on springs. Sitting on such a sofa is simply heaven.

Upholstered furniture in the living room interior

Today, the trend is massive, but airy, inflated pieces of upholstered furniture. It’s good if all the transitions are sloping, that is, the back that smoothly turns into the seat, which in turn smoothly turns into the armrests, is a very stylish element.

Real options for unusual, extraordinary, but stylish furniture can be found by delving into history. In 2018, all past trends will come back into fashion with their brightness, diversity and incredible combinations!


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