What is a caisson and how to choose this type of equipment. Plastic caisson for wells: design features and varieties

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Already on initial stage construction country house The issue of water supply must be resolved - if you pour the foundation yourself, water will be required in significant quantities. When there are no other sources, a decision is often made to drill a well. But this is far from the only problem that will have to be solved. Great importance should be given to the arrangement of the wellhead. Water distribution should be carried out at a level below the freezing depth of the soil to avoid freezing water pipe in winter. For these purposes, various engineering solutions, but most often the choice is to use a caisson for the well.

Why are caissons needed for a well, their types

To prevent water from freezing, the outlet of the water intake pipe from the casing must be located below the GPG. To do this, a pit is dug above the well, the dimensions of which are sufficient to place a sealed tank - a caisson - in it. The caisson serves as an auxiliary room for the well, providing normal temperature mouth, its protection from precipitation and groundwater. The use of such a container is also convenient because, with the appropriate dimensions, it allows you to accommodate pumping equipment, a hydraulic tank, various filters, etc. – all this will not take up space in the house and create unnecessary noise there. Polymer material (plastic) or steel is used as raw material for the manufacture of factory caissons. You can independently weld such a structure from metal or assemble it from reinforced concrete rings. IN Lately More and more developers are choosing to install – there are a number of good reasons for this.

Caisson or well adapter - which is better?

Is it possible to construct a well without a caisson? Of course, if you bet on a well adapter. This simple product consists of two parts, one of which is mounted into the casing at a level below the gas pipeline, and the second is attached to the intake pipe and then using a sliding connection in the " dovetail» is attached to the first part of the adapter, but already inside the well. Those. The well adapter is a regular plumbing adapter that is compact in size and easy to use. Compared to a massive caisson, it compares favorably with its price (from 3 to 5 thousand rubles). At the same time, preventive inspection and repair of the well becomes more difficult, and with this approach all equipment servicing the well will have to be located inside the house. Therefore, we will leave the choice between a caisson and a well adapter at your discretion.

Making a caisson with your own hands

Without the involvement of heavy equipment, a caisson can be made with your own hands only from steel sheets. As a rule, steel with a thickness of 3-4 mm is used for these purposes. To begin with, the dimensions of the caisson for the well are determined, which largely depend on what equipment is planned to be placed in it. Convenient to use standard dimensions, which can be easily found on the websites of companies involved in industrial production caissons. Welding should be carried out in a double seam; it is advisable that the worker has experience in carrying out such work. Subsequently, the outer part of the caisson is treated with bitumen or other liquid waterproofing material, the inside of the tank is primed. Another option is to make it from concrete rings. The number of elements is determined, the rings are installed in a pre-dug pit, and rigid fastening and waterproofing of the structure are provided. The bottom of such a caisson is concreted. It is worth noting that these structures are the most problematic - they often leak when high level groundwater, it is difficult to avoid displacement of the rings relative to each other. If such a caisson leaks, then fixing it will not be as easy as in the case of steel or plastic products.

Installing a caisson for a well

Regardless of the type of product, their installation is carried out approximately the same way: digging a pit, cutting a hole for the casing pipe, installing a caisson, adjusting the length of the casing pipe, waterproofing joints, laying pipes and placing equipment. But it is worth remembering that the technology may differ depending on the soil conditions at the site. So, before installing plastic containers, the pit can be reinforced with a reinforced concrete box, which will serve reliable protection from movements in the ground that could crush a plastic tank. often installed “as is”, without an additional box device. In some cases, the space between the walls of the container and the pit is filled with concrete. For ventilation, a system of two pipes is used to ensure natural air circulation, which is necessary measure to prevent condensation.

Average market prices for caissons

The cost of the products we are considering is largely determined by the cost of the material from which they are made. Steel is more expensive than plastic, which is why prices for metal caissons for wells are higher than for plastic containers. Prices are indicated in a separate article (follow the link to view).

Estimated prices for caissons for wells
MaterialOverall dimensions, mmWall thickness, mmapproximate price
Plastic950×200010 from 16 thousand rubles.
1240×210025 from 21 thousand rubles.
1500×2500from 46 thousand rubles.
2000×250040 from 80 thousand rubles.
Steel1200×1200×20003 from 18 thousand rubles.
4 from 23 thousand rubles.
5 from 25 thousand rubles.
6 from 28 thousand rubles.
8 from 45 thousand rubles.
10 from 48 thousand rubles.
2000×10003 from 10 thousand rubles.
4 from 15 thousand rubles.
6 from 20 thousand rubles.
8 from 25 thousand rubles.
4000×1500×24003 from 75 thousand rubles.
4 from 80 thousand rubles.
5 from 90 thousand rubles.
6 from 95 thousand rubles.
8 from 155 thousand rubles.
10 from 170 thousand rubles.

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Which caisson is better for a well - choose from 4 options

Have you drilled a well on your property and don’t know how to equip it? So, in such cases, either an adapter or a caisson for the well is installed. The adapter is not suitable for everyone, while the caisson is considered a permanent structure and can be installed on any well. In total, there are 4 options for caissons and further, we will analyze each of them and try to find the best one.

Caisson or adapter

First, let's understand the terms.

Adapter- this is a special adapter that cuts into the well casing pipe and is removed through it water pipe from submersible deep well pump lowered into the well. The price is low and the installation instructions are quite simple.

But the adapters are placed underground below the freezing point, in Russian conditions this is from 1.5 m. Plus, every 2 years you need to dig it out to do preventive maintenance and change the gaskets. I'm not even talking about the fact that the adapter is installed on a well, which is located no further than 5 m from the house.

A completely different matter is a caisson, a tricky word used to describe a kind of tank that is installed underground, clearly above the well and is hermetically connected to the casing pipe. This tank is insulated and pumping equipment and control automation are installed in it. There are practically no restrictions on its installation.

Choosing a good caisson from 4 options

Similar structures are made of plastic, metal, concrete and brick. Conventionally, I would divide all caissons into 2 directions - these are those that you can make with your own hands and purely factory models. The latter includes only plastic products, and we will start with them.

Option No. 1: plastic caisson

Plastic tanks appeared on the market about 20 years ago. Now there are several varieties of these designs. More affordable models are made from PVC, polypropylene and polyethylene. The price for fiberglass products is slightly higher. The real advantages here include the following:

  • Absolutely all types of plastic are indifferent to corrosion, plus it doesn’t matter for these tanks chemical composition groundwater, because it can withstand everything, even aggressive acids and alkalis;
  • The weight of the tank is quite liftable for a couple of strong men, which means you can install it with your own hands without any problems;
  • The price of plastic is relatively not high, but there are cheaper options, I would call its cost a solid middle ground;
  • If you do not take into account the time of digging a pit, then installation can be completed in 1–2 days;
  • The tanks are monolithic and if the joint with the casing pipe is properly arranged, then even in a “swamp” nothing will happen to them;
  • The warranty for most plastic tanks starts at 50 years.

The only serious disadvantage of plastic is the likelihood of deformation. On dry soils there is nothing to be afraid of, but on wet soils, in order to protect yourself from the forces of frost heaving, you will have to pour a “shirt” of reinforced concrete thickness from 100 mm.

Manufacturers' assurances that a plastic tank does not need insulation are not entirely true. You can do without insulation only in relatively warm regions, from middle zone and further north, it is advisable to insulate all caissons.

Option No. 2: steel

The good thing about a metal tank is that you can make it yourself. Naturally, for this you must have welding machine and welding skill. For those who do not have such a set, there are factory models. Their quality and, accordingly, price mainly depend on the presence of anti-corrosion coating and the thickness of the metal.

To be honest, a thin-walled inexpensive tank can only be installed on dry soils. For heaving soils, the thickness of the metal should be at least 5–7 mm, otherwise it will simply be crushed. But, as in the case of plastic, there is always the possibility of pouring a concrete jacket.

It is advisable to insulate all steel tanks from the outside, otherwise you will get constant condensation on the inner walls of the caisson.

Also, do not forget that a steel caisson is heavy and it is almost impossible to install it manually, so you will have to pay for a crane. For those who are thinking about buying a plastic or steel caisson, below I have placed a table with reference characteristics.

The prices in the article are current in the fall of 2017.

Option #3: concrete

Here we have 2 options:

  1. Pure concrete tank- poured on site from reinforced concrete;
  2. Caisson made of concrete rings- is equipped with the help of factory reinforced concrete well rings.

The first option is considered the cheapest in terms of cost. If you have a concrete mixer, you need to buy cement, sand, crushed stone and reinforcement. Next, you dig a pit, reinforce it, build formwork and fill it with mortar. The video in this article shows the process step by step.

It is much easier to build a structure from rings. There are two ways to go here:

  1. First, dig a pit around the casing, then pour a concrete pad from below and call a crane to install the concrete tank body;

  1. 22222If there are problems with the crane, then cut the casing pipe above the soil, then slide a concrete ring over it and remove the soil from the inside. When the ring sinks to the ground level, slide on the next one and continue digging. For a caisson, 2 - 3 rings are enough.

It is advisable to insulate the brick caisson with foam plastic 50 mm thick.

  • First, a pit is dug;
  • Next, at the bottom of the pit, a sand and gravel cushion about 100 mm thick is filled in and compacted;
  • Placed on top of the pillow reinforcement mesh and concrete with a thickness of 50 mm or more is poured;
  • After a week, the concrete will get a little stronger and you can lay out the walls;
  • For the vault you will have to make formwork, reinforce it and pour a concrete slab.


Each of the technologies described above is good in its own way; you need to choose depending on specific conditions and, of course, material capabilities. If you have any questions, write in the comments, I will try to help.

November 17, 2017

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If you have Vacation home, organizing an autonomous water supply is the most logical solution. No worries about the presence or absence of pressure in central networks, problems with water quality, and most importantly, connection and payment costs. An artesian well will allow you not only to meet all your household needs, but also to fully water your garden and vegetable garden without looking at the meter. To ensure that the system does not freeze and can be used in the coldest months, a caisson for the well will be required. Plastic, metal or concrete – which one to choose? This will be discussed in our material.

Read in the article

What is a caisson, and why is it needed on the site?

The main threat to the uninterrupted operation of a well is freezing. If the temperature drops below the positive mark on the thermometer, the water freezes. This leads to its expansion and extremely unpleasant consequences for pumping equipment and pipelines.

To save equipment and your funds, you will need a caisson for the well. What it is in a nutshell: it is a container made of temperature-preserving material with a lid. It not only prevents water from flowing into the well and pumping equipment freeze, but also relieves the residents of the house from extraneous noise from operating equipment.

How the caisson works

First of all, a caisson is not just a container. This is a structure that includes a reservoir and equipment that supplies and filters water.

The caisson is located at a depth of 1.5÷2 meters and includes casing.

Advice! If you install an outgoing pipe in the tank, you can connect a hose for irrigation to it.

The caisson is made of a material that retains heat. It is clear that it is not supposed to warm, but its duty is to protect the water supply equipment from the frozen ground. Polymer materials, thick metal and concrete cope well with this task.

What criteria are used to select caissons for a plastic well?

Plastic tanks are gaining popularity due to affordable price, long-term operation and visual appeal. Such caissons weigh little, so lifting equipment is not required for their installation. This is not to say that these containers do not have drawbacks, the main one being fragility.

What criteria are used to select a caisson:

  • Ease of tank maintenance. Infrequently, but from time to time it may be necessary to clean it and check the functionality of the equipment or replace it. This means that the container must have easy access for these manipulations.
  • Dimensions suitable to accommodate all equipment. In addition to the pump, the tank may contain a filtration and heating system.
  • Tank tightness. Any leak can lead to breakdown and hopeless damage to expensive equipment. Concrete pools are considered the most unreliable in this regard.
  • Duration of operation. Water, a running pump, exposure to groundwater from the outside - all this aggressively affects the walls of the caisson. The stronger and more resistant to chemical exposure material, the longer it will last.

How to choose the size of the caisson

The dimensions of the plastic container must correspond to its contents. If you plan to install pipelines inside and out, then a container with a height of one and a half meters and a diameter of 90 cm is quite enough.

But to install a filtration system and automatic control, and perhaps the generator will require much more space. In this case, you should choose a caisson with a height of 2 meters and a diameter of 130 cm.

For your information! Many manufacturers offer custom-made caissons for wells, according to your dimensions. This is very convenient, because you can order a container not only required height and diameter, but also a shape suitable specifically for your conditions.

What are plastic caissons made of?

Plastic is a durable and chemical-resistant material. It is not susceptible to rotting and rust, and does not grow with fungus or bacteria. It is these advantages of the material that are so valued in water containers. Another advantage of using plastic is that solid shapes can be cast from it, without welds.

Caissons made of complex polymer materials will last at least half a century and can be used in soil with any composition. Plastic tanks can be safely installed near utility lines.

The tanks are made of food-grade polyethylene high pressure. This polymer does not emit toxic substances and does not react to the aggressive effects of wastewater and groundwater. In addition, you can find PVC tanks on sale; they are usually made of a sheet base and have welded seams. There are structures made of fiberglass and propylene. They are treated with epoxy and are not inferior to polyethylene in strength and durability.

Advantages and disadvantages of plastic tanks

Like anyone building material, plastic has its pros and cons, which will affect the operation of the caisson:

pros A comment
Easy to maintainThese tanks are easy to clean if necessary. Built-in ladders are installed in large containers.
Long period of operationOn average, plastic tanks can last 50 years. If the tank is installed correctly and is not exposed to external mechanical stress, it will last longer.
Excellent thermal insulationPlastic can withstand severe temperature changes without problems. As a last resort, if you want to play it safe, wrap it with insulation during installation; this will be more than enough even for the northern regions.
Affordable priceMass production of plastic products has made them cheap. Currently, plastic caissons for wells are cheaper than metal and concrete ones.
TightnessSeamless design does not let anything in from the outside and does not leak. Such caissons do not require additional waterproofing.
Susceptibility to deformationLightweight and resistant to external influence the material also has flexibility, which is not always to its advantage. The plastic tank may become deformed due to soil movements. Experts advise strengthening it with a concrete shell 15 centimeters thick.
Difficulties in repairIf for some reason the polyethylene caisson bursts or gets a hole, it is not easy to repair it. Special welding will be required and does not work in all cases, so such a tank should be handled with extreme caution.

For your information! There are types of caissons in which manufacturers have provided “pockets” for pouring concrete. Such structures are installed in areas with high groundwater levels.

Plastic, metal or concrete? Why choose plastic

Let's try to hold comparative analysis three types of caissons for wells that you can install near your home.

Parameters for comparison Plastic Metal Concrete

TightnessCompletely sealed due to the absence of seams, no need for waterproofingHas welding points. Seams, even those protected by coating, begin to leak over time. With seasonal soil movements, the seams may burst under soil pressure.It requires treatment with waterproofing compounds, as it does not tolerate constant humidity.
Features of installing a caisson for a wellLightweight tank does not require special equipment for installationMetal caissons for wells made of high-quality thick steel weigh a lot, so they will have to be installed using a lifting mechanism.If a caisson is used concrete rings-You can’t do it without special equipment. Filling the tank over the formwork can also be done manually.
StrengthPlastic caissons are resistant to chemical attack, but can suffer serious damage from careless installation, soil deformation, or improper cleaning. To increase structural strength, manufacturers equip tanks with additional stiffeners.Steel – durable material, which is not afraid of deforming soil movements. At the same time, it is quite flexible, and, unlike plastic, does not burst under stress. A steel caisson can be deformed, but still remain sealed if the welds are well made.Reinforced concrete structures are highly durable. They are not afraid of any ground movements. High-quality concrete is not afraid of soil pressure and rough cleaning manipulations.
Resistant to corrosion and stainsPolymer materials are immune to rust, fungi, bacteria, and chemical attack.Steel caissons are most susceptible to rust. To extend their service life, containers are treated with protective compounds. If necessary protective composition You can renew the inside, but to paint the steel caisson outside, you have to remove it with the risk of deformation or damage, so no one does it.On concrete surface Fungi germinate and bacteria multiply. This tank will have to be cleaned periodically special compounds, but the spores can penetrate so deeply that no amount of cleaning will help. Concrete absorbs moisture and it destroys it over time.
Thermal insulationPlastic has low thermal conductivity, so there is no need for additional insulation or heating of the tanks. Only in areas north of St. Petersburg does it make sense to additionally insulate the container from the outside, especially the lid.Metal containers need insulation. For this purpose you can use any construction insulation, which is installed during installation of the structure.Concrete does not hold heat well, so such tanks need insulation and heating in winter, even in the middle zone.
FloatingA lightweight plastic container will float under the influence of groundwater if it is not secured to a concrete base.Heavy steel tanks generally do not float. However, they are also recommended to be fixed on a concrete base.The heavy weight of the structure leaves it indifferent to this factor and concrete well does not require additional fastening.
PriceThe price of a plastic caisson is on average 20–35 thousand rubles, depending on the volume.The price of a steel caisson depends on the thickness of the walls. Prices for a tank start from 40 thousand and above.If you fill the pool with your own hands, it will cost you inexpensively, about 10-15 thousand.

For your information! Sometimes a plastic caisson is used for a cellar. It is convenient to store vegetables and other products in a container placed outside, on the site or inside the house, in the basement.

Popular manufacturers of plastic caissons

Among the manufacturers of plastic caissons for wells, the Onyx company is popular. The price of products from this manufacturer is very affordable, and the quality has earned numerous positive reviews from buyers. Onyx caissons are made of polypropylene, are lightweight and easy to install.

In addition to this manufacturer, users note products from Triton, Alta and Rodlex. All tanks of these companies are equipped with convenient hatches, ladders and additional equipment, which greatly facilitates the operation of the caisson.

How to install a caisson for a well with your own hands

Cost of installing a plastic caisson for a well

Self-installation of the tank - not an easy task. If there are no assistants, you cannot cope with such a task alone. For professionals, such work will cost approximately 40 thousand, the same as the caisson itself. So you’re thinking, maybe you should call your old friends and handle this matter with a liter of alcohol? But keep in mind that the work here is not for one, but for at least two days, so you can’t get by with a liter.

Photo Description of work

Before purchasing a tank and starting work, carefully measure and calculate the dimensions. Study the groundwater level.

Experts recommend buying a PFRK sealing coupling. It is durable and has a good fit. Not all couplings that come with the caisson can boast of such data.

The containers are sold with a solid bottom. You need to cut a hole in it according to internal diameter couplings. The tightness of the structure depends on how correctly you made the calculations and selected the coupling.

The hole is cut out using the usual method.

Holes for fasteners are drilled around the hole in marked places.

Before installing the coupling, all surfaces are thoroughly degreased with a solvent.

The coupling is treated with sealant. For installation, use a paronite gasket.

It is more convenient to install the coupling with a partner. One works outside, the other works inside.

While the sealant hardens, you can start digging a well under the caisson. The diameter of the well should be 20 centimeters larger than the diameter of the caisson.

The outside of the coupling is coated waterproofing composition. He will save metal elements from corrosion and will ensure the tightness of the structure.

The caisson cover should protrude 7÷10 centimeters above the ground, and under it you will need to place a concrete pad approximately 2 cm thick. Take this into account when digging a pit.

The bottom of the pit is strengthened with reinforcement. A concrete-sand mixture is poured onto it. It will take a day for the “sole” to form.

Before planting the caisson, the casing pipe is cut to the required height and the edges are lightly processed so that they do not tear the coupling.
Professionals recommend pouring a concrete-sand mixture into the bottom of the caisson in a layer of approximately 5÷10 centimeters. It will strengthen the bottom and prevent the caisson from floating.

After installation, pipes are brought to the caisson and connected using couplings. Next, the walls of the pit are filled with concrete in two stages: first to a height of 30 centimeters, then to the top. If you try to fill the entire space with concrete at once, the container will float.

What is a Caisson and why is it needed?!

Initially, the caisson was used for underwater work; it was a waterproof chamber of a round or square shape.

To date, its main property of water resistance has remained unchanged, only new areas of application of caissons have been added. And one of these areas is autonomous water supply Houses.

If you want to all year round If you use water from your own well, you cannot do without a caisson!

The tightness of the caisson isolates the well head from groundwater. This is simply necessary if you don’t want to turn on the water tap one day and see water coming out of it from some neighbor’s sewer. This is due to the fact that the end of the well casing does not reach the ground surface, but is located at a depth of about 2 meters, where groundwater “lives”. This depth of the well head is due to the fact that the depth of soil freezing is about 2 meters (depending on the area in which you are located) and in order for water to flow from the taps in winter and not to damage expensive equipment, it is necessary to avoid freezing the wellhead . Thus, by installing a caisson on a well, you protect it from freezing and from groundwater.
What is a Caisson

In appearance the caisson is iron barrel or a box with a neck. The neck of the caisson is closed with a hatch cover, which is insulated with foam plastic for reliability.

The most commonly used caissons are round in shape with a main part diameter of 1 meter and a total height of 2 meters. Why exactly these dimensions: with the height, I think everything is clear, the well is located at a depth of 2 meters and, in order to get to it, the caisson hatch is brought to the surface of the earth.

The diameter of 1 meter was made for general convenience, not less than a meter in order to be able to carry out necessary work inside the caisson, not more than a meter in order to make it more convenient to pay for it, because the fewer materials are used to make the caisson, the lower its cost will be. Knowing this, pay attention to the iron and the quality of assembly of the caisson, if the manufacturer offers you a caisson, the cost of which is much lower than in other companies. But by the way, high price This is not yet an indicator of the quality of the caisson!

The walls of the caisson are usually made of 4mm thick iron. Corrosion is the main enemy of iron, and therefore of the caisson, therefore, the outside of the caisson is mandatory covered with an anti-corrosion coating (bitumen), and the inside is painted with a primer, this allows your caisson to last much longer.
Installation of caisson

Installing a caisson is a rather difficult, labor-intensive and responsible process. The main thing is that the installation is carried out by specialists, because if the waterproofing is damaged during installation, problems with the well may arise during use, the elimination of which will require further financial investments.

As we already know, the wellhead must be at a depth of at least 2 meters, therefore, the bottom of the caisson must be at this depth.

Therefore, soil 1.5 meters wide and 2 meters deep from the surface of the earth is dug out around the well. The result is a voluminous hole with the well casing sticking out of it. This pipe is cut to the required length and a caisson is placed on it, so that the casing pipe is inside the caisson. To do this, before installation, a hole equal to the diameter of the pipe is cut in its bottom. After this, the pipe is hermetically welded to the caisson by electric welding. When the well is assembled, the caisson can be covered with earth and only the manhole cover will remain on the surface, through which you can get into the caisson and complete the construction of the well.
Caisson and water-lifting equipment

Water-lifting equipment is usually placed in the house on the ground floor or, if possible, in the basement. But if the area of ​​your house does not allow placing all the equipment in the house, then part or all of the equipment can be transferred to the caisson. Of course, everything won’t fit into a standard caisson, and installing it there will require a lot of work.

Therefore, in such cases, the dimensions of the caisson increase depending on the type and quantity of equipment installed. A hydraulic accumulator, electrical equipment, automatic pump control systems and filters are usually placed in the caisson. rough cleaning. The hydraulic accumulator is the most voluminous part of the equipment, which is a tank with a capacity of 100 to 500 liters. Its placement in a caisson significantly saves space in the house.

Artesian wells are one of the best options mining clean water for home and household nowadays. However, the peculiarities of the local climate force us to look for options on how to save well equipment from freezing during the cold season.

When calculating the amount it will cost you to create a well on your site, it is worth remembering not only the price for linear meter drilling, but also about well construction. After all, you will also need to properly supply water to your home, and also protect your well equipment from all factors that could damage it. This means you need to take into account the cost of the caisson.

What is a caisson and why is it needed?

The caisson looks like a moisture-proof, heat-insulated barrel or box with a neck that closes with a hatch. The most popular form of caisson is a cylinder with a diameter of 1 m and a height of 2 m.

The main tasks of the caisson:

  • Protection of equipment from freezing and flooding;

  • Organizing access to equipment at any time

Inside the caisson there are a pressure switch, a pump control panel, a diaphragm accumulator and other devices necessary for control.

The size of the caisson should take into account the possibility of direct access to downhole equipment

Types of caissons for wells

There are three main types of caissons, namely:

  1. Metal;

  2. Plastic;

  3. Reinforced concrete

Features of metal caissons

Metal caissons are the older generation. They are made from aluminum or of stainless steel to provide the structure with the greatest anti-corrosion resistance. The wall thickness of such a caisson is from 3 mm. Metal is enough flexible material, which avoids the appearance of cracks over time. The metal box will last for proper care and anti-corrosion treatment for several decades.

Advantages of metal caissons

  • Metal provides the product with sufficient rigidity;

  • The design is easy to make; it does not require expensive equipment and materials;

  • The weight of the product is high enough to resist floating;

  • Metal has good characteristics tightness.

Disadvantages of metal caissons

  • The need for waterproofing and anti-corrosion coating;

  • There is a danger of purchasing a low-quality handicraft product (unlike plastic caissons, which are produced only in factories);

  • Welds - weakness- they can leak;

  • The high thermal conductivity of steel creates the need to insulate the caisson.

The metal caisson must be equipped with a ventilation system

Features of plastic caissons

Plastic is economical, it is not afraid of rust and corrosion and, like metal, it lasts for decades. This box is made from polymers and has a wall thickness of approximately 20 mm. Savings in in this case This is achieved not only due to the low cost of the product itself, but also due to the absence of the need for anti-corrosion agents and waterproofing.

Plastic caisson combines all the advantages of reinforced concrete products and metal caissons, while having a minimum of disadvantages

Advantages of plastic caissons

  • Inert housing, resistant to corrosion and destruction;

  • Possibility of manual installation without the use of equipment, due to the low weight of the structure;

  • Complete tightness of the housing and a hermetically sealed connection, achieved through crimping cuffs;

  • Possibility of installing an additional shelf for insulation;

  • Service life is up to 50 years;
  • Low cost of the product.

Disadvantages of plastic caissons

There is only one disadvantage of a plastic caisson - poor resistance to deforming factors due to the lack of rigidity of the material. Sometimes plastic caissons need backfilling cement mortar along the perimeter of the well.

Plastic and fiberglass should not be used to protect wells - such products often float under the pressure of groundwater

Features of reinforced concrete caissons

This version of the caisson is quite expensive, since the concrete rings themselves are not cheap. The material is hygroscopic, which creates the need for good waterproofing with outside structures. In addition, such a caisson will be completely devoid of thermal insulation properties. And also important role the severity of the material plays a role - the rings will quickly sag, the structure will deform, and the system will fail.

Advantages of a caisson made of reinforced concrete

  • Structural strength;

  • Durability;

  • Does not need to be anchored in the ground and does not float.

Disadvantages of a caisson made of reinforced concrete

  • The need for lifting equipment for installation;

  • Lack of waterproofing;

  • Lack of thermal insulation;

  • Sagging of the structure due to the large weight of the rings;

  • High price.

Reinforced concrete rings are not used to create a caisson by almost any builder, as they are an extremely unsuitable material for protecting downhole equipment


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