Flowers for the front garden. Bright autumn colors

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The front garden of a house can become its calling card, and flowers can become its decoration.

Previously, its layout was considered exquisite if it differed from living nature.

Now the front garden is being brought closer to natural conditions: flowers grow in groups, as if by themselves.

If there is a flowerbed, then it should be flat, not lined with bricks. It is not necessary to chase the number of plantings, it’s all about them correct placement, in selection - depending on the area to be decorated.

Each front garden has its own style: ordinary rustic, Japanese, French, etc. The landscape is also important.

During construction, natural reservoirs and rocky slopes, which can be used in the topography of the front garden, are destroyed. The style of the front garden depends on the architecture of the house.

The main thing is to choose flowers so that they bloom from early spring until the onset of cold weather. For example, spring is characterized by plants such as: hyacinths, daffodils, tulips. These are the first spring flowers. The background can be a violet that spreads like a green carpet.

If the front garden is located on the sunny side, it is good to plant zinnias, marigolds, and salvias, which bloom with bright scarlet flowers until the first snow.

Here you can also place perennial flowers: golden ball, phlox, peonies, catnip. Geranium and balsam are very unpretentious.

This houseplants, but all summer and until late autumn they bloom and delight the eye. Very beautiful on the sunny side Turkish cloves, which is also useful because its spicy aroma repels harmful insects. Autumn is characterized by flowers such as aster and chrysanthemum.

They are good because they can withstand cold and do not require special care. Only aster is an annual flower, and chrysanthemum is a perennial. For the winter it needs to be insulated with sawdust.

If the side is shady, then in this case we plant those plants that have large leaves. These are: bergenia, hostas, cannas, hydrangeas.

These plants are also flowering, but the flowers fade quickly, and the leaves, their beautiful shape decorate the front garden all season, even during the period of wilting.

If the front garden is located with end side at home, well located decorative grille, pergola, and plant morning glory, which climbs up and blooms with blue gramophones, clematis, grapes.

The front garden can be decorated not only decorative flowers, but also medicinal herbs.

They are not only useful for humans, but also have beautiful flowers and great aroma. These are: St. John's wort, oregano, lavender, motherwort.

Whatever style is chosen, the main thing is that the front garden brings joy and aesthetic pleasure to a person.

Hundreds of species and thousands of plant varieties are available to floriculture lovers. In order not to get confused in the names, they are divided into groups. This division is very arbitrary, since one plant can belong to several groups at once.

Annuals that can be planted directly in open ground

This is perhaps the most popular group of flowers among gardeners who want to have beautiful flower beds in front of the house, but at the same time spend as much time as possible on care.

These plants can be planted directly permanent place V open ground. As a rule, they are unpretentious, drought-resistant and reproduce well by self-sowing from year to year.

  • Cosmea;
  • Calendula;
  • Clarkia;
  • Cornflower;
  • Pyrethrum;
  • Mattiola;
  • Cleome;
  • Amaranth;
  • Lavatera.

They are planted immediately after the soil warms up, while there is still enough moisture in it. It is better to plant them thicker and then thin them out.

Clarkia border.

Marigold border.

Monoclum of different shades of gray matthiola (Matthiola incana).

Annuals grown in seedlings

Those annuals that have a long growing season and take several months before flowering are grown through seedlings. Most of them are distinguished by beautiful flowering, but those grown for the sake of beautiful foliage.

Several species of plants in this group:

  • Lobelia;
  • Gatsania:
  • Begonia;
  • Verbena;
  • Zinnia;
  • Purslane;
  • Salvia;
  • Coleus;

These species are planted starting in March, and if it is possible to organize additional lighting, then planting can begin in January or February.

Coleus, zinnia, gomphrena.

Crocosmia “Lucifer”, monarda “Raspberry Wine”, golden polygonum “Shades of Orange”, salvia varieties “Ultra Violet”, “Fuhrman’s Red”, “Maraschino”.

Carpet composition of Dusty Miller cineraria and contrasting alyssum.

Biennials and juveniles

This includes plants that have a biennial development cycle, as well as those perennials that degenerate or do not emerge from wintering after 2-3 years and are therefore cultivated as biennials.

Several species of plants in this group:

  • Mallow;
  • Digitalis;
  • Daisy;
  • Rudbeckia;
  • Turkish cloves;
  • Nivyanik;
  • Pansies;
  • The bell is medium.

They are grown either through seedlings or by sowing seeds directly to a permanent place. They can be planted in June-July, when all the other seedlings have already been planted in the garden.

Echinacea, Heliopsis, Veronicastrum, Daylily - this is what a flower garden of these crops looks like in July.

White flowers: Lupins “Noble Maiden”, Foxglove f. albiflora, Camassia Leuchtlina in a topiary garden.

Medium double bell, Canterbury variety.

Coniferous plants

Thanks to their evergreen needles, they can create the structure of the garden and decorate it in winter time. You can plant any species on the site, the main thing to consider is: a large number of tall conifers give the area a gloomy look and shade it.

Several species of plants in this group:

  • Pine;
  • Hemlock;
  • Fir;
  • Larch;
  • Cypress;
  • Cedar.

The most popular types and varieties of coniferous trees are the most popular for growing.

Canadian hemlock.

A modern miniature variety of lodgepole pine, suitable for the front garden - ‘Frisian Gold’

Mountain pine.

For your information. Can be planted on the site common spruce or pine and give it a fluffy appearance, as well as restrain its growth by pinching. To do this, every spring the buds that form are pinched off, leaving one third.

Plants, decorative all year round

These plants make excellent winter additions to conifers. This includes plants that do not shed their leaves for the winter, and also have beautifully colored bark. This group also includes plants with beautiful fruits that last all winter, but here it is necessary to make allowances for birds.

Several species of plants in this group:

  • Derain red;
  • Alder;
  • Hazel;
  • Red rowan;
  • Coniferous plants;
  • Feverweed;
  • Boxwood;

These plants will decorate the garden in winter. Especially beautiful in winter garden Conifers and shrubs with bright bark look great.

Dogwood brilliant 'Cardinal'.

Miscanthus ‘Adagio’, Rose hip ‘Coeur d’Alène’.

Blood red dogwood in the spring garden.

Plants for shady places

If you are wondering what beautiful flowers to plant in front of your house if the area is in the shade almost all day. It can be decorated with plants that live and develop well in the absence of sunlight.

Most of them have decorative leaves.

  • Periwinkle;
  • Brunner;
  • Lungwort;
  • Aquilegia;
  • Badan;
  • Balsam;
  • Tenacious;
  • Bought.

Most of these plants grow well not only in the shade, but also in constant humidity. But we must remember that some of them, such as periwinkle and brunnera, can begin to grow weeds in such conditions. In this case, there is nothing left to do but plant them in containers without a bottom.

Brunner 'Jack Frost'

Tenacious and hosts.

The bells are bought.

Unpretentious perennials

Unpretentious perennials can grow in the same place for years, without requiring special attention, and decorating the front garden in the village. Most often, they form the basis of garden compositions. This is the largest in terms of the range of categories listed here.

Some types of this group:

  • Lumbago;
  • Bells;
  • Hellebores;

They can be propagated by seeds, but more often they resort to vegetative propagation. A mixborder created from these plants can be consistently decorative for several years.

On the left are hellebores, on the right is kupena. This is what this shady front garden looks like in April.

A simple and low-maintenance front garden with delphiniums. This crop blooms twice a month each season, providing bright colors in May-June-July and autumn.

Daylilies, sunflowers and hostas.

Spring primroses

These flowers are the first to announce that spring has arrived. And some of them are able to bloom even during the winter thaw. Most of them are low-growing bulbous plants, but there are also herbaceous perennials.

Several species of plants in this group:

  • Snowdrop;
  • Scilla;
  • Pushkinia;
  • Anemone;
  • Narcissus;
  • Tulip.

The main difference between this group is the short growing season. Immediately after flowering, their leaves begin to dry out and by the beginning - mid-June they are no longer there.

A border of daffodils will delight only in the spring, but the area exposed after flowering can be covered by perennials - peonies, rudbeckia, echinacea; they begin to grow intensively just when the flowering of early bulbous plants comes to an end.

Rabatka from Pushkinia.

Container garden. When the tulips fade, they can be easily replaced with containers of other crops.

Ornamental shrubs

Beautifully flowering or decorative-leaved shrubs are planted in the garden to give it volume. You can choose an assortment in such a way that they will decorate the garden from spring to late autumn. In addition to attractive flowering, many shrubs acquire bright foliage in the fall.

Some types of plants in this group:

  • Euonymus;
  • Barberry;
  • Bloodroot;

In addition to decorative purposes, shrubs can be used to create hedges.

Weigela is quite compact and bright shrub, up to 1.5 meters high.

Forsythia during flowering.

Potentilla hedge.

Beautiful flowering perennials

This includes herbaceous perennials, bulbous plants and even shrubs. They bloom for a short time, with beautiful flowers, which are emphasized when planting them in a mixborder. It is desirable that the flower garden have one accent of such plants, but during the entire growing season, that is, it is necessary to select beautifully flowering perennials with different flowering periods.

Some types of plants in this group:

  • Gladiolus;
  • Iris;
  • Tuberous begonias;
  • Imperial hazel grouse.

A composition in which luxurious tuberous begonias set the tone.

Autumn composition, which includes dahlias, geraniums, evergreen begonia, sedums.

Border of spherical chrysanthemums.

Decorative leaf perennials

These plants are grown primarily for their beautiful foliage, although many also have beautiful flowers. They can serve as a background for other beautiful flowering plants. And you can create a composition only from them, playing with the color and texture of the leaves.

Some types of plants in this group:

  • Hosta;
  • Brunner;
  • Chistets;
  • Euonymus;
  • Barberry;
  • Asparagus;
  • Sagebrush;
  • Phalaris.

Most of these plants do not tolerate bright scorching sun, in which they lose their color; deep shade is also undesirable, especially for species with white and yellow patterns.

Wormwood ‘Powis Castle’.

Phalaris curtains.

Asparagus, pictured is the variety Asparagus densiflorus Meyersii.

Plants for alpine hills and rockeries

Initially, plants characteristic only of mountainous areas were planted in a rock garden or rock garden, but now this concept has become much broader - all low plants that can grow with minimal care can be planted here.

For correct creation Rocky flower beds have their own rules, and they should not be neglected, otherwise the alpine hill will have to be redone within a year or two, since the wildly overgrown plants will begin to crowd each other.

Some types of plants in this group:

  • Thyme;
  • Saxifrage;
  • Youthful;
  • Carnation herb;
  • Small-bulbous;
  • Jaskolka;
  • Aubrietta;
  • Arabis;
  • Iberis.

You can create an alpine slide using only succulents: sedum alone has several dozen species.

Aubrietta. Very popular for creating a “fluid” effect.

In the photo there is a geranium (in the center) and a geranium (a little to the right), which in the West is called “snow-summer”.

Juvenile, or stone rose.

Successful combinations in the front garden

IN landscape design There are win-win combinations of plants that can be used in any garden.

Rose is the queen of the garden with other plants

The rose always occupies a central place in the garden; it is the recognized queen in the garden. But the queen needs a retinue that will highlight her beauty.

The basic rule of combining roses with other plants is a game of contrasts. That is, the flowers of the companion plant should not compete with roses. Plants whose height and shape are not similar to a rose bush also look good with them.

Several combinations of roses with other plants:

  • Rose with tall, arrow-shaped perennials. The most commonly used are foxglove or delphinium (but not mallow, especially double mallow):
  • Rose, with perennials having small flowers. The most beautiful combination- this is a rose with gypsophila.
  • Climbing rose looks good with clematis. This is rather an exception to the rule, since clematis also has bright and catchy flowers.
  • - classics of the genre. A front garden consisting of only roses looks amazing, as you can see by looking at the photo below.

Classic rose garden in front of the house. Creating such mono-flower beds does not require much effort.

Roses and foxgloves.

Roses and clematis. Without peach roses, the composition would be gloomy. And without clematis, it’s not bright enough.

Reverse combination: bright roses and white clematis. In general, the combination of roses and clematis is successful because these are two equal partners, one does not interfere with the other. Roses are usually higher, clematis are lower, one spot bright colors flows into something else.

Spring flower bed

The spring flower bed is created in such a way that flowering should begin immediately after the snow melts. Such a flowerbed can serve as a rockery or alpine slide, on which small-bulbous primroses are planted.

Several options for a spring flower garden:

  • A flower garden made of some. If the rose is a queen summer garden, then primrose reigns in the spring. The variety of its types and varieties allows you to create an endless number of combinations and compositions. Primroses will look best different varieties, but of one type: stemless, tall, auricular.
  • A classic combination of yellow or white primroses with bulbous blue or pink tones:, and tulips. The basic rule is that the primrose should serve as the lower tier and be planted as densely as possible, the upper tier should be a bulbous plant and is planted less frequently.
  • Creating a flower bed from various types of daffodils. Yellow daffodils go especially well with blue muscari and crocuses.

Daffodils, tulips, pansies and primrose - a “hooligan” combination of shades.

A calmer combination of daffodils and primroses, acting as an accent natural views hyacinths.

A flowerbed of hazel grouse, matching tulips, and small-flowered daffodils.

Tulips go well with delicate pansies.

This is a staged flowerbed, but the idea can be borrowed for an ordinary one. country flower bed: Lush white hyacinths set the tone, with pansies serving as the background.

Lily flower garden

The variety of lilies allows you to create a monoflower that will begin its blooms from the end of May and ends in September.

For decorative use lilies are planted in groups, since single plants can simply get lost.

Several types of compositions with lilies:

  • Lily looks good with. If you take low-growing variety lilies, then hyposphyla can be replaced yarrow pearl mussel.
  • Looks great flower garden of only lilies. In this case, it is advisable to select varieties that bloom in different time, but having approximately the same height.

Oriental lily, Star gazer variety.

Lily variety Casa Blanca.

Lilies of the OT-hybrids group, varieties “Silk Road” and “Friso”.

Border of lilies.

Mixborder of lilies of different shades.

Examples of complex mixborders with lilies:

The mixborder uses: Veronicastrum Virginian ‘Alba’, lily variety ‘Nova Zembla’, helenium ‘Sahins Early’, phlox blizzard ‘Eva Cullum’

Catnip (Nepeta catmint), Poppies, Roses, Lilies. , Irises, Bryozoan, Euphorbia, Astrantia, Osteospermum, Tenacious. This is what a mixture of these plants looks like in late spring and early summer.

There are a great variety of flower crops that are grown in the garden, but if desired, you can find a corner for all of them, harmoniously fitting them into the existing style.

The space in front of the house serves two important functions. It demarcates the area near the house from the street and road, and is also the calling card of the owners and serves as a decoration for the house. A house is not a house without a front garden, beautifully decorated and beautifully planted with flowers. Usually flower beds are laid out in front of the house. This allows you to avoid shading the windows tall trees and don't interfere sun rays get into the house. A blooming front garden creates a mood for every passerby or guest, not to mention the owners themselves.

How and in what form to equip the front garden depends solely on your imagination and style own plot, florist talent or material capabilities. The location of the front garden is also taken into account. Plants that are less light-loving and capricious are planted on the northern or shaded side. But a sunny place will allow you to plant whatever your heart desires and that will suit the climate.

When choosing plants, you need to pay attention Special attention on shrubs, for example, lilac, weigela or quince. Lianas can be used to decorate a wrought-iron fence near the house. The best decoration actidinia and grapes will serve. Plants that never or almost never bloom, such as ferns and bergenia, will create a feeling of green lushness in the front garden. This is what concerns marking the boundaries of the site or dividing zones if the front garden is large enough.

The most significant part of the front garden is, of course, the flower beds. The selection of colors depends only on your taste, preferences and experience.

Consult with those who have lush flower beds in your area. They will tell you which flowers will feel best on your land. What they will need in the process of care and feeding.

Spring flowers, such as lilies of the valley, peonies and daffodils will set you up to expect something new, joyful, and bright. And it’s true, summer is just around the corner!

Summer flowers– this is calendula, phlox, bluebell, zinnia, which will greatly enliven your summer holiday. We recommend paying special attention to zinnias. They bloom from June until frost. They have a huge variety of types, shapes and colors, which allows you to create compositions and select color scheme flower beds Just imagine - a yellow, snow-white or burgundy flowerbed of zinnias and your plot will become unique and artistically decorated with the vibrant colors of flowers. And you can create as many such compositions as the space allocated for the front garden allows.

Autumn flowers– asters and helenium, marigolds and chrysanthemums will delight you with their bright palette of colors and variety of scents until the snow and the onset of cold weather. Back in November they bloom and delight us with their resilience and love of life.

If there is a stream running through the front garden, then it is necessary to select flowers that love moist soil, for example, such as iris or forget-me-nots, violets or pansies, as they are popularly called.

They will create a special atmosphere in the garden and become a true decoration of the front garden. conifers. Juniper, for example. It takes root with difficulty, but if it takes root, you will also get treatment plant, which purifies the air around itself and kills all pathogenic organisms. Therefore, juniper should be planted along the paths to the house. You will enter the house, inhaling the healing air and feeling the delicate aroma of juniper pine.

When choosing flowers, you need to take into account the fact that the front garden is located in front of the house and is its face, so this place should always be in bloom. A seasonal approach to the selection of flowering plants is an indispensable condition for a bright flower garden for the whole season.

Flowers for the front garden should not be particularly demanding in terms of soil and care. Preferably bright and rich colors, large flowers, planted not at random, but in groups. And so that some flowers do not interfere with others.

The front garden will still require special care from you. After all, all your work is always in plain sight. It needs to be watered every day. Weeds must be removed. You can make your task easier if, before planting flowers, cover the ground with a special cloth and plant the flowers in the holes made in it. Then the weeds will not be able to grow through the barrier, which will make your task of caring for your front garden much easier.

At proper care your front garden will always be in bloom and look well-groomed. An aesthetic and beautiful front garden should make you proud and the envy of your neighbors.

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After building a private house, almost every owner has a desire to somehow improve and decorate personal plot. The vast majority of them are used as one of the decorations choose to arrange a front garden, which will become a bright spot in the local area. And to do this, it will be enough to just plant a certain number of different flowers in the front garden.

Probably every housewife dreams of a beautiful front garden, which also does not require special care. And this dream must be realized! You just have to buy flowers unpretentious varieties with beautiful inflorescences.

What flowers are best planted in the front garden in front of the house?

They will look best in the central part of the front garden. peonies flowersperennials with a magnificent aroma during flowering. Peonies will require very little care; it will be enough to feed them once a year with any complex fertilizer and promptly protect them with pegs and braid from heavy rains.
Peonies in the front garden photo:

As a background plant in the front garden plant tall meadowsweet, pleasantly fragrant with honey aroma. This plant will only require the owners to trim off the sprouts after the flowering period for a quiet winter. By the way, meadowsweet is very winter-hardy and does not require shelter for the winter.
Nippon meadowsweet for the front garden photo:

Variety of colors for peonies fragrant tobacco. This annual blooms almost all the time summer period, and requires only a small amount of fertilizer to care for. Alas, you will have to plant fragrant tobacco seedlings every spring.
Fragrant tobacco for the front garden photo:

Another plant that perfectly complements the look of the front garden - Platycodon, which is a cultivated variety of the field bell. There are varieties of platycodon of different heights, so it is recommended to plant it on lawns. The plant is extremely unpretentious.
Platykodon for the front garden photo:

Alternating with fragrant tobacco, plant flowers in the front garden matthiola. In this case, you need to pay attention to what kind of plant you will plant. There are matthiola with single or double flowers. From large sprouts with cotyledon leaves grow large double flowers. But seedlings with small leaves should be removed.
Mattiola for the front garden photo:

Quite often in front gardens you can see phlox- beautiful perennial flowers. Initially, they are planted with seeds that have ripened by the beginning of autumn. Planting is carried out in already frozen ground, and after sowing it is advisable to cover the ground with a small layer of snow.
It is recommended to pinch the tops of sprouted flowers in the spring, so they will bloom profusely and luxuriantly.
Phlox for the front garden photo:

The undoubted hit of most front gardens are marigold. There are small varieties, which is why they are most often located in the front part of the front garden. Marigolds will require only a small amount of feeding, which should be applied only at the beginning of flowering.

If you feed them earlier, the amount of green mass will increase, and flowering may become even less abundant. By the way, after flowering begins, the aroma of marigolds repels pests.
Marigolds for the front garden photo:

Often planted in the front garden sweet pea. You will have to tinker a little with this plant. First you need to grow the seedlings and only then plant them in the front garden.

To provide good development sweet pea It is recommended to plant it every spring in a new location. But what a scent it has and what flowers!!!
Sweet peas for the front garden:

It is impossible not to mention fragrant mignonette. It's not very bright plant, but the aroma emitted by its flowers is simply enchanting and very strong. Just its place is in the front garden near the entrance to the house or a window, which is often opened in the evening to enjoy the wonderful aromas of summer!

There are no problems with mignonette; it plants itself, scattering seeds in the fall. The only thing you have to do is thin out the mignonette from time to time, preventing it from overgrowing.
Fragrant mignonette for the front garden photo:

Video Design of a flower garden in front of the house or flowers for the front garden:

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How and what flowers to plant in the fall? Fragrant flowers for your garden.
Which indoor flowers can you take it outside?

"Grandma's" front garden

The basic rule of such a garden is: “plant everything beautiful and unpretentious.”

For those who are especially keen, let’s make a reservation: by buying in a row everything that shops and nurseries offer in abundance, you can easily “drown” in flowers.

Your front garden will then resemble an impassable cultivated jungle if you don’t organize it in time flower planting. So it’s better to immediately “draw out” a planting plan on a piece of paper and carefully consider what type of flowers you would like to see in the flower beds in your garden.

Where to start when creating a front garden? First of all, place curbs along the paths.

Curbs along paths

Plantings are often used for border flower beds daylilies , selecting varieties different periods flowering and making inserts from irises or hostas with different configurations and leaf colors.

A wonderful combination for a border in the front garden - varieties of flowers montbretia and ageratum . All summer in the flower beds of your garden, starting in June, the blue-lilac fluffy flowers of ageratum will be framed by narrow dark green leaves of montbretia, and in August they will be supplemented by an original zigzag inflorescence with bright orange bursts of flowers.

Ageratum is grown as annual plant, sowing seeds for seedlings in early April. Montbrecia does not tolerate cold winters and requires digging up corms. They store it in the same way as gladioli, planting it in flower beds in early May to a depth of 8 cm. The soil should be light, nutritious, with good drainage.

Shrubs for the front garden

Without bushes, the front garden looks like a large flower meadow. The choice of a place for them in the garden must be taken seriously: adult bushes should not shade or block your flower beds, and at the same time, there is no need to drive the bushes into a corner.

Perhaps the most “popular” and chic shrub of the Non-Black Earth Region is hydrangea. Its large-flowered form with hemispherical inflorescences of sterile flowers is especially good.

This species grows quickly, easily propagates by layering and blooms beautifully starting in June. But the bush will have to spend the winter wrapped in spruce branches.

If such preparation for winter causes you inconvenience, choose hydrangea paniculata , the magnificent pyramidal inflorescences of which will acquire a beige-raspberry hue by autumn. But it grows slower, blooms later, and lush flowering only possible on acidic soils.

Which flowers to choose

There will definitely be a place under the hydrangeas for marigolds. Don't neglect these regulars of city flower beds! For flower beds at your dacha they will serve with the same success.

Flower seeds of these varieties are planted for seedlings in April-May. You can sow marigolds directly into the ground, but in this case flowering will occur only towards the end of summer, which is quite sad for an annual plant.

If you admire the flower beds in your garden from the very first days of spring until late autumn, then hyacinths and colchicums for your front garden are simply necessary.

Hyacinths will not only delight you with an early awakening, but will also enchant you. strong aroma mingling with the smells of damp earth and awakening buds.

But colchicums do not smell. In the spring they produce fleshy broad leaves that dry up in July, and in the fall, in September, they bloom with magnificent goblet-shaped flowers that appear directly from the ground.

Both of them belong to bulbous plants, grow and bloom well in a sunny place, in loose soil with a fair amount of sand. For the winter, hyacinths require shelter with peat or fallen leaves; colchicums overwinter without shelter. Different kinds When planting, the shapes and varieties of these plants give room for imagination. However, any variety looks great next to stones and under bushes. So you can use them to decorate individual flower beds or fill the “gaps” in your front garden.

In the middle of the front garden, in the lacy penumbra of trees or in a flowerbed next to the house, place the good old catchment Next to the "heavyweights" - peonies, phlox, Turkish carnation and beautiful flowering shrubs graceful flowers and the lacy leaves of the catchment seem like a light breeze. The plant will become a worthy partner cornflower, rudbeckia and echinacea purpurea, bluebells, delphinium, annual dahlias.

The genus columbine, or aquilegia, has about 120 species, differing in the length and shape of the spur, and the color of the spur. Interesting terry shape Aquilegia fanata with dark purple flowers resembling stars.

Surely many people have remembered blue flowers aquilegia vulgaris, which our grandmothers loved. It grows wild in the European part of Russia, so don’t be surprised to find this “garden” plant in dry forests and clearings.

Aquilegias are easily propagated by dividing the bush and by seeds, which are sown in open ground immediately after collection. In spring, seedlings are thinned out. In the third year, the plants will reach maturity and bloom fully.

In order for the division to be successful, you need to carefully handle the fragile root system of plants. Delenki, unlike seeds, retain everything varietal characteristics. Aquilegias grow well in full sun, but prefer moist, semi-shaded areas. May be affected by powdery mildew.

Add an element of joyful mischief to the design of the front garden for your dacha Lavatera three month old . This plant is convenient for filling temporarily empty spaces in the garden between young perennials that have not yet grown.

Lavatera three months is an unpretentious, fast-growing annual plant. Large seeds are sown in open ground as soon as the ground thaws, and within a couple of weeks friendly shoots will appear in the flower beds in the garden. The germination rate of seeds is 95 percent, therefore, in order not to thin out the seedlings in the future, they are placed at a distance of 10 cm from each other.

However, in the phase of two leaves the plant easily tolerates transplantation, and during this period you can, if necessary, change the planting location. White, pink or red lavatera gramophones delight the eye from July until late autumn. If you remove faded inflorescences and seed pods, the flowering will be more lush and friendly. In an open place, the plant suffers from the wind and may require gartering of the stems.

On waste land and somewhere in the background of the front garden they usually plant rudbeckia hybrid - it is so bright that it will still win its place in the overall picture of the garden.

A sun-loving commoner can dress an apple or pear tree in a fairground skirt of huge sun-like inflorescences - to do this, it is enough to plant several plants in the tree trunk. Hybrid rudbeckia is easily propagated by seeds, which are sown in the ground in the spring, immediately in a permanent place. Subsequently, the plant disperses itself.

To prevent rudbeckia from taking over the entire garden, remove unnecessary shoots in the spring. It blooms vigorously and colorfully from late June until autumn, so your dacha garden will look blooming all season long. A child of the sun, rudbeckia easily tolerates heat and drought, but does not react well to rain and wind. Take tall, up to a meter, stems into a wire ring.

universal material for solitaire plantings, second and first plans for flower beds, flower beds and ridges - in short, everything your heart desires. Feel free to combine various varieties and shades of these colors, dilute the phlox with any perennials. Excellent “thinners” are lavatera and catchment. Phlox can be either perennial or annual. What varieties of flowers to choose for the garden at your dacha is a matter of taste, but it is easier to plant perennials. Phlox cannot tolerate dampness and soaking of the root system, they are often covered with powdery mildew and are affected by nematodes.

They need to be planted on sunny flower beds or in light partial shade, provide fertile soil and good drainage, for prevention, treat with drugs against powdery mildew(each drug has its own processing time and is indicated in the instructions). To prevent the appearance of nematodes, it is useful to plant marigolds next to phloxes and divide adult bushes every three to four years (you can simply cut the rhizome in half with a shovel).

When dividing, it is not necessary to dig up the entire bush; it is enough to separate the desired part with a shovel, dig it up and add it to the vacant empty space. fertile soil. Division is carried out throughout the season, the transplanted plants are shaded and provided with timely and abundant watering.

Interspersed with lilies in the blooming waves of the front garden will make it more romantic, and you can focus attention on the majestic giant buzulnik.

Flower arrows buzulnik Przhevalsky look great in the depths of the front garden; jagged buzulnik with wide leaves and yellow “daisy” inflorescences is good at the entrance to the house, in flower beds next to a gazebo or bench. This giant only benefits from loneliness.

They faithfully serve as stately guardians of flower beds at the dacha. flowers of the mallow variety, or hollyhock variety. Terry forms of pink hollyhock roses with large flowers, up to 12 cm in diameter, look simply amazing.

Mallows have long been famous for their excellent cutting quality: all the buds bloom in water. Sunny place with fertilized soil and timely watering is all this Ukrainian favorite needs.

Mallows are sown in the ground in the spring, immediately in a permanent place. Flowering occurs only in the second year, so annually sow new seeds to flowering plants. So you will always have flowering plants and rosettes that will bloom on next year. By the way, the first-year rosettes of hollyhocks themselves are very decorative; their powerful green leaves will not spoil the overall impression.


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