Small room design. How to create an original interior for a small apartment - tips from experienced designers

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The layout of a Khrushchev building, without a doubt, is not as interesting as the design two-story cottage or luxurious country house. But precisely in such small apartments oh and most of the population lives. And only a small part of design companies agree to work with such limited space: it is inconvenient, not always practical, and costs an order of magnitude cheaper than furnishing luxury apartments.

We will share ideas for decorating small apartments, as well as designing interiors for small rooms in this article.

Interior design for a small apartment

The task of the designer who has taken on the design of a Khrushchev apartment is to rationally use every millimeter of space, not to overload the apartment and, at the same time, equip it with all the interior items necessary for life.

Much, of course, depends on the purpose of each room, but general principles The organization of the interiors of small apartments remains unchanged:

  1. Free up the space in your apartment to the maximum.
  2. Do not clutter the apartment with small parts and unnecessary furniture.
  3. Install only the most necessary interior items in the room, use transformable furniture and mini-versions of appliances and special equipment (front washing machines, mini-refrigerators, etc.).
  4. Fill small apartment light, both daylight and artificial.
  5. Try to visually expand the boundaries of space and raise the ceilings in the apartment.
  6. Use plain textiles of a simple cut, without frills, ruffles or complex embroidery. Do not drape the apartment windows, replacing the usual curtains with transparent tulle, Roman shades or compact blinds.
  7. Choose sliding structures doors or abandon them altogether, replacing light interior partitions.

To make it clearer, you need to consider each point of these rules in more detail and familiarize yourself with photos of the interiors of small apartments made by professional designers.

Attention! The interior of the “Khrushchev” should be harmonious, but in no case should this harm the functionality of the apartment: each room is equipped with all the necessary items and furniture.

Interior styles for a small room

Home decoration ideas large area, first of all, are based on style. Today, there are many trends and styles of interior design known, but not all of them are suitable for decorating a “Khrushchev” or a room of limited area.

Important! The least suitable interior for a small room is classic style. All the ruffles, flounces, tapestries and velvet will become just a collection of dust and an unnecessary clutter in an already cramped room.

The most suitable styles for the interior of a small room are modern. This group includes:

  • high tech;
  • minimalism;
  • modern style;
  • loft.

A small room will also look good in some ethnic interior design styles, for example:

  • Scandinavian interior with a predominance of white shades and maximum number Sveta;
  • Japanese traditional interior with minimal furnishings and minor decoration;
  • cozy Provence is suitable for the interior small kitchens and cute bedrooms.

In general, we can say that interiors with a minimum number of details, clear lines and plain walls are suitable for small apartments.

Color influence

The main goal of a small room interior planner is to expand the space and create the illusion of a spacious room. Not all shades of the color palette are able to cope with this task. Optimal solution- white and all pastel shades such as beige, pinkish, light gray or muted blue.

This doesn't mean that everything in a small room should be monochromatic, but that you should avoid large prints, bright patterns and lots of small details. It is best to paint the walls with plain paint or cover them with wallpaper without a pattern.

Advice! At the same time, textures in the interior of an apartment are not prohibited; on the contrary, designers recommend decorating the interior of a small apartment various surfaces(under stone, wood or leather). This will make the monochromatic painting more interesting and deep.

There is a rule of three colors, which is perfectly suitable for the interiors of small rooms:

  1. The interior should use one basic shade, in which most of the walls of the apartment, ceiling and floor are painted.
  2. It is allowed to install furniture of the same color as the base, but a slightly different shade.
  3. Small details, textiles and decor are made in two other colors, contrasting or close in gamut to the main tone.

If you look at the apartments, photos of which are posted on the pages of design publications, in almost every picture you can see these three colors, on which the entire composition is built.

Attention! Only experienced specialists or people with exceptional taste will be able to decorate the interior with a large number of shades.

The peculiarity of light tones lies in their ability to distance objects, blur boundaries, smooth out sharp lines. A room in light shades seems larger and more spacious, so the walls of a Khrushchev building should definitely be light and monochromatic.

Ideas for decorating ceilings in such rooms mainly involve using the same light colors. If you need to hide the line between surfaces, it is recommended to paint the ceiling with paint whose tone is one unit different from the color of the walls.

More options for the apartment ceiling: glossy tension structure or a multi-level ceiling with lighting around the perimeter. These techniques allow you to visually raise the ceiling and make the room more spacious.

The floors in a small apartment can be either dark or light - it depends on the wishes of the owner. Only thresholds and various jumpers on the floor covering will have to be abandoned - they “eat up” precious space.

Advice! If laminate, parquet or boards are laid on the floor of a small apartment, it is better to lay each element diagonally, starting from the corner opposite the entrance. In this case, there will be more waste and you will have to tinker with cutting the boards, but the room will gain a few visual centimeters.

Regarding uniformity flooring, there is no clear answer here. It has been noticed that in redesigned studio apartments it looks better to have different flooring in each zone (tiles in the kitchen, carpet in the bedroom, parquet in the living room), but in a small apartment separated by doors it is better to lay the same flooring and, if possible, hide the joints.


Small apartments require special furniture - the usual sets simply will not fit in this interior.

Design makes our life more comfortable. How wonderful that with the help correct design space can solve many problems related to the size of the room and its functionality. You are offered options best design small rooms. It's not only flawless color selection, but also a harmonious connection of lines and correct combination of parts.

Get inspired by these small room designs - you might want to create similar beauty in your own home. Remember that your mood and state largely depend on the environment in which you constantly find yourself.

Small room design

Decorating a room in purple tones - a good option for those who combine a study and a bedroom. Red color stimulates brain activity.

The most delicate color and many shelves make the room very feminine.

Design option teenager's rooms. Special emphasis on a compact sofa.

Minimalism- style for all times.

The light green color creates a cheerful atmosphere.

Great room for twins!

A two-tier room performs two functions at once. Above is a bedroom, below is an office.

A secret room is exactly what it should look like.

A very smart solution...

Freshness, cleanliness, nothing superfluous. Ideal for both work and leisure.

Would you like to have a room like this?

Yellow color ennobles the space.

High-tech design.

A room where nothing will interfere with your concentration.

Incredibly cute... I want a chair like this!

Purple room.

Both the table and the sofa by the window are a dream!

The best option for travel lovers.

A real girl's room.

That's how much you can fit in a very small space.

Natural colors and materials are very calming.

An improvised room under the ceiling.

Business style room.

Pink can also be elegant.

This is what a child needs! Wonderful functional bed.

Amazing design. Wardrobe and bed connected together save a huge amount of space.

Reading corner. In a place like this you need teach children to read!

An incredibly beautifully executed project. This room is characterized by absolute harmony.

On the second floor there is an additional one.

Masterly design of a room for an athlete.

Office room for business partners.

The perfect division of space for roommates.

A room in an ascetic style for a student.

Creative person's room. An artistic approach to architectural problems.

The bedroom you've always dreamed of.

A room with a bright mood. Light is very important in the design of a room.

House on wheels.

The designers did their best by developing such interesting interiors. Which design option for a small room did you like best? You can’t choose right away - they are all extremely successful. Let order, comfort and beauty always reign in your home. Tell us about these design examples small rooms to your friends, it deserves their attention.

Standard apartments do not please their owners with either large areas or successful layouts. However, do not become discouraged and give up. Having thought through and correctly developed the design of a small room or apartment, you can visually expand any living space.

1. First of all, decide why you need this room. Is it just a bedroom or a bedroom and a place to work, or maybe a bedroom and a place to watch TV? Or will there be a room for a teenager with a workplace and a communication area? Then it will become clear what color scheme to choose, what furniture is needed in the room, where it should be located lighting.

2. After this you need to draw detailed plan rooms and divide it into certain functional areas. This will allow already initial stage renovation, decide whether you need redevelopment, demolition of walls or adding a balcony and storage room to the main part of the room. Sometimes at this stage it is born original solution- swap rooms, for example, make two bedrooms from the living room, and move the kitchen to the place of the bathroom.

2. A small room will look more spacious if unity is maintained: in style, in color scheme, in types of finishing materials.

First, it is better to choose an interior style. It is better to decorate a small room in modern style(minimalism, hi-tech, modernism with its simple smooth lines and increased functionality are suitable). You can also experiment with Japanese or Scandinavian style, but we definitely need to abandon Empire, Baroque, Rococo, and Loft.

Each style has its own favorite color scheme. Thus, minimalism prefers neutral tones (white, gray, black), and Scandinavian style will also add beige with a couple of bright accents. Light shades visually expand the space, but in this case, for volume, the room requires different textures of materials (hide, plaster, plastic, silk, etc.). It must also be remembered that bright color one of the walls (natural yellow, green or red) also gives depth to the interior, while making the room warm and homely. Alternative option: apply vertical combination, i.e. Paint the upper part of the walls white, and the lower part in a suitable bright color.

When decorating the interior, it is better not to use different Decoration Materials, so as not to visually crush the surfaces.

3. Regularly get rid of junk, unnecessary and non-functional things. An extra accessory or piece of furniture turns a small room into a cramped closet. Throw away old papers, clothes, kitchen utensils and get incomparable pleasure, seeing how the room becomes more spacious before your eyes.

4. There is an interesting technique used by interior designers when developing the design of small apartments. A small room is furnished with several massive pieces of furniture, while it looks much more spacious than when filled with tiny sofas and chairs. There is another way - to find furniture custom size (narrow cabinets, shallow sofas).

5. To make the room seem higher, you need to visually raise the ceiling. The easiest way to achieve this is to use wallpaper or paint for the ceiling that is lighter than the walls (at least a couple of shades). The next option is to abandon plasterboard multi-level ceilings and chandeliers, replacing them LED strips along the entire perimeter of the ceiling. If you still choose a false ceiling, then install built-in spotlights, which with their uniform light will visually increase the height of the walls. You can also simply replace large chandelier for a lamp with a flat shade that fits tightly to the ceiling.

6. You can get rid of excess textiles. If the room offers an excellent view of the sea or park, then it is better to abandon thick, massive curtains or multi-layer curtains. A beautiful “French” window can also not be hidden, but an ordinary window can be decorated with Roman or Austrian curtains. Also, refuse various sofa covers, blankets, tablecloths, if this is not a requirement of the interior style. If you like floor mats, then choose a dull solid color or with a simple geometric pattern. To visually lengthen the room, lay a striped runner.

7. A small room forces owners to look for space for storage systems wherever possible. You need to make the most of the entire vertical surface, so fill all spaces from head level to the ceiling with open/closed shelves.

If possible, allocate space for a dressing room, this will allow you to abandon inconvenient and bulky wardrobes, and you will save precious usable area. Use corner furniture(closet, computer desk, sofa) in order to fit in the furnishings as much as possible and fill all previously unused nooks and crannies.

8. Use multifunctional furniture: sofa bed; bed built into the closet; sofa with storage drawers; ottoman-box, etc. Try to buy furnishings in which you can at least hide something extra. In a small living room or teenager's room, floor pillows will come in handy as they can replace regular sofas. When not needed, they can easily be stacked somewhere in a corner.

9. For all sorts of small items, create several paper or fabric baskets to reduce clutter on your living room desk or hallway console. Containers for small items are very practical, and you can make them yourself. You can put it there stationery or sewing tools, which are best not thrown around if you have them Small child or a pet.

10. A small room can be visually enlarged with the help of mirrors or mirrored walls. However, there are also limitations. You cannot place massive furniture in front of mirror wall or a bunch of small objects in front of the mirror, otherwise the feeling of cramped space and disorder will only intensify. In addition, it is better not to place it in the bedroom mirror surface opposite the bed.

11. Give preference to compact household appliances. It is also better to choose a flat TV and hang it on the wall. This will prevent your toes from colliding with your large TV stand at night.

Having 11 in front of my eyes practical ideas how to design a small room, you will definitely come up with a few more of your own, and are also guaranteed to turn small room in a spacious and bright place!

There are small rooms in almost every home. They are always associated with cramped spaces, discomfort, and lack of free space. If this is one of many premises, then this is not so bad (although it can be used effectively), but what should the owners do, for example, one-room apartments, in which one room serves as a bedroom, living room and dining room? In this case, a properly created interior will help. There are plenty of ideas on how to decorate small rooms; you just need to use your imagination a little and transform yourself into a designer, at least for a little while.

Color design of the room

Dark tones visually reduce space, light colors increase it. It is this rule that should be taken as a starting point when choosing a color scheme. Professionals recommend that owners of small rooms avoid too much bright colors in large quantities. Not only will it look too rough, but it will also visually reduce the size of the room. Staying in a colorful room for a long time can cause headaches. It is best to opt for light colors, for example, beige, white, light green, gray, light blue.

It is recommended to choose wallpaper with a small pattern; a large pattern looks more appropriate in huge halls than in a small room. You can play on the contrast of the ceiling, walls and floor. The latter should be much darker, but the main thing here is not to overdo it. small size involves maintaining monochrome. If possible, you should select furniture of the same color; minor variations in shades are allowed. This will visually increase the space.

Choosing curtains for a room

Curtains also play a big role in decorating small spaces. Ideas for small rooms involve purchasing light, flowing curtains in light shades that would not weigh down the space or attract undue attention. Curtains should match the walls, they can even be made in the same color scheme. Fabrics should be airy, you can give preference to gauze tulle. To visually enlarge the windows, you should hang curtains along the edges. Curtains should be long; short options should not even be considered.

How to properly use free space?

Before arranging small rooms, you should determine what should be in them and for what purposes they are designed. A small room does not tolerate disorder; scattered things immediately create a feeling of cramped space and discomfort, so every dress, every cup, figurine, book, etc. should know its place. All free space should be used to the maximum. For example, why buy a chest of drawers, a bookcase and a shelf if all this can be replaced with a functional wall? This way, space will be saved, and the room will become much neater and more spacious.

Ideas for small rooms involve purchasing multifunctional furniture. Many designers recommend purchasing a bed that transforms into a wall for one-room apartments, but not everyone can afford such a purchase. But even people with an average income can afford to buy a sofa bed, on which two people can sleep at night, and during the day it takes on a neat appearance and is ready to receive guests. In addition, you can fold it inside bed sheets, pillows. Thus, not only free space is saved, but also money. Instead of large table It is advisable to purchase a folding one coffee table or one that is attached to the wall and lowered if necessary.

Visual enlargement of the room

Renovating a small room involves installing large mirrors and reflective surfaces. Such accessories visually expand the room and make it brighter. Therefore, professionals recommend installing mirrors opposite the windows. When buying a cabinet, you should give preference to models with glass doors. Chairs with transparent legs will help create the illusion of lightness. glass table top, furniture made of transparent plastic.

Room zoning

Many people are interested in how to arrange a small apartment to achieve its multifunctionality. Only this will help correct zoning. For example, one room can be divided into sleeping and workplace, the space can even be limited by screens or curtains. In this case, it is allowed to use different colors, light sources - the illusion of two different rooms should be created. Furniture should be arranged in such a way that it does not disturb anyone. The freer the floor, the more spacious the room seems.

Lightening rules

Before arranging small rooms, you should worry about lighting, artificial or natural. A bright room visually seems much more spacious than a dark one. If there is a large window, then it should not be covered with curtains; on the contrary, it should attract attention. should be used if the room is not located on the sunny side. It is best to choose a transparent chandelier, small in size.

For small rooms you should buy dwarf furniture. Bulky chairs are discarded immediately; Manufacturers now produce many comfortable chairs in small sizes. Can be purchased corner sofa: It is larger in size, but takes up much less space compared to a regular one.

How to arrange a small bathroom?

Arranging a small room is much more difficult than a large one, because everything needs to be placed and at the same time leave free space. For a small bathroom, it is worth purchasing shallow cabinets and pencil cases, because more bulky designs will take up a lot of space. The urinal and bidet will have to be abandoned. You also need to choose between a shower and a bath. The first option is more practical and compact. If you want to occasionally pamper yourself by soaking in the foam, you can purchase a corner bathtub with a curtain.

In this room you can also make room for a home library by filling a wall with floor-to-ceiling shelving. In addition, the lower shelves can be used to store other things. If the office is used to receive business partners, then you need to take care of compact and comfortable chairs, if space allows, you can buy small sofa, table for drinks.

By following easy-to-follow rules, you can even turn a small room into a functional, bright and spacious living room, bedroom, bathroom or office.

As a rule, the creators of the interior design of a small room set themselves two main tasks - to ensure maximum functionality of the room, and to visually increase its volume.

To place the necessary interior items in such a space, you need to use every square centimeter area. Therefore, for such rooms it is best to design in styles that involve clear lines, simple geometric shapes and the lack of lush decor, namely:

  • minimalism
  • high tech
  • constructivism

and some others.

When creating the interior of a small room, you need to arrange the interior items in the most interesting way. For example, if you need to place two beds in a small space, then it is better to make them at different levels. You can buy a two-level bed, or make one bed slightly higher than the other. This way the space becomes more alive and comfortable.

Plain walls can be decorated with small posters, prints, and paintings. It is better to frame such works in frames with glass, made from a single-color, narrow baguette. Reflections and highlights on the glass add charm to the interior.

Mirrors, glossy and shiny objects will also add depth to the space.

We plan the interior depending on the type of room

Of course, planning the interior of any room begins with the fact that you need to decide on the FUNCTIONALITY of the room. So, for example, if this is a bedroom, then you just need to fit the bed and small closet to furnish the room. But with the living room you will have to work much more.

Small bedroom design

No one will be surprised, of course, but it is the design of a small bedroom that is easiest to equip. The bedroom is a place for true relaxation and rest. Only here you can relax after a hard day at work.

Sometimes designers decide to combine a bedroom with another room (for example, a living room), but sometimes this decision is not entirely practical, so as not to lose the privacy inherent in the bedroom. If you decide to make the bedroom separate, then you should carefully consider its arrangement in order to make the room bright and spacious.

One of critical roles plays in decorating the bedroom color ratio. It's no secret that light colors are able to increase space, and dark ones, on the contrary, reduce it. The conclusion is clear: the bedroom should be decorated in light shades.

The best color solution would be to design in the following shades:

  • light blue;
  • beige;
  • light green.

According to experts, it is these colors that have the most beneficial effect on a person’s consciousness; they allow you to relax as much as possible and not miss a minute have a nice rest. By the way, you can add a little sunny yellow color, which will give you only good and optimistic dreams.

Lighting, along with color scheme, plays a huge role in design. This is especially true for small rooms. In order to make the room voluminous, you need to add soft light sources.

For small bedrooms, you should also choose sources of diffused color, which include lamps equipped with:

  • caps;
  • lampshades;
  • lampshades.

Under no circumstances should you leave the windows undecorated, as this will make the room less cozy and nice.

The best options for window decoration are:

  • curtains made of soft fabrics;
  • tulle;
  • curtains with drapery.

Small living room design

If we talk about the right things, then it’s worth starting with the obvious things, which are that bulky furniture in such an interior will look ridiculous. If your room is narrow, then you need a minimum load of the most necessary furniture. One of long walls V narrow room should be left free, and a functional sofa should be placed near the second one. You can place a square table in the central part of the room, and install a plasma panel on the end wall.

One of the most profitable solutions for the design of small living rooms is the installation modular furniture, which is presented in quite large configurations in modern furniture stores.

Naturally, the living room does not have to perform the same functions as a storage room, but it is possible that you will want to store various books, magazines or CDs in your cozy living room. In this case, you won’t be able to do without a functional built-in wardrobe.

As in all other rooms, the advice for arranging a kitchen is very simple - use light shades, which will help expand the space at least visually.

If you have chosen kitchen set white, then keep in mind that the color of the lower facades of the set can be any. It is better to make the countertop, apron, walls, and upper facades light. With white color the interior looks lighter and fresher. In order to get rid of the dirty effect, you just need to add bright accessories.

Choosing a style for a small room

Interior style plays a key role in the overall perception of a room. Based on the chosen style, you need to select furniture and accessories. There are a huge number of interior styles that are somehow interesting for design. But, you need to choose a style that suits your taste and room.

In fact, this style is considered the most popular in the interior. It gives the interior some kind of perfect calm and harmony.

To decorate a small room in a modern style, use:

  • light shades (beige, gray);
  • bright accents;
  • maximum simple furniture;
  • quality textiles.

If you have already chosen the classics to decorate your room, then be prepared that you will have to work hard on it. It's not even that the classic style requires space. In order to bring all your ideas to life, it is worthwhile to carefully think through the arrangement of the furniture.

Also note that in the classic style you should only use natural materials, which make it truly luxurious.

Provence style is able to recreate a cozy French province in your apartment. IN Lately this style is used very often because it is incredibly harmonious, cozy and comfortable.

To decorate rooms in Provence style you need to use:

  • many accessories;
  • natural materials (textiles, wood, stone);
  • artificially aged furniture.

This style can transform even the smallest room into a comfortable country home. Just like in the Provence style, only natural materials, including fabrics. It would also be a good idea to add various accessories (for example, bright mugs or plates).

The Celestial Empire is famous for its competent arrangement of furniture even in the most small rooms. The main thing is maximum functionality, which consists of:

  • simple furniture;
  • laconic accessories;
  • bright colors.

Minimalism in the interior

Characteristic features of minimalism:

  • lack of elaborate decor;
  • laconicism of forms;
  • graphic.

It is very important that the room has as much free space as possible and as much space as possible. less furniture, but it must be functional.

Modern materials are used to make furniture:

The main thing in this style is the correct layout of the space, as well as its visual division using fabric partitions and color schemes.

Color solution for interior design

The design of small interiors is carried out in a single color key, and for rooms less than 10 square meters It is better to choose a very light and monochrome color scheme.

It is recommended to decorate small rooms in cool colors, because objects painted in cool colors, such as blue, cyan, green, lilac, seem a little further away than they actually are.

The following warm colors will create a cozy atmosphere:

  • beige
  • light pink
  • peach

Therefore, you can combine warm and cold shades to create the interior design of such objects.

The walls should be plain or with dim small patterns. Wallpaper with large ornaments is absolutely contraindicated. The walls look very good in such rooms different color, but maintained in the same color scheme. This color scheme visually increases the space of the room and makes it more attractive. For example, you can make one wall an eggshell color and the rest light brown. In addition, one of the walls may have dim stripes or ornaments.

When creating interior design for small rooms, contrast is possible in tone, but not in color. Combinations such as red and light green, yellow and blue are contraindicated. However, the tonal contrast is quite acceptable. Combinations can be used

  • dark gray
  • light gray
  • dark brown
  • beige

Furniture for a small room

If you're unlucky enough to have large apartment, then you have probably thought about how to decorate the room as functionally and compactly as possible.

Choosing a wardrobe

The cabinet you choose must certainly be functional, and its color must certainly be combined with your chosen interior style. As mentioned above, for small rooms it is recommended to use bright hues, which visually increase the space.

The ideal wardrobe option for a small room would be one in which you can place all the necessary things. All shelves must be functionally located. Another way to visually enlarge a room is to add more mirrors.

Bed in the interior of a small bedroom

Everything free place in the room can occupy a large bed, but for a small room this is simply unnecessary. Therefore you need to think about alternative options. For example, french hanging beds, which can be removed during the day to completely free up space.

Smart interior of a small room in Khrushchev

A loud echo of the USSR is the Khrushchev era, which almost all residents of the post-Soviet space encountered. Some lived in such apartments as children, some moved only recently and decided to completely remodel it.

Rooms in Khrushchev buildings are small, but they can also be made truly incredibly comfortable and cozy using proven methods. The most suitable style for Khrushchev is minimalism or Provence.

How to decorate a window in a small room

They can be made from lightweight materials; translucent airy fabrics can be used, as they give depth to the window and allow daylight to pass through well.

What ceilings are suitable for a small room?

The main rule of design is that all interior details must be selected in one color scheme. Main role in visual expansion space, if it concerns the ceiling, its surface plays. Recently, designers have given preference to materials that have a reflective effect.

The right wallpaper for a small room

It's no secret that one of the main roles in interior design is played by wall decoration, and this, most often, is wallpaper. And here many questions arise, including the choice of pattern, color and texture of wallpaper.

Characteristics of wallpaper for a small room:

  • light shades;
  • absence of a pattern (or it must be very small);
  • simple textures.

Of course, you can choose different wallpaper colors, but you don’t need to use really dark shades, which will definitely steal most of the space. Provided that there is little light in the room, it is better to use warm shades, and in good lighting, cool shades are ideal.


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